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Book Review: The Turn Of The Key

For the first addition of our Book Review series, I sat down with Brianna Coker, a 24 year old high school English teacher at East Clarendon Middle and High School, at Bean Bar to discuss the book, The Turn of the Key. Brianna is drinking a cherry fizz as recommended by the barista. -Bethany Rau


"In Ruth Ware’s novel, The Turn of the Key, the reader follows the journey of a new nanny in a “smart” house. The narrator, Rowan, gives the audience details of her numerous spooks in a house full of cameras, a poisonous garden, and a hidden attic. Rowan experiences constant discontentment and the gnawing feeling that she’s being watched at every twist and turn. As she uncovers the history of this house, she begins to understand why every previous nanny has fled the scene. Her nightmares soon become a reality when an unexplainable incident gets her into deep, murky waters with the law. Rowan uses the pages to describe what happened from her own perspective. I personally am a huge fan of thriller and mystery books. This one was a page turner for sure. Many times, I found myself on the edge of my seat searching for an explanation. The feeling that the narrator had of being “watched” spooked me and left me checking the halls of my own home. If you are looking for an easy read that works your detective muscles, I think this book would be a wonderful read. I love Ware’s ability to take a story and completely turn it on it’s head within just a few pages. The novel definitely left me wanting more!" -Brianna Coker

Brianna Coker

'Cherry Fizz', a Bean Bar of Florence speciality drink

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