3 minute read



to you by HEALTHY



When work and life get stressful and busy, what is one of the first things people tell you to do? Okay, maybe second after, “Dude, relax." It’s to do self-care. Many people talk about the importance of self-care; far fewer actually implement it. In fact, sometimes “self-care” is this enigma we are told will make everything better. But what really is it? How do we best use it? Sure, an extravagant cruise could serve as a form of self-care, but that can entail a lot of planning, packing, travelling and money. I believe an underrated form of self-care is having a staycation. Do something for you that doesn’t require stressful preparation.

You may be asking, “What exactly does a staycation entail?” Unfortunately, our top scientists haven’t quantitatively proven a singular answer (although that would make things a lot easier). However, the key to a perfect mental health staycation is to have options instead of plans. So many times, we recognize the time-limited nature of self-care days, so we plan out everything we have to do during the day to make the most of it. This not only adds pressure to oneself, but it’s tiring and defeats the purpose. So, the key is to develop options ahead of time. I suggest going through the dimensions of wellness (physical, social, emotional, spiritual and mental) and coming up with three to five things that would be refreshing for you. You never know what area of wellness will need to be most addressed on the day of your staycation.

Think back on times you genuinely smiled - no, not for the yearbook - but in an authentic moment of happiness. What were you doing? Who was with you? Where were you? What physical sensations were present? What was going on around you? These are important things to consider. Often, we listen to what others do for self-care (which can be beneficial) or feel like there is a set list of things to do (i.e., bubble bath, massage, yoga, etc.). But no two people are the same. What might be soothing for one may be stressful for another.

Nutrition, sleep and exercise are essential for physical wellness. During a staycation, we want to address these in a way that is relaxing for us. Sure, going for a run can be an excellent idea, but if you hate running, don’t do it! Exercise comes in so many forms. You can stretch out with a yoga exercise, you can use workout equipment like a rowing machine or you can even dance around your kitchen playing Britney Spears’ entire “Baby One More time” album. Regarding food, maybe you need one of those “breakfast for dinner” days, want to pick up food from your favorite restaurant or call up grandma for her delicious casserole recipe. The world is your oyster! Speaking of which, oysters are always a good option for dinner!


Social self-care also can look different depending on one’s needs for the day. Maybe you need a day to yourself to rest and recharge, maybe you need your BFF over for a gossip session, maybe a party or concert is calling your name or maybe you just need to peoplewatch and create narratives in your head about their day.

Emotions can be unpredictable day to day, so make sure you have an array of choices. Whether it’s listening to music, reading a book or watching a movie; think about what you enjoy the most. When you figure that out, be sure to have different genres on deck. You could be in a jovial mood and need some comedy in your life or you could be in a “Titanic” type of mood. There is no right answer.



This is a broad category. Spiritual wellness can include religion or be non-secular. You could pray, meditate, watch a church service, take a bubble bath, light a candle, reflect, journal or even call someone who you rely on for guidance.

Keeping your mind sharp is essential! Sometimes you need to keep it active and other times you need to take a break. Options for a staycation include filling out crossword puzzles, conducting research, planning meals, organizing a closet or calling a friend. You can also give your mind a rest and watch some trashy reality TV.

At the end of the day, there is no singular formula for the perfect staycation; however, there are many ideas that are flexible and easy! Preparation won’t include saving money or rushing through airports. Instead, preparation is developing an array of ideas that fill specific needs for the day you choose. Self-care is essential and I encourage you to reflect on what relaxation and happiness mean to you (even if it includes silliness). Be your special self and give your mind and body the care it deserves.

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