2 minute read
Talley Hall Event Center Grand Opening
from The Medical, Health and Beauty Issue
by Sixteen Media - VIP Clarksville Magazine, Clarksville Business Journal & VIP Health & Beauty
Alfreda Thomas & Yolanda McDaniel Kirsten & Ryan Parr


Michelle Corkrean & Danielle Stack Monica Woodard Barham & Nicole Wilson

Josiah Barham & Jaden Walker Tomeka Posley & Cassie Bell

Story & Photography by Tony Centonze
The Talley Hall Event Center recently celebrated its grand opening on Harnett Court, with a party that showed off the facility its partners, and their ability to make any upcoming event special. Tables were decorated in multiple themes, vendors of all types were on hand, and there was no shortage of delicious food and beverages.
“We didn’t get to do our grand opening, but, being its 4th of July weekend, I thought what better time to put Talley Hall out there. I’m just so thankful for all the people who have joined us tonight.”
The event center can host weddings, meetings, baby showers, wedding receptions, fundraising events, concerts, whatever you would like. The space, which holds about 150 seated, or 200 in a mixer atmosphere is now available to rent.”
“We’re fortunate to have relationships with some very talented local decorators, caterers, rental companies that can provide tents and chairs and anything you need, and specialty vendors who can personalize items. We really have a team here that can help with all your special event needs. We’re small in size, but we pack a mighty punch.”
To contact Talley Hall, call (931) 217-5043 and ask for Rose, or stop by, at 200 Harnett Court.

Kinsley & Wittney Abbott, Lindsay Sommermeyer Wes & Sara Golden Brittney & Darius Graham Vashti Wells

David & Jo-Ann Thomack Davis & Danielle Stack