VIP-News Premium - May 2015

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MAY 2015

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MAY 2015

McGowan’s It was – to say the least – an active weekend

it is relevant! The very first edition was, as I

but that’s not something that anybody

in Brighton! The Brighton Arts Festival is in

think I’ve said before, beset by some of the

would want to see – or in this case – not

full swing, as is the Fringe Festival, and just

worst south coast spring seaside conditions

see! Great Escape presented an extremely

to add to the celebration, the congestion

that the weather gods could throw at a new

high standard of acts, ranging from the

and the clamour, The Great Escape hit town

event, high winds, torrential rain and wintry

secret Paul Weller show at the Old Market

with a few hundred acts, playing 35 venues,

temperatures! Since then things haven’t

venue, to the Maccabees, The Vaccines and

plus 20,000 or so Festival goers, and a large

been so bad, with some particularly fine

many others – my own favourite being the

swathe of the international business people

conditions for some editions, this one was

Malian band Songhoy Blues (thanks for the

that I normally run into at the international

a mixture with a couple of chilly, windy and

help in getting in Adam!), Delta Rae from

events that we VIP people tend to frequent.

wet days and nights, but with summery

Carolina and the Dutch act Birth of Joy – but

According to the organisers over 3500

conditions on the Saturday. However the

of course I couldn’t get round, and certainly

delegates attended this tenth edition. Now,

cold and wet evenings made conditions in

couldn’t get in – to see 450 bands!

I am going to mention the weather, and yes,

the long and often very slow moving queues

COLOPHON > VIP-News is published by: 20-22 Wenlock Road London N1 7GU United Kingdom +44 870 755 0092 Managing Director: Ronni Didriksen General Manager: Peter Briggs Writer and editorial: Allan McGowan Writer: Manfred Tari For advertising enquiries please contact: Peter Briggs +44 870 755 0092



for the much sought after gigs particularly

In this business ten years is quite a long

unpleasant, like SXSW and other largescale

time for an event to endure and to develop,

events The Great Escape is having to deal

but this pales into insignificance when

with the complaints of punters not being

compared to the duration of the UK’s

able to access the shows they really want

Performing Rights Society PRS, yesterday I

to see because there are too many of them

attended the Society’s one hundred and first

trying to get into venues that reach capacity

Annual General Meeting. There were, and I

in very quick time.

include myself in this, quite a few somewhat elderly writers and publishers in attendance,

This of course results in frustration, and

but nobody, I’m pretty sure, that had

often altercations with harassed door

attended all of the meetings! In fact the

staff – some of which it has to be said,

history of music writers and publishers goes

are not experienced in handling these

back even further than 101 years, as CEO

situations. It wasn’t just the festival goers

Robert Ashcroft pointed out in his speech,

who were denied access, the possession

in 1905 the Music Publishers’ Association

of a delegate wrist band certainly didn’t

announced that they would accept no more

guarantee getting in, and in some cases

music for publication until the law afforded

artist managers, media representatives and

adequate protection against pirates, who

showcase presenters found themselves out


in the cold. But, what can you do? Getting

(of sheet music) without permission or

there early is of course advisable, but if

payment. By 2014 the battle against piracy

you’re trying to cover a few shows, you have

had largely moved onto the Internet and

to be on the move. It’s a matter of becoming

now there’s streaming to be dealt with….

overly successful and I, and probably the

Some things seem to always be with us!

organisers don’t see any obvious solutions,

Anyway, as ever, Ladies and Gentlemen –

apart from putting on a less attractive bill,

The News!





MAY 2015

The Great Escape Presents its Biggest Line Up for the Tenth Anniversary Allan McGowan The tenth Great Escape came to a close on Saturday May 16 with a hail of confetti concluding a special midnight show from The Maccabees – who had also appeared at the very first edition. Emerging artists like Shamir, Sunset Sons, Jack Garrett and Lion Babe all performed alongside more established acts like The Vaccines, The Cribs and Alabama Shakes. Over the past decade, Adele, Mumford and Sons, Bastille and Ed Sheeran have all performed before breaking big. Asked about the way that the bill is put together organiser Kat Morris explained. “It’s pretty complicated, it takes about a year to get the festival together. There are lots of different things that we can do, but actually anyone can put themselves forward, there is an open submission process on the website. The team also travels to different countries all year round to see new music and out and about in London all the time and there are ideas coming in from different partnerships of the festival.” She added that the planning for The Great Escape 2016 has already begun.

Kat Morris, The Great Escape

Festival Republic to Launch Community festival in November Allan McGowan Festival Republic has announced the launch of a new ‘Community’

Confirming the new event,

festival in London from November 3 – 6. The intention of the event is

Festival Republic MD Melvin

to bring together the music community with the living, working and

Benn told reporters: “This

visiting communities of musicians and music lovers of Shoreditch, the

is an urban, multi-venue

increasingly fashionable area of East London.

emerging talent event inspired by our love of the fact that live music just never stops getting better. But we want to present it in the Community; in the butchers and bakers and the basement offices and loft bedrooms as well as some of the more established venues of Shoreditch. It will represent the energy of our musical culture and the innovation of one of the most innovative and vibrant areas in the UK”. Festival Republic’s Jon Mcildowie, who is set to curate Community, added: “As promoters but above all music fans we are constantly looking out for new and emerging talent. Community is an opportunity for us to share the music that we are all excited about and to introduce new artists to the public before anyone else. I’m

Melvin Benn

delighted to be working with the Live Nation team to help bring the programme together”.



MAY 2015

The First Music Cities Convention Allan McGowan

It has often occurred to me over the last few

Amsterdam or New York etc and vice versa.

thrust of the convention was to consider

years as Conference and Showcase Festival

With this in mind I was very happy to be

the impact a thriving local music industry

events get bigger and bigger that City

invited on the day before this year’s Great

can have on a city, in terms of employment,

Exchanges, ie a two or three day and night

Escape, and again, right on my doorstep in

boosting the economic and social welfare

presentation of the music and other arts

Brighton, to the first edition of the Music

of an area, adding to tourist attraction and

in each others cultural centres and venues

Cities Convention.

keeping talented people within the region.

could be a good idea. Instead of being up

As you can imagine I found this concept very

against over 2000 or more bands at SXSW in

According to co-founders Martin Elbourne

interesting, and I was not disappointed by the

Austin for instance, a few acts from London,

and Shain Shapiro although it was only on sale

presentations and the discussions. I’m not

or Glasgow, or Brighton could be up there

for two months, 50 cities from 20 countries

saying that I’m jaded by the content of the

with the the main attractions in Hamburg,

signed up to be part of the event. The main

many industry events that I attend and take part in, but it was interesting to hear new people talk on topics very closely related, but looked at from a different perspective, to the themes addressed at the main events in our international music industry calendar. Throughout the day speakers representing Adelaide and Melbourne, Cape Town, Berlin, Quebec, Barcelona, Liverpool, Addis Ababa, Groningen and Montreal, delivered detailed and positive presentations on how they were encouraging and capitalizing on the development of music industries, artists, production facilities and venues, often in cooperation with their national and local authorities.

Martin Elbourne


Topics presented and later discussed included Live Music Action Plans, the establishment


MAY 2015

of Creative Centres and Industry Clusters,

industry developers output. He convinced

The next edition is a collaboration with the

Networking, Innovation, Entrepreneurship

all his local politicians to visit the Eurosonic

Future of Music Coalition Policy Summit, held

and Collaboration. One good example of

festival, to see first hand how important it is

in Washington, DC on Oct 25/26. We will

collaboration included discussions between

to the town, and they’ve never questioned

provide more information for this very soon.

Mark Davyd of the Music Venues Trust

helping the event since.

(see last two issues of VIP News) and the representatives of the South Australian Music

Music Cities co-founder Martin Elbourne said,

Development Office about the possible

“Money is always an issue - but there are

implementation in the UK of the Agent of

other factors too. Small venues closing down

Change law which had been used to good

is a problem being faced all over the world.

effect in Adelaide to protect the status of

So my message to the UK government would

live music venues threatened by new urban

be to look at what’s being done in cities


around the world, and then look at the music communities in our own cities and towns.”

Music Canada are officially launching their own report on the impact music can have


on a regional city at Midem this year, and

Diplomacy concluded the day’s event by





they gave some highlights of that work at

thanking the sponsors,

Music Cities.

Quebec Government in London, City of

Music Canada,

Montreal, and stating that in the coming The Deputy Mayor of Groningen - the

weeks and months, they would progress the

Netherlands home of Noorderslag Eurosonic

development of the Develop the Music Cities

- advised letting the politicians see the


Shain Shapiro



MAY 2015

Backlash for Ticketmaster in Germany Manfred Tari There are live music industry players that enjoy secondary ticketing

For those promoters inclined to take a clear stand against so

very much, but there are also still industry protagonists out there

called secondary ticketing found it even more challenging to keep

who have concerns about this kind of business model, already

up their efforts against this extremely profitable business model.

legislated against in France and Denmark, being still prepared to

The German concert agency MCT is one of these and following

argue that, amongst other things, it contains elements that display

the integration of Seatwave as an additional sales channel of

the characteristics of the black or grey markets.

Ticketmaster cancelled his deal with the company. MCT has maintained a strict policy against secondary ticketing for some

However Live Nation subsidy Ticketmaster’s purchase of the resale-

years. In 2012 the Company started selling personalized tickets

platform Seatwave again confirmed just how the resale of tickets

for certain shows via their associated ticketing shop in

has been successfully embedded within the value chain of corporate

order to identify tickets that had been sold through black market


channels on the internet.

Scumeck Sabottka



MAY 2015

MCT MD Scumeck Sabottka explains his reasons why he cancelled his ticket distribution deal with Ticketmaster Germany. VIP News: Unlike in France where the promoter association Prodiss successfully lobbied for a strict law against the unauthorised resale of tickets there still is no similar law in

Sabottka: No, not at all. Ticketmaster has been a complementary

Germany. Any idea why this should still be the case?

service for us. I as a promoter would like to decide for myself who is going to sell the tickets for the shows I promote. Ticketmaster was for

Scumeck Sabottka: I do not believe that politicians are as familiar

the one year long lasting collaboration an interesting partner for us,

with the subject of secondary ticketing as we are within the industry.

but at the end of day it didn’t create more or less ticket sales.

I almost assume that even one or the other promoter within the industry itself is not aware of how secondary ticketing is working. In

VIP News: Companies such as Google are, so to say, partners

particular I mean the, from my point of view, immoral and illegitimate

in crime due to the massive online marketing efforts by those

resale of tickets above the face value.

various ticketing resale platforms. On the other hand there are for many other products or services search engine sites

VIP News: Do you receive support and backing for your efforts

displaying price listings and rankings for the best available

in terms of your restrictive policy against secondary ticketing

prices. Are ticket buyers looking for the best ticket prices

from other players within the live music industry?

available on the internet?

Scumeck Sabottka: No, I only I receive support for this from those

Sabottka: No, unfortunately ticket buyers do not buy there where

artists and their managers we are working with. Beyond those people

tickets are offered for the best price. I wish this would be the case,

the interest is actually rather limited. The majority of people within the

but it isn’t. How else could it be explained that tickets are sold on

live music business apparently consider our efforts to ban secondary

these secondary ticketing websites, such as Seatwave. We see this

ticketing as something that makes things more complicated. But in

with how many people we have to refuse access on the door, as they

fact this isn’t the case. Nevertheless I have to add, that due to the

bought tickets on those sites, where those tickets have been re-sold

increased utilisation of this kind of ticketing on various levels, ranging

two or even three times. For instance, at our Kraftwerk concerts at

from Kraftwerk to the Red Hot Chili Peppers, from Nick Cave to

the Nationalgalerie in Berlin the face value for a ticket was 72 Euro.

Rammstein we receive support from the fans of those artists for our

But on those ticketing platforms tickets for these concerts has been

strict policies against secondary ticketing, they appreciate what we

sold for 198 Euro.

are doing. VIP News: How is your experience regarding the ticket market VIP News: Are you suffering economic disadvantages due to

in France, where the unauthorized resale of tickets is forbidden

cancelling your distribution deal with Ticketmaster?

by law and judged with a penalty fee in the first case of 15.000 Euro and in case of recurrence even with 30.000 Euro? Sabottka: Last year we did eight shows of Kraftwerk at the Louis Vuitton Museum in Paris and sold personalized tickets therefore. The shows were promoted by our long term partner Corrida and thanks to the existing law against unauthorized re-sale of tickets in France everything went ahead very differently. I would be pleased if this would be the same over here in Germany or if this law would become a law on a European level.

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MAY 2015

Dramatic Eurorock 2015 From

Belgian Guestwriter Bernard Van Isacker shared his first hand experiences with us on this year’s Eurorock Festival where thousands of Euros were stolen which led to some truely chaotic days.

successful surgery to his heart 2 days after

people at the festival such as me and several

the festival ended.

other people working backstage would step in as new organisers together with the stage

Bernard Van Isacker was contracted as a spokesman of the Festival. He too still needs to be paid by the organiser: “Despite all the problems, I consider it professional behaviour to do what I was hired for: talking to the press”

Only a few minutes after the theft I got a

managers. The idea was to see how many

phone call from a newspaper and from

bands would still be playing live and which

then on the news started circulating pretty

wouldn’t and try and make the festival

fast and my phone was ringing like mad. I

running for a limited time. My first work

did a couple of very short interviews with

there now was to inform the public that we

some newspapers and told them that we

had practical issues that would force us to

were looking for a solution. Never trust

halt the festival for an hour, time we needed

It was (not so) surprising that the mainstream

the press of course, because soon some

to get a new line-up sorted out.

media, which never wanted to report on the

newspaper started spreading that Killing

Eurorock Festival before, let alone announce

Joke, a headliner, had canceled. Complete

However, after having talked to several

it, suddenly found the time to act as real

nonsense, but this had an immediate impact

bands (I have never seen such a fast

vultures and shred the festival completely

on the ticket sales as I saw people leaving

negotiation round happening), it became

to pieces (including spreading completely

that were there to buy a ticket.

clear that many were willing to play after

bollocks news) after it faced problems on

all, because they either had been fully paid,

Saturday morning. I was on the terrain for

With Rudi rushed off to hospital, the

or had already received a partial payment,

the complete 3 days (14 – 15 – 16 May)

organisation was beheaded. In order to

or because they just wanted to play for free

acting as a hired spokesman for Eurorock

avoid a complete chaos, it was decided

(such as Legend). On top Der Klinke, and

and it turned out to be one hell of a job with

together with the police to go for a fade-out

many other bands that hadn’t been booked

a lot of drama.

scenario where volunteers and contracted

for the festival even offered to play for free while Lovelorn Dolls – who hadn’t been

I was informed early Saturday morning (May

paid either – offered to play again in case

16) that money had been stolen. The money,

that would be needed. The only thing left

which should have been used to pay the

to do was to get the bands lined up so they

bands, had just arrived and had immediately

would make it back on time to catch their

been put in a sealed of metal hub. There

planes etc.. It took some hard persuasion

were maximum 20 minutes between putting

to get some bands to agree, but in the end

the money there and it being stolen. When

we succeeded in getting a line-up ready

speaking to Rudi Donckers, the organiser of

that would last until 2:00 AM at least.

the festival, I noticed he became paler and

In between this negotiating I announced

paler as time progressed after the discovery

the bands that would play for sure at the

of the 45.000 Euro (I was first told 75.000 euro, then 45.000 euro - some medias reported 80.000) being stolen. Shortly after he was rushed to hospital and he underwent


Here’s a quick look on how we were shifting lineup all the time at Eurorock.

Anathema and Killing Joke (editor’s note: thanks to Live Nation which intervened



MAY 2015

too to make sure they’d play) immediately

contracted spokesman, this was a unique

suggested they would prolong their set


and bring either more songs (Anathema) or extended versions (Killing Joke) without

Cheers, Bernard Van Isacker

nagging too much about the rest of the money. Peter Hook from his side offered

(This is how I lived the whole thing, it is

his backline to be used so that Anathema

no representation of the organisational

and Therion could play. All together 40 of

structure and / or errors that might or might

the 43 live bands played in the end, not bad

not have happened. Further investigations

I’d say :)

by the police will have to unravel what really happened there.)

At the moment of posting this (May 18) I have over 100 voice messages on my phone from the press, a few more interviews lined

To read the full version, go to:

up and so on. Drama sells, unfortunately.


From my perspective, that of being a

Spanish Music Industry Protests Against Tax From VIP-Daily News Spain fell silent on Wednesday, May 20, as

groups are national or international,” says a

Springsteen and other heavy hitters to Spain

hundreds of artists, promoters, managers

petition published on and aimed

told the newspaper El Pais. “It’s not worth it

and others in the Spanish music industry

at Spanish President Mariano Rajoy, as well as

for them to come.”

protested against a 21 percent tax on concert

the country’s finance and cultural ministers.


The petition has already attracted around a

According to Billboard, the entertainment

quarter of a million signatures.

tax in other European countries is: France:

Top chart singers, including Alejandro Sanz,

5.5 percent, Portuga: 13 percent, Italy and

Joan Manuel Serrat and Miguel Bose, and

“There are international artists who don’t

Finland: 10 percent, Germany: 7 percent,

bands called a ‘day without music’ and

include Spain on their tours or only go to one

Belgium and Holland: 6 percent, and

were photographed on the website Día Sin

city,” Neo Sala of Doctor Music, a promoter

Switzerland 2.5 percent. In Norway there is

Música (‘day without music’) with tape over

who has brought The Rolling Stones, Bruce

no live music tax.

their mouths. in protest over the VAT hike of September 2012 which they say has killed off the arts and entertainment industry in the country. According to the Association of Music Promoters, the tax is responsible for the loss of more than 40,000 jobs in the entertainment sector and a 30 percent drop in concert attendance since it was imposed


the tax was raised…on live music (from 8 percent to 21 percent) we are experiencing a destructive spiral as far as the possibilities we have [to remain solvent], whether the




MAY 2015

U2’s First Arena Tour In 10 Years “A Home Run” From VIP-Daily News


Live Nation global touring chief Arthur Fogel

not the first time they had crossed on the

has declared ticket sales for U2’s first arena

touring circuit.

tour in 10 years “a home run”. “They`ve overlapped before. It makes for In an interview with Billboard, he said: “We

an interesting year. I suppose some would

made the decision to come out a totally

look at it as problematic, just in terms of

different way this time - in arenas, not

time and attention, but part of the art form

stadiums, so they could play more shows in

is managing multiple projects at the same

one city,” he said. “And the results - 99%


of tickets have been sold - are absolutely fantastic.”

Fogel praised Live Nation’s impact, 10 years on from its spin-off from Clear Channel, and

According to Musicweek Fogel discussed

the work of the company’s president and

the challenges of producing tours by

CEO Michael Rapino.

Madonna and U2 in the same year. “I see a true global company footprint - an He is promoting Madonna’s Rebel Heart

industry leader with a great culture,” he

and U2’s iNNOCENCE + eXPERIENCE arena

said. “This all comes from the leadership

dates later this year, but pointed out it is

and vision of Michael Rapino.”

Arthur Fogel




MAY 2015

Frank Ströbele Live Nation joins BMG in name Chief Germany Strategy Officer From VIP-Daily News

Jane Beese: New Head of Music Allan McGowan

From VIP-Daily News

Jane Beese

London venue Roundhouse has announced the appointment of Jane Beese as its new head of music. Beese joins after 15 years at

Jordan Zachary

the Southbank Centre, where she is head of contemporary music. She has been the Melt-

Jordan Zachary has been named Chief

down festival’s lead programmer since 2010,

Strategy Officer of Live Nation Entertain-

working with curators including David Bowie,

ment, reporting to President and CEO Michael Rapino.

Frank Ströbele

Patti Smith and Yoko Ono. She will take on her new role in September

Jordan Zachary joins Live Nation from

BMG has appointed Frank Ströbele as Vice

following the conclusion of this year’s Melt-

Raine Group, a global merchant bank fo-

President, Continental European Reper-

down, to be curated by David Byrne, from

cused on technology, media and telecom-

toire, reporting to Executive Vice Presi-

August 17-30.

munications, Zachary collaborated with

dent, Continental Euorpean Repertoire

Live Nation`s team on its festival strategy,

Fred Casimir at the company’s Berlin head

“I’m delighted to accept the role of head of

and was a key part of recent Live Nation


music at such a historic, iconic and important

deals, including the C3 Presents acquisition

arts space,” she said. “I’m especially looking

and the programming partnership with

In the newly-created role Ströbele will be

forward to working with the amazing team

VICE, where he also holds board affilia-

involved in key artist and catalogue cam-

at the Roundhouse and to engaging with the

tions. Raine had also invested and become

paigns, as well as the strategic develop-

young creatives programme.”

a partner with C3 prior to Live Nation’s

ment of new business models. In addition

acquisition of a controlling interest in C3

Ströbele will support Casimir in overseeing

Prior to the Southbank Centre, Beese worked

late last year, a deal reportedly worth $125

the Continental European offices of BMG.

at booking agencies including 13 Artists, In-


ternational Talent Booking and Asgard. Ströbele joins BMG after running his man-

“As we continue to drive our global market

agement company eye sound for over a

Nicola Thorold, executive producer of the

share, bringing on Jordan, who has deep

decade with clients such as Within Temp-

Roundhouse, added: “We’re thrilled to have

expertise in the live music and media indus-

tation. Prior to that Ströbele held senior

Jane join us at the Roundhouse. The expe-

tries, will help us accelerate the growth of

positions at Sony Music Europe in London,

rience she brings from the Southbank Cen-

our concerts flywheel and find additional

Universal Music Germany as well as head-

tre is second to none. We look forward to

ways to build our high margin on-site, ad-

ing Sanctuary’s Continental European op-

welcoming Jane at such an exciting time in

vertising and ticketing businesses,” said

eration based in Berlin

Roundhouse’s history.”

Rapino in a statement.




MAY 2015

Music In Shares Manfred Tari

DEAG - Risk-Factor Festivals Until now DEAG has not officially released a win warning, however

to a sufficient extent, the continued existence of the company and

in the meantime the company has published several warnings in

the group would be at risk”

recent publications that can easily be interpreted as hidden win warnings. The reasoning for this is the launch of their three new

There are a more examples within the report that describe the risk

festivals entitled “Rock Im Revier”, “Rockavaria” in Munich and

potential for DEAG in a similar manner. One with a very serious

“Rock In Vienna” in Austria .

meaning is that by the auditors BDO AG for the annual report, who concluded in reference to the planned festivals “Our audit has not

One of these warnings can be found in the annual report for 2014,

resulted in any qualification, except for the following restrictions.”

published on April 30. There it says: “If the actual sales revenues and

In particular the auditors state: “Due to the lack of sufficient audit

the associated actual inflows from ticket sales for the festivals were

evidence we have not been able to finally and conclusively assess the

significantly deviating from the forecasts, a shortage of liquidity

amount of expected ticket sales on the basis of advance sales as well

might occur and DEAG might have to rely on the use of additional

as possible cost reductions in the event of ticket sales significantly

financing sources (third party or own funds). If this did not succeed

below the budgeted values”.





MAY 2015

The proceedings and developments from the first announcements

and the Nürburgring site appears now to be overall winner in

until shortly before the events took place, on May 29-31 in

retaining the name. DEAG, among others, has now to cope with

Gelsenkirchen for Rock Im Revier and Rockavria in Munich, were

negative press from Germany’s well-known WiWo, as well as the

accompanied by various legal disputes, and caused wide ranging

nationwide daily newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ).

media coverage that occasionally turned out to be very sceptical as to the likely success of these festivals. The economic-magazine

In its weekend issue on May23 the newspaper wrote a feature

Wirtschaftswoche (WiWo) had already reported weak ticket sales

article with the headline “Rock Or Die” about DEAG and its festivals

in December 2014.

reporting on discount sales of tickets for Rockavaria and Rock Im Revier and among others on the correspondence between the

As early as Summer 2014 the media coverage peaked, reporting

newspaper and a lawyer on behalf of DEAG.

a number of legal confrontations regarding name rights, the MLK departure of Rock Am Ring from Nürburgring, and the first

According to media reports DEAG invested heavily into fees for

announcements for “Der Ring Grüne Hölle Rock” by DEAG. Originally

its festivals headliners such as Metallica, Muse, Kiss, Limp Bizkit,

DEAG intended to promote “Grüne Hölle” as one of its three new

Faith No More and various other acts. At various times WiWo and

festivals at Nürburgring with the aim to replace Rock Am Ring, which

SZ reported on low ticket sales, raising the question as to whether

has been staged on the racing site since its launch in 1985.

highly paid headliners are still worth the financial risk. However, a financial collapse of DEAG would be a worst case scenario for

The insolvent site Nürburgring appeared to be an extraordinary mine

the German concert industry that could cause significant knock-on

field for various legal battles, not just for MLK. DEAG also stumbled


into the one or other legal case that later on lead to the Company converting its original idea for a festival entitled as “Grüne Hölle”

The answer to the question how seriously DEAG will be affected by

at Nürburgring into “Rock Im Revier” in the arena “Auf Schalke” in

the results for its new festivals will take some time; nevertheless it is


already evident that the share price is heavily under pressure.

CTS Eventim subsidy MLK appeared at the beginning of the festival

On March 3 the DEAG share peaked at 7.49 Euro, on May 25 the

battle as the one who could lose its name rights for Rock Am Ring

share price has been down to 5.54 Euro.

Live Nation - Lower Revenue But Higher Loss On April 30 Live Nation reported its results for Q1-2015. The company basically has been able to maintain its revenue results, reporting a return of $1.20 billion, compared to last year’s result of $1.27 billion. Nevertheless the company nearly doubled its loss results. From a previous net loss of $32.4 million in Q1-2014 it went up to $58.2 million. The loss per share increased from $0.17 up to $0.31 cent. However, the share price is on the rise again, from $25.97 as reported in the April issue, the share in the meantime went up to $27.36.

SFX Entertainment - Higher Revenue and Lower Loss SFX Entertainment managed to increase its revenue in Q1-2015 from $33.3 one year before to $52.1 million. The net loss decreased from $55.9 to $41.6 million... Last time the reported share price was $4.47, this time it is $4.11.



MAY 2015


ARTIST AVAILS Noel Gallagher`s High Flying Birds Territory: Europe Period: 2015 Agency: Primary Talent International Agent: Ben Winchester Phone: +44 20 7400 4500 E-mail: Homepage:

The international concert agency “RU-CONCERT” was founded in 2001 at the time when there were no promotion companies in Russian Federation which could provide a full circle management services to artists and creative companies. Developing, the company expanded its range of services and the main priorities of the agency today are creation of infrastructure to support show business industry in Russian Federation and a strong professional team of art managers who will become the first and the last competent authority in solution of client’s tasks. Years of experience has allowed to “RU-CONCERT” company to sign contracts with wellknown stars of Russian and foreign music, to become a representative of many famous foreign artists. In the past few years we served state corporations’ big oil and financial companies, city administrations of Russian Federation. During the active, creative and highly responsible administrative work “RU-CONCERT” agency has maintained a spotless reputation: since its establishment and up today has not had a single confusion both by clients and by department authorities, tax

8:58 PAUL HARTNOLL from ORBITAL Territory: World excl USA Period: May 2015 onwards Agency: Value Added Talent Agent: Dan Silver Phone: +44 20 7704 9720 E-mail: Homepage:

Chris Thompson (Ex-Manfred Mann¥s Earth Band) Territory: World Period: Available all year on request Agency: Live Concept Entertainment GmbH Agent: Michael Widmann Phone: +49 7203 9219180 E-mail: Homepage:

authorities, courts, Prosecutors Office. Thanks to the reliable image “RU-CONCERT” agency attracts serious customers who would like to get reliable and predictable results. Talented artists will always find like-minded people in “RU-CONCERT”. Working with us is comfortable for all. After all we are doing our favorite thing that’s why we treat artists and partners with love and respect. We are always happy to help novice artists to promote to the big stage. We organize performances and tours for

DIE KRUPPS Territory: Worldwide Period: September 2015 Agency: IBD Agent: Sabine Waltz Phone: +49 (0) 8202 9049870 E-mail: Homepage:

artists, music groups in CIS countries and Europe. Today, “RU-CONCERT” company is a source for event purchase of foreign pop stars for Russian event market. Catalogue of the agency is constantly updated with new artists trying to satisfy not only the most discerning tastes of the audience but also to work in order to stay ahead of demand.

About Our Company VIP-Booking’s core product is the Internet’s oldest and largest­ database­for the European Live Entertainment Industry­developed as a tool for industry professionals­. Since it’s launch in the year 2000, we have consistently offered our subscribers the very best in database services and now boast subscribers­in over 30 countries.

THE ORCHESTRA starring ELO former members Territory: Worldwide Period: 2015 Agency: World Entertainment Associates of America Agent: John Regna - Artist Agent/Manager Phone: +1 407 993 4000 E-mail: Homepage:

Peter Doherty Territory: Europe Period: 2015 Agency: Primary Talent International Agent: Matt Bates Phone: +44 20 7400 4500 E-mail: Homepage:


Today VIP-Booking offers a range of tools for the industry­ – including VIP-News, VIP-Booking, VIP-Book and VIP-Contract. Please visit for further information­. Your comments and suggestions are always appreciated­.



Noel Gallagher

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