2 minute read
from VIP Clarksville Magazine | June 2021 The Men's Issue
by Sixteen Media - VIP Clarksville Magazine, Clarksville Business Journal & VIP Health & Beauty

Mesha Averitt & Kim Priddy

Bryan & Regina Wright

Kaity & Dale Priddy Robert Angel & Brodin Kramer

Kyle & Mason Hanna
Madison Bennett & Kennedy Ross Noah Ehrhard Chris Youngblut & Linnea Kramer
2nd Annual Youth Sporting Clays Open
Story & Photography by Tony Centonze Cross Creek Clays in Palymra was recently the site of a youth shoot led by the folks at Farm Bureau Insurance of Tennessee.
Tennessee Farm Bureau’s Associate Director of Membership, Mark Turner talked about the people involved and the purpose of the shoot.
“We have four partners TN Farm Bureau Federation, Farm Credit MidAmerica, Rural 1st, and TN Farmers Co-op,” Turner said. “This is to raise awareness. We do three big shoots across the state, called Shooting Hunger, in East, West, and Middle Tennessee.
“We wanted something philanthropic that production agriculture could do to help those in need, and nothing better fit that mold than feeding the hungry. We’ve been able to raise over 2 million meals to feed hungry Tennesseans so far.
“This teaches kids about the situation that exists with hunger in our state. Hungry folks may not be just the homeless guy you see, it may be the kid sitting next to you in the classroom whose parent lost a job, and now has to choose between keeping the lights on or buying food. These events really raise awareness.”

Brook Proctor, Stephen Averitt & Lucas Davis

Jonathan & Riley Oman Tyler & Steven Huff Dana Lowe & Sheryl Webb

Kevin Zimmerman & Lee Angel

Tim, Stephanie & Madelyn Foust Shancy & Chad Bumpus Pierson Hudgins & Max Bumpus