Urban Micro Climate_DRP_Viraj Bhatt_Cept

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Decoding Microclimate Interpreting and Modeling Urban Micro-climate Guide : Sandip Patil Student : Viraj Bhatt

Decoding Micro-climate

Interpreting and Modeling Urban Micro-climate

Directed Research Program - Decoding micro-climate

Student Name: Viraj Karmavir Bhatt

Code No: UA7617

Guide: Ar. Sandip Patil





The following study is hereby approved as a creditable work on the approved subject carried out and presented in the manner, sufficiently satisfactory to warrant its acceptance as a pre-requisite to the degree of Bachelor of Architecture for which it has been submitted.

It is to be understood that by this approval, the undersigned does not endorse or approve the statements made, opinions expressed or conclusion drawn therein, but approves the study only for the purpose for which it has been submitted and satisfies him/her to the requirements laid down in the academic program.

Signature of the Guide Dean, Faculty of Architecture Name of the Guide Date :

This work contains no material which has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma in any University or other institutions and to the best of my knowledge does not contain any material previously published or written by another person except where due reference has been made in the text.

I consent to this copy of DRP, when in the library of CEPT University, being available on loan and photocopying.

Student Name: Viraj karmavir Bhatt

Date: 2nd December




I am extremely grateful to my mother, my father and my brother; their support has always been invaluable to me, as they constantly motivate and inspire me to be better.

I express my heartfelt gratitude to my guide, Mr. Sandeep Patil, as he always made his knowledge available to me, along with his precious time. His meticulous comments, along with particularly fruitful discussions made my research experience more than successful.

I would also like to thank my colleagues, their assistance and spirit has benefited this thesis immensely. A big thanks to Yashi, who was there for me through the hitches, helping through my drawbacks with language and valuable discussions about research significance. I am grateful to Aashumi, discussions with her informed vital junctures in this research. A great thanks to Vatsal and Takshil, their exceptional kindness, and encouragement cannot go unacknowledged.

Lastly, but never the least, I carry heartfelt gratitude for my tutors, who have made me capable of reaching this milestone.



In the 21st century, with the rapid development of the urban fabric, society has been presented with new challenges, the global climate crisis has been on a rise. This rate of change in cities and their climate has led to urban heat islands formed in the urban areas. As a result the outdoor living condition in the cities has been depleting. The physical environment contributes to the climate change and thus, it becomes crucial to understand the causes of the disruption of climate in the cities and ways to deal with and nullify the effects on UHI.

Treading forward, the research attempts to understand the phenomena of those cases the UHI, and how that can be manipulated in the urban canyon in-order to make the spaces more human-friendly. The paper takes a morphological perspective towards inquiring the changes and how the same can be modified to come up with effective solutions.

The Study aims to develop a framework for design approach that can be operated at a specific LCZ and can provide a climatic resolution to design thinking. By breaking down each aspect of the selected LCZs the understanding of specific target points for each site are developed.

Key words : Urban heat island effects, Urban canyon, local climate zone (LCZ)


Table of Content Proposal


What is Urban Micro Climate?

What is Urban Heat Island ?

Why is urban heat island a problem?


Chapter 1 Introduction 2 of Research

Significance of Morphology in dealing with micro climate


Criteria and process of Analysis Parameters of research

Chapter 3 Preliminary Case Studies question

Selection of case studies

Case 1: Metropol Parasol Inferences

Case 2: Pormetxeta Square


Abstract Research
• Aim • Research
• Objective • Scope and limitation • Methodology
1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 IV 01 04 14 24

Chapter 4 Pilot Analysis

The urban heat island effect in Ahmedabad


Selection of site Site - 1 (Bopal)

• Introduction

• LCZ analysis

• Physical data

• Site stimulations Site - 2 (Paldi)

• Introduction

• LCZ analysis

• Physical data

• Site stimulations


Chapter 5 Resolution by design

Identification of modification Appropriation of design Conclusion


List of figures


4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 5.1 5.2 5.3 46 126 140 154 164 165
15 • Aim • Research questions • Objectives • Scope and limitations • Methodology Research Proposal

Morphological responses to urban heat island effect in open spaces around mix-use developments in Ahmedabad city through the study of urban micro-climate.

• How do you deal with micro-climate?

• What informs the changes in dealing with micro-climate?

• How does morphology address these changes?

• What is the extent of architectural and urban design in dealing with micro-climate?

Aim Research Questions Objectives

• Seeking the best approach to integrating specialized knowledge on urban microclimates into the urban development process.

This is to facilitate the urban designer in drawing conclusions that advantage physical wellbeing of people by microclimatesensitive urban design measures.

• Decoding already existing micro-climate responsive designs.

• Studying the urban heat island effect in Ahmedabad for the chosen sites.

• Comparing the micro-climatic bubbles of the chosen sites.

• Appropriating analytical parameters for studying urban microclimate of Ahmedabad.

• Devising matrix of morpohlogical understading that include design devices that aid the urban micro-climate of Ahmedabad for housing clusters.

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01 02 03

Scope and Limitations

• The research paper is limited to specific LCZ found on the selected sites.

• Sites have been analyzed through only solar and wind dynamics.

• The research limits itself by modifying the morphological aspects of the site till an extent that does not lose or change the pre -existing climate zone.

• The paper focuses on the cause of UHI effect in the selected sites.

• Data from the site was collected physically from the site for micro information and simulations were done for the macro level research.

• This thesis has to be completed within a time limit of four months, and all data collected, studied and analyzed with this limited period.


• This research is divided into 3 parts.

• Literature reviews about the UHI were analyzed and the data was appropriated for the selected sites in Ahmedabad.

• Online case studies of existing structures that modify the morphology of the urban canyon were analyzed to study the design outcomes and influence of morphological changes on the site.

• Pilot study of the 2 selected sites were done in-order to suggest the design changes that reduce the UHI effect.

• Solar and Wind dynamics on macro and micro scales were studied through on-site data collection and simulations.

• Based on the outcome, a matrix was developed and a comparative simulation was carried out.

04 05
Decoding Micro-Climate18 • What is Urban Micro Climate? • What is Urban Heat Island ? • Why is urban heat island a problem? • Terminology • Significance of Morphology in dealing with micro climate Introduction 01


What is Urban Micro Climate?

The climate of a very small or restricted urban area is defined as an urban micro-climate, notably when it differs from the climate of the nearby region (Oxford, n.d.). Cities experience microclimate variation within relatively shorter radii, often due to the ways in which heat is trapped in certain localities. Apart from being relevant for the geographical parameters it affects, such as temperature, humidity, solar radiation, wind speed and direction et cetera, it is especially essential to comprehend the significance of the built environment and urban planning related variables that affect an urban micro-climate.

Urban spaces can be classified in UCZ, urban climate zones. The Climate zones are determined based on the physical attributes of the site. UCZ are classified in 7 primary types:

1. Intense urban development : Closely set high-rise buildings. usually cladded

2. High density low rise : 2-5 floor high close set buildings with exposed brick or concrete.

3. Medium dense small houses : medium dense rows with closeset houses.

4. Low or medium dense urban : urban building with low rise continuous buildings.

5. Low dense suburbs : 1 or 2 storey houses

6. Mixed used : building with larger sized buildings in an open landscape.

7. Semi-rural development : Scattered houses in natural or agricultural areas.

This urban spaces develop the local climate zone (LCZ) of a area.

Local climate zones are the categorizes each urban space based on the combination of urban climate zone. LCZ establishes factors ennumerated to be, Sky view factor, Aspect ration, Terrain Roughness, Surface Albedo and anthropogenic heat thus, understanding and resolving the LCZ becomes the key to manipulate the Urban heat stresses.

Key words : Local climate zone, Sky view factor, Aspect ration, Terrain Roughness, Anthropogenic heat.

Decoding Micro-Climate20

What is Urban Heat Island ?1.2

An Urban Heat Island effect is the difference between the temperature in a certain urban location and that at a given reference point in a non-urban location, typically an area, volume, or region in which the temperature is higher than that of the surroundings (Taha, H. 2004). It has quickly become a problem specific to phenomena of urbanization and building sciences as the practices associated to them have aggravated the heat ranges, urban heat island bubble radii et cetera.

Causes of Urban Heat Island Effect:

• Absorption of heat radiation trapping of heat due to low albedo materials , additionally my reflection of heat in the street canyon

• Air pollution in the urban atmosphere absorbs and re-emits long-wave radiation to the urban environment.(Kleerekoper, L. 2016)

• Extremely low sky view factor reducing the reflection back of the sunlight and preventing the loss of heat to the urban boundary layer due to fenestrations.

• Anthropogenic heat, production of heat though human intervention in the canyon. (Kleerekoper, L. 2016)

Key words : Albedo, Long wave heat radiations, Thermal admittance, Turbulent heat.



• Use of in-appropriate building materials that causes trapping of heat in the canyon. This effects in magnified in urban canyons due the surface scale. (Kleerekoper, L. 2016)

• Evaporation is reduced in urban areas due to 'waterproofed surfaces' – less permeable materials and less vegetation than in rural regions. As a result, more energy is directed into perceptible heat and less toward latent heat. (Kleerekoper, L. 2016)

• Lack of wind circulation in the canyon resulting in static urban canyons and reduces trapping heat for longer duration.

Why is urban heat island a problem?

Two scales are important when it comes to urban climate (Oke, 1982, 1987). The city as a whole modifies the regional climate conditions, which results in differences in climate between the city and its surrounding (rural) area. This modified climate is prevalent in the Urban Boundary Layer (UBL) - above the city’s roofs - and is rather homogeneous over the urban area. In contrast, the climate in the Urban Canopy Layer (UCL), below the roofs in the spaces between the buildings, can vary significantly within a distance of even a few meters. These micro-climates form the immediate surroundings of people in the city and directly influence their physical well-being.

UCL is thus the focus of the research. The urban heat island becomes a problem as it changes the mico-climatic conditions within the canyons to an extent that they become inhabitable this The consequences of unchecked UHIs poses threat to public health, environmental health and overall well-being of public and residential spaces.

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Local climate zone

Local climate zones refers to a system of classification of urban spaces in 17 classes, 10 of built urban fabric and 7 of natural land topography as shows in the figure. With the combination of these 17 classes the primary understanding of urban spaces can be developed.

The LCZ classes are formally defined as “regions of uniform surface cover, structure, material, and human activity that span hundreds of meters to several kilometers in horizontal scale,” exclude “class names and definitions that are culture or region specific,” and are characterized by “a characteristic screen-height temperature regime that is most apparent over dry surfaces, on calm, clear nights, and in areas of simple relief” (Stewart and Oke, 2012).

Urbanization, as a process that changes the physical environment of the rapidly developing cities, is often accompanied by health challenges and environmental problems i.e. UHIs, air quality degradation, heat flux and causes illnesses like hypertension, infection diseases and increasing deaths caused by injuries (Gong, P. 2012). These challenges are being addressed with advances in urban climatology, where multiple physical and mathematical models are combined with urban canopy parameters (UCPs). This has been used to study the interaction between city structure and local climate (Ching J, 2018). To acquire urban canopy parameters, the existing land use and land cover (LULC) data are usually compulsory. However, although several global datasets are available (Chen J, 2015), they are inadequate for calculating UCPs because the understanding factors influencing the urban morphology is limited. To fill the data gap globally, the World Urban Database and Access Portal Tools (WUDAPT) project was initiated (Bechtel, B. 2015). As a level 0 product, the local climate zone (LCZ) data has been developed to-date. The LCZ scheme categorizes the urban surface into 10 built types and 7 natural types (Bechtel, B. 2012) from which UCPs can be determined and thereby improved climate model results can be achieved. Due to its detailed description of urban areas, the LCZ scheme is gaining popularity in studies.

Terminology1.4 1.4.1 LCZ 1 LCZ 2 LCZ 3 LCZ 4 LCZ 5 LCZ 6 LCZ 7 LCZ 8 LCZ 9 LCZ 10 FIG. 1.1 structural LCZ classes.

Sky View factor

Sky View Factor (SVF), in an urban canyon is an urban street that is covered by buildings on both the sides, the ratio of hemisphere of the sky visible from the ground (not obstructed by buildings, terrain or trees). This is influnced by the H-W ratio / the aspect ratio of the canyon. the SVF is typically dependent on 3 types of aspect ratio, regular ration H/W=1, Avenue canyon - aspect ratio < 0.5, Deep canyon - aspect ratio ~=2. This parameter is of major importance for urban climate applications, as the long-wave radiation term is directly impacted by its value: the higher the SVF, the lower. The SVF determines the light and wind that enters inside the canyon.

Aspect ratio

The aspect ratio is the canyon ratio of the height to its width. The aspect ratio influences the wind and solar dynamics. The 3 primary categories of aspect ratios are H/W=1, the height of the building is equal to the width of the street, < 0.5, the width of the road is wider than height and this creates a shallow canyon that has a lot of heat flux and high velocity winds. Third ~=2, the canyon depth is atleast twice the width of the street, this results in static canyon conditions as not enough wind or sunlight enter in.

FIG. 1.2 Topographical LCZ classes.

Fig 1.3: Canyon wind pat tens

Decoding Micro-Climate24 LCZ A LCZ B LCZ C LCZ D LCZ E LCZ F LCZ G
1.4.2 1.4.3

Terrain Roughness

Terrain roughness is the variability and irregularity on the terrain of the selected sample of terrain unit. Terrain roughness operates on multiple scales: in an urban micro scale it can refer to facade roughness and street irregularity while on a urban scale terrain roughness refers to the overall roughness of the whole urban fabric.

Similarly, the roughness contributes to the wind flow in both the scales. In-order to regulate the wind within the urban canyon, understanding and manipulation becomes crucial.

Anthropogenic heat

Heat released to the atmosphere as a result of human activities through industrial plants, space heating and cooling, human metabolism, and vehicle exhausts et cetera. Anthropogenic heat becomes a key factor in heating of urban canyons as it magnifies the effects to UHI effect.

Anthropogenic heat turns out to be less relevant to heating in rural areas as the proportion of heat produced by human activities is tolerable compared to the heating effect. Anthropogenic heat is not taken into account for this research paper.

1.4.4 1.4.5



Albedo quantifies the fraction of the sunlight reflected by the surface in the urban canopy. Albedo depends on the color and roughness of the surface: a white-r surface has a low albedo value and as a result the sunlight reflected back is equivalent to the sunlight received; in case of darker surfaces a lot of sunlight is absorbed by the material, causing the reflection of very little sunlight. The selection of material on the bases of albedo can be as follows:

• Whether material will be in contact or not

• Contribution to UCL

• Contribution to inside of built structures

• Storage of heat during sunlight hours

• Ability to conduct heat throughout the material

Thermal admittance

Thermal Admittance is a measurement of the material’s capacity to absorb heat and dissipiate it over time. This can be indicated using the thermal storage capacity of materials, absorbing and releasing heat in the environment over time with the cyclic temperature variation.

A typical admittance is based on a 24 hour cycle. In specific, in hot regions the thermal loads are not dissipiated over the cycle of 24 hours, this leads to a thermal lag that stretches across multiple seasons.

High Albedo absorption reflected in UCZ absorption reflected in UCZ Albedo Fig 1.4: Albedo
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Significance of Morphology in dealing with micro climate

Architectural elements and their relationships, including their respective and integrated products constitute the language that is subject to morphology. A study of any such set of elements or language is made up of two major parameters: Distribution of material and form (facade) development.

Form development, beyond an aesthetic purpose, informs the sun and wind dynamics that situates a building in the micro-climatic context through morphology. Any change in form, will change the values that define the above dynamics, and changing the design’s relationship to its respective micro-climate.

The significance of material distribution in a climatic study is governed by the placement of the material(s) or their proportion to each other. Any change in these two qualities will change the morphological outcome with them. For instance, placement of the material dictates incidence values and response to adjacent materials which changes the relevance of micro-climatic factorshence being bound closely to design decisions. Likewise, proportion of the material with respect to others also changes the effect of these factors strongly.

Hence, in an urban canyon, morphology has a significant impact on micro-climate with calculated use of form development and material distribution.

Decoding Micro-Climate28 • Introduction • Criteria and process of analysis • Parameters of research Parameters of Analysis 02

Understanding micro-climate goes beyond estimation with respect to climatic data. It requires study on various levels, with cognizance to the constants and the variables. As most of the factors crossrelate to each other on different scales, directions, geo-locations, seasons and material to produce varying effects, it is important that the parameters of this research take into account the variabilities and limitations and simultaneously untangle the inter-relatedness.

Established specifications of climatic data such as heat gain, precipitation, humidity, wind speed and anthro-heat are natural phenomena and hence not a subject to design manipulation. Therein lies the distinction between parameters of choice: manipulatable factors and non-manipulatable factors. Factors such as humidity, heat-dynamics and wind dynamics change in a continuum when a certain form or material is opted. These two constitute morphology that can be regulated on various scales to result in desirable values of the manipulatable factors. This research attempts to study this co-relation between such factors and morphological parameters that branch from form.

Decoding Micro-Climate30

Criteria Process

In order to comprehend the various levels and scales in which manipulatable factors work, this research devises relationship charts that take into account all the factors and where they are instrumental. It also studies the limitations of this document, defining the resultant parameters. The complexity of this morphological study is unfurled in the following manner:

Relatable quantities: Common tangible factors affecting urban microclimate and human comfort zone can be condensed to humidity, solar and wind dynamics.

Governing factors: Solar and wind dynamics and humidity become the key to manipulate microclimate for better conditions. However, humidity cannot be controlled, hence it is not in the purview of this research.

Factors affecting morphology (applied) : These are the factors that can directly be controlled in the sectional morphology of a street canyon.

Factors affecting morphology (not applied) : These are the factors that cannot directly be controlled in the sectional morphology of a street canyon.

LCZ specific framework: Framework derived in order to analyse the already calculated and added factors of local climatic zones.

Area of application: After the derivation of specific framework and manipulation of appropriate factors, developing an understanding for application of framework on a specific site.

Evaluating the existing: Comparing the simulated microclimatic outcomes with the existing site conditions for better understanding.

2.2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Fig 2.1: Mind-map Stage 1

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The research focuses on developing urban spaces to be human comfort zone specific. This requires the manipulation of heat dynamics, wind dynamics and humidity. Thus, the research focuses on developing understanding and modifying the same.

In the architectural realm form and material govern the working of the above mentioned factors. This research attempts to focus on the morphological aspects of the urban canyon.

The morphology of the site can be further divided into 2 categories. The research limits itself to vectors of height, orientation, direction and density. It also takes into account the existing materials on the site and how morphological re-organization of those material contribute in canyon dynamics.

Fig 2.2: Mind-map Stage 2
03 04

Fig 2.3: Mind-map Stage 3

An LCZ specific framework is developed in-order to be able to appropriately manipulate the UCZ. The factors that govern the LCZ are divided into 2 categories. Static and the dynamic. Static Factors include the anthropogenic heat, aspect ratio, sky view factor and urban roughness. The dynamic factors include seasonal flux, Geolocation, time, material of the zone and global directions. The research attempts to operate with this factors through morphological changes.

Decoding Micro-Climate34

To create a framework that operates in a specific LCZ, the area of possible application becomes essential. The existing physical variables of structures on the site can be divided into 3 basic parts: orientation, the influence of positioning of the structure with the global directions, height, the vertical dimension with respect the urban canopy layer, scale, and volume occupied by the structure in the selected space. These factors give us the existing site conditions and becomes vectors of modification. The other external factors such as building by-laws are not considered in the research. 2.4: Mind-map Stage 4

06 07 Fig

Fig 2.5: Parameters of Research

The research works with two tangibles : form and material. The existing form and organization of material in the given form becomes the grounds for change.

The research is applied on micro, building skin and fenestrations and macro-cluster level.

Only the heat and the wind dynamics are analyzed for the selected sites. The operation of manipulation is done across canyons’ orientations and heights for the structures.

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Parameters of research2.3

The research deals with two scales: micro scale and macro scale.

Micro scale:

Solar dynamics are looked through the factors of height and direction with area covered, time of operation and temperature. Similarly, wind dynamics are looked through the factors of velocity and direction with roughness type, time of operation and wind deflection.

Macro scale: Solar dynamics are looked through the factors of height and direction with building height and orientation. Wind dynamics are looked through the factors of velocity and direction with building height and orientation.

Area covered: area affected after modification of morphology.

Time of operation: time of operation of the element.

Temperature: temperature difference registered after the modification of morphology.

Roughness type: roughness factor of the finish.

Wind deflection: wind deflected after the modification of morphology.

Building height: variable building height and its effects on changing factors.

Orientation: variable building orientation and its effects on changing factors.

Decoding Micro-Climate38
39 • Selection of case studies • Case 1: Metropol Parasol • Inferences • Case 2: Pormetxeta Square • Inference • Conclusion Preliminary Case Studies 03

Selection of case study3.1

In the twenty-first century due to the increase in global temperature, responding to climate is important. What adds to the issue of heating is the UHI effect caused in urban settings. The two case studies are modern interventions that operate to solve the microclimatic issues in the respected canyons. Both the interventions have a strong morphological identity and presence. The study of the cases is primarily done through the morphological nature of the structures.

Case 2: Pormetxeta Square

• The plaza connects the city center with the river with a series of sidewalks that overcome the difference in height of 20 meters. The use of geometry in-order to crate a seamless adaptive space for human comfort.

Case 1: Metropol Parasol

• Through the use of geometry the intervention influences natural forces i.e. Wind

• The intervention reduces the UHI effect through its qualities of permeability, cooling and its height and length in its context.

Fig 3.1: Location of Case Studies

Decoding Micro-Climate40


The building revitalizes the Plaza de Encarnacion which was neglected since the 1970s after the demolition of the city market in Seville. The form of the structure are in a series of connected curves and contours that are made of wooden panels, joined through a series of screws and bolts. The timber board varies form 1.5 mt wide to 1.5 mt wide and 7 to 30 cm thick. The whole timber structure is supported by a 16 x 3.5 x 0.14 mt concrete assembly. A steel bracing system is inserted to reinforce the same. The eco-sustainability of the comfort of the users are assured via way of means of the timber as a structural element, thanks to its feature of being a resilient material; the pipes inside permit the nice and cozy air to push upwards through the ceiling and permit a cool air change; from the grid of the roof that works as a filter to the solar rays and radiation creates many shaded spaces, and finally, 4 fountains permit adiabatic cooling, that is vital in a metropolis for which temperatures, in summer, can reach to quite an excessive degree and compromise the comfort and health of citizens and vacationers.

The structure is innovation at the forefront of property construction by long lasting ability of assorted programs, distinctive bailiwick style of the highest standard, economical construction and environmental concerns. Its intelligent use of supply in designing and construction together with craft joins each extreme of production methods. Its robust concern for the particular ethical and social state of the Plaza de la Encamacion transforms it into the center of urban activity of Sevilla. The native impact is an activation and renovation development in the neighboring areas as well as associate attraction and assembly for the whole town and its surroundings. The worldwide impact puts Sevilla back on the map as a city that is involved with bringing its rich cultural and architectural history back to our times .

Introduction Climatic context Concerns Design approach Significance of Morphology Inferences
41 Case 1: Metropol Parasol3.2 3.2.1

3.2.2 Climatic context

The temperature variation in seville is drastic throughout the year. The summer temperature can go to as high as 38 degrees in July to 6 degrees in January. The average temperature from the month of May to August are thermally uncomfortable for the urban occupation of space. The city receives precipitation through out the year. The rainfall ranges as low as 1.5 mm in July to as high as 82.4 mm in December. Also, the city receives 10-14 hours of sunlight throughout the year.

Historical climate data suggests:

• March, April and November are the most probable to revel in good weather, temperatures that fall among 20-25 degree celsius.

• November and December have a high precipitation disturbance.

• June, July and August experience dryness in ambient weather.

• Precipitation varies 75 mm | 3 inch between the driest month and the wettest month of July and December.

Introduction Climatic context Concerns Design approach Significance of Morphology Inferences Fig 3.2: Seville Climate Graph
Decoding Micro-Climate42

3.2.3 Concerns and strategies

1. Integration of historic site, commercial program and cultural representational spaces.

2. Concept of a „3-layered square” with permeability between the 3 levels (museum, market, elevated plaza).

3. Excavations of archaeological remains inform the design and continue after the construction.

4. Programmatic flexibility by highly specific unique architectural form.

5. Prefabrication for lean construction on site and cost efficiency.

6. Climatic sensitive materials (energy embodied).

7. Combination of natural materials, conventional construction and smart materials (wood structure, polymer than coating, recycled plastics and recycled cement).

8. Natural climate through material and shading with low air conditioning input

9. Sensitive efficient evaluation of fire coding in relationship to materials and structure (saving materials => saving natural resources)

10. Intelligent use of logistics in planning and construction.

11. Reduced embodied energy due to use of timber instead of steel for parasols.

12. Creation of an improved micro-climate by shading of the plaza and evaporative cooling over water features.

13. Careful use of materials to provide an efficient thermal inertia to the building (Guayo P., 2014).

Introduction Climatic context Concerns Design approach Significance of Morphology Inferences

3.2.4 Design approaches

The structure consists of an extensive canopy of 150 by 70 mt, 25 mt above street level, supported by six gigantic columns. Plaza Mayor, is located underneath the canopy on a platform raised 5 mt above street level. It has a total surface of 10,600 sq. mt. and is approximately 85 mt wide and 140 mt long. It is furnished with four concrete semi-circular benches, three small fountains on the borders, and a playground. The materials used are clear granite for the pavement, timber for the canopy, and concrete for the structure, which becomes visible at the bases of the pillars. The purpose of the canopy was to create a comfortable environment in the plaza, where people congregate and big public events take place. The canopy protects the space from direct solar radiation, and the plaza is raised above street level to increase air flow. In addition, the selected light tones of the materials are appropriate for reflecting solar radiation. Moreover, the use of fountains, although scarce, helps to decrease air temperature by evaporative cooling.

Surface water

To lessen the effect of the project at the sewage infrastructure, the surfaces at the plaza are made of permeable finishes to permit a direct drainage of the domestically intense rainfall to the ground alternatively to the public sewage.

Green power generation

Apart from unfastened perspectives for all, the Parasol structure integrates solar-thermal and solar-electric panels for warm water production for the eating places and bars and photovoltaic electricity generation for fountains and public lighting. Spaces for air-managment system are generously sized to permit the use of adiabatic cooling.

Introduction Climatic context Concerns Design approach Significance of Morphology Inferences
Decoding Micro-Climate44

Passive Cooling

The water features provide continuous source of cooler wind through the use of surface cooling. The feature contains cooler water that stretches across the program creating the air cooler using surface traction and adding water vapor that results in increasing the humidity.

Fig 3.3: Passive Cooling TechniquesMetropol Parasol

Introduction Climatic context Concerns Design approach Significance of Morphology Inferences


The Parasol structure has been designed in a way that allows for Air to vertically move through the building, adding to the ventilation of the canyon and filtering the sunlight coming inside the canopy. The porosity helps the build loose any heat generated by the plaza of the AC in the building.


The structure is a large shading device that protects from lateral sunlight experienced in seville, The shading device stenches over the plaza and the existing market in the canyon. Apart from antithetical benefits, The shading device extends the usability of the urban canyon and reduces the energy consuption of multipe structures in the plaza.

Fig 3.4: Structural System- Metropol Parasol

Introduction Climatic context Concerns Design approach Significance of Morphology Inferences
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3.2.5 Understanding the morphology of the Structure:


Length of the building spans through the plaza creating a shaded space which is based on the canyon length. Structure is a collection of six circles attached using a Waffle structure. The building offsets from the surrounding old structures providing space for light to penetrate to the lower plaza. Form of the building fills up the Plaza space in a particular fashion that retains the fluidity of the space. Because of the particular weather the building has been designed in north-south direction that allows the east and west sun to penetrate deep in while blocking out the afternoon light.


Height of the building is divided into two parts. The lower part of the building connected to the ground through a concrete plinth and six concrete columns, and this provides stability to the structure as well as modifies the plaza to cater to multiple functions. The second part which sits on top of these 6 columns of the timber waffle structure. The height of the structure varies from 2 to 5 mt away from the surrounding building. This offset allows for wind movement into the plaza. The structure is permeable in the vertical direction whereas, acting as a barrier in the horizontal direction. The height of the structure and the shape of the waffle channels the wind downwards. This process brings the high velocity cold winds down from the canopy layer to the plaza cooling the plaza down.

Introduction Climatic context Concerns Design approach Significance of Morphology Inferences

The climatic techniques applied at Metropol Parasol decreased temperatures by over 3˚C compared to adjacent open areas. When temperatures were compared to those in other public spaces of the city, Plaza Mayor performed better than many, providing a more comfortable climatic environment. Nevertheless, the public space at Metropol Parasol did not draw as many people as other public spaces. Raising the plaza above the street level resulted in more air flow and decreased temperatures. The fieldwork suggested that the powerful visual environment of Metropol Parasol influenced thermal perception. Preconceived ideas, mainly based on economic and political issues, influenced the assessment of the climatic environment. However, the experience of the thermal environment could not be isolated from issues such as the visual qualities of the structure and its economic and political implications.

Introduction Climatic context Concerns Design approach Significance of Morphology Inferences
Decoding Micro-Climate48

3.4.1 Introduction Plaza Pormetxeta is located in the city of Barakaldo, Spain, which is part of Bilbao’s metropolitan area. The plaza connects the town center with the river through a series of walkways that overcome a 20-meter height difference. These walkways are made of steel plates and paved with hexagonal ceramic tiles. At some points, the steel plates fold over the walkways, providing protection from direct solar radiation. The space between the walkways forms a plaza of 6,500 sq. mt. furnished with benches and playgrounds beneath tree-shaped canopies. This space constitutes the public space object of study, as the tree-shaped canopies aim to create a more comfortable space for the citizens by providing shade. The canopies, which are called Stone Trees in the project, cover a 750 sq. mt. area and are 11.5 mt high. They are constituted by a steel structure of pillars and beams imitating the trunks and branches of a group of trees. On top of the structure, another box structure made of steel holds a metallic mesh and the stones that form the top cover for the canopies. According to the project brief, the Stone Trees “act as an atmospheric device that balances the exuberant natural surroundings” (MTM Arquitectos, 2013).

Introduction Climatic context Concerns Design approach Significance of Morphology Inferences
49 Case 2: Pormetxeta Square3.4

3.4.2 Climatic Environment

Barakaldo has a cooler temperature; it ranges from 25 degrees in July to 5 degrees in January. The day experiences 10-14 hours of exposition. However, the sunlight does not penetrate due to the high density of clouds. The city experiences rain throughout the year where November has the highest precipitation: 150mm while July experiences lowest: 75 mm. Every month has 8-15 rainy days and yet, the humidity is at a constant of 75% throughout the year.

• May, June, September and October are most likely to experience good weather ranging from 20-25 degrees.

• August has the maximum temperature of 26°C and coldest month is January being 13°C.

• July is the driest and most sunny month.

Introduction Climatic context Concerns Design approach Significance of Morphology Inferences Fig 3.5: Barakaldo Climate Graph
Decoding Micro-Climate50

3.4.3 Concerns and strategies

1. Lack of entrances in the town center.

2. Lack of urban gathering and social spaces.

3. Low inhabitable temperature in public center.

4. Programmatic requirement of highly specific unique architectural form.

5. Prefabrication for lean construction on site and cost efficiency.

6. Climatic sensitive materials (energy embodied).

7. Combination of various materials such as metal surface and stone screen for reflection and absorption of heat respectively.

8. Natural climate control through material and shading with no air conditioning input.

9. Formation of multiple smaller public courts.

10. Intelligent use of geometry to maximize protection from weathering.

11. Creation of an improved micro-climate by shading of the plaza.

Introduction Climatic context Concerns Design approach Significance of Morphology Inferences

3.4.4 Design approaches

Plaza Pormetxeta has two primary climatic approaches : canopy and wind shield. The design focuses on protection from wind and rainfall through the year. Barakaldo experiences high waterfall throughout the year, the rainfall brings in high velocity winds, creating an inhabitable exterior. The city experiences 8-15 days of rainfall a month thus, the accessibility of the outdoor is limited due to the unprecedented weather changes. Due to the static weather and high rainfall, the urban temperature is cooler than comfortable temperatures for 8 months of the year; the lack of sunlight entering the LCZ creates a dark and winded ambience. The design creates 2 primary elements the covered corridors covering the pathway connecting exterior and the outdoor pavilion creating a shaded public plaza. The covered channel proved to be a quick access to the building protecting from the rainfall and the wind, additionally the use of steel in the corridor reflects heat and sunlight entering the plaza, lighting the pathway during the day. The outdoor pavilion is a series of polygonal surfaces that are a combination of a steel structure and a stone roof that is supported by a steel mesh. The system of materials addresses two climactic challenges experienced by use of fragmented polygons, forming a series of shaded courts that bring wind in the public plaza and the use of stones creates a porous mesh that prevents breakage of the pavilion due to wind buoyancy while adding additional weight of the surface. These design decisions result in the use of larger steel sections in the structure of the pavilion.

Precipitation and Surface Water

The plaza is a series of gentle sloping surfaces that channelize water on the surface. The slopes provide the slight descent towards the exterior of the town hall creating an easy to operate system of ramps that is accompanied by a series of water-channels.

The system of covered outdoors and indoors provide a shade from direct and lateral winds, and rainfall inside the plaza, the use of folding planes also adds roughness to the surfaces of the intervention, reducing the speed of surface water runoff while adding grip for pedestrian movement in the exteriors.

Introduction Climatic context Concerns Design approach Significance of Morphology Inferences
Decoding Micro-Climate52

Wind deflection

The plaza receives high velocity winds due to climatic conditions experienced by the city, thus using of surfaces on for the construction of structures making the building vulnerable to wind push: resulting in deformation and damage of many kinds of this rigid system. The pavilions as a result are made using steel structure and the roof is made of a woven mesh of stones and steel. This combination creates a breathing roof that allows the winds to pass through it while breaking the velocity of the same. This as a result adds to human comfort in the public plaza.

Heat and sunlight reflection

The building exterior is cladded with steel, the form is folded through out the geometry, creating a series of reflective plains that bounce the sunlight and heat off the plaza. The geometry being made of highly reflective surfaces increases the ambient temperature of in the plaza.

Introduction Climatic context Concerns Design approach Significance of Morphology Inferences Fig 3.6: Pormetxeta Square- Climate Response

3.4.5 Understanding the morphology of the structure:


The body, the structure and the skin, the three elements of the module are designed based on a series of polygons with flexible edges that allow for randomization of the module. The pavilion replicate the form and structure of a tree, the body is a combination of multiple steel sections that branch out to support the canopy. This structure germinates from a single point and branches towards the top. This form looks like a trunk of a tree. The use of this form allows smaller structural members making the building feel lightweight and creating more resistance towards the lateral winds. The vertical structure is made of a deep steel sections that support the skin of the plaza; this form allows for planer and angular modification of the module. The skin of the pavilion is made of loosely packed stones. This provides for a flexible shading canopy.

Introduction Climatic context Concerns Design approach Significance of Morphology Inferences Fig 3.7: Pormetxeta Square- Modular Strategies
Decoding Micro-Climate54

Micro Roughness:

The plaza consists of 3 primary materials; the placement and properties of the materials help with the heating of the environment. Stone is used for the roof. This creates a Jali that reduces surface winds using its roughness. Additionally,due to the tendency of stone to gain heat slower, the shaded space remains relatively cooler. The use of steel is done in the structure and cladding on the tunnels. The tunnels are covered by reflective aluminium panels, the angle of these panels bounce the light off within the canyon. Additionally, the corrugation of these skins reduce the surface wind velocity creating a more comfortable wind deflection. Concrete is used in the floor of the plaza, concrete allows for fluidity while absorbing that throughout the day, the flexibility and heat locking helps the canyon create a warmer ambient temperature.

Introduction Climatic context Concerns Design approach Significance of Morphology Inferences Fig 3.8: Pormetxeta Square- Micro Roughness


The climatic techniques applied at Pormetxeta Square decreased temperatures by over 2˚C compared on a hot day of summer. However it also creates a series of dark spaces which were termed as “unfriendly” and “unwelcoming” to the occupants. The design attempts to resolve the climatic challenges, however, it ends up creating new micro-climatic challenges for the users. The building on a macro scale reciprocates to the heat and wind dynamic of the local climatic zone but due to its radical form fails in the social realm of the city. The morphology of a site should primarily respond to the climatic concerns but developing a socially sound built form is also essential.

Decoding Micro-Climate56

Metropol Parasol in Seville and Plaza Pormetxeta both deal with the climate through morphological intervention. The urban inserts reshapes the historical origination while challenging the per-existing notions and organization of a public space. Both the designs also leave a significant impact on the social realm and how the built environment in their respective contexts are perceived.

Case - 1

The quantity of individuals present at Square City hall leader was recorded in corresponding to climatic estimations and contrasted with those at Court del Cristo Burgos. The quantity of individuals at Metropol Parasol was lower than that at Court del Cristo Burgos. Also, Court Chairman didn’t draw in many individuals while other public spaces of the city where estimations were taken.

A total of 25 interviews were undertaken; questions focused on two topics: the reasons for staying at Plaza Mayor and people’s thermal perceptions. Thermal perception was further evaluated by asking interviewees to compare their thermal comfort with the comfort they expected to have in adjacent streets. According to the results, the main reasons for staying at Metropol Parasol were: first, more comfortable climatic conditions; second, attractiveness of the space; and third, the playground. Moreover, all those interviewed found the environment “warm” or “too warm”, but most of them stated that the temperature at Plaza Mayor was more comfortable than that in adjacent outdoor spaces. In fact, those who perceived a more comfortable climatic environment were those who nominated the attractiveness of the space as the reason to be there, suggesting an influence of the visual environment on thermal perceptions. All those interviewed had a preconceived idea of Metropol Parasol derived from the exhaustive coverage of the building in the local media as well as in the tourist guides and other city information books.


Case - 2

The temperature variation in Barakaldo in low through out the year due to its oceanic temperature. Difference in temperature in summer and wind is mild. The clouds cover 330 days in a year with high precipitation rate. As a result the daily solar radiation is extremely low approximately 3.54 KWh/ m2.

A study on August 21, 2012 was conducted to register temperature under one of the stone columns present in the Plaza. Temperature of every hour from 11 AM to 7 PM were registered. The average temperature was measured to be 30 Degree celsius. With covered sky and low wind speed the average humidity as 60%. The maximum temperature of 27 degrees at 1 PM and the minimum of 24.8 degrees at 7PM was registered. The wind speed remained constant through out the day, with the maximum of 2 m/s. Not many people stayed at the plaza but the continuous plaza drastically experienced larger number of commuters using the shaded corridors to go to the city center.

Reshaping the urban spaces

Both Metropol Parasol and Plaza Pormetxeta have a distinct and loud presence on their respective sites. Both the building occupy public plaza using an alien morphological order and as a result ends up reshaping the urban spaces. However, they both have a different impact on space transformation and social perspective.

Metropol Parasol’s form is crated using multiples circular canopies. This canopies are supported using circular columns in the center. The structure is made using only 2 primary materials that are segregated using the height creating a visual balance for the user. The structural system creates similar modules that stretch across the canyon and the height of the structure is high enough for the user to perceive its form, this as a result adds to the visual order creating a welcoming urban space.

Decoding Micro-Climate58

Fig 3.9: Comparative Diagrams of Metropol Parasol & Pormetxeta Square

Plaza Pormetxeta’s form is abstracted on the movement of user within the public plaza. The structure has an arrangement of a continuous folding polygons form that provides pathways, shade, functions and public courts. The structure is made of multiple materials that change the material language through out the program. Additionally, the structure has many smaller spaces and due to the morphological language, lack of orientation to the used. As a result the plaza is perceived as a unwelcoming space with dark and inhabitable space.

Thus, the use of morphology in an urban realm is to be responsive to not only the climatic conditions but also the social structure and its implications on the city dweller. The perception of the form parentally governs the usability of the urban morphology.

Decoding Micro-Climate60
61 • The urban heat island effect in Ahmedabad • Introduction • Selection of site • Site 1 (Bopal) • Site 2 (Paldi) • Conclusion Pilot Analysis 04

Ahmedabad, is a dry and aired city situated in Gujarat, India. It is the most populated city in Gujarat with a density of 10,000 per sq. km. This density results in rapid urban infrastructure that over the years had led to heating of the city. The City already sits in a hot region covered with plains on multiple sides, the UHI effect multiplies the heating of the city resulting in temperatures rising up to 45 degree celsius in peak summers. This has led the outdoor condition unfit and extremely difficult to occupy for humans.

In 2016 Ahmedabad temperature reached upto 48 degrees while the village closer to the city were atleast 6 degrees cooler in the peak summers. The rise in temperature led to health risk of the urban dweller. 27 critical cases were registered on the same day of this temperature hike.

Acknowledging and dealing with UHI effect in Ahmedabad becomes extremely important and urgent. This paper selects 2 LCZ of Ahmedabad that occupy approximately 40% of the new and existing urban fabric and devices morphological approaches to solve the heat flux recorded in the city.

Urban Heat Island Effect in Ahmedabad4.1
Decoding Micro-Climate62

This study investigated the surface temperature and its correspondence with the forms existing on the side inside an urban street canyon during daytime. The goal was to unravel the relative impact of Form and Material with respect to wind and solar dynamics in order to manipulate the urban heat budget. A building simulation model has been used in-order to get holistic idea of the functioning of the urban street. Different combinations of the canyon height to width ratio (H/W) and Static physical geometer were investigated. The long-wave trapping effect has the second largest contribution and becomes relatively more important with increasing H/W ratio. The influence of the interior building temperature is small. Surface temperature and mean radiant temperature are closely related, since both are largely controlled by radiative properties. Straightforward relation was found between surface temperature and air temperature. The air temperature inside the canyon and was observed compared to the Human comfort temperature in-order establish achievable goal that establishes the datum for achievement.

The parameters are divided into 3 categories : micro-climate environment, material and form. Each of them cater to factors that affect micro-climate and UHI effect. The micro-climate environment consists of physical entities as well as phenomenons that operate on the site, material gives us the factors like albedo, roughness and surface temperature that contribute in operation of this phenomena. The form governs the organization of material and influences the environment.

Looking at the three categories in relation and comparison on site gives one holistic idea of the site and what need to be intervened.


The human comfort zone for Ahmedabad ranges from 20 to 24 degree celsius with dew point being between 0.12 to 0.004 while the relative humidity is between 20 to 80 percent. Human Comfort is taken as the desired climate condition as they are the primary users of the urban canyon. This establishes a datum for the relative study that needed to be achieved in-order the make the microclimate desirable and user friendly


Factors that contribute to Micro climate of an Urban Canyon are: Heat Dynamics :

• Incident (direct and diffuse) solar radiation, (ultraviolet / short wave)

• Reflected solar radiation (ultraviolet / short wave) based on albedo

• Upward surface emission of long-wave length radiation, (infrared, from earth / surfaces)

• Downward atmospheric emission of long-wave length radiation (infrared, from atmosphere)

• Net solar energy (positive or zero)

• Net infra-red energy (generally negative or zero)

In this case we refer to the Emitted Long wave radiation that is stored and reflected by the materials present in the Urban canyon. the proportion of materials determine is taken into consideration and the change in the form and usage of the material influences the change in infrared radiations emitted from the earth and surfaces. the infrared temperature are takes from each side of the building at the peak of summer and its corresponding values with different elements of the site are registered in order to achieve the appropriate Urban elements to deal with Heat Dynamic of the Canyon.

Decoding Micro-Climate64

Wind Dynamics :

The wind movement of the urban canyon is studied and its effects of different orientation of the building is compared in order to get the appropriate Urban elements to deal with Wind Dynamics of the Canyon. The Correspondence of facade geometry and its effect of wind deflection and wind movement in the canyon. Wind speed is a critical factor in metropolitan areas it significantly influences health, comfort, air quality, and energy consumption. Additionally, also influences the humidity dynamics in the canyon . High velocity wind cycles with wind between cooler context and the hotter UHI zone . Urban heat island is related to wind speed: when wind speed increases, the intensity of UHI decreases since there is an inverse relationship between wind speed and UHI intensity. The data demonstrates that wind speed only accounts for roughly 33.5 percent of the fluctuation in Urban heat island effects intensity, leaving about 66.5 percent unaccounted for. It was discovered that at the maximum UHI, intensity began to decrease for wind speeds larger than 3 m/h. (Anibaba & Adedeji,2019)

• Different facade elements present on site are corresponded with different material and is studied for the best possible outcome that could allow wind movement in the urban canyon in order to make the canyon cooler. The material difference contributes to the roughness of the surface which of a street scale it becomes significant.

• The overall orientation of the building and the street is simulated in-order to achieve appropriate ventilation in the canyon.



Anthropogenic heat is heat generated by buildings, people, or machinery. Estimates of anthropogenic heat generation can be made by totaling all the energy used for heating and cooling, running appliances, transportation, and industrial processes. The Anthro heat is very high in Bopal due to the density of humans and vehicles in the area.

Anthropogenic heat flux is the heat generated by human activities in the urban canopy layer, which is considered on of the primary contributor to the urban heat island (UHI). The UHI can in turn increase the use and energy consumption of air-conditioning systems.

Anthropogenic heat is taken as a constant.


Humidity in a Climatic reference accounts for the water vapor present in the air, it influences the heat dynamics of the canyon and thus becomes a key contributer to UHI effect. However, unlike the wind dynamics, the humidity accounts for 12% of the heating in an urban canyon. Primarily humidity inversely affects the urban heat island effect.

The observations suggests that the effects of the UHI magnifies when the relative humidity is less then 60% in the canyon. The to less humidity, commonly in the after when the humidity falls to 40 to 50% the UHI causes dryness and contribute to fatigue and unhealthy outdoor spaces. This state might be caused by the fact that as water evaporates from the surfaces in the canyon, the surface air temperature drastically drops down due to evaporative cooling, but the amount of relative humidity rises due to an increase in water vapor pressure. Additionally, When the Relative humidity rises above 80% it causes discomfort to the occupant due to the perspiration process. Thus, a relative humidity range between 6080% should be a ideal situation. Thus, a safe range of 60-80% of relative humidity in Ahmadabad city could result in cooler urban canyons.

Decoding Micro-Climate66

Selection of Site4.3

Micro-climate in its nature is a fragmented entity. It varies across multiple scales, in-order to get a holistic idea of various micro climates that exist in Ahmedabad two sites of very different climatic context, morphology and topography are selected as case studies.

The sites have been chosen such that show potential on UHI effect and thus rises concern. The urban climatic zones vary from LCZ4bLCZ7g, this provides different nuances of urban heat island effect. The selected Cases, Nikol and Bopal are two major examples of Urban heating zones in Ahmedabad. Nikol is an old township situated on the outskirts of Ahmedabad while Bopal in a new and Rapid growing Residential area.

Key Features:

Key Features: of

- High-rise sparely placed residential units - Large open grounds - Has multiple lawns but very few trees
- Next to a large artificial water tank. (Seasonal) - Organically grown Density of residential clusters - Low-rise buildings and bungalows - Dominantly potters and farmers Fig 4.2: Sites
Pilot Case Study

The existing site is made of a singular 1:1 ratio street canyons. This brings in a lot of heat in the urban street network. the streets are SW-NE aligned which bring is wind circulation in the canyons however, the wind speed in broken down due to the orientation of the buildings.

Although the building are sparely placed on the site The Building orientation faces the wind flow, reducing efficiency of wind cooling in the space.

Bopal can be Categorized based on the following qualities :

• The organization of masses in South Bopal area creates a narrow linear passage creating an funneling effect for the wind in the area.

• Due to lack of natural surface undulation of the topography the high velocity winds disperse in the residential cluster the Road is SW - NE oriented that invites a lot of air inside the cluster.

• The proportion of W to H in 1:1. this condition creates a creates a balanced canyon however due to the Climate of Ahmedabad, the shading does not suffice the requirements.

• The direction of the canyon brings in wind but the vertical elements doesn't allow the wind to circulate in the shorter direction.

• also, due to high reflective surfaces and lack of shading the canyon get extremely hot during the afternoon that is followed in the evening.

Decoding Micro-Climate68
Site - 1 Bopal4.4 Fig 4.3: Plan of Bopal

Fig 4.5:

Fig 4.4:

69 Metal RoofRough Paint Tar Road Curbing Sand Primary materials: Rough Paint NE - SW canyon Material Chart 65 18 5 3 3 6 100 (167 mts) Tar Road Curbing Metal Roof Sand Others Total
Bopal Section
Material and Light Qualities of Bopal Canyon

Form: building Metal Land

A Spence organization of 10 + floors of buildings. few
variable in height. White plaster, wide Tar road and
roofs. Low traffic.
mostly paved. Few or no trees. Residential apartment towers Location : outskirts of the city Sky view factor Sparse high-rise Sparse trees Canyon Aspect Ration Previous Surface fraction Mean building height Terrain roughness class Building Surface Fraction Surface admittanceImpervious Surface Fraction Surface albedo Anthropogenic heat flux Function: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 50 100 100 100 2500 .5 400 300 200 100 .8 40 80 80 80 2000 .4 .6 30 60 60 60 1500 .3 .4 20 40 40 40 1000 .2 .2 1 0 2 3 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 20 20 500 .1 + = LCZ 4B

The Canyon is primarily made of rough paint, relatively the rough paint has lower temperature by the but has a stagnant temperature throughout a day. Thus, in-order to cool the canyon working with the building skin becomes very crucial. 1 observation of Bopal on 29th august 2021

71 DATA SHEET 2 GENERAL INFORMATION Area: South bopal Latitude : 23.01697728 Date : 29-08-21 Filled By : Viraj Bhatt Location Longitude : 72.47143496 Time : 10:00 AM ANEOMETER Shaded Wind Speed (m/s) : ---- 0.6 0.43 0.51 Relative Humadity (RH %) : ---- 61.2 Ambient Temperature (°C) : ---- 34 Un Shaded Wind Speed (m/s) : 0.26 0.62 0.45 Relative Humadity (RH %) : 53.5 Ambient Temperature (°C) : 35.5 Soil Plan Sides 1 Side 2 Side 3 Side 4 WET / MOD./ DRY Material 10pm 3pm 6am Material Surface Temp. (° C) Material Surface Temp. (° C) Material Surface Temp. (° C) Material Surface Temp. (° C) 1 dry Tar R.D. 52.1 55.2 56.7 2 dry rough Paint 42.5 41.3 38.6 Wall 3 dry Curbing 48.6 52.6 49.5 4 dry Stone cladding 32.1 44 34.7 Wall 5 dry Concrete R.D. 49.9 50.6 46.5 6 dry Metal fence 36.7 39.1 37.4 Wall 7 dry Metal Roof 57.1 64.4 45.2 8 dry Sand 57.4 52.2 42.3 9 Relative Humadity 53.5 51.3 54.2 10 Ambient Temperature 35.5 36.7 33.7 Understanding Material4.4.1 Case 1 Sunny weather
: material temperature and

Overcast - Rainy

Decoding Micro-Climate72 DATA SHEET 2 GENERAL INFORMATION Area: South bopal Latitude : 23.01697728 Date : 29-08-21 Filled By : Viraj Bhatt Location Longitude : 72.47143496 Time : 10:00 AM ANEOMETER Shaded Wind Speed (m/s) : ---- 0.26 0.2 1.7 Relative Humadity (RH %) : ---- 72.8 Ambient Temperature (°C) : ---- 30.1 Un Shaded Wind Speed (m/s) : 0.2 0.2 1.5 Relative Humadity (RH %) : 72.5 Ambient Temperature (°C) : 30.7 Soil Plan Sides 1 Side 2 Side 3 Side 4 WET / MOD./ DRY Material 10pm 3pm 6am Material Surface Temp. (° C) Material Surface Temp. (° C) Material Surface Temp. (° C) Material Surface Temp. (° C) 1 dry Tar R.D. 44.4 47.7 46.5 2 dry rough Paint 38 39.2 37.1 Wall 3 dry Curbing 40.6 44.5 38.5 4 dry Stone cladding 30.1 30.6 30.2 Wall 5 dry Concrete R.D. 41.6 42.6 40.5 6 dry Metal fence 38.3 36.9 32.1 Wall 7 dry Metal Roof 63.1 47.4 36.8 8 dry Sand 38.8 44.8 40.5 9 Relative Humadity 72.5 75.5 76.4 10 Ambient Temperature 27.1 30.7 28.4 Case 2
On rainy days the temperature of paint still remains relatively higher even though the weather cools down. This happens due to the stored heat energy in density of the material stretched across the building. Table 3 : material temperature and observation of Bopal on 5th September 2021

Overcast - Rainy a series of shaded days temperature of the rough paint decreased, however, the rate decrease of surface temperature is then the rate of increase of the same surface

73 DATA SHEET 2 GENERAL INFORMATION Area: South bopal Latitude : 23.01697728 Date : 11-09-21 Filled By : Viraj Bhatt Location Longitude : 72.47143496 Time : 10:00 AM ANEOMETER Shaded Wind Speed (m/s) : ---- 2.9 2.4 0.51 Relative Humadity (RH %) : ---- 61.2 Ambient Temperature (°C) : ---- 34 Un Shaded Wind Speed (m/s) : 2.9 2.25 0.45 Relative Humadity (RH %) : 53.5 Ambient Temperature (°C) : 35.5 Soil Plan Sides 1 Side 2 Side 3 Side 4 WET / MOD./ DRY Material 10pm 3pm 6am Material Surface Temp. (° C) Material Surface Temp. (° C) Material Surface Temp. (° C) Material Surface Temp. (° C) 1 dry Tar R.D. 31.4 32 35.4 2 dry rough Paint 28.6 29.6 31.6 Wall 3 dry Curbing 30.8 32.8 34.3 4 dry Stone cladding 29.4 30.2 31.5 Wall 5 dry Concrete R.D. 30.8 31.2 32.1 6 dry Metal fence 28.5 28.3 30.6 Wall 7 dry Metal Roof 30.4 29.4 34.2 8 dry Sand 29.8 30.2 30.7 9 Relative Humadity 82 83 81.5 10 Ambient Temperature 29.2 27.5 28.3 Case 3
temperatures. Table 3 : material temperature and observation of Bopal on 11th September 2021

City level Effects

Table 4 : Site, city and village relative temperature
Decoding Micro-Climate74


Vertical Fins : Vertical Fin of 3 different depth were takes as par of the study. the relative temperature and its effects of the wind circulation was registered.

Horizontal Cantilever : Horizontal Cantilever of 3 different depth were takes as par of the study. the relative temperature and its effects of the wind circulation were registered.

Balcony :

Balcony of 1.5 MT depth were takes as par of the study. This is the permissible size of the balcony available on the site. Its effects of heat and wind dynamics were registered

Shading Box:

1 and 1.5 MT deep shading boxes that are commonly used in Bopal for facade treatment were studied with reference with the wind and Sun dynamics.

Vertical Fins Horizontal Cantilever Balcony Shading Box Fig 4.6: Elements of building Bopal
75 Understanding Form4.4.2


The wind movement along the road is slowed down by the orientation of the built form on the northern side as wind collides and loses it momentum. The reflected wind is bounced off on the southern side of the canyon increasing the wind velocity on the opposite side.

Due to the lack of acquitted spacing between the building the wind flowing perpendicular to the street canyon loses it velocity on the ground level completely. Huge open space dissipate the velocity further lower down the wind speed.

Wind Movement hits that canyon in an angle creating a turmoil. This reduces the wind in the speed as the canyon gets deeper. Also, the wind between 2 Buildings revolves within it self which are low velocity in nature.

Fig 4.7: Bopal Wind dynamics - perpendicular to the road Fig 4.8: Bopal Wind dynamics - along road Fig 4.9: Bopal Wind dynamics
Decoding Micro-Climate76


Shading along the Road is caused due to the built form is extremely low as it is SW-NE facing. This heats the road higher as the canyon is under sunlight for longer periods of time during summer afternoons.

The spaces perpendicular to the road are constantly shaded as they are always under the either lateral shade or are shaded due to inter shading as they are very close. This keeps the lower levels to in an state of equilibrium.

Because of the Climatic context and the spacing on the Buildings the spacing between the buildings is less then 10 M (average) this makes static canyons while the road canyon stays heated.

Fig 4.10: Bopal Sun dynamics - perpendicular to the road Fig 4.11: Bopal Sun dynamics - along road Fig 4.12: Bopal Sun dynamics





In the west the sun initially hits laterally from the south, by the time sun directly hits west the angle of sun is lowered significantly, vertical shutters are more efficient in the western side. Shading box provide maximum shading of the surface however they also increase the density of materials around the opening.

Table 5: sun path study retrieved form climate consultant
Decoding Micro-Climate78
collection and stimulation4.4.3

0 0000 40.8 30.7

0 0000 36.8

0.2 0003 36.8 0.2 0003 40.8

0 0000 36.9

0 0000 40.5

0 0000 37.1 0000 39.8

Area Covered Maximim Time of operation Temperature

Flat surface

Horizintal Cantilever 0.23 MT 0.2 0003 37.1 0.2 0003 33.1 0.2 0003 40.5 0.2 0003 36.9

Horizintal Cantilever 0.5 MT 0.47 0003 32.4 0.47 0003 31.1 0.47 0003 35.1 0.47 0003 35.5 0.47 0003 35.2 0.47 0003 34.2

Horizintal Cantilever 1.0 MT 1 0003 31.4 1 0003 31.1 1 0003 33.2 1 0003 32.5 1 0003 32.5 1 0003 32.1

Vertical Fin 0.23 MT 0.3 0005 36.8 0.3 0005 33.1 0.3 0005 40.1 0.3 0005 36.9 0.3 0005 36.5 0.3 0005 40.4

Table Bopal material comparative study (west)

Vertical Fin 0.5 MT 1.2 0005 33.2 1.2 0005 32.1 1.2 0005 36.9 1.2 0005 35.4 1.2 0005 35.2 1.2 0005 33.7

Vertical Fin 1.0 MT 1.8 0005 31.4 1.8 0005 32.1 1.8 0005 35.5 1.8 0005 35.4 1.8 0005 35.1 1.8 0005 32.1

Shading BOX 1 MT 1.5 0008 31.2 1.5 0008 31.1 1.5 0008 33.1 1.5 0008 32.3 1.5 0008 32.3 1.5 0008 31.1

Shading BOX 1.5 MT 2.4 0008 31.2 2.4 0008 31.1 2.4 0008 32.5 2.4 0008 31.4 2.4 0008 31.5 2.4 0008 31.1

1 0003 31.7

1 0003 32.2

Balcony 1.5 MT 1 0003 31.4 1 0003 31.1 1 0003 32.5 1 0003 32.4

79 Sun dynamics (W) rough Paint Stone cladding Concrete M.S. Steel Corrogated metal sheet Sand Remarks
Ambient Temprature :
form and


The morning sun due to it angle laterally hits the buildings surface. Due to the cooling in the night the Eastern surface gains heat slower. However, due to the direct sunlight, the ambient temperature rapidly rises resulting in harsher afternoons. A series of deep vertical fins or jalis could help reduce the heating effect.

Decoding Micro-Climate80

Ambient Temprature 30.7

0 0000 38.8

0 0000 40.1

Area Covered Maximim Time of operation Temperature Difference

0 0000 38 0 0000 35.6 0 0000 41.2 0 0000 38.5

Flat surface

Horizintal Cantilever 0.23 MT 0.3 0004 37.8 0.3 0004 35.4 0.3 0004 41.0 0.3 0004 38.5 0.3 0004 39.8 0.3 0004 37.5

1 0004 36.5

The difference on smaller distances ins not measured due to the lack of precise equipment

1 0004 36.8

Horizintal Cantilever 0.5 MT 1 0004 36.5 1 0004 36.5 1 0004 36.6 1 0004 37.1

Horizintal Cantilever 1.0 MT 1.75 0004 36.5 1.75 0004 36.5 1.75 0004 36.6 1.75 0004 37.1 1.75 0004 36.8 1.75 0004 36.5

Vertical Fin 0.23 MT 0.23 0003 38 0.23 0003 35.6 0.23 0003 41.2 0.23 0003 38.5 0.23 0003 40.1 0.23 0003 38.8

Vertical Fin 0.5 MT 0.9 0003 37.2 0.9 0003 35 0.9 0003 38 0.9 0003 35.5 0.9 0003 35.2 0.9 0003 34.5

Vertical Fin 1.0 MT 0.9 0003 36.9 0.9 0003 34.4 0.9 0003 36.5 0.9 0003 36.4 0.9 0003 37.9 0.9 0003 35.3

Table 7: Bopal form and material comparative study for sun dynamics (east)

Shading BOX 1 MT 2.5 0007 36.5 2.5 0007 34.4 2.5 0007 36.5 2.5 0007 36.4 2.5 0007 37.2 2.5 0007 35.3

Shading BOX 1.5 MT 0 0007 32.2 0 0007 32.9 0 0007 32.5 0 0007 34.5 0 0007 34.7 0 0007 33

Balcony 1.5 MT 2.5 0004 36.5 2.5 0004 36.5 2.5 0004 36.6 2.5 0004 37.1 2.5 0004 36.8 2.5 0004 36.5

81 Sun dynamics (E) rough Paint Stone cladding Concrete M.S. Steel Corrogated metal sheet Sand Remarks


North doesn’t receive direct sunlight however receives early morning and late evening light from east and west. This doesn’t significantly heat up the surface thus, North can be made cooler by adding a series shallow vertical fins.

Decoding Micro-Climate82

Horizintal Cantilever MT 0000 32.2 0000 30.6 0000 32.6 0000 30.6 0000 0000

Horizintal Cantilever MT 0000 32.2 0000 30.6 0000 32.6 0000 30.6 0000 30.8 0000 30.6 Effect

Vertical Fin 0.23 MT 0009 31.2 0009 30.8 0009 32.1 0009 33.5 0009 33.5 0009 32.5

Vertical Fin 0.5 MT 0009 31.0 0009 30.4 0009 31.5 0009 31.3 0009 31.1 0009 31.0

Vertical Fin 1.0 MT 0009 30.85 0009 30.2 0009 30.7 0009 31.0 0009 31.0 0009 30.5

Shading BOX 1 MT 0009 30.85 0009 30.2 0009 30.7 0009 31.0 0009 31.0 0009 30.5

Shading BOX 1.5 MT 0009 30.7 0009 30.2 0009 30.7 4.7 0009 30.5 0009 30.5 0009 30.7

Balcony 1.5 MT 0000 32.2 0000 30.6 0000 32.6 0000 30.6 0000 30.8 0000 30.6

83 Sun dynamics (N) rough Paint Stone cladding Concrete M.S. Steel Corrogated metal sheet Sand Remarks Flat surface 0 0000 32.2 0 0000 30.6 0 0000 32.6 0 0000 30.6 0 0000 30.8 0 0000 30.6 Ambient Temprature : 30.7 Horizintal Cantilever 0.23 MT 0 0000 32.2 0 0000 30.6 0 0000 32.6 0 0000 30.6 0 0000 30.8 0 0000 30.6 lateral Effect
30.8 0
30.6 lateral Effect
Area Covered Maximim Time of operation Temperature Difference Table 8: Bopal form and material comparative study for sun dynamics (east)


South receives direct sunlight for the longest hours. The Sun is on a higher angle in the south and thus requires more horizontal shading devices. Due to the longer hours this devices also over heat and thus, inter shading becomes the best option.

Decoding Micro-Climate84

Ambient Temprature 30.7

The difference on smaller distances ins not measured due to the lack of precise equipment

0 0000 44.8

0 0000 47.3

Area Covered Maximim Time of operation Temperature Difference

0 0000 45.4

0 0000 39.2 0 0000 41.5 0 0000 44.5

Flat surface

Horizintal Cantilever 0.23 MT 0.3 0008 39.2 0.3 0008 40.9 0.3 0008 44.5 0.3 0008 45.4 0.3 0008 47.3 0.3 0008 44.6

Horizintal Cantilever 0.5 MT 0.7 0008 38.1 0.7 0008 38.7 0.7 0008 42.1 0.7 0008 44.2 0.7 0008 44.2 0.7 0008 42.2

Horizintal Cantilever 1.0 MT 1.7 0008 37.8 1.7 0008 37.5 1.7 0008 37.9 1.7 0008 40.5 1.7 0008 40.1 1.7 0008 37.5

The difference on smaller distances ins not measured due to the lack of precise equipment

Vertical Fin 0.23 MT 0.5 0003 39.2 0.5 0003 41.5 0.5 0003 44.5 0.5 0003 45.4 0.5 0003 47.3 0.5 0003 44.8

Vertical Fin 0.5 MT 0.7 0003 38.8 0.7 0003 41 0.7 0003 43.9 0.7 0003 44.8 0.7 0003 46.8 0.7 0003 43.9

Vertical Fin 1.0 MT 1.2 0003 38.1 1.2 0003 38.1 1.2 0003 41.5 1.2 0003 41.6 1.2 0003 41.6 1.2 0003 38.5

Table 9: Bopal form and material comparative study for sun dynamics (South)

Shading BOX 1 MT 1.5 0012 37.8 1.5 0012 37.5 1.5 0012 37.5 1.5 0012 39.5 1.5 0012 39.5 1.5 0012 37.2

Shading BOX 1.5 MT 1.5 0012 35.5 1.5 0012 35.3 1.5 0012 35.8 1.5 0012 36.2 1.5 0012 36.2 1.5 0012 35.3

Balcony 1.5 MT 2.6 0008 36.9 2.6 0008 36.7 2.6 0008 37.5 2.6 0008 37.8 2.6 0008 37.8 2.6 0008 36.7

85 Sun dynamics (S) rough Paint Stone cladding Concrete M.S. Steel Corrogated metal sheet Sand Remarks



The canyon receives highest amount of wind for the west. In a setting like Bopal surface winds contribute significantly in building cooling, thus, the roughness of the surface should be decreased in the west.

Table 10: Wind dynamics of Ahmedabad retrieved form climate consultant
Decoding Micro-Climate86

Existing 2.7

Difflection in vertical direction

Wind dynamics (W) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Horizintal Cantilever 0.23 MT 0.25 10 0.3 MT 0.17 10 0.3 MT 0.21 10 0.3 MT 0.25 10 0.3 MT 0.19 10 0.3 MT 0.35 10 0.3 MT

RoughnessType Time of operation Wind diflection

Difflection in vertical direction

Horizintal Cantilever 0.5 MT 0.25 10 0.7 MT 0.17 10 0.7 MT 0.21 10 0.7 MT 0.25 10 0.7 MT 0.19 10 0.7 MT 0.35 10 0.7 MT

Difflection in vertical direction

Horizintal Cantilever 1.0 MT 0.25 10 0.9 MT 0.17 10 0.9 MT 0.21 10 0.9 MT 0.25 10 0.9 MT 0.19 10 0.9 MT 0.35 10 0.9 MT

Vertical Fin 0.23 MT 0.25 12 0.2 MT 0.17 12 0.2 MT 0.21 12 0.2 MT 0.25 12 0.2 MT 0.19 12 0.2 MT 0.35 12 0.2 MT

Vertical Fin 0.5 MT 0.25 12 1.25 MT 0.17 12 1.25 MT 0.21 12 1.25 MT 0.25 12 1.25 MT 0.19 12 1.25 MT 0.35 12 1.25 MT

Vertical Fin 1.0 MT 0.25 12 2 MT 0.17 12 2 MT 0.21 12 2 MT 0.25 12 2 MT 0.19 12 2 MT 0.35 12 2 MT

Table 11: Bopal form and material comparative study for Wind dynamics (west)

Shading BOX 1 MT 0.25 22 4.5 MT 0.17 22 4.5 MT 0.21 22 4.5 MT 0.25 22 4.5 MT 0.19 22 4.5 MT 0.35 22 4.5 MT

Shading BOX 1.5 MT 0.25 22 6 MT 0.17 22 6 MT 0.21 22 6 MT 0.25 22 6 MT 0.19 22 6 MT 0.35 22 6 MT

0.19 12 1.2 MT 0.35 12 1.2 MT

Difflection in vertical direction

Balcony 1.5 MT 0.25 12 1.2 MT 0.17 12 1.2 MT 0.21 12 1.2 MT 0.25 12 1.2 MT

rough Paint Stone cladding Concrete M.S. Steel Corrogated metal sheet Sand Remarks Flat surface 0 0
0 0
0 0
wind speed(M/S):


Using vertical Fins on the eastern facade increases the wind turbulence on the building skin, this is essential as east does not receive enough direct air. The vertical fins also hold air by locking air in the grooves causing air cushioning.

Decoding Micro-Climate88

14 Hours of wind

Difflection in vertical direction/ the difference becomes negligible

Horizintal Cantilever 0.23 MT 0.25 2 0.1 MT 0.17 2 0.1 MT 0.21 2 0.1 MT 0.25 2 0.1 MT 0.19 2 0.1 MT 0.35 2 0.1 MT

Difflection in vertical direction/ the difference becomes negligible

Horizintal Cantilever 0.5 MT 0.25 2 0.3 MT 0.17 2 0.3 MT 0.21 2 0.3 MT 0.25 2 0.3 MT 0.19 2 0.3 MT 0.35 2 0.3 MT

Difflection in vertical direction/ the difference becomes negligible

Horizintal Cantilever 1.0 MT 0.25 2 0.45 MT 0.17 2 0.45 MT 0.21 2 0.45 MT 0.25 2 0.45 MT 0.19 2 0.45 MT 0.35 2 0.45 MT

Vertical Fin 0.23 MT 0.25 8 0.1 MT 0.17 8 0.1 MT 0.21 8 0.1 MT 0.25 8 0.1 MT 0.19 8 0.1 MT 0.35 8 0.1 MT

Vertical Fin 0.5 MT 0.25 8 0.7 MT 0.17 8 0.7 MT 0.21 8 0.7 MT 0.25 8 0.7 MT 0.19 8 0.7 MT 0.35 8 0.7 MT

Vertical Fin 1.0 MT 0.25 8 0.9 MT 0.17 8 0.9 MT 0.21 8 0.9 MT 0.25 8 0.9 MT 0.19 8 0.9 MT 0.35 8 0.9 MT

Shading BOX 1 MT 0.25 14 1 MT 0.17 14 1 MT 0.21 14 1 MT 0.25 14 1 MT 0.19 14 1 MT 0.35 14 1 MT

Shading BOX 1.5 MT 0.25 14 1.5 MT 0.17 14 1.5 MT 0.21 14 1.5 MT 0.25 14 1.5 MT 0.19 14 1.5 MT 0.35 14 1.5 MT

Roughness type Time of operation Wind diflection

0.19 12 0.5 MT 0.35 12 0.5 MT

Difflection in vertical direction

Balcony 1.5 MT 0.25 12 0.5 MT 0.17 12 0.5 MT 0.21 12 0.5 MT 0.25 12 0.5 MT

89 Wind dynamics (E) rough Paint Stone cladding Concrete M.S. Steel Corrogated metal sheet Sand Remarks Flat surface 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Existing wind speed(M/S): 1.2
Table 12: Bopal form and material comparative study for Wind dynamics (east)


In the peak summers the wind form North directions is extremely low, however, due to the building typology there are substantial vertical winds flowing parallel to the height of the building. These cycle the wind present in the canyon thus having less roughness of the Northern side is advised.

Decoding Micro-Climate90

17 Hours of wind

Difflection in vertical direction/ the difference becomes negligible

Horizintal Cantilever 0.23 MT 0.25 5 0.5 MT 0.17 5 0.5 MT 0.21 5 0.5 MT 0.25 5 0.5 MT 0.19 5 0.5 MT 0.35 5 0.5 MT

Difflection in vertical direction/ the difference becomes negligible

Horizintal Cantilever 0.5 MT 0.25 5 0.9 MT 0.17 5 0.9 MT 0.21 5 0.9 MT 0.25 5 0.9 MT 0.19 5 0.9 MT 0.35 5 0.9 MT

Difflection in vertical direction/ the difference becomes negligible

Horizintal Cantilever 1.0 MT 0.25 5 2.1 MT 0.17 5 2.1 MT 0.21 5 2.1 MT 0.25 5 2.1 MT 0.19 5 2.1 MT 0.35 5 2.1 MT

Vertical Fin 0.23 MT 0.25 14 0.1 MT 0.17 14 0.1 MT 0.21 14 0.1 MT 0.25 14 0.1 MT 0.19 14 0.1 MT 0.35 14 0.1 MT

Vertical Fin 0.5 MT 0.25 14 0.35 MT 0.17 14 0.35 MT 0.21 14 0.35 MT 0.25 14 0.35 MT 0.19 14 0.35 MT 0.35 14 0.35 MT

Vertical Fin 1.0 MT 0.25 14 0.72 MT 0.17 14 0.72 MT 0.21 14 0.72 MT 0.25 14 0.72 MT 0.19 14 0.72 MT 0.35 14 0.72 MT

Table 12: Bopal comparative study for Wind dynamics (north)

Shading BOX 1 MT 0.25 17 5.1 MT 0.17 17 5.1 MT 0.21 17 5.1 MT 0.25 17 5.1 MT 0.19 17 5.1 MT 0.35 17 5.1 MT

Shading BOX 1.5 MT 0.25 17 7.3 MT 0.17 17 7.3 MT 0.21 17 7.3 MT 0.25 17 7.3 MT 0.19 17 7.3 MT 0.35 17 7.3 MT

Roughness sype Time of operation Wind diflection

Difflection in vertical direction

Balcony 1.5 MT 0.25 5 3.5 MT 0.17 5 3.5 MT 0.21 5 3.5 MT 0.25 5 3.5 MT 0.19 5 3.5 MT 0.35 5 3.5 MT

91 Wind dynamics (N) rough Paint Stone cladding Concrete M.S. Steel Corrogated metal sheet Sand Remarks Flat surface 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Existing wind speed(M/S): 2.3
form and material


The South receives High Flux of wind throughout the day. The wind can be captured in the canyon for as long as 17 hours. This high velocity wind creates a lot of disturbance in the wind in the canyon thus, the wind velocity should be broken that comes from the South direction.

Decoding Micro-Climate92

Flat surface 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Difflection in vertical direction/ the difference becomes negligible

Horizintal Cantilever 0.23 MT 0.25 7 0.5 MT 0.17 7 0.5 MT 0.21 7 0.5 MT 0.25 7 0.5 MT 0.19 7 0.5 MT 0.35 7 0.5 MT

Difflection in vertical direction/ the difference becomes negligible

Horizintal Cantilever 0.5 MT 0.25 7 1.2 MT 0.17 7 1.2 MT 0.21 7 1.2 MT 0.25 7 1.2 MT 0.19 7 1.2 MT 0.35 7 1.2 MT

Difflection in vertical direction/ the difference becomes negligible

Horizintal Cantilever 1.0 MT 0.25 7 3 MT 0.17 7 3 MT 0.21 7 3 MT 0.25 7 3 MT 0.19 7 3 MT 0.35 7 3 MT

Vertical Fin 0.23 MT 0.25 17 0.6 MT 0.17 17 0.6 MT 0.21 17 0.6 MT 0.25 17 0.6 MT 0.19 17 0.6 MT 0.35 17 0.6 MT

Vertical Fin 0.5 MT 0.25 17 1.8 MT 0.17 17 1.8 MT 0.21 17 1.8 MT 0.25 17 1.8 MT 0.19 17 1.8 MT 0.35 17 1.8 MT

Vertical Fin 1.0 MT 0.25 17 3.2 MT 0.17 17 3.2 MT 0.21 17 3.2 MT 0.25 17 3.2 MT 0.19 17 3.2 MT 0.35 17 3.2 MT

Shading BOX 1 MT 0.25 22 5.7 MT 0.17 22 5.7 MT 0.21 22 5.7 MT 0.25 22 5.7 MT 0.19 22 5.7 MT 0.35 22 5.7 MT

Shading BOX 1.5 MT 0.25 22 6.8 MT 0.17 22 6.8 MT 0.21 22 6.8 MT 0.25 22 6.8 MT 0.19 22 6.8 MT 0.35 22 3.8 MT

Roughness sype Time of operation Wind diflection

0.19 7 6.2 MT 0.35 7 6.2 MT Difflection in vertical direction

22 Hours of wind Balcony 1.5 MT 0.25 7 6.2 MT 0.17 7 6.2 MT 0.21 7 6.2 MT 0.25 7 6.2 MT

93 Wind dynamics (S) rough Paint Stone cladding Concrete M.S. Steel Corrogated metal sheet Sand Remarks
Existing wind speed(M/S): 5.5
Table 12: Bopal form and material comparative study for Wind dynamics (south)

Site Morphology

FSI : the Fsi is the studies have been kept constant and multiple variations have been made in the larger morphology in order to analyze and achieve the best possible outcome of organization.

Note: the change has only been done with the limitation of not changing the LCZ as a result.

Decoding Micro-Climate94
FSI : 1.8

Existing condition :

At 100% of the building being 11+ floors the site lacks roughness and this leads to low air flow in the lower levels.

As a result we get stagnant wind movement in the canyon.

case 1:

At 60% of the building 11+ and 40% G+5 the side increases roughness.

The canopy layer starts to flood the canyon brings in more wind.

This brings in the wind speed ranging from 4-8 m/s which is a comfortable range.

Inference: case 1 becomes an ideal alteration in the urban morphology, it allows more air inside the canopy.

Case 2: At 40% of the building 11+ and 60% G+5 the side increases roughness. the canyon brings in further more wind but the wind speed on the street levels decreases due to the leakages in the urban mesh.

Existing condition :

The internal shading if the canyon is extremely low during the day, but the self shading within the buildings creates a lot of internal shading. This leads to a lot of open ground but the habitat spaces becomes extremely shaded

case 1:

At 60% of the building 11+ and 40% G+5 the shading on ground level increases however the shared common amenities are cut short of the spaces.

This as a result cools the lower spaces however the total open spaces decreases.

Inference: Case 2 is isolation becomes cooler by shading as the numbers of buildings increase creating more shaded streets creating comfortable urban canyons.

Case 2:

At 40% of the building 11+ and 60% G+5 the building surfaces exposed to direct sunlight increases drastically. This leads to hight surface approbation of heat.

Fig 4.13: Bopal Wind stimulation - Height Fig 4.14: Bopal Sun stimulation - Height

Existing condition :

The wind entering the inside the canyon penetrates at a high speed cooling the space. This becomes comfortable but the air in the old city becomes extremely stagnant.

case 1: At 60% of the building 11+ and 40% G+5 the introduction of angler built form brings the wind inside the old city canyons laterally. this as a result also breakes the high velocity wind.

Case 2: At 40% of the building 11+ and 60% G+5 the street starts folding, the wind velocity decreases in the canyon but the inside spaces. This leads to average out the overall wind speed in the road and street canyons.

Inference: Case 2 allows diagonal wind movement as it allows wind to traverse through the urban canyons reducing trapping of wind that as a results cools the canyons.

Existing condition :

the site’s built form creates smaller shafts and openings for the sun to comes inside. This leads to creating brighter spaces inside the canyon.

Case 1:

The street canyon starts to fold increases the central ratio while adversely effecting the building canyons that start self shading as they are aligned to the direction of the sun.

Inference: Case 2 reshapes the streets creating a series of streets that are shaded through the day creating pockets cooler spaces. As a result the canyons are cooled for longer hours and more thermally comfortable public are created

Case 2: The streets start folding creating a series of shaded street and exposed streets. this creates more public comfortable spaces in the summer afternoons. the self shading withing the build also creates cooler canyons.

Fig 4.15: Bopal Wind stimulation - Angle Fig 4.16: Bopal Sun stimulation - Angle
Decoding Micro-Climate96 ORIENTATION


Bopal is an example LCZ4B, the Urban space is a combination of sparsely placed high rise buildings with few scattered trees. The primary concern of Bopal is the high temperature and lack of wind speed. Due to density and orientation of high-rise building the wind in the urban canyons could not move through the openings between the structures. Additionally, the buildings are covered with plaster and glass, these buildings make up 70% of the canyon section thus, the heat gained and reflected by these materials becomes extremely contributers to the UHI effect.

The urban heat is trapped in the canyon due to the material and shape of the canyon section. Glass traps and brings in a lot of heat in the canyon while plaster even though heats up slower then other materials present in the canyon, releases the heat in the evening when the weather gets cooler. This combination of materials keeps the canyon hotter for prolonged period of time.

The combination of all G+11 buildings push the urban boundary layer high enough that the wind in the UCL is stagnate. This leads to low wind speed in the canyon. The wind in the canyons is trapped within the LCZ, this with the heating of canyons lead to hot winds moving in the canyon that inversely effect of UHI effect.

The building in the canyon are E-W facing, parallel to the roads and due to the rectangular shape of the structures the longer side of the buildings is exposed to the south. This creates two problems in the canyons, Firstly it gives more surface area for heat to he absorbed in the structures that causes the buildings to heat up faster. Secondly, the Buildings breaks the winds coming from outside the canyons, this wind with its temperature and velocity can potentially cool the urban canyons.

The urban canyon is made of 5 major materials - Rough paint, tar, concrete, sand, steel. The proportion of these materials determine the temperature of the canyons. Rough paint accounts for 60 percent of the urban canyon section, Thus, the slightest change in temperature of this material reflect in the ambient temperature on the canyon.


Micro Scale

This research focuses on two factors of UHI- Sun dynamics and wind dynamics. The Sun Dynamics at a micro space primarily focuses on the architectural elements that make the skin of the building. The architectural elements consist of its dimensions, orientation and material. As part of this research Dimension and orientation of the elements are variable while the existing material present on the site are kept constant. Through the use of stimulation the best possible combination of dimension, its orientation and material for the given direction is determined. The simulation for solar dynamics in the given LCZ provides with the following observation and conclusions :

• The use of Vertical elements in the east and west directions help reduce heat gain on the material of the building.

• The south requires horizontal shading elements to keep the surfaces cooler.

• In the southern and western side, a shading screen or a jali can be much more efficient.

• The use of reflective material in eastern and western side is not advised.

• The combination of materials like plaster and stone can work more efficiently in the facade of west and south sides.

For the Wind dynamics in the Micro climate one much understand the existing wind pattern and the wind required in the canyon. In Bopal it becomes crucial to increase the wind circulation while reducing the high velocity winds in the canyons. Wind circulation at the street level makes the space easier to occupy. Following are the observations :

• Use of high roughness material is beneficial as it reduces the surface temperature of the building.

• The use of vertical elements on the western and southern can help in wind locking, however these elements should not be deeper than 0.5 meters.

• At the building gets higher the depth of the Vertical elements should increase to push cooler winds from the top towards the streets.

• Towards the North and east the use of horizontal elements can help increase wind circulation within the canyon by reducing the building surface wind loss.

Decoding Micro-Climate98

Macro Scale

The sun and wind dynamics operate differently of the macro scale. In Bopal the crucial objective is to allow the light on the streets without over exposing the streets to the heat. The canyon faces southern sun for 12 hours. This over heats the building facades and leads to trapping of heat in the canyon for a longer time. Also, the canyon ratio is 1:1, this leads to heat directly heating the streets trapping the heat on the street level. The longer side of the building faces the sun, the reflection of light of the surfaces direct a lot of heat inside the street canyons.

Based on the simulation the following observations and conclusions were archived:

• The building can be rotated such that the shorter side of the buildings face south to reduce heat gain.

• 40% of the buildings can be reduced to G+5 while leaving the FSI the same, this leads to more shaded spaces of the ground.

• Through the use of angular buildings shaded courts can be created. These courts provide comfortable outdoors spaces.

• The buildings can also be rotated on 45 degrees to create a series of shaded and exposed road network that can create an equilibrium of temperature in the street canyon.

The major challenge with the wind dynamic of Bopal is to activate wind in the deep canyons created between the buildings. Additionally the builds longer side face the south blocking the winds coming inside the canyon.

Based on the simulation the following observation and conclusions where archived:

• Rotation of building such that shorter side faces the south could bring in more wind inside the canyon.

• A combination of G+11 and G+5 buildings is advised as it will bring more wind movement inside the canyon. This will also lead to the UBL to merge with the UCL bringing in cooler air in the canyons.

• Rotating the canyons buildings parallel to the wind direction could help with thermal cooling of the surfaces. It will also allow the wind to pass through the canyons without air locks.


The existing site is made of a singular 1:2 ratio street canyons. This brings in a lot of heat in the urban street network. The streets are E-W aligned. this exposes the street to longer hours of sunlight. due to the tightly packed buildings the buildings are cooler as it creates tighter canyons that are in a very close state from equilibrium.

Nikol can be Categorized based on the following qualities :

• The narrow roads make a continuous passage for the wind to move breaking the wind speed as the road goes deeper inside the cluster.

• The hot air eventually cools down in the internal road due to multiple external water oriented elements i.e. wash yards, pani hars etc.

• The tight placement housing units creates self shading through out the day.

• The proportion of W to H in 2:1 that makes it a shallow canyon, as an effect the road and the building facades are directly under the sun for longer hours increasing the heat absorption by the different materials.

• The road is E-W resulting into longer hours and thus higher radiation from the direct orientation towards the sun.

• The road being one if the primary roads caters to a lot of vehicular movement generating a lot of heat and pollution along the studied section.

Decoding Micro-Climate100
Site - 2 Nikol4.5 Fig 4.17: Plan of Nikol

Fig 4.19:


Lime Plaster Tar Road Sand Rough Plaster Steel Roof
101 E - W canyon Material Chart
Primary marterials: Tar Road 22 36 11 16 7 2 100 (50 mts) Lime Plaster Sand Metal Roof Rough Plaster Others Total
4.18: Nikol Section
Material and Light Qualities of Nikol Canyon

Form: A dense organization of a conned clustered housing that has organically grows open the last 200 years. Building height varies for 3 to 9 MTs.Lime plaster, wide Tar road and Metal and concrete roofs. High traffic. Land mostly paved. Few or no trees.Sits next to a large artifical water body


Residential apartment village custer Location : outskirts of the city


01 ZONE PROPERTIES Sky view factor Canyon Aspect Ration Previous Surface fraction Mean building height Terrain roughness class Building Surface Fraction Surface admittanceImpervious Surface Fraction Surface albedo Anthropogenic heat flux 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 50 100 100 100 2500 .5 400 300 200 100 .8 40 80 80 80 2000 .4 .6 30 60 60 60 1500 .3 .4 20 40 40 40 1000 .2 .2 1 0 2 3 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 20 20 500 .1 Compact Low Rise
water body + = LCZ 7G
103 Understanding Material4.5.1 Case 1 Sunny weather The Primary material of the canyon is plaster. The temperature of plaster remains almost constant throughout the day, because of it proportion in the canyon the ambient temperature follows an similar graph DATA SHEET 1 GENERAL INFORMATION Area: Nikol Gam Latitude : 23.04108263 Date : 28-08-21 Filled By : Viraj Bhatt Location Longitude : 72.66555397 Time : 10:00 AM ANEOMETER Shaded Wind Speed (m/s) : ---- Relative Humadity (RH %) : ---- 63.9 Ambient Temperature (°C) : ---- 34 Un Shaded Wind Speed (m/s) : Relative Humadity (RH %) : 54.7 Ambient Temperature (°C) : 34 Soil Plan Sides 1 Side 2 Side 3 Side 4 WET / MOD./ DRY Material 10pm 3pm 6am Material Surface Temp. (° C) Material Surface Temp. (° C) Material Surface Temp. (° C) Material Surface Temp. (° C) 1 dry Corrogated Steel Roof 48.5 56.4 45.7 2 dry Corrogated Steel wall 33.5 36.1 37.5 wall 3 dry Sandy soil 34.1 43.5 39.8 4 dry Paver blocks 34.5 47.1 38.6 5 dry Tar R.D. 40.1 46.4 41 6 dry Kona stone 33 46.8 41.1 7 dry Lime Wall (smooth) 35.6 35.1 33.9 wall 8 dry Plastic Sheet 36.3 35.1 36.1 wall 9 dry Corrogated Cement Roof 43.8 35.8 36.8 10 dry Paint Rough 34.3 39.5 31.6 wall 11 dry Exposed Brick 34.5 38.6 37.5 wall 12 dry Cement Plaster (shaded) 34 38.6 41.5 wall 13 dry Relative Humadity 54.7 53.5 57.4 14 dry Ambient Temperature 34 35.5 33.2 Table 13 : material temperature and observation of Nikol on 28th August 2021

Overcast - Rainy

Due to the overcast the ambient temperature remains constant, however materials like dramatically gain because of its

Decoding Micro-Climate104 Case 2
properties. DATA SHEET 1 GENERAL INFORMATION Area: Nikol Gam Latitude : 23.04108263 Date : 04-09-21 Filled By : Viraj Bhatt Location Longitude : 72.66555397 Time : 10:00 AM ANEOMETER Shaded Wind Speed (m/s) : ---- Relative Humadity (RH %) : ---- Ambient Temperature (°C) : ---Un Shaded Wind Speed (m/s) : Relative Humadity (RH %) : Ambient Temperature (°C) : Soil Plan Sides 1 Side 2 Side 3 Side 4 WET / MOD./ DRY Material 10pm 3pm 6am Material Surface Temp. (° C) Material Surface Temp. (° C) Material Surface Temp. (° C) Material Surface Temp. (° C) 1 dry Corrogated Steel Roof 35.5 35.8 33.2 2 dry Corrogated Steel wall 30.5 32.4 29.5 wall 3 dry Sandy soil 30.1 33.5 27.4 4 dry Paver blocks 34.5 33.2 30.4 5 dry Tar R.D. 37.5 38.1 36.4 6 dry Kona stone 28.5 33.4 29 7 dry Lime Wall (smooth) 30.1 31.1 29.6 wall 8 dry Plastic Sheet 31.5 31.4 30.5 wall 9 dry Corrogated Cement Roof 34.5 33.5 30.2 10 dry Paint Rough 30.3 32.5 30.6 wall 11 dry Exposed Brick 30.5 32.6 37.5 wall 12 dry Cement Plaster (shaded) 34 34.6 30.5 wall 13 dry Relative Humadity 74.5 77.5 80.4 14 dry Ambient Temperature 28.4 28.1 27.5 Table 15 : material temperature and observation of Nikol on 4th September 2021

Overcast - Rainy to the shading post of all materials The by the

105 Case 3
2 PM the temperature
drastically drop.
rate of change is governed
material properties. DATA SHEET 1 GENERAL INFORMATION Area: Nikol Gam Latitude : 23.04108263 Date : 12-09-21 Filled By : Viraj Bhatt Location Longitude : 72.66555397 Time : 10:00 AM ANEOMETER Shaded Wind Speed (m/s) : ---- 1.1 0 Relative Humadity (RH %) : ---- Ambient Temperature (°C) : ---Un Shaded Wind Speed (m/s) : 0.46 1.6 Relative Humadity (RH %) : Ambient Temperature (°C) : Soil Plan Sides 1 Side 2 Side 3 Side 4 WET / MOD./ DRY Material 10pm 3pm 6am Material Surface Temp. (° C) Material Surface Temp. (° C) Material Surface Temp. (° C) Material Surface Temp. (° C) 1 wet Corrogated Steel Roof 27.9 37.5 30.5 2 wet Corrogated Steel wall 26.7 34.5 29.4 wall 3 dry Sandy soil 26.2 33.5 32 4 dry Paver blocks 25.7 35.1 30.6 5 dry Tar R.D. 27.2 33.6 31.1 6 dry Kona stone 26.9 34.7 29.4 7 dry Lime Wall (smooth) 26.5 30.8 30.2 wall 8 dry Plastic Sheet 27 34.5 32.2 wall 9 dry Corrogated Cement Roof 25.8 30.7 31.6 10 dry Paint Rough 26.1 33.8 30.1 wall 11 dry Exposed Brick 27.6 34.3 29.4 wall 12 dry Cement Plaster (shaded) 27.5 34.6 32.1 wall 13 dry Relative Humadity 75 79 80.4 14 dry Ambient Temperature 30.6 30 28.5 Table 15 : material temperature and observation of Nikol on 12th September 2021

Horizontal Cantilever Balcony

Folding Form Vertical Fin

Fig 4.20: Elements of building Nikol


Vertical Fins :

Vertical Fin of 2 different depth were takes as par of the study. the relative temperature and its effects of the wind circulation was registered.

Horizontal Cantilever : Horizontal Cantilever of 2 different depth were takes as par of the study. the relative temperature and its effects of the wind circulation was registered.

Balcony :

Balcony of 1.5 MT depth were takes as par of the study. This is the permissible size of the balcony available on the site. Its effects of heat and wind dynamics were registered.

Folding Form :

The geometry folds creating a layering of shade and presses the wind creating a funnel. Its effects of heat and wind dynamics were registered.

Decoding Micro-Climate106 Understanding Form4.5.2
107 Narrow street canyon EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS DATA SHEET 1 GENERAL INFORMATION Area: Nikol Gam Latitude : 23.04108263 Date : 04-12-21 Filled By : Viraj Bhatt Location Longitude : 72.66555397 Time : 10:00 AM ANEOMETER Shaded Wind Speed (m/s) ---- 0.26 0.45 0.3 Relative Humadity (RH %) : ---- Ambient Temperature (°C) : ---Un Shaded Wind Speed (m/s) : Relative Humadity (RH %) : Ambient Temperature (°C) : Soil Plan Sides 1 Side 2 Side 3 Side 4 WET / MOD./ DRY Material 10pm 3pm 6am Material Surface Temp. (° C) Material Surface Temp. (° C) Material Surface Temp. (° C) Material Surface Temp. (° C) 1 wet kota 27.2 30.1 27.7 2 wet rough plaster 27.5 29 28.7 wall 3 dry sand 27.3 29 28.1 4 dry metal jali 27.6 31.2 28.5 wall Metal Jali Rough Plaster Sand Kota stone • λb • λfloor • λv • λc • λi • λs • λf • Building spacing • Building dimension 0.8 λfloor 0.25 2.7 0.75 1:2 0.65 5.5 35 Fig 4.21: Narrow Canyon - Nikol Table 15 : material temperature and observation of Nikol (narrow canyons) on 4th September 2021


the Wind velocity on in the canyon is is high perpendicular to the road due to the presence of the water body along the street. As the canyon ration is less then 0.5 the buildings individual wind dynamics becomes the influencing factor rather then the cluster.

The average building height in the 8 Meters, this brings the Urban boundary layer on a lower height. The urban Boundary layer brings in high velocity wind in the canyon.

Due to the dense clustering the wind movement in the fabric is very low, however as the spaces are shaded through out the day the wind as a result is cooled down. This lead to cooler air flowing from the inner city to the street canyon.

Fig 4.22:Nikol Wind dynamics - perpendicular to the road Fig 4.23: Nikol Wind dynamics - along road Fig 4.24: Nikol Wind dynamics
Decoding Micro-Climate108


The Canyon is an E-W facing canyon. This keeps the canyon shaded but due to the aspect ration the shadings contributes to > 0.5 shading in the canyon.

in the larger scheme of the fabric the buildings are all tightly packed creating a series of narrow street canyons and self shading. This leads to canyons having an equilibrium of temperature.

Because of the Climatic context and the spacing on the Buildings the spacing between the buildings is less then 2M (average) this makes static narrow canyons while the road canyon being < 0.5 stays heated.

Fig 4.25: Nikol Sun dynamics - perpendicular Fig 4.26: Nikol Sun dynamics - along road Fig 4.27: Nikol Sun dynamics

Data collection and stimulation



The fabric of Nikol is tightly packed creating an array of self shading street canyons. The street is E-W facing so sunlight and heat comes in and directly penetrates the street canyon. Thus, a combination of vertical and horizontal shading elements is required to cut the lateral sunlight.

Table 5: sun path study retrieved form climate consultant
Decoding Micro-Climate110

Ambient Temprature 33.2


Difflection in vertical direction/ the difference becomes negligible

0 0000 37.5

Difflection in vertical direction/ the difference becomes negligible

Difflection in vertical direction/ the difference becomes negligible

Difflection in vertical direction

Area Covered Maximim Time of operation Temperature Difference

0 0000 45.7

Sun dynamics (W) Paint Sand

Flat surface 0 0000 35.8 0 0000 39.8 0 0000 36.8 0 0000 33.9

Horizintal Cantilever 0.23 MT 0.2 0004 35.8 0.2 0004 39.8 0.2 0004 36.8 0.2 0004 33.9 0.2 0004 45.7 0.2 0004 37.5

Horizintal Cantilever 0.5 MT 0.47 0004 34.2 0.47 0004 38.5 0.47 0004 35.7 0.47 0004 33.5 0.47 0004 44.9 0.47 0004 36.7

Vertical Fin 0.23 MT 0.3 0005 35.4 0.3 0005 39.3 0.3 0005 36.8 0.3 0005 33.0 0.3 0005 44.8 0.3 0005 36.9

Vertical Fin 0.5 MT 1.2 0005 33.4 1.2 0005 33.7 1.2 0005 34.1 1.2 0005 33.5 1.2 0005 36.4 1.2 0005 34.0

Balcony 1.5 MT 1 0003 33.8 1 0003 34.6 1 0003 33.8 1 0003 33.2 1 0003 35.4 1 0003 33.8

Folding 1 M 1.2 0003 34.0 1.2 0003 38.1 1.2 0003 35.2 1.2 0003 33.1 1.2 0003 41.5 1.2 0003 35.2

Table 16: Nikol form and material comparative study for sun dynamics (west)

Folding 0.5 M 0.8 0003 34.2 0.8 0003 38.5 0.8 0003 35.7 0.8 0003 33.5 0.8 0003 44.9 0.8 0003 36.7

Concrete Lime Plaster Corrogated metal sheet Exposed Brick


Vertical elements on the Eastern facade are crucial as they block the morning light from directly falling of the building skin, a series of vertical fins cool the building skin, slowing down the temperature gain of the building.

Decoding Micro-Climate112

Ambient Temprature 34.0


Difflection in vertical direction/ the difference becomes negligible

Difflection in vertical direction/ the difference becomes negligible

Difflection in vertical direction/ the difference becomes negligible

rough Paint Sand Concrete Lime Plaster Brick

0 0000 34.5

Sun dynamics (E)

0 0000 48.5

Flat surface 0 0000 35.4 0 0000 36.2 0 0000 43.8 0 0000 35.6

Horizintal Cantilever 0.23 MT 0.3 0004 35.1 0.3 0004 36.2 0.3 0004 43.5 0.3 0004 35.1 0.3 0004 47.9 0.3 0004 34.1

Horizintal Cantilever 0.5 MT 1 0004 34.6 1 0004 35.7 1 0004 43.2 1 0004 34.8 1 0004 47.4 1 0004 33.8

Vertical Fin 0.23 MT 0.23 0003 34.8 0.23 0003 35.8 0.23 0003 43.5 0.23 0003 35.2 0.23 0003 48.0 0.23 0003 34.1

Vertical Fin 0.5 MT 0.9 0003 34.3 0.9 0003 34.1 0.9 0003 42.7 0.9 0003 35.1 0.9 0003 47.5 0.9 0003 34.1

Balcony 1.5 MT 2.5 0004 34.1 2.5 0004 35.0 2.5 0004 42.5 2.5 0004 34.1 2.5 0004 46.5 2.5 0004 33.2 Difflection in vertical direction

Area Covered Maximim Time of operation Temperature Difference

Folding 1 M 1.3 0004 34.4 1.3 0004 35.3 1.3 0004 42.7 1.3 0004 34.4 1.3 0004 46.9 1.3 0004 33.8

Table 17: Nikol form and material comparative study for sun dynamics (east)

Folding 0.5 M 0.8 0004 34.6 0.8 0004 35.7 0.8 0004 43.2 0.8 0004 34.8 0.8 0004 47.4 0.8 0004 33.8

Corrogated metal sheet Exposed


There isn’t direct heat coming through northern direction however lateral sunlight comes through East and West thus protecting the skin of the building in mornings and evenings becomes crucial. Vertical fins works very efficiently in such conditions.

Decoding Micro-Climate114

Sun dynamics (N) Paint Sand

Ambient Temprature 34.0

Flat surface 0000 35.1 0000 34.6 0000 36.6 0000 34.5 0000 35.2 0000 35.9

Horizintal Cantilever 0.23 MT 0000 35.1 0000 34.6 0000 36.6 0000 34.5 0000 35.2 0000 35.9 lateral Effect

Horizintal Cantilever 0.5 MT 0000 35.1 0000 34.6 0000 36.6 0000 34.5 0000 35.2 0000 35.9 lateral Effect

Vertical Fin 0.23 MT 0.5 0009 34.8 0.5 0009 34.2 0.5 0009 36.5 0.5 0009 34.2 0009 35.0 0009 35.5

Vertical Fin 0.5 MT 1.7 0009 34.5 1.7 0009 34.0 1.7 0009 36.0 1.7 0009 34.0 1.7 0009 34.6 1.7 0009 35.0

Balcony 1.5 MT 0000 35.1 0000 34.6 0000 36.6 0000 34.5 0000 35.2 0000 35.9

Area Covered Maximim Time of operation Temperature Difference

Folding 1 M 1.5 0009 34.6 1.5 0009 34.0 1.5 0009 35.0 1.5 0009 34.0 1.5 0009 34.2 1.5 0009 34.5

Table 18: form material comparative study for sun dynamics (North)

Folding 0.5 M 1.5 0009 35.0 1.5 0009 34.3 1.5 0009 35.6 1.5 0009 34.2 1.5 0009 34.9 1.5 0009 35.0

Concrete Lime Plaster Corrogated metal sheet Exposed Brick Remarks


Because of the wide street canyon a lot of direct sunlight enters inside the canyon. Deep horizontal shading devices becomes crucial in the south as the Sun is at a higher angle with the buildings and the sunlight falls vertically of the surfaces.

Decoding Micro-Climate116

rough Paint Sand Concrete Lime Plaster Corrogated metal sheet Exposed Brick Remarks

Ambient Temprature 35.5

Difflection in vertical direction/ the difference becomes negligible

0 0000 38.6

Difflection in vertical direction/ the difference becomes negligible

Difflection in vertical direction/ the difference becomes negligible

Sun dynamics (S)

Flat surface 0 0000 39.5 0 0000 43.5 0 0000 46.8 0 0000 35.1 0 0000 56.4

Horizintal Cantilever 0.23 MT 0.3 0008 39.5 0.3 0008 43.1 0.3 0008 46.5 0.3 0008 35.1 0.3 0008 56.1 0.3 0008 38.0

Horizintal Cantilever 0.5 MT 0.7 0008 36.5 0.7 0008 41.7 0.7 0008 43.7 0.7 0008 34.4 0.7 0008 50.4 0.7 0008 35.8

Vertical Fin 0.23 MT 0.5 0003 39.5 0.5 0003 43.5 0.5 0003 46.8 0.5 0003 35.1 0.5 0003 56.4 0.5 0003 38.6

Vertical Fin 0.5 MT 0.7 0003 38.8 0.7 0003 43.0 0.7 0003 46.1 0.7 0003 34.6 0.7 0003 55.2 0.7 0003 37.1

Balcony 1.5 MT 2.6 0008 34.9 2.6 0008 36.1 2.6 0008 36.5 2.6 0008 34.1 2.6 0008 39.6 2.6 0008 35.1 Difflection in vertical direction

Area Covered Maximim Time of operation Temperature Difference

Folding 1 M 1.2 0008 38.5 1.2 0008 42.1 1.2 0008 45.3 1.2 0008 34.7 1.2 0008 54.2 1.2 0008 36.7

Table 19: Nikol form and material comparative study for sun dynamics (South)

Folding 0.5 M 0.8 0008 39.1 0.8 0008 42.9 0.8 0008 46.2 0.8 0008 34.9 0.8 0008 55.1 0.8 0008 37.7




The wind velocity on the street level in the canyon is high. East gets winds at particular hours of the day, otherwise the wind on east facade moves vertically. This wind help cool down the facade that was heated earlier in the day thus, reducing the Roughness from the east facade is important.

Table 10: Wind study of Ahmadabad retrieved from climate consultant
Decoding Micro-Climate118

Existing wind speed(M/S): 1.2

Flat surface 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Difflection in vertical direction/ the difference becomes negligible

Horizintal Cantilever 0.23 MT 0.25 2 0.1 MT 0.35 2 0.1 MT 0.21 2 0.1 MT 0.27 2 0.1 MT 0.19 2 0.1 MT 0.30 2 0.1 MT

Difflection in vertical direction/ the difference becomes negligible

Horizintal Cantilever 0.5 MT 0.25 2 0.3 MT 0.35 2 0.3 MT 0.21 2 0.3 MT 0.27 2 0.3 MT 0.19 2 0.3 MT 0.30 2 0.3 MT

Vertical Fin 0.23 MT 0.25 8 0.1 MT 0.35 8 0.1 MT 0.21 8 0.1 MT 0.27 8 0.1 MT 0.19 8 0.1 MT 0.30 8 0.1 MT

Vertical Fin 0.5 MT 0.25 8 0.7 MT 0.35 8 0.7 MT 0.21 8 0.7 MT 0.27 8 0.7 MT 0.19 8 0.7 MT 0.30 8 0.7 MT

Balcony 1.5 MT 0.25 12 0.5 MT 0.35 12 0.5 MT 0.21 12 0.5 MT 0.27 12 0.5 MT 0.19 12 0.5 MT 0.30 12 0.5 MT

Roughness type

Time of operation Wind diflection

Folding 1 M 0.25 7 1.2 MT 0.35 7 1.2 MT 0.21 7 1.2 MT 0.27 7 1.2 MT 0.19 7 1.2 MT 0.30 7 1.2 MT

Table 19: Nikol form and material comparative study for wind dynamics (East)

Folding 0.5 M 0.25 7 0.6 MT 0.35 7 0.6 MT 0.21 7 0.6 MT 0.27 7 0.6 MT 0.19 7 0.6 MT 0.30 7 0.6 MT 14 Hours of wind

119 Wind dynamics (E) rough Paint Sand Concrete Lime Plaster Corrogated metal sheet Exposed Brick Remarks


North facade in Nikol doesn’t receive winds from the water-body thus having vertical elements that create the building aerodynamic whiles spreading the wind across the fabric becomes advisable.

Decoding Micro-Climate120

Existing wind speed(M/S): 1.4

Flat surface 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Difflection in vertical direction/ the difference becomes negligible

Horizintal Cantilever 0.23 MT 0.25 5 0.1 MT 0.35 5 0.1 MT 0.21 5 0.1 MT 0.27 5 0.1 MT 0.19 5 0.1 MT 0.30 5 0.1 MT

Difflection in vertical direction/ the difference becomes negligible

Horizintal Cantilever 0.5 MT 0.25 5 0.45 MT 0.35 5 0.45 MT 0.21 5 0.45 MT 0.27 5 0.45 MT 0.19 5 0.45 MT 0.30 5 0.45 MT

Vertical Fin 0.23 MT 0.25 14 0.1 MT 0.35 14 0.1 MT 0.21 14 0.1 MT 0.27 14 0.1 MT 0.19 14 0.1 MT 0.30 14 0.1 MT

Vertical Fin 0.5 MT 0.25 14 0.5 MT 0.35 14 0.5 MT 0.21 14 0.5 MT 0.27 14 0.5 MT 0.19 14 0.5 MT 0.30 14 0.5 MT

Balcony 1.5 MT 0.25 5 0.5 MT 0.35 5 0.5 MT 0.21 5 0.5 MT 0.27 5 0.5 MT 0.19 5 0.5 MT 0.30 5 0.5 MT

Roughness type

Time of operation Wind diflection

17 Hours of wind

Folding 1 M 0.25 7 0.76 MT 0.35 7 0.76 MT 0.21 7 0.76 MT 0.27 7 0.76 MT 0.19 7 0.76 MT 0.30 7 0.76 MT

Table 20: Nikol form and material comparative study for wind dynamics (north)

Folding 0.5 M 0.25 7 0.3 MT 0.35 7 0.3 MT 0.21 7 0.3 MT 0.27 7 0.3 MT 0.19 7 0.3 MT 0.30 7 0.3 MT

121 Wind dynamics (N) rough Paint Sand Concrete Lime Plaster Corrogated metal sheet Exposed Brick Remarks


The wind from the south of the canyons is broken-down due to the organization of built-form in the old city. Using of horizontal elements of the southern wall becomes ideal so that the lateral wind is not disturbed, this wind becomes crucial is cooling down the canyon.

Decoding Micro-Climate122

Existing wind speed(M/S): 4.5


Difflection in vertical direction/ the difference becomes negligible

Difflection in vertical direction/ the difference becomes negligible

Difflection in vertical direction/ the difference becomes negligible

rough Paint Stone cladding Concrete M.S. Steel sheet Sand

Roughness sype Time of operation Wind diflection

Wind dynamics (S)

Flat surface 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Horizintal Cantilever 0.23 MT 0.25 7 0.4 MT 0.35 7 0.4 MT 0.21 7 0.4 MT 0.27 7 0.4 MT 0.19 7 0.4 MT 0.30 7 0.4 MT

Horizintal Cantilever 0.5 MT 0.25 7 0.8 MT 0.35 7 0.8 MT 0.21 7 0.8 MT 0.27 7 0.8 MT 0.19 7 0.8 MT 0.30 7 0.8 MT

Vertical Fin 0.23 MT 0.25 17 0.6 MT 0.35 17 0.6 MT 0.21 17 0.6 MT 0.27 17 0.6 MT 0.19 17 0.6 MT 0.30 17 0.6 MT

Vertical Fin 0.5 MT 0.25 17 1.5 MT 0.35 17 1.5 MT 0.21 17 1.5 MT 0.27 17 1.5 MT 0.19 17 1.5 MT 0.30 17 1.5 MT

Difflection in vertical direction

Balcony 1.5 MT 0.25 7 6.0 MT 0.35 7 6.0 MT 0.21 7 6.0 MT 0.27 7 6.0 MT 0.19 7 6.0 MT 0.30 7 6.0 MT

Folding 1 M 0.25 6 2.5 MT 0.35 6 2.5 MT 0.21 6 2.5 MT 0.27 6 2.5 MT 0.19 6 2.5 MT 0.30 6 2.5 MT

Table 21: Nikol form and material comparative study for wind dynamics (South)

Folding 0.5 M 0.25 6 1.7 MT 0.35 6 1.7 MT 0.21 6 1.7 MT 0.27 6 1.7 MT 0.19 6 1.7 MT 0.30 6 1.7 MT 22 Hours of wind

Corrogated metal


The west gets winds for 12 hours of the day. These are high velocity winds that can be used to cool down surfaces and thus, it becomes advisable to reduce the speed of this wind so that they stay in the canyons for a longer time, cooling down the overall ambient temperature. The use of vertical elements can help breaking the wind speed.

Decoding Micro-Climate124

Existing wind speed(M/S): 0.65

Flat surface 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Difflection in vertical direction/ the difference becomes negligible

Horizintal Cantilever 0.23 MT 0.25 10 0.1 MT 0.35 10 0.1 MT 0.21 10 0.1 MT 0.27 10 0.1 MT 0.19 10 0.1 MT 0.30 10 0.1 MT

Difflection in vertical direction/ the difference becomes negligible

Horizintal Cantilever 0.5 MT 0.25 10 0.5 MT 0.35 10 0.5 MT 0.21 10 0.5 MT 0.27 10 0.5 MT 0.19 10 0.5 MT 0.30 10 0.5 MT

Vertical Fin 0.23 MT 0.25 12 0.2 MT 0.35 12 0.2 MT 0.21 12 0.2 MT 0.27 12 0.2 MT 0.19 12 0.2 MT 0.30 12 0.2 MT

Vertical Fin 0.5 MT 0.25 12 0.8 MT 0.35 12 0.8 MT 0.21 12 0.8 MT 0.27 12 0.8 MT 0.19 12 0.8 MT 0.30 12 0.8 MT

Balcony 1.5 MT 0.25 12 0.4 MT 0.35 12 0.4 MT 0.21 12 0.4 MT 0.27 12 0.4 MT 0.19 12 0.4 MT 0.30 12 0.4 MT

Roughness type

Time of operation Wind diflection

Folding 1 M 0.25 9 0.8 MT 0.35 9 0.8 MT 0.21 9 0.8 MT 0.27 9 0.8 MT 0.19 9 0.8 MT 0.30 9 0.8 MT

Table 22: Nikol form and material comparative study for wind dynamics (West)

Folding 0.5 M 0.25 9 0.5 MT 0.35 9 0.5 MT 0.21 9 0.5 MT 0.27 9 0.5 MT 0.19 9 0.5 MT 0.30 9 0.5 MT 14 Hours of wind

125 Wind dynamics (W) rough Paint Sand Concrete Lime Plaster Corrogated metal sheet Exposed Brick Remarks

Site Morphology

FSI : the Fsi is the studies have been kept constant and multiple variations have been made in the larger morphology in order to analyze and achieve the best possible outcome of organization.

Note: the change has only been done with the limitation of not changing the LCZ as a result.

Decoding Micro-Climate126
FSI : 2

Existing condition :

At 100% of the building being G+2 the wind velocity inside the canyons becomes extremely low. The urban canopy layer is static across the side. only the street experiences dynamic wind flow.

case 1:

At 60% of the building G+2 and 40% G+5 the canyons starts bringing in wind it the canyon. This also lead to increase in wind velocity in the street canyon as well as in the building canyons.

Fig 4.28: Nikol Wind stimulation - Height

Case 2:

At 40% of the building G+2 and 60% G+5 the wind velocity drastically increases. This happens due to the funneling of the wind. This however creates uncomfortable high wind velocity.

Inference: Case 1 becomes ideal as it allows deeper movement of wind in the canyon. This breaks provides necessary ventilation that adds comfort and keeps the space cooler.

Existing condition :

The shading in the existing canyons is very high which leads to extremely cold spaces in high summer temperatures. This however over the time creates hotter interior spaces at the end of summers as the heat gets trapped in the canyon.

Case 1:

The internal shading decreases in the canyon which improving the heat losing effect of the urban fabric over the larger span.

Fig 4.29: Nikol Sun stimulation - Height

Case 2:

The shading in the building becomes extremely low. The heat losing coefficient is very high in the organization but it also gains a lot of heat through the formation of this courtyards.

Inference: the Existing conditions of building heights are beneficial as at street levels they always provide shade. This creates cooler and more comfortable public spaces.


Existing condition :

At 20% site at a 45 degree angle the wind velocity desent change drastically. the wind in the urban canyon slightly increases from 1.2 to 1.4/1.5 m/s.

case 1:

At 50% site as the angle at 45 degree the wind splits and revolves around the urban fabric. This leads to high velocity in the street canyon. However the wind in the urban fabric remains the same.

Case 2:

At 80% site as the angle at 45 degree the wind speed at the again start depleting. the wind velocity is blocked by the old city that inversely effects the street canyon.

Inference: Case 2 with 8% of the site on an 45 degree is the most beneficial change as it brakes down high velocity wind while letting the wind then enter inside the street canopy.

Existing condition :

At 20% site at a 45 degree angle this solar heat intakes is lower. this creates equilibrium in the city canyons this lead to hotter nights and post summer heating

case 1:

At 50% site as the angle at 45 degree the formation of courtyards allows the transaction of heat form inside the canyon to the UCL. the creates cooler interiors. this lower temperature is reflected in the street canyons.

Inference: Case one with 50% build at an angle becomes more thermally comfortable as it creates shaded outdoors while creating pockets of light in the urban fabric.

Fig 4.31: Nikol Sun stimulation - Angle

Case 2:

At 80% site as the angle at 45 degree its starts reverting back the default heating. The daily heat intakes in canyon is very low but over the season the canyon keeps storing the heat.

Fig 4.30: Nikol Wind stimulation - Angle
Decoding Micro-Climate128 ORIENTATION


Nikol is an example of LCZ7g, Its is a combination of low-rise housing with a water-body on the side. The Nikol canyon is placed around the nikol water tank. This creates a unique environment for climate zone. The primary concern for Nikol’s street canyon is the lack of wind circulation and shading in the primary streets. The secondary streets although are always shaded, have no wind circulation, leading to equilibrium in the canyon. This could lead to excessive heat storage in the city fabric, as a result the heat is slowly lost for a prolonged period of time.

Due to the organization of the built-forms in the fabric of the city, wind speed is broken in the canyons. Also, the wind from the UBL does not enter inside the canyons due to the building heights. This creates uncomfortable wind dynamics in the canyons and trap hot air for longer durations. Due to the overwhelming presence of Plaster the temperature of surfaces is cooler but, over the time as the canyon gains heat the plaster inversely effects the canyons trapping the heat in the narrow canyons. This creates prolonged heating effects.

Vertical wind circulation does not occur in the narrow canyons due to the lack of wind velocity, positioning of the UBL and building fenestrations. In the street canyons however, wind is circulated vertically but the efficiency of the wind circulations reduces as the Southern wind speed is reduced due to the tight organization of build form in the fabric of the old city.

The canyon is made of 4 key material - Lime paster, sand, tar and metal. Sand, Tar and Metal gain heat faster and for longer time. The combination of these materials increase the heat load on the canyon becoming the primary influencer of UHI effect.

The street canyon is E-W facing, this exposes the longer side of the street to south. The exposure results in excessive heat gain in the canyons. Additionally, Due to materials like sand and Tar in the urban section the heat is stored quicker and for a longer duration that is released later in the day. This keep the canyons for longer period of time after the ambient temperature reduces.


Micro Scale

Nicole is an old settlement that has historically Dealt with urban micro-climate, the construction of houses responding to various heating and wind factors. However, with the new construction and materials And the changing weather the UHI effect has been magnified. This research focuses on various articulations of fenestrations at a micro scale that affect the heat and the wind dynamics of the local climate zone.

Nikol has traditional building elements that contribute towards Reducing heat gain on the surface of the building. There are two distinct Canyons in Nikol, the narrow Canyon That is between various housing units and white Canyon that consists of all the major streets. The narrow Canyon due to its ratio of 3:1 creates a Deep and shaded space, this as a result creates an equilibrium Of ambient temperature in the Canyon. The contribution of materials reduces due to the lack of heat and light coming inside the section however due to the nature of organization of the old city this creates prolonged cold corridors. Initially the heat in these canyons is not trapped but over the course of the summer these canyons get warmer, by the end of the season the equilibrium of temperature critically Rises to an uncomfortable setting. Thus, This Canyon type creates an uncomfortable public space. The second case is a wider Canyon constructed around the major Road as the ratio of 1:2, this ratio creates a Shadow Canyon that can accumulate a lot of heat if taken inside the setting. Use of materials within this setting Reflect and absorb a lot of heat creating a warmer canyon. The fenestrations on the building do not suffice the Shading required on the skin of the buildings, this contributes to the heat Island effect within that section. The simulation for solar dynamics in the given LCZ provides with the following observation and conclusions :

• The use of horizontal shading elements on the south facade could help with protecting the building from the afternoon heat.

• It is advised to have box shading devices on the western side of a Canyon in order to protect from the light and the heat. The Shading boxes however should be designed using material that releases heat as fast as possible.

Decoding Micro-Climate130

• Use of vertical elements towards the East can help reduce heat gain from the diagonal sun. The protection from the morning sun could result in lesser temperature gain Throughout the day.

• Towards the south the Shading devices Should be made Using a combination of materials that lose heat faster on the higher side of the building and material that gain heat slower near the road in the canyons.

Similar to the Solar dynamics, the wind dynamics Operate differently for both Canyon present in Nikol. The building Canyon with the ratio of 3:1 creates a tighter Space for the movement of wind additional due to the nature of organization of built form in the old city the velocity of the Wind if severely Reduce, this adds the effect of equilibrium that is created In this Canyon. In the wider Canyon the wind moves more efficiently, due to the presence of the water body cooler air is brought in inside the Canyon through the north. However the effect of this cooling Subsided by the excessive heat gain of the Canyon. Due to the organization of both Canyon types, the Road Canyon doesn’t get Enough ventilation inside the section, this lack of wind movement inversely effect the urban heat Island effect.

The simulation for wind dynamics in the given LCZ provides with the following observation and conclusions :

• Use of horizontal elements in the south and west direction of the building canyon helps in movement of with in the canyons.

• Reduction of vertical element of the facade can reduce heat locking on the skin of the building.

• Using of shallow Vertical elements on the Northern side helps spread the cooler wind received from the Water-body.


Macro Scale

The organization of buildings on a macro scale in a site like Nikol is highly complicated. it becomes extremely important to understand the solar and wind dynamics on a cluster level and at a zonal level. The Solar dynamics fundamentally keep the canyon cooler. The organization of buildings creates a series of shared spaces that open up on the major streets, these major streets are organically grown over the period of time and are north-south facing. Due to its direction the street only takes in heat when the sun is perpendicular to the canyons and protects the canyons from East and West directions. The built form is layered from dense housing cluster to wide Street Canyon to Central Water body, this organization creates cooler insides in the old city whereas works inversely for the street canyons, the series of dense houses create a wall that reflects sunlight In the street Canyon, the water body also become the screen of reflection of Sunlight and heat towards Street, this combination create some much warmer Street Canyon. The simulation for solar dynamics in the given LCZ provides with the following observation and conclusions :

• Angular rotation of buildings at 45 degree angle is beneficial in order to create courts that can bring in sunlight breaking the stagnant temperature inside the narrow Canyon.

• The current Heights and Organization of the old city is beneficial for creating comfortable outdoor spaces.

The wind dynamics of Nikol at macro-scale is governed by two factors: The wind coming from the south west direction and cooler breeze coming from the North from the water body. The key wind movement from the southwest is broken down by the building orientation of the old city, the junction between the old fabric and the street Canyon loses 90% of the wind velocity due to the current of organization of the built form. cooler wind is received from the north but is limited due to lack of Northern winds and its velocity.

Decoding Micro-Climate132

The simulation for WInd dynamics in the given LCZ provides with the following observation and conclusions:

• Having various building Heights, combination of G+2 and G+5 can result in bringing in cooler air from the urban boundary layer.

• The rotation of buildings at an angle of 45 degree in the fabric of old city can also help create code that trap and circulate wind in the stagnant building canyons.

• The angular rotation also gives more space For the movement of the southwestern winds in the Canyon.

• This rotation Will also allow half cross ventilation between various building canyons.


The process of addressing the climate of a local zone is divided into three part. The Understanding of the existing climate dynamic of the LCZ, determining climatic concerns through abstraction of research, identification of modification. This paper Researches two sites in Ahmadabad, Nikol and Bopal. In order to get specific morphological triggers the research is conducted on both micro and macro scale. Each site is derived based on its LCZ qualities and weekly data from each site has been collected. Based on the collected data, Morphological changes on each site was stimulated through their climate specific factors. Follow were the Key observation from the existing climatic studies:

• The primary factors respective to the LCZ are divided into constants and specific. The constant variable consists of SVF, Roughness, Aspect ration, Albedo. The specific factors are Season, Geo location, Anthropogenic heat. In-order to respond to the micro-climate of any given LCZ both the constants and specfics need to be kept into account.

• Both the micro and macro changes based on the orientation of the cardinal directions. Thus, in addition to the LCZ, Orientation of the canyon influences the morphological changes at both macro and micro scales.

• In-order to understand the climactic dynamics of the site The materials and section-form becomes crucial. Isolation of one provide incorrect observations.

• The morphological changes have to address the both the climatic as well as the social structures present on the site.

• While identification of climatic concerns, its is important to creates an hierarchy of climate influencing variables. The most efficient way to deal with the micro-climate is to target on the selected climate influencing variables of the selected LCZ. Undertanding LCZ

Decoding Micro-Climate134

Micro climate

Micro climate refers to the canyon dynamic. The material and form present in the canyon with respect to wind and sun becomes the key components that affect the comfort levels in the canyon.

Following were the key observation for micro scale study:

• For both the side the key factor were identified. The orientation of the Stricture, proportions of fenestration and material spread over this fenestration were recorded.

• As part of this research, material becomes a subset of morphology of the site. The proportion of the form influences the spread of material that factor for heat absorption and reflection within the Canyon. Thus, appropriation of proportion of material is crucial to deal with heating effect.

• The study of form in divide into its response to heating effect and wind dynamics. Primary factors influencing the heating and wind dynamics are Height of the Sun,direction of the source and wind velocity respectively in the street canyon.

• The primary factors are influenced by a series of secondary factors that are specific to macro and micro space. For micro scale heating - orientation, height, Area shaded, Time of operation and Temperature difference are essential. For micro scale Wind dynamics - orientation, height, Wind deflection, Time of operation and Surface roughness are essential.



The buildings are oriented adjacent to each other creating micro shading and low wind speed in the canyon. the use of fenestrations is specific to the direction producing specific shading

The site has Various height ranging from 3 mt to 15 mt of structures and in the older construction different levels of construction as specific form development that contributes to climatic factors.

The orientation of the building is parallel to each other in the canyon. this creates seamless wind movement.

The site has a non specific fenestration with respect to the cardinal directions.

The site has Similar height range, all the construction is 30+ meters with modular levels.

Area shaded

Due to the internal folding and overlap there is high shading in the canyons, however due to the canyon ration , multiple canyons don't receive sunlight creating stagnant canyons.

due to the canyon ratio the surfaces are shaded for 2/3 of the day. however the shading due to the architectural elements is limited because of the repetition of shallow shading devices

Time of operation

The street receives longer hours of sunlight as the canyon ration is 2:1. This leads to UHI in the primary canyon. parallelly the secondary canyons received very less direct sunlight making them dark and inhabitable

The building have a height time of operation due to the high velocity winds in the canyon. at the same time the shading devices operate for maximum of 12 hours

Temperature difference

Wind deflection

Due to the range material and the architectural language the temperature experienced in the primary canyon is drastic

With the use of various fenestration the wind deflection is very high and uneven, this slows down the wind speed in the canyon drastically

The temperature difference in the canyon is not drastic due to the symmetry canyon section. additionally because of the material properties the heat is trapped in the canyon for a longer time

the building receive low wind towards the inside of the canyon, the wind deflection remains low due to the continuous repetitive architectural elements

Surface roughness

The primary material in the canyon is plaster that is smoother in nature, however the skin of the builds is a hybrid of various geometry adding to the roughness

the primary material in the canyon is rough plaster that increases micro roughness Additionally because of Repetition of fenestrations on the build surface that adds to the roughness on the canyon.

Table 23: Micro-climate responsive factors observed in Bopal and Nikol
Decoding Micro-Climate136 Factors Nikol Bopal Orientation

Following modification were derived from the Results of the stimulation:

• Fenestrations on the building in the case of Bopal must be Directions specific. South should have maximum micro roughness to creating self shading and disperse the reflected light.

• The proportion of the material should be appropriated in Bopal and Nikol in-order to reduce heat absorption and reflection. A balance use of high and low albedo materials prevent Heating of the canyon.

• Deeper fenestrations should be used in the skin of the buildings in Bopal, in-order to create sufficient shading a minimum of 1 mt of vertical or horizontal shading device should be used.

• Reduction of facade folding should be done in Nikol, The use of smoother materials and fewer winds barriers allows for adequate wind movement in the canyon.

• Shading devices and wind barriers should be appropriated based on the height of the of insertion.

Macro climate

The Wind and sun dynamics were studied at the macro scale, the research stimulates the Urban morphological changes through the modification of height and orientation of the built cluster. The heights of the buildings are changed in three configurations - 20%, 40% and 60% of the change of buildings heights. The FSI of the zone was taken as a constant. Three orientation of built cluster was studied - 40%, 60% and 100% of builds were rotated at 45 degree to observe change.

Following are the observations made in the process:


High velocity depression depression

Wind locking

Lateral winds

Air locking

Lateral winds depression depression

Diagonal winds

Deep and high winds

Cross ventilation

Table 24: Wind dynamics - morphological intervention and its effect

Nikol and Bopal Both suffer from lack of presence of wind in the canyon. The aspect ration and orientation of buildings in Bopal has resulted in lack of wind in the canyon. Nikol has Low wind movement in the canyon due to its angular organization. Results of stimulation:

• Mixed build heights and 100% of rotation of building in Bopal Will result in Flux of wind in the canyon.

• Making the build clusters parallel will bring in adequate winds in the Nikol canyon.

Decoding Micro-Climate138

Light Courts Light Courts Urban courts

Bopal experiences lack of urban shading creating Thermally uncomfortable outdoors, the Parallel organization limits usability. The urban canyons at Nikol experience darker and static thermal dynamics making the space inhabitable. Results of stimulation:

• A combination of 60% build height change and complete rotation of build form in Bopal results in formation of urban courts that are thermally comfortable.

• The rotation of Urban geometry Ranging for 40-60% in Nikol Creates light shafts in the canyons that provide adequate light in the cluster

Moderate Shading Light Courts Dark corridors Shallow shading Dark corridors Dark corridors Moderate Shading Urban courts Shallow shading Table 25: Sun dynamics - morphological intervention and its effect
Decoding Micro-Climate140
141 • Identification of modification • Appropriation of design • Conclusion Resolution By Design 05

Identification of modification

South Bopal is a residential area situated on the eastern edge of Ahmedabad, Gujarat. City experiences extreme seasonal changes ranging from Temperatures as low as 15 degrees in December and January and 40 degrees across the span of the summer. The primary climatic concern of heating it is magnified by the urban heat Island effect creating in the urban fabric, a substantial difference of 5 to 7 degrees can be registered between the city and the rural Settlements nearby. This Stark difference is also reflected in the micro-climatic Region of Bhopal. Bhopal region occupies a larger segment of the Eastern edge of Ahmedabad. The ambient temperature of Bhopal completely overlaps the temperature of Ahmedabad city with maximum tolerance of 1.5 degrees during The months of summer.

Bhopal falls under LCZ4b on local climatic zone parameters. The climatic zone consists of a grid of roads that stretch across east west direction And high rise Towers with an average height of 33 meters. Bopal experiences high heat gain And slow winds magnifying the heating resulting in Uncomfortable public spaces and higher energy consumption during the months of Summer. Bhopal also experiences low humidity due to of a lack of water surfaces around the zone, this adds to the dryness creating a healthy outdoor space.

The key contributors to heating effects in Bhopal are The lack of wind circulation and highly reflective and absorbing vertical surfaces that trap heat for a longer period of time.

Decoding Micro-Climate142

Due to Slow wind speeds, the air circulation and surface cooling is extremely Limited, additional because of the building Heights the in the urban Canyon is locked, preventing wind exchange between the urban canopy layer and the urban boundary layer. The wind dynamics account for 33.5% of the heat gain thus Controlling the wind dynamics becomes crucial to reduce the urban heating effect in Bopal.

The nature of the canyon brings in high amounts of Sunlight from 10 am. to 4 pm. Due to the nature of surfaces and the limitations of the by-laws There is a lack of shading devices deep enough to protect the surfaces from heat gain. The heating of surfaces and materials directly influences the ambient temperature of the Canyon thus, an attempt to cool the surfaces by protecting them from direct sunlight becomes extremely essential.

Table 26: Average Bopal, Ahmadabad and village relative temperature

Appropriation of design5.2

Based on the pilot study of the sites the following key observations were made on Micro scale :

• The use of deep horizontal elements shading devices work most efficiently. Additionally, the use of horizontal elements provides minimum resistance to winds coming from th south.

• South receive sunlight on a higher angel thus, shading ration can be as far as 1:2. This enables the use of self shading in the southern facade.

• East and west receive lateral sunlight, vertical shading elements are more efficient however, vertical elements can hinder the wind flow of the canyon, thus this elements should be spaced out according.

• The northern facade receives diffused light, reflective surface or openings can help creates ambient light in the canyon and the building.

• Smaller openings surface should be used on southern and western facade to reduce reflection and heat gain in the building.

• Southern side skin should have a low albedo material so that the heat is not absorbed and trapped in the canyon.

• Vertical shading device should be deeper on the lower level and shallow at the highest point to channel the surface wind vertically.

• the number of surfaces should be increased in the East, west and smoothen direction to dissipate sunlight.

Decoding Micro-Climate144

Primary changes

Based on the morphological changes at the macro scale the buildings in the Canyon are divided into two categories, G+5 and G+10. In order to respond to this categorization the facade development is vertically divided into two equal halves. You did provide lateral shading. The facade has been folded at every 5 meters.

The aperture of the windows is decided on the basis of the necessary offsets, considering the architectural language of Bhopal this Windows are repeated across multiple floors. The size of the opening varies based on the Cardinal direction and its adjustment sharing device.The opening as zoned on the basis of their position on the facade

The nature of the openings is segregated based on the height of the structure. The openings on the higher level are smaller to reflect less sunlight into the Canyon whereas the openings on the lower level are larger in order to reflect diffused light and reduce the roughness.

Fig 5.1: Primary micro changes - Bopal


The southern facade is divided into 2 segments at 5th floor, this difference addresses the height changes in the canyon morphological, reflection at higher levels is reduced to prevent external heat form entering while maintaining diffused reflection of the lower levels.

The facade is a cavity wall that results in low heat absorption,the retention of afternoon heat is reduced. The building projections are minimum in order to reduce surface resistance against the wind. On the lower level shading device is projected out for shading that prevent vertical surface winds where as at the higher level the opening is recessed in order to reduce roughness while shading the openings to reduce heat gain.

Fig 5.2: South Facade - design
Decoding Micro-Climate146

The surface of the eastern side is folded vertically in order to angular light falling on the screen. This reduced light reflection in the canyon, additionally, The skin and the wall creates a deep void that prevents the building from gaining heat, the material of the screen facing upwards is of low albedo, this protects that canyon form gaining heat while loosing the gained heat faster. The openings are covered by a screen that protects it from the lateral light from the east. The openings are contained in a box shading device that cools the surrounding walls through shading while increasing roughness resulting in low winds speed on the surface. This prevents of wind loss from the canyon.

Fig 5.3: East Facade - design
147 East


The west experiences angular sunlight during the late afternoon thus, the western facade consists of shallow horizontal shading devices to shade the surfaces of the building. The western facade also has a series of continuous vertical fins that stretch across the buildings height, this protects the building skin from the lateral light from the west. The depth of the fin reduces downward, this creates a downward thrust for the wind. As a result the wind enter in the canyon along the surface. The openings are horizontal larger as they get ample shading from the vertical fin.

Fig 5.4: West Facade - design
Decoding Micro-Climate148

Based on the pilot study of the sites the following key observations were made on Macro scale :

• Southern site of the canyon has consists of high rise buildings preventing wind from entering the canyon.

• The longer side of the building faces S-W direction further creating a obstruction for the wind.

• The street faces E-W direction, binging in east and west sun light that penetrates deeper in the canyon.

• Due to the canyon ration the streets in exposed for 10 hours of the day hours.

• The canyon orientation also exposes itself towards the south resulting in absorption and reflection of high amount of heat.

Morphological changes at macro scale

The primary problems with the existing Canyon Are wind locking and lack of wind circulation in its Core. The ratio of 1:1 also brings a lot of Sunlight throughout the day.Of the Canyon deflect the wind and break the wind speed resulting in extremely low and slow winds entering inside the Canyon. Because of the geometry e of the buildings it traps The Wind Which the creates of wind barrier against the high velocity winds coming from the southwest

Fig 5.5: Existing canyon

Step 1

The angle of the buildings situated on the southern side of the Canyon were rotated on angle perpendicular to the wind flow, this generates openings in the Canyon mesh that can bring in in winds. Due to the nature of of the Canyon the Winds travel parallel the road Creating a funneling effect which increases the velocity of the wind further that cools the surface temperatures of the buildings

Step 2

The buildings are then stacked up In order perpendicular to the direction of the Sun while retaining the angular changes. This enables self shading of the buildings present in the Canyon, this however also brings in front light through the openings created for the wind. Stacking Reduces the percentage of surfaces that gain heat from direct sunlight.

Step 3

The building Heights are reduced in a fashion that can bring in maximum wind and adds to the Funneling effect on the higher level of the Canyon. The reduction of building Heights creates roughness between the urban canopy layer and urban boundary layer which result in an exchange of air between both the layers. This however brings in much more sunlight inside the Canyon.

Fig 5.6: Stages of morphological changes in Bopal

Decoding Micro-Climate150

Step 4

The buildings are further bifurcated based on the sides and the building Heights have been strategically changed In order to maintain the wind flow while providing necessary shading inside the Canyon. Due to the high velocity winds the street temperature and the urban humidity drastically reduces. This morphological change reduces the wind speed in order to appropriate it for the reduction of humidity. The amount of wind entering on the street level becomes crucial as while reducing the surface temperatures it shall also maintain the minimum humidity level in order to make the urban space comfortable.

Fig 5.7: Suggested Morphology of Bopal

Conclusion Comparative analysis

The Comparative analysis suggests morphological changes in the in the selected canyon in Bopal. The design changes are made on macro and micro scale. This changes are based on the data collected form the site as the part of pilot study. The data collection highlights climatic responsive issues that require urgent attention. Based on the climatic triggers and scope of research (Sun and wind dynamics) a list of possible area of intervention was abstracted. The list focuses on ideal morphological changes that can reduce the UHI effect in Bopal while retaining its LCZ qualities.

Macro scale

At the macro scale organizational changes have been suggested that target the following:

• Increase of wind circulation in the canyon.

• Increase of shading in the canyon streets.

• Reduction of heat reflection.

• Reduction of southern surface area.

• Self shading if building.

• Diffusion of winds from the canopy layer to the urban boundary layer.

Decoding Micro-Climate152

Micro scale

At the micro scale facade development targets the following :

• Shading of east, west and south for reduction of surface temperature.

• Reduction of surface wind speed on the Eastern surface.

• Trapping wind from the UBL.

• Reduction of surface reflection.

• Reduction of heat retention in the canyon.


The Morphological changes were stimulated using simscale and rhino in-order to test the efficiency, the macro space modification increase the shading of streets by 30% during summers and increase the wind velocity by 2 - 4 m/s in the canyon. This modification can bring down the ambient temperature difference of 1 to 2.5 degrees in the months of summers. The Outcome is limited to reding of heat and wind dynamics and their contrubution of UHI in Bopal.

Decoding Micro-Climate154 • Research Questions • Summary of findings • Implications of your findings • Matrix of analysis • Connection to architecture • Way forward Conclusion

How do you deal with micro-climate?

In order to deal with micro-climate one must extract its characters that informs the climatic changes. The first step towards understanding a micro-climate is though its categorization in LCZ. The realm of local climatic zones is limited to its volumetric thus, site specific factor must be takes into account in-order to make a specific framework of analysis. Third, Identification of primary contributers to the micro-climate, both phenomenons and morphological should be done and co-related. Based on the 2 key factors trigger points must me identified and manipulated in order to deal with any micro-Climate

What inform the changes in dealing with Micro-Climate?

There are two key contributing parameters that influence the microclimate of any site- zone variables and Site variables. Zone variables takes into account factors in isolated form its geological specificity. Zone variables can be identified through categorization of a site in its respective LCZ. Site variables accounts for Site specifics factors and limitations i.e. existing morphology, sociological perception, Geo-location, local weather. The Amalgamation of the zone and Site variables informs decision making in any micro-climate.

How does morphology address these changes?

The morphology in any site influences the key Factors that influence the climate of any given LCZ. Precipitation, humidity, anthropogenic heat, Sun dynamics and wind dynamics are Primary factors That affect micro-climate. Morphological changes influence the sun and wind dynamics directly and precipitation indirectly. Also sun and wind are the primary contributors It influence the Thermodynamics in normal scale. Thus, Morphology becomes an efficient way of dealing with micro-climate

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Research QuestionI

What is the extent of architectural and urban design in dealing with micro-climate?

Realm of architecture and urban design Strategies are limited when it comes to dealing with micro-climate. Micro-climate of any given urban space is determined by multiple levels of parameters that include sociological , morphological and climatic Factors. The realm of architecture and design only deals with the morphology of any selected site This morphology is reflected in micro-climate through the intervention of form and material. However, the morphological changes can be done while keeping into account The sociological and climatic Factors.

This paper attempts to resolve micro climatic Concern Using morphological changes in the section of selected LCZ. This approach is selected on the basis of social perspective, flexibility for future intervention and minimum design modification in order to deal with micro-climate.

With the understanding of architectural Design and urban planning strategies, This research formulates a matrix that addresses the decision making process for a morphological intervention.


Summery of Analysis

The paper analyzes 4 parallel cases of different micro climatic conditions in an attempt to de-code climate Using morphology at an architectural and urban scale. The four cases are divided into global cases and a pilot study consisting of two sites in Ahmedabad. The Global studies Consisted of existing morphological intervention done in Spain - Metropol Parasol and Pormetxeta Square. The research investigates the climatic implications Of the design in an urban Canyon, it decodes the relationship Between the city climate, the Canyons ambient Climate and its influencing factors. The research further Attempts to understand sociological limitations and implications on an intervention.

The Pilot case study was done over the span of 3 months by collecting various data from 2 selected sites Ahmedabad - Nikol and Bopal. The Pilot study initiates by understanding the existing climatic conditions of the city and its relation to the micro climatic condition of the selected sites. The paper establishes the primary concerns of its site by understanding the existing heat and wind dynamics in the selected canyons, it further Establishes connection between the morphology of the site section and its relation to Heating effect in the canyons. After establishing existing site conditions the research also relates the outcomes with respect to the material present on the site. Based on the collected data and established relationships the referred stimulates morphological changes on micro and macro scale and its implications on heat and wind dynamics. Through the changes at multiple scales, the research tries to resolve and reduce the urban heat Island effect experience in both the sites.

Global Case study

The Global case studies, Metropol Parasol and Pormetxeta Square Get selected based on their scale, Time of Construction and Their climatic implications. Both the cases Have been selected from a similar climatic context in order to interrelate And compare their Design approach with respect to the climate.

Decoding Micro-Climate158 II

The research is divided Into four segments; the first segment establishes the climatic context of the site. Metropol Parasol in an old urban Canyon with the ratio of 1:6. The climatic situation of the city brings in high amounts of Sunlight and heat in the urban fabric in the Harsh summers, because of the canyon ratio and the climatic conditions the site trapped high amounts of heat during the afternoon extending into the evening creating the public Plaza uncomfortable. Pormetxeta Square sits in a comparatively cooler environment, however the public square receives a less amount of Sunlight throughout the year making it a dark and unwelcoming place for 8 months.

Both the projects attempt to activate Their public courts Through the use of architectural intervention. Metropol Parasol Creates a lifted canopy over the Canyon. The canopy is designed in a way that provides shading throughout the day While bringing in adequate sunlight and wind in the Canyon. Pormetxeta Square Creates a series of shaded and enclosed Pathways and public corners with the use of reflective material in order to reflect more sunlight and provide comfortable outdoor gathering spaces.

Both the cases address climate in a different way due to the specificity of micro climatic conditions However, Metropol Parasol Also successfully established itself in the sociological Realm of design whereas Pormetxeta Square Is perceived as an alien and on welcoming morphological intervention in the sociological Realm.


Pilot case studies

The Pilot study was conducted over the span of 12 weeks on each site, Material temperatures relative humidity and the ambient temperature of the canyons was registered, The facade elements and the urban layout weather map during this period. The two sites, Bopal and Nikol were elected on the basis of their specific climatic qualities, accessibility and uncommon architectural and Geographical characteristics. Nikol is an old settlement next to a historical water body, the urban fabric contains two kinds of canyons: the street Canyon and the building Canyon, the street Canyon is formed at the intersection of the old city and the water body whereas the building Canyon is the Canon created within the fabric of your city. The street Canyon has an ratio of 1:2 which makes it a wide Canyon and as a result brings in a lot of heat. The building Canyon on the contrary is an extremely narrow Canyon with the ratio of 3:1 And as a result has almost no sunlight directly entering in. Bopal Is a rapidly growing modern housing settlement with a series of high rise buildings. The Canyon type in Bopal is created Between the high rise towers , The Canyon ratio is 1:1, This brings in adequate amount of Sunlight however because of its east west orientation the southern side of the Canyon is always exposed to the sun reflecting in in a lot of heat, this leads to hotter urban Canyon.

The research was divided into three parts, existing site conditions, micro and macro climatic conditions and morphological stimulation. The existing site condition when identified and measured for its urban layout, temperature dynamics and wind dynamics. relationship between proportion of material, architectural elements and Canyon proportions were established. The material temperature was registered at 10:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m., and 6:00 p.m. Over the course of 2 months. additional e stimulations for shading and wind circulation well done for both the sites.

Decoding Micro-Climate160

For the study of micro scale building fenestrations and its effects on heat and wind dynamics where registered. For each site a list of fenestrations Was derived on the basis of the existing elements present on the site. For a comprehensive understanding of architectural elements, a comparative table of elements with various materials was studied,this table Helped decide the appropriate fenestration and its material with respect to the Cardinal direction.

At the Macro scale in order to suggest modifications in the morphology of the site height it and orientation of the buildings were systematically changed. Limitations was set based on the modification of morphology, The FSI was taken constant in all the cases and the building Heights and orientation where Limited to Their LCZ categorization. Three sets of experiments For both wind and heat dynamics were done. The results of this stimulation morphological changes at an urban scale that could help reduce the heat Island effect on both the sites. The results also prove that Every individual LCZ with respect to its site specific parameters has a different approach and methodology to deal with microclimate. Thus, a common solution cannot be implemented across multiple sites.


Implication of findings

The framework to reduce The UHI effect in a LCZ into habitable urban space has been arrived through (a) literature reviews and (b) through inferences from global interventions and (c) from data collection and analysis from various sites on Ahmadabad.

Key observations made from the global climatic intervention:

• Change is the sectional morphology should be specific to the volumetric of the space.

• Morphological changes should be micro-climate specific.

• Morphological changes should incorporate the Social perspective when designed.

• Form cannot be studied in isolation, Material plays an important role in decoding micro-climate

Key observations made from the Site study:

• Solar and wind dynamic are the key contributed of UHI effect.

• In order to get a comprehensive understanding of microclimate in canyon studies should be carried out at both micro and macro scale.

• The inter-relation of natural dynamic to morphological dynamics is the foundation for micro-climatic understanding and manipulation.

• In-order to decode the complexity of urban settlement a LCZ specific framework must be derived.

• In-order to implement an morphological change in the site, existing architecture language should be accounted for.

Key observations made from Literature reviews:

• The categorization of urban spaces should be done using the understanding of LCZ.

• Frame of analysis should be LCZ specific.

• Site Constants and specific should be takes into account while analysis of the LCZ.

Decoding Micro-Climate162 III

IV The decision making Matrix

The matrix of analysis is divided into three segments. The three parts consist of Factors affecting microclimate, climate variables and building variables. Climate variables consist of Sun dynamics and the wind dynamics off the site. This matrix Limits itself to the study of heat and wind dynamics in any given site. Sun and wind are the key elements that contribute to Urban weather. Understanding and manipulating them could significantly reduce urban heat Island effect across multiple local climatic zones.

The urban micro-climate is Influenced by five major factors - Sun dynamics, wind dynamics, anthropogenic heat, Relative humidity, precipitation. This matrix focuses on the Functioning of the Solar and the wind dynamics in a selected Canyon.

The key variable influencing the sun and wind dynamics of a selected canyon Have been derived into 2 distinct categories, the first one quantifiers various natural phenomenon and their effects on the site, it accounts for or the movement, direction and height of the Sun and the direction and velocity of the wind in a given canyon. Thus, under the natural variable Test matrix Records direction orientation and velocity of the factors. The Category use of the morphology of any selected LCZ. The morphological factor is derived by its effects on the natural factors. Seven morphological factors Have been derived based On their influence on the sun and wind dynamics. The following factors were selected - time of operation, Area covered, temperature, Height, orientation, Wind Deflection and Roughness type. The factors can be categorized in two Criteria : segregation can be based on variables and constants or influence on wind and Sun. The valuable factors can be controlled by monitoring the morphology of the site where a constant factors are predetermined or resultants

All the morphological factors function on micro and macro scale. Functioning of these factors differ on scale based on their Influence and the limitation of the respective scale. In order to modify the climatic zones appropriately the comprehensive understanding of both micro and macro scale is essential. With the understanding of connection Between the natural factors and morphological factors on multiple scales and Their effects on the sun and wind dynamics can result in Development of a tool kit that can reduce the urban heat Island effect.


Wind dynamics


Area Covered Resultants Variables



Time of operation

Heat dynamics



Area covered at a micro scale refers to the shading provided by the device with respect to its placement. This is influenced by the height and direction of the device

Micro Scale

Time of operation on a micro scale is a record of hours the morphological element influences the primarily factors i.e. wind deflections and shading.

Roughness type

Wind deflection

Area covered by the shading of the built form influences the height required of the Structure and the system of repetition of the geometry in order to create comfortable urban canyons.

Macro Scale

Time of operation quantifies the time of functioning of a system. The time of operation influences the efficiency of the organization of the element with respect to daily cycles.

Temperature On a macro scale quantifies the Temperature On a micro scale refers to the

Table 25: Matrix of analysis of a micro-climatic zone

Decoding Micro-Climate164

On a macro scale quantifies the ambient temperature of on the local climate zone. This is the sum total of all Thermal factors on the site. surface temperature on the sections of the canyon. This is influenced by fenestrations on the skin of the structure

Roughness type on micro scale Refers to the Roughness of the material and surface created by addition of fenestrations. This Factor influences the Surface winds and microshading on the skin of the building.

Wind deflection on a micro scale is a constant that represents the change of wind direction caused by the fenestrations of the building skin

Heights on the micro scale refers the the heights of materials that are spread across the skin of the building. The Height of the materials affects the heat reflection and retention in the canyon section.

Orientation of elements with respect to cardinal directions influence time of operation of the elements.

Roughness type in the overall roughness of the canyon. The Roughness affects the separation of UCL to UBL.

Wind deflection is a resulting quantity undulation of the site organization and roughness. It represents the movement of the wind in the canyon

Building Heights are a variable that reshape wind circulation in the urban canyon. It accounts for the wind resistance and circulation at multiple levels of the canyon.

Orientation at a macro level is a variable influencing circulation of wind through deflection and movement. Reorganization of built form based on cardinal directions control the access of wind and light in the canyons.



Study of micro-climate and resolution can be interpreted as a design challenge. Research proves the influence of morphology on both micro and macro scale effects the climate of any selected urban space. Research suggests And develops a new parallel lens Of understanding and developing of an urban setting in response to the local climatic conditions. With the global rise of urban heat Island effect Across multiple major cities an urban design strategy to dealing with it becomes essential. The research also develops and suggests facade design strategies that could create cooler urban spaces, while architecture Develops aesthetic and utility based facades,its response to micro-climate could be an added design approach.

Climate study and its morphological implications in order to resolve local and larger climatic distress suggests a specific way to organize material and geometry on urban and architectural scale, with the understanding of site specific modification one can develop an design language that primarily deals with its climatic implications.

The understanding and development of climate responsive architecture should also be reflected in the construction and development by-laws of buildings and climatic zones. This climate responsive rules can be LCZ specific And when practiced reduce the urban heat Island effect drastically creating and comfortable and healthy urban intervention.

Urban Micro-climate and architecture
Decoding Micro-Climate166

The way forward

The research paper develops the matrix that helps me code the Michael climate based on its local climatic zone and conditions, it keeps into account the natural factors and the zonal factors and suggests the place of intervention through morphology. This research can be taken forward for developing a site specific tool kit that e could efficiently Deliver the micro-climatic Challengers field in the specific LCZ. The toolkit can enhance upon the morphological implication and include a material research that provides a handbook of rules and formulate a list of elements that can deal with LCZ specific climate.

The research narrows down the essential climatic elements based on the two selected sites and creates a Framework that can deal with solar and wind dynamics. This can be extended into understanding various other factors such as anthropogenic heat and humidity in order to create IMO tree size and targeted analysis tools.

The research enables individual understanding of different climatic zones morphological and natural parameters, based on the outcome one can develop a cluster of similar LCZ Create a framework that would potentially cater to all the local climatic zones.

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Decoding Micro-Climate168

Mitigating Urban Heat Island Effect by Urban Design: Forms and Materials

Key terms: Urban forms, albedo, urban heat island effect, climatic performance, morphology indicators, urban form typology, sky view factor, energy transfer process.


The three important aspects the paper covers are: Urban forms: The analysis of urban forms and their climatic performance can be extremely useful in identifying and applying indicators and consequently forming morphology based on them.

The primary work involves research of urban forms and systematic collection of pertaining factors that influence energy consumption through a micro-climate. Further, the two important methods to do so are, (1) Urban form typology where basic forms patterns are studied on varying scales of a single building, generic built form, street and urban block and (2) Morphological indicators such as Shape ratio (S/V), main facade orientation, glazing ratio et cetera.

Albedo: The proportion of the incident light and radiation that is reflected by a building surface is defined as albedo in this context. Morphological parameters are evaluated from calculated albedos. Phenomena such as bouncing back of radiation and light off a surface, the different ways in which it is absorbed, and the time and mechanism in which this radiation is dissipated back are all constituents of albedo. Hence, it becomes an essential decisionsupport tool for subjects of urban forms, urban heat island effect and the micro-climate.

Sky view factor: Corresponding percentage of the sky vault surface visible from a point in the urban setup. A geometry that has a large horizontal surface will generally have a large SVF.

Outdoor urban environment on buildings’ energy consumption:

Decoding Micro-Climate170


There are diverse causes of urban heat island effects such as, Less evapotranspiration because of mineralization of cities More solar energy absorption due to lower albedo Less nocturnal infrared radiative loss due to the building density Less convection because of reduced air velocity caused by higher urban surface roughness

Higher anthropogenic loads partly due to air conditioner rejects

Apart from the primary morphological factors and albedo indicators, there are important outdoor urban factors that parallely affect the energy consumption- evapotranspiration from the vegetation and soil, soil radiation from sun and sky vault and reflection between surfaces, infra-red exchanges between surfaces and sky, convective transfer between surfaces and air with an explicit computation of wind flow and conductive transfer of heat stored in buildings and ground.

In the presence of these variables, energy consumption becomes vital to the study of a micro-climate.


The method and factors introduced in this paper are crucial for the analysis of the urban forms and subsequently forming simulations that will influence the investigation, conception and design of the urban elements. The paper objectively provides insight into the morphological indicators necessary for the matters of this research.

Designing Urban Parks that Ameliorate the Effects of Climate Change

Robert Brown, Jennifer Vanos, Natasha Kenny, Sanda Lenzholzer University of Guelph, Texas Tech University, Wageningen University

Key Terms: Anthropogenic heat, park-cooling effect, shading interventions, bioclimatic-sensitive design, heat stress.



The paper establishes the need to control the urban climate and Physical characteristics of cities such as little vegetation, predominance of hard surfaces, and anthropogenic heat sources all contribute to the occurrence of the well-documented urban heat island which are all phenomena that cause discomfort in public health.

Through the study of 5 urbanised cities from distinct climatic zones, the paper suggests interventions such as:

Urban parks and green spaces have the ability to provide a thermally comforting environment. This effect is called the ParkCooling effect; it linearly decreases energy budgets and reduces heat stress.

Shading interventions have the largest positive effect on human thermal comfort in all climate zones and all scenarios. We should include more “shaded green space” rather than “green space” in the design of urban areas. However, the notion of bioclimatic-sensitive design, where the amount and types of trees in parks has to differ between climate zones, is important to consider.

The current design of ‘green spaces’ in cities as open areas, rather than shaded, will result in increasingly detrimental heat stress conditions in the future.


The studies related to effects of open and shaded outdoor areas, and the statistics provided bases and factors to consider in designing urban elements that reduce heat stress can be instrumental in gauging and demarcating parameters of human-comfort amongst all the other concerns of the research’s aim. The term Park-Cooling effect can be plucked out to be an essential element as well.

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Street Design and Urban Microclimate: Analysing the Effects of Street Geometry and Orientation on Airflow and Solar Access in Urban Canyons

Nastaran Shishegar

Key Terms: Urban open spaces, streets geometry, street canyon, urban microclimate, Urban airflow patterns, urban canopy layer, urban boundary layer, solar access.


This paper is a review paper for the evidence and impacts of street design in the urban microclimate, focusing on street geometry, orientation of airflow and solar access in a street canyon. Amongst all causes, urban heat island is formed mainly due to heat trapping by urban geometry, properties of urban surfaces, replacement of vegetation by expansively built surfaces cover and anthropogenic heat sources.

Effect of street canyons: Street canyons are spaces formed by two typically parallel rows of buildings separated by a street; the aspect ratio of height and width of the canyon affects factors such as outdoor and indoor environments, solar access in the built area, permeability of airflow and ultimately the cooling of the entire urban system.

Urban airflow patterns: Designing environments including a street canyon are vital for the formation of urban airflow patterns. Urban airflow patterns can be of two types: urban canopy layer and urban boundary layer which are the rooftop and facade/ground level respectively.


These observations can be significant for appropriating morphological parameters:

Deep street canyons have a slower airflow than uniform or shallow ones.

The temperature (in this paper) was found to be lower when highrise buildings were placed in the street canyon as the velocity of wind increased to lower the temperature. The ground receives more solar radiation in comparison to vertical components. The street canyon aspect ratio is also affected by this relationship.



GIS-Based Urban Permeability Evaluation in the Urban Planning to Improve the Wind Environment- A Case Study in Wu Han, China

Chao Yuan, Cḥao Ren, Edward Ng

Key Terms: Geographical Information System (GIS), aerodynamics modeling, urban air-paths, urban permeability map, urban morphology parameters.


The paper focuses on the methods in which climatic and environmental information can be implemented in urban planning. It explores the information obtained by geographical information systems and 3D urban morphological data to provide spatial statistics of urban permeability distribution. Understanding the urban morphological implications to the wind environment is useful to planners by investigating airflow, potential air paths and consequently, urban geometries.


Some useful observations and potential implementations can be: The airflow of the street canyon is restricted in areas of compact urban blocks.

The morphological method being an empirical model that is based on urban morphology parameters and experimental wind data, it can avoid fluid mechanical calculations and complications in the planning process.

Summer in Ahmedabad: Pol House Performance

Mihir Vakharia, Rajan Rawal, Yash Shukla, Agam Shah, Melissa K Smith

Key Terms: Hot dry climate, diurnal changes, traditional building typologies, courtyards, thermal performance.


The paper focuses on the performance of Ahmedabad’s traditional Pols and how they respond to the hot, dry local climate. It explored the thermal performance of these houses through case studies and surveying the sites for parameters such as dry bulb temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and evaluating them with the typology under investigation.

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Some helpful observations illuminated by the research are: The wind speed is proportional to the comfortable hours. The variation of temperature was highest in the attic spaces, and least in the ground floor rooms, particularly those enclosed by thick walls. Observations of these sort emphasise on the advantages of orientation, configuration, material and use.

Courtyards can be an extremely instrumental element of study due to its characteristics. For instance, air that enters through the ground floor and first floors, is flushed out through the open courtyard. Courtyard generated shade is also a valuable area of investigation in the context of thermal performance. Studying nighttime temperatures can be critical for such studies as it is expected that the diurnal variation is greater than in the rooms, with higher temperatures during the day and at nighttime, a lower temperature. This implies the impediment of optimal performance due to courtyards.

Sinnett, D. (2020). Mitigating air pollution and the urban heat island effect: The roles of urban trees. In The Routledge Handbook of Urban Ecology (pp. 639-648). Routledge.

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Dima Albadra “The Potential for Natural Ventilation as a viable Passive Cooling Strategy in Hot Developing Countries”

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10 11 12 13 14 15

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All the figures not cited are made by the author

Fig 1.1: Structural LCZ Classes retrieved from https://www. frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fenvs.2021.637455/full#B69

Fig 1.2: Topographical LCZ Classes retrieved from https://www. frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fenvs.2021.637455/full#B69

Fig 1.3: Canyon wind pattens retrieved from Shishegar, N. (2013). Street design and urban microclimate: analyzing the effects of street geometryand orientation on airflow and solar access in urban canyons. Journal of clean energy technologies, 1(1).

Fig 3.1: Location of Case Studies retrieved from Google maps

Fig 3.2: Seville Climate Graph retrieved from https:// weatherspark.com/y/34152/Average-Weather-in-Sevilla-SpainYear-Round

Fig 3.3: Passive Cooling Techniques- Metropol Parasol retrieved from https://www.archdaily.com/201961/metropol-parasol-jmayer-h-arup

Fig 3.4: Structural System- Metropol Parasol base retrieved from https://www.archdaily.com/201961/metropol-parasol-j-mayer-harup and edited by the author

Fig 3.5: Barakaldo Climate Graph retrieved from https:// weatherspark.com/y/39100/Average-Weather-in-BarakaldoSpain-Year-Round

Fig 3.6: Pormetxeta Square- Climate Response base retrieved from https://www.archdaily.com/237907/pormetxeta-squaremtm-architects-xpiral-architects?ad_medium=gallery and edited by the author

Fig 4.1: Human Comfort Graph retrieved from Climate consultant

Fig 4.2: Sites of Pilot Case Study retrieved from Google maps

Decoding Micro-Climate178


Data collection for this research has been done for the three primary parameters, The wing study have been stimulated on Sim-scale. The following steps were followed:

• Three-dimensional model was made in Rhino uploaded to simscale.

• the model was converted into a mesh for the stimulation

• the parameters of stimulation boundaries that set, the offset of hundred meters was taken on both sides.

• Based on the site study printer parameter : speed, direction, turbulence was inserted for input and output in the stimulation boundary.

• Secondary wind loads and Lateral wind values where added based on the site study.

• Stimulation were carried out and a three dimensional result was converted into multiple sections and plans in order to study the wind dynamics at micro and macro scale.

Stimulation on Rhino has been done for Sun Stimulation and its shading effects. Accurate Sun path diagram were retrieved from http://andrewmarsh.com/software/sunpath3d-web/ In order to get area covered by sharing for the Canyon study


Decoding Micro-climate: Interpreting and Modeling Urban Micro-climate

Student Name: Viraj Karmavir Bhatt

Code No: UA7617

Guide: Ar. Sandip Patil

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