VIP News Premium - November 2017

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For practical reasons we will not be

both the worst and the best of humanity.

festival’s 50th edition. The ‘Sonar Calling

putting out a December issue this year, so

Many things took place that would be best

GJ273b’ project will take place in two parts,

unbelievably this will be the last VIP News

forgotten but cannot be – it will be essential

with a total of 33 pieces of music, each ten

of the year! I know this is a cliché – but

to stay vigilant in 2018, and to apply all that

seconds in length - being transmitted to

2017 has flown past! It has certainly been

has been learned from the horrors of the last

Luyten’s Star, only 12 light years from us,

an eventful and dramatic year – with far

few months to hopefully see our festivals

making it the closest star to Earth with a

too many disasters besetting the live music

and shows operate safely and our audiences

known potentially habitable exoplanet.

industry. We have certainly been deeply

able to feel as secure as any of us can in

troubled by events that have revealed

admittedly difficult times.

Luyten’s Star is twelve light years away from us, possibly giving aliens time to receive,

Of course the ramifications of this year’s

digest and return their own message within

atrocities continue; just recently a number of

25 years. Let’s hope the ticket touts don’t

new lawsuits have been filed in relation to

jump in creating ‘Close Encounters of the

the mass shooting that occurred at the Route

Secondary Kind!’

91 Harvest festival in Las Vegas last month.

COLOPHON > VIP-News is published by: Enghaven 19 Attrup 8444 Balle Denmark Managing Director: Ronni Didriksen General Manager: Peter Briggs Writer and editorial: Allan McGowan Writer: Manfred Tari For advertising enquiries please contact: Peter Briggs +46 70 77 60 480


Alongside the estate of the gunman, venue

Since we last spoke I was in Luxembourg

owners MGM Resorts International and

for the tenth edition of Sonic Visions (see

promoter Live Nation are defendants in the

report in this issue), now that event has an

cases. Much as more and more efforts are

impressive alien look to it as it is presented

made to add to security measures, obviously

within the huge towering metal structures,

nothing is fool proof, and there are it seems

now unused, that operated the steel

ever more risk factors and responsibilities for

foundries and blast furnaces that used to be

the live industry to contend with.

a huge part of the small country’s economy. Next trip will be in January to Groningen for

But of course there were the good things

Eurosonic Noorderslag, nothing other wordly

too, and there’s no doubt that the business

about this ever expanding Dutch event….. or

continues to develop, with new players and

is there? We’ll report back!

new markets making their marks around the world, and even, in the case of the Sonar

So for those of you that celebrate it, have

Festival, out of this world! The Spanish event

a great Christmas, and if you don’t, enjoy

intends to celebrate its 25th anniversary

whatever holiday you do! We’ll keep

next year by inviting aliens to its 50th! To

worrying about BREXIT and hope that the

mark the occasion, it’s sending music from

budget is kind to the business! (see article in

artists including Jean-Michel Jarre, Autechre,

this issue). Please keep us informed of how

Holly Herndon and Nina Kraviz into space.

things are going with you and your future

If all goes to plan, it is possible that extra-

plans, and in the meantime, Ladies and

terrestrials could RSVP in time for the

Gentlemen – The News!


NOVEMBER 2017 takes over Musicverb From VIP-Daily News







and more sophisticated so taking over

in 2016. In 2017, we wanted to boost that makes sense as we can

growth and attack the market leadership.

now offer clients even more

VIP-Booking has worked in this industry for

powerful services to help them make their

many years, they have great products and

everyday work better, faster and more

they know what they are doing.


Portugal. It has now been taken over by

The clients at will now have

the Danish company, the

Rui Santos Couto, Founder & CEO of

access to an even better service and I’m sure

European market leader for B2B Live Music says: “We grew significantly

they will benefit from this deal.”

Entertainment information. November 24, 2017 – offers a marketing platform used by Live Music Industry professionals in 20 countries, from Brazil to Sweden. It brings email and business intelligence to the Livemusic booking business. is a resident of the Portuguese community “Founders Founders” and it was incubated at UPTEC, the incubator of the University of Porto. has clients in more than 50 countries and has been delivering online tools and data to Live Music Industry professionals for more than 18 years. Clients have access to the largest and most indepth B2B database available with contact details to the agents and managers of more than 19.000 Artists and more than 3.500 European venues. Over the last year has introduced





thousands of artists - a powerful tool


making it easier for Promoters and Agents to measure the interest for an Artist in any given territory. Ronni Didriksen, Founder & CEO of says: “We know that the

- The No 1 Information Resource For The Live Entertainment Industry

Live Music B2B business is becoming more





Cartel Office turn down Four Artists acquisition From VIP-Daily News Ticket marketer CTS Eventim has to shelve its planned acquisition of the concert and event agency Four Artists. The Federal Cartel Office has prohibited the merger of the two companies and justified this with the already dominant position of

has already grown in the past through the

CTS Eventim.

acquisition of various tour operators.

and markets concerts and counts about 300 national and international artists, among

As the provider of the largest ticketing

By acquiring Four Artists, the company

others The Fantastic Four, Clueso, Marteria,

system in Germany, CTS Eventim ranks

would gain control over other relevant ticket

David Guetta, Rea Garvey and Andreas

dominant in the market in Germany.

contingents and further expand its market


“Organizers of concerts or tours depend on

position, “Mundt continued, adding that the

CTS as well as ticket outlets selling tickets.”

antitrust authorities believe that this would

CTS Eventim, which is listed in the MDAX,

Ticket sales also take place through the

be a significant impediment to effective

announced in March its intention to acquire

company`s own online shop Eventim. CTS

competition among the artists represented

Four Artists based in Berlin. A price was not

Eventim has a strong market position and

by Four Artists, for The company organizes


FKP Scorpio Expands Into Norway From VIP-Daily News Band of Horses, Sigur Ros, Arctic Monkeys,

seventh office in Europe, following Austria,

and many more, in Norway.

Sweden, the Netherlands, Denmark and Finland and the main office in Hamburg,

Goldstar AS will end its 12 year run and all


employees will become the new Norwegian team for FKP Scorpio.

– Norway is a fantastic country with a very vivid live music scene. Since Torgeir and his

– For many years Goldstar has been putting

team have been reliable partners for us over

FKP Scorpio will, as of the 1st of January

on quality shows around Norway, but of

many years, it feels like the natural next step

2018, have a Norwegian office based in

course we’ve noticed that it’s harder and

to establish FKP Scorpio Norge together. We


harder to be small and independent. In FKP

share the belief that professionalism and

Scorpio we have found a partner who is a

trustworthiness build strong relationships

The new company, FKP Scorpio Norge

big player but has kept it`s indie mentality

- with artists, fans, managers, venues and

AS, will be run by Torgeir Gullaksen,

over all those years. So we’re very happy to

everyone we work with - , says Folkert

who started Goldstar AS 12 years ago, as

be able to continue doing what we love and

Koopmans, CEO of FKP Scorpio.

executive director.

do best, but now as part of a large European company with similar values to our own, says

FKP Scorpio has grown to be one of Europe’s

The national promoter Goldstar AS has been

Torgeir Gullaksen, founder of Goldstar AS.

biggest live promoters while staying true

organizing concerts with renowned artists

FKP Scorpio was founded in 1990 and is one

to the indie roots that inspired managing

like Queens Of The Stone Age, Bon Iver,

the of the largest players in the live music

partner Folkert Koopmans to found the

The XX, Radiohead, Biffy Clyro, Arcade Fire,

business in Europe. Norway will be the

company 27 years ago.




UK Music Chief Welcomes Budget Measures but Warns of Effects on Music Venues Allan McGowan UK Music chief executive Michael Dugher

He added, “Many venues will feel short-

has reacted to the UK Chancellor’s Budget,

changed by the Chancellor today. We need

having previously called on Philip Hammond

a review of the rates many venues and

to introduce an urgent review of business

studios face if we are to maintain our vibrant

rates in support of music venues and

and diverse music scene. In particular,

recording studios.

the Government must clarify whether smaller music venues will benefit from the

In his Budget, the Chancellor announced

Chancellor’s announcement of an extension

the bringing forward of a planned business

of the pub relief scheme.”

rates’ switch from the Retail Price Index (RPI) to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) by

Other Budget measures were welcomed

two years to April 2018, claiming the move

by Mr. Dugher, although he stressed the

would save companies £2.3 billion.

industry was keen to see more details,

He concluded, “News of a £2 million

saying, “The announcement of a £1.7 billion


However Mr. Dugher warned that this

Transforming Cities Fund to modernise

Department for Digital, Culture, Media

move would do little to help music venues

transport in cities is welcome. Local music

and Sport on the role that “place-based”

and studios, many of which are currently

industries need good transport links to help

culture can play in regeneration and local

struggling to survive. He commented,

grow their audiences and attract touring

growth also sounds promising. But we will





“The Chancellor’s decision to link increases

bands. The promise of extra funding for

need to see the detail to see what benefit it

in business rates to the Consumer Price

Mayoral Combined Authorities of £12

could bring to the music industry. We hope

Index instead of the higher Retail Price

million, as well as new devolution deals with

that the Government will address plans for

Index is welcome, as is his commitment to

West Midlands and North of Tyne, are also

shared parental leave to the self-employed

more frequent revaluations. But this fails

positive news.”

in their forthcoming response to the Taylor

to address the immediate concerns of the

Review on modern employment practices.

music industry where venues and studios

That support should provide the opportunity

We also look forward to the Government’s

are still reeling from rises of up to 118% in

to help develop local music industries under

forthcoming Industrial Strategy White Paper

their rateable value.

the continuing process of devolution.

and trust this will put the creative industries at the forefront.”

Michael Dugher

About UK Music: UK Music is the umbrella organisation which represents the collective interests of the UK’s commercial music industry – from artists, musicians, songwriters and composers, to record labels, music managers, music publishers,




licensing organisations and the live music industry. The members of UK Music are: AIM, BASCA, BPI, FAC, MMF, MPA, MPG, MU, PPL, PRS for Music and the Live Music Group.




Cross-party Support in UK Grows for Proposed New Law to Protect Music Venues Allan McGowan Support at Westminster is mounting for a

He will table his proposed new law next

new law to protect music venues.

month with a debate in the House of

Ed Vaizey

Commons early next year. But Culture Former Culture Minister Ed Vaizey MP and

Secretary Karen Bradley has hinted the

All-Party Parliamentary Group on Music

Government is already actively considering

Chair David Warburton MP have now

his idea.

declared their endorsement. In a question to the Culture Secretary, Mr UK Music is spearheading the campaign

Spellar asked: “In order to progress their

to get the “Agent of Change” principle to

careers, creative artists need lots of work

protect venues enshrined in law.

opportunities. For musicians, that means venues, many of which are now being

The proposed legislation would mean

closed. Will the Secretary of State give

to protect our country’s brilliant grassroots

developers would have to take account

serious consideration to embedding the

venues. These venues are the lifeblood of

of the impact of any new scheme on pre-

agent of change principle into legislation, as

the UK music scene, a source of immense

existing businesses like music venues before

I hope to propose in a ten-minute rule Bill in

pride for communities and a springboard

going with their plans.

the near future?”

for many artists’ success. Adopting agent of change into existing planning laws is







therefore an important step in safeguarding

developer of new flats takes responsibility

the future of these vital platforms.”

for soundproofing to avoid the risk of new neighbours complaining about noise from a

Chairman of the All Party Parliamentary

music venue.

Group on Music, Conservative MP David Warburton said:

The proposals are being brought forward by Labour MP and former Government Minister John Spellar who is leading the fight at Westminster.

“Putting the Agent of Change principle

Karen Bradley

firmly into law is simple common sense. Any new development, whether it’s a residential project near a music venue, or a music

In response, Karen Bradley replied: “We are

venue opening next to properties should

aware of those concerns and we are working

be responsible for the costs of protecting

with the Department for Communities and

against the noise - because they’re the ones

Local Government to look at the proposition

making the change to the environment.

that has been put forward.” It’s crazy that you can build right next door The Agent of Change proposals is attracting

to a music venue and then demand they pay

growing support at Westminster.

for the soundproofing you need. A huge number of popular venues are facing closure

Westminster - The Houses of Parliament

Former Culture Minister Ed Vaizey said: “In

because the law just isn’t working fairly - so

order for our creative industries to continue

it’s now time to make a change and stand

to flourish, it is essential that we do all we can

up for common sense.”





Sonic Visions

Sonic Visions 10th Music Conference & Festival Sonic Visions celebrated its 10th anniversary with a successful

addition to the circuit of the European music conferences and

move to the new festival site at the blast furnaces of Esch – Belval.

showcase festivals.

Within the magnificent setting dominated by the impressive architecture of Luxembourg’s industrial past, three days entirely

Rockhal and Sonic Visions are involved in three important European

dedicated to music entertained a festival crowd of 2000 plus,

projects which made presentations themselves at the conference:

presenting a mix of favourite bands and plenty of new music. Impressive acts included Edsun and the fascinating US/UK group,

• Multipistes, a Greater Region training & education program

Superorganism. The unique atmosphere of Belval’s ancient steel

gathering 5 initiatives and structures from France, Belgium,

factory, illuminated at night by the light show made by the festival

Germany and Luxembourg.

“Nuits des Lampions de Wiltz”, added to the atmosphere and lineup of the three festival stages.

• Liveurope, with the Rockhal as one of its founding members, which aims to support concert venues in their efforts to promote emerging European artists. It has seen a growth of more than

The Music Conference:

35% in its activities over the first three years., and has recently secured another four years of co-funding by the EU Creative

A mix of local and international artists and industry professionals

Europe program.

attended the sold out Sonic Visions music conference which saw

• INES – The Innovation Network for European Showcase Festivals,

more than 500 delegates coming from all over Europe to attend

a project that connects some of the best European showcase

three days of panels, workshops, networking events, keynotes and

festivals with the aim to connect the music markets of the

an opportunity to connect with Luxembourg’s music and creative

participating countries and to provide education and training


for artists and music professionals throughout its members. Sonic Visions is one of the founding members of this project that

With more than 100 speakers from 20 different countries Sonic

receives funding by the Creative Europe program of the EU as one

Visions again proofed to be the leading event for the music scene in

of only 15 large-scale cooperation projects. Activities will start at

Luxembourg and the Greater Region, and has become a confirmed

the beginning of 2018.




Amongst the various panels and workshops two keynotes by Benji Rogers, founder of PledgeMusic and cofounder of the Dot Blockchain Music Project, and Imogen Heap, Grammy award winning artist and founder of music collective and collaboration community Mycelia attracted large attendances. Over the past years I have participated in most editions of Sonic Visions and the event has grown continuously connecting music, technology and the creative industries, fostering creativity and entrepreneurship.

Eurosonic Noorderslag 2018 ESNS festival announcement: 121 acts for Eurosonic and NPO Soul

(is) Holy (se) Hope (de) Husky Loops (it) IAMDDB (gb), IceAge (dk),

and Jazz stage at Noorderslag

IDER (gb), Iguana Death Cult (nl), Isaac Gracie (gb), Jeangu Macrooy (nl), Jesus Chrüsler Supercar (se), Jo Goes Hunting (nl), Kareem

ESNS will take place in Groningen (The Netherlands) from the

Kalokoh (gr), Keir (gb), KO KO MO (fr), Leoniden (de), lilly among

17th to 20th of January 2018. The event hosts showcase festivals

clouds (de), Lomboy (be), Luwten (nl), Lysistrata (fr), Malihini (it),

Eurosonic and Noorderslag, a music conference and several awards

Marlene (se), Mateusz Franczak (pl), Millionaire (be), Milo Meskens


(be), Mogli (de), MOLÉCULE Live (fr), Monolithe Noir (be), Museless (es), MY BABY (nl), MYRKUR: Folkesange (dk), Never Sol (cz), One

Confirmed for Eurosonic:

Sentence. Supervisor (ch), Paceshifters (nl), Pale Grey (be), Pale Waves (gb), Panivalkova (ua), Pip Blom (nl), Polo & Pan live (fr), Pom

Ace Tee & Kwam.E (de), Afterpartees (nl), Alfa Mist (gb), Altin Gün

Poko (no), Raoul Vignal (fr), Robocobra Quartet (ie), Roméo Elvis x

(nl), Amanda Delara (no), Astroid Boys (gb), Austinn (lu), AVEC (at),

Le Motel (be), Sälen (gb), Sheep Got Waxed (lt), Sônge (fr), Spoil

aYia (is), Belau (hu), Bergfilm (de), Binkbeats (nl), Black Snake Moan

Engine (be), Suff Daddy & The Lunch Birds (de), Super Besse (by),

(it), Blackberries (de), Blind Butcher (ch), Bowrain (si), Broen (no),

Super Parquet (fr), Surma (pt), Témé Tan (be), Terra Profonda (hu),

Bruno Belissimo (it), Callum Beattie (gb), Cari Cari (at), Chapelier

The Cool Quest (nl), The Dawn Brothers (nl), The Zephyr Bones (es),

Fou (fr), Chelou (gb), Colin Benders (nl), Curtis Alto (be), Dakota (nl),

TheColorGrey (be), Theodore (gr), THIRSTY EYES (at), Tolstoys (sk),

Darling West (no), Death Alley (nl), Dewolff (nl), Diablo Blvd (be),

Tom Grennan (gb), Tom Tripp (gb), Tom Walker (gb), Tontario (fi),

Dinamarca (se), Dope Calypso (hu), Echo Collective (be), Elizabete

Transylvania [Damn Fun] (ro), VUUR (nl), VRWRK (be), Walking Dead

Bal?us (lv), Emma Bale (be), Equal Idiots (be), Erotic Market (fr),

On Broadway (de), Warmdusher (gb), Will Heard (gb), WWWater

Faces on TV (be), Fenne Lily (gb), Fred Well (no) George FitzGerald

(be), Yxng Bane (gb), Zulu Zulu (es).

(gb) Gizmo Varillas (es) Great News (no) Gruppo Di Pawlowski (be) HAEVN (nl) Hak Baker (gb) HÅN (it) Hey Elbow (se) HMLTD (gb) Högni

Danish punkband Iceage will perform at Eurosonic

Confirmed for Noorderslag: NPO Soul and Jazz will host a stage at the Noorderslag festival, 20 January 2018. The performing acts were announced on Dutch national radio, NPO Radio 2. THE HOWLIN’ (nl), De Raad van Toezicht (nl), Arp Frique (nl), Kim Hoorweg (nl) en Rilan & the Bombardiers (nl). About ESNS ESNS (Eurosonic Noorderslag) is the place to discover and access the very best emerging European music talent. The event has a proven track record of helping to break new acts on the international music




scene, with now well-known names such as Alma, Ásgeir, Aurora,

all over the city of Groningen as well as offering a comprehensive

Dua Lipa, Hozier, HER, Mø, My Baby, Rejjie Snow, Lost Frequencies,

and focused conference programme of around 150 panels and

Roosevelt, Royal Blood, Seinabo Sey and Vök, having played at ESNS

keynotes. The event also hosts multiple networking opportunities,

as up and coming talents. The B2B side of the event attracts more

annual meetings by music associations, pitch sessions, dinners,

than 4,000 entertainment industry professionals from all sections

parties and dedicated areas featuring the very latest thinking and

of the industry, including representatives of over 400 European

technical innovation in the music, media, interactive and production

festivals, managers, agents, publishers, labels, tech companies and

industries. At this year’s edition Denmark will be the ESNS focus

event suppliers. Each year, ESNS stages more than 350 showcases


International Live Music Conference Announces 30th anniversary edition Organisers of the International Live Music

to our continued partnership with the

Conference (ILMC) have launched the

leading conference for live entertainment.”

event’s 30th anniversary edition, with a raft of the industry’s top companies lining up in

“It’s great to have a conference that’s as


inspiring and forward thinking as the live entertainment industry as a whole,” says

The invitation-only conference will see

chairman and CEO of CTS Eventim Klaus-

over 1,000 key decision-makers from 60+

Peter Schulenberg.

countries head to London for four days of close encounters that probe the business of live music.

Having sold out in advance for over a Companies supporting ILMC 30 include Live

decade, delegates at ILMC include booking

Nation, Ticketmaster, CTS Eventim, DEAG,

agents, promoters, festival organisers, venue

“With its ongoing mission to maintain peace

Showsec, Malaysia Major Events, AirX,

operators and related professionals. Within

and harmony among the live music worlds,

Eventbrite, United Talent Agency, WME

the schedule, the Arthur Awards – the live

ILMC 30 will feature more meetings, events,

Entertainment, eps, Emporium Presents,

music industry’s equivalent of the Oscars –

networking and out of body experiences

Feld Entertainment, Green Copper and

will be presented during a Gala Dinner at

than ever,” says conference head Greg

Buma Cultuur.

8Northumberland on Thursday 8 March.

Mark Yovich, president of Ticketmaster

ILMC will take place from 6-9 March

ILMC returns to its new mid-week format in

International says: “ILMC’s support of

2018. The new website, which calls on

2018, and plans to celebrate its milestone

the leaders and decision-makers within

otherworldly inhabitants of the live music

edition include a UFO-themed Blast-off

the world of live entertainment is vital to

universe to congregate at the top secret

party on Tuesday 6 March with many from

ensuring continued success for the industry

Royal Garden HQ space base in Kensington,

the wider music business invited.

as a whole. Ticketmaster is looking forward

is live here.


Need to know who is touring Europe?


Go online -




The Great Escape Although the event itself doesn’t actually take place until next May in Brighton. The Great Escape kicked off in London between 21-23 November, presenting acts booked to take part in TGE 2018 under the title of FIRST FIFTY. The festival, now in its 13th year, announced Mist and Mostack as its spotlight show and reveals more artists, including Pale Waves, Girlhood, Grace Carter, FEET, Bad Gyal and Naaz among acts playing in 2018 Full artist list so far announced: ÁINE CAHILL / AMA LOU / AWATE / BAD GYAL / BENNY MAILS / CITY CALM DOWN / COIN / DAN STOCK / DENZEL HIMSELF / DREAM STATE / EBENEZER / FEET / FREAK / FRED WELL / GIRLHOOD / GRACE CARTER / HAK BAKER / HOTEL LUX / HUNTER & THE BEAR / JERRY WILLIAMS / JOY CROOKES / KATIE VON SCHLEICHER / KING NUN / KOPS / LEWIS CAPALDI / LOVE SSEGA / MAISIE PETERS / MANSIONAIR / MIKAELA DAVIS / M.I.L.K / MIST / MONCRIEFF / MOSTACK / NAAZ / PALE WAVES / PARTNER / PITOU / PROMISELAND / RUBY EMPRESS / S4U / SAM FENDER / SAY SUE ME / SPORTS TEAM / STELLA DONNELLY / STEREO HONEY / TAMINO / TEN TONNES / THE NINTH WAVE / THE ORIELLES / VALERAS / WILD FRONT

Denzel Himself

Say Sue Me


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Review of the Year Allan McGowan We will be taking a break in December – we

hope that many of our readers have had

know you’ll all miss us, but we’ll be back to

some good fortune and that the rest of this

help you come to terms with whatever 2018

year continues to be successful for those

decides to throw at us! – So, as this will

who have done well, and that in general

actually be the last News of the year, time

everything improves for all! What were the highlights of your year, and

we thought for a review! We asked a couple of VIP regulars to let all

what are your conclusions regarding the

As we all know the international live

our readers know how things have been for

state of the business in general? Also, please

music industry once again underwent a

them and their Companies by responding

let us know your outlook and expectations

challenging business year in 2017, but we

briefly to the following questions:

for 2018.

Okan Tombulca: Managing Director eps holding 2017 was a year with many fantastic

had a successful start in Great Britain with

worldwide tours by Guns’ N Roses, Depeche

our new subsidiary eps UK since spring. And

Mode, Coldplay and Robbie Williams. One

we are proud to be the exclusive supplier

of the highlights was certainly the European

of floor coverings for the Olympic Stadium

kick-off tour concert of the Rolling Stones

London for the next five years.

in Hamburg, where we built a complete open air venue for more than 82,000

Despite the football World Cup coming

visitors - including 25,608 grandstand

up, the tour schedule for next year is full

seats - in the middle of the city. From the

again. Internationally Ed Sheeran is currently

general business point of view, it was a

breaking many records, while Helene Fischer

very successful year, especially as we were

is one of the top acts in GSA. In addition,

able to launch numerous new products: the

there are further shows of Guns’ N Roses,

new eps Pro turf protection system, special

Taylor Swift and the Toten Hosen as well as

barricade pieces for tours like Adele and

many sport events like the Commonwealth

on the international market - especially to

Take That, the mobile pedestrian bridges

Games and many festivals, including the

support the growing security requirements.

EventBridges, as well as the mobile light

come back of “Rockavaria” in Munich.

This includes the mobile vehicle barrier

poles Powermoon® and Hydro Power Cube.

We are also looking forward to launching

for outdoor events, which we have just

We are also very pleased that we have also

numerous new innovations and products

introduced in the USA.

Okan Tombulca

Thorsten Seif: MD Buback Konzerte We had a successful 2017; with our

We have a long-term relationship with

longstanding act Beginner, one of the

acts like Beginner, Jan Delay, Samy Deluxe

biggest German hip hop groups, played a

and many more. Our company has grown

sold-out arena tour throughout GAS with

consistently together with these artists,

more than 10.0000 fans.

which helps us to bring newcomers into the market and build them up from scratch.

Thorsten Seif


Also the sold-out farewell tour of our act Irie

Nevertheless we experience the challenges

Revolties definitely belongs to the highlights

everyone else does, but we are confident, as

of 2017. Throughout GAS more than 75.000

people will always love shows with passion

fans attended these shows.

and credibility.



Buback Konzerte booked four Deichkind-

summer. The follow up headline-tour will

Festivals with more than 55.000 fans in

take place in fall 2018.

2018. Deichkind is definitely one of the best selling artists in Germany and can be seen as

We are focussing on many younger artists

the Blue Man Group of German old school

in 2018. With Zugegogen, Maskulin, Die

rap. They also headlined the World-Club-

Sauna, Bengio and Chefboss long tours and

Dome in Frankfurt, which is the biggest

festival appearances are already planned

indoor rave festival worldwide.

and booked.

Next year Beginner are going to play a new


arena tour. Furthermore they are going to

Hamburg Buback Konzerte is focussing on

headline several summer festivals. For their

international female artists playing several

arena tour our artist Samy Deluxe will appear

venues in Hamburg. The preparations are

as special guest, and will record an MTV

ongoing and more information will be

Unplugged show which will be released late

available soon.






Martin Goldschmidt - Chairman - Cooking Vinyl Group The biggest musical event in my life in the last 5 years was the

teenagers and they told us many stories that gave us a hint of what

first Palestine music expo (PMX). Without the support from family,

life in the camp is like. The walls were riddled with holes from bullets

friends and my network it wouldn’t have happened.

and grenades. Everywhere were posters to remember people who


had been killed. Some of the stories were of the Israeli army, others were of the challenges living in Palestine, others were about the

The most moving story of PMX 2017 started in Qalandia refugee

refugee camp internal laws and codes.

camp. 30 minutes by car from Tel Aviv is Qalandia checkpoint, the main entry point through the wall to the West Bank.

At one point we passed were passing a shop in the camp. The owner stopped us and insisted on giving all us Arabic coffee and falafel. He

50 yards from the checkpoint, is the refugee camp. My son and I

wouldn’t accept payment and smiled. It was a tough place but we

were in a group of 15 PMX delegates from the international music

were always met with smiles and hospitality.

industry to see around the camp. Our guides were 3 very eloquent The tour ended in a small hot dusty room, beneath a funeral parlour just 50 yards from the checkpoint. It had a mic and a couple of speakers. They started rapping. It was electric. We fell in love with them. We decided to give them their first gig, a slot on the main stage at PMX (April 2017). By the end of the show they had a booking agent and were booked for a festival in Switzerland!!! They had never left the West Bank before. In June Saleek were the hit of Bad Born Kilby festival. Help Music and the Music Industry inspire positive changes.

Martin Goldschmidt

As for 2018, overall the business climate feels very positive and the political chaos is stimulating some very exciting music.




Ernst Ludwig Hartz - MD of ELH Promotion Gmbh The highlight of the year for me was

Ernst Ludwig Hartz

being 40 years in the business and our Open Air concerts at Kunst!Rasen in the Beethoventown of Bonn - Andreas Bourani, Jean-Michel Jarre and Zucchero. The business is getting harder every year when you are independent. Also more Open Air Concerts every year but less headliner! For 2018 it looks like we have got our best season for the seventh year of Kunst!Rasen. Also ticket prices and artist fees will still rise…!

Signe Lopdrup – Director, Roskilde Festival We are very pleased with this year’s

adjustments each year, and this year we

of potential ticket buyers. The growing

edition. It was once again completely sold

made more visible changes than we usually

competition means that you have to

out, which means we’ll be able to donate

do, such as additional road blocks and

consider what can make your festival stand

a substantial sum of money to social and

more police at strategic places. Some of the

out, but if you get it right and nurture the

cultural charities. We had 180 acts playing

precautions are not very visible in nature,

profile and the connection with the fans,

to an audience from all over the world,

but there is a lot going on behind the lines

you can still build strong new festivals. Or

celebrating diversity and togetherness for

and we focus on a strong dialogue with

in our case maintain a unique position in the

a full week, and as pointed out by many

the authorities that we have built excellent

festival market.

guests and medias alike there were many of

relationships with over the years.

these very special and touching moments in

The planning for 2018 is coming along nicely,

front of our stages and around the festival

In 2017 we had more rain than we have

the first 20+ acts have been announced to


experienced in many years, but we do

much praise from the festivalgoers and we

have a lot of experience in the field and

are on sale with all tickets including a new

2017 was also the year where we increased

have worked with the city on getting the

subscription-like smart-ticket that seems

our security arrangements in response to

festival ground drained, having good roads

to be very popular already. We will put a

the terrorism threat. We really can’t stress

for supply so we do not have to drive on

lot of work into integrating our Music and

enough that the safety and well-being of

the grass with heavy machinery and so on

Arts programme, so expect to see more

our guests is our top priority. We make

– at the end we managed to secure a good

experiments in this field as well.

festival experience despite of the weather.

Signe Lopdrup

We are presenting a new cooperation with A lot has happened over the past few years

Meyer Sound in which we not only get their

in terms of new festivals, booking, security

world class equipment but also plan to

and much more. New festivals are still

form an academy for high-level training for

popping up all over the place, both boutique

technicians throughout the year.

and larger ones. So far we haven’t reached


saturation point, and we will most likely see

The one thing we cannot control is of course

more investments and ownership changes

the weather, but as described we managed

in the next few years. But more people than

to deal with the rain in 2017, so rain or shine,

ever, from many different demographics,

we will be ready to welcome everyone to a

are attending festivals, so there are plenty

new great edition next Summer.



German Concert promoters Set out Future Course for Industry Allan McGowan Members





Association of the Events Industry (bdv) met on Wednesday 17. November in Berlin for this year’s annual meeting, with the theme of the future direction of the industry taking centre stage. The board were able to report upon a wide range of important directional decisions. These included the long‐term collective labour agreement solution which was

bdv MV Impression Foto: Daniel Braun

concluded with GEMA (Society for Musical Performing and Mechanical Reproduction Rights) in October, both of the first rates legislated by the association’s own copyright

association, later leading onto the inaugural

relation to local promoters in recent years.

collective the GWVR (Society for the

meeting of the BDKV.

Both Schwarz and Semmelmann explained

Safeguard of Organisers‘ Rights), as well as

that their companies increasingly had to

the internal agreement concluded between

Another central theme in Berlin was the

organise large events in big cities alone,

the bdv and the VDKD (Association of the

discussion of appropriate action against

without assigning a local partner to the

Event Trade). With the general framework

the rise of illegal ticket reselling. Members

project. They added that the increased

for the planned merger of both associations,

decided to call upon politicians to address

costs of engaging a local partner needed

significant foundations for the future of the

possible regulations against commercial

to be justified by a corresponding increase

industry were laid in 2017.

ticket reselling. In the short term, the bdv

in value. Matt Schwarz indicated that it can

also wants to start an engaging public

be problematic when a local partner is not



campaign to highlight to consumers the

just simply a service provider, but also a

VDKD merger reports with great interest.




risks and effects of ticket scalping. Michow

promoter and therefore also a competitor.

Against this backdrop, and with only one

added: “Any regulatory framework must

Lohmann, Schacke and Doll illustrated the

abstention and no opposing votes, the

ultimately result in legal prohibition, as is

ways in which their companies had already

members decided to move forward with

already being pursued in France and other

adapted to these new challenges.

the merger. Mr. Michow, president of the

EU member states, for example.”

bdv, reported: “The merger contract will



A further panel discussion dealt with the

be concluded by the boards over the course

conference, which begins with internal

market position of performer agencies in

of the following year and will come into

addresses, with a public event in the

the age of the internet. Michael Angerer

force on 1 July 2018 for legal reasons. The

afternoon, moderated by NDR journalist

(Nord‐Süd‐ Programm), Dr. Stefan Anowski

future BDKV (German Federal Association

Jan Hendrik Beck. The highlight was a

(Michow Concerts Entertainment), Hilmar

of the Events and Concert Industry) will

panel discussion entitled “Localisation –

Körzinger (Kulturgipfel), Joachim Rudolf

be created from this merger. This will only

Challenges in Times of Radical Change”

(Event Company Nord) and Dieter Schubert

leave ratification at a joint meeting of the

The round table with bdv members Matt

(a.s.s. concerts) concluded that within the

associations, which should be a formality in

Schwarz (Live Nation), Dieter Semmelmann

event industry economic success was also

light of the resolution decisions taken up to



dependent on offering more than just the

this point.“ The final assemblies of the bdv

(Hannover Concerts), Michael Schacke

finalisation of a contract with an artist. It is

and the VDKD will take place in autumn



also vital that the promoter is also offered a

2018 in Hamburg, the location of the future

Concerts) underlined the drastic change in

comprehensive package. The client needs to




Concerts), and


Michael Christian





be fully aware that the consultancy service provided by the agency is worth the money.

Podium ‘Der Örtliche’ Foto: Daniel Braun

The event continued with numerous other agenda items, including, amongst others, the direct licensing of author’s rights, the fiscal treatment of complimentary ticketing, a presentation of the new wage agreement with GEMA, as well as the initial GWVR rates. As a perfect end to an informative (and equally exhausting) day, bdv members were then able to relax at a gala buffet organised by CTS EVENTIM. President Michow was upbeat as he

above and beyond the daily work of the

bdv represents the most important

summarised the day: “The continued bdv

association, as well as talks from experts

economic sector (alongside the book

concept has once again proved itself this

and interesting panel discussions. The

trade) of the national cultural and

year by replacing conventional formalities

time, cost and effort required to get to the

creative industry. With over 120 million

(which become more and more tedious for

conference has to be worth it. I have the

tickets sold in 2013, the German events

members) with reports and information

feeling that we were once again able to

industry achieved a total turnover of

on current themes and trends which go

surpass all expectations.”

around 3.8 billion euros.




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Glasgow’s TRNSMT to Extend to Two Weekends in 2018 Allan McGowan The TRNSMT festival, launched earlier this year as an alternative event to T In The Park,

The TRNSMT festival

will return to Glasgow across two weekends in 2018. TRNSMT - which is produced by Live Nation’s DF Concerts - will consist of a conventional three-day festival one weekend (29 Jun-1 Jul), and then some standalone shows at the same Glasgow Green site a week later (6+8 Jul). The scheduling is similar to the London-based All Points East festival that is being launched by AEG next year.

DF Concerts boss Geoff Ellis told reporters:

additional festival aspects TRNSMT has to

“After such a successful first year in 2017,

offer, so stay tuned!”

we’re absolutely delighted to extend the transmissions at TRNSMT Festival into two

Supporting the event, the leader of Glasgow

weekends to better the experience for the

City Council, Susan Aitken, commented:

amazing TRNSMT fans next year”.

“Cultural tourism is extremely important to us and a festival, held in the city’s premier

Geoff Ellis

Continuing, Ellis added: “We’re bringing

events space at Glasgow Green, will play a

even more of the best artists from around

key role in bringing people to the city from

the world to Glasgow Green and making

all over Scotland and further afield. That is

sure Glasgow is the place to be this summer.

not only good news for the thousands of

The event is now established at the heart

people who will enjoy the event; but for

of the Scottish music calendar and we are

hundreds of city businesses in the tourism,

looking forward to announcing the line-

leisure and hospitality sectors that support

up for both weekends soon, as well as the

thousands of jobs”.

New Supporters for Music Venue Trust’s Work Allan McGowan Music Venue Trust is proud to announce 5

can work together to protect and improve

new patrons who have added their voices

these vital venues, keynote speaker Steve

to support the charity’s work to secure the

Lamacq (BBC Radio 6 Music) and panellists

long-term future of the UK’s grassroots

Charlotte Brimner (Be Charlotte) and Rhoda

music venue circuit. Following October’s

Dakar agreed to become charity patrons.

Venues Day 2017 event, which had a focus

They join Elbow and Bright Light Bright Light

on artists and venues exploring how they

in endorsing MVT’s work.

Charlotte Brimner




Guy Garvey from Elbow said, “Without these

Guy Garvey

pubs and clubs, musicians don’t develop. They don’t get a taste of what it would be like to live as a full-time musician. And without musicians you’ve got no new music and without new music it’s a very bland and shitty world. So that’s why we support Music Venue Trust. Because everyone needs a place to start out and you also need to learn how to be in an audience and a lot of small venues are the first ones that people visit as a music lover.” Rhoda Dakar, a musician with many years’ experience of performing live as a solo artist, DJ and as part of bands such as The Bodysnatchers and Special AKA, said “Popular music is an art form. Until it starts to take itself seriously as such, on a par with theatre, opera and classical music, it is unlikely to be deemed so by others. I have been performing in public since the 1960s. I may have picked up a thing or two along the way. I try to put on a very good show. However, venue facilities are often woefully short of what is on offer in Europe. The industry has made money, but this has almost never been reinvested into the grassroots. And there’s absolutely nothing

Rhoda Dakar

from the Arts Council. We trade on the

come away feeling engaged and inspired.

cultural capital of popular music, but seem

Every community wants a place that it can

to feel musicians do better if mistreated. I’m

be proud of. Somewhere which represents

still offered sub-standard dressing rooms, as


if it were some sort of rite of passage. Give us the opportunity to do good work and we

There’s all this amazing music and art, which


needs a place to go. It might be new music, it might be niche music, but it deserves to

Steve Lamacq has been a long-term supporter

be seen and heard. I think it’s critical that

of Music Venue Trust, contributing to Venues

we encourage people who go against the

Day for the last 3 years. A film of this year’s

grain or experiment and give them a space.

keynote speech was watched 9,500 times

I applaud the Music Venue Trust for taking

on MVT’s Facebook pages, reducing many

on this job. Socially, culturally, creatively, we

to tears as he spoke with passion about the

need venues. There are thousands of bands

social and cultural importance of feeling a

out there and thousands of music fans

part of venues such as The Square in Harlow

who’ve had their lives changed by going to

(now closed) as a young person. “Every

grassroots music venues. Let’s never stop

town should have a variety of places where

remembering how important they are.”

people can go. Every town should have


somewhere independent of thought and

Visit to read

spirit to provide an alternative place where

full testimonials from all of Music Venue

people can meet and make new friends, and

Trust’s patrons.



Continental Concerts Re-introduce the Headbangers Ball Manfred Tari Only a handful of entertainment formats

heydays of MTV, a TV-Station meanwhile

package will go on tour in countries such as

are really able to endure, as the current

replaced by Youtube. Dedicated to metal

the Czech Republic, France, Italy, Belgium,

best-case normality of life time cycles in

music, Continental Concerts have managed

Germany Austria and Switzerland.

these days equates to the release date of

to revamp this format as a touring format.

each new iPhone generation. With artists such as the former Sepultura-

More information can be found on

Headbangers Ball used to be a popular TV-

members Max and Iggor Cavalera, Overkill,

format far way back in the eighties in the






Class Action Law Suit Follows Las Vegas Shooting Manfred Tari The tragic terror attack on the country

The hotel operator of Mandalay and its

heavy weapons from the 32nd floor of the

festival in Las Vegas has resulted in two

owner company MGM Resort International

Mandala Bay Hotel.

lawyers filing class action law suits against

are being accused of carelessness, enabling

Live Nation and two hotel chains in the US.

the attacker to use his room to store an arsenal of weapons and to install video

The lawyers Mo Aziz and Chad Pinkerton both





cameras for his protection.

Law suit against Las Vegas venues


companies failing to provide enough

On October 1st the pensioner Stephen

emergency exits as well as not training

Paddock shot and killed 58 concertgoers,

their staff sufficiently enough to handle

and injured many others attending the

the situation on the site.

Route 91 Harvest Music festival when firing

Digital Music Europe Lobby Office Launched Manfred Tari As yet the live music sector has still not got

Brussels. Olivia Regnier, who, since 1996,

together to set up any proper lobby body

previously worked for the IFPI branch in

in Brussels or Washington. Now the likes

Brussels before moving earlier this year to

of Deezer, Spotify and Soundclould have

Spotify, heads the office. Digital issues are

shown how to go about this.

high on the political agenda in the European

Olivia Regnier

capital and it is quite obvious that the main The operators of digital music platforms

players in this business field have strong

have joined forces and launched the

interests in getting their message across to

lobby organisation Digital Music Europe in

the ears of the law makers in charge.





Live Nation Sweden appoints new MD`s From VIP-Daily News Live Nation Sweden has announced the

complementary skill set that Anna and

Depeche Mode and the Rolling Stones.

promotion of its head promoter, Anna

Therése will bring to their roles as managing

The Stockholm-based company also owns

Sjölund, and director of marketing and

directors is unparalleled. Together they will


Nordic partnerships, Therése Liljedahl, as

continue to grow the business that Thomas

Way Out West (through subsidiary Luger)

joint managing directors.

[Johansson] and Carl [Pernow] have built

and Sweden Rock, which it bought last

and take Live Nation Sweden into the


Both Sjölund and Liljedahl, who commence their








Sjölund comments: “I have spent the

retain elements of their previous roles:

Carl Pernow, now Live Nation’s president

majority of my career at Live Nation and had

Sjölund remains head promoter, overseeing

of Nordics, adds: “I am pleased to hand

the opportunity to grow together with the



over the leadership of Live Nation Sweden

business. I am excited to be able to continue

and festivals, while Liljedahl will retain




to two exemplary leaders within their

my journey in this new role and look forward

responsibility for commercial partnerships in

respective areas. I look forward to further

to what is ahead.”

the Nordics while also managing Live Nation

developing the Nordic business with Anna,

Sweden’s marketing, partnership, finance,

Therése and our Nordic colleagues.”

administration and HR functions.

“I’m honoured to have been given this opportunity,”





The appointments follow a bumper 2017

forward to taking the next step at Live

John Reid, president of concerts for Live

for LN Sweden, with concert successes

Nation Sweden together with Anna and my

Nation Europe, says: “The combined and

including Guns N’ Roses, Coldplay, Metallica,

fantastic colleagues.”

Anna Sjölund & Therése Liljdahl






New talent buyer for London venues

Clementine Bunel joins Coda Agency

From VIP-Daily News

From VIP-Daily News

DHP Family has brought in Matthew Cook as London venue programmer for DHP’s venues

Clementine Bunel has departed ATC Live

in the capital – Oslo (Hackney), The Garage (Islington); Thousand Island (Islington) and

and joined Coda Agency.

Borderline (Soho). According to industry magazine IQ, Bunel Some of his experience includes delivering music programmes for The ICA, Brighton Dome

started her new job last week and is taking

and Festival, Hackney Empire, House of Vans, Soundcrash and Warwick Arts Centre. He has

a number of acts on her roster to Coda.

worked with artists such as Florence and the Machine and Arcade Fire as well as collaborating with The Great Escape, Barbican, Southbank Centre, Roundhouse and others to deliver a

Before joining ATC in 2015, Bunel had her

variety of creative projects throughout his career.

own successful agency, 2 For the Road Events Ltd, which combined a booking

Drawing on his specialist knowledge of contemporary music, venues and festivals, Cook will

agency, promoter and creative production

lead on music programming at the London venues and build on relationships with sponsors


and non-music events. Brunel told IQ: “I’m very excited to work with Cook commented: “I’m very excited to join the team at DHP and programming four of

the likes of Natasha Bent, Rob Challice, Tom

London’s best live music venues. I first came into contact with the DHP team a few years ago

Schroeder and Alex Hardee and all the other

when we presented Bonnie Prince Billie at Hackney Empire. They were a pleasure to work

amazing agents around the world at Coda

with and it was a phenomenal show.

and Paradigm and I look forward to being part of such a forward thinking company

“I’m looking forward to steering the programme of such iconic and diverse venues as Oslo,

and using their resources to enhance the

The Garage, Thousand Island and Borderline and I am especially grateful for the opportunity

services I can offer to my artist clients.”

to contribute to London’s live music scene at such a crucial time. Music is London’s lifeblood and these venues play a key role in sustaining a healthy live music scene in the capital.”

Clementine Bunel Matthew Cook





Music In Shares Manfred Tari

CTS Eventim - Solid Growth As Usual There have been weeks of uncertainty, not so long ago, but right on time the years end review of the corporate concert companies, share price performance covered by VIP News, indicates the share price of CTS heading towards the end of the year with a solid price push. While at the end of August the share price staggered around the 35 Euro border, it now can be seen that the share recently went up to 40.05 Euro on November 23. Within one year the share gained about 32 percent, peaking at 40.50 Euro and bottoming at 27,04. Exactly one year ago the share cost 29.90 Euro, before slipping down on December 2, 2016 to 27.35 Euro. On June 23 it peaked at the 40 Euro border before the Company’s autumn period was overshadowed by speculative news that Amazon was to enter the ticket market in the US, which surprisingly lead to the CTS Eventim share coming under price pressure. The market capitalisation now is up to 3.75 billion Euro.

DEAG - Still Yet Not Where The Share Price Used To Be At the end of January 2015 the shares of DEAG stood at 7.90 Euro, Then came the festival extravaganza in 2016, resulting in write off of losses of about 23 million Euro. Since then DEAG has resettled itself, but has still not yet managed to recover the reasonable share level of two years ago. Currently the share price is 3,13 Euro, while being 2.93 Euro on November 25, 2016. The highest price attained this year was 3.48, the lowest 2.31. In total the share gained plus 1.55 per cent, while the market capitalisation now stands at 49.22 million Euro.

Live Nation - Top Performer Of The Year Love it or hate it, a share price increase of more the 58 per cent is more than just solid. A lowest of 26.31 whilst peaking at 46.33 is also quite impressive. The current share price on November 23 was 44.22, the company now is worth 8.8 billion US dollar on the stock market.





ARTIST AVAILS PHIL RUDD BAND (EX AC/DC) Territory: Europe, Ukraine & Russia Period: May / June 2018 Agency: Fizzion Agent: Ian Smith Phone: +44 77 9169 9889 E-mail: Homepage:

Jelling Musikfestival is one of Denmark’s most popularly festivals. The festival, which started back in 1989, is always in the last weekend of May. Jelling Musikfestival has a capacity of 15.000 people and the tickets have been sold out for the last many years.

ABBA MANIA Territory: Worldwide Period: On demand Agency: Richard Walter Productions Agent: Jean-Hugues Feugeas Phone: +33 432 600 599 E-mail: Homepage:

CARMEL Territory: Europe Period: 2018 Agency: Artistagency Agent: Bart Quintens Phone: +32 777670 E-mail: Homepage:

The 15.000 people who have got a ticket can look forward to enjoy music from 3 stages and listening to national & international names from the pop/rock and folk scenes.

FARFLUNG Territory: Europe Period: Jan Feb Agency: IBD Agent: Sabine Phone: +49 (0) 8202 9049870 E-mail: Homepage: top/?q=farflung%20(official%20site)

FIREHOUSE Territory: UK, Europe, Asia Period: November/December 2018 Agency: ARM Entertainment Agent: Dana Strutz Phone: +1 6514838754 E-mail: Homepage:

About Our Company VIP-Booking’s core product is the largest­database­for the European Live Entertainment Industry­developed as a tool for industry professionals­. Since it’s launch in the year 2000, we have consistently offered our subscribers the very best in database services and now boast subscribers­in over 30 countries. Today VIP-Booking offers a range of tools for the industry­ – including VIP-News, VIP-Booking, VIP-Book and VIP-Contract.

THE SHEILA DIVINE Territory: Europe Period: May 2018 Agency: Agent: Bart Quintens Phone: +32 16777670 E-mail: Homepage:


Please visit for further information­. Your comments and suggestions are always appreciated­.



ABBA Mania

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