Dear Parents,
Santa and I are so excited for Christmas Eve! It’s just a few weeks away! However, I do have a small favor to ask of you before we head your way. You see, Santa goes into millions of chimneys every year and always comes home with a suit full of soot. Do you know how di cult it is to get black soot out of red velvet? Take my word, it’s di cult.
If you can do me the favor of having it cleaned before Santa arrives on December 24, you would make my job so much easier. You can give Top Hat Chimney Sweep a call at 803-481-7654 and they will take good care of it. They will clean and inspect it and make sure you don’t have any issues that need to be fixed.
Can you believe that they have even helped me find pieces of Santa’s suit that have ripped in chimneys before? Believe it or not, there have been many times when Santa has come home from delivering presents and he has ripped his suit. I wasn’t too worried; I was able to call Top Hat Chimney Sweep. They have been able to find those pieces in the chimneys they’ve cleaned. You should have seen those children’s faces light up when they realized what that little piece of red fabric was. Then, Jay (the owner) gave them a quick history on the origin of St. Nicholas and left them with a gift. I’m sure if you give them a call to ask about the Mrs. Claus Inspection, they can tell you all about what they do while they are there.
When you think about it, having your chimney cleaned isn’t just a favor for me but for yourselves as well. If you have Top Hat Chimney Sweep clean and inspect your chimney, you can enjoy the warmth of the fireplace without worry during the holiday season. Oh the wonderful memories you can create around a fireplace. And…if you get the Mrs. Claus Inspection, you will also get to experience the magic of Christmas along with your children.
But, you do need to hurry because their calendar fills quickly this time of year. Give them a call at 803-481-7654 to get your cleaning scheduled. You can also go to www.tophatsumter.com
Much Love (and thanks),

Tea Party, Florence Country Club 2p-4p
Orchid Care 101, Moore Farms, Lake City

Center Farmers Market, Downtown Every Saturday, 9a-1p Anniversary/Friend Day Celebration, Florence Baptist Temple Bonsai Club , Growing Hobby, Fall Open House, Trinity Collegiate School 2p-4p
Veterans Day Ceremony, Florence Veterans Park Florence Symphony –All American, FMU PAC 7:30p
Piano Duo, FMU PAC 7:30p
Percussion FMU PAC Secret Lives of Stars, Dooley Planetarium 3p
Concert Choir and Voice Collective, FMU PAC 7:30p