VIP-News Premium - November 2019

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McGowan’s The name Luxembourg always takes me

produced songs and bands, or should I say

Government that the value of the UK music

back to my youth – a long time ago now!

groups, that are still listened to, although

industry has topped £5.2 billion (see report

– in the days when I was first interested in

not on the transistor radios tuned to Radio

in this issue)

music. That was in the sixties, a time that

Luxembourg that we used to smuggle

COLOPHON > VIP-News is published by: Enghaven 19 Attrup 8444 Balle Denmark Managing Director: Ronni Didriksen General Manager: Peter Briggs Writer and editorial: Allan McGowan Writer: Manfred Tari For advertising enquiries please contact: Peter Briggs +46 70 77 60 480 Charlie Presburg +44 (0) 7980 817496



into bed at night. This commercial station

It’s no surprise in these uncertain times

was way ahead of the BBC and the pirate

that there’s more mention of mental health

radio stations and many of us that landed

support both for musicians, show staff

up working in the music industry have

and audience members in these troubled

the DJ’s that broadcast from the Duchy to

times! For instance

thank for that early encouragement. So I’m

has announced that it will have mental

always happy to be invited to take part in

health support staff on hand at more shows,

Sonic Visions, the festival and conference

following trials at recent Ariana Grande and

that takes place framed by the old, and

Little Mix concerts. Earlier this month, various

very impressive, steelworks, in the avenue

music industry and live event organisations

du rock’n’roll no less, opposite the Rockhal

partnered with the charity Music Support

venue -

you can’t get much better sited

to offer discounted places on the Mental

for a music event! Ideal for doing a panel

Health First Aid programme, a training

on ‘Building a Sustainable Music Industry!

course designed to help people recognise

Anyway, see report in this issue.

the signs of mental illness and addiction so

NEC Group Arenas

that they can better support those who are So, back in the UK, life has been pretty

affected by them.

much dominated by politics, last night our current Tory Prime Minister Boris Johnson

Seems the right time to mention Meltdown,

and Opposition Labour Leader carried

the 27th edition of the UK’s longest-running

out a televised debate that left a lot of us

artist-curated music festival will next year

wondering how much worse can things get.

be curated by fashion Music, film and icon

Music business interactions with politicians

Grace Jones, always known for her calm

have included Stormzy calling Tory cabinet

and level approach to things - should be

member an “actual piece of shit” after his


remarks about the victims of the Grenfell Tower disaster, and Prime Minister and ex-

So, as far as my diary tells me, I don’t have

Mayor of London Boris Johnson claiming to

any conferences or other events to go to

be a Clash fan, although he mainly listens to

over the next month, just an upcoming

the Rolling Stones? London Calling? Brexit

General Election, and perhaps a gig or two,

still threatens and politicians still don’t seem

so I’ll stay as relaxed as possible under the

to have any idea of how badly affected

circumstances, and I suggest you do the

the music business will be by leaving the

same. Let me know how your month goes,

EU, much as ex-MP and chief of UK Music

in the meantime Ladies and Gentlemen –

Michael Dugher has pointed out to the Tory

The News!



Sonic Visions Music Lab & Festival 2019 Allan McGowan

This 12th edition of the Luxembourg based event which aims to bring together music industry professionals, film industry professionals, musicians, artists and fans sold out, attracting more than 650 delegates, from music and film industry professionals to bands and artists. 100 professional speakers from all over Europe contributed. Four keynotes featured personalities such as Mac Reynolds (Manager of Imagine Dragons), Pedro Winter (Ed Banger/Justice), Andreas Schoenrock



Sonic Visions


Academy Award® Winner Sylvain Bellemare. develop their projects and find the resources Also 12 panels offered state-of-the-art

they need to further their careers. This year’s

information about the music industry,

program discussed topics like music and film,

as well as, ten practical workshops & 20

artist management, European Networks for

networking events

the music industry and of course handson subjects like Social Media promotion, the different European markets and Sync. Initiatives like INES (Innovation Network of European Showcases), which Sonic Visions is part of, helped to increase the international and European impact of the event. We are really happy about this year’s edition as we

Olivier Toth - CEO Rockhal

had more than 600 delegates attending the conference over the 3 days.”

been successfully developing a sustainable ecosystem for music professionals and

Olivier Toth, CEO of Rockhal commented:

Sam Reinhard

creative entrepreneurs from Luxembourg and from abroad.”

“We’ve created SONIC VISIONS Music Lab & Festival to connect artists, music industry

Concerning the EAA

Sam Reinard, Manager of Rocklab, Sonic

professionals and other relevant creative

Visions Music Lab told VIP News:

industries (film, IT, etc.)

“Sonic Visions Music Lab has become the

The keynotes of renowned international

in the next issue: He commented, We’ve

annual event where the music industry and

experts like Pedro Winter (CEO - Ed Banger,

been working hard on trying to figure out

the creative industries from Luxembourg

Manager - Justice) and Mac Reynolds

what big arenas - Rockhal and much bigger

and the neighbouring regions including

(Manager - Imagine Dragons) aim to

ones throughout Europe - can offer as

France, Belgium and Germany meet. We

inspire and give practical tips to artists and

opportunities for young artists. So, we have

have worked hard on building a strong and

entrepreneurs who want to make a living

created a pilot program called Europact © : a

sustainable network helping artists, music

from their passion and bring their business

branded live performance space to showcase

professionals and creative entrepreneurs to

to the next level. With this event, we’ve

European emerging talent in these venues.

Olivier Toth also introduced plans for a new project which we will cover in more detail




Mick Hucknall receives the German Sustainability Award From VIP-Daily News

The German Sustainability Award`s honorary

history. The new Simply Red album “Blue

platform in Europe to declare demands on

prize to Simply Red singer Mick Hucknall,

Eyed Soul” (2019) adds another chapter to

politics, business, science and society,” says

who together with Radiohead and other

this worldwide success story.

Stefan Lohmann, Artist Relations Manager

representatives of the British music industry

responsible for the international stars and

has declared a climate emergency, is proof of

“For me it is always a special pleasure

live entertainment concept of the German

this. They demand an immediate reaction of

to succeed in inspiring such outstanding

Sustainability Award.

the governments to protect all life on earth.

legends of music history for the activities of the German Sustainability Award. Simply

Mick Hucknall on sustainability and his

The British musician is one of the best-known

Red singer Mick Hucknall`s acceptance of

demands on governments and economy:

soul and pop singers. With Simply Red he has

the award is also a special honour for us.

“This earth is the only home we have and

had worldwide success since 1984 and sold

With Mick Hucknall, Radiohead and many

I am saddened when I see the way we

more than 70 million records worldwide. The

other international artists and a large part

humans neglect the welfare of our planet

breakthrough came with the Manchester

of the British music industry declaring a

and one another. We all need to consider

band`s debut album “Picture Book” (1985),

climate emergency, we have succeeded in

what we can do to bring about change,

followed by countless more successful albums

increasing the pressure on politics and the

particularly governments, industry leaders,

and songs. Hits like “If You Don`t Know Me

economy. Because behind the artists are

and all in positions of power, in order to

By Now” (1989) and “Holding Back The

many millions of fans. And the German

secure a better future for our children.“ Mick

Years” (1995) belong to the classics of music

Sustainability Award is definitely the best

Hucknall – Simply Red

Mick Hucknall




ILMC 2020 And Beyond - Greg Parmley Manfred Tari Slowly but steadily the new year approaches,

But Greg Parmley has much more to tell, and

more business. There were some smash

and as it comes it brings a first overview of

the latest edition of the International Festival

showcases this year, the mood was good,

the upcoming edition of ILMC 2020. Greg

Forum (IFF) appears as good a starting point

and we got away with only the odd rain

Parmley, director of this annual convention

as any…

shower! Coming out of this year, we have a clear plan for the next edition and some

for the live music industry has some new things in mind for the event. Among others

VIP News: For the files: How was the IFF,

ILMC will be expanded and adds a second

what are your observations and findings

conference location.

for this year’s edition?

more changes we want to make... VIP News: For the very first time ILMC 2020 will include a second location.

Besides the long term home of the ILMC,

Greg Parmley: For me personally, it was

Please explain how the Baglioni Hotel

the Royal Garden Hotel, which has for

our best edition yet. We expanded the

will be included in the overall concept

ages served the delegates of this event

space around the main showcase venue,

for ILMC...

with the promise of the most outstanding

Dingwalls, by paying off market stallholders.

food on offer at European music industry

This allowed us to increase numbers a little

Greg Parmley: We’ll be running some

conferences, the closely located Baglioni

to 800 delegates - over 500 festivals and 250

specialist conference sessions there, the

will become an-add on location for this

agents. We introduced several new elements

Dutch Impact night will be hosted in their on

next edition.

as well - all focussed on delegates doing

site club, and the main bar will be exclusive

Greg Parmley - ILMC Director




to ILMC delegates. The Royal Garden Hotel is still where the majority of the action will be, but the Baglioni is just a 3-minute walk from the Royal Garden - it’ll add a lot more meeting space. VIP News: Networking and doing business is a pretty much essential for almost every music industry convention. However, have you discovered any changes in terms of demands and preferences from industry delegates in general? Greg Parmley: Over the last couple of years, we’ve noticed a lot more business being done at ILMC by festivals, and that’s primarily to do with the booking period getting earlier. A few years back, March was

sector almost remains immune to these

continue and more venue projects will come

a tough time in the calendar as the festivals

developments. Nevertheless, “Brexit”

online. The major players will continue

were all booked and no one was working on

is a perfect example of how political

to wrap up more independents, and new

the following year. But with booking getting

developments could have a significant

festival brands will roll out. With emerging

earlier, discussions about headliners have

impact on the economic model of the

tech and increasing production standards,

come full circle - March is increasingly a very

concert industry. Does the live music

the live experience for fans will continue to

key period to do business.

sector need to be more concerned about

improve. Europe boasts many of the most

these kinds of developments?

creative and entrepreneurial leaders in the

VIP News: Can you already let us know

business, and globally more tickets are

about your ideas and plans for the

Greg Parmley: Live music is affected by any

being sold than ever. My expectations are

conference agenda of ILMC 2020?

political upheaval, like all industries, but

very positive!

the reality is that we’re quite far down the Greg Parmley: We have a provisional

pecking order after things like food and

VIP News: Which international live music

schedule mapped out, and I’m honestly

medicine. There’s a huge level of input and

markets do you expect to become more

more excited about this next edition than

communication between bodies like UK

of interest for the live music industry in

any other before it. There is a lot to discuss

Music and the UK Government surrounding

the near future?

at the moment. We announce the main

Brexit though, so the concerns that there

agenda in January, but Futures Forum - our

are, are not being felt passively.

single day format for young executives - will

Greg Parmley: It’s markets that have a high population and a lower amount of

be bigger in 2020, and there’s the new hotel

VIP News: What are your expectations

international touring or show infrastructure.

site to programme as well.

for the European concert industry in

India, Africa, the Middle East - there’s a

2020 and that in the UK?

huge amount of potential worldwide, and

VIP News: Politically and socially we

with music crossing borders faster than ever

see a lot of changes, globally and

Greg Parmley: The influx of capital that

thanks to streaming and social media, new

locally. It looks like that the live music

we’ve seen over the last couple of years will

audiences are emerging.

Need to know who is touring Europe? Go online -







Livekomm Achieves Political Recognition Manfred Tari Politicians are not so different from pop stars. The majority of both

the budget for culture in 2020 up to the record level of 2 billion

groups are highly in love with themselves, highly demanding and

Euros. Simultaneously two politicians of the SPD, who are also both

usually requires a lot to raise their attention. In serious consideration

members of the budget commission, proudly announced that they

of the similarities in the challenges of either booking a pop star or

managed to obtain funding grants for a new trade show of about

gaining awareness by politicians, the German trade organisation

11 million Euro, entitled “Creative Tech Festival Ruhr.” This event

Livekomm has at least now achieved some political awareness.

is supposed to be held in the Ruhr District and is dedicated to the creative industries and includes, guess what, a bit of music, too.

As there is a season for business reports by corporate companies, there is one for political parties. At least this is the case, when governments

So far, so good. But besides the exciting news about budget

determine budgets and the distribution of press releases determining

allocations, LiveKomm the trade body for music venues und festivals

how the agreed budget will be spent. Parties in opposition send out

issued a press release headlined: “First protective measures for music

statements complaining about how the budget is spent, while parties

clubs at federal level in sight?” In detail the news covers the fact that

in governmental power celebrate the genius of how they handle the

the German Bundestag for the first time ever will debate about the

payments of public money.

“classification and recognition of music clubs as cultural institutions and other issues for the protection of cultural areas.”

The first news in the mailbox was the one by the German Green party, besides being in opposition, claiming it as their success that some

Within the press release the organisation reported on a summary

money will be spent for popular music projects and programmes from

of music clubs that have recently closed down: Scandale (Cottbus),

the state budget for culture in 2020

Rosis (Berlin), Damenundherren (Düsseldorf), Essener Studio (Essen), Spritzehaus (Frankfurt), White Rabbit (Freiburg), Kleiner Donner

The next came from committee members of the budget commission

(Hamburg), Schwimmbad-Club (Heidelberg), So&So (Leipzig), MMA

of the Christian Democrats (CDU), who govern in coalition with the

(München), Bogaloo (Pfarrkirchen), Tonstudio (Stuttgart), New

Social Democrats (SPD), highlighting that they agreed to increase

Basement (Wiesbaden) und Butan (Wuppertal.)

LiveKomm Board




Christian Ordon of LiveKomm VIP News asked Christian Ordon, general manager of Livekomm

Ordon: We actually get support from all democratic parties that are

about the meaning of this political approach and his assessment of

interested in multicultural, social and creative spaces. Sometimes,

other political related issues.

however, there are also intra-party conflict issues, such as noise/ sound emissions. Especially with conservative wings of the parties,

VIP News : The political parties “Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen”

it is difficult to talk about topics such as the equality of cultural

(Green Party) and “Die Linke” (Left Wing Party) have put the

institutions, complaints from residents or even drug checking.

question about protection measures for concert clubs on the political agenda of the Bundestag (German Parliament). Please

VIP News: Organisations such as Deutscher Musikrat (German

explain the application of this measure and the expectations

Music Council) or Deutscher Kulturrat (German Council for

you may have for this initiative?

Culture) can still be considered as political hardliners when it comes to the appropriate consideration of issues related to

Christian Ordon: Unfortunately, music venues are not yet appreciated

popular music. On the other hand latest elections results are

and recognised at all levels of administration, Music clubs are

showing strong shifts within the landscape of political parties

sometimes criminalised or equated as “places of entertainment”

in parliaments. Could you imagine that these organisations

alongside “red light establishments” in accordance with the

will make changes in the near future if upcoming elections

Building Utilisation Ordinance. But what is the difference between

cause a different political environment with a perhaps more

a concert hall dedicated to classical music and one dedicated to club

modern approach in terms of culture policies?

culture? What is needed is a clear interdepartmental commitment to music clubs, especially in the Bundestag and in the ministries of the

Ordon: Yes, I think the change is about to happen. Just because of

federal and state governments.

the generational change that these organizations are undergoing. Many pop-socialized people are starting to engage in the

VIP News: The current political settings in Germany for a wide

committees. For my part, there is the wish that we no longer talk

ranging consideration of the challenges such as gentrification

about classical or pop music or even pop culture & high culture, but

or noise emissions that music venues have to deal with these

rather speak here with a uniform concept of culture and consider

days doesn’t seem to be very promising. Whom do you

together how we can further strengthen it. There are already joint

consider as allies and whom as opponents on political levels

projects at the state level, such as support for network building or

for the current projects by Livekomm?

advisory services. It is precisely in these states and councils that the aim is to strengthen rural areas with cultural offerings. And what do we need for this? Experimental spaces to try things out and a sustainable infrastructure. VIP News: The gap of funding between classical music and popular music in Germany is huge, actually it is a very few millions versus some billions. In 2017 The Raad for Cultuur in the Netherlands (Dutch Council for Culture) already came up with the recommendation to support popular music in a similar way to classical music. One of the main arguments for this advice was to supply access to cultural funding equally to all parts of the society according to their cultural preferences. What is your experience when talking to politicians and officials about such topics? Do they realize that ‘inequality’ even in the area of cultural politics is causing current friction in today’s political landscape? Ordon: Personally, I am not a friend of “us against them”, but yes, when we talk about culture, we should be treated equally. Even

Christian Ordon - Photo by Ralf Goebel

though we don’t want to have venues that are fully financed in the funding context, independence is already very important to our




members. Equal treatment also starts at the administrative level or

Sector.” What does this statement means in terms of

with the relaxation of regulations in order to make the everyday life

Livekomm? Do you recognise an internal difference between

of clubs and festivals easier. For example reduced sales tax rates or

commercial companies and non-profit-ventures?

comparable issues. Ordon: No, we have members of every type of business. From But we can also hope for a generational change in this area. The

collectives to the socio-cultural centres to the medium-sized tour

parties are currently looking for solutions to social problems such

operating companies that run venues. But the music is the focus of

as gentrification and urban development policy, increasing social

all members. The fact is, however, that within LiveKomm, like the

isolation, rural depopulation or the shift to the right. (Club) culture can

British or Spanish associations, the largest proportion of members

help here and give recommendations for action or even best practice

are private companies. This does not mean, that they call themselves

approaches. It is clear that the Left and the Greens are closest to us

a cash machine or music business. They see themselves primarily as

in terms of content. But there is also movement in the large popular

cultural institutions. Live DMA is all about the small Grassroot venues,

parties, if that can still be said, as can be seen in some federal states,

driven not by money but by passion. From a business point of view,

where representatives of the CDU/CSU (Christian conservatives) or

you can’t sometimes explain this at all or it makes no sense. But it’s

the SPD (social democrats) are campaigning for the strengthening of

worth protecting.

pop structures. Here we are also in agreement within the EU partner associations and VIP News: On the other hand, concert clubs or the live music

everyone is aware of the other’s differences. We have been a member

sector in general does not use its audience of concertgoers

of Live DMA since 2013. Of course we first had to clarify the situation

or even artists for any political initiatives. Isn’t it about time

in Germany and that we do not have structures like in France or the

to develop joint activities for a better consideration of pop

Netherlands. In the end, we always agree on the goals. The Live DMA

culture on political levels?

does a damn good job and we are proud to be part of it.

Ordon: In any case, currently we are looking for artists/bands to

VIP News: Please explain what is on the agenda of Livekomm

support us in our campaign “Music Is Not Noise” on a European

in 2020?

level. In October 2018, the WHO published noise guidelines for the European Region in which noise was identified as one of the greatest

Ordon: For one thing, the Live 100 funding programme, which we

environmental threats to physical and mental health and well being.

have instigated and which is being implemented by Initiative Musik,

Emissions from live music performances are even equated with

will already start in January 2020. The aim here is to support Grassroot

engine noise. Music is therefore also recreational noise. According

venues and cover the smallest concerts held. That is 200 per concert.

to the WHO, recreational noise includes visits to nightclubs, pubs,

100 for the venue, 100 for the band/artist. For 2020 the government

concerts and music venues. It is clear to us that both the audience

has provided two million Euros. An exciting project, which is unique

and our staff must be protected. However, there are musical genres

so far in the promotion of culture by the federal government.

where the volume is part of the artistic expression, such as Doom metal or Techno. Here the audience knows what they are getting into

At the political level, we would like to try to change the building

when they buy their tickets or they complain to the organizer if the

regulations with a cross-party initiative, so that music clubs with concert

sound is too quiet.

halls and theatres are put on an equal footing under building law.

Unfortunately, the Federal Association of Musicians is still absent

We are also working on concepts for funding programmes for

in Germany. There are numerous associations in Germany that

festivals, comparable with the federal APPLAUS for music venues. Our

deal with the entire environment of the music business or with

working group “Festival Kombinat” is very active on these issues.

their funding structures, such as the BVPOP. There are also “genre representations” like the Union of German Jazz Musicians, but no

At the end of the year we are part of the AGENDA event organised

umbrella organization. That’s a shame, because we need the voice of

by music associations such as the BDKV, the VUT or the BVMI in

the musicians at our side.

cooperation with the Initiative Musik and the GEMA. In 2018 this took place for the first time and we could again address our demands

VIP News: Livekomm is part of LiveDMA, one of the umbrella

directly to the politicians. The overriding goal for all associations,

organisations for music venues in Europe. In fact LiveDMA

however, is the common voice of the music industry in Germany.

just released a political statement regarding, “Securing a Sustainable Future for the European Non-Profit Cultural


You see, it remains exciting!



Iglesias shows cancelled due to fraud From VIP-Daily News Enrique Iglesias has cancelled his upcoming shows in Croatia, Belarus and Latvia. According to Creative Artists Agency (CAA) who represent Iglesias, the reason is a lack of compliance on behalf of promoter Art BG. ‘Sadly and regrettably, after much careful consideration, and exhausting all possible alternatives, we have been forced to cancel the upcoming shows in Zagreb, Riga, and Minsk. ArtBG, the concert tour promoter, producer, and event organizer, have not

Enrique Iglesias

complied nor fulfilled their contractual obligations






According to various news sites a Bulgarian

decided to cover the costs of the concert in

production elements for these three events.

promoter claiming to represent ArtBG has

order to not appear untrustworthy to the

All of this makes it impossible to put on the

scammed ticket buyers, venue operators

Greek public.

show that our fans deserve.

and artists, after posing as local promoter for various markets in Central and Eastern

A press release from Viva reads: “Despite

Safety for our fans and crew is paramount

Europe, and is now on the run. The ArtBG

the success of ticket sales, organizer ART

and we cannot guarantee this for everyone

promoter is currently on the run, with what

BG Greece just weeks ago announced that


insiders estimate to be just short of €1 million

due to financial problems it was unable to

in ticket pre-sale revenue.

proceed with the concert and cover the





obligations. It is simply too big of a risk. Our fans are sacred to us and it is painful

relevant costs. However, ART BG Greece

to have to do this. We hope to find new

Ticketing service Bilesu Serviss stated that

did not provide any information for the

dates in the near future. Together, with

it has approached the local Police in Riga,

returning money from the ticket sales that

vendors and venues, we are devoted to

asking for a legal assessment of this situation

the promoter had collected in full, but

make the responsible party, ArtBG, held

and possible fraud by ArtBG. “Until a reply is

instead used the proceeds for their own

responsible for their actions,” read an official

received from the State Police regarding the

benefit leaving the artist and all the people

announcement from the Iglesias team.

further process, no refund will be made for

who worked for the company unpaid”.

the tickets purchased,” it states.

Bryan Adams

Viva has taken legal action against the Bulgarian




promoter and adds that” in order not

behaviour has also hit Greece according to

to cancel the Bryan Adams concert and

news service Ethnos.

therefore not risk the ticket buyers losing their money or those who had already

Ethnos has reported that promoter ArtBG,

worked for the concert, Viva decided to bear

who were the organizers of both Bryan

the costs and, in collaboration with a new

Adams` Athens concert at OAKA Indoor

promoter, the concert did take place”

Stadium on November 18th and Jose Carrera`s show days after, have stolen

ArtBG started promoting events in 2008 and

the revenue from ticket sales and have

has since then promoted more than 500


shows across Europe, the company has also promoted tours with artists such as Ricky


The Bryan Adams concert was saved at the

Martin, Julio and Enrique Iglesias, Scorpions,

last minute, by ticket company Viva who

Lara Fabian and more.



Successful New Venue Applicant to UK Grassroots Live Music Fund Allan McGowan

VIP News has frequently reported on the efforts made by The Music Venues Trust in the UK to protect the future of many British Clubs and small venues. The MVT has had remarkable success, particularly in the introduction of legislation enforcing the Agent of Change, which had protected many venues that would otherwise have been closed due to noise complaints made by the developers of new housing built near existing venues responsible for addressing noise issues. Perhaps and hopefully MVT and Livekomm could co-operate in efforts to protect the future of live venues?

Also much work has been done to make

a fund specifically to address those needs.

“At Paper Dress Vintage we’re very lucky to

various funds available, including Arts

Like all grassroots music venues across the

be surrounded by so many creative people

Council England’s Supporting Grassroots

country, we’ve received fantastic support

in Hackney, not to mention all the emerging

Live Music Fund. Hackney’s Paper Dress

from Music Venue Trust across the last five

artists who travel from all over the world to

Vintage, located in Hackney, East London

years. They’ve been absolutely fundamental

play on our little stage. We can’t wait to

is the latest successful applicant to Arts

in both making the case for support and

bring even bigger and better shows to you

Council England ‘Supporting Grassroots

in assisting us and other venues to make a

all in 2020 and beyond… Long live MVT

Live Music Fund’.

successful application.

and long live Grassroots Music Venues!”

This leading Grassroots Music Venue will now be carrying out a complete upgrade to sound, lights and accessibility having received a substantial grant. Steve Dix of Paper Dress Vintage says: “We’ve just celebrated our 12th birthday at Paper Dress Vintage and this funding award is the best birthday present we could have wished for - thanks Arts Council, we’re over the bloody moon! We’ll be investing in a new state of the art PA and lighting rig and generally improving our facilities, sprinkling a bit of much-needed investment into our magical little corner of London Borough of Hackney Central. “Grassroots





crying out for this type of investment for years and we’re very grateful that Arts Council England recognised the cultural importance of these venues and created

Steve Dix, Paper Dress Vintage




Value of UK music industry tops £5.2 billion, says UK Music Allan McGowan In its efforts to make clear to the UK

collect data and have developed a new

Government hell-bent on proceeding

definition of what constitutes the core UK

with our removal from the European

music industry”. Newly included in the big

Union, that the UK music industry will

count are music lawyers and accountants,

be irrevocably damaged by Brexit, the

recording studios, and - most significantly

trade body UK Music has put many

- the music retail sector, including the

arguments forward to try and convince


our politicians to see sense, but the

makers and sellers.



Michael Dugher, CEO UK Music


cultural and practical statements don’t seem to be convincing.

In terms of breakdown by strand of the music industry, the group called music creators

However, surely there is one thing that

-which brings together artists, songwriters

usually appeals to many government

and, as of this report, record producers too

members – money! So will the recent

- still has by far the biggest GVA of £2.5

release of highly impressive statements

billion. Live music is then the next biggest

Still, despite the rude health, there remains

outlining the value of the music industry

strand of the business with a GVA of £1.1

work to be done to keep things moving in

have an effect?

billion, a 10% increase on last year’s figures.

the right direction. Obviously. Because that’s

Cross-sector trade body UK Music has

The music rights sector, however, is split

the value of your industry to political types,

updated its big “value of the music industry”

across three strands. The GVA of the

and then present your wish list of reforms

figure, which the lobbying group cleverly

recording industry is £568 million, while for

and initiatives you want from Parliament

calculates each year so that stat-loving

music publishing its £459 million. Then some

and the government. As soon as we have

politicians can then quote it back at them.

of the £402 million allocated to music retail

such a thing.

And the figure is up, up, up: from £4.5

is for monies kept by the retailers on the sale

billion last year to £5.2 billion this year. Partly

of discs, downloads and subscriptions, which

“This is not a time for complacency”,

because of growth across the sector, and

is essentially also music rights income. Put all

added Dugher. “We face many challenges

partly because UK Music has expanded its

that together, and music rights probably out-

to ensure we keep our music industry

definition of the music industry.

performs live.

vibrant, diverse and punching above its

the point of reports like this. Demonstrate

weight. We need to do more to protect This figure is the ‘gross value added’ by the

Other big number stats in the new report

grassroots venues by helping them combat

music business to the wider UK economy.

include music industry export revenues of

soaring business rates. We need to nurture

UK Music compiles it by pulling in data

£2.7 billion, a £4.5 billion contribution to the

the talent pipeline, including by reversing

from across the different strands of the

UK economy from the wider music tourism

the decline of music in education, so that

music industry, and then breaks down the

sector, and an estimate that 190,935 people

children from every background have

resulting stats by those strands. These used

were working in the music industry in 2018.

access to music”.

Music’. The new ‘Music By Numbers’ book

Launching the new report, UK Music boss

And, of course, “we need to make sure that

published today revamps things a little, and

Michael Dugher said: “Our report reveals firm

creators get fair rewards for their content

also includes music tourism data previously

evidence that the British music industry is in

and are not ripped off by big tech. And we

released separately.

great shape and continuing to lead the world.

urgently need to ensure that the impact

The figures are hugely encouraging and

of Brexit doesn’t put in jeopardy the free

In an outline of its methodology, UK Music

show that, as well as enriching the lives of

movement of talent, just at the time when we

notes: “This year ... we have expanded the

millions of people, music makes an incredible

should be looking outwards and backing the

elements of the industry about which we

contribution to the UK’s economy”.

best of British talent right across the world”.

to be shared via a report called ‘Measuring


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Florian Hauss appointed new MD for German Agency Four Artist

ADE Director Mariana Sanchotene is leaving

From VIP-Daily News

From VIP-Daily News Berlin booking agency Four

Mariana Sanchotene will leave the Amsterdam Dance Event

Artists has announced that

Foundation on December 6. The Supervisory Board and Sanchotene

the former managing director

have decided to end their cooperation, but remain on good terms

Alexander Richter will end his

and Sanchotene will continue her career in the cultural sector.

activity after 22 years “at his own request” at the end of

Says Willemijn Maas: “We are indebted to Mariana Sanchotene for

the year.

her full dedication to ADE. We wish her every success in her further career.”

His successor will be Florian Hauss , who has been a member of the Four Artists team for 15 years.

Mariana Sanchotene said: “This has been a special year, where we have worked hard to give ADE the place in the creative sector that it

Hauss began his career first as a tour manager of Die Fantastischen

now has and deserves. I am very proud of it”.

Vier. At Four Artists he successfully established a department for electronic music with well-known DJs such as David Guetta, Fritz

In the past year, ADE has become independent and the moved to

Kalkbrenner and Boys Noize or the Electro Magnetic Festival.

offices in Vondel Park, in Amsterdam with a number of successful long-term partnerships also being established. The Supervisory Board

In addition to the management, Florian Hauss will in future also take

is now looking for a successor to lead the Amsterdam Dance Event,

over the booking for Die Fantastischen Vier from the Berlin-based

which continues to be the most important business platform for

company. Markus Grosse will remain Deputy Managing Director of

electronic music and world’s biggest club festival.

the Four Artists Booking Agency. The 25th edition of Amsterdam Dance Event will take place from Die Fantastischen Vier and Fitz Braum founded Four Artists in 1997.

Wednesday 21 to Sunday 25 October 2020. The Amsterdam Dance

Initially planned as an extended service for the artists of their former

Event (ADE) is organised by the Amsterdam Dance Event Foundation.

music label Four Music, the company grew under the leadership of Alex Richter into a large national and international company.

Founding partner: Buma with support from the Municipality of Amsterdam and VSB Fonds.

Four Artists now has 45 employees at its headquarters in Berlin and represents national artists such as Seeed, Marteria, Scooter, Clueso, Kontra K or Joris as well as international acts such as Wanda, The Lumineers, the Black Eyed Peas or Jimmy Eat World.

Florian Hauss with Die Fantastichen Vier members


Mariana Sanchotene




New Chairman for NKA From VIP-Daily News in this field, and I look forward to taking on the position, says Ivar Chelsom Vogt. Ivar previously served as general manager of Kultur Vest and Borealis festival, and also has organizing experience from a number of festivals and venues. Ivar is also a musician and celebrates this year`s 25th anniversary with his band Real Ones. He has been appointed to the Cultural Council`s selection for organizer and festival support and is a member of the board of Vill Vill Vest and city: Larm. The annual meeting in the Norwegian Concert Promoters Organisation (NKA) for 2019 was held in Stavanger.

- Ivar has solid knowledge of the music industry and an important double expertise with experience from both the organizer and artist

At the meeting a new board was elected, with Ivar Chelsom Vogt

side. That with a new board and the hiring of Nyaling Saidy Kiil we

as new chairman. In addition, the Organizer Policy Platform was

have people with experience from the artist side in both the board

updated with new and important points - including climate and the

and the administration expand our perspectives and are a strength


for us in our work for and with the organizer field, says general manager, Tone Østerdal.

“Some people called the 2019 National Assembly the least dramatic in the history of the organization, but that doesn`t mean important

Other new board members are Therese Østby Haugen, Trym

things were not decided there. Quite the contrary” says general

Grydeland and Åsa Paaske Gulbrandsen. Merete Moum Lo and

manager Tone Østerdal.

Herman Ekle Lund were elected as ordinary board members. Alexandra Archetti Stølen was re-elected for a new term, while

- I am pleased and proud that we have adopted an even clearer

Mariann Bjørnelv (deputy chair), Mia Eriksen and Torgeir Ekeland

Organizer Political Platform, where NKA flags clear ambitions on

(third product) were not up for election.

behalf of both the organizer field and the music industry as a whole. Not least, this is a whole new point about climate and the

We take this opportunity to thank Jon Gotteberg, Bo Terje Hustoft,

environment. Important clarifications were also made related to, for

Thomas Litangen and Limita Lunde for their efforts as board

example, voluntary and policy costs. And of course I have to thank

members of NKA.

the Election Committee and the National Assembly for once again giving us a very competent board.

Ivar Chelsom Vogt

Ivar Chelsom Vogt, Head of Culture at the USF Verftet and artist, was elected new Chairman of the Board. - The live market is growing and concert organizers are playing an increasingly central role in the music industry. At the same time, margins are small and many organizer environments are under pressure. It is important that we as a field work together to ensure a broad, diverse and viable organizer field. NKA is an organization in continuous growth and development, with a membership growth of 13 per cent so far in 2019. It says something about NKA`s relevance, position and opportunity. There is still a lot to work on





Music In Shares Manfred Tari

CTS Eventim - Solid Results and a Sales Story

Eventbrite - Results Lift Share Prices

Earlier this month on November 5, CTS Eventim released preliminary

Eventbrite reported for Q3 a nett revenue of $82.05 million and

business results for the third quarter (Q3) for the ongoing business

a loss per share of $0.36. For the ongoing year the net revenue is

year. With the revenue up nearly twenty per cent (19.7) the company

$244 million with a loss per share of $0.68. The reported net loss

gained a turnover of 378 million Euros in the last three months.

of Q3-2019 is $30.1 million compared to $35.5 million in Q3-2018.

Earnings before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortisation

The reported share price in the October issue was $17.18, for the

increased by 42.3 per cent with an overall result of 65.2 million

current issue it is $19.93...

Euro. The reported revenue for the last nine months increased by 16.5 per cent to 1.07 billion Euros.

DEAG - A Soft Decline But just a few days later on November 14, some remarkable news caused uproar. In December 2015 CTS Eventim CEO Klaus Peter

Last time 4.34, this time 4.25 Euro. Business results for Q3 will be

Schulenberg transferred his holdings in the company of 50.2 per

released at the end of November to be covered in the year end

cent of the share capital towards the KPS Trust. In April 2017 seven

summary due in December.

per cent of those shares have been sold, resulting in the KPS Trust owning 43.2 per cent of the share capital of the company. Part of the the news reported that another 4.37 per cent of the shares

Live Nation - Results Cause Share Price Backlash

bundled within the KPS Trust had been sold, which means that KPS Trust now holds 38.8 per cent of CTS Eventim.

The recently released business report on October 31 revealed a Q3 figure o f $ 3,77 b illion, a s lightly w eaker r esult t han t hat o f Q 3-

Due to this news, the share price shortly came under pressure but

2018 ($3.83 billion). Nevertheless the current results for the first

more or less quickly recovered. The German “Manager Magazin�

nine months of 2019 show an increase from $8.18 to $8.65 billion.

reported that Schulenberg actually aimed to sell more shares but estimated that the proceeds of the transaction could amount to

Apparently investors had hoped for better results. While Vip News

200 million Euros.

reported on October 25 a share price of $67.85, by October 31 the share price had gone up to $70.73. By November 6 the share

On November 20 the share price was 53.75, the previously reported

price had dropped to just $61.37, which is a significant loss, before

share price on October 25 was 51.40 Euro...

recovering again to $68.22...

Spotify - Good Results Driving Share Price With much better results than expected, Spotify cheered up its shareholders. For the first n ine m onths o f 2 019 S potify r eported revenues of $4.9 billion. In the same period last year the revenue was $3.76 billion. The net income results for Q3-2019 is $240 million, the one for nine months instead is only $23 million. Since October, the share price has risen from $118.83 up to $136.97...





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