Jeramiah Garrison & Frank Schlernitzauer
Jeff Burkhart & Cindy Greene Story & Photography by Tony Centonze Residents in the Woodlawn community were invited to the Dotsonville Community Center for Jeff Burkhart’s campaign kick-off and BBQ. Burkhart is running for State Representative in Tennessee’s 75th District. He is a lifelong resident of Clarksville who has served as a firefighter, city council member, and board member of several community organizations. As supporters enjoyed BBQ provided by Wayne and Kevin Abrams, Burkhart talked with them about his platform, which includes - Support smart growth and infrastructure planning, advocate for more efficient government, and work to improve public safety. John Dawson & Jorge Padro
Joni Hargroves & Josh Wikholm 24 • VIP CLARKSVILLE MAGAZINE
Joni Hargroves & Carol Hamby
Cindy Greene & Rick Williams
Anthony Hillyer
Krista Kiepke & Caleb Anderson