VIP News Premium - May 2020

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May 2020


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MAY 2020



Well, here I am with a somewhat brief,

front door watching the brightness of the

will no doubt be an unquenchable thirst

and most likely meandering musings.

International Space Station shooting like a

for live events. Once again this industry will

The contents are of course outlined by

fast moving star across the nighttime sky.

be there to meet the demands, delivering



I recommend looking out for it, it’s quite

more vibrant, diverse and exciting events

virtually dictated times! How are you all?

therapeutic. It must be an even stranger than

than ever before.

Hopefully you’re comforted and held back

usual experience for the three occupying

from going stir crazy by your permissibly

astronauts to be staring down at us all –

I take it most of us basically agree with the

nearest and dearest, and for those of

surely the ultimate in social distancing!

foregoing, but in all territories we are of




you flying solo through lockdown, I hope

course still in need of support and direction

you’re benefiting from the easing off of

As the industry puts its joint creative and

from our governments, and it’s probably

restrictions in various countries!

entrepreneurial mind to inventing new

also agreed that we’re in need of more

ways to safely stage concerts – drive in ,

information and less indecision!

We’ve passed a few minutes over the

bike-in, swim –in – it’s probably about time

last couple of nights standing outside the

to try and work out how we can involve

One government though has made a very

satellites and use the space! Of course

positive statement, which is very good news,

we are zooming in and out of virtual ways

considering how many festival events have

of doing business, and hoping that new

been cancelled and postponed. Although

technologies will help us be prepared for an

the Serbian globally acclaimed EXIT Festival

eventual return to reality.

(my most attended and favourite event!)


had already announced that it will not

VIP-News is published by: Enghaven 19 Attrup 8444 Balle Denmark Managing Director: Ronni Didriksen General Manager: Peter Briggs Writer and editorial: Allan McGowan Writer: Manfred Tari For advertising enquiries please contact: Peter Briggs +46 70 77 60 480 Charlie Presburg +44 (0) 7980 817496


But if we do get back to what we’ve come

be held in its standard format and dates

to regard as reality, will we need to change?

this year, but, speaking in Novi Sad, Ana

I think most of us will agree that the answer

Brnabic, Serbia’s Prime Minister, has asked

is, and will be, yes! Michael Kill of The Night

organizers not to cancel the festival, but

Time Industries Association put it very well.

rather postpone it to August. Brnabic said that having in mind drastic improvement of

Do live events need to change? Yes almost

health situation in Serbia as well as in many

certainly, the way we interact with each

countries of Europe the recommendation

other, not just in the event industry but in

given by the country’s health experts

society as a whole, will no doubt be changed

assembled in a National Crisis Team is to go

forever. Not necessarily in a negative way

ahead with the festival this summer:

though. Being more aware of people’s personal space, respecting boundaries and

“We recommend to move the festival to

generally being kinder to one another can

August because we expect that the situation

be no bad thing. We will all be more aware

(with pandemic) in the whole of Europe will

of our own surroundings and everybody’s

be totally under control by then.”

health and personal wellbeing which can only act as an advantage to us all as we

Now, there’s something positive to end on!

move forward. …… when the dust has

A glass of wine I think, as I stare up at the

settled on the Covid 19 health crisis, there

heavens…. Stay well and safe!



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MAY 2020

Guinean singer Mory Kante dies at 70 From VIP-Daily News Guinean singer Mory Kante who helped

“We saw his condition deteriorate rapidly,

spread African music to the world in the

but I was still surprised because he`s been

1980s died on Friday at the age of 70, his

through much worse times before,” he

son has announced.

added. There was no suggestion that

Mory Kante

coronavirus was his direct cause of death. Kante is best known for the dance song Yeke Yeke which was a huge hit across

Mory Kante performs during the 46th

the African continent before becoming a

session of the International Carthage festival

Number 1 in several European countries,

at the Roman theatre in Carthage, near Tunis

including France and Germany, in 1988. It

Mory Kante performs during the 2010

was the first ever African single to sell over

International Carthage festival in Tunisia

one million copies. Kante was nicknamed the “electronic griot.” “He suffered from chronic illnesses and

A griot is a name for traditional West African

often traveled to France for treatment,

musicians and storytellers.

but that was no longer possible with the coronavirus,” his son Balla Kante told AFP

He will be remembered as a founding

news agency. Guinea has seen over 3,000

member of the “African wave” and inspiring

confirmed cases of coronavirus and 18

many other African musicians to share their

people have died.

music with an international audience.

Estonia allows open-air events in July From VIP-Daily News The Estonian government began easing lockdown measures this week, with open-air live events of up to 1,000 people to return in July. The country has also announced that indoor shows of up to 500 attendees in venues operating at 50 per cent capacity will also open in July, as no public events are permitted to take place in May and June. Estonia is now allowing public drive-in events and sports events have been given the green light to take place behind closed doors. Estonian Prime Minister Jüri Ratas (pictured) said: “The reasonable and responsible behaviour of our people makes it possible to end the emergency situation in Estonia this week. Our joint effort has allowed us to return to a more regular life.”


Jüri Ratas


MAY 2020

EXIT Festival gets go ahead from PM From VIP-Daily News Although the Serbian globally acclaimed

“Festival in its full format with 55.000 per

EXIT Festival has already announced that it

day and 40 stages will probably not return

will not be held in its standard format and

until 2021, but we are delighted to hear that

dates this year, Ana Brnabic, Serbia’s Prime

health situation is becoming increasingly

Minister, has asked organizers not to cancel

better and that we’ll be able to mark

the festival, but rather postpone it to August.

20th anniversary of EXIT this summer with

Exit festival

meaningful and safe event“, said the EXIT’s Brnabic (pictured) said that having in mind

founder Dusan Kovacevic. “Health and

pandemic, and the initial predictions were

drastic improvement of health situation

safety of the audience and everyone involved

truly devastating to millions of jobs and

in Serbia as well as in many countries of

at the festival is our top priority. We will work

families that depend on it“, says Milivojev

Europe the recommendation given by the

closely with Health officials in order to take

and adds: “This decision is very important

country’s health experts assembled in a

all precautionary measures and make festival

for event fans all around the globe as even

National Crisis Team is to go ahead with the

in August as safe as possible. Between fear

in different formats and smaller capacities, if

festival this summer:

and optimism we always choose later and

possible and safe, events could bring back

we’re thrilled that we will have opportunity

much needed relief from the hardship we

“We recommend to move the festival to

to be together with our fans and favourite

have all been through“.

August because we expect that the situation

artists this summer“, Kovacevic concludes.

(with pandemic) in the whole of Europe will

EXIT is a summer music festival founded

be totally under control by then”, she said in

As expected, the news exploded in the

in 2000 and held at the colossal 18th

the city of Novi Sad, known as home to the

festival industry around the globe with

century Petrovaradin Fortress in Novi Sad

EXIT Festival in the past 20 years.

agents and artists seeing this as a hope

every July. It won the Best European Major

to speed up revival of the event and

Festival award twice, in 2013 and 2017,

The organizers stated that they are also

festival industry which was hit the most by

and promoted shows for global music stars

welcoming the latest predictions by the

pandemic. Yourope board member and one

such as The Cure, Madonna, Guns’n’Roses,

health experts in Serbia and the rest of the

of the EXIT’s founders Ivan Milivojev believes

Arctic Monkeys, Grace Jones, Migos, David

Balkan region and expressed willingness to

that the latest developments can help to

Guetta, Nina Kraviz, Carl Cox, Motorhead,

reduce capacity of the event and take all

save the whole industry. “It’s no secret that

Wu-Tang Clan and thousands more. In 2019,

precautionary measures:

the event industry was heavily hit by the

EXIT Festival had over 200,000 visitors from 90 countries and contributed to Serbia’s

Ana Brnabic

economy with 16.4 million Euro, totalling in nearly 200 million since its founding two decades ago. Born






working on numerous humanitarian and environmental projects ever since, including hosting Standing Rock activists on its Main Stage, EXIT is also launching its major social and environmental project to this date dubbed the LIFE STREAM. The project’s main idea is to stream some of the shows from the festival in a new innovative way by playing additional footage with quotes and information from scientific sources on climate crisis and other rising social issues after the pandemic.



MAY 2020

Goldman Sachs: Music industry to nearly double in value From VIP-Daily News Goldman


With worldwide mobility brought close to


revenues to tumble by up to 25% in




a standstill, analysts at Goldman Sachs said

to benefit from the rising adoption of





2020, largely due to widespread disruption

time spent listening to music “may shift

music streaming and their vast amount of

across all sectors of the industry due to the

away from music streaming to other forms

consumer data, although competition will

coronavirus crisis.

of entertainment in the short term.”

likely intensify: we prefer leading, scaled players such as Spotify and Tencent Music,”

Analysts at the U.S. investment bank said

But, “we believe the industry’s long-term

in a research note that live music would be

growth outlook is intact,” they added.

“severely impacted” by the postponement and cancellation of events this year, leading

“Meanwhile, Who are the main beneficiaries?

to a 75% drop in revenue.





particularly well-placed to capture the growing usage and monetization of music

The bank estimated the online streaming


But, over the longer-term, analysts at the

market could grow to capture 1.2 billion

subscriptions,” they added.

bank expected a strong rebound, citing the

users by 2030. To be sure, that’s almost four

secular growth of paid streaming, growing

times higher than the 2019 level of 341

Goldman Sachs disclosed it has received

demand for music content and live events,

million paid subscribers.


new licensing opportunities and positive regulatory developments.








services from Alphabet, Spotify, Tencent Analysts at Goldman singled out record

Music Entertainment Group and Vivendi

companies Universal Music Group and

over the last 12 months. It also holds

As a result, global music revenues were

Sony Music as the “main beneficiaries”

a position greater than $15 million (or

projected to reach $142 billion by the end

of the growth of streaming and improved

equivalent) in the debt or debt instruments

of the decade, reflecting an 84% increase

monetization of music content.

of Vivendi.

when compared to the 2019 level of $77 billion. Long-term growth outlook remains ‘intact’ To date, more than 4.9 million people have contracted the coronavirus, with 323,333 deaths





compiled by Johns Hopkins University. The pandemic has meant countries have effectively had to shut down, with many world leaders imposing stringent restrictions on the daily lives of billions of people. The confinement measures, which vary in their application but broadly include school closures, bans on public gatherings and social distancing, are expected to result in the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression in the 1930s.


they said.


MAY 2020

COVID-19 and the Live Industry: How Are we Coping? It goes without saying that these are challenging times with the Live Music & Events Industry being one of the worst hit by the current coronavirus crisis and with the lockdowns and restrictions on events imposed by governments all over the world. Although there is some hope on the horizon with many tours already being rescheduled for the autumn there is still a lot of uncertainty remaining. We asked 3 professionals from different countries about their current situation and how they are dealing with the problems facing their businesses.

Neil O’Brien - Agent/Owner at Neil O’Brien Entertainment Ltd. How is your company coping with the

Most of our shows in 2020 are rescheduled

already promotes shows with and on behalf

current crisis?

for next year.

of our clients and we already actively market our touring in a partnership between the

We have remained open for business,

Are you already booking new shows for

promoter/venue and the agent. It allows

continuing to reschedule most shows and

later in the year and next year?

us to actually create more business with

continuing to find opportunities for our

promoters and venues and when successful

clients. The company has always had a cloud

Yes - we believe that there will be business

generates a greater share of revenue for our

based infrastructure with phones, contracts

in Q4 and have in some cases been working

artists and the company.

etc and some of our staff already worked

direct with venues to help them programme

from home offices. We have made it a

some shows which we feel have the ability

Have you managed to monetise any live

priority to have close contact with all of our

to sell tickets at short notice once venues

streamed gigs for your artists and if so

promoters and artists to let them know it is

reopen again. We are booking new tours


business as unusual!

in 2021 and planning for the next festival season. We expect our private and corporate

We are focusing on our clients live public

Have you received any financial support

business to resume in Q4 also and to

shows and touring and making sure we

from your government and if so what

continue into next year.

maintain the core business of our venues,

kind of support is being offered?

live promoters and producers. We are Will promoters continue to pay huge

highlighting our clients activities online

We have used the UK Job Retention Scheme

advances in the future or do you see

through our new communication ‘In The Air

for two of our staff and have applied for the

artists/managers/agents taking more of

Tonight’ - a bi weekly newsletter that shows

UK government business intervention loan.

the risk?

how our artists are using live streaming

Have you managed to reschedule all the

I can see the risk (and rewards) in a show

monetising ourselves or on behalf of artists

shows you had booked for this period?

being more equally shared. My company

to the detriment of live venues and festivals

but we do not envisage getting involved in



MAY 2020

and events. They are the number one source

I believe that domestic markets will be crucial

of income for our live business.

in the short term - and that unfortunately each country will see the inevitable natural

Do you see live streamed gigs being a

contraction of the live music sector.

revenue stream for artists in the future even when they get back to touring

It will be a sad fact that there may be less


venues, festivals and music events. The obvious difficulties of easy international

Yes - but mainly as a complementary and

movement and cost of touring may also see

secondary source of income and content to

this part of the business change.

live shows. I do see optimism in the small, innovative What long term affects do you think the

and energetic companies being able to

current crisis will have on the future of

steer a path through to keep the spirit and

the Live Music Industry?

uniqueness of live music alive.

Neil O’Brien

Kari Possi - Manager/Agent at Blue Buddha Management and Piikkikasvi Agency Ltd. How is your company coping with the

of new innovations and so on – hopefully

Do you see live streamed gigs being a

current crisis?

in near future there will be some more

revenue stream for artists in the future

economical resources available to fill the gap

even when they get back to touring

of lost income.


artists & crew members. Summer is normally

Have you managed to reschedule all the

I believe this will be more or less like a

like a “pay off” –period but now with very

shows you had booked for this period?

promotional tool, maybe replacing dvds a

Of course it depends how long this will continue – but I’m more worried about our

little or no income, their situation is very

little bit – but sometimes I have made some

troublesome. I’m afraid that the recovery

Not all but a considerable part. Some of

mistakes with my predictions and this one

period for them will be longer than the

them have been rescheduled a few times

could be one of those J

pandemic itself.

already. What long term affects do you think the

Have you received any financial support

Are you already booking new shows for

current crisis will have on the future of

from your government and if so what

later in the year and next year?

the Live Music Industry?

Yes, and at this moment next year’s

Many artists have postponed their tours so

So far we have only received some

calendar (2021) is more filled than it usually

I’m afraid the next couple of years will be

developing funds to regenerate a couple

is at this time of year – but it’s very much a

saturated with all kinds of events. At the

copy of 2020. The gigs are just postponed

same time many people have lost their jobs

for one year.

or have been laid off so the audience could

kind of support is being offered?

be short of money. The combination of these Have you managed to monetise any live

two factors could prove to be difficult.

streamed gigs for your artists and if so how?

But it should be possible to get a positive outcome of some-kind if we can get some

Kari Possi


We have done a handful of these – but so

support to help us survive through (and

far revenues have not been very stunning;

after) this: age limits, helicopter money to

but still something and for an artist it’s better

the public for use at cultural events etc.,

than nothing.

taxation changes etc.


MAY 2020

Juliet Sharman Matthews – Owner JPSM Management, UK How is your company coping with the

government’s ‘Universal Credit’ pays self-

Are you already booking new shows for

current crisis?

employed only £95 a week. Commercially

later in the year and next year?

tenanted venues are protected from eviction We’ve been incredibly busy with online

up to 30th June if they can’t pay rent. Live

Yes, all shows are rebooked and 2021 is

concerts, setting up song-writing sessions

music venues, cafes and pubs in commercial

looking like being a very busy year! I am

for artists, new projects, and I am currently

properties can get Business Rates Relief and

doubtful that touring as we know it will

in discussions about a Drive-in Music

businesses with ‘Rateable Values’ under £51k

return until there is a vaccine. No concerts or

Festival. Income has been pretty much zero,

can seek £10k-£25k grants. There are loans

festivals can really go ahead whilst there is a

but it’s all about building the Artists profiles

too. Employed staff can be ‘furloughed’.

2-metre rule. The lack of touring this year is

for 2021 and making sure the fans are kept

The Government pays up to £2.5k pm. One-

going to have a major impact on record sales

informed. We’ve been doing Q&As and a

off grants can be sought from companies

and merchandise.

lot of radio interviews. Also, on the positive

like PRS for Music and the MU’s amazing

side, I’ve had “Zoom” meetings with key

hardship fund.

The Guardian newspaper in the UK had a

people worldwide who would normally not

very worrying article online on 13th May

have the time to have a discussion. Some

Have you managed to reschedule all the

saying that the “UK live music and festival

incredibly creative ideas are coming out

shows you had booked for this period?

sector at risk of collapse due to coronavirus”

of this period. We are launching a TV Pilot


this week online and some musicians are

When lockdown happened, I immediately


offering one-to-one tutorials.

rescheduled all shows booked between


March & September with a couple of Have you received any financial support

exceptions where the venues are already

Will promoters continue to pay huge

from your government and if so what

running into financial difficulties due to this

advances in the future or do you see

kind of support is being offered?

pandemic. I had originally moved everything

artists/managers/agents taking more of

to Autumn 2020 but am now starting

the risk?

We are looking into various schemes. In

to move some to 2021. My artists make



considerably more money touring than any

Promoters are already pushing for more

seek grants up to £7.5k (taxable), paid in



other income stream, so coronavirus has

favourable terms so there will have to be a lot

June, if their profits aren’t over £50k. The

decimated their income in 2020.

more risk taking for Managers and Artists. The repercussions of Covid-19 are already being

Juliet Sharman Matthews

felt at every level of the industry. In some cases, venues and promoters are seeking to renegotiate deals for rescheduled shows, asking for a reduction in the artist fee. I think this is fair if the ticket prices are going to be dropped but not otherwise. It’s unclear what shape the first post coronavirus concerts will take and how many people will be allowed to attend. It could be that fans’ temperatures are checked as they enter a venue. Have you managed to monetise any live streamed gigs for your artists and if so how? I started streaming online concerts very early on. We have managed to monetise them, but in general have been donating the money raised to the NHS or Food banks.



MAY 2020

In one case, we have used the money to

even when they get back to touring

as a whole is very concerning. Around 72%

crowdfund for a specific project. Instagram


of people who work in the music business

does not allow performers to monetise live

are self-employed. My concern is the smaller

streams, at the moment. Only the biggest,

With the decline of physical sales, we are

most viral names, can really support

left with streaming. Spotify pays artists an

themselves this way.

average of 0.26p per listen and You Tube’s

One simple but potentially hugely beneficial

per stream rate is 0.13p! Few bands make

idea for music stores to help artists, would

We add a voluntary donate button which

any money from recorded music. Their

be to temporarily remove the VAT on CDs,

links to PayPal, for example, so fans can

main income is from live music and the

vinyl and other physical products – treating

help if they can afford it. We don’t push

gig cancellations in 2020 have spelled the

them equally with books.

it as we realise that everyone has financial

disappearance of this income.

issues, but fans have been generous. There

venues with capacities around 200.

Big tech companies, who have built so

are fears that the trend for successful

What long term affects do you think the

much of their power on downloading and


current crisis will have on the future of

streaming, will emerge from this period

the Live Music Industry?

comparatively unscathed. Rebuilding the




streams devalues artists’ work across the board. It is interesting how fans feel an

industry’s infrastructure is going to be a

even stronger connection to the artist when

I think that arena-sized venues and major

massive job. The music business has always

they watch them on a live stream. It feels

festivals will be able to survive, but I know

evolved faster than any other creative

even more personal.

that around 500+ smaller venues in the UK

industry with the constant desire for new

are under threat of imminent closure due to

music, obsession with celebrity culture, or

Do you see live streamed gigs being a

rent issues. The impact on artists, venues

progression of technology. Fundamentally,

revenue stream for artists in the future

and freelancers across the music business

fans still crave live music.



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MAY 2020

Global recorded music up 8,2% From VIP-Daily News Music industry body the IFPI has launched its annual Global Music

The IFPI says that global performance rights revenue fell by 3.6% in

Report with data on worldwide recorded music revenues in 2019.

2019, but said this was “largely attributable to one-off settlements in

The headline figure: global recorded music revenues grew by 8.2%

2018” which spiked that year’s total. Meanwhile, sync revenues from

to $20.2bn in 2019, fuelled by streaming, which for the first time

advertising, film, games and TV grew by 5.8%.

accounted for more than half of the total. In fact, it was 56.1% with $11.4bn of revenues.

Understandably, the IFPI isn’t crowing about the growth stats, given the current coronavirus situation. “Importantly, the strong foundation

That streaming income grew by 22.9% in 2019, including a 24.1%

we built over the past several years helped deliver growth in 2019,”

increase in paid subscriptions, which is now 42% of the total. The IFPI

said chief executive Frances Moore.

says that there were 341 million ‘users of paid subscriptions’ at the end of 2019, up by 33.5% year-on-year. That includes non-paying

“While the numbers we are reporting are a snapshot of the business

users of family plans.

last year, the COVID-19 pandemic presents challenges unimaginable just months ago. In the face of a global tragedy, the music community

The overall total is the highest since 2004, when global revenues were

has united behind efforts to support those affected. This is a critical

$20.3bn. Streaming’s growth once again more than made up for the

and ongoing priority as our member record companies work to

decline in physical music sales (down 5.3% in 2019) and download

continue to support the careers of artists, musicians and employees

sales and other digital revenues (down 15.3%).

around the world.”



MAY 2020

Stayin’ Alive Festival 2020 [Never surrender] From VIP-Daily News Despite tough times in the Live Business in Finland they are refusing

extraordinary times for artists, the audience and us organisers. The

to give up with 2 prestigious venues teaming up to arrange a free

events bring a sense of a better future”, says promoter Ilpo Sulkala

2 day live streamed festival taking place on 12-13 June. The event

from 45 Special.

will include live performances from both venues with some of the Finland’s biggest artists and bands.

The technical production for the festival will be provided by Saha Prod, a respected company with substantial experience in streaming

Stayin’ Alive Festival is being arranged by Tullikamari in Tampere

and audio-visual productions. – “With a multi-camera production

and 45 Special in Oulu with featured artists such as Apocalyptica,

and interactivity, we decided to make the production of this festival

Mokoma, Terveet Kädet, Noora Louhimo Trio, Popeda, Vesterinen

top quality”, promises Mikko Pohjola from Saha Prod.

Yhtyeineen, Eläkeläiset, Jaakko Laitinen & Väärä Raha and Katri Ylander Duo with another artist announcement to be made in June.

According to the organizers, the artist booking for Stayin’ Alive Festival was quite easy with the bands ready to put a real effort into making the

The idea for the festival originated from Oulu, where 45 Special

event unforgettable. – “We are fulfilling many wishes here. The venues

started a series of streamed concerts in March. So far over 200.000

want to operate, people are hungry for live music and the bands are

people have watched the shows. - “The live streamed shows have

really looking forward to play. Bands are putting their hearts and minds

been a success and they’ve clearly had a role as an uplifter in these

into this”, says promoter Tero Viikari from Tullikamari. Stayin’ Alive Festival can be seen for free on and in the festival’s Facebook event. However, it is possible to support the event and the venues by buying voluntary support tickets from the presale outlets ( & Other merchandise, including special VIP packages will also be available. It’s also possible to support the festival, the artists, the venues and their staff during the event.

Terveet Kädet




MAY 2020

Joel Zimmerman leaves WME

Guy Oseary steps down from Maverick

From VIP-Daily News

From VIP-Daily News

Joel Zimmerman, WME’s global head of electronic music, has exited

Guy Oseary has “stepped down” from the day-to-day running

the agency according to Variety. Zimmerman was responsible agent

Maverick, the management collective he founded in 2014.

for a roster that included the Weeknd, Calvin Harris, Deadmau5, Kygo, Murda Beatz and Steve Aoki.

“I’m ready for my new chapter and welcome the opportunity to have more time to focus on management of Madonna and U2 while

Zimmerman, who is based in Los Angeles, joined the agency in

furthering my passion for identifying and incubating revolutionary

2008 co-heading the department with tastemaker Pete Tong, who

businesses,” said Oseary in a statement, first published by Billboard.

moonlights as a DJ and radio host. Arriving from his own company Division One, Zimmerman brought with him an impressive stable

Moving forward, Oseary will segue to a consulting role with Live

of artists and built the division as EDM was exploding as a genre.

Nation, specifically for CEO Michael Rapino for the next three years,

The popularity of dance music led to astronomical fees for top acts

while continuing to represent Madonna and U2 under the Maverick

throughout the world but especially in Las Vegas, where seven-figure


nightly payouts were not atypical for residency runs. A statement by Live Nation notes that Oseary will be “concentrating Speaking at a conference in 2012, Joel Zimmerman famously

on his entrepreneurial interests, investing in and incubating companies

declared: “If there was a movie about bidding wars in EDM, I’d

on the cutting edge of technology and entertainment.”

probably be Darth Vader.” Zimmerman could not be reached; WME has not responded to Variety‘s request for comment.

Said Rapino: “Guy built an incredible team at Maverick and his work with U2 and Madonna is unmatched. Live Nation has always been

The touring sector and the live entertainment space overall has been

about putting the artist first and no one knows that better than Guy.

hammered by the coronavirus pandemic, which has effectively shut

I look forward to continuing our work together on projects including

down venues and the gathering of large crowds. WME is in the

U2, Madonna and beyond.”

process of implementing a significant number of layoffs of agents and other staff.

Guy Oseary Joel Zimmerman





MAY 2020

Music In Shares Manfred Tari

Even in these uncertain times there are still signs of confidence. At

On April 23 the share price was 38.56, on May 25 when this issue of

least as far as Live Nation is concerned, having just been able to

VIP News went to press it stood at 37.52 Euro...

raise $1.2 billion on the financial market, enabling the company “ to withstand any scenario well into 2021.”

DEAG - Still Above

But this news also indicates how the gap is widening between those

From a previously reported figure of 3.17 Euros, it has dropped to

companies that are financially well equipped and those that are not.

3.13 Euros but is still above the border of 3 Euro...

Well, it doesn’t take a lot of imagination (or research), to reveal that a high number of players within the music market probably won’t

Eventbrite - Keeping the Level

have any expectations of withstanding any scenario well into 2021.”

The gap between a current share of $8.50 and $8.57 as reported last

The next relevant question is what this means in general for the

time is barely worth mentioning...

outlook of 2021? For the time being the most likely scenario is that there will be no ‘business as usual.’Aand besides any overall business

Live Nation - Rescue 2020

settings and strategies, the other question arising regards the overall economic environment faced by the music sector in the near future.

The successful issue of senior secured notes with an interest rate of

6.25 percent until 2027 provides Live Nation with $1.2 billion. The

Anyhow, the next scheduled benchmark test revealing (and testing)

news has furthermore provided the share price with a boost: Up from

the confidence and (mental) strength of the financial community will

$38.24 to $46.80...

be the disclosure of business reports related to the second quarter of 2020. Let’s see first, how those results will affect share prices and

Spotify - A Winner

market expectations before contemplating creative conspiracies and fantasies awaiting the music sector in 2021...

The recording industry retakes the lead in the music industry. In terms of Spotify, this is significantly more, rising from $139 to $190.10...

CTS Eventim - Q1-Results Screening the Backlash Tencent - No Spotify Effect The business results for Q1-2020 as released by CTS Eventim are just a preliminary snap shot of evidence showing how the Corona-crisis is

An increase from $11.13 to $11.94 indicates that the streaming

affecting the live music sector. The reported revenue in the first quarter

service of this company is currently not considered as potentially

dropped by 34.7 percent from 282.7 (Q1-2019) to 184.6 million Euros.

promising as that of Spotify...



MAY 2020


This space is dedicated to present some of our clients using Companies presented here have our best endorsement...

ARTIST AVAILS BEAUTIFUL BADNESS Territory: Worldwide Period: 2020 - 2021 Agency: A.A. Productions SPRL Agent: Nicolas Gamin Phone: +32 479 528 066 E-mail: Homepage:

KAREN MÉNDEZ Territory: Worldwide Period: 3 years Agency: Be Real Agency Agent: Paul Fourmy Phone: +32 485 365 696 E-mail: Homepage:

OUMAR KONATE Territory: worldwide Period: 2020 Agency: Clermont Music Agent: Chris Nolan Phone: +1 518 755 5089 E-mail: Homepage:

Montreux Jazz Festival The Montreux Jazz Festival takes place for two weeks every summer in Switzerland,

SAUDADE Territory: Worldwide Period: 2020-2021 Agency: A.A. Productions SPRL Agent: Nicolas Jaumain Phone: +32 479 528 066 E-mail: Homepage:

on the shores of Lake Geneva. Created in 1967 by Claude Nobs, the Montreux Jazz Festival has become over the years an essential event, generating fantastic stories and legendary performances. Nearly 250,000 spectators come to the Festival every year, enjoying a breathtaking setting, concerts with renowned acoustics and many free stages. With its ambitious programming choices, musical diversity and warm welcome, the Montreux Jazz Festival offers a privileged experience to musicians and the public.

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MAMADOU KELLY Territory: Worldwide Period: 2020 Agency: Clermont Music Agent: Chris Nolan Phone: +1 518 755 5089 E-mail: Homepage:

THE GOLDEN YEARS OF MUSIC TOURS Territory: Worldwide Period: Generally available Agency: Cheyenne Productions Agent: Patrick rocher Phone: +1 928 852 0032 E-mail: Homepage:


Mamadou Kelly



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