8 9
14 3
11 3 16
16 5
17 2
How did this come around so fast - the last
and Greece have to cope with continuing stocking with upwards of £850,000, in
Newsletter of the year, surely not? But, dear
problems , the top and mid level touring
publishing royalties etc from his, ‘Here it is –
readers, this in fact the case, so in this issue
market was buoyant in most cases, however
Merry Christmas’ recording which he wrote
we’ll take a quick look at how 2013 was for
he lower end of the market, including the club
in what seems like Dickensian times and has
some of you. Generally the European markets
circuits, is still a matter of concern.
been raking it in every year since – who say’s
seemed to do reasonably well this year, with
there’s no Father Christmas? – Not Noddy,
a bit of assistance from the weather (I always
Taking our guidance from sources such as
land up talking about it!), which was mainly
Billboard and Pollstar we note that Mr. Bon
kind to the Festival market. Althougha survey
Jovi and his merry band (You’ll note I’ve
in Germany indicated a drop off in 2012
gone very Christmassy about here…) kept
shopping , which I haven’t even started,
most people we spoke to reported good,
themselvesbusy over the year by playing 90
what about you? I see those shopaholics
and oftenimproved fortunes for the year.
sell-out shows to more than two million fans,
Live Nationhaven’t left it to the last minute,
With the economy improving somewhatin
grossing$205m. Never mind a Christmas as Live Nation-GaietyHoldings (quite a
variousterritorie s, although Spain, Portugal tree, you could buy a couple of forests for
Christmassyname really) have picked up
that money! Then came Michael Jackson – I
anotherlittle Festive something for under
know he’s no longer with us, but Cirque du
the tree in the form of a majority share in
Soleil refuse to believe that as The Immortal
the V-Festivals alongside founders Denis
World Tour came in second on the list of
Desmond, Simon Moran and Bob Angus. But
top performing tours, followed by singer
they won’t reallyget to play with them until
Pink. But backing up the British reputation
August next year, however they’ve got quite
VIP-News is published by: VIP-Booking 145-157 St John Street London Ec1V 4PW
for traditionalismthe top UK band in the
a lot to keep them entertained, and they’ll
listingsat number six was, yes that half-
probablybuy somethingelse soon. Unless
centuryinstitutionThe Rolling Stones, adding
Robert Sillerman , he of SFX, the original
Managing Director: Ronni Didriksen
another£126 million from 23 shows – how
buyersof anything big that moved in the live
much money do you need to retire on?! So,
music industrygets in first as this year saw
General Manager: Peter Briggs
lets face it, there is still money to be made
him returnto buy up the world of EDM.
Writer and editorial: Allan McGowan
from touring, if you get it right! OK – that’ll do, seriously, all at VIP hope Anyway, while I’m still in this ‘humbug’ sort
you’ve had a good year and that you have
of mood, what do we hear everywhere we
a happy holiday and that your plans for
Writer: Manfred Tari
go at this time of the year? Yes – of course,
next year are well under way and will prove
those bloody Christmas songs! They’re
successful, make sure you let us have your
For advertising enquiries please contact: Peter Briggs +44 870 755 0092
supposedto cheer us up, but they bring out
news in 2014. In the meantime I’m off to
faintly homicidal tendencies in me – but one
write a Christmas song, now what rhymes
person greatly cheered by the whole thing is
with turkey…?
loveable, rugged ex leader of Slade, Noddy Holder, who stands to stuff his Christmas
that’s for sure!
Ladies and Gentlemen – the News!
UK MP Sets up the All Party Ticketing Abuse Group
Mike Weatherley
Allan McGowan Conservative MP Mike Weatherley has launched the All Party Ticketing Abuse Group with the aim to tackle fraud in the secondary ticketing market. According to The Telegraph the informal cross-party group met for the first time last week. Weatherley – who is also copyright advisorto the Prime Minister, DavidCameron, intends to get to the bottom of how ‘botnets’ - the
A report by the Metropolitan Police which researched the ticketing
computerprograms used to buy large numbersof tickets at one time
market this year, concluded: “The lack of legislation outlawingthe
- are being used. Acquiring tickets using a bot program is a criminal
unauthorised resale of tickets and the absence of regulation of the
offence under the Computer MisuseAct.
primaryand secondaryticket market encourages unscrupulous practices, a lack of transparency and fraud.”
Secondary Ticketing has made headlines and caused much divided opinion in the live industryover the past years, with promoters The group is asking secondary ticket platformsto consider if they are organisationsand authorities in various countries going about dealing
facilitating touts. Also involved is Labour MP Sharon Hodgson who
with what is definitely a problem with the rise in highly priced tickets
believesthe best solution is to put a cap of 10 per cent on any premium
appearing on secondary sites minutes after selling out from the
charged by sellers on secondary sites.
original source.
Edinburgh Picture House to Close
The Picture House, Edinburgh
Allan McGowan
Never an encouraging thing to start the News
It was known as the HMV Picture House
with a report on yet another venue closure,
duringthe London based MAMA tenure,
but that I’m afraid is the case this month.
the Company then being a subsidiary of the troubledentertainment retailer.
It appears that the Scottish Capital City of
A MAMA spokesman told the Edinburgh
Edinburgh is to lose another live music outlet
Evening News, “The sale is due to complete
with the closure of the Picture House venue
on 6 January and we understand that the
after this month’s Hogmanay (New Year)
new owners will close for refurbishment on
celebrations. The Picture House was not, as it
that date and are not expected to re-open
sounds, a cinema, and has been operated by
as a music venue. We would like to take this
MAMA & Company in its present form since
opportunityto thank the public, the venue
2008, having previously been an important
staff, and all the great artists and promoters
gig venue in the 1970s and 1980’s.
who have graced the stage over the last five years for their support”.
t s e g g Su
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! d e y o j n e s i c i
s u m r you
… be rewarded on
Share your music with your “Reward links” /Artist-name
Your music deserves more than a Like
The Prodigy will play at Sonisphere 2014
Sonisphere Returns in 2014 Allan McGowan
The Prodigy has been announced as the
Although Sonisphere has for the past five
has been so vital in maintaining the historic
third headline artist to join Iron Maiden and
years been the biggest pan-European festival,
Metallicafor the return of the Sonisphere
playing to audiences of over 1.5 Millionfans,
festival to the historic Knebworth Park in
the British leg has been cancelled for the past
Limited availability Early Bird Weekend tickets
2014. Prodigy will kick off the weekend on
two years. The 2014 return of Sonisphere
for Sonisphere 2014 are on sale now priced
Friday night followed by Iron Maiden on
marks the 40th Anniversary of rock concerts
at £170.
Saturdaynight and Metallica closing the
at Knebworth House. At the recent UK
festivalon Sunday. Iron Maiden and Metallica
Festiva l Awards, promoter Stuart Galbraith
For further information please visit
have never before appeared on the same UK
of Kilimanjaro introduced the owners of the
bill, and will be playing no other dates in the
historic stately home and grounds, explaining
UK this year.
how the income from this and previous gigs
IMAGINE if you could go to one website and learn ALL about the European Live Music Industry?
145-157 St John Street | London Ec1V 4PW United Kingdom | Phone: +44 (0) 870 755 0092 |
Glimps 2013 Allan McGowan
As we’re all well aware there has been a remarkable increase in
In fact the City, a Unesco Creative City of Music, is one of the partners
the number of international Conference and Showcase events over
in Glimps, alongside Democrazy, a non-profit music club which has
the past few years, it sometimes seems that you could attend one
use of quite a few stages in Ghent; Gent Jazz Club concerts, also a
somewhereevery week of the year, even then there are clashes when
non-profit organisation; Rockoco, a Ghent based music management
you’d have to choose from two or three. However, it seems that the
office, which currently takes care of the management of The Bony
music industry has a requirement and a taste for these events of all
King of Nowhere, Liesa Van der Aa, Mintzkov, en Sir Yes Sir; Keremos,
sizes, and all are mainly well attended.
an alternative management agency, supporting young artists in the alternative pop/rock scene and subsidized by the Flemish Government.
This was my first visit to Belgium for one of the smaller events, Glimps, and I was impressed by the event and the City of Ghent – rightfully
The event’s headquarters and the Conference location is the
referred to in the Glimps material as one of the most beautiful cities in
HandelsbeursConcertzaal, which organises concerts ranging from
Western Europe. As The Glimps team points out, “…this town has the
pop, rock, classical chamber music, jazz, song to world music.
advantages of a large city, offering venues, leftfield policies towards culture, and the architecture to impress all foreigners. At the same
The organisers of the Belgian showcase festival were happy with
time, it’s a quiet little town that succeeds in keeping things cosy.” As
the success of this third edition. Both nights had about 2300 visitors
far as I could see – I agree!
attendingthe shows of 30 artists at 11 locations, an old cinema, some genuine music clubs, and several larger concert halls. One third of
Glimps 2013
the bands was Belgian, the other two thirds consisted of bands from
have about 200 delegates attending the panels, keynote speeches,
countries including Portugal, Germany, France, the Czech Republic,
and receptions. This keeps the informal networking moments more
Norway, and Austria - the focus country of this edition.
interesting, since it’s possible to keep an overview on who’s actually there. It’s hard to spend the whole weekend and not having met a
According to the organisers, “The rather limited amount of artists
substantial part of the present professionals.”…I agree!
gives those artists the feeling that they’re not just one of the hundreds of bands playing. Everyone has its specific place in the line-up, and
It’s early days for Glimps, but I ran into several people that I know well
realistic chances of having the right people there to come and enjoy
from the business and from other events who obviously enjoyed the
the show. One of the other things the festival does to be different
event, including a couple from the US, it has the feeling of something
from others, is to keep the conference section rather limited. Here, you
that will grow.
Panel at Glimps 2013
Spain 2013
- An Exception amongst European Concert Markets Manfred Tari The situation for the concert market in Spain contrasts noticeably with many of the quotes mentioned in our round up article “Good Bye 2013 - Welcome 2014!”. VIP-News spoke with Albert Salmerón of Producciones Animadas who is also a board member of the promoter association APM (Asociación de Promotores Musicales). The organisation regularly publishes one of the best annual reportsby a live music organisation in Europe. Besides the V.A.T. increase for concerts, what are currently the biggest concerns for the Spanish live music industry? – One of the biggest concernscurrently is that we can’t be competitivewith other countries in the EuropeanUnionbecauseof the 21% VAT (imposed in September 2012 and leaping from the previous8%), plus the 10% PRS. This 31% is significantly affectingthe tours coming to Spain, as Spanishpromoters
Albert Salmerón
can’t make offerscompetitive with other countriesof the region. So we are losing tours by internationalacts. Some of them are
and specially since the new 21% VAT on the
Even small festivals have a real value in the
only coming to Spain to play festivals. The
tickets. Many companies that haven’t closed
economy of the area around. Currently there
ongoingcrisis is affectingticket sales, which
are still in the business but in a very precarious
are many festivals in Spain and every city or
are considerably down, especiallyat the club
situation. Anyway, maybe it’s too pessimistic
region wants to have a music event. Festivals
level. This is also affecting very negatively to conclude that 90% of companies will be
like Sonar, Primavera Sound, FIB (Benicassim),
in the careers of localnew talent as the
BBK Bilbao Live, SOS 4.8 (Murcia), Arenal
out of business in 5 years in Spain.
promoters are investing less money.
(Burriana), DCode (Madrid)… are really recently released a study
In many European concert markets on the value of music a
succesfuland are very important for their citiesor regions.
tourism in Great Britain. How important
processis evident The French promoters
is music tourism for the Spanish concert
In Sweden the festival market has
associationProdissundertook a survey
changed significantly within just 5 years.
and concluded , that within the next
– The music business is very important
Long lasting festivals such as Peace &
five years around 90 percen t of the
for local and international tourism in
Love, Arvika Festivalen and Hultsfred
independent concert companies might
Spain. Festivalsand big concerts make an
have had to declare insolvency . The
be out of business. Do you see indicators
importanteconomic and social contribution
German concert company FKP Scorpio
for a similar development in Spain as
to the areaswhere they take place. Hotels,
expanded and invested in festivals
restaurants, transports, shopping, museums
(Denmar k, Sweden, the Netherlands)
– Around 30% of concert companies have
and other cultural activities are getting a
becoming the biggest festival promoter
closed down since the beginning of the crisis
big benefit from these festivals or events.
in Europe. FKP Scorpio itself is associated
with CTS Eventim, a stock market listed
– Lots of ticketing companies have appeared
– The crisis has particularly affected this
company that within 10 years has
in the last years. Most of them associated
market . Ticket sales of small shows have
becomethe biggest ticketing company in
to banks or regional saving banks, and also
gone down significantly. It’s really hard for
Europe. Do you expect that stock market
to big stores. Also there are lots of ticketing
the promoters to make a profit from these
listed companies such as CTS Eventim,
systems offering software to the promoters
club shows with the low ticket sales and the
SFX Entertainment or Live Natio n will
and venues to create their own ticket
21% VAT.
undertake efforts to invest in or take
systems. The main ticketing companies are
over Companies in Spain which could
Ticketmaster , and El Corte
In some markets the segment of arena
lead to significant amendments within
shows is under pressure due to higher
the Spanish concert industry?
production expenses and the lack of
– In fact Live Nation is working in Spain since
Is the market share of mobile- and online
headliners. Does the same goes for Spain
they bought GAMERCO (including Iguapop
ticketing growing and what is the split
or would you rather say that this part of
and Pino Sagliocco’s company). Now Live
between ticket sales through box offices
the market is still healthy?
Nation has offices in Barcelona and Madrid.
and online portals?
– Nowadays there are less arena shows due, as
However, the peculiarity of the Spanish
you say, to the pressure of higher production
concertindustry should allow a market with
considerably . Some specific companies are
expenses and the lack of headliners. As I had
many local independent companies apart
selling around 90% online while others
mentioned some international artists are only
from major companies like Live Nation.
are still selling most of their tickets via box
playing festivals in Spain as the offers are very
office.We could say that now online could
high and the promoters of arenas cannot be
be around 50% and it’s growing every day.
competitive with other European promoters
structuredand which companies are the main players in Spain?
and with Spanish festivals. However, tickets How would you describe the market for
sales of arena shows are usually doing well
talents and newcomers on a club level?
in Spain.
Here is a list of some of the recent or futurearena shows: Bruno Mars:
Pablo Alboran:
Madrid, Palacio de Vistalegre, 10.000
Madrid, Palacio de deportes, 30.000
Madrid, Palacio de deportes, 15.000
One direction:
(2 days)
David Bisbal:
Madrid, Palacio de Vistalegre, 10.000
Alejandro Sanz:
Madrid, Palacio de deportes, 15.000
Barcelona, Palau Olimpic, 10.000
Madrid, Palacio de deportes, 30.000
Justin Bieber:
(2 days)
Madrid, Palacio de deportes, 15.000
Madrid, Palacio de deportes
Arctic Monkeys:
Madrid, Palacio de deportes, 15.000
Bilbao, BEC, 12.000
Madrid, Palacio de deportes, 15.000
Barcelona, Palau Sant Jordi, 18.000
For further information… Albert Salmeró: / APM:
Sonar Festival, Spain
RED BULL MUSIC ACADEMY RADIO FESTIVAL ISTANBUL Allan McGowan Leading Turkish Promoters Pozitif are very
such as Wild Beasts, Twin Shadow, The Field
concert thing, such as doing a lecture session
used to promoting concerts in Arenas, and
and Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs
with members of the band Wild Beasts We
festivals in very large outdoor sites, but on
sold out 1,500 cap of the venue days earlier
December 7 they experimented in Istanbul,
Baris Basaran of Pozitif told VIP, “I think it was
and the hype around the event was just great.
presenting what was basically a Winter
very interesting that we picked a modern art
Although this was boutique event compared
Festiva l in an unusual venue, Istanbul’s
museum as venue and it worked well. Due
to our other festivals of 10-20k capacity, I
Museum of Modern Art. Two main stages
to nature of the venue we included some
think it was one of the most coolest and hip
were set up in the Museum, hosting artists
additionalactivities on top of the typical event of the year here in Istanbul.”
Wild Beasts at the Red Bull Academy Radio Festival
15 - 18 januarY 2014 groningen, nl
Eurosonic Noorderslag is the key exchange and networking platform for European music, with a proven track record for helping new acts break into the international music scene. Selling out each year Eurosonic Noorderslag attracts over 3,200 delegates, including 400 international festivals. It presents showcases by more than 300 artists and a conference programme featuring 150 panels, keynote speakers, interviews, workshops, dinners, pitches, parties and meetings on the latest developments in the international music, media and interactive industry.
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Good Bye 2013 - Welcome 2014! Manfred Tari
CLAUDIO TROTTA - BARLEY ARTS - IT Mid size tours, Barley Arts also had great successes with new and established acts: Deep Purple: 3 shows (Milan, Roma, Udine), 15.000 tickets. Joe Bonamassa: 2 shows last February (Milan and Padova) 3500 ticketssold, he’ll be back in March 2014 in Milan Teatro Arcimboldi and Roma Atlantico (2400 cap each) already selling very well: Eels: April, Milan, Alcatraz - 1.500 tickets sold. Joe Satriani: 6 Dates in May 2013 with about 8000 people. Brian May & Kerry Ellis: 4 theatrical shows in July 2013 (Milan, Pescara, Rimini, Gorizia) - 5000 tickets. Hardcore Superstar & Buckcherry: 3 club shows in Milan, Treviso How was the 2013 business year for you?
and Bologna: 3.100 tickets sold.
– Not too bad… What were the highs and lows?
– Bruce Springsteen, WWD, Macklemore and Ryan Lewis. I had no particular lows. Please let us know your expectations for 2014... – We hope that several project about venues and edutainment where we are involved will be beneficial for us. To expand on what Claudio Trotta meant with “no particular lows”, Elena Pantera from Barley Arts additionally delivered a detailed list of results that speak for themselves: Bruce Springsteen And The E Street Band: 4 Shows (Napoli, Padova, Milano, Roma), 140.000 tickets sold, Gross 8 million Euros.
How was the 2013 business year for you?
Walking With Dinosaurs: 3 towns, 24shows, 60.000 tickets sold,
– Fine, as projected...
Gross: 2million Euro. Macklemore & Ryan Lewis: 1 show in Milan, Forum. Tickets sold
What were the highs and lows?
10.000, Gross 350.000 Euro.
– Highs: A double sold out show with ‘ Die Toten Hosen ‘ in the Esprit Arena Dusseldorf – lows, as everybody in showbiz knows there are
New acts:
no lows...!
Imagine Dragons: 1.000 capacity sold out show in the spring in Milan and now back again with a sold out show in a 3.500 cap venue
What are your expectations for 2014?
in Padova.
– The Biz will calm down due to the soccer championship - Let’s wait
Conor Maynard: 4.000 tickets sold for 3 show, 2000 in Rome.
for 2015...
Tom Odell: apparently a real promise, after a great debut show in a 1000 cap in Milan, Barley Arts have just announced his return next spring.
What were the highs and lows? – Highs: First ever ‘Spielstättenprogrammpreis’ – 49 German live clubs were awarded a support grant of almost 1 million Euro. Lows: GEMA ‘Tariflinearisierung – an exorbitant increase in author-right-payments for electronic live-music Please let us know your expectations for 2014... – More Festivals = more bad summers for clubs; World Championships Soccer = better summers for some clubs. ROB BERENDS - PAPERCLIP AGENCY - NL
How was the 2013 business year for you? – It’s been another great year for Coda. However the ongoing recessionhas affected the live business at a grassroots to medium scale level. I really hope that it shows signs of improvement or we are going to lose more venues and smaller promoters. What were the highs and lows? – Coda winning the Agency of The Year award at UK Festival awards was great. The good weather over the Summer left me with special memories of attending Glastonbury, Larmer Tree Festival, Sziget, Wilderness, End of the Road and a number of other events. A recurring low is to see
How was the 2013 business year for you?
how aggressive companies like Viagogo and Stubhub are in the live
– 2013 was a good business year for us, despite the ongoing economic
sector . Secondary ticketing is ticket touting. It takes money out of the
difficulties in Europe and in The Netherlands. After a few years with
fans pockets, yet invests nothing in the business.
lower results (in line with the economic downturn), the good results in 2013 were unexpected and welcome at the same time. Results
What are your expectations for 2014?
could have been even better if it were not for serious health issues of
– Personally I am looking forward to celebrating a significant birthday.
a close family member.
(Surely not 21 again Rob?! – Ed.) Also looking forward to Coda makingan announcement in the New Year. (Watch this space! – Ed.)
What were the highs and lows? – We’re very happy to have started working in 2013 for Canadian
artist Chloe Charles and Dutch band King Champion Sounds, and to have had some very good shows in Holland and/or Europe with artists such as Buzzcocks, The Fall, Gang of Four, La Kinky Beat, The Nomads and Wu-Tang Clan. ..and your expectations for 2014? – We’re looking forward to doing a lot of work for our artists in 2014 and continuing the positive trend; we already have several shows lined up in 2014 for Chloe Charles, Dutch band Jodymoon, The New Mendicants (Joe Pernice and Norman Blake) and Andrea Schroeder (from Berlin).
How was 2013 for you?
We have once again refreshed our commitment to our raison d’être:
– Live-Club-Business, a bad Summer affected by too many Festivals.
follow our passion and work with and for artists that we believe in, and that we can help in an effective way with our work!.
c2c Pinkpop - Sascha Teschner
The European Talent Exchange Programme is an initiative of the Noorderslag Foundation to stimulate the circulation of European repertoire on festivals, radio and media in Europe. As the exchange and support of new European music in Europe is one of the main goals of Eurosonic Noorderslag, the special European Talent Exchange Programme (ETEP) was introduced in 2003. Each year ETEP brings together the leading European festivals, radio and other media and stimulates them to ‘exchange’ a selection of artists. MORE INFO:
Since the start of the ETEP programme in 2003 a total of 1970 shows by 708 European artists were presented at the 81 ETEP festivals (2003 – 2013). Results ETEP per year • 2003: 53 shows by 23 acts from 8 countries at 23 festivals in 13 countries; • 2004: 84 shows by 35 acts from 13 countries at 36 festivals in 13 countries; • 2005: 89 shows by 39 acts from 14 countries at 41 festivals in 16 countries; • 2006: 156 shows by 48 acts from 12 countries at 50 festivals in 17 countries; • 2007: 182 shows by 60 acts from 18 countries at 55 festivals in 19 countries; • 2008: 187 shows by 64 acts from 16 countries at 58 festivals in 16 countries; • 2009: 214 shows by 75 acts from 18 countries at 60 festivals in 20 countries; • 2010 : 186 shows by 72 acts from 17 countries at 61 festivals in 22 countries; • 2011: 208 shows by 79 acts from 14 countries at 60 festivals in 20 countries; • 2012: 287 shows by 110 acts from 22 countries at 71 festivals in 26 countries; • 2013: 324 shows by 103 acts from 23 countries at 81 festivals in 26 countries.
Foto Roskilde Hank3 - Christian Hjorth ETEP Dinner 2014 sponsor: Playpass
How was the 2013 business year for you? – 2013 was another very successful year for CTS Eventim. We were able to increase revenues and EBITDA by more than 20% over the first nine months already, and expect to deliver another record year. What were the highs and lows? – The re-opening of the world famous Hammersmith Apollo in Londonas ‘EVENTIM APOLLO’ in September 2013 after a full art deco restorationwas a major highlight for us. Another definite 2013 high was the overwhelming response our FanTicket received from fans, promoters and artists – some 50% of the tickets we sell over the Internetare full colour, high definition memorabilia! Also, just
How was the 2013 business year for you?
recentlywe launched our new apps for iPhone and Android, which
– Considering we started our new company this year, with all it implies
now include full interactive seat map booking functionality in mobile
in terms of setting things up with our new organisation, I would say
app format – another industry first from Eventim.
it was very good. A lot of work but a very positive outcome. We have promoted or booked over 500 shows this year, many of them selling
Please let us know your expectations for 2014...
out, which we are very happy about.
– We have great plans for 2014, and will continue to offer new and innovative features and services to our customers and expand
What were the highs and lows?
our technological leadership. Among other things, the next months
– The opening of the 13,000 cap. Hallenstadion in Zürich to
will see a complete re-launch of the award-winning Eventim ticket
otherpromoterswas good news to us. Last September we had a
websitesand also the introduction of our new iPad app - also with full
Macklemore& Ryan Lewis show there and also co-promoted
seat map booking functionality.
30 Seconds To Mars in November. The other highlight was the openingof the Komplex Klub (450) and the realization that the venue
works extremely well for all kind of acts. Our festivals were also all
very successful. The downside was that holidays were too short! What are your expectations for 2014? – We expect to do better than 2013 but not as well as in 2015 :). MICHAEL LÖFFLER - TARGET CONCERT - DE
How was 2013 for you? – The year was packed with shows and in the end we are satisfied with the result over the year. What were the highs and lows? – Alex Clare, Royal Republic were amongst several highlights. The
How was the 2013 business year for you?
lows are always those acts where you expected a sold out show for
– Good!
sure, and…..! What were the highs and lows? Please let us know your expectations for 2014...
– High - Having avoided major flops in super busy November; Too
– Other markets than the UK will develop very strongly and we will
many people still showing ‘Attitude’.
focus on more acts from different territories.
Please let us know your expectations for 2014...
How was the 2013 business year for you?
– Looking good - Some major tours coming up, e.g. The National,
– 2013 was great. We had a successful launch of the Best Kept Secret
Dream Theatre and the ones mentioned by Thomas…
festival and a very successful Vans/Warp tour and of course all kind of other highlights...
What were the highs and lows? – I don’t think we had any lows, there were shows that did less than expected but nothing really bad... Please let us know your expectations for 2014... – 2014 will be fun again and we are looking forward to progressing the Indian Summer festival to the next step… STEFAN REICHMANN - HALDERN OPEN AIR - DE
How was the 2013 business year for you? – It was a good year, but I think it`s more and more difficult to interest people in new acts. There are too many tours, too many concerts and less money. So people will spend the money more for established acts than for newcomers. Ticket selling for established acts ist good, but difficult for new acts. What were the highs and lows? – Highs: We did, amongst others, fantastic tours with The National, Portugal. The Man, Johnossi, Shout Out Louds, Friska Viljor,
How was the 2013 business year for you?
Amplfiier, Two Gallants, our German punk band Itchy Poopzkid
– Our 30th edition ran perfectly, the weather, the music and all the
and our Austrian rockers Steaming Satellites. New Bands like
people were championed by the sun. The business was good and
Radkey, Mozes And The Firstborn or The Growlers made a really
now we are solid enough to open a record store with Vinyl, CD’s,
good start in Germany. Old heroes like Wire, Stiff Little Fingers and
Merch and regional handmade products, the Haldern Pop Shop. It’s a
Toy Dolls did successful tours. (Personal High: FC Bayern Muenchen
small universe but everything comes together like a puzzle or maybe
won the Champions League 2013!) Lows: Don`t mention the lows…:)
you could call it a Museum.
What are your expectations for 2014...
What were the highs and lows?
– Even a lot better than 2013! It’s hard to understand but everybody knows the problem whereby (Looking forward to see Thomas Bohnet wearing the red pantyhose
our individual actions and decisions are not always inspired by our
Bayern Munich striker Arjen Robben normally wears!...Ed.)
knowledge, but the good thing is that the confidence and music comes close all the time.
RENSE VAN KESSEL - FRIENDLY FIRE - NL Please let us know your expectations for 2014... Our festival has been sold out since October and we are really happy about the trust from our audience. To accept the surprise is a very important thing for the confidence and more and more the people got the feeling of being part of this concept once a year. With Nick Mulvey, Gablé and George Ezra we will have 3 amazing acts for the Haldern Pop Bar to start the season of 2014. Also the festival booking feels good at the moment....
Music in Shares Manfred Tari
2013 - Price Boosts For Live Music Shares!
For the shareholders of CTS Eventim, DEAG and Live Nation 2013
The DEAG share price went up 46.9 percent, from 2.94 to 4.29. But
has been a good year. The figures reveal that the shares of those
compared to the blue chips CTS Eventim and Live Nation, the DEAG
corporateconcert companies gained significantly.
market cap. Is, at 53,7 million Euro, a bit lower than those of the other two concert champs.
Also, the live music sector witnessed the arrival or better said the comeback of SFX Entertainment as a new player within this
The return of SFX Entertainment at NASDAQ on October 6, when the
business field.
company undertook its IPO (Initial Public Offering) for $13 per share, looks s tough it will take a bit longer before it acquires the buyers’
Live Nation appeared to be the leader in share price gains. Mid
acquaintance, according to the current share price of $10.84. For its
December2012 the share stood at $9.46, now it is at $18,73. The
IPO, SFX Entertainment sold 20 million shares for $260 million while
share therewith grew 98.3 percent and reached, according to the
the total number of issued shares is 87.25 million. The current market
number of outstanding shares, a market capitalisation of $3.7 billion.
capitalisation is $873 million.
The share price peak was at $19,62 at the beginning of November 2013, shortly before the company reported its business results for the
Anyhow, SFX Entertainment is the newest player in the live music
third quarter of the ongoing year. The company revenue within the
industryaiming to grow in a part of the music industry that until now
first nine months of the ongoing business year went up from $4.38
has been neglected by the other corporate players. For the equity story
to $4.86 billion, a record result for Live Nation.
of the company, SFX Entertainment re-placed the term EDM (Electronic Dance Music) with EMC, ‘Electronic Music Culture’, focussingon the
Holding their own in the market are the revenue results of CTS
aspect that the main assets of this company are mainly EDM live events.
Eventimand DEAG. In the same period CTS Eventim reported a
The impressive investment strategy is spiked with acquisitions of the
turnoverof 444 million Euro compare to 362.6 million one year
Dutch company ID&T and it’s festivals like Tomorrowland, Sensation,
before. But in terms of the share price development CTS Eventim
German company I-Motion with Nature One and Mayday, the US
performednearly half as well as Live Nation. The share of the leading
companyMade Events and its Electric Zoo, a 50 percent stake in Rock
European Ticketingcompanysince December 17 2012, went up
In Rio. The company has also now bought a 75 percent stake of the
over 40 percen_t, from 26.46 to 37.96 Euro,. The current market
ticketing provider Paylogic and prior to this alreadybought the dance
capitalisationof CTS Eventimis at 1.786 billion Euros.
music specialized download portal Beatport.
United Stage
ARTIST AVAILS ORBITAL ñ 25th year anniversary tour in 2014 Territory: The World excluding USA / Period: May onwards Agency: Value Added Talent / Agent: Dan Silver Phone: +44 207 704 97 20 E-mail: Homepage:
MUSICAL YOUTH Territory: THE WORLD Period: SEPTEMBER 2013 - MARCH 2014 Agency: STRATOSPHERE MUSIC Agent: STEVE HUGHES Phone: +447779257295 E-mail:
United Stage Artist is an independent company within the Swedish music industry.
Pacifico Blues Territory: Europe Period 2014 Agency: Specific Music Agent: Chantelle Duncan Phone: +442074834440 E-mail: Homepage:
Our main activities are to exclusively represent record-artists as tour agents and tour producers. The company represents close to 100 artists today. (enclosure: roster) History: United Stage was set in 1984. When Managing Director, Anders Larsson, founded the company in Malmö it had a very strong regional influence but has over the years become
Mattanza Territory: worldwide Period: generally available Agency: Maffucci Music Agent: Canio Rosario Maffucci Phone: +39.4858107 E-mail: Homepage:
one of the two leading companies in the Swedish market. In 1991 United Stage established a minor office in Stockholm and in 1996 the whole operation was moved to the capital. During the autumn of 1997 a rival company, Siljemark Production AB, was incorporated within the company. Activity: United Stage Artist is a service company catering for the artist, its client. This service is dividedinto two parts, consulting and administration. It´s very important with co-ordination in the market, negotiations and agreements.
The AllStars Collective Territory: Europe Period: 2013 / 2014 Agency: Specific Music Agent: Paul Pacifico Phone: +442074834440 E-mail: Homepage:
AC ANGRY Territory: Europe Period: Winter 2013 & 2014 Agency: Dr. Music Management Agent: Torsten Wohlgemuth & Miriam Guigueno Phone: +49 2331 127 46 25 E-mail: Homepage:
New Adventures: Recently, the company established a department that will act as a concert promoters for public shows, an activity that is not limited to the performances of the artists represented by United Stage. It includes a wider range of entertainment arrangements, without artisticor geographical limits. Along with the development of the concert promotion department, the company will
increase its activities in the growing market of corporated even Best Regards! United Stage Artist
m o c . g n i ok About Our Company enables artists to MAIL their music VIP-Booking’s core product is the Internet’s oldest and Today VIP-Booking offers a range of tools for the to more 6.000 venues agencies worldwide… industry– including VIP-News, VIP-Booking, VIP-Book largest database forthan the European Live and Entertainment
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