VIP-News Premium - April 2020

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APRIL 2020

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APRIL 2020



I don’t know about you, but I seem to have

As I left London’s Royal Garden Hotel, a





a lot of time to think of late, oh, you too?

seeming lifetime ago on March 6th, the final

itself? There are offers of support on hand

More musing than usual, not necessarily

day of ILMC 32, I hadn’t the faintest idea

from governments and music organisations,

creative, but certainly observational, you

what the train to Brighton was taking me to.

which are of course welcome and vitally

know, in these more than difficult times of,

I’m a science fiction fan, but without doubt

necessary, but these things take time to be

‘where have we been, where are we going,

we can all live without the awful reality of


will we be taking sandwiches?!

this particular alien invasion!

place with the rapid introduction of virtual

Diversification is already in

events and meetings. However, are we able Contemplating the present, virally dominated

to accept the effects of continuing lockdown

state of a live music industry forced into

and shut down, resulting in the complete

stasis, is not at all easy, but in the same

change of the operation of live events and

way that we think positive thoughts for the

meetings? Live streaming and virtual events

recovery of those physically struck down by

have their place but can they completely

the virus the best thing we can do is try to

replace the live experience?

figure out just how to bring live back to life! As someone said, there is no immunity to

COLOPHON > VIP-News is published by: Enghaven 19 Attrup 8444 Balle Denmark Managing Director: Ronni Didriksen General Manager: Peter Briggs Writer and editorial: Allan McGowan Writer: Manfred Tari

The renowned American economist Milton

postponement or cancellation! Of course

Friedman won the Nobel Prize for his

we have no idea how long this will all take

research on; consumption analysis, monetary

to resolve. The EU has stated that festivals

history and theory and the complexity of

and concerts should be the last form of

stabilization policy (of course I think about

activity to restart following the COVID-19

this all the time!). A quote of his, brought to

shutdown of events. But when the present

my attention by the futurist Gerd Leonhard

lockdowns are eased it will be obvious jus

seems relevant for the situation in which the

how vitally important clubs, events, festivals

live industry currently finds itself; “Only a

bars and the whole cultural system is to

crisis – actual or perceived – produces real

society as a whole.

change. When that crisis occurs, the actions that are taken depend on the ideas that are

What we need of course is a vaccine – the

lying around. That, I believe, is our basic


function: to develop alternatives to existing

‘Delivering One World – Together at Home’

policies, to keep them alive and available

the Rolling Stones quite aptly sang, ‘You

until the politically impossible becomes the

Can’t Always Get What You Want’, but

politically inevitable”

won’t it be great to, as soon as possible, to

For advertising enquiries please contact: Peter Briggs +46 70 77 60 480 Charlie Presburg +44 (0) 7980 817496


In their Zoom appearance on

‘Get What We Need’?! So, as we enter the second month of the crisis, with more and more events being

Things will of course change, but, who

postponed and cancelled, more companies

knows, perhaps some aspects of how this

facing closure and bankruptcy, and more

business runs may even change for the

and more individuals finding themselves

better! In the meantime, stay safe and well!

contemplating unemployment, how is an

Love from us all!



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The No. 1 information resource for the European Live Entertainment Industry


APRIL 2020

Worldwide Live Industry Professionals join the VIP Online Panel From VIP-Daily News Live Music Industry professionals from around the globe joined the

Association Yourope, updated us on their efforts as an association to

first ever online panel to discuss the crisis in the Live

push the EU to keep a focus on our industry.

Music Industry caused by the coronavirus. Nana Trandou from High Priority Promotions in Greece, who among The panel was moderated by Ivana Dragila and featured 3 Live Music

other events promote the Athens Rocks Festival, told us about her

Industry Professionals filling the delegates in on how they`re handling

terrible experience over the past 7 weeks after being diagnosed and

the current situation and what they expect the future will bring.

hospitalised with Covid-19. We were all very happy to see that she is now back in her home and on the way to recovery.

Paulina Ahokas – MD, Tampere Hall (Finland), Christof Huber – Director Festivals, Gadget ABC Entertainment Group (Switzerland),

Nick Hobbs from Charmenko shared his view on the crisis and the

Rob Berends – Founder, Paperclip Agency (Holland)

situation in Turkey where he is located.

Besides the 3 panel guests, delegates from around the world

Noemia Matsumoto from Opus Entretenimento in Brazil told us about

contributed with their views on the various ways the industry is

the specific actions the industry is taking in Brazil.

dealing with the crisis and provided updates on the help packages


being offered in their different countries. Christof Huber who is

Marc Gentiella from CelebrityAccess gave his view on how he thinks

also General Secretary and board member of the European Festival

the major US promoters and agencies will survive this crisis, many of


APRIL 2020

which are carrying big debts after buying up companies worldwide

much enjoyed this one and it was a very easy way to get updated

for the past decade.

information on what’s happening all over Europe & The World.”

The Online Panel was a big success and it was evident that everyone

This will be a recurring event so look out and register for future online

was happy to get a chance to “meet up” again and share experiences

panels as they are announced.

with colleagues and partners from around the world. Kari Possi from Blue Budda in Finland wrote an email to VIP afterwards saying “Thank you so much for collecting this panel today. I very

The first panel can be viewed in full here: VIP-Booking OnLine Panel

NTIA to challenge insurance claim denial From VIP-Daily News UK trade association Night Time Industries

authorities and who had to close their

Association (NTIA) has teamed up with a

premises under the regulation “have a good

leading industry barrister to coordinate

case against Hiscox.”

claims against Hiscox Insurance for refusal to pay out under its business interruption policy.

Michael Kill, chief executive of NTIA, said: “Night Time Economy businesses are being

NTIA, who last week claimed its member

denied legitimate insurance claims, many

businesses are being denied COVID-19-

claims are being disputed by insurers based

related insurance claims, have instructed

on contrived arguments to avoid sharing the

Philip Kolvin QC, an industry barrister, to

financial burden during the COVID-19 crisis.”

advise on members’ rights under their insurance policies.






Michael Kill

suffering severe hardship. There is a clear Hiscox

and present danger that the industry will

It is time now for those insurance companies

Insurance underwrote one of the main

be decimated, that leisure businesses

who know they are liable under their

leisure sector policies.

throughout the UK will go to the wall, that

policies do the same. The clue is in the name





jobs and livelihoods will be lost, and that

‘insurance’. It is what they are in business

Kolvin said claimants who were insured

the cultural capacity of the nation will be

for. They should not be running for cover.

by the company against closure by public

depleted for years to come.

They will never be forgiven for doing so.”



APRIL 2020

Paradigm President Greg Bestick Retires From VIP-Daily News Greg Bestick, an 11 year veteran of Paradigm

Scott Melrose bridging film/tv and music. All

who rose from COO to Agency President, has

the agencies we partnered with and then

announced his retirement to the staff at the

brought in under the tent: AM Only with


Paul, Lee, Meyer, Cody; Windish with Tom

Greg Bestick

and Sam Hunt; those super impressive Brits Paradigm Chairman & CEO Sam Gores said

at Coda, Tom, Alex and James. Steve and Ian

respected and desirable to others in our

that “Greg played a vital role in the agency’s

from X-ray, Garry and Ron from the other

world. No one saw a global pandemic coming.

growth and successes. I am forever grateful

Monterey. All the talented, hard-working

Nothing emerging from the far side of this

to him. I could not have asked for a more

people who keep the wheels turning, Craig

will be unchanged. It’s a challenge, but also

capable executive and counsel these past

and Stephanie and the legal staff, Ben

an opportunity to reimagine so many things:

eleven years. Greg and I have become close

Scott, Sara Pullman and the ops group, Jess

the work environment, how we interact, how

friends, and I wish him the happiest, most

Dennis and Dave Hallybone and the finance/

we distribute and consume content, how

well-deserved retirement as we look to write

accounting teams across the business, Joe

we break careers, how we strategize and

Paradigm’s next chapter.”

and Steph and Lori. And so many others who

manage on a global level. What you have in

taught me, challenged me, collaborated

front of you is a tremendous trauma, and an

with me. Thank you.

enormous opportunity.

Most importantly, it’s been a pleasure and a

Paradigm now has to regroup. But the

privilege to work with Sam. Over the years,

foundation is there, the talent is there, the

I’ve watched him always trying to do the right

opportunity to rebuild the business in a

In February of 2009, I came to work at

thing when it came to treating people fairly

new and stronger way is there. All it takes is

Paradigm on a three-month consulting

and humanely. In a cutthroat business full of

teamwork and a willingness to see and strive

contract. Three months and eleven very

people willing to take shortcuts, Sam stood

for a better, more hopeful future.

fulfilling years later, I’m moving on to the next

out as someone who is sensitive, ethical and

phase of my life and retiring from full time

supportive. It pains me to see the nonsense

Dealing with all of you on your good and

work. This was the longest time I’d ever spent

that’s been put out in the press about him.

not-so-good days has made the years fly by.

at one job in my life. By far. What kept me

That’s not the person I know and respect and

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the challenge, but

tied to this particular place for so long?

worked closely with for over a decade.

I’ve been trying to get to the next chapter

Mainly it was the people. So many who are

I especially want to thank Jessica McCrary.

Instead of living in NY and LA, I’ll visit those

not only capable and talented workers, but

Part General Patton, part Mary Poppins, she

places, and settle in to doing the things

genuinely good human beings. Fargo and

makes all of it look effortless and fun. Day

you do on the Maine coast. I have a few

Metzger and Tantleff and the whole New

after day, she kept pointing me in the right

mountains, real and metaphorical, I want to

York crew. Monterey, the foundation of our

direction. I predict great things for her in

climb while I’m still able. Please stay in touch,

music business, Dan and Fred and Chip and

the future.

though. I want to hear about your traumas

Here is the email that Bestick just sent to the staff at Paradigm: From the desk of Greg Bestick

of my life for a while, and now is the time.

Jonathan and that whole next generation of





and triumphs. And of course, I will always be


Let’s face it, this is a business you get caught

here to give my support or assistance when

McSwiggin, Nalpant, Schultz and on and on.

up in. It moves fast, it’s always in the current

needed. I’m proud to have worked with you

The other music foundation, in New York,

conversation, it requires nerve, strategy,

and cherish the friendships that will last past

Marty, Larry, then Galle and Marquis and all

finesse and plain old hard work. It’s been

this time. I’ll miss you.

they built up over the years. The talent and

very satisfying to build up the business, help

lit people in LA, Rand and Andrew and Alisa

put the pieces together, work with incredibly

Much Love and Respect,

and Andy and Bill and Mark. Ben Weiss and








APRIL 2020

COVID-19 and the Live Industry: How Are we Coping? It goes without saying that these are challenging times with the Live Music & Events Industry being one of the worst hit by the current coronavirus crisis and with the lockdowns and restrictions on events imposed by governments all over the world. Although there is some hope on the horizon with many tours already being rescheduled for the autumn there is still a lot of uncertainty remaining. We asked 4 professionals from different countries about their current situation and how they are dealing with the problems facing their businesses.

Paulina Ahokas - CEO at Tampere Hall, Finland How is your venue/company coping

will have a huge responsibility in bringing

100% by the city. Our city has not managed

with the current crisis?

back people’s trust and economical activity

to make any plans for financial support. We

at large. As always after wars.

hope to be able to apply for some of the

How do you cope with a black swan? You

development money which will possibly be

go into crisis mode, and try to do everything

How has your everyday work changed?

distributed by the ministry of culture. We

you possibly can to ensure that you will have

Are you working from home etc.?

are one of the biggest promoters of cultural

a strong, innovative and energetic company

events, and the biggest entrepreneur in

to return to once the situation is over. We

I have been working from home for three

staged art in Finland, so I have a reason to

have had to close doors, furlough all of our

weeks now. I was never really a huge fan

believe they will have an interest in making

staff (some part-time, some full-time), and

of remote working and this has made me

sure these services continue also in the

adjust to the situation. But we believe it is

dislike it even more. Some 6-8 hours a day

future. But at large, we need to prepare to

temporary: once the crisis is over, people

in various digital meeting services, events

cope even if the cavalry doesn’t ride in to

will yearn for human contact, experiences

and other digital services makes me long

rescue us.

and culture more than ever, and our sector

for human contact. I have yet to make

the same proper connection with another

When are you expecting to start re-

person via any digital service than I manage

opening doors again?

in person. But of course we just cope, since

we have no other option at the moment.

Of course we hope to do it as soon as

possible, but it is looking very unlikely we

Have you received any financial support

will be able to do so during this summer. We

from your government and if so what

would have hoped to do so, because not

kind of support is being offered?

only do we have the world’s only Moomin

Museum under the same roof, but we also

We are in a rather difficult situation since

had fabulous summer exhibitions of Keith

we cannot apply for any of the government

Haring, Ralph Larmann etc. lined up, as well

aid for companies, since we are owned

as a couple fantastic summer conferences.

Paulina Ahokas



APRIL 2020

Have you managed to reschedule all the

will be in the autumn of 2020, and also

of culture i.e. everyone wants to go

shows you had booked for this period?

early 2021. I totally understand where this

and experience events, digital leap and

comes from, everyone is doing their very

new virtual reality aspects strengthened

In the first wave we rescheduled many and

best to secure their life-line and wanting to


even most of the shows, but the situation

benefit from the renaissance of culture, but

movement and visuals.

has changed quite a bit, and we will have

I also think we all have to look into what is

to think over this strategy, because it is

worse, making huge losses or making less

But also tons of purely magnificent affects

not in anyone’s interest to have a ton of


that we do not need to prepare for, such as

conflicting and competing events on at the

a huge increase of respect for our industry,

same time.

What long term affects do you think

both by ourselves, our clientele and the

the current crisis will have on the future

government officials.

Are you already booking new shows

of the Live Music Industry?

for later in the year and next year?

Do you have any ideas on how to keep

Long term is the question, and so important

business rolling during these times?

Yes, we are working on both. Our promoters

to keep our eyes on that, because if this

and programme directors are working full

would only be a temporary cash deficit

I wish I had. It is not really a business to

on to realize the best possible programme,

problem, we would not have so much

realize virtual events with public support. I

both for the quickly changing environment

to prepare for. Yes, I do think this crisis

am glad there are also new, ticketed virtual

of 2020 and 2021, as well as for 2022.

will also have long term affects: further

concert experiences tested and tried out,

consolidations, but also completely new

since they seem to offer at least some

Are you worried about event saturation

actors entering the field, some changes in

kind of earning opportunity for artists and

once the ban is lifted?

the B2C clientele and definitely changes

technicians. I am most worried about their

in the B2B partner landscape, increased

life-line: most of them have dropped into a

Yes, very much so. I am not sure if everyone

local travel and experience desire i.e.

situation of practically no income, for the

is conscious how much competition there

strengthening of local cultures, renaissance






Georg Leitner - CEO at Georg Leitner Productions, Austria How is your company coping with the

I exercise every morning now, enjoy lunch

time as a team to develop new show formats

current crisis?

and breakfast with my family, walk our dog

and tour packages for 2021 & 2022.

in the Vienna woods and play new songs

Most of the staff are at their home offices

on the piano (right now I’m practicing Nina

Have you received any financial support

and we have regular “Zoom Meetings”.

Simone’s “Feeling Good “ ). We also use the

from your government and if so what

GLP’s offices are in our own apartment

kind of support is being offered?

building in Vienna, so thank god we don’t

have to deal with any rent issues.

The staff of GLP has gone into what is

called “reduced work” – so since April

On a financial basis – the past few years have

everybody works only 10% of the time and

been highly profitable so GLP has a solid

the government pays 85 % of the salaries

base to get through these challenging times.

of our staff. This is granted to more or less all companies in Austria. Also I applied for a

How has your everyday work changed?

grant to establish our home office system.

Are you working from home etc.? So all in all the Austrian government is doing a My daily routine has somewhat changed in

good job to ensure that companies can keep

view of a reduced work load. The GLP Office

going and to avoid high unemployment.

is in the same building so I and a few other

GLP staff members do go to the office. These times have some positive side effects:


Georg Leitner

Have you managed to reschedule all the shows you had booked for this period?


APRIL 2020

Our main task right now is to reschedule

working on new tour formats and touring

this in good shape. I think that the small and

the many shows and tours we had booked

packages for 2021 & 2022.

midsize companies with low overheads will


be in a good position to survive this .

EARTH WIND & FIRE exp feat Al McKAY,

Are you worried about event saturation


once the ban is lifted?

I am not sure how the big multinational

This is work in progress and we are optimistic

We just celebrated the 40th anniversary of

able to cope with this – there may be a move

that we will re-schedule most of the shows

GLP last year – and we have faced numerous

back to smaller, more flexible companies in

we had booked in 2020 for 2021.

challenges in the past. Rather than worry –

the business.

we are working to gear up GLP for the time

Many of the festivals e.g. Blues fest in

after Corona with fresh ideas & strategies.

Do you have any ideas on how to keep

Australia etc. strive to retain the line up

business rolling during these times?

they had scheduled for 2020 for their

What long term affects do you think the

2021 edition.

current crisis will have on the future of

GLP’s roster includes a wide range of artists

the Live Music Industry?

covering several areas (world, rock, soul,

Are you already booking new shows

blues, classical – as well as show acts such

for later in the year and next year?

Of course this crisis will have a severe affect on

as Vivalidanno, Peter Pan on Ice etc). So this

our industry – and some companies sadly may

diversification as well as our global approach

We are also busy with booking the summer

not survive this. It will take a spirit of fairness

ensure that we will continue to serve the

tour for JULIO IGLESIAS as well as JOSE

and cooperation towards our partners to help

world with 1st class entertainment – which

CARRERAS for December / January

as much as we can, so that we come out of

keeps our business rolling.

entities with their huge overheads will be


Sabine Waltz, Agent and Owner at IBD / International Booking Department, Germany How is your company coping with the

How has your everyday work changed?

Are you already booking new shows for

current crisis?

Are you working from home etc.?

later in the year and next year?

As many others not good of course, no

My everyday work has not changed, my

Yes I’ve already booked several tours for the

income since March. I had to postpone all

office is @ our house. But I am having more

fall/winter and for spring 2021

my May tours until the fall and to 2021 and

problems reaching people.

no-one knows whats going to happen in the

Are you worried about event saturation

fall and winter of 2020/21.

Have you received any financial support

once the ban is lifted?

from your government and if so what kind of support is being offered?

Yes of course, we will definitely face this situation especially with smaller new acts.

Bavaria was first offering support for small

Also people will not buy tickets way in

companies, I received 5000 euro but it took

advance anymore, so even when the ban is

5 weeks and I am waiting since 2 weeks for

lifted it’s not going to be over for us.

the balance payment. I know many who are still waiting for the

What long term affects do you think the

“Soforthilfe”- It’s of course not enough to

current crisis will have on the future of

survive 6 months without income.

the Live Music Industry?

Sabine Waltz

Have you managed to reschedule all the

Good question; I think this will affect

shows you had booked for this period?

the live music industry for many years, depending on how long this will take, clubs

Yes I have. But I started very early.

and smaller promoters might not survive,



APRIL 2020

promoters will and might not be able to

many of us won’t be here anymore. It’s a

We just have to sit it out I guess, believe in

pay what we need to produce a tour.

culture suicide.

what we do and hope. IBD started 34 years

ago and trust me, the company has been

Right now the situation is already bad, very

Do you have any ideas on how to keep

through a lot of hard times but this one is

bad and if this will continue until next year

business rolling during these times?

the worse situation I’ve ever had but I am not ready to give up. Besides Laibach and Die Krupps I only have smaller acts touring in 2020 because I think that the smaller the act the better the chances are that it will happen. I postponed all my North American bands to 2021 and have booked European acts for this year only. I wish everyone the best of luck, don’t


give up please.

Gad Oron - Owner/Promoter at O.G. Music Business, Israel How is your company coping with the

No, show business is one of the industries

Are you worried about event saturation

current crisis?

that the government disregards, nothing has

once the ban is lifted?

been offered so far, thus other matters that Total lockdown – I’m lucky to have a fully

promoters experience on a local level such

I’m an optimistic promoter, but I cannot

equipped home office and am trying to spend

as wars, and others state of emergencies in

predict, I will be ready to go full steam

a few hours a day keeping myself busy.

Israel take precedence so I’m not expecting

ahead and will study the new situation and

any assitance from the government.

act accordingly.

How has your everyday work changed?

Are you working from home etc.?

Have you managed to reschedule all the

What long term affects do you think the

shows you had booked for this period?

current crisis will have on the future of the Live Music Industry?

Yes I work from my home office, my house is out of town so I spend the day in the office

Some of those shows that are close as well

trying to keep my staff with hope that this

as those planned for the next 6 months have

I’m afraid that a global economic recession

nightmare will end soon.

been postponed to the winter (mainly indoor

will influence things on one side, especially

shows) and others (such as outdoor shows)

with ticket prices, and on the others side

Have you received any financial support

have been postponed until next Summer.

I’m curious to find out how the talent and

from your government and if so what

others services we are using will behave on

kind of support is being offered?

Are you already booking new shows for

that matter.

later in the year and next year? Outdoor shows might be the most immediate I avoid watching a future in such situations,

events to be re-activated in the industry.

so to be on the safe side, I’m trying to book

for next year, but it takes “2 to tango” and

Do you have any ideas on how to keep

part of the talent and agents side of the

business rolling during these times?

industry is also on hold, I believe that as soon

Gad Oron


as the panic is over and both sides get used

I decided for myself to keep less active in

to the new routine and day to day operation,

2020 and am looking forward to 2021 &

“action will start”.



APRIL 2020

VIP News Views by Charlie Presburg

This month’s ‘VIP-News Views’ finds most of us in some

back stronger than ever. How the live industry will look when

form of lockdown with the live music and entertainment

it resurfaces is another matter altogether. Sadly, with so

industry sadly very much on hold. Strange times indeed

many businesses affected by COVID-19, some of the smaller

and something that none of us could hardly have foreseen

companies won’t be able to survive. We know that the live

during Eurosonic back in January. As the ILMC was taking

industry in general is looking to its respective governments

place in London in March, we were certainly aware of the

for help and financial support. Certainly in the UK, the

world situation with regard to COVID-19 and it’s potential

72% of people working in the music industry who are self

impending effect on all of us working in this industry. As I

employed are hoping for some kind of financial support,

write this, the UK is in it’s fifth week of lockdown and like

only time will tell how this will pan out. Many of these live

so many people out there, daily life is split between working

music professionals of course are partly responsible for quite

from home, home schooling and keeping a close eye on

literally putting our concerts, tours and festivals together,

the daily news. One saving grace is that the weather in the

be they tour managers, lighting and sound crew or those

Somerset village where I live has been wonderful so lots of

involved in the transportation of equipment.

walks have been had, making one briefly forget and escape the craziness of the world around us.

For many of our clients at VIP-Booking, daily life seems to be largely focused on re-scheduling shows for either later this

It seems that every day, we are reading about another festival

year or early next year, a mammoth task for so many people.

cancellation, amongst the UK festival cancellations are

We at VIP-Booking are doing our best to reach out to as many

Glastonbury, Download and the Isle of Wight to name a few.

of our clients as possible in the hope that we can facilitate

The German live industry recently announced the cancellation

this and help and support people as much as we can. We

of its summer events happening through to the end of

would like to extend our thoughts to all those who have been

August, these include Wacken, Southside, Hurricane as well

personally affected by this unprecedented situation.

as Rock am Ring and Rock im Park both celebrating their their 25 and 35 year anniversaries respectively. Similar situations

On April 23rd, VIP-Booking,com held its first webinar

of course are happening across Europe with the cancellation

featuring key industry people which was very well attended

of events including Belgium’s Rock Werchter, Pukkelpop,

by professionals from across the world. Aside from discussing

Dour and Tomorrowland as well as Eurockeennes, Solidays

the current effect of the world situation on the live industry,

and Festival D’Avignon in France and Roskilde, Northside and

it was very obvious that people were extremely pleased to

Tinderdox in Denmark and Pohoda Festival in Slovakia, I could

see each other. These webinars will be a regular event, we

go on but I won’t, it makes somewhat depressing reading.

will let you know about the next one so please get involved whenever you are able to, we value your opinons.

With so many people ‘stuck’ at home, there has of course been a huge rise and proliferation in the streaming of live

One thing for sure is that when the current situation starts to

shows and events to keep us entertained, some artists even

settle down and people can begin working again on building

including their family members. Indeed, The World Health

tours, booking festivals and live events, I am sure that this

Organisation recently announced the One World Together At

incredible industry that we work in will prevail and be in

Home Event, scheduled for April 18th, artists performing in

greater demand than ever.

support of frontline healthcare workers include Elton John, Paul McCartney, Andrea Bocelli and Lizzo.

Stay Safe!

What is clear is that at some stage, our industry will return to

Charlie Presburg

some semblance of normality and order and we will bounce

Area Sales Manager,




APRIL 2020

Live Nation rolls out refund plan From VIP-Daily News

Live Nation, the company that owns Ticketmaster, has announced

refund plan, ticket holders had already begun filing lawsuits prior

plans for a new ticket refund policy that begins May 1st., the plan

to the announcement.

is specific in offering refunds to rescheduled events, giving ticket holders up to 30 days to claim refunds for an event once the

A San Fransisco ticket holder has filed a lawsuit against Ticketmaster

rescheduled dates for said event have been announced.

claiming “deceptive practices relating to their sale of live events tickets and refusal to provide refunds for live events that have been

In addition, Live Nation is also offering ticket holders the option to

rescheduled or postponed.” The ticket holder purchased $600

receive up to 150% the value of their previously purchased tickets,

worth of tickets for Rage Against The Machine’s reunion tour,

which can be used for a future show.

which currently the first set of dates are postponed (March 26thMay 20th).

Live Nation is officially offering refunds to postponed shows but on a rolling basis, i.e. once the rescheduled dates have been announced.

There are still several summer tours that have yet to postpone

The company also notes that this plan was not in response to the

or reveal postponed dates. Early on, progressive metal icons Tool

criticism they`ve received over the last few weeks.

announced they were postponing their late spring tour, but didn’t offer any incite on to refunds or rescheduled dates. Mötley Crüe

In total Ticketmaster has canceled and/or postponed 30,000 events

and Def Leppard make up another huge rock tour, and they’ve yet

due to the pandemic, and presumably more events will follow later

to announce anything in regards to postponement, cancellation,

this year. While the company only recently laid out it’s revised

or rescheduling.



APRIL 2020

Cultural centres joining forces to bring hope From VIP-Daily News Four cultural, concert and event centres across

Aivar Mäe, General Manager of Estonian

gotten through this, first and foremost by

the Nordic hemisphere will be lit in green, the


supporting each other”, says Svanhildur

colour of hope, to show respect to everyone

“Through this gesture, we want to bring

struggling from the current situation and to

hope and some light into people’s hearts. We

remind us of more hopeful times ahead.

also want to send a message to all the people

Kristiina Alliksaar, the Director of Vanemuine





in the world that once this crisis is over, all of

explains the joint decision for the colour:

Leading cultural and concert centres from

us working in culture welcome our audiences

“Green symbolizes hope and harmony, and

three countries across the Nordic hemisphere

back with open hearts.”

this is what we hope for everybody, wherever

have joined forces in a campaign to bring

they might be and whatever their situation. In

hope to people, show respect and support

The cultural centres are aware of their key role

some parts of the world it is also the symbol

to everyone facing the crisis. These cultural

in bringing back hope, trust and economical

for change. This crisis has already demanded

centres will be lit in green every night from

activity once the crisis is over. “Those of us

a lot of creativity from everyone. We are

Thursday, April 9th onwards for the time

working in culture, arts and events have

convinced that the new challenges, and the

being. The campaign wishes to show support

a big responsibility in keeping hope alive

need for innovation in our societies will be

to everyone in these trying times: healthcare

and continuing to share as much beautiful,

met with the support of the arts and culture.”

professionals, volunteers, parents, people

inspirational music as we can. By doing so

suffering from loneliness or illness, the elderly

we remind people of the importance and

The following cultural and events centres will

and other people in quarantine, artist and all

relevance of arts and culture – particularly in

be lit in green from April 9th onwards, every

the others whose livelihood is threatened,

times of deep crisis such as the one we are

night: Tampere Hall and Tampere Opera in

and all those whose lives have been affected

all living through today. These trying times

Finland, Harpa in Iceland, Estonian National

by the virus.

will end and then we´ll come together again

Opera and Ballet and the Concert Hall in

in our shared spaces and cultural centres to

Estonia and Vanemuine Theatre in Estonia

celebrate our common humanity and having

(lighting from sunset to sunrise).

These centres also want to invite anyone working in culture, music and events to join them in this campaign (#lightitupgreen), and send a public call for everyone to join. In doing so they also want to highlight the importance of international outreach even if the physical borders are now temporarily closed. ”Even though social distancing is preventing us from being close together, it is vital that we do not try to fight this alone. I am grateful to all our international friends in the culture and events industry for their endless support and help, for coming together also during this crisis, and for sharing their innovations and best practices so generously. We welcome everyone working in culture, music and events to join us in this campaign; it is more important than ever to cross boundaries and to seek for international perspective, learning and support”, states Ms. Paulina Ahokas, CEO of Tampere Hall.


Konráðsdóttir, CEO of Harpa.

Venues lit in Green



APRIL 2020

Peter Briggs - 20 years with From VIP-Daily News On April 1st Peter Briggs celebrated his 20th anniversary as General

Since Peter lives in Sweden with his family, he initially focused on the

Manager at, being one of the first employees

Swedish Live Music Industry and with his native English background

when the company was founded in 2000.

he soon became Key Account Manager with clients worldwide. Over the years he has developed together with the company and is now

If you have attended one of the major Live Music conferences over

General Manager, dealing with sales and handling partnerships.

the past 20 years you have probably met Peter, he knows “almost” everyone worth knowing in the Live Music Industry and has a

“Peter is a big part of VIP-Booking’s success over the past 20 years.

history of endless visits to bars and venues and is often the last

He is a very structured person, pretty unique in the Live Music

man standing at closing time. People attending ILMC in London,

Industry. Besides working closely together for many years, we

probably remember seeing Peter hobbling around with an injured

have also developed a long friendship and he is one of the finest

leg after joining the conference football match at Wembley stadium

people that I have ever met, with a trustworthy and open-minded

some years back.

personality.” says Ronni Didriksen, founder of

Talking of football, Peter is a passionate Arsenal supporter and a

“Long before I joined, I had met Peter at the various

true Gunner in every sense of the word. In fact his biggest concern

conferences I attended during my many years at Pollstar, I always

when travelling around the world for VIP-Booking, is to find a local

considered him to be very open and honest, a true gentleman. Since

bar showing an Arsenal match.

joining VIP Booking in 2012, I count him not just a work colleague but also a true friend, very professional with a deep knowledge of

On a more serious note, Peter is a highly reliable business man, always

the industry and a great sense of fun!” Charlie Presburg, Area Sales

true to his word and very highly respected by everyone in the industry.





APRIL 2020

Music In Shares Manfred Tari

Too big to Fail?

Last reported share price on March 25 was 37.38 Euro, on April 23 it is 38.56 Euro...

A rhetorical question, but nevertheless considerable: Particularly in times of the Corona crisis when even billionaires such as Richard

DEAG - A small decrease

Branson are asking for public funding. At a time when the business model of the global concert industry went from hero to zero over

Not surprising for the share price of DEAG is the speculative

night, the question of survival basically breaks down to the factors

momentum . Down from 3.62 Euro as reported in the previous issue,

of liquidity versus time.

the share price now is 3.17 Euro...

Individually there are of course various components to be considered

Eventbrite - Statement Against Social Distancing Protests

within the mathematical considerations of the survival rate of companies. Since these days that of cash flow became a theoretical

Besides Eventbrite’s laying off of 45 per cent of its staff, the company

figure, not only for concert companies, there are further aspects

lately announced the withdrawal of posts on its website promoting

such as fixed assets and payments to be considered.

protest events against public stay at home orders.

In fact credit lines and debts appear highly crucial in these times. To

In the meantime the share price of the company went up from $7.45

keep it brief, prominent players in the entertainment industry such

to $8.57 when this report went to press...

as CAA, WME, Paradigm, Superstruct or United Talent financed their recent growth strategies with the help of external investors.

Live Nation - Stability Seeking

A good example is how the secondary ticketing company Viagogo financed the take over of Stubhub from Ebay for $4 billion. The

The share price movements of Live Nation indicate a mix of concerns

figure of $4 billion furthermore appears as the figure for debts in

and confidence these days. Down from $42.99 on March 25 to $38.2

the balance sheets for Live Nation and WME.

this time...

At least it is known that Eventbrite, Paradigm, Stubhub and WME

Spotify - The Magic of Streaming

layed off staff, while it is widely reported that CAA, Live Nation and United Talent are initiating pay cuts.

For the time being streaming ranks high when people are urged to stay at home! Up from $129 to $139...

In all these reports the term “for the time being” appears for all players in the concert business to be the leading answer for the

Tencent - A small increase

consideration, ‘liquidity versus time.’ At least in terms of the share price development of corporate concert companies the next milestone will be set when the results for the second quarter of 2020 are published.

CTS Eventim - Considering to Ask for Financial Aid According to recent media reports, CTS Eventim is apparently considering the option to apply for public financial aid. Unlike the global player Live Nation, CTS Eventim emphasized in the news that they were free of debts.


Better than nothing: From $9.94 up to $11.13...


APRIL 2020


This space is dedicated to present some of our clients using Companies presented here have our best endorsement...

ARTIST AVAILS BEAUTIFUL BADNESS Territory: Worldwide Period: 2020 - 2021 Agency: A.A. Productions SPRL Agent: Nicolas Gamin Phone: +32 479 528 066 E-mail: Homepage:

KAREN MÉNDEZ Territory: Worldwide Period: 3 years Agency: Be Real Agency Agent: Paul Fourmy Phone: +32 485 365 696 E-mail: Homepage:

OUMAR KONATE Territory: worldwide Period: 2020 Agency: Clermont Music Agent: Chris Nolan Phone: +1 518 755 5089 E-mail: Homepage:

CSB Island Entertainment ApS CSB Island Entertainment ApS is one of the leading artist and show promoters in Scandinavia. With more than 20 years experience, we build strong partnerships that bring only the biggest and best entertainment to audiences in our region. Our local

SAUDADE Territory: Worldwide Period: 2020-2021 Agency: A.A. Productions SPRL Agent: Nicolas Jaumain Phone: +32 479 528 066 E-mail: Homepage:

and our global partners trust us for our reliability, professionalism and our solution orientated focus. Every country is different and every region has its own challenges and opportunities. Knowing who to contact and how is essential. In Scandinavia, our home advantage and natural understanding of our markets helps us know where to focus to make our events a success. The result is better quality entertainment for the audience and better potential for future business.

About Our Company VIP-Booking’s core product is the largest­database­for the European Live Entertainment Industry­developed as a tool for industry professionals­. Since it’s launch in the year 2000, we have consistently offered our subscribers the very best in database services and now boast subscribers­in over 50 countries.

MAMADOU KELLY Territory: Worldwide Period: 2020 Agency: Clermont Music Agent: Chris Nolan Phone: +1 518 755 5089 E-mail: Homepage:

THE GOLDEN YEARS OF MUSIC TOURS Territory: Worldwide Period: Generally available Agency: Cheyenne Productions Agent: Patrick rocher Phone: +1 928 852 0032 E-mail: Homepage:


Karen Méndez





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