Forms, migrating felino a soriano

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Acknowledgements The author is grateful to the editors of the following publications for including poems from this collections: DINK MAG, Clockwise Cat, Dead Snakes, experientialexperimental-literature, ken*again, MungBeing Magazine, New Mystics, otoliths, Pyrokinection, Subterranean Blue Poetry, swirl, The Fox Chase Review, The song is…, Truck, Ygdrasil, Zoomoozophone Review. ©2015 Felino A. Soriano Published by Fowlpox Press

ISBN: 978-1-927593-46-2

Forms Migrating Felino A.. Soriano

Trio of incorporated interpretations

i. —after Thelonious Monk’s Thelonious Altered extraordinary focal premises these plurals arise arrive dominating left-right hand-hand plurals and pulsing pushes . . . what/who hears this cannot not become altruistic in subsequent serenades toward emblems of your rise and open -hand needs . . . solo which rises thrown such jubilant architectures of oscillating feet feeling freed and forthcoming more so freedom amid the standing ovation each hand surprises as the wife beyond 14

th circulation of the 2nd volume of each year’s orchestrated patterns

ii. —after Robert Glasper’s Thelonious why (,or, inside the permission of tongues speaking _________,) the eyewear fits, well, finds, well and well, this rhythm sits, well, well, aligning beyond juxtaposed already in the expectation of left-aligned memories pulling what crowds with softened unclosed fingering selections, the watchers impress their aptitude inspire their prior silence into what knowing retains in replayed motions of what assembles intuitively

iii. —after Jason Moran’s Thelonious as to my father’s waving hand i ‘ve become a somewhat similar he when i

range my talk and arrange my walk with head or visual tools held toward the right-hand lean my fedora wears itself, as my graying ceiling since youngster style into the middle-portion of my existence’s mirror and wandering finding i am interpreting, yes , what has held in place an examination prior to my altering infatuation with musical foundation and language as advocate of my body’s often-bending notions to become what expands within the generational differences of same-season reaching

The improvisation of verbs

“…improvisation are some of kind of unity between thought and action.” Vijay Iyer

Colligate —for Michael Annis these


|or, / are


languages of subsequent pluraling patterns worded consensual


syllabic bridge

spectrum technologies of human devotion theory current intellect uninterested fathoms confronting its mathematics misunderstands neoteric dealings within the hands their

what forgot so well logic changed

positional abstractions— but when _________ and _________ solder their virtues into laborious bouquets pressed

between prose of dusty

collaborations scent-only meanders collect constructs of believable notations each finger-absent petal collage fits into these hands of dual precedents



drafts of subsequent shadows’ italicized selections of philosophy’s undulating murmurs and,

within these glaciers of intuitive stillness a notation leaps as if from creativity’s language of curtained re-rediscovery altering the prior with later’s personal connection to/of|with what presents promises-in the dedication of alignment with identity’s collage of miscellaneous [invention]s


, and thus

Unfasten Fingers release dead burdens. Often. Vast reconnecting needn’t verify versatile emblems and the oddities of eyes’ silent (inaccurate) observations. Released from what find does in the curiousness of legend and broken occupations, a philosophy of apparent sound wanders awaiting a day of self and for the vision of needed echoing of articulating fathoms to bend and involve reevaluated insinuations, reinterpreting unneeded dispositions whose opaque emulation involves serial notations eventual in the paradigm of broadened and ringing hilarity.

Begin with/of breathing a sinfonia of/a designated

unrelated circle/s sounds signs of

interior notices unwinds in the softened desire to start satisfy sort oscillate rhythms


breathing an ending endeavors an end underlining creases’ otherness a rendition toward totality of meaning or in the meandering of ongoing tribulations

recycling of burgeoning sound and what circles into trepidation’s philosophy hide first a Capella

Analyze Penetrate the morbid prosecute the immobile and sustain the hidden through tonguing advantage against a whole conceptual guidance the mind selects in the prose of promissory enactments. Listen. Well. Quite demonstrating details of what decorates obscenity, truant fathoms in the valuing of immiseration’s bodily collections


from this morning’s elongated awakening varied logics and countering apologues wear what calls syllables from cold and moving hands hands their music of warming philosophy to begin this morning’s ritual of confirmed affirmations readying roles contemplating heat as rhythm as rotating features of these hours’ momentum of garb

Disappear night’s midday version of sun’s elaborate longarm walk toward a misshapen arrogance caught within angles of an hour’s curving summary




halved hours relocating distributed functions of necessary reactionary fulcrums deliberate

hands, their warming friction (s)

rise ALL toward syllables’ renditions of persuasive sounds and their ability to articulate absence of what causes _____________,

Awake body by blending bodies by bending circular spines engaging cultures of strength versus calliope symphonies encouraging listening amid the swollen positions of evaporating silences among the body’s resting and resisting momentums binding temptations

Connect bridge this spatial contemplation

become this space of inhabiting collective aggregations, —we’ve books’ templates (others’ renditions of behavior’s contemplation appropriateness) musical dissections of tone then tonal prior/past ←tensing objects naming re



interpretations of paradigms plausible methods to hold in both hand and another’s fulcrum of accepting illusion as collaborative behavior !grouped by which happenstance installs instilled virtues of corporeal demonstrative


Exhibit Which chronicles selected motives more so than the multilingual spectrum of attention’s familiar connectivity? Of certain spirals

containing dialectical diagrams or paradigm progress (eventuality of the plural positional fathoms)

accessory acknowledges hand or hand of dual understanding

from strength this tone and sitting momentum?

React -ion -ionary -tive above what these tenses proclaim as contextual correctness a wave undulates within understanding’s evocation attempt orbit-sustenance

tributary rhythm-hold horn-bell copper


these textures tell well

alliance of mobile articulation radial readying an after —death’s denial of what lived within

intuition’s role as modular performer,

—an expectation highlights vocal italics

readying sound as paternal designation, mobile posturing in the risen riches of admitted holy rounding pivotal in each hands these ricochets align with bounce -bounce hankering of sound’s reaching toward spectral understanding


Apologize My apologies, sweating within the concealing prosaic creases of my closed hand. Listen.

Breathe inward particles

path-shove notion needed expanse, (abstract) interpreted motional freelance culture

of hands in the needing origami clear-clarity this life of woven ceremonies cannot certainty-with mention sans celebrated archives of what the need benefits in representational accolades —and/or when queries exist about birth’s needed range of creative occurrences what holds in harmony of inflection’s tonal adaptations to surprise later with physiology’s occurring themes of patterned expectations to engage and expand position then portend language’s of these movements’

rotating clusters of mobile


Question What was written into palms

the mother’s role of permissive eloquence? who wears what hides well within the context of borderline accessibility

the child’s innocence, halved within the mirror of a rotating infatuation? how do rivalries exclaim ambition

physicality of abridged agendas, the fade of performance through tiredness’ undulation? interpreting paradigms

sensory illusion often awakens alphabets of tonal acceleration, landing and hiding to where moments fade or find languages of what hides and holds in percussive affirmations?

Sleep The pattern pulses is alive and writes prose awaiting the eyes and heaviness of ease to erase mistakes and begin, untainted

Coil in this readying to react language cannot clearly contain confirmed creative diligence when woven whereabouts of cultural

ontology speak certain spatial selections of dual momentums and when found a semblance of sophisticated bouquets bounce their origins

back toward the palms of spiraled shadows readying for their moment of presentation


Divide through what builds / encounters aiming to conclude / benefit collaborate on sacred understanding / define what breaks then mends / cooperation trust becomes anecdotal / paradigm able to try organic realizations / openness jazz origami pulsing elongated meaning / piano needed intuition forming truncated tragedy / denial of this company of the dragonfly’s blur / radiant upward appreciation these riches afford hands / emulation in/of believing the rhythm halves of understanding notions evolve amid what language hides well in the certain roundness of its trajectory of meaning, and what hints also proclaims with scream to/at those of the hearing version of willingness’ identified circumference of identity’s often oscillating features


—for H. Holt


this endurance endures,

mimesis quality perfect-bound echo

variations, prose and purpose

pronouncing aliases among what parallels mind-fiction portending acclimated rituals to gauge and produce linguistic mathematics an

design-query prominence

—after effort’s summation of existence’s gilded affirmation s

of nuances then/and promising aim toward what insinuates personal satisfaction and when nothing can be done-more or

said enough into querying the body’s need to causational pause we must allow what writes freedom across the forehead and install frequent purposes into what hold in the pocket well of permanent desire to interact with rejuvenated control

Imagine Imagine this photograph its limbs dangling among the paralleling posture of designated frame limbs and language silenced in the stilled function of portending memories— and how do notions multiply in dedicated breeding? How do syllables expand their arcing shape presenting pulsating whirls as with the child’s initial inclination to name cloud as soft?



i. The bird of your tongue isolates from the barriers of others’ needed movement, and with rest, rest divides the pleasure of now’s oscillating whispers with what effort needs to disguise pain’s mirroring of affirmative restraint. Accessible decisions weight or waiting amid balancing asymmetry and the finding of focus though such eyes and syllables are among what blossoms amid these carousels of moments.

ii. care


action fixate

mission momentary the fade-from/for collocation of

tone-then →! angular the closure of rain across an open h a n d of a window’s noted fulcrum freedom



silenced holding against what walls-in the pride of a performing shadow’s radial pronouncing and predicated frequencies of roam and wanting-roam to persuade what prisms fold through organic flight and purported algorithmic apprehension

Rinse voices’ angular systems

sustained paradigms of

what pleases in devoted corporeal identities . . . (mirrors in the periphery of nuanced aggregations) . . . thus, what hides from the clamoring of sustained malfunctioning intuitions, needs or hankers a return to trusting time’s organic perspective of personal function we cup these hands ladling

softened nouns into the clarity of cleanse decanting residual scars from these flames and figures of delinquent observation


form: AWAKEn its taper severs the unnatural decision to connect amid contours’ natural form/function/frequen(cy)t [of the plural these bodies cascade] to abridge hives and their dissertation of housing sting song shifts of scriptures’ motivated, emulated /lean, (rely)—

exercise devotion,


and with versions of nature

hiding within the oscillating features of political

pageantry, these fakers of wholeness

botheration sears into a bond of remembering expelled struggles, language and the needled thinness of shocking enlargement easily ascended

The derivation of hours

“Don't waste life in doubts and fears; spend yourself on the work before you, well assured that the right performance of this hour's duties will be the best preparation for the hours and ages that will follow it.� Ralph Waldo Emerson

A noon, a noun a radial momentum. A silence, a narrative composed of I and the formulated theories attached to antiquated tonal psychologies. A determined arrival; a complete system of seconds, equal, erasing memory of prior’s function and finesse of pivoting orientations.

Happenstance dissolved habitual behavior. Because. Broken scenarios played a tomorrow version isolating water and an arid reprieve. Flora infuriated scentless paradigms. The person drawing evil swore into the halo far from the fling of cursive cursing. Nothing neoteric. To the left and owl’s yellowing permeates onto the sunflower’s same connection. To the right. A father throws a burgundy ball, waiting for the voice to return a child’s absent laughter.

Heal The scar’s search for that good side curvature, with heal. All angles of how light bends with hourly implants touches. Fingers can be folded. Durable expand and the bouquet of flesh moves onward over the symbolized smooth dexterity of paralleled companions improvised improve, asymmetry of memory.

Apparitional This longest moment documents favors shadows respell to engage anonymous behavior. What etches speech into diminutive prose mirrors function of the human voice. And. To then, what hold also highlights— curtailing company of this wing irruption. Wearing light in woven prosody. Patterned. I can hear a child’s alphabetic relevance. To the mother’s constant intuition. Interpreted whole, the handheld halo spins its dense definition through humming lips, finding rhythm to aware its presence to the of sound sifting singing satisfying absence.


i. Relevance of windows. Unfolded. Phrases secure onset of specialized ornaments. Indigo hourglasses suspend judgment of time’s oscillating teem of dual affirmations.

ii. throats serenading of pastels and their

theory lauded softness

why Spring appears to awaken

in song

dissecting to reveal hum of the body’s

reconfigured legacy

iii. Calligraphy of confident psalms.

Contoured. Engages the unwind, the closed-eye focal dynamic, watching an hour’s longest direction predict the mind’s communication of moans and disparate ambulation.

I invited myself Contoured continuity a deliberate renaming path to incorporate mind, more so a later invention of the mirror’s accurate collage. I’m attempting connection preparing functional assessments usually used toward designation of labels’ inaccurate prisms too diluted to prepare listeners for organic fusions of tongues and worshipers. Frigid, this ghost. Portending. Of the syllables these sounds confirm. Discipline to the introversion, outburst whole and dynamic in twist map languages. Exterior the motivation expands. Abscond undulating air breathes and green the expanse appears blue upon bend of the self back toward assurance and experimental understanding.

Of small hands what remained a portion of song, talkative insinuation, purpose speaking heard to the collocation of childhood affirmations

Receptive Sustained donor. Of laughter’s swaying physiology. What pertains to sequences—why the question to incorporate fulfilled assumptive devotion.? session embark, the window toward necessary relocation, collaborative in-hand speed reception, pushes body bending into ellipses and missed mentioning of effort’s causal configurative mention to behave unsolicited

Four examples crowing curving containing curtailing— movements cannot mean motion without mentored sustenance, building breath within walking ascension gathering attentive details explaining the hands’ diversion to expand multilayered tonal tongues and inherit abbreviated fulcrums and aligned dualities of incorporating freedoms

Learning During an innate introduction to darkness a child might require contouring answers. Prior to queries circling the tongue’s guiding affirmation. Learning. When my daughter stands softly toward an isolated mirror,

persuaded to interrogate softness of multiplying eyes; retrofitting my past toward gilded hours of defining her awareness. Her smile means

newness. My watching, elation.

The beginning Expansion of retell, later. To


dedicated waking the father smears his ascension of fear onto deception of secrets. Sadness the initial section of unseen rhythms. Carrier of animated theories. What sells the body also speaks the bones’ necessary aging.

But “Everything but sleep.” —Li-Young Lee And night is the momentum of halting light’s music. Acrobatic angles of the humming -bird’s relevant vanish spelling disappearance as well as noon’s oscillating hiding. Dusk recalls a memory of hybrid fascinations : penultimate hour prior to the weight bearing model of rest’s diligent coming - loneliness to an incessant desire, to the brokenness tiredness resembles within a mirror’s relocating accuracy. When singing silences. A darkened contour a small circle under the eye of distance’s braiding bodies.

Perhaps Soon silence will unravel into a population of memorized worlds.

Found Found burning, synonyms. Using alternate species cannot overwhelm into breathing accentuated nuances. Always. Embers thickened, calling smoke into dance, an alphabetic purpose spelling delay as joy. In this company of halos elegies transform permanence permeating the body’s pertinent condition.

Winter Bones falling into hands lose the prior priority of angled assessment, agreeable articulation of conformation. Movement. Warmth. Pastel. Newness bends and becomes a brand of compressed alteration of spatial synonyms. The body reveals an ownership of air’s reconstruction of portending guesses, what will arrive on a timeline of numerical decency. Ballads sing a softened nuance into listening’s momentum of finding safe to predict this home’s interpretation of winter.

Bedroom theater The wire’s one good finger balanced talons. The despair among the vagabond added empty bags into the cart pushed by odorless hands. A window dissects the good bones. Clarity into caskets, either an object or anthropomorphic target talks riddles. Both recite pain from analogous angles. East, east a momentum of intervals analyzed emerging legs.

Convinced the music played necessary languages; the rhythm exposed nuanced remedies; bodies expanded on axis of generating reflex. Open eyes engaged systematic orchestras. Solid. Each organized syllable spelled certainty in contoured conformity, using devotion to unravel and calm spellings of misheard renditions. Hands warped in clapping. Outside legends walked and wore prose atop backs carving legacy. Wind wandered in its usual asymmetry. Listeners contaminated truths with philosophy, failed memory. Gregarious fulfillment.

Morning, this Swing diagram daughter’s arcing deliberate grin. Her visual cue said

the crow never rose higher than the 2nd version of a moment’s agonizing realization. Toward verb my listening altered. Running. Impulse common her intuition to inspire with voice modulations, concise diction appropriate in the melody of a father’s roaming gather. Here we speak as do feathers’ neighboring conjoining—aligned or halved in idea and function of purpose.

Optimism When asked, I said in order. To what. Or, what. Gained habits predict behavior, architecture of bees. To become is an ordeal of fascination. Curtains constant containing rhythms, behind beat. On this noon a scatter of birds. At this noon a circumference of solitude. Of this noon a synonym for regret. I’ve no more hope. Said to the ordering of nouns. A rather than condition spells viewable nuances as deliberate. Dissolution.

Talk Slither stolidity. Anecdotal. When the word talk is ironic in unmentioned solicitation. I found synonyms detail better from the cooled purview of unabridged hiding. Rest affirms the body can build. As with finding flesh, surprise widens the eyes’ taste, details arrival of the ears’ promised birth. Yes, hypocritical.


To the silence, visiting I recall dimensions, related. Brothers. When small the dialogue sent permissions toward various emblems of pureed listening. We cannot orphan these moments of isolated memory. Of why, and to say, could sound respell mystery of breaths back walking into miracles of paralleling contextual voices. in this cylinder crows hold near to burgeon diagrams seasons rotate, retain textual need pulls configurations

of scattered recognition collaborations eloping from where splay signatures writing sounds in notated breathing as does

noon’s reliable content to inspire and the name hope into the gape my hearing toward distance

arrival, consistent speaking corporeal visions burns context extends collaborating with seeing

prose dissolve

into the mouth, stainless

The animation of exteriors

"The work of art, just like any fragment of human life considered in its deepest meaning, seems to me devoid of value if it does not offer the hardness, the rigidity, the regularity, the luster on every interior and exterior facet, of the crystal." Andre Breton

Reading —after James Welling’s print 17 voices collide more so left margin-logic, silence becomes a centered visceral echo, using lean to provide perspective into landscape and angles paralleling glimmering gray light atop each version vision provides as alphabetical contusion of sacred language . . . space

, here

body needing touch to breathe oscillating warmness

too, a fulltime


—after Theus Alayo’s painting Disintegration these careful ammunition of alarming inaccuracies

+less hands have armed silence with

concerning stylized versions of the introverted self contains more so fulfillment of the body’s epicurean fantasies to exist, unaltered scathing in its voice of augmenting pageantries and though these emotions are plagiarized action cannot fathom corrective vision or visuals contained amid what mirrors taint in/through hand and hand-hand devotion— thus each of these forms of avifauna rise and draw parallel emotions with winged promises and uprising disposition

and with root as noted permission what can fix has faded into the gnarled function of antiquated,

unhealed manus

II. —after Wayan Suarjiwatman’s painting Prosperity I of hidden doors and fabrics of articulating freedoms etches hold heirlooms hold stretches of sanity among structured silence approving lines, or these lines of proportional differences, disparate species of intertwining sameness, and amid what incises well in framed asymmetry or documented shrouded doors determined to require reciprocated focus of imperative information and what holds or simplifies, also negotiates meaning

through timelines of interrogating fathoms decisive in the alternating dilemmas, paths, portions or fractioned relevancies obtaining portending illusions of hope and hoping, finding either a reward of intuitive decisions toward fluctuating harmonies

III —after Luiz Antonio Lopes’ painting Trance swirls communicate obfuscating theories

of c o n t o u r i n g designations, what wanders often hides or what depicts often draws hidden penetrations within guidelines of hands’ pageantry of hanging haloes and desire architects

depicted versions of eyes’ myopic shortlist of noted demonstrations designating persuasions as desire or interrelated perspectives of aggregated symmetries providing pulses as layered fictions feeling


in the modular sustenance of successful finding that, to which the eye molds its certainty of shape toward what hankers or begins must bridge and fulcrum in the desirous diagrams of opulent artistic archaeology

IV —after Victor Aldana’s painting Semidarkness Centered swirl silent sedated, circling as to incise as to culture-correct exterior teachings to the children of nonrusting recognition, possessing the needed pierce-aim tranquility to compose a prosaic tribute relaying queries in clever-clad syllables, and amid this concentrated quasi-gloam which poses and waits upon growth of the hours’ elongated function the wandering wonder of

remedies expose and contain ornamental variations of tutorial experiences, affirming brilliance exists fractioned darkness needing eyes’ examining fulcrums to hear/provide/ingest/proclaim


V —after Eduardo Lazo Cantu’s painting Suspended Piano Equating capitalized confirmations, entirety the whole of natural’s movement and the system-sane sequences of why the fingers move or mutate noted information, interpreting language as a notable expanse and agreeable equation. A swing sits and agrees, here. Pauses cannot find their language of hankering believability, here. Yet with or when the piano pivots its need away from what finds keyed determination as altruistic elation and fundamental fusion of harboring confusion, the desire overwhelms, and the autumn of this

life’s dedicatory freedoms finds a singular leaf, not-yet the deadened brown of the final spiral-twirling descent toward a ground of coffin landscapes, within the orange-fade, brown-begin of the leaf’s sitting verticality, it is looked toward as semiotic, a royal emblem needing leading hands to gather-grasp the piano’s altered loneliness, posit pulses through echoing and calling interior devotion and inverted symphonies, unaltered.

VI —after Mischelle Ramos’ painting Internal Universe In believing one’s identity to be an owning affirmation of the self and dedicated description as to why the face displays multilingual facets of internal aggregation then, with what each emblem of what the mirror’s violating voice articulates records I’s in perceptive motions and obligated features to dissolve of the eventuality of disparate anthems drawing from where elation hovers equating waiting with timed fractions of perfect’s tonal principle: intuitive designations

of what hides and harmonizes upon windows of speculator advancing toward will and the will’s evaporating pressure

VII —after Olimpio Pozo’s painting Subliminal Presence Ovals speak contoured syllables spoke continuous sails toward what can land or, not through figments and fallacies of imagination’s multi-toned deliberations. Clusters form habitual landscapes, meandering to alter signatures and their lazy styles of impersonating their owner’s good side rendition of articulating name. We’ve a beneath version of good words. Trust is forwarded in thinking comical presences reside and abide into where good-fitting dusk, the way or pluralized fashions it hides physiognomy well enough to call upon unfamiliar tapestries and

no one, not a singular exhibition of breathing will realize the subconscious devotion worded braids involve intuitive wisdoms proceeding into spatial articulation and reinterpreted fathoms of an existential wing-harmony.

VIII —after M.C. Escher’s woodcut Circle Limit IV Promises of spherical centeredness of oscillating life-song mathematics multiple ordinances and ontology of trust


goes and the quietness of believing these creatures mirror radial experiences of leading elsenowhere and the blending of wisdom3 amid a taking of sections fract ioned monopoly of same (or, are these flying emblems a satisfactory facsimile of echoing gray?) size thrills and evolutionary

smiling someone’s query of can a brand of happiness be when silences of swinging circular languages conducing contagious movements obtain song in the dichotomy of discovering memories are the now’s presence of tonal reverberation?

IX —after Hiroshi Sugito’s painting Untitled Rain, with implementation of dual purposes insist and inspire has begun its whispering weight loss, ascending upon bantam modular convictions. What knows its visit well, a ballad of believing parental guidance or the pressuring example of scold and terrible indentation— either cannot become or as one has instructed silence within the growth such green permeates within the eyes’ good palms and restructuring inventions to examine what builds into life and its mobile aggregations, unfiltered.

X —after Ömer Uluҫ’s painting A Figure, a Bird, a Dog idling . . . initiating |__________| this trio satirizing socializing’s


closeness amid watching (laughter, the epitome of observation’s emblems) with pocketed voices obtaining spatial paradigms —of regard toward diagrams of believing connection can/should or-will

behave as the bending contoured salutations of remembering when hands wore warmth in the connectivity of searching and what has become unidentified controls truancy toward timeline accuracy and where blurry bullet points condemn the architecture of educating silence’s theory of voice =ling remembering intuition’s tissue-thin inclusions XI —after Linda Lynch’s drawing Linen Drawing, I with trajectory of asymmetries balance cultivates ontological realm-specific genre aptitudes

twirling of the running’s demeanor ↓ ← →

ribbon ↓

unfastening →

smoke unwinding ↓

laughter unbalancing and with these

gatherings of disparate particles what plunges does not provide death in the manmade articulation of samesize enunciation , instead italicizes and devotes numerous angles of interpretation’s obligations as mobile incisions

not-harm sufficient

but the role of renewal in the worded oscillations of discovery’s neoteric brands of language’s intrepid illumination


—after Dominick Labino’s blown glass Emergence in Color oviform bend system splay-conformity clean clarity oblong certainty overt contemplation this color curriculum of autumnal mid-mornings escapes truant

not-though troubling


for what the eye

hid in the subconscious devotion to transparent bodies and their intuitive conceptions

breath beneath

stilled vapor wanting what twirls to decide directional insinuation and when the piano of this moment’s saddened solo enunciates tones of an alone artifact finding itself found observed


dissolved by the U-prints of elated fingering ways far from centered devotional hymns the eye and shaded spatial

coloring murmurs, burnished

XIII —after Robert Spencer’s painting A Gray Day shadows are common species alleviated when light finds focus amid space and interior intelligence cool in the tonal relief recreating clarity and companionship for the water’s welcoming scissors abbreviating shape attempting spiritual synonyms sans suspecting periods of long drought and other arid symptoms

XIV —after Aka Høegh’s painting Spring leaning circulating cool

lounging calm sifting angular light or

lamenting oscillating configurations and the aiming amount of uncalculated meaning— the annual melt surfaces and watches, waits and builds floral walls into scent and patterning plays of neoteric sometimes asking examining esoteric sequences to subside in the multiple meanders time evades/entails/unravels /understands, documenting artistic numeric rain staining silence fragile fragmented though elated to return

XV —after Vincent van Gogh’s painting Irises Each hand holds twirling momentums scented meanders intertwined dances toward eye and vein simultaneous smiles though shares in bruise-tone symphonies each emblem contains character of elated and multilingual pageantries. To contain here is to dance toward freedom’s perpendicular promises. To regain strength is to survive motive and wind’s dangling nonchalance, narrating impasto’s pleasurable massage, light-made movement realizes structural studies and gifts identifying forays and flail can resemble sound and synonym. With usual radiances asymmetry parallels the mind’s frequent or

revolving conceptual building, ending innuendo’s abstract inhale to abbreviate meaning and curtail certainty of sound unwinding in the coiling music petting each sorrow dissipating into theory above plurals and purpurate of this day’s ornamental discovery.

XVI —after Daidō Moriyama’s photograph Light and Shadow 4: Hat The halo hasn’t warmth of hand. Cold tile, open palm, holding. Now. Scent of scalp sealed, vacuum. Work or train, worn? Positioned atop deadened pulse of this day’s angular hybrid: shadowing climb to engage light’s minimal dress. Anthropomorphized, villain, saint, either or the other portends worth of the wearer amid sin or clean linen walk into the next rendition of noon’s elongated spectral condition.


—after William Eggleston’s photograph Untitled (porch swing)

though move ment , of/the body’s plural has bent into an absent skeleton of how dust remains ornamental effort

after cleanse and

the reciprocating angles of to-from / here-here again resembles what stills inward against night’s façade and beige of bridging sameness building freedom into sacred silence elongated and whole palm-holds ready balancing the duo of ants long contemporize art atop fluctuating flesh of hand/manmade emblems of trust

appetite the fluctuation strong

enough to

XVIII —after Alighiero Boetti’s tapestry Mappa With clarity belonging blends into existing syllables, collating rhythms and rains evaluating who best portends values in each hand of oscillating discoveries. Have we meshed and parried silence with hope and home each paralleling fractions gauge to abscond within contexts of background philosophies? All blue surrounds these miracles of ambulation. Many plan their exhibitions of trust, death. Many cannot clamor unless held against flame, and when symptoms erupt facilitating wage and momentary hunger, the reacting elopes evolving beyond what now holds record with pen or stone, stillness or satisfaction.

XIX —after Emily Brock’s sculpture Field Trip Of this intuitive openness, operable book of experiencing newness, the eyes of this young opportunity speak and listen with a tonal affirmation, pledging memory into echoes’ later rendition of burgeoning bouquet. Later a silhouette will silver in its reflectional mathematics remaining with landscape as teacher and pageantry, paralleled. The wonder in standing well-mannered exists and oscillates in study, curating silence’s role as sturdy manifestation the knowing will revisit and regain what tone’s carrying of swell represents, with learning and recalling the image intertwines with experience’s timeline of expanse, storm.

XX —after Jean-Michel Basquiat’s painting Max Roach proprietary rhythms, ranging golden sears’ symmetry solid though asymmetry insists oscillating rolls


random quotes wholly intended in the disposition of the improvised desire— clarity waves simmer come-from plurals of the cymbal’s ideology of sustaining attributio —an after juxtaposed incarnations configuring restated ovals, glow-phrasing from hands gaining momentum’s longest aptitude of what greatness solves with haloed themes hallowed opportunity and abridged existences among organic letters, those written with indented wings of tonal moths rubbing rarities atop lingos replacing radiances under laughter’s elongated role and lean of background designation push/pull/ling geometries and affirmations of interior devotion articulating pathos

The ornamentation of sounds

“The world's continual breathing is what we hear and call silence.� Clarice Lispector

Piano fluctuations rhythms relocate purpose of the fingers’ original indented intentions space configures space causational melodies originate first, improvised, intent aim-stay roam toward ascent’s subsequent sound-on key . . . of speed and the mind’s extemporized hallucinations births resuscitated emblems renaming design etching thorough fulfillment upon onward desire to architect tonal observation

Storms Amid Friday storms avenues of thrusts furcate drawing eyes toward angles where the neck cannot contain parallel comfort. Up cymbals carve synonyms for crash into darkened brick holding blinking eyes between aging mortar, between broken-edged hooves of shadows stopped by rudiments of halt’s philosophy of death. This is when music rotates into angular prose, voices oscillate preaching scream and watching rain unfold its needles into hem, arid seals and dry mouths transform maps and allegories of power’s range and pedagogical unwritten lessons.

Thinking Not an affirmation of faint silences.

or pluralized respelling of syncopated The tongue as helix as duality of hands

pulsing in preparation to push patterns from the satisfaction. Can the body produce water’s angular asymmetry? True, the wind wanders. victimizes solitude when need is the preference among morning’s earliest movements. Waiting curls fragments of prose, wrapping notions into gifting renderings needed to compel and provide contextual hearsay to underwhelm mirrors. By the piano’s pacing, hearing vocal crows perform dedicated miracles beneath where language loses meaning among the everyday components of conversational

position of noon’s royal temporal True, the voice

inaccuracies. Beginning blends bend and anti-boredom. Centering devotion requires darkened contours splayed from the known and knowable mentioning of now. Retrieve.

Pulse Transient rhythms knowable among vena and articulating age’s system of relocation— the dragonfly’s role as vanishing emblem solid fragmentation sacred shape and abbreviated asterisk of reaffirming exaltation

Dusk into the hybrid of knowing light’s modulation —after Crespo’s painting Mettle clearness this calling into the body’s remedy for position and buoyancy atop stacked permissions to exhibit ontologies of why silence escapes best— an after

—jazz styling of introspective improvisation the mirror holds at angles diligence to inherit pride in each momentary step and build toward excavating memorable resuscitation of collaborative insinuations . . .

Lullaby Drawn from the softest voice, miracles. This silence arrives within the whispering fulcrum toward a design and open hand of decisive listening, open. Hearing this is

naming for a later version to attach memory to the hands and their carrying motion among this moment and prior’s cultivation of permanent articulation.

Rotation of Hours Cycles name their movement Conjure.


Pathos cerebration. Sameness alters when warmth leaps from the tongue leaking derivation from the prose etched on payphone absence philosophy of ambulatory sincerity. Later reaction reduces swell of missed desires and opportunity faรงades. When rest relocates from the body onto books of interrogating rhythms time

cannot contain what abbreviations respell within pulsing fragments of deliberate affirmations.

Structural patterns toward oscillating freedoms piano radial extraction (childhood walk-talk-learn interaction) roam and rudimentary revelations provide intuitive insight, spatial harmonies within sing -configurations memorizing melodies of against the oak’s splaying gnarls

how younger wind sounds

identifying range in size and movement’s unneeded articulation— all sounds, all remembered addictions roam onto key-key blurs and speeds into a knowledge of tonal affirmations, suspending rotating mutations in the improvised conjurations replying to the silence left unobstructed

Sky patina purpling needn’t represent predetermined pain nor confine visual affirmations to myopic desires and relative meaning toward body and/or body’s version of an antiquated mirror’s philosophy of age

With silence Origami sentences prepare speech toward an emblem of later ascertaining language layers itself warmest within a winter’s modular assessment of how pulses incorporate regimen of intuitive exhalation

Active actions Ornate these movements contemplating self in the wooden mirror and splayed shadow homes portraying lyric as diversity’s out-of-tune tonal configuration. Watch, lean. Themes’ velocity middle bridge function: into spatial freedom conditional seconds in the life of meaning, now.

feet, flame

And with optimism with transparency bodies become a solid oscillation, tangling in the mode to untangle or/ when needing rest to reactivate speech in the marrow, function interior to the gale of the body’s excessive persuading, obsessive cleansing.


Heard advice bursts confirm language praise, then affirmations purpose, react then affiliate reason ornate emblems, draw contours to recognize the body’s continual evaporation

Bass / piano configuration rest isn’t fulcrum of moving through hands and their gathering inclination s—

why fathom portions or the fraction of the sedentary style— vibratory open waters glass formulation wings’ strum avalanche into landing’s soft intuition and through imperative of listening devotion unwinds into rest and hearing writes into where desire rotates against conversation’s longest route, applying echoes into lasting language, recorded and stranded until the body confirms its readying open hands

Piano contemplation gained the momentum engrained the rising position to provide space and the rhythm of needed selected odes to combine philosophy and improvised duration within last dance sobriety

distinguishing optimism

these fingers feel for directional design flail from impoverished molds of doing without accelerated meaning

Days extracting sequential moments Collide. To what, examines toward goal the hours rotate upon specified occurrences. Behavior. Burning language resides as embers on foreheads, on resuscitated wounds now resembling smooth of the raised and acclimated scar. Behavior. How to bend and not break is philosophy of intertwining deciphered misunderstandings.

Ballad solo invention, language obtained, abridged within sequences needing time and age to create what lasts and echoes into wealth atop the skin’s felicitous communication

Oriented north So the head rests ab normal ly. To reside across an angle’s philosophy of nuance. Amid a photographer’s peripheral circumference. So the moment’s farthest hand reaches and expands expanse. To configure motive to wander

unobstructed— up.

Lament Anatomy of awareness. Breath, final formation. Memory, an alternate mirage unseen. Walking, unfolding into gnarled fractions. With voice, an affirmation of hands’ losing figurative warmth, illusion. Hope infuriates absent language. Denial of bones’ architecture of dust, —does not incorporate truth. Jazz atop the bottom of a shelf’s misleading label.


Music we need when language fails us —Cornel West the tongue needn’t dilute or decipher nor trim what landscapes appear across an eye’s version of an hour’s radial terminology— a focus begins upon the organic species of how voice inaugurates whisper:

slow/crawl, a

wing to steer ascent toward a distance of a hymn’s open-gate experience, overcoming language to instill its original intent of unfastening devotion, /and within a theory of rudimentary escalation quiet’s needed spontaneity performs and approves through the narrative of answers leaning weightless as to not confirm pressure as a parental persuasion, purpling of

ail shared onto what listens across all shades of noon’s deliberate momentary ruling

Chemical correlation silence in swirls: the body’s rest wearing woven species of tired articulations, the rally to benefit corporeal functions, finding in each hand an array of multilingual discovery by which language confirms comfort: tomorrow will echo elation when silence engages the mind’s intertwining clarities

Composition orange

cyclic situated



seared each an hour in width every a timid space forwarding avalanche mobility for opportune apprehension and to enthrall is to remove anticipation— to entice an oration of memory mnemonic or not either explains veracity within the moment of total’s improvised renditions

The circumference of silences

“We went down into the silent garden. Dawn is the time when nothing breathes, the hour of silence. Everything is transfixed, only the light moves.� Leonora Carrington

Last Dance Geometrics Dual, pluralized memory. For when dialectics encourage. Versus modular inundation—partaking introverted differences. Hand, hands. Eyes, their diagrams watch in wandering syllables. Stretch hope into landscape origins. Toward is the always mention to occur untainted. Voice, vacuum, totalities into mores’ inundating language—do what mends, meanders, whole.

Attic affirmations There are heirlooms. Rust holds well, this patina. Certain revelations impose purpose onto abridged memories of what has been held. Moons escape and awaken as angled reconfigured yarn. Hands of dissipating hours sift and open window shadows singing synonyms for hymns walking across laps of the dancing stillness. And what clings belongs wholly to the mother. Her declaration. Upon death, cycles reform birth in syncopated disturbances, then with tears and blood regain strength to breathe into the silence of a photographic haunt.

Of aggregated clouds My daughter’s prone-side finger, 45degrees. Her mutter sweating, dad, look. Carousels containing awaiting. My good eye, unburned. Enflamed version this movement oscillates and draws comparative collages of hers and my understanding. More pertinent? Mine absconds into role of nuanced fiction, deficit of organic glass of reflectional multiplication.

The dragonfly’s intuitive vanish Scanned feature removes skeleton from air’s gradual grasp, deliberate denial.

In rain and the symbols of its sound Rain variations. The embrace, ocular inventions, eerie rhythms, all motivated movement. Unraveling. Why, wind? Whereabouts smell missing. Directive, find. When cannot is the gold medal word. Ascend, evaporate, dialectic advantage. All the shadows correspond and write their name, upward.

Injury to the interval of hope A hoarse echo drove in circled mention. Each emblem housed secrets, hung puzzles. The deaths oscillated environments, pulsed. Who knows what category of heal will envelop, obscure.

The collocated mysteries Parades and their obsolete origins. Clarity though the white of housed eggs this day’s perspective. Sound cannot explain symphonies; jazz, though. All these wings collaborate in a humming mouth’s vocal proposition: occult, or tremble.

Underneath I want to live, experiment with focuses, rearrange fragmentations. Create alternate apparitions, converse across patterned puddles attempting silent art into an acclimation of open structure. I’d live then, if each year didn’t curtail with predetermined fallacies of bruised resolutions. I listen, then; the perfect option among voices hitching and holding onto stories delving, if by thrown, and the sequencing of truth singing and louder, singing into the dark halls of my eyes’ misplaced confidence.

Exterior A secondary home, this path. Waiting. While hours expend mirage dichotomies. Kaleidoscope nidus transfigures familiarity. In hoping, blanched sheets bathe my ocular sympathies. Shadows learning their surnames, wholly.

Gutter discard Imagine miniature sequences. Unrelated. Wind winds its surviving arm creating curl and powered, oblong fulcrum. Yet, the smallness is never felt; it’s rather, negative in scheme, pulse. When I explain a crease is a body’s infant language, I mean fingerprints are cause for a concern’s unwanted birth. I can then feel expanse, my lungs evaporating into the thickened prose of this life’s summarizing movement. Plural.

Silent piano explain Each palpitation, dimensional vox. Obligatory etch, practiced stamina, stacked revelation, organic histrionics. A habitual scene steals lazy leans, lunges (eventual) from the ear’s most gratifying expound. Watchers. Distance hears within undulation. Time. Young man, halo, believes these sounds save. Why wouldn’t they. A throat of bees transitions pain, absconds upon pound, these fingers quantify.

Main St. To unfasten the grammar of the cultivated corner. Pigeon, person clump of nuance. Nobody listens like the ambulance’s yawl. Follow. Fallow decisions lose direction, purpose cannot flex against noon’s vertical emblem. Miracles slide positions. Offset range, onset rage. No one explicates a paradox; half-wing, wholeloss paradigm, these visitors walk using foreheads as gauge— their faces, fractioned, pivots of absent intention.

Eyes’ intervals When I am listening, my good eye is at attention. To say, placement and palm-full of theories. The other is walking to choose a flower for my wife, and this listening is imperative in another formulation. Both, though separated, ejected homonyms. This morning, both were folded. Interior pleasure. Light hadn’t a body yet, hadn’t a species to have man misname, misinterpret. When climbing, light gradates, inspires syncopated crows to open into breath.

Image or mirage concealment Remaining, as does the quiet. Hunger. What shifts into vocabulary of hanker. To prove circles create recreated methods to instill secrets. During many mornings I softened my feet prior to their breathing, sang into distance to prelude the body’s subsequent alteration. Fever. My hands are connected wings waving rhythms to my prior mistakes. Awoke. Or, these orphaned interiors cannot speak, cannot segregate to reform music into hallowed spectrums of hardcover text.

Meditation Threaded calm. Holding. Concise, the body neither bends nor believes. Revelation freedom, the name I’ve given to this moment means dissolve.

Imagining Imitating tongue, I know their names. And theirs. Their bodies, I do not ideate into instable hands. In knowing throats of birds—I know elaborate features. Piano solos. Whatever signals name themselves, my pockets cannot contain mouths when hidden or exposed. Nuances of a shy oscillating singing.

Porcelain finding I want to watch what works well. Query that advantage and have my hearing quadruple checked. I’ve used crows to draw crowds of syllables from curtain -slide diagrams, and move into the position of unconcealed empathy. The pathos of wings reuses song to organize wealth. And when illustrated, the body is heavy, useable at best in the painted version of an elusive figurine.

Mutation Of a memory renaming its abduction. An oracle of tongue portends sustained rearrangement. Manifestation of echo curls into collage. Architecture of sound as discipline, as color numbering numbed ancestors’ range of vocal mobility. The octaves of stretched arms cannot. What dissolves also builds syllables to accompany moths. Enraged ontology.

On curvature of the pottery’s end These hands conjure. Fragmented. Like handmade worms, prejudice to spoken epithets. What if when noon rises, dusk’s noose lessens? Again handmade. Day as drunken remembrances, escalating. Stumble always recalls using knot or scar, sweet home. This is not the glass of transparent equality. When composed, the prose of curvature will dust-collect atop forgotten math of the shelf’s elongated shoves.

Pine tree penetration If holy were touchable, of finger melding pathos. Reused scent, seasonal affirmation. We watch your movement: dropping eventual dings, sharp ashes awaiting sweep of wind’s philanthropic gauge. Light gradates, descends. The aluminum of night hides bodies between branch, bent elbows of silhouette, sanctity.

Moth mussitation Verbs opened their interior palms. A release of stones reinvented metals, renamed them wings. Hover. Then what vanished left residue, the dust of childhood carving recall into deathbed paradigms, coating flesh, containing language of fallow graves.

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