VIP-News Premium Vol. 159 AUG 13

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Well, it’s good to be back, how are you all?

Ronni and Peter somehow managed to get

to support the introduction of legislation.

Hopefully you managed to get through July

themselves invited to Trinidad and Suriname­–

Also a comment from Rob Hallet, Head

without us, but I suppose many of you had

via New York. So considering our main focus is

of AEG Live, in a Music Week interview,

festivals and holidays to take your minds of

Europe, VIP has been spreading its wings, and

stated­that he was more concerned with

the absence of VIP News. Of course August

why not, live music covers an ever widening­

primary ticketing and that the success of the

is still a time of holidays and festivals, but I’m

international market, which offers increasing­

secondary­ticketers showed that in the main

sure you’ll take the time to catch up with

opportunities­– there is a lot to learn and

concert tickets are undervalued and many

what we have to offer in this edition.

much information to be sought and passed

should be increased. This brought various

on – so continue to watch this space!

responses­from newspapers etc concerned

You’ll be glad to know that we’ve all been

that more and more fans were becoming

busy and have travelled afar over the last few

The summer of 2013 appears generally to

weeks; apart from coping with a heat wave in

have brought reasonably good news for

the UK – good news for a lot of events – I’ve

the live industry; there have been festival

The world of live music promotion has lost

attended two of the more unusual­festivals­,

cancellations­but not as many as last year,

two of its most iconic and legendary figures

EXIT, on a fortress in the middle of the

and again unlike last year the weather was

in the last few days; German promoter Fritz

Danube­, and Oppikoppi – the Bewilderbeest­

kind to most events. Apart from Glastonbury­

Rau, a true innovator and original, he began

Festival in the middle of the South African

however there were few sell outs, but

bringing jazz and blues acts to Germany via

bush country - I’m still recovering­from such

most seemed to have covered. By the way,

his Company Lippman & Rau in the mid 50’s,

diversity! We covered the Roskilde Festival in

according­to a report in the Sun Newspaper,

working with major acts from various genre­s

Denmark (see festival reports in this issue), and

Mick Jagger was so impressed by Glastonbury­

over the following decades – Mick Jagger

following the Stones appearance­that he

once referred to him as The Fairy Godfather

wants to start one of his own – Stonesbury­?

to everyone. (See Manfred Tari’s obituary in

– Let’s see…At the top end of the market,

this issue). A few days after Fritz passed away

Live Nation’s concerts­division, the company’s

Sid Bernstein, perhaps best known as the

largest source of revenue, grew 10.9% to

promoter who put on The Beatles’ legendary

$1.2 billion­in the second quarter. Its revenue­

Shea Stadium show, died in his sleep at the

was up 11.9% in the first half of the year. In

Lennox Hill Hospital in New York at the age

fact according to a late June article in The

of 95. RIP.

COLOPHON > VIP-News is published by: VIP-Booking 145-157 St John Street London Ec1V 4PW Managing Director: Ronni Didriksen General Manager: Peter Briggs Writer and editorial: Allan McGowan Writer: Manfred Tari For advertising enquiries please contact: Peter Briggs +44 870 755 0092

Financia­ l Times, leading Accountants Price Waterhouse Cooper report, “In fact the

So the live industry certainly hasn’t sat still

growth in live music will more than offset­

over our month away, there’s been a couple

the continued decline in recorded music

of high-profile exits from major companies

revenues. It estimates that sales of tickets

(see this issue) and there is still contention

and sponsorship will generate revenues of

and much to be discussed – let us know how

$30.9bn in 2017, up from $26.5bn in 2012.

your business is doing and your thoughts on

Now let’s hope that at least some, hopefully

the state of the market wherever you operate­.

all, of you will benefit from this optimistic

We’re here to spread the word. So enjoy the


rest of the summer (as long as it is summer where you are!), and in the meantime­Ladies

Secondary ticketing as a topic of hot disput­e in the UK still abides with more MP’s moving­


priced out of the bigger shows.

and Gentlemen – The News!



Fritz Rau

– An Iconic Impresario Manfred Tari He was a pioneer in so many different

Fritz Rau

perspectives­, laying the foundations for the development of the concert business that later on led to the evolution of this business into what is nowadays called the live music industry. Rau was a very impressive personality. He was accessible and certainly not arrogant. Actually­he was one of the very music

Yes, there is a difference between a concert

industry­heavyweights­who had a passion for

agent or a promoter and somebody who is

understatement, somebody who cultivated­

recognised as an impresario. Yes, impresario

relationships due to his reliability and his

is an old fashioned term, reaching way back

seriousness­ . The list of artists he worked

into the history of the concert business. But

together­with is very long, and the number of

it is also an expression that embodies several­

stories by artists, companions and co-workers­­

other meanings that may be considered ‘old

about him is even longer. One of these storie­s,

school’ in today’s business environment. But it

just one of his nicknames, tells a lot about

is exactly these kinds of virtues that still make

his passion­for his professional perfection­. It


a difference when it comes to a distinctive­

is not known who, but someone apparently

artists to MAIL their music

understanding­for the interplay between­ called him “Ayatollah Choleri”.

to more than 6.000 venues

music­, artists and their audience.

and agencies worldwide… Rau has been highly respected for his many

There is no precise definition when someone­

achievements by artists and even those

in the concert business is denoted as an

beyond­the live music community. He has

impresario­. It just happens when somebody­

received­many awards, but certainly a

achieves merits as a concert promoter that

standout­moment for the international regard

impresses competitors, artists and their

for his reputation, was the standing ovation


he gained when attending the 13th edition of the I.L.M.C. in London.

Regarding Fritz Rau, the list of merits is long and it covers more than just concerts.

One of the most notable statements about

His history­is spiked with stories about his

Fritz Rau that has often been quoted in many

personalit­y, his passion and even his politica­l

obituaries in the recent days was one by the

approach. When Rau started to promote

music journalist Wolfgang Sandner within a

concerts­in the fifties, he put Germany on the

laudation on his 80 birthday in the Festhalle in

world map of culture again, in a time when the

Frankfurt, referring to the shark pool setting­s

memory of outrageous barbarian misdoing­s

of the music business, he observed, “He

was still fresh. With statements such as “jazz

neve_r has been a shark himself. But he has

music ‘denazificates’ him or “people who like

been as clever as a shark.”

jazz music can’t be racists”, he underlined the


humanistic approach which he has often been

Fritz Rau passed away on August 19 aged 83

admired for in his long lasting career.

in Kronberg near to Frankfurt.




Exit of Ticketmaster’s Global President, Nathan Hubbard

Departure of Bosses at Ticketmaster & MAMA & Co Allan McGowan Both Ticketmaster and The Mama Group

management­structure after the sudden

It seems that it is the Lloyds Development

have announced the surprisingly sudden

departure of CEO Dean James last week. In

Capital equity group, James’ backers in

departure­s of key executives.

2005 in partnership with then co-CEO Adam

the management buy out, which has now

Driscoll James transformed­the Channelfly­ pushed the MAMA chief out. The company’s The exit of Ticketmaster’s Global President,

group into MAMA. Since then he oversaw­

Chairman, Richard Thompson, also boss of

Nathan Hubbard, has been confirmed in

the acquisition­of the Hammersmith Apollo

sports-focused talent agency M&C Saatchi

a regulatory filing by parent company Live

and most of the Mean Fiddler venue and

Merlin, is taking an executive management

Nation­. A report in the Wall Street Journa­l last

tour promotion business. MAMA was then

role in the interim while the new manage-

week indicated that Hubbard was preparing­

acquired by HMV in 2010, with James

ment structure is put in place.

to leave. Speculation was that Live Nation

becoming­the sole CEO of the business,

bosses felt the need of someone from more

befor­ e overseeing a management buyout

It’s not clear what these changes will have

of a tech background to lead their ticketing­

of the company (minus the Hammersmith

on the recently revamped MAMA company,

company, as data-crunching becomes more

Apollo­), just under three years later as the

and its venue, festivals and music services

of its core business., there was also rumour

HMV Group headed towards administration.


that there were tensions between Hubbard and Michael Rapino. Ticketmaster’s top man in North America, Jared Smith, will take on many of Hubbard’s responsibilities, and both he and the chief of Ticketmaster Internationa­, Mark Yovich, will report directly to Rapino. The London-based live music firm MAMA & Company were setting up a new




Jeremy Hulsh

Second ‘Tune in Tel Aviv’ International Music Conference & Showcase Allan McGowan

Live concert promoter/partner at Viva Art

Although our platform is modest compared

‘live’ opportunities­abroad. Moreover, I

Music & founder/managing director of Oleh!

to most similar events around the world, we

have seen some incredibl­ e value-added-

Records- Israel’s Music Export Office, Jeremy

have seen incredible results on multiple levels­

collaboration­ s­grow organically through

Hulsh informs VIP news of the progress that

from both our local industry and the acts they

our work within the local market, especially­

Israel’s annual industry music event made this

support: 80% of all our industry guests have

developing projects­that bring together

past July:

either invested or collaborated with local­ musician­ s from both sides of the border talent­which they discovered at Tune In Tel

with remarkable results­- through shared

This second incarnation of ‘TUNE IN TEL

Aviv. Our platform is open to all musicians­/

tastes in similar music­culture­ , not con-

AVIV’, our annual music industry event

genres (both Israeli & Palestinians); and in

trived political agendas­ . Such projects

played host to a dozen festival talent buy-

the future we plan to begin showcasing­ are always a powerful reminder of what

ers, publishers, and label veterans from

regional­and international emerging talents­

music can do to bring people together

abroad, presenting our showcase/conference

with­partnerships and investment from more

rather than what governments can do to

brand which was created to package and


keep them apart. This October, Europe &

market the local music scene/industry for international­ consumption.

the UK will be treated­to a co-headlining In less than a decade, our music export­ tour which has been orchestrated between venture­has generated well over three

the internationally acclaimed rock/metal

Last year, our first, we staged over 60 acts;

quarters­of a million USD for local

groups, Orphaned Land (Israel) & Khalas

this year, we did about 80 bands. Festival­

musicians­through direct­investment deals


directors­ /programmers from the likes of

the we’ve structured­, including­publishing­,

Glastonbury­ , Primavera,

label signings­ , and money earned from



Soundcity, CMJ, SXSW, Amsterdam Dance Event, Zebra (one of biggest alternative­ festivals­in mainland China approx. 80K Capacity­ ), and




Windish­, Alex Hardee (Coda), Emma Hogan­ (ITB) and many more - came to discuss important­subjects with our local sector and check out our local talent.





London’s Roundhouse Renovated and Upgraded Allan McGowan

Camden venue The Roundhouse, home to the legendary UFO Club in

the venue’s carbon footprint by decreasing both heat production and

the late sixties – the only place The Doors ever played in London, and

power consumption.

location of too many outstanding shows to mention, has undergone a £800,000 renovation and upgrade. Audience capacity has been increased by 68 (61 seated, 7 standing), bringing it up to a total of 3118, as a result of the installation of an all-new retractable seating system in the Circle. This new system also means that Circle seating can be sorted on the day, rather than days in

A spokesperson for the venue said:

“Roundhouse can now lay claim to being one of London’s­most flexible­ and sophisticated­spaces.”

advance as before. New upholstered seats have been put in, and the audience can now leave and arrive without disturbing anyone because

Improvements to the Grade II listed building were funded by money

of the new quieter system

from the Arts Council England Capital Grant, alongside additional­ funding from the London Borough of Camden and the Wolfson

A new state-of-the-art LED lighting rig with a larger range of


pre-installed­equipment offers more versatility for artists. It also reduces­



With over 3,250 delegates, showcases by 300 artists and a conference program with 150 panels, keynote speakers, interviews, workshops, dinners, parties and meetings, Eurosonic Noorderslag is the key exchange and networking platform for European music, European artists, hundreds of European Festivals, international music industry and interactive professionals, companies and organizations. Full conference registration rates and deadlines: € 245,- (Early Bird) Deadline 13th of June 2013

€ 275,- (Medium) Deadline 10th of October 2013 € 315,- (Late) Deadline 12th of December 2013

€ 380,- (Walk Up) from the 13th of December 2013

Award Winners 2012

NEW: Saturday only pass (Conference & Fair & Noorderslag festival) € 100,- (Early Bird) Deadline 13th of June 2013

€ 120,- (Medium) Deadline 10th of October 2013 € 135,- (Late) Deadline 12th of December 2013

€ 150,- (Walk Up) from the 13th of December 2013 To register and submit:








Festival Focus I doubt that anyone really knows how many festivals take place throughout the World or even ‘just’ Europe throughout the year, so obviously we can only focus on a few, and primarily these are ones that we or close associates have actually attended, The three that we cover in this edition are, in chronological order: ROSKILDE – Denmark, EXIT, Serbia and BEWILDERBEAST – OPPIKOPPI, South Africa. I notice one thing that links these events, and it’s something that links us all I suppose, and that’s DUST! I remember Roskilde as being very dusty last time I was there, I see that EXIT’s press release talks about the dust settling and Oppikoppi’s clouds of dust added hues to the sunsets! Anyway let’s go first to Denmark…

The ORANGE feeling Anne Frank Alsted

Times may be hard for European festival­s

I mean, she’s in charge of all bookings­and

but as long as The Orange Feeling­ thus I thought her work had to be done as survives­, so will Roskilde, festiva­l Creative­

soon as the festival started (yes, I’m new

Director Rikke Oexner predict­s…

in this business­ ). But no. Bands have to

Rikke Oexner Photo: Andreas Houmann

deal with a new festival or venue every day On behalf of VIP-News I went to this year’s

over their summer tour so despite trying to

Roskilde festival at the beginning of July. It

prepare­their stay at Roskilde long ahead, the

was my first time there, but someone has to

blonde booker of Roskilde had to stay in the

do the dirty work. I went to search for the

shadow­s of her temporary office­right behind­

spirit known as The Orange feeling. I had

Orange Scene through the entire festiva­ l

heard about its ability to protect Roskilde

dealing with the last details of booking­.

from suffering the same fate as some of its peers around Europe.

It was love at first sight when Rikke Oexner went to Roskilde festival for the first time

So, before enjoying performances by the likes

back in 1984. Since then she has only missed

of Rihanna, Suicidal Tendencies and a very

one festival and has booked artists for the

heavy rapper from NYC called KillerMike­ ,

festival for 16 years now, being the chief

I had a talk with the Creative Director of

music­director the last nine. It is her signature

Roskilde festival Rikke Oexner about the

that appears on all of the contracts and this

In addition to being director 48-year-old Rikke

challenge­s of booking the event.

year she managed a budget of 5.5 million

Oexner is part of the festival’s management


responsible of, discuss, plan and coordinate

Initially my plan was to talk to Rikke Oexner


the many projects the festival are involved

during the festival; you know... the two of us

It was the former chief of Roskilde Leif Skov,

in. But the booking of next year’s festival is

strolling around with a cold beer in this place

who hired Rikke Oexner in 1995, and as she

her main priority, and it is not an ordinary 9-5

that once a year for 10 days transforms­it’s

says, over the seven years they shared a desk

job, but a job that requires passion, structure

self into the fourth biggest city in Denmark­.

he became an invaluable mentor.

and leadership qualities, she says.




“I have six genre bookers in my team and due

For the first time in five years, Roskilde

move our audience from their comfort zone

to our network from all over the world and

2013 wasn’t entirely sold out. 75.000 of the

and make them listen to music they never

in the business we are constantly updated­on

total­78.500 tickets were sold. The Festival­

would have heard if not at Roskilde. This year

what’s happening in the various­scenes. There

presente­d 195 concerts on 8 stages within

they could move from the Womack concert

are many enthusiasts who are passionat­ e

8 days –none of them shorter than 60

and directly on to a young punk band or

about their respective genres, and in some

minutes­which is another unique thing about

from Metallica to Sigur Rós. This is our core

scenes, you almost have to be a part of the


competence – to mix a bowl of diverse music

environment to follow. We in the booking

like no one else.”

committee cannot be out there everywhere­,

As with every year before this, the finished

but I think we are good at finding­the right

festival poster announced a line-up that

75 % of the artists on this year’s festival was

people to consult with.

represented­a balancing act: on one hand

debutants and though Kris Kristofferson was

the wishes, demands and expectations of the

amongst the elder ones of these, the director

My share, as a booker, is the relation to the

audience had to be respected and responded

wants to put spot on the newest trends and

many London agencies, notably related to

to, and on the other hand the festival had to

seek new talent and new borders.

the major artists. It is important to know the

present a broad variety of music challenging

”We must find and provide space for

people in the business and know what they

and seeking new dimensions.

tendencies­that are not experienced at other

stand for. Fortunately a lot of us have been in

venues yet. Music moves all the time, so even

this business for several years, we know each

On the day of the presentation of this year’s

though our goal is the same each year, it’s

other well, know each other’s budgets and

lineup no less than 55.000 people all over

always a challenge to find the balance and

conditions and that makes it easier to make

the world were online waiting to see the

to spot what’s new and exciting,” says Rikke

profitable deals. Nevertheless it takes a great

program. It has been much discussed since if


deal of negotiation and tactics, but I like the

Rihanna was a fit artist for a festival known

“If you picture Roskilde as a mixer, the


amongst its faithful followers to be more

buttons and slides must never just remain

rock than pop. According to Rikke Oexner,

stationary from year to year. They must be

Rihanna was a perfect match.

adjusted continually, so we never stop being

Besides travelling to London a great deal, Rikke Oexner also always attend SXSW in


Austin, Texas in March, at least one summer­

“Our audience also wants pop and it was

festival and CMJ in New York in the fall and

great to see how Slipknot fans enjoyed

Booking gets harder

all together that takes her to up to 100

Rihanna­and the other way around. One of

Rikke Oexner loves what she does and

concerts­a year.

our biggest achievements each year is to

underlines­that it’s more a lifestyle than







a job. I guess that’s the right attitude, as

to secure the perfect bands for the lineup.

There it was again – this Orange Feeling. I

the art of booking has become more of a

“Basically it is all about getting the best

have been really thorough in my investigatio­n.

challeng­e over the years. Live Music is more

possible­line up to the audience from the

I’ve literally been into every corner (to pee).

expensive­; recession­has swept all over Europe­

resources­and opportunities available to

I’ve checked out several strawberry daiquiris

and festivals­here and there have had to quit

us. Of course the competition affects our

to make sure the feeling didn’t hide in the

because­of these and other reasons. Most

bookin­g, but at the end of the day, I think

bottom­of the glass as a twist of Orange. I

recently­the Swedish Peace and Love event

the biggest threat comes from within”, Rikke

have attended several concerts in the pit in

had to turn out the lights.


Oexner says and further explains, “Some

front of Orange Scene. I’ve been on a walk

organizations­such as Live Nation and the

festival­s have a lot of music to offer, but on

in the massive camping areas where Rikke

German Scorpio (responsible for 17 Festival­s)

the other hand that’s all they have. We offer

Oexner still sleeps every festival and the par-

make the festival market competition­tougher­.

so much more than music, a total experience

ties never stop (and I was reminded of my

It’s no problem for Roskilde and Rikke Oexner

of food, art, sustainability, music, culture

age) and I have looked into the smiling eyes

to get the Danish and Scandinavian bands,

and not least our unique camp site – all the

of so many different people and it seemed

but with fewer international guests and no

things that make that special Orange Feeling.

like everybody felt as I did: Orange!

option to offer the big international bands

Losing­this and the characteristic of Roskilde

more than one festival job, as opposed to

Festival would be the end of us.”

Scorpio owning­several festivals, it gets harder

Creative camping, Roskilde Festival





EXIT Festival Serbia Breaks Records Allan McGowan Emilia Mihailescu

EXIT describes itself as a non profit

attendance record was also broken, with over



25.000 during David Guetta’s performanc­e.

activism­, having attended half a dozen times

The Fusion Stage’s attendance record was

so far this makes sense to me!The dust (see

broken during the performance by Dubioza

what I mean – Ed!) has settled after the14th

Kolektiv, and the largest amount of single-

edition of this remarkable event which takes

day­tickets in the history of the festival was

place over 13 stages presenting a spread of

sold – 20,000, with a record entrance speed

musical genres in the Petrovaradin Fortress

- 300 people per minute entering.


on an island in the Danube across the water from the fine City on Novi Sad, Serbia.










significantly­up on last year. We are especially­

attendance­over the five days of the Festival.

proud of the fact that the leitmotif of the

During The Prodigy’s performance, Main

festival was happines­s and smiles on people’­s

Stage attendance record was broken, with

faces, which made EXIT a specific oasis of

over 35.000 people, and the Dance Arena’s

positive energy and awakened optimism.­ ”








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VIP NEWS > Enthused







and the society in general. A special tribute was paid to one of the biggest scientists­and inventors of all time, the brilliant Nikola Tesla,

The organisers of the event never forget its

whose name was featured on the name of

beginnings through youth activism in war

the festival’s main stage, as well as the Tesla

torn times, and make great efforts to make

Corner, named after the famous Tesla Corner

EXIT much more than just a great music

in New York City, where the visitors had the

event. They aim to continue to mobilize

opportunity to interact with various experi-

whose results will come to life during the

public­opinion and thought leaders in the


next edition of the festival.

and a global level. On the opening day of the

Through a series of public discussions, media­

Other projects EXIT are involved with are

festival, and the birthday of Nikola Tesla, one

articles, workshops, lectures by successful

promoting­positive role models for young

of the greatest scientists and inventors of all

start-ups, Exit is encouraging young people

people in the region and highlight all those

time, an initiative for Serbia’s (re) branding

to take destiny in their own hand and start

young, talented, creative people who work

took place with EXIT taking a leading role in

their on start up business. Several workshops

hard everyday to make positive change in

promoting positive changes and the image of

took place on festivals where mentors were

their own life and their community. Exit

Serbia and Balkan region to the world and

giving free lecturing about various topics

donated­hundreds of free tickets to the best

boost its tourism and economy development.

including; how to create/produce electronic

students, youth activists, young artists and

music. The leading European eco-conference

young humanitarian workers.

field of youth development on a regional

An agreement with the cooperation of the

Go Group in cooperation with the European

University of Novi Sad and EXIT was signed,

Festival Association was also held, alongside

It’s also about having a good time, and

with a goal to promote the importance of cul-

a large number of socially responsible actions

having­spent my second birthday in a row

ture, science and education among the youth

that were created during the festival, and

back stage – believe me – I know!






For the second year the organisers of ETEP and CEETEP and invited

Fruzsina Szep of Sziget Festival, one of the originators of the CEETEP

guests met at EXIT to discuss the further goals and the progress of The

concept, thanked everybody for attending, and explained that the

Central and Eastern European Talent Exchange Program.

main goal of the meeting was to discuss common challenges, to learn from each other and most important to get to know each other,

CEETEP is a sub-program of ETEP, the initiative of Eurosonic

as having a good network is very important in music business. In a

Noorderslag­introduced in 2003 to further the exchange and support

lot of aspects Western European music industry lies 30 to 40 year

of new European music in Europe, together with in total 16 CEETEP

ahead. She affirmed that we’ll have to build a solid system behind the

festivals in the CEE region and selected CEE media partners, Eurosonic­

Eastern European musicians to help them further. CEETEP has been

Noorderslag and co-organisers Sziget Festival, Budapest, Hungary and

developed­for linking artist managers, media and festivals to each

Exit Festival, developed a scheme for the circulation of CEE artists­

other and build this system together. This will take many years but

and repertoire in the CEE countries. A grant from the European

she was sure that we are at the beginning of something beautiful.

Commission­facilitated the introduction of ETEP 2.0, the new version

CEETEP artists­who play most CEETEP shows and have not played

of ETEP in 2012 with eight new festivals from Central Eastern Europe

Eurosonic­before, will get to play the event in the following year. In

(CEE) joining and expanding the Program. The intention is that ETEP

this way this cooperation­will help more CEE artist perform across

2.0 will grow from 60 participating festivals in 2011 to 100 in 2016.

borders within Central Eastern Europe, and by playing Eurosonic Noorderslag they participate in ETEP and reach the whole of Europe

By working together, the CEETEP festivals and their media partners

and beyond. Fruzsina­said that it was and is her dream to connect

will help more CEE artists perform across borders within Central

Eastern and Western­Europe and she is happy this dream is starting

Eastern Europe and the winners from CEETEP via shows at Eurosonic­

to become real. I confirmed that Central Eastern European music

Noorderslag in the Netherlands throughout the whole of Europe

business is starting to emerge. In the 70’s it was a ‘mystery region’

and beyond. In 2012 CEETEP realized 29 shows by 19 acts from 10

and now 12 percent of the people visiting ILMC were from Central

countries­. Recently announced figures (June) for 2013 reveal that this

Eastern Europe..

new sub-programme has so far created 25 confirmed shows by 18 artists from 11 different European countries.

Toomas Olljum, manager of Ewert and the 2 Dragons from Estonia, and Guna Zucika - International Relations manager – Prata Vetra –

Ruud Berends and Douwe Dijkstra of Eurosonic Noorderslag were on

Latvia, have both had some success in Western Europe and beyond,

hand and I was again very happy to host the second of the CEETEP

and addressed the meeting to discuss their experiences urging long-

Artists Managers Meeting which reviewed the first year’s progress and

term­­thinking, a creative mindset, flexibility, solid investment and the

determined to address the future of the initial intention and purpose

importance of having a plan!

of this unique programme i.e. to help develop talent by providing opportunities and developing a structure to make it easier for acts

The speakers included all attending managers and artist representatives­,

to cross borders to play at the participating major CEETEP festivals,

(see list) plus guests including those listed below involved­in open

promoted by the participating CEETEP media in the region.

discussions, plus smaller targeted round table discussions­, and break out sessions. Discussions continued in restaurants and bars, crossing





over with speakers and attendants of other meetings, including the Go Group.

Comments from the attendant artist representatives:

Problems and Solutions Discussed in 2012, were continued with progress­being made on the addressing of matters such as: Lack of

Petra Safarikova

Music Business education, problems with Music rights organisations­

– PR Manager of Swan Bride - Slovenia

not operating as they should; Lack of promotion of national artists

“I am glad I could attend CEETEP meetings at Exit Festival and talk to

on radio and TV; Networking problems; a Lack of good managers:

the people from different areas of music. It was good opportunity

Festivals­and media not investing in national artists (the very thing

to find out how the band is considered from various aspects, I mean

that CEETEP has initially addressed) and a Lack of Music Export

- what is important for the festival bookers or managers in order to

Organisations­, amongst other things.

pay attention to the band. All the speakers were happy to talk and share their experience. Fruzsina`s inspirational story ‘I had a dream’

Online marketing Strategy for CEETEP

proved us that everything is possible with patience and cooperation with dedicated people. Over the 2 days I have gained an overview of the situation in the region and how the CEETEP programme can help the artists to deal with some issues, especially as a platform to

Peter and Vladimir of EXIT festival presented the online marketin­g

break the main barriers regarding networking because - as it is well-

strategy for CEETEP that Exit has developed. This plan includes a

known­for all of us - there’s a lot of talent in the region and it is worth

Facebook­ /Twitter Campaign promoting the CEETEP artists, trans-

supporting­ it.

media­­and link building, e-mail marketing, CEETEP radio shows and suggestions to create a free download compilation with one song

The band I represent - Swan Bride - has played at couple of European

from each of the 2013 CEETEP artists and a crowd funding platform

festivals, such as Europavox, Rock for People or Pohoda but we would

for CEETEP artists. Peter and Vladimir encouraged the artists/artist

like to focus on playing more shows across boarders. Hopefully it will

managers to join the campaign by sharing the links, putting CEETEP

be possible in the future with the assistance of CEETEP and thanks

banners on their website/Facebook and to make a track available

to everyone I met at the meetings, so that it could lead to kind of

for the download compilation so that we can build this campaign

co-working. I had a big talk with Toomas, manager of Ewert and The

together­. Anyone with questions or ideas for this campaign is urged

Two Dragons, about the difficulties that his band had to face at the

to contact

very beginning. He gave me much useful advice, which I’ve already discussed with my band to improve our current situation. Now we

The following guests were involved in the discussions and took part in

need to put in some effort to make it work well.”

a very busy session of speed meetings. Vojtech Dohnal Ms. Fruzsina Szép

– representing Charlie Straight - Czech Republic

– program & artistic director – Sziget Festival, Budapest, Hungary

“Many thanks to the team of hosts for this opportunity and I hope to be a part of CEETEP meetings at Exit next year to see how the things

Vladimir Vodalov

have moved on (and to celebrate your birthday again :).

– EXIT Festival: Executive Manager of AAA Production I’m very happy that I could be part of this meeting; now I see more Toomas Olljum

beyond Czech borders, and I see what problems other bands deal

– manager of Ewert and The Two Dragons, Tallinn, Estonia

with. Being more together and supporting each other means being stronger in a way I think....

Guna Zucika – International Relations manager – Prata Vetra – Latvia

Because Adam Ryan (MAMA Group - Great Escape booker) saw our gig at Waves Vienna, he invited us to play at TGE this year. So we

Adam Lewis

played at Brighton’s Coalition club and it was great! We play mostly

– Co-Owner Planetary Group – USA

in Czech Republic now but also we will go to play at Galapagai festival (Lithuania). We are trying to find a booker who will be able to put us

Jake Beaumont-Nesbitt – Executive Director of The International Music Managers Forum (IMMF).


together with some big band in UK, so we can support their tour :-)




Because of Ruth Kolova’s success, I’m wondering about going to

Romania is a particular market from some perspectives, even in the

Japan. We receive many requests for autographs from Russia and

CEETEP region. I think we are the only country facing the local radio

Ukraine every day, so maybe we should go and play in Russia :-)

problem (all our main radio stations play 100% euro dance, there is

Anyway­, we have decided to try UK first. Thank you for this meeting

no live/alternative/rock music on Romanian mainstream radios) and


this is something that needs to be fixed from the inside, I don’t think there is anything CEETEP can do.

Strahinja Beganovi – Kill Me Laser - Serbia

Also, another issue that is worth addressing is, I think, the fact that a

“As an artist, who is part of CEETEP program, I wish to thank you,

lot of the Central & Eastern Europe countries still don’t have a music

ETEP/CEETEP representatives and EXIT festival, for efforts you put

export bureau, which would be tremendously helpful in promoting

in organizing this years conference. It was real pleasure having a

the local talents.”

chance to meet regional artist and artist representatives, exchanging­

knowledge and experiences, learning about music industry trends

The CEETEP online label idea was very interesting and something

and development and at the same time enjoying some great music

that hopefully will prove to be helpful for the local acts. After Grimus

performances. Information I got from informal and formal talks with

won last year’s CEETEP program and went to perform at Eurosonic,

colleagues and artists helped me build a better picture about the state

this year they were confirmed for two ETEP festivals: Arezzo Waves

of the regional music industry. I think all this will help in spreading the

(Italy) and Waves Vienna (Austria). The Romanian bands present in the

voices of young creative people in the region.”

CEETEP program this year (Hot Casandra, Electric Fence, Subcarpati, Toulouse Lautrec, Blue Nipple Boy) scored the following appearances

Emilia Mihailescu

at festivals this summer:

– New Business Development Manager – Music in Space -

Electric­Fence - Romania

Hot Casandra – Open’er Poland

“It was very nice to attend the CEETEP meeting this year as well. I

Electric Fence – Rock for People (Czech Republic), B’estfest (Romania)

found the speed meeting idea very helpful, as we got the chance to

Toulouse Lautrec – B’estfest Romania

ask the questions and get rapid answers from all of the people that

Subcarpati – B’estfest Romania

could share their knowledge.






Czech Republic

Rock For People

Charlie Straight

Vojtech Dohnal



Grand Mexican Warlock

Zsolt Jeges


INmusic Festival

Mika Male

Lucija Potočnik


Exit Festival

Kill me laser

Strahinja Beganović


Exit Festival


Nemanja Miidorović


Exit Festival


Dragan Midorović


Exit Festival


Boris Vlastelica


Coke Live Music Festival Heineken Open’er Festival

Poparzeni Kawa Trzy

Marian Hilla / Jacek Kret


Slovenian Music Week


Mina Špiler / Matevž Kolenc


Slovenian Music Week

The Tide

Tomaz Štular / Dejan Osterman


Slovenian Music Week

The Swan Bride

Petra Šafáriková



Electric Fence

Emilia Mihailescu



Blue Nipple Boy

Andreea Cotet



Hot Casandra

Andreea Filip




Daniel Clinci


Positivus Festival

Prata vetra

Guna Zucika



Garbontas Bosistas

Algirdas Barniskis



Golden Parazyth

Mantas Rasimavicius


Spirit of Burgas

Ruth Koleva

Ruth Koleva





– Into the Belly of The Beast! Allan McGowan It was as I careered down a steep and rocky track, being dustily aware of festival goers hurling themselves into thorn bushes as Carel Hoffman­’s battered and headlightless motor bike bore down on them at a speed not recommended for such bushveld terrain, that I figured that all I could do was hang on to the ex-mining engineer turned festival organiser’s shoulders, abandon all thoughts of crash helmets and safety in general and relax. As we raced around the festival site, I put my trust in the fact that Carel did this several times a day and night, he knew what he was doing, and probably did it much faster without my considerable weight on the back of this decidedly off road and pretty small machine – I survived! Then we did it all again the other way round and back up the hill to the Bewilderbeast (the theme of the Festival for 213) – Oppikoppi headquarters for more stiff drinks – thank you barman! The hair- raising (if I had any) ride pretty much represents the whole ethos of the Festival – sited in the middle of nowhere on a dusty rocky plain where you can see for miles to the mountains in all directions, much better suited to wild life, which backs off for a couple of days as tribes and herds of humans move in – it’s gloriously rough and tumble and the sort of H & S rules applied to European events don’t really apply!

Carel Hoffmann co-founder of Oppikoppi

However that’s not to say that the event has not matured and become more sophisticated over its 19 year existence. There are tented hotels, plenty to eat and drink, banking facilities – the event is now cashles­s

the Lime and Yellowcard, and to my surprise the talented but troubled

and wristbands have to be topped up, and busy medical facilities

Scottish-Ghanaian reggae singer Finlay Quaye, who I remember well

(apparently­the most common injuries are burnt foreheads from over

from West London in the 90’s – he was backed by a fine band of

indulged campers dozing off whilst leaning over their fires! Drinking

South African session musicians, who appeared with various acts over

booze through funnels probably didn’t help!) Although the days are

the three days.

hot, the evenings can get very chilly, it is after all the South African winter.)

I have to admit that my knowledge of South African acts was (it’s better­now!) limited – being of a certain age I remember Johnny

South Africa’s largest music festival took place just outside Northam,

Clegg, whose son Jesse played the James Phillips main stage. So I was

in the province of Limpopo, with an estimated 20,000 people in

not aware of the legendary Mango Groove, unlike the audience who

attendance­. The majority of the acts are South African, with many

sang along to every song, or Afrikaans folk-singer, writer and social

stand out acts such as Black Cat Bones, Nakhane Toure, Shadowclub,

activist Koos Kombuis, who was honoured by Oppikoppi.

Fokofpolisiekar, who sang in Afrikaans and whose name I translated


correctly and without help as Fuck off Police Car, and others – I didn’t

Oppikoppi has plans to help export South African acts to Europe

see them all – 6 stages over three days – how could I! However over

and elsewhere, funded in part by monies left over from the cashless­

the past few years major international acts have headlined - this year

payment systems set up by the main sponsor of the festival for the

Bewilderbeast edition featured Deftones, Manchester Orchestra, Drop

past three years, Standard Bank. Ruud Berends of Eurosonic has been



a previous Oppikoppi guest, as has Australian promoter Michael

children­and adults – mainly women – dance in the community

Chugg, this year Adam Ryan, of the MAMA Group in the UK, booker

square. We then visited the school where Lucas showed us around

of The Great Escape accompanied me to the Festival, as a guest to

and the children sang for us. I felt privileged to be there.

spot possible local talent. Although the Oppikoppi audience is mainly white, there are more and Beer Drones

more black festival goers each year, and it is obvious that the Festival

Apart from the annual theming, and the inclusion of poetry,

and its organisers, Hilltop Live, are making a difference in the still

shadow­puppetry, naked races and other events, Oppikoppi goes

evolving South African Democracy.

for innovation­and this year’s ‘piece – de – resistance’ was the beer drone (see picture) – by downloading an app, thirsty festival goers

I read a quote from Carel Hoffman “Surviving Oppikoppi is a bit like

could dial up for an airborne beer delivery, the helicopter like drone

surviving war. That is why people keep coming back!” Surviving a ride

takes off and guided by the GPS co-ordinates of the ordering phone,

on the back of his bike is more like it – and yes, I’ll be back!

parachutes­the beer to the customer – who just has to make sure that nobody else grabs it before he or she does! This was my first visit to South Africa and of course my first to Oppikopp­i – both offered experiences that I won’t forget in a hurr­y. One stand out memory will be the visit to one of the local villages attached to one of the Anglo-American mines, Misha Loots, coorganise­r of the Festival was good enough to invite me on this annua­l trip, organised by him and the admirable Lucas who was born in the village and is obviously vital to the cultural and educational well being of the villagers. Some of the Oppikoppi musicians, including Black Cat Bones and others play off the top of a camper van as villagers­,

Beer Drone

South Africa’s largest music festival Oppikoppi




Christopher Brosch joins Melt-Booking Manfred Tari

Christopher Brosch worked as a freelance production/tour manager­

certainly hope that I will be able to work with some of the exciting

for various promoting companies – before joining Peter Rieger

artists that are emerging at present in person.

Konzertagentu­r in 1986. He then moved to Hamburg in 1989 to first work with Blindfish

What differences do you see comparing MELT!-Booking to

Promotion­s and then run his own booking agency Bizarre Productions­

other­ companies?

from 1992 to 1998 when he moved to Berlin, joining DEAG Touring­

– MELT!-Booking and in particular the acts that they handle, has given

Companies - till 2003, co-promoting and tour managing German­

me a great deal of belief in the fact there is a new music-scene apart

singers­Marshall & Alexander for about six years. He was Tour

from bands that have come out of competitions or casting-shows

accountant­for Rammstein’s global performances since 2004. Most

and just aim for the next top-ten position available. I was becoming

recently, from 2009 to 2011 he had what he describes as a ‘brief

a little desperate looking at what I figured to be the future of music.

encounter’ with Trinity Music in Berlin (local promoter) - in charge of

Before I even talked to Stefan I saw this famous TV-show ‘Introducing’

Citadel Music Festival.

on Arte. A show promoted by Melt-Booing and the music magazine Intro, featuring strictly concerts of new acts. At that time I was in a

VIP News spoke to him about his latest career move:

position where I thought about rebuilding my own live-roster again, after having been actively touring for quite a while.

How did you finally arrive at MELT!-Booking? – Stefan Lehmkuhl invited me for a talk and told me that there was a

There were two bands particularly that I saw and I felt, ‘Wow, there

vacant position within the company. At that time I had some sort of

are still some young bands out there, which have a solid musical basis

vacancy in my life and so we concluded to try and make ends meet.

and, well, you could be dealing with them - if it wasn’t that MELT! already had them on their roster!’. These bands were Man Without

Did it take you long to make up your mind about working for

Country and a Swedish band called The Royal Concept. That was all


before I even knew that the conversation with Stefan would happen,

– No, not at all, because for me it is a challenging enterprise, I find

but then having this conversation was actually like opening a door

that being here is a realistic perspective at this point of my life.

into a space, in which I already felt comfortable but again was looking for the right key to access. And in a way that appears like a recurrent

What is your exact position within MELT?

theme in my life, I love to be on the ground where discoveries can

– Mainly my position is to oversee the structures within MELT!-Booking­.

be made.

You see, over the years I might have gathered some experienc­e by


having worked here and there, having had the opportunity to look at

Would you still say that there is room for starting a new

this business from various angles. It seems like a good idea to me to

concert-­company­ in Germany?

be able to share some of these views with an ambitious young crew

– What I learned is, there will always be young kids seeking some

aiming to become a respected, structured enterprise. Saying that, I

sort of musical expression. They’ll have their very own followers, and



consequently, there is a need to link these two, the artists and their audience. That’s what I define as the role of the promoter. MELT! has a history, last but not least defined by the Intro-magazine which can be considered as one of the seeds of their development. They’ve been discovering and reporting about young music for years, and they are consequently now featuring opportunities for these artists to present themselves not only in print, but also on a stage. Very few of our artists have a history that dates back for ages. It’s a different kind of music and it was a real revelation to me to be at the MELT!-Festival and see that there is a whole bunch of young people that have a completely new attitude towards music and that don’t bother about who Elton John or Ray Davies might have been as long as they could listen to the likes of Azealia Banks or Woodkid. And that’s where the room is created - an audience with a desire for their artists will need someone to open the doors to the concert halls - and as long as both sides trust you to be their door-opener - well, there is your room. How is this working together with agencies from the UK or elsewhere? Do you think that there are also companies mirroring­the vibe and passion of Melt-Booking? – I see that there is a bunch of young agents as well. At some point I had a bit of a problem in terms of having been out of the live-business and live-booking for a while. I happened to know some agents of ‘my generation’ but naturally, you can’t keep up with all of those that followed, as you happen to have embarked with a certain ticket. But apparently, MELT! has a remarkable input of offers and opportunities, maybe because people realize that there is a genuine effort made to create a suitable environment. And I have to say, that feels great, and I hope I can play my part in that orchestration for a while. In terms of selling tickets for new acts, would you say that Berlin­is probably the most interesting city for these acts? Do you think that it is still possible to go to the countryside with new artists? – Well, I wouldn’t say that everything apart from Berlin is countryside. But we have this focal point on Berlin because we have the BerlinFestival­, we have this great newcomer-festival which is called ‘First we take Berlin’. So within this city we have a market-playground that is created and prepared to acknowledge ‘the new’. And Berlin does undeniably host a great part of the new media covering such developments­. But that is a general movement, if you look at the audience of MELT! Festival, they are not particularly from Berlin or Leipzig, the bigger cities­in the surrounding area.In fact, we sold a great bunch of tickets to punters coming from even non-domestic regions so, I think there is a bunch of new music and there is a bunch of people, who want to see these new artists, that doesn’t have to be limited to Berlin.




Nevertheless, does that also go for clubs in the middle of

On the other way, it is not exactly my decision, if somebody says, ‘Hey,


I’ve got a new act to come in and we want to play five shows, so what

– What Melt-Booking does for some part, is book DJs and I’m quite

would you recommend?’ I wouldn’t say Aachen or Osnabrück, the

amazed that there are a lot of clubs that I’ve never heard of. Just

first things that would come to my mind would be Berlin, Hamburg,

recently, I’ve been approached by a club in Aachen, as I’m from

Munich and Cologne. Then you can discuss if you want to play in the

Cologne­, for me Aachen is definitely somewhere in the middle of

East or in Frankfurt or wherever else in this country.

nowhere. They wanted to book Miss Kittin for an event. So, I think it’s quite possible to book these acts in whatever cities.

Budget wise, how does it look on that side of the business? You mentioned before, that the calculation of the budget of

But still a typical tour-routing for a new artists these days

course is relevant. On the other hand it is well known, that

means that artists or their agents prefer to play in the so called

in these kinds of media-towns you don’t get the same fees as

media-cities. This means that they have less available dates to

somewhere else. Who supplies the budgets that actually make

go to regions not considered as media hot spots.

touring in Germany possible for new acts these days?

– But this also involves a plan, or budgeting questions. If you want

– Well, I don’t know. Sometimes I’m really wondering how people can

to have exposure in the media and you have a certain budget to do

afford to do these tours. I have no idea how artists can afford touring

this you’re aiming to go to these ‘media-towns’ first and then have

with a nightliner-bus and all the other things they need by getting

opportunities left over to go to Heidelberg or Freiburg, well, you can

paid what you can actually give them on a three- or five hundred­

do so. For considered reasons, some people would say, okay, let’s do

capacity­club show as a ratio of the relation between numbers­of

the usual five towns and have a live-audience PLUS some relevant

punters times entrance fee. So there’s got to be some money coming

media coverage.

from somewhere. To me, personally, I don’t know, where it comes from, and in a way, it’s not my part to have an answer to that. A

But nevertheless, the media-landscape has also changed

promoter’s role ends at the point where you’d make an offer and

significantly­in the last twenty years. I’m wondering if this

the other side accepts it as a basis of performing live. And I’m happy­

is still the same procedure as it was many years ago when

anytime­I see that we’ve supplied a frame within that exchange

meanwhile­lot of things turned out completely different,

become­ reality.

particularly­in terms of the media-landscape. – But, with all respect, is there a relevant media-landscape in

Melt-Booking is mainly focusing on the German market. Is it an

Heidelberg­, Weinberg or Whateverberg? I mean, if you go there,

option for MELT! to take on domestic or international artists

then you want to reach the people in Heidelberg. But if you have

and to book some tours in Europe?

the classical­combination of promoting a new album and wishing

– Melt-Booking does some DJ bookings outside the domestic market

to exploit­the media as well, gaining coverage in the print-media or

and does represent some acts outside of Germany - like the Berlin

whatever, than you go to where the media is based. A great part of

based band Mighty Oaks. But I don’t think its one of our main goals

that, you’ll find in Berlin. I think it has changed, in the past you had

to become a pan-European agency. It’s a ‘never say never’ situation­

to do Hamburg, Cologne and Munich, because those were the main

without a specific drive in that direction, I’d say - at this stage our

media-­cities in Germany. But a lot of that has been taken over by

main task is to get Melt! established as a reliable partner in this

Berlin­because all of a sudden all of the people found themselves in

country­, one who can prove the ability to set up not only a great

Berlin again - and we even have this enormous amount of ex- patriots­

festival­but also some great tours for artists that fit into our scheme. If

who just decided they’d make Berlin something like their second base.

we can afford to grow in that direction, then maybe it’ll be like that.

CLICK-A-GIG.COM enables artists to MAIL their music to more than 6.000 venues and agencies worldwide…




How was the MELT!-Festival for you? Have you been there

site, I was in one and somebody said: “Does anybody know the song


Lemon Tree”?” and the people said “Yes, we know that song!” and

– It was the first time for me. I was quite impressed with the efforts

so the whole shuttle-bus was singing along while riding down to the

and the dedication put into designing the festival for the audience.

festival site. We’re not arguing about that particular song now, but

It is much more than just an open field, where you’d set up some

this festival just has a very positive vibe and that’s been a very pleasant

stages­ , some food-stalls and some Dixie-Toilets – and invite your

experience for me, discovering that Melt! is quite different compared

punter­s in to have ‘a good time’.

to a lot of other festivals.

There is so much more done for the audience in terms of setting up

I haven’t seen you at some of these music-conventions, such

the whole site, to illuminate all these old cranes and those things. I

as Eurosonic or ILMC in recent years. Will you now start to go

even liked the variety of food offers, which is much more sophisticated­

back again to these events, and in case you do, which ones?

than on an average festival. It is pleasure to see, that there is so many

– From the motivation, yes. Picking the ones to go to, that would

efforts undertaken to serve the audience with a surrounding in which

be something to discuss internally, because I’m not the only one

they can enjoy themselves. The musical activities start at six o’ clock

representing­the booking-department. There are some people in the

in the evening, but the people hang out there from Thursday night to

booking team that have more experience and judgement in this kind

Sunday. It’s an experience to stay there, there is the lake, there are a

of music and I think, in some ways they have much more rights than

lot of things that can be done over the day and before one can plunge

me, to visit conventions or to see new talents on events like Eurosonic­

again into another night of music and excitement.

. So, that is definitely a matter of a discussion within the team. But I wouldn’t deny, I always wanted to go to Eurosonic. As I was a kind of a single man enterprise, it was always a question of what can I

audience because I’ve been to festivals where you got these boozed-

actually offer. Now, as a part of an organization it takes a part of that

up­geezers everywhere taking a piss at any available fence. On the

away, because you can always say that this is the MELT! booking and

contrary you got all these people here with a smile on their face.

you all know what we are able to do - so, if you want to jump on this

We got these shuttle buses from the camping grounds to the festival

train, here’s your ticket.

25.-28. SEPT.


That’s the main thing I like about MELT! I like the music, and I like the


Organiser: Reeperbahn Festival GbR and Inferno Events GmbH & Co. KG






Intellipay Cashless Payment System Debuts in Europe Allan McGowan walls. Adding extra security, bike license plate numbers were stored on their owner’s wristbands to ensure only the owners could leave site with the bike. “The speed of the system really worked for us, as well as the transparency­for both visitors and merchants,” says head promoter Attila Dobai. “Most of our crowd had never seen an RFID wristband before, but everyone found it easy to use, and despite being a 24hour­festival with some heavy pressure on the bars at peak times, Intellipay more than stood up to the challenge.” “By adopting Intellipay and being the world’s first fully integrated RFID festival, Open Road has set a new standard for RFID at live events,

Serge Grimaux

and shown us a vision of the consumer experience of the future,” says Intellitix­CEO Serge Grimaux. “Everyone at Intellitix is immensely

London, 22 July. Intellitix, the world’s leading RFID solutions company­

proud to have been involved in raising the bar to new heights, as we

for live events, launched the industry’s most advanced cashless

strive to improve and better the live event experience for all involved.“

paymen­t system last month. Harley Davidson’s key European event, Open Road Festival, became the first in the world to adopt Intellipay,

While Open Road was the first fully cashless festival to adopt Intellipay

using RFID for cashless payment across the site, as well as for all ac-

this summer, Intellitix has also since successfully deployed site-wide

cess control and social media integration.

Intellipay systems at both Stavernfestivalen (11-13 July) and Slottsfjell (18-20 July) in Norway.

A video case study of Open Road Festival can be viewed:

For more information please contact: About Intellitix Intellitix is the leading global provider of RFID access control and cashless­payment systems for live events. Since 2011 the company has activated over 4 million RFID tags at music festivals and live events. Headquartered in Montreal, Canada, and with offices also in the UK, Australia and USA, Intellitix technology cuts queues to a minimum and eradicates ticket fraud and unwanted resale, while its

The 5-9 June event, which took place at Lake Balaton in Hungary,

social media tools more closely connect promoters and brands with

saw thousands of motorcycle and music fans register and top up their

their audience.

RFID wristbands online or at dedicated booths around the site. With Intellipay cashless terminals at every food, bar and merchant points,

In 2013 alone, Intellitix has deployed RFID solutions at festivals

patrons were able to simply and quickly transact around the site, and

including­Coachella and Bonnaroo (US), UEFA Champions Festival

keep track of their spending online.

and Barclaycard British Summertime (UK), Bluesfest, Festimania and Festival d’Été Quebec (Canada) and worked with brands including

All attendees including general admission, staff and VIPs were issued­

Ford, Spotify, HTC, Sony, Gazprom, PlayStation, UniCredit, adidas and

with RFID wristbands (supplied by ID&C) which were also used to

Red Bull.

ente­ r and exit the site, and to instantly post status updates and


photo­s from various sponsor zones and other areas to their Facebook



Legalgogo for Viagogo in Germany Manfred Tari Viagogo’s long lasting success in Germany

One of the most prominent has been

appears­to have taken a bit of knock – so

“ViaNogo­”. The initiators of this campaign­

far, and at least, only in terms of the re-sale

officially­approached club members of

of football-tickets. Major Clubs Schalke 04

Schalke­04, assembling enough votes to

and Bayer Leverkusen are suing the Ticketing

force the management to cancel the ticket


deal with Viagogo. However, the club now has now announced that the management

As regards Schalke 04, a popular football

has filed a case against Viagogo alleging

club that on average sells more than 60.000

breach of contract.

tickets­per home game, the legal battle is the

announced­the consideration of possibly

consequence­of a previous cooperation deal.

The newspaper Rheinische Post reported

Bayer Leverkusen filed an interim junction at

the original deal had a value of 3.6 million

the beginning of August forbidding Viagogo to

Euro and that for a very long time the club

Nevertheless still there are still no signs of

sell tickets for Champion League games, before

management was very much in favour of

moves, whether by German football clubs

the club even started official ticket sales.

the deal. But in response to the members

or by concert promoter associations to join

decision­and the club statutes it had to quit

forces on a campaign which could eventually

the partnership with Viagogo.

lead to a law against the unauthorized resale

In recent years Viagogo successfully managed­ to buy into several cooperations with German

taking­legal action against Viagogo.

of tickets similar to that instituted in France

football clubs such as FC Bayern Munich, VFB

Bayern Munich declared that it wouldn’t

in spring 2012. Besides the French promoter­

Stuttgart, FC Cologne, HSV Hamburg and



association­Prodiss it was a coalitio­ n of

others. However by last summer the first

the current­season 2013/2014, with the

various parties that finally led to the French

protest­campaigns had been launched by

secondary­ticketing company. Even the

governmen­t ratifying a strict prohibition of

fans protesting the company’s practices.

DFB (German­Football Association) has

the black market for tickets.




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Reeperbahn Campus ‘13 Allan McGowan

As the Festival season comes to an end, the Conferences begin - the

Shaun Abrahamson (Mutopo, US) on “Creating Big Ideas with

next major event, the Reeperbahn Festival and Reeperbahn Campus

Huge Online Crowds”,

will take place in Hamburg from September 25-28. Ken Doctor (, US) on “Playing the Media Blur”,


Richard Hofmeier (artist / US) on the “Game of Love”,

With more than 80 events focusing on topics relating to the music industry and digital economy the Reeperbahn Festival aims to present its most comprehensive conference programme so far in 2013. Delegates can look forward to inspiring keynotes and talks, heated­

Dieter Semmelmann (Semmel Concerts, Germany) and Christian Dieckmann (DEAG, Germany) on “The German Live Entertainment Market in 2012”,

panel discussions, and informative workshops. More than 200 speakers­will share their views and insights with the 2,800 expected delegates. The conference will take place in seven conference venues­, some of them spectacular locations, near the Spielbudenplatz, all

Christoph Lieben-Seutter (Elbphilharmonie, Germany), André de Ridder (Stargaze, Germany) and Bryn Ormrod (Barbican Centre, UK) on “The Path to the New Music”,

within walking distance of the central festival hotel. Eberhard Kromer (Domus, Germany), Roxanne de Bastion (Featured­ The programme aims to impart knowledge, provide contacts, and, above all, offer inspiration for successful work in the music business,





and Florian


Musikindustrie­e.V., Germany) on “How to Fight for Copyright”

the games and mobile sectors, the digital media, and in additional related fields in the creative industries, and also seeks to contribute actively to an effective interlinking of all these areas.

Reginè Debatty (, Belgium / UK / Italy­), Christopher Dell (theoretician / artist / musician, Germany­), Chris Bruckmayr (Ars Electronica, Austria) on “The Making of (Digital) Urban­

The keynote speeches by Dave Stewart and Cornelia Funke – both


international stars in their respective fields – clearly reflect the Reeperbahn­Festival’s new orientation and appeal to the music and digital creative industries. Representing the music industry, Dave Stewart is a globally successful musician and creative entrepreneur. In his keynote address “Where


Lazorthes (





“Crowdfunding­, A New Economy?”, Nicholas Lovell (GAMESbrief / The Curve, UK) on “How to Make Money by Selling Emotion, Not Content”,

Is the Money?” he will examine the central question of the music business­in the digital age.


Kaiser (William



UK), Ingo

Beckmann­ (Target Concerts, Germany) and Aline Renet (Prodiss, Head Bestselling author Cornelia Funke tops the line-up of the conference’s digital component. In her keynote, she will present the revolutionary

of Communication, France) on “The Agent’s Agenda – The Midsize Crisis”,

app “MirrorWorld” and explain how the fusion of art and technology can successfully lead to new forms of storytelling.

Anette Novak (Fojo Media Institute, Sweden) on “On the Citizen’s Side”,

Other prominent and inspiring speakers will take up the microphone during talks and panel discussions, including:

Kristina Rothe (Microsoft / Germany) on “Microsoft’s Vision of the Next Era of Gaming”,

Folkert Koopmans (FKP Scorpio, Germany) Eric van Eerdenburg (Lowlands Festival, Netherlands) Baris Basaran (Pozitif Live, Turkey) on the “Festival Season 2013/2014”,

Mark Wheatley (Nokia Music, UK) on “New Channels: Music & Telecom­ Industries”, Martin


Brem (Red




Austria), Michael



- Songpier – The Service for Cross-Screen Engagement, presented by Songpier - Crowdfunding-Club:







Crowdfunding­Campaign? presented by NORDSTARTER by Hamburg­Kreativ Gesellschaft - FORMAT: BÜHNE. – Work Creatively, Be Successful! presented by the German Federal Government’s Centre of Excellence for the Cultural and Creative Industries -

Innovative Management


Internet of Things


Kids’ Music – New Genre, New Prospects


Last Night a DJ Saved My Life: Collecting Societies and the World

Kramer­ (brandX, Germany), Derek Richards (Piece of Cake,

of Electronic Music

Germany­ ) and Marcel Engh(Exploding Plastic, UK) on “Branded


Mobile Apps, Communities & Events

Entertainment­– Love Band, Love Brand?”,


Mobile Music Discovery

- Music Glue’s Official New Platform Launch, presented by Music Scott Cohen (The Orchard, UK), Thorsten Freese (Believe Digi-


tal, Germany), Matthias Glatschke (Songpier, Germany), Manlio­


Music Moves Europe

Celotti­ (Membran


New Frontiers – Mobile Music Now!


Old School vs. Nu School


PHONONET – Improve Your Business, presented by Phononet

Germany), Richard


Sharing Is Caring!…But Is Caring also Sharing?

Ziljma­ (Amsterdam­Dance Event, Netherlands) and Andreas


Sync & Licensing – A Business in Sync?

Weitkämper­ (Warner Music Germany, Germany) on “Fascination

- The Power of New Blood: How to Help the Next Generation,



and Jeremy

Silver­ (Semetric­Limited, UK) on “Direct 2 Fan Reality Check”, Gareth

Davies (Kontor



presented­by the German Music Publishers’ Association (DMV) -

Understanding Eastern Europe

Sven Ossenbrüggen (Xyrality, Germany), Denis Rogic (Threaks,


When the Levies Break:

Germany) and Tommy Palm (, UK) on “Free-to-Play:

Copyright Levies 2.0, presented by Field Fisher Waterhouse

Promised­Land or Digital Skinner Boxes?”,


Where’s the Story? – New PR Strategies for Festivals


Work Together – Not!

Michael Pohl (Kontor New Media, Germany), Jamie Searle (base79,


Culture, A Lossmaking Venture: How Endangered Is the Quality of

UK) and Kevin Godley (artist and producer, UK) on “Revenues Beyond Music’s Own Nose”.

Classical Music Performances? Delegate registration provides access to all Reeperbahn Festival








Campu­s events (and to all concerts and the complete arts programme­).

which will be addressed in a variety of talks, panel discussions, and workshops. Further information, including speaker line-

Register at

ups­ , can be found at


Agencies Are Dead:


Everything Is a Remix?

How Free Is (GEMA-) Free Music? presented by GEMA


Balance 2020 – What Is Reasonable?


Beyond the Good Game


Club International: Best Practice Exchange – Of Burdens & Barriers


Club National: Reality Check – The Promotion of Pop


Communities Revisited


Content Was Never King


Creative Europe

– A Reality Check of the New EU Support Programme­


The hottest business event at the Reeperbahn Festival

Meet your insurance broker Save the date: 27 September 2013 from 16:30 to 18:30 at the Jazz Café, Reeperbahn 1, Ground Floor Tanzende Türme, Hamburg. We‘re looking forward to seeing you!



Music in Shares Manfred Tari

CTS Eventim Profitable as Usual CTS Eventim significantly increases business results: The first half of the ongoing business year (H1-2013) proved to be

CTS Eventim reports that the net results are due to expenses for the

successful for CTS Eventim according to the recently released busines­s

arbitration case against Live Nation as well as higher expenses for

results of the company. Revenue and earnings results for the two

restructuring­measures for its ticketing staff and acquisition costs

company divisions Ticketing and Live Entertainment rose positively.

“temporarily affected”. The EBITDA after these extra efforts is 37, 9 million Euro (H2-2012, 34, 6 million), the EBIT 27.8 (24.3 million

Since the beginning of the year the share price of CTS Eventim has


been rising, with the share price rally being backed by more than solid business results. The company revenue went up from 256.0 to

Also the results for the Live Entertainment division developed very

312.3 million Euros, an increase of 21.6 percent. The Earnings before

positively. The revenue rose by 22.9 percent, from 162.5 to 199.8

Interests, Taxes, Depreciation & Amortisation (EBITDA) from 51.1 up

up almost 200 million Euros. The EBITDA also scored a sensational

to 63.4 million Euro, the Earnings before Interests & Taxes (EBIT) from

increase of 29.4 percent, from 18 up to 23.3 million Euros. The EBIT

41 up to 49.9 million Euro.

also climbed by 29.6 percent from 17 up to 22 million Euros. The company as usual announced the expansion of its internet

The Ticketing division increased its revenue result from 96.6 to 115.7

ticketing­and plans for international expansion. The share price since

million Euro, with a normalized EBITDA therefore of 40.1 million Euro

the beginning of the year rose from 26.90 up to 33.50 Euro on

and a normalized EBIT before the allocation of purchase expenses of

Augus­t 19.

35 million Euro.

DEAG Probably Profitable


The business results for DEAG for the first half-year are still in the

nevertheless developing positively since the beginning of the year.

pipeline and will be released on August 30. Until now though the

Rising from 3.05 Euro at the beginning of January to 3.47 Euro on

DEAG share price development showed up and down movement,

August 19.




Live Nation Almost Profitable Live Nation impresses with good results and lowered its financial­

In order to improve debt facilities, the company furthermore reported

loss significantly.

that it has re-structured its debts. With a little help by the JP Morgan

Live Nation is an amazing company. Earlier this month the company

Chase Bank, Live Nation has been able to complete a financial measure

announced its business results for the second quarter of the ongoing

that includes a new $335 million revolving credit, a new five year loan

year (Q2-2013). With an increase of the company’s total turnover of 8.3

of $115 million and a new seven year lasting loan of $950 million­.

percent up to $1.679 billion, the business strategy of the management

Togethe­ r with the new notes offer, Live Nation interest payments

pays off, in particular down to the strategies of Michael Rapino.

according­to the company will decrease by $12 million annually. In H22013 the interest expenses were $58.19 compared to $59.19 million in

Nevertheless, Live Nation as usual hasn’t been able to gain profits.

the same period one year ago. The total current liabilities on June 30,

Despite­a profit of $58.1 million in Q2-2013, the half-year result (H1) is

2013 were $2.5 billion, previously on December 31, 2012 - $1.7 billion.

still negative, but at minus $5.1 million still much more investor friendly than last year’s H1 minus $61,4 million result. The loss per share this

But just as the news flow regarding the H2-2013 results caused a

time went down from $0.33 to $0.03.

share price climax from $16.32 on August 6 up to $18.76 on August 8, Bloomberg reported that Live Nation CEO Michael Rapino had sold

The biggest gainers have been the Sponsorship & Advertising division­

640.000 shares of the company for about $11.7 million in two tranches

with a growth of 16.2 percent. The revenue therefore went up from

on August 8 and 12.

$61.3 to $71.2 million. The biggest revenue driver has been the Concerts­division, which has been able to increase its revenue from

According to the media report other board members Ari Emanuel of

$1.076 to $1.193 billion. The revenue for the Ticketing leg of the

William Morris Endeavor Entertainment and Mark Shapiro at Dick Clark

company­went up from $328.9 to $337.8 (2.7 percent), while only

Productions have also been in selling mood, as each of them sold shares

that of Artist Nation shrunk, from $109.2 to $99.7 million. Live Nation

worth about $501.000. This news caused a share price drop on August

additionall­y announced shortly after it revealed its business report ,to

10 down to $17.32. On August 16 the share was at $17.20. However,

offer new notes, worth $200 million.

the share started in January with share price of just $9.69.

Need to know who is touring Europe ®

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ARTIST AVAILS Bond Style: Rock Territory: Europe Period: 2013 Agency: GLP Agent: Georg Leitner E-mail:

Hollywood Burnouts

Barclay James Harvest feat. Les Holroyd Territory: W orld Period: Summer 2013, Autumn/Winter 2013 Agency: Kultopolis Agent: Markus Sollner Phone: 0049-6861-939980 E-mail: Homepage:

MUSICAL YOUTH Territory: THE WORLD Period: AUGUST 2013 - MARCH 2014 Agency: STRATOSPHERE MUSIC Agent: STEVE HUGHES Phone: +447779257295 E-mail:

Mory Kante Territory: World Period: 2013 Agency: GLP Agent: Walter Laurer E-mail: Homepage:

Since their foundation in 2008, Hollywood Burnouts (from Augsburg/Bavaria)

Martin Turner’s Wishbone Ash Territory: Europe excl. UK, E, B, NL, G Period: Summer 2013, Autumn/Winter 2013 Agency: Kultopolis Agent: Markus Sollner Phone: 0049-6861-939980 E-mail: Homepage:

stand for melodic hard rock, influenced by glam / sleaze rock, blues and heavy metal. The first line-up consisted of Mike (vocals / guitar), Chrizzy (guitar, vocals), Nikki (drums, vocals) and Vito (bass, vocals), four professional musicians who were able to build a steady growing fanbase - both nationally and internationally .

TV Off Territory: Europe Period: 2013 Agency: RedBerg Agency Agent: Juha Juoni E-mail: Homepage:

This is (amongst others) due to the bands goal to have a natural, classic sound. There are no live vocal overdubs or tons of guitar effects – just pure Rock`n`Roll! After releasing a demo EP 2010 that was highly acclaimed by critics around the world and sold almost all of the 1000 available copies within one year, HB recorded­their debut album “Excess All Areas”. The album was released in march 2012 by RockRoad/Soulfood.


“Excess All Areas” cost the band not only a lot of time (Christmas and New Year’s Eve 2011 were sacrificed), but also a heap of courage because the production of the album is very “old school”. “EAA” was recorded in an analog way with a 70s Harrison mixing console to a tape recorder, just like the great 70s/80s/90s pop/ rock recordings– a very rare experience and also quite an adventure, that proves

Martin Turner’s Wishbone Ash

HB to be one of the few bands who know about the legacy they´ve adopted. In August 2012, the band hit the studio to record their second album “Kick it up a notch!”. Album release date will be friday 13th in september 2013. Read more about “Hollywood Burnouts”:




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