Ruel 1999 urban facts of life

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World Development Vol. 27, No. 11, pp. 1917±1938, 1999 Ó 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved Printed in Great Britain 0305-750X/99/$ - see front matter

PII: S0305-750X(99)00095-9

Some Urban Facts of Life: Implications for Research and Policy MARIE T. RUEL, LAWRENCE HADDAD and JAMES L. GARRETT * International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, USA Summary. Ð This review of recent literature explores the challenges to urban food and nutrition security in the rapidly urbanizing developing world. The premise of the manuscript is that the causes of malnutrition and food insecurity in urban and rural areas are di erent due primarily to a number of phenomena that are unique to or exacerbated by urban living. These areas include: (a) a greater dependence on cash income; (b) weaker informal safety nets; (c) greater labor force participation of women and its consequences for child care; (d) lifestyle changes, particularly diet and exercise patterns; (e) greater availability of public services, but questionable access by the poor; (f) greater exposure to environmental contamination; and (g) governance by a new, possibly nonexistent, set of property rights. The main focus is on identifying what is di erent about urban areas, so as to better frame the program and policy responses. Ó 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Key words Ð urban, food security, nutrition, developing countries

1. INTRODUCTION The premise of this manuscript is that the causes of malnutrition and food insecurity in urban and rural areas are di erent due primarily to a number of phenomena that are unique to or are exacerbated by urban living and by the circumstances that brought the individual to the urban area in the ®rst place. We discuss the following phenomena (or ``urban facts of life'') and the pressure they place on the attainment of household and individual food, nutrition and health security: (a) a greater dependence on cash income for food and nonfood purchases, (b) weaker informal safety nets, (c) greater labor force participation of women and its consequences for child care, (d) lifestyle changes, particularly those related to changes in diet and exercise patterns, (e) greater availability of public services such as water, electricity, sewage and health, but questionable access by poor slum dwellers, (f) greater exposure to environmental contamination (water, food and air), and (g) governance by a new, possibly nonexistent, set of property rights. 1 The main focus of the discussion is on identifying what is di erent about urban areas, which should help frame the program and policy responses that are discussed in the ®nal section.

2. CHALLENGES TO OBTAINING FOOD, NUTRITION AND HEALTH SECURITY IN AN URBAN ENVIRONMENT (a) The importance of cash income and markets in urban areas Historically, the most signi®cant di erence between food access in urban and rural areas is that rural people can often produce their own food, whereas urban people are more dependent on food purchases. A recent study in Accra found that households purchase 90% of their food (Maxwell et al., forthcoming). This

* Many of the ideas in this paper have been developed in

the context of a wider IFPRI multicountry research program on Urban Challenges to Food and Nutrition Security. In particular we would like to than Daniel Maxwell, Saul Morris, Carol Levin, Patrice Engle, Arne Oshaug and Bonnie McCla erty for their insights on the issues we present. Tim Frankenberger, Barry Popkin and Ruthanne Deutsch also provided us with helpful comments on the paper. In addition, we would like to thank K. Subbarao and Kene Ezemenari of the World Bank for making available a number of poverty assessments on safety nets; and Alison Slack of IFPRI and Purnima Menon of Cornell University for their invaluable research assistance. All errors are ours.


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