3 minute read
Doug Smith: Tea Talk
from January 2022
by VIP Magazine
Get more from Doug Smith by following him on Facebook and Instagram at "Doug the Food Guy". Find Doug the FoodGuy on Spotify and Apple podcasts @The Pizzeria & Enzo Show
story and recipe by Doug Smith
Did you know tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world? Hot Tea has influenced different countries and their cuisine for hundreds of years. The beverage is used to enhance our health, calm our fears, and spear great conversation. Tea even plays a part in many cultures and their representation of what is the best way to serve tea. The Chinese put more emphasis on its original pure aroma. They drink their tea without additional ingredients because they have a large array of tea with natural flavors like green tea, black tea, white tea, yellow tea, and lavender tea to name a few. English tea appreciates the varied flavoring added. There are many additives to be poured into English tea such as milk, sugar, lemon, and honey. At home, we have English tea regularly served from a teapot known as “Brown Betty.” It is filled with hot water just before adding the loose tea leaves to steep. I often wondered why the name Brown Betty? Certainly the brown in the name refers to the color of the pot that was easy. Betty? Why Betty? During the Victorian era in England, the home was managed with lots of staff such as butlers and housemaids. These were coveted positions as they paid more than most other jobs and had an opportunity for advancement. Elizabeth was the most popular female name during that time. Chances were at least one of the housemaids was Elizabeth, called Betty for short. Since it was highly probable that she served tea, the pot was christened Brown Betty. This is the most common story. No one knows for sure but I like it and it sounds like a good story. One thing I know for sure is when we watch tv or movies that show someone being served tea it’s almost always a Brown Betty like the one that adorns our breakfast room. Whether you follow the brewing traditions of the English or Chinese or you simply microwave your tea, take time this month (National Hot Tea Month) to enjoy a cuppa with a friend.
A cuppa facts about tea
First Tea Brewed
2300 BC - It’s believed Chinese Emperor Shen Nung discovered hot brewed tea when tea leaves accidentally fell into his pot of drinking water.
The British Intervene on Illegal Tea Trading 1784 - The British parliament reduced import taxes on tea in an effort to end smuggling practices over the majority of tea imports.
Tea Grows in South Carolina
1888 - Dr. Charles Shepard founded the Pinehurst Tea Plantation. South Carolina and American grown tea become a reality which is now known as Charleston Tea Garden.
Tea Bags Accidentally Created 1904 - Thomas Sullivan successfully marketed tea bags after he sent his tea in silk bags to clients and they mistakenly steeped it in them. Today there are over 1,000 flavors of hot tea. My favorite is traditional black tea with a spot of milk and sometimes honey.

How to make the perfect cuppa using a Brown Betty

1 heaped teaspoon of tea and one cup of water per person The water should be just below boiling. Add the water to the Betty to slightly cool the water before adding the tea. Steep for about a minute or two if you prefer a stronger tea. Serve in a nice teacup. Have a few of your favorite flavorings available: milk, sugar, lemon, and honey.