Instagram Influencer Marketing: 5 Reasons to Work With Micro-Influencers
They have smaller, more targeted audiences
When you have millions of followers with different of interests, it might be tricky to create content that appeals to everyone. Microinfluencers create content on the topics that they’re passionate about. Whether it’s food, fitness or photography, they spend a lot of time building their presence and perfecting their content to create a community as invested in the subject as they are.
They’re more credible and authentic
Micro-influencers are not only regular people but they’re more personally invested in their online presence, making them more authentic. Unlike mega-influencers who may simply tag a brand for a product placement, they spend hours curating the perfect Instagram post:
They deliver higher engagement and more drive more conversions
They’re not only engaging with the right audiences but they’re engaging significantly more. Because of the frequency and quality of their interactions, their fans get to know them on a deeper, more personal level. This form a solid basis of trust – making it less uncomfortable to have buying conversations.
They are more cost effective than big-name influencers
If a brand is just starting to build a following on Instagram, chances are it won’t be able to drop thousands of dollars on a few endorsements. But small influencers are usually more open to working with lesser-known brands. Micro-influencers are not only more effective, but they also cost much less.
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