2 minute read
I graduated from St. Scholastica Academy in ’97, graduated from LSU in Art Ed in ’01, and I’ve been a teacher at SSA for 19 years. My daughter is also an SSA Graduate from the class of ’21. I'm an SSA Alumna, SSA teacher, and parent of an SSA Alumna... the trifecta! I'm also married to Kevin Delaune (SPS graduate '94) for 22 years, and our two sons, Baylor & Brody, attend SPS as a Junior and a Freshman respectively.
Who, specifically, in your life influenced your decision to become a teacher?
I am a 1997 graduate of SSA and my high school teachers at SSA were very influential in my decision to become a teacher. Two teachers in particular, John Harty, who always made class fun and engaging and Francie Rich, who made sure I knew she cared made the biggest impression on me as a student. I try to emulate both of their teaching styles in my classroom.
What is your biggest challenge as a teacher?
The biggest challenge as a teacher is balance! Teaching is not a 9-5 job, where you leave it at the office. There is a lot of planning and grading, and balancing that with my personal life is a big challenge.
What do you feel is the biggest reward?
The biggest reward to me is keeping in touch with all “my girls” and watching them continue their journey. I follow them on social media and have had the privilege of watching them become nurses, doctors, lawyers, artists, teachers, entrepreneurs, and more. After nineteen years at SSA, the majority of my students are married with kids and I'm so proud of them.
How do you make learning fun for your students?
I’m always changing things up and redesigning my projects to what’s relevant to my students’ lives. I want to make class about my students, and I want them to know I care. If they feel I’m invested in them- chances are they’ll invest themselves in my class. Some things I do in class…
• starting every class with a roll question- Where I ask the class a question and when I call roll- instead of them saying “here or present” they answer the question. Questions range from what’s your favorite ____, if you could take a trip to anywhere - where would you go, would you rather sweet or salty. It’s a great way to get to know my students and for them to get to know each other.
• class playlist (each student submits songs for a class playlist… we ALWAYS have music playing during Art class)
• I like to do demonstrations in different voices and accents (anything to keep them entertained and engaged).
If you could leave your students with one message, what would it be?
There is no such thing as perfection. Always try your best and give everything your best effort…. If at first you don’t succeed, try again and again and again. Never give up!