VIP-News Premium - August 2015

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Well, I hope you didn’t miss us too much in

Closer to home unfortunately, there has

young girls distraught! Still – think of the

July, and that your summer so far has been

been some bad news, there was a terrible

potential of the come back tour! Talking of

sunny and successful!

incident on Saturday Aug 22 at an air show

sad faced fans, when in London’s West End

at Shoreham Airport, just a few miles from

the other day I saw an amazingly long queue

Most of the news that we at VIP have had

Brighton, when a jet failed to complete a

of fashionably dressed teens, and some teen

from the international festivals that we

display manoeuvre and crashed on to a main

pluses, waiting impatiently to get into a shoe

attended (see report in this issue), and those

road. 11 people were killed in the flaming

shop. Apparently they were all fixated on the

that contacted us has been good, and the

wreckage. I have driven that stretch of road

purchase of a pair of Kanye West’s Yeezy

indications are, with of course some events

many times, and that familiarity makes the

Boost trainers! Very many went away feeling

still to take place, that the 2015 season has

horror of it all even more disturbing.

underdressed, and deeply disappointed, but

been good.

Kanye and his crew were no doubt quite Also we were saddened to hear of the


death from cancer of fellow journalist John

COLOPHON > VIP-News is published by: 20-22 Wenlock Road London N1 7GU United Kingdom +44 870 755 0092 Managing Director: Ronni Didriksen General Manager: Peter Briggs Writer and editorial: Allan McGowan Writer: Manfred Tari For advertising enquiries please contact: Peter Briggs +44 870 755 0092


Gammon who was a respected writer for

So, as we’ve now mentioned people feeling

the live industry trade journal Pollstar. All

happy, I’d like to finish up by stressing how

of us at VIP knew him well and often met

powerful live music can be in cheering you

up with him at various trade events. It had

up. Having been going to gigs since the

been obvious for some time that John was

1960’s I’ve seen quite a few great shows, but

unwell, but he never went into detail about

I saw one of the best gigs I’ve ever seen at

his condition. We send our commiserations

the Paleo Festival (see report in this issue) a

to all of his friends and family. (See more in

few weeks ago, Robert Plant and his band

this issue) Sad also to hear of the passing of

were phenomenal, and it wasn’t just me

veteran artist manager, Jazz Summers, who

that thought this – besides an incredibly

also died of cancer – there’s too much of this!

appreciative audience, other artists from that day’s bill lined up side stage to enjoy the set

So, sorry to kick off our return to your in boxes

– Joan Baez joined Plant for a bit of square

with depressing news, but of course some

dancing, with Patti Smith and her guitarist

times reports like these are unavoidable,

Lenny Kay handclapping. The atmosphere

much as we would like to be able to do

was fantastic and the whole thing was

something about them, that’s life! On a

good for the soul! One last thing, whilst at

lighter note, although many people will be

the EXIT Festival in July I spoke with Lemmy

very upset by the announcement, it appears

after Motorhead’s set, in the course of our

that One Direction are to take a break in

chat I asked him about living in L.A., as a Brit

order to follow up solo projects. So, having

abroad, I wondered if there was anything he

sold 50 million albums, and earning record-

missed – he responded instantly, “Cheese!

breaking amounts on their last tours, they’re

– you just can’t get any good fucking

not actually saying that they’re breaking up,

cheese!” So, on that high point – Ladies and

although the fear of this will leave many

Gentlemen – The News!



UTA buys the Agency Group From VIP-Daily News

In a move to significantly bolster its music

music agency, and we were able to find all

invested in companies including Microsoft,

business, United Talent Agency announced

of those in one place at The Agency Group,

21st Century Fox, Adobe and CB Richard

Thursday that it acquired the Agency Group,

along with a tremendous reservoir of real

Ellis. But unlike those investments, the UTA

the world’s largest independent music

veteran leadership.”

relationship is a personal investment from


Ubben, who joins the board of directors as TAG founder and president Neil Warnock

a non-voting member and becomes its first

The Agency Group represents some of

(pictured) will become UTA’s head of

non-agency shareholder.

the biggest global touring and live music

worldwide music, filling the vacancy left

artists, including Muse, Paramore and the

by Rob Prinz when he departed for ICM

“It’s not a typical institutional investment

Black Keys. The company has more than 95

Partners in April, while TAG CEO Gavin

that comes along with all kinds of

agents operating out of offices in London,

O’Reilly will leave the company.

restrictions and voting rights,” Zimmer says.

Los Angeles, New York and several other cities.

“This investment is really about bringing a UTA’s acquisition of TAG was financed by a

smart, seasoned investor into the company

new minority investment from Jeffrey Ubben,

to help us consider our future growth. It’s

Adding TAG, which will be combined with

founder and CEO of San Francisco-based

a much more comfortable and organic

UTA’s existing music division, instantly

ValueAct Capital, which has significantly


makes UTA a heavy hitter in the space, with a roster of about 2,000 clients headlined by artists including Muse, The Black Keys, Paramore, Nickelback and Guns N’ Roses

Neil Warnock founder of The Agency Group

and featuring emerging acts including Chris Janson, Action Bronson and G-Eazy, who will all join existing UTA clients including Kanye West, Mariah Carey and Milky Chance. TAG has more than 95 agents across seven offices in London, Los Angeles, Miami, Nashville, New York, Toronto and Malmo, Sweden, which will give UTA a presence beyond L.A. and New York for the first time – yet another major milestone for the agency. “It’s a quantum leap forward for us in the music business,” UTA CEO Jeremy Zimmer tells THR, highlighting TAG’s resources in Nashville and the global and Canadian market as well as in corporate and festival booking. “There are so many different areas of expertise that go into being a top-shelf




John Gammon passes at 64 From VIP-Daily News John Gammon, Pollstar’s UK/Europe Correspondent over the last

A native and resident of Ely, Cambridgeshire, England, Gammon

two decades, has died. He had been fighting cancer.

studied journalism at Harlow College. That education was put to use when Gammon was recruited by Pollstar to report from the

Gammon covered stories that ranged from the innocuous to

International Live Music Conference on a one-off basis.

the extremely sensitive and was the first to break stories such as Lollapalooza’s entrance into Berlin.

The response to his reportage was so overwhelming that Gammon became Pollstar’s longtime UK and Europe correspondent. His work

He was also very well known by the industry people that attends the

anchored Pollstar’s International News pages until this week. It is

Live Music conferences in Europe where John always was a visible

difficult to encapsulate 15 years of collaboration into a paragraph.

character. The best we can do immediately is say farewell and acknowledge his A press release from Pollstar reads:

contribution to not only the company, but the concert industry as well.

He was passionate in getting to the root of the story, even if it may have ruffled some feathers. Gammon’s background includes a career as an agent as well as managing acts like Katrina & The Waves and Kingmaker, the latter of whom could boast opening acts like Radiohead during its ’90s heyday.

VIP Sales Manager Charlie Presburg, worked with John for many years at Pollstar: As someone who worked with John for many years at Pollstar’s UK office, I was always impressed with his sheer tenacity as a journalist and his ability to get to the core of any news story that he was writing. He was a proper old school journalist who wasn’t afraid to ruffle a few feathers along the way. I shall miss his witty banter and seeing him at the various music conferences he always loved to attend, he will be very sadly missed, RIP John.

John Gammon

Need to know who is touring Europe? Go online -





First Edition of The IFF Increases Capacity and Sells Out Allan McGowan Having announced a sell out on August


13th the first edition of the IFF (International

better connecting festival bookers





Festival Forum) has increased its capacity to

and booking agents, IFF features

cope with further demand and has now

a series of unique showcases and

officially sold out. The event organised by

Q&As with agents, and morning

the ILMC and Ruud Berends of Networking

panels and workshops dedicated

Music will now host 400 agents and festival

to the festival business. Partner

bookers. Other additions to the Programme

agencies on the event include The

listed below include a workshop on the use

Agency Group, ATC Live, Coda, ITB, X-ray

of social media presented by Facebook.

Touring, Primary Talent, LPO and Pitch &

The After Hours Programme will now


include further showcases to be presented

“The support from the event partners, agencies and founding associations has

at Camden venues, The Lock Tavern, The

Each agency will be showcasing signings

been tremendous, and with over 100

Barfly and Proud.

for the 2016 festival season, while IFF’s

booking agents attending, and over 150

After Hours late night programme will see

festivals represented from as far afield as

The International Festival Forum (IFF) is

additional agencies and export offices also

Australia, Malaysia and the United States,

an invitation-only event aimed at music

showcase artists.

all the elements are in place for a productive

festivals and booking agents, which place

first outing.”

in London from 30 September – 1 October,

“To have sold out before we announced a

2015. IFF takes place across two London

single showcasing artist is testament that

IFF is a partnership between ILMC and Ruud

venues: Proud Camden and historic music

there’s a need for an event with this specific

Berends of Networking Music. Panels at the

venue Dingwalls next door.

focus,” says ILMC head Greg Parmley.

event will include a discussion around life in a ‘post-headliner’ world, a keynote with Isle of Wight Festival’s John Giddings, the

Greg Parmley

role of loyalty and the local promoter, and the top five gripes between festivals and agents. Workshop topics include Facebook for festivals, data & audience insight, and better brand partnerships. Event partners on IFF include FKP Scorpio, Intellitix, Rock-It Cargo, Showsec, Integro Doodson, Megaforce, Showsec, Jack Daniels and Heineken. Association partners are the Association of Independent Festivals (AIF), De Concert!, the International Jazz Festivals Organization




Festivals and Events Association (IFEA) Europe. For more information please contact Ben Delger via or on: +44 203 743 0301




Jukely Announced As Headline Sponsors For Venues Day 2015 Allan McGowan Music Venue Trust

The last few years have seen a number of

music venues whilst looking at exciting new


high profile venues closing and there are

business models and initiatives that can get

– the charity for the preservation and

fears that it could have a longer term impact

audiences up. Alongside the chance this

improvement of the UK’s network of

on a sector that, as well as giving pleasure

gives to agencies like DCMS, UK Music, BPI,

music venues – announces concert and

to millions of people, is worth around £1.6

ticketing agencies and insurance companies

gig subscription app, Jukely (www.jukely.

billion to the UK’s annual economy.

to get behind the sector, we’re delighted that

com), as the Headline Sponsor for its Venues

Venues Day is attracting partners like Jukely.

Day 2015 event at Ministry of Sound on

Bora Celik, Founder of Jukely, comments:

Bora and his team are bringing something

Tuesday 20 October, in Elephant & Castle,

“We are delighted to support Venues Day

new and exciting to the sector that can have


2015, now a key event in the live music

a genuine impact on the number of people

industry calendar. Everything we do as a

in the room, and these are the sort of ideas

Having been successful in its native US, Jukely

company is geared towards getting people

that will help to create a better future for

is newly-launched in the UK, its stated aim is

out to see live music shows and experience

music venues, audiences and artists. This

to galvanise a new generation of music-lovers

unforgettable nights together, so we want

support from Jukely means we will be able

into attending more gigs than ever before.

to do all we can to help preserve music

to offer subsidised delegate places and

venues – the beating hearts of our live music

travel to grassroots music venue owners and


promoters across the country who would

Venues Day 2015 focuses exclusively on grassroots music venues and their associated

otherwise be unable to attend, ensuring

industries and services. Earlier this year the

“Furthermore, this partnership will allow

that the whole sector can be part of this

Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, announced

Jukely’s technology to be a force for good

important national event”.

the creation of the capital’s first Music

within the live music scene – enabling people

Venues Taskforce, chaired by Music Venue

to come together and protect the venues

Venues Day 2015 has three key aims:

Trust, which was set up to protect and secure

they love.”

to provide a highly effective marketplace for

the City’s vital network of live music venues.

the best service and industry offers to engage

Venues Day 2015 will provide an opportunity

Mark Davyd, Founder & CEO of Music Venue

with small and medium scale music venues;

to discuss the findings and recommendations

Trust, comments:

to provide a dedicated forum for the sharing

of the Taskforce with industry partners from

of best practice, innovation and leadership,

across the country in order to help support

“The key themes of Venues Day this year are

and; to formalise a nationwide network of

live music venues.

to get core costs down for our grassroots

subscribed grassroots music venues that speak with clarity about their work.

Bora Celik, Founder of Jukely

In addition to facilitating exchange and learning, Venues Day 2015 provides a platform for agencies, management, record labels and artists to directly engage with grassroots music venues and present Q&As, networking opportunities, and new models of working. For more information about Music Venue Trust please contact either Beverley Whitrick or Mark Davyd




Iconic London Venue The Water Rats Gets a New Lease of Life Allan McGowan The Music Venues Trust and the Mayor of London’s Music Venue Task Force (see above) are obviously pleased to hear that King’s Cross venue The Water Rats has been saved from the uncertainties that beset it of late and will continue to operate. The venue, which was famous for housing Karl Marx in a flat on the upper floors, is to undergo extensive refurbishment, and will eventually offer an all day food service. It is one of London’s best-loved music venues and Bob Dylan and Katy Perry have performed there, Oasis, and The Pogues both played their debut London gigs there. Sally Fox, who ran the Soho nightclub Moonlighting, has taken over the property near King’s Cross from the charitable showbusiness body The Grand Order of Water Rats. Ms Fox said: “We are ecstatic to be running such an iconic venue and are passionate about continuing the live music and comedy nights, as well as introducing a new gastro food offer. This is a match made in heaven and we look forward to carrying on The Grand Order of the Water Rats’ legacy.”

23 – 26 SEPT. 2015 CONFERENCE · SESSIONS · ChRis BaRtON (Shazam) · DiEtRiCh BRüggEmaNN (FIlmmakEr) · mONika EigENspERgER (radIO Fm4 / OrF) · DiEtER gORNy (BuNdESvErBaNd muSIkINduStrIE) · tERRy hall (thE SpEcIalS) · paul hasliNgER (cOmpOSEr) · BRuNO liON (tplm) · hEikO maas (mINIStEr dEr JuStIz uNd Für vErBrauchErSchutz) · paul paCiFiCO (IaO) · Will pagE (SpOtIFy) · maRy RamOs (muSIc SupErvISOr QuENtIN taraNtINO) · pEtER RiEgER (pEtEr rIEgEr kONzErtagENtur) · thORstEN sChäFER-gümBEl (StEllv. Spd-vOrS.) · DavE stEWaRt (muSIcIaN/ENtrEprENEur) · CaROlE tONguE (EurOpEaN cOalItIONS FOr cultural dIvErSIty) · alisON WENham (Impala) · miChaEl tRautmaNN (thJNk) · aNd maNy mOrE · ShOWcaSES · NEtWOrkINg · mEEtINgS · aWardS FEstival · cONcErtS · WIllIam FItzSImmONS · halF mOON ruN · JamES mOrrISON · FraNk cartEr & thE rattlESNakES · FamIly OF thE yEar · mac dEmarcO · OddISEE · SauN & Starr · WEval (lIvE) · gravE plEaSurES · aurOra · lukaS graham · gOgO pENguIN · tOrrES · låpSlEy · hONNE · aNd maNy mOrE · vISual artS · FIlm · SpOkEN WOrd

REEpERBahNFEstival.COm Organiser: Reeperbahn Festival GbR and Inferno Events GmbH & Co. KG




Festival Feature Allan McGowan

Much as spring in every year brings a crop of doom laden stories, in the broadsheets particularly, predicting the collapse of the festival market, it never actually seems to happen and the majority of events seem to thrive, with even a few new ones popping up here and there. The uptake of registrations for the International Festival Forum (see below) seems to imply that agents and organisers have no doubt that the future is festivals! As to how many there are – who really knows! Certainly too many for one on-line journal to cover, but here’s a brief round up of the events we VIP people got to visit or communicate with so far this season:

PALEO July 20-26 saw the 40th edition of Switzerland’s Paleo Festival. The

VIP News spoke to Head of Production and Programming, Dany

event ran over 7 days rather than the usual 6, and featured shows


from Robbie Williams, Kings of Leon, Sting, The Script, Ben Harper, Robert Plant, Joan Baez, Patti Smith, Christine and the Queens,

VIP News: How long have you been involved with the

Johnny Halliday and others.


The Festival sold out attracting 35,000 people every day, 10,000

Dany Hassenstein: I’ve been in this job for 7 years, but I’ve worked

seven day passes were sold. 530 media representatives from 240

at Paleo for 15 years – I’m actually one year older than the Festival!

companies attended, alongside 600 professionals from other music companies. 1700 artists appeared, including many from the Far East

VIP News: There’s been quite a lot of rain, and therefore quite

who took part in an Asian focus on the Festival’s world stage.

a lot of mud! Has that caused any problems?

Paleo Festival




Hassenstein: No, we typically get a bit of everything over the days of

VIP News: Putting something this size together for a week is

the festival – it’s a world festival and we get world weather!

quite an undertaking, have you had problems with crime or injuries etc.?

VIP News: What were the high points of this edition? Hassenstein: Yes, it’s like building a city! But even so, we’ve only had Hassenstein: The big productions, Robbie Williams and Kings of

58 reported thefts, and fortunately we’ve not had any deaths, or

Leon were great, but my personal highlights were Joan Baez, Patti

births, although we’d be prepared for that! If there was a birth then

Smith and Robert Plant. They all gathered for each other’s shows.

we’ve said the child could have a lifetime membership!

They have history with the Festival, Robert Plant tells stories and is a great personality. He covers such a broad spectrum of music,

We’ve always tried to make sure that the musicians feel like part

he once played the world music stage, and he played the day Amy

of the family, and understand all the work that goes into building

Winehouse died. Joan Baez appeared back in ’82.


EXIT Festival On July 9-12, VIP again visited this remarkable event in Serbia, staged

Exchange Program (ETEP) in 2003 and since then there have been

on the Petrovaradin fortress island in the middle of the Danube.

a total of 2294 shows by 810 European artists from 30 countries

A certain editor was apparently spotted dancing to the music of

presented at the 90 ETEP festivals (2003 - 2014).

Manu Chou! Unfortunately we didn’t make it to Montenegro for the Sea Dance festival that followed on from EXIT on July 15 – 18

CEETEP (Central and Eastern European Talent Exchange Programme)

(maybe next time!) The two events made up this summer’s Exit

is an ETEP sub-programme, together with the 18 CEETEP festivals

Adventure, which resulted in a record-breaking 300,000 visitors to

in the CEE region and selected CEE media partners, Eurosonic

the fortress and to Montenegro’s Jaz beach. EXIT reported the most

Noorderslag and co-organisers Sziget and Exit Festival developed a

well attended night in the event’s history. Continuing the theme of

scheme for the circulation of CEE artists and repertoire in Central

festivals being like towns or cities, with all the processes of urban life

and Eastern Europe at the festivals and in the media. The Program

taking place besides the music, two marriage proposals were made

is coming to an end with acts from the region being featured at

and confirmed at EXIT and Seadance.

Eurosonic in Groningen, Holland, next January.

EXIT also again played host to the annual CEETEP meetings and

We will report on the progress made by the program in the next

workshops. Eurosonic Noorderslag started the European Talent

couple of issues.

From left to right: Michèle Müller (press officer), Daniel Rossellat (president), Dany Hassenstein (booking), Jacques Monnier (vice-president) and Allan McGowan (VIP-News)




Sziget Festival sets attendance record From VIP-Daily News Sziget Festival Hungary sold out the 2015

the long term is to make sure Sziget’s image

surprises. That’s what we will keep on

event despite increasing its daily capacity to

gets independent from its headliners, as we

focusing on, while we definitely don’t want


believe the most important features of the

to be involved in a dangerous competition

event are not necessarily playing on the big

to get overpriced headliners. That’s just not


our path.

Kasabian and Ellie Goulding. Organisers say

“To keep it simple, we try to give good

“We hope our message gets through to our

441,000 people from 95 countries attended

reasons for fans to come to Sziget. We’re

visitors, as they are the ones who create the

over the course of the event.

still trying hard to get good bands on our

magical vibe of the place we call the Island

stages, but we also try to make sure that

of Freedom.”

Held from 10-17 August, artists included Robbie Williams, Avicii, Kings Of Leon,

“We worked hard to create a festival that

fans choose Sziget because we offer more:

has its own unique identity,” said Sziget’s

a huge adventure, a cultural holiday, an

Next year’s Sziget has been set for August

main organiser Karoly Gerendai. “Our aim in

experience-packed week full of positive


Sziget Festival




45 Years of Roskilde and still going strong! From VIP-Daily News

Roskilde Festival was once again blessed

VIP-News questioned Roskilde’s Head of

announced. How did this affect your

with blistering sunshine as 100.000 ticket

Music & Creation, Anders Wahrén, about

bookings, did you end up fighting over

buyers enjoyed what was indeed another

the success of this year’s event, competition

the same headliners and did you notice

magical event. Headlining acts on the

on the Danish Festival Market and the

a change in ticket sales due to this

Orange Stage included Muse, Pharrel

festival’s future bookings.


Williams, Ryan Adams, Florence & The

Machine, Kendrick Lamar, Nicki Minaj and

VIP-News: How is your general feeling

Anders Wahrén: I wouldn’t say that it

many more. Following the wide success of

about this year’s festival and how did it

affected us, we strive to make the best

the Rolling Stones show in 2014 the festival

compare to previous years?

possible festival every year, regardless

opted once again for a legendary act in Paul

of what’s going on around us, and we

McCartney who took the stage as the 2nd

Anders Wahrén: This year’s festival went

haven’t changed our ambitions or way of

to last headliner on the last night in front of

really well so my general feeling is very

booking. Roskilde Festival 2015 was sold

a packed audience who were entertained

good and I am very happy with the way the

out extraordinary early this year so the

with a classic repertoire spanning over 5

festival went and how our audience took

only changes we have seen there have

decades including songs from the Beatles

in new initiatives and participated. Every

been from new initiatives from our own

era, Wings and new material. All this ended

year is unique and it’s always difficult to

side. But of course there are a few top

with a magnificent fireworks display and an

compare with previous years. However in

names that will be relevant for all broad

audience of all ages singing Hey Jude for 10

2015 everything – including the things we

festivals of a certain size, or ambitions to

minutes after McCartney had left the stage

can’t plan ourselves such as the weather –

grow, so in a packed European summer,

– quite a moving moment one hastens to

fitted together like a perfect puzzle.

there will be some acts that everybody is


fighting to get.

VIP-News: The introduction of the new

After this year’s success the festival expects

festival Tinderbox which took place

VIP-News: How has the ticket buyer

to be able to donate an impressive 15-18

just a week before Roskilde Festival

demography changed over the past 10

million Danish kronor to charity (approx.

in Odense caused quite a stir in the

years and do you see this as a trend for

2-2.5 million euro).

Danish Music Industry when it was

the future?




Anders Wahrén: Ten years ago about 50%





with legendary acts such as the ones you

of our audience came from outside of





mentioned is great – and it is amazing to

Denmark, especially from Sweden, Norway

presents, you’ve put your trust in old

experience how much recognition they

and Germany. That number has decreased

legendary acts such as The Rolling

receive from a young audience as well - so

over the last ten years, so today there are

Stones and Paul McCartney over the

as long as it makes sense in the full lineup

about 15% foreigners attending the festival

past few years which have proved to be

I expect we will continue, but it is not a

and the Swedes are no longer the largest

hugely successful in not just attracting a

“must” for us nor for our audience; we can

group from abroad. That place now belongs

big audience but also bringing together

tell from the ticket sales that it’s the diversity

to the Norwegians. It’s difficult to say how

people from all ages. Is this something

that makes the difference. And I have to say

it will develop – we noticed a small rise

you plan to continue in the future?

that legendary acts can come in other sizes

in international guests the last couple of

than McCartney and Stones.

years and hope that that development will

Anders Wahrén: The important thing for

continue. Other demographics seem stable;

us is to present a diversified program with

VIP-News: How do you see competition

we have a 50/50 gender mix and an average

artists that are both relevant and great live

from domestic festivals and festivals in

age of around 24 years.

performers at the same time. Topping it off

neighboring countries such as Sweden affecting Roskilde in the future and

do you think there will ultimately be casualties in what is a per capita comparatively



market? Anders Wahrén: I believe you have to look at it in a broader perspective where not just music festivals but the rising number of cultural, arts, food etc. festivals and events in general are affecting and inspiring each other, keeping us on our toes and aware of what is unique about each of us. In that sense competition is not a bad thing – and it’s not a new thing either. Both we, Smukfest and Northside sold out this year so for now at least it seems that the audience for music festivals is there. But there is a risk, I fear, that the development with more music festivals being built from the top with lots of money to invest in headliners in time will challenge the diversity of the market, especially the smaller festivals and new initiatives since that inevitably will make it harder for them to both attract artists and pay them. VIP-News: Have you confirmed any acts for 2016 yet and what would be your dream booking?

Anders Wahren - photo by Julie Hjorth


Anders Wahrén: Well… let’s just say that we’re working on it and we’ll let you and everyone else know when we have news.



Booming times for

GLP From VIP-Daily News

GLP is currently experiencing a boom with

Charles and Kool & the Gang, there was

many of the acts represented by the agency.

generally a lot more “wheeling & dealing”

The success of the collaboration between

going on in the music business - so GLP

CHIC feat Nile Rodgers with Daft Punk 3

stood out with a strategic outlook.

Years ago was followed by an 80 city world tour (booked by GLP). This paved the way for

Also today we have a very high rate of

a revival for many of the other Funk & Dance

academically trained personnel – and I am

acts represented by GLP (Kool & the Gang,

happy to say that in this spirit the members

Sister Sledge, Earth Wind & Fire Experience

of the GLP family continue to follow the

feat Al McKay etc). Recently GEORGE

principles of flexibility, internal mobility,


multi-skilling and retraining.

collaboration with RUDIMENTAL lead to a similar marketing input. Similarly more and

Furthermore we will focus on Show

VIP-News: The market concentration

more Rock acts are teaming up with Funk

Acts. This is currently the fastest growing

and corporatization in Europe is rising.

artists such as KOOL & THE GANG’s tour

department within the GLP family with

Do you consider this development as a

with VAN HALEN and FOREIGNER’s tour

shows such as Peter Pan on Ice, Royal

positive one?

with KID ROCK.

Moscow Ballet and Vivaldianno.

In the light of this success VIP-News asked

Lastly we are focusing on bringing talent to

one of the first industries in the world

CEO Georg Leitner about the company’s

developing markets. We recently had some

that applied globalization. In terms of the

principles, future plans and strategies:

exciting tours in India, the Pacific Islands

corporatization of the live market in Europe

Georg Leitner: The music industry was

(Tahiti, new Caledonia etc.) and Africa. This

– the national promoters, even as part of

VIP-News: How many shows & concerts

is in line with our history – with GLP being

multinational companies in Europe still

is GLP handling per year and what

one of the first international companies to

act highly independently – so in terms of

are your strategic plans for GLP in the

tour artists behind the iron curtain in Europe

people, not much has changed.


in the early eighties. To give you an idea – on the same tour we

Georg Leitner: GLP handles around 800

VIP-News: As one of your company

work with AEG in one territory and Live

shows per year across the globe. Over the

principles you are mentioning on your

Nation in another territory. Right now we

past 35 years GLP has become a strong

website: “Academic striving towards

are in negotiations for one of our show acts

force in the area of Funk / Soul / R&B as

improvements of the methods applied

for a worldwide deal with one multinational

well as Reggae /Dancehall and World Music.

in the industry” What do you mean


Strategically we will focus to expand on the

with this policy? VIP-News: In reference to the current

EDM area, especially with a view to further develop musical collaborations between

Georg Leitner: Having studied marketing &

market set up, what are the issues that

some of the top DJs and our Funk/R&B artists.

economics at University – we’ve always had

concern you most?

the goal to deliver a service at the highest We are also looking to expand the area

standards – with a strategic outlook to

Georg Leitner: I am most concerned

of Rock (e.g. next year we celebrate

expand the market potential of our artists.

about the fact that there are too many

FOREIGNER’s 40th anniversary tour – and we

tours pushing into the market (due to

are considering some great collaborations

When we started the company in the early

lack of income from the recorded music

with other Rock acts.

80’s with artists such as James Brown, Ray

side) – and we have come close to an




oversaturation. Also we have to find ways

a more active role in the A&R area. At

VIP-News: The relevance of the Live

to focus again on developing tomorrow´s

GLP we have a section dedicated to the

Music Sector within the value chain for

talent. With the decline of the record

development of new show formats as well

music products has risen significantly

companies – the agencies have to take

as new talent.

over the years. Nevertheless, compared to the Record Industry or the Publishing

Georg Leitner

Business the live music sector runs no trade bodies on a European or International level. Do you consider this as a lack of professionalism or just as something the Live Music Sector is not ready for yet? Georg Leitner: There are many issues where we as the most important sector of the industry should act united and have our interests represented on a Pan European scale. These issues reach from harmonizing authors rights companies rates to security, standing strong when you have national tax issues (such as recently in Spain with the drastic increase in VAT on tickets), harmonizing Foreign Entertainment Tax etc. GLP will support any effort in that direction – maybe this can be brought up again at next year’s ILMC?! VIP-News:





milestones you’ve set for GLP? Georg






developing touring festival concepts (like we did in the past – MASTERS of SOUL, or the Tribute to BOB MARLEY FESTIVAL tour). Last year we had the RTL Chart tour with a 4-act-bill concept including KOOL & THE GANG, CHIC feat Nile Rodgers, SISTER SLEDGE and IMAGINATION. Similar to that we are developing a touring festival that will include some current EDM musicians joining together with some of the classic acts. We will bring to the road what is currently hitting the charts (e.g. co-operations like Nile Rodgers / Daft Punk or George Clinton / Rudimental). I am looking forward to some exciting times ahead!




The Meaning Of Live Nation Germany Manfred Tari Live Nation’s entry to the German market,

In July 2000, shortly after the IPO (Initial


taking on Marek Lieberberg as CEO and

Public Offering) of CTS Eventim in February


Daniel Lieberberg as president came as a

2000 at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, CTS

companies, which also means that the

surprise for many industry players. The move


acquired 51 percent of Marek

MLK companies remain as an asset within

is the second attempt by Live Nation to run a

Lieberberg Konzertagentur (MLK) Holding.

the CTS Eventim network of companies.

subsidiary in Germany following a trial period

The MLK Holding each owned 100 percent

Even more interesting is the fact that the

with German promoter Johannes Wessels as

stakes of MLK GmbH & Co KG and MLK

naming rights of the festival Rock Am Ring

managing director in 2010. It is presumed

Verwaltungs GmbH.

are owned by MLK GmbH & Co KG. Rock

that Live Nation Germany will launch its business activities on January 1, 2016.






operated for


Am Ring is one the biggest festivals in By the end of 2003, the Live Nation

Germany and due to its relevance has been

forerunner acquired a 20 percent stake in M.

an important strategic instrument within

Lieberberg had already sold 100 percent of

recfly, LK GmbH & Co KG. Since 2010 CTS

the value chain of MLK and subsequently

his stakes in three companies containing his

Eventim no longer reported concrete figures

for CTS Eventim.

name to to the Medusa Music Group, the

in its business reports from 2011 MLK is

holding under which CTS Eventim bundles

listed as fully consolidated within the annual

In 2014 the trademark rights for Rock

its Live Music activities.

report of the trade register Bundesanzeiger.

Am Ring became a matter of contention

Marek and Andre Lieberberg




between MLK and the administrators of

When the announcement for the launch

run, include those events within its port folio

the Nürburgring, the race track where the

of Live Nation Germany was released on

of events. Taking many of these aspects into

festival had taken place since its first edition

August 3, it also included the news that

consideration it looks like Live Nation will

in 1985. Due to difficulties with the new

the new company is suppose to add more

follow a soft launch policy and that it will

owners of the racetrack, MLK moved the

than 700 shows towards concert catalogue

take some time before CTS Eventim has a

festival last year to an airfield in Mendig,

of Live Nation. Bearing in mind that

solid competitor in the live music sector in

very closely located to the Nürburgring.

such a number of shows needs a certain

its own home market.

infrastructure, it is currently not clear with As recently as March 2015 MLK GmbH &

whom Live Nation Germany will work in the

Live Nation and its forerunners, until now

Co KG filed an application to obtain the

future as local promoter.

unlike CTS Eventim, have never been

trademark rights for this festival in various

profitable. The US-company follows a

areas such as merchandising and print

Until now, MLK benefitted from the

strategy like the online retailer Amazon,

products; in June an objection was filed to

network of local promoters that belong

who also never delivered any profits to

this and the application is still pending.

to CTS Eventim. At the moment MLK has

its shareholders. But at least Live Nation

already announced shows and concerts for

delivers impressive revenue figures.

Nevertheless, the main message is that the

2016 including, among others, Motörhead,

departure of Marek and Andre Lieberberg

Halestorm and Tesserac T.


opens up wide ranging challenges for CTS







Lieberberg may cause, in the short run , a

Eventim. Currently no official news has

As Live Nation is also involved in the Berlin

potential gap in its revenue results, which

been published as to what the departure

Festival and the first edition of Lollapalooza

of course can be closed as soon as FKP

means for the festival Rock Am Ring.



Scorpio will again be fully consolidated

According to industry players the festival is

Republic due to a joint venture with the

within the company results of CTS Eventim.

supposed to be organized by Lieberberg in

Unternehmensgruppe Hörstmann, it is not

But CTS Eventim is now forced to re-

2016 at least as part of a joint agreement.

clear if Live Nation Germany will, in the long

organize its defense lines.








Solomon Parker joins Coda Agency From VIP-Daily News

Music Managers Forum seeks new CEO From VIP-Daily News One of the best-known figures of the UK music industry, Jon ‘Webbo’ Webster, is likely to step down as CEO of the Music Managers

From left to right: Claire Horseman, Rob Challice, Solomon Parker, Alex Hardee, Tom Schroder

Forum (MMF). According to job ads, the MMF is seeking a new CEO with ‘strong organisational,

Agent Solomon Parker has left William Morris

building a world class agency. His experience

personal, financial skills for UK trade

Endeavour (WME) to join Coda Agency as a

and reputation in the industry are second to

association with international reach’.

Senior Agent.

none and he will add real value to our overall offering.”

Parker, who will be based in Coda’s London

The trade body requires ‘strong leadership needed in a fast changing dynamic creative

offices, has been at WME since 2007 –

Alex Hardee, Partner at Coda Music Agency

industry’, says ‘trade association experience

before which he ran Concorde International

said, “Solomon Parker’s dad, Louis gave me

welcome’ and adds that ‘IP knowledge is a


my first job. Cris Hearn who recently joined

distinct asset’.

Coda also worked there, the company was He brings with him a roster of acts that

called Concorde.

includes include Take That, The Prodigy,

The annual salary for the role is listed at £50£65k.

Cheryl Cole, Matt Corby, Haelos among

“I think Cris left with Solomon’s dad’s car


and I took a tankful of terrapins. Solomon’s

Webster says that the ad doesn’t necessarily

dad and those early days at Concorde were

mean he’ll definitely be departing his CEO

very influential to my career.

role, and that’s he’s involved in the process

Solomon Parker said, “I am excited to be joining what I consider a fast moving

to find his potential successor.

and dynamic company who, over the last

“It’s great that Solomon, Cris and myself

few years, have garnered a reputation for

are back under one roof, along with Tom

“IF we find someone suitable I will be

breaking acts that is second to none.

Schroeder, James Whitting, Rob Chalice,

gradually handing over and taking a backseat

Nick Matthews, David Exley, and Paul Buck

role,” he said. “Not leaving yet!”

“Between the partners there they have

plus the multitude of younger agents and

created a fantastic culture and following


their recent far-reaching partnership with

Webster became CEO of the Music Managers Forum in 2007, after two-and-a-half years as

Paradigm Talent Agency in the U.S. they are

“We represent acts as diverse as Take That,

now perfectly placed to deliver a bespoke

Prodigy, Bastille, Disclosure, Ellie Goulding,

Director Of Independent Services at the BPI.

service to their clients that is second to none.

The Libertines, Jess Glynne, Years & Years ,

Many people will remember the large chunk

John Newman, The xx, Jake Bugg and Emeli

of his career spent at Virgin – first in retail

“Coda put their artists and managers front

Sande. That’s just a short list from the top of

from 1975 and then at Virgin Records from

and centre of everything they do and I’m very

my head – but what it also represents is that

1981, where he played a key role in devising

much looking forward to being a part of it.”

exciting times are ahead of us.

the Now! compilations series.

Claire Horseman, Managing Director of Coda

“Anyway I am not sure where Cris left the car

He was appointed MD of Virgin Records in

Music Agency said, “Bringing someone of

and the terrapins died, proving that agents

1988 under Richard Branson.

Sol’s standing into the Coda team further

are the most durable of the reptile species.”

demonstrates our ambition to continue





Music In Shares Manfred Tari

CTS Eventim

media company for the purchase and can be

attempt to renew the pioneering success he

- Bonus For Prosecutors

used by Myticket in form of advertisements

once had when he formed the forerunner of

in print, online and TV-commercials. The

Live Nation in 1998.

Klaus Peter Schulenberg has been at the

previous reported share price was 5.63

centre of investigation by the prosecution

Euro, this time it is 6.07 Euro.

department Munich due to the sale of

Sillerman committed on August 14 that he still intends to de-list the company

52.000 tickets for the Football World Cup

Live Nation

by undertaking a buy-back program of

2006 via black market channels or what

- Revenue Up in Q2

shares for the company. The bidding

certain sources within the industry consider

period therefore has been prolonged until

nowadays as secondary ticketing. The

Live Nation opened the reporting season

October 2.

prosecution department suspected a case

for Q2 results while CTS Eventim and DEAG

of bribery and corruption but according to

will follow at the end of this months. In the

On August 15 the company revealed its

media reports the investigations came to a

second quarter Live Nation has been able

business results for the H1 and Q2 -2015. In

halt after Schulenberg apparently agreed

to grow revenue results from $1,665 up

the first six months of this year the revenue

to pay a lump-sum. According to the trade

to $1.765 bn. The results for the operating

went up from $114.9 to $173.2 million. The

magazine Musikmarkt, the prosecutors did

income have been declared at $42.2 million,

reported net loss has been declared with

not reveal how much money Schulenberg

13 percent less than the one of $55.7 million

$89.5 million, slightly better than the net

paid as this would enable third parties to

in Q2-2014.

loss of $91.3 million in H1-2014.

conclude how much Schulenberg is earning. Furthermore the payment is not a fine,

In the first six months of 2015 (H1 - 2015)

therewith Schulenberg can be not regarded

Live Nation generated turnover of $2.886

as previously convicted.

bn compared to $2.793 in H1-2014. The result for operating income in the current

The share price as last time reported on

reported period is $1f8.3 million, last year it

June 22 was 31.74 Euro, on August 25 it

was $43.4 million.

was 32.18 Euro, just one day after stock markets globally faced a turndown due to

Before the summer break, Vip News

difficulties resulting from the turbulences on

reported a share price of $28.73, in the

the Chinese stock exchanges.

meantime the share went down to $23.98.


SFX Entertainment

- Evaluation Of A Media Investment

- A Financial Tragedy

DEAG announced a media for equity deal

In the June issue Vip News still reported a

for its ticketing subsidy Myticket. The media

share price of $4.46. Now the share is worth

companies Axel Springer SE and Starwatch

$0.85. In a telephone interview with Forbes

Entertainment GmbH as part of the media

Magazine on August 24, company founder

group ProSiebenSat.1 each receive for media

Robert F.X. Sillerman said: “We don’t have

spending 20 percent on mytic myticket AG.

enough time on this call to talk about the

The media volume is supposed to have a

mistakes I made”, affirming that he takes

value of nine million Euro provided by each

“full responsibility” on the misery of his





ARTIST AVAILS Dionne Warwick Territory: Worldwide Period: 2016 Agency: World Entertainment Associates of America, Inc. Agent: John Regna Phone: +1 407 993 4000 E-mail: Homepage:

Sziget festival is the biggest musical and cultural festival in Central Europe–a sevenday multicultural expo offering more than 800 programs on more than 30 venues. Sziget means island in Hungarian and the festival, in addition to being on an island in the heart of Budapest, is an island in the metaphorical sense. Sziget has a unique atmosphere: it is a meeting place, a musical and cultural show, a life-style, an enormous cafe and party place, a place of learning about the world and each other. No matter what style of music you like listening or dancing to, you will find the place of your taste. You can enjoy performances, shows, you can party and dance or just walk around and gaze at the ever-increasing flow of interesting and different people passing by. From the beginning in 1993 until 2001 Sziget’s capacity has grown from 43,000 to over 360,000 over the seven days of the event presenting stars such as Jethro

Noel Gallagher`s High Flying Birds Territory: Europe Period: 2015 Agency: Primary Talent International Agent: Ben Winchester Phone: +44 20 7400 4500 E-mail: Homepage:

BANCO DE GAIA Territory: World incl USA Period: May 2015 onwards Agency: Value Added Talent Agent: Dan Silver Phone: +44 20 7704 9720 E-mail: Homepage:

Tull, Ten Years After, Jefferson Starship, Byrds, Blood, Sweat and Tears, Eric Burdon, Stranglers, Jeff Healey, Clawfinger, Slash, The Bates, Stone Roses, Iggy Pop, The Prodigy, The Levellers, Sonic Youth, Therapy?, Galliano, David Bowie, Apollo 440, Motörhead, Toy Dollz, Rollins Band, Chumbawamba, Faith No More, Foo Fighters, New Model Army, Cardigans, DEUS, Boney M, Shane McGowan, Coolio, Transglobal Underground, Rammstein, Mory Kante, Goldie, Patti Smith, Green Day, Brand

Bo Kaspers Orkester Territory: Worldwide Period: By request Agency: Lifeline Entertainment Agent: Michael Henriksson Phone: + 46 70 632 00 23 E-mail: Homepage:

New Heavies, Kool and the Gang, Suede, Faithless, Guano Apes, Jovanotti, Baaba Maal, Apocalyptica, The Klezmatics, Liquido, Rachid Taha, Paradise Lost, Asian Dub Foundation, Suzanne Vega, Mambo Kurt, The Bloodhound Gang, Lou Reed, HIM, Bad Religion, Oasis, The King, H Blockx, K”s Choice, Bomfunk MC’s, Noir Desir, Run DMC, Fun-Da-Mental, Morcheeba, Leningrad Cowboys, Frestylers, Incognito, Eagle-Eye Cherry, Ash, Placebo.

About Our Company VIP-Booking’s core product is the Internet’s oldest and largest­ database­for the European Live Entertainment Industry­developed as a tool for industry professionals­. Since it’s launch in the year 2000, we have consistently offered our subscribers the very best in database services and now boast subscribers­in over 30 countries.

Alan Parsons Live Project Territory: Worldwide Period: 2016 Agency: World Entertainment Associates of America, Inc. Agent: John Regna Phone: +1 407 993 4000 E-mail: Homepage:

Placido Domingo Jr. Territory: World Tour Period: July 2015 - July 2016 Agency: Totalisimo Agent: Manuel Villegas Phone: +34 670 666 023 E-mail: Homepage: placidodomingojr.html


Today VIP-Booking offers a range of tools for the industry­ – including VIP-News, VIP-Booking, VIP-Book and VIP-Contract. Please visit for further information­. Your comments and suggestions are always appreciated­.

® Dionne Warwick


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