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from VIP Clarksville Magazine | Class of 2020 Senior Salute & the Real Estate Issue
by Sixteen Media - VIP Clarksville Magazine, Clarksville Business Journal & VIP Health & Beauty
In Clarksville, the real estate market is a major driver of the economy, and Reda Home Builders and the Reda Home Team are a major part of that. Let’s take a look at the numbers.
A paper published by the National Home Builders Association reported the results from a national economic impact study. According to the paper, “The estimated one-year impacts of building 100 single-family homes in a typical local area include $28.7 million in local income, $3.6 million in taxes and other revenue for local governments, and 394 local jobs.”
“These are local impacts, representing income and jobs for residents of an average metropolitan area or nonmetropolitan county, and other sources of revenue, including permit fees for all local jurisdictions within the local area. They are also oneyear impacts that include both the direct and indirect impact of the construction activity itself, and the impact of local residents who earn money from the construction activity spending part of it within the local area.”
To date, the Reda Home Team has approximately 150 homes under contract and sold. According to the numbers, the local impact of these Reda Home Builders homes is an estimated $43,050,000 into the local economy.
These numbers are before the home has even been sold. Positive economic impact extends well beyond the initial millions. For
every 100 homes built, 100 families move into them, creating recurring economic impact. According to the same NHBA paper, “The additional, annually recurring impacts of building 100 single-family homes in a typical local area include: $4.1 million in local income, $1 million in taxes and other revenue for local governments, and 69 local jobs.”
The annual recurring impact of 150 homes sold is an estimated $6,150,000.
As homes are built and sold, we are witnessing the growth of a community. It is measurable, significant, and the Clarksville housing market is sustainable.
The Reda Home Team lives and breathes to build the community in a positive way. The numbers don’t lie, and using economic impact as a barometer, they’re successfully accomplishing their goal everyday.
To Contact Reda Home Builders or the Reda Home Team Call: 931-444-9750 OR 931-551-7045
To View the Cited Paper Visit: https://on3nj.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/natl-assochomebuilders-ecn-impact-of-home-bldg-in-local-area.pdf?fbcl id=IwAR2njXw0YD3GsyU7lBqtoxZz7yieAbdlX64BjxRkcy9M7e tUG8s3q-KKeuY