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APSU School of Nursing Pinning Ceremony
from VIP Clarksville Magazine | Class of 2020 Senior Salute & the Real Estate Issue
by Sixteen Media - VIP Clarksville Magazine, Clarksville Business Journal & VIP Health & Beauty
One of Clarksville’s first post Covid-19 lockdown events was fitting for many reasons, as APSU’s School of Nursing hosted a drive-thru pinning ceremony to honor its 2020 graduates.
“I’m so excited to participate in the pinning ceremony for APSU nurses,” APSU President, Dr. Alisa White said. “Our nurses rock. We want to make sure they know that we’re sending them off with some much-deserved fanfare. They have worked really hard, and they are joining a profession at a time when they are vitally needed. Now, more than ever. I could not be more proud of these students.”
Dr. Eve Rice, Interim Director of APSU’s School of Nursing, and many of her staff were on hand to greet graduates as they drove through the parking lot next to the McCord Building
“We have 86 students graduating in 2020,” Dr. Rice said. “We have 66 BSN students, and 20 RN to BSN students, which means they had their RN, then came back to get a 4-year Bachelor’s degree as well. We are so proud of all our 2020 graduates.”