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Artist Spotlight: Krystal Fuentes


"I have to remind students often to allow yourself time to master something new."


How did you discover your interest in art?

"I fell in love with art my kindergarten year with Kim Ryan at Greenwood Elementary School. She had a way of telling stories about artists that made the artwork come to life and she made sure we had a creative space that was our own. I remember when she told us the story about Vincent van Gogh when he cut off his ear. I was truly fascinated that someone who struggled with life still had a way to express themselves. This was an empowering moment to realize I could express myself no matter what at an early age. So, I would like to give a special thanks to my friend Kim!"

Interview & photo by Bethany Rau

Were any of your family members artists?

"Growing up, my mother was always making jewelry! The most fun was when she started nursing school and I had access to all of her highlighters, pens, and pencils. I always gravitated to the office supply section of any store rather than playing with toys or dolls."

Tell us about your college days.

"It was my Freshman year at College of Charleston that I enrolled in my first formal painting class. I then took every drawing, and sculpture class I could. I transferred to Francis Marion University and majored in Art Education. During my teaching career, I completed my Master’s Degree in Technology in Education at Lesley University."

"This coming school year will begin year 17 for me. I began my teaching career in 2003 at Lake City High School. I was there for nine years and then transferred back home to Florence and began teaching at Savannah Grove Elementary for five years. I am now beginning my third year at Royall Elementary School. I love my Royall family and appreciate the support of our principal Julie Smith; I am very thankful for the opportunity to work at Royall. I am also involved in the Florence County Museum Summer Art Camps."

What are some fun facts about yourself?

"I love to take on new projects. I do not like being bored and I love my sleep!! I know this will be surprising to some, but I have learned a new hobby of cooking! During the pandemic, I realized that I do like to cook! I also love to travel."

What is your favorite art medium?

"My favorite art medium is acrylic paint. I love painting on canvas. I also really like ceramics because usually this is the students’ favorite medium."

What are some challenges you face when teaching students to express themselves through art?

"Some challenges of teaching children how to express themselves is fostering patience in the process of any art medium. We live in a world where everything we do is instant and entertaining, so teaching students to be introspective and confident in personal decisions about their artwork and that it’s normal to make mistakes is a constant struggle. I have to remind students often to allow yourself time to master something new. Sometimes things you do take a little extra time and you have to trust yourself and not give up! You may surprise yourself in creating something new you love! Students need emotional expression and experimentation especially in a time when we have just experienced a new way of life."

What artist inpires you?

"I have so many! I think the most inspirational artists are those who give a voice to those who otherwise would not have one and the artists you have a connection with who give you strength, courage to follow your dreams, and to be yourself are the most important. My favorite artists are not only painters and sculptors. I love musicians, writers, and those people who are here to make the world a better place through their artistic courage and creativity."

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