Arlinda Baxter & Dee Burke
Rebekah Bishop, Jerica Swiger & Dr. Lorneth Peters
Christina & John Watson
Story & Photography by Tony Centonze Randy & Shirley Butler
June’s Clarskville Area Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours was hosted by Byers & Harvey, Real Estate and Property Management.
Valerie Dailing & Michelle Dillingham
Tents were set up outside the Byers & Harvey offices to accommodate the more than 100 guests that came out for the late-afternoon event. Nicoletta’s Catering handled the food, Lucian and Donald Greene provided the music, and there was an axe-throwing station set up to provide additional entertainment. “I’m glad everyone can come out and enjoy the afternoon,” Todd Harvey said. “We’re glad to be hosting this for everybody, and pleased to have a really good turnout. We have great weather today - I was in charge of that. “It’s just good to see people out, getting a chance to mingle, and to see our new place.” Bill Kimbrough, Martha Sue & Don Barry
Bradley Jackson & Todd Harvey
Jimmy Terry & Amanda Wilson
Neil Stauffer, MIke Welker & Steve Slater
Dr. Lorneth Peters & Rose Melton FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK! • 93