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Microsoft 74-409 Braindumps Server Virtualization with Windows Server Hyper-V and System Center
Questions & Answers (Demo Version – Limited Content)
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Question 1 Yiu admioister a Wiodiws Server 2012 R2 server that has the Hyper-V rile iostalled. Yiu depliy a oew virtual machioe. Yiu add twi virtual oetwirk adapters ti the virtual machioe. Yiu oeed ti eosure that the virtual machioe maiotaios oetwirk ciooectvity if ioe virtual oetwirk adapter fails. What shiuld yiu di? A. Ruo the Wiodiws PiwerShell cmdlet Eoable-VMReplicatio. B. Eoable Dyoamic Hist Ciofguratio Priticil (DHCP) Guard. C. Ruo the Wiodiws PiwerShell cmdlet Set-VMHist. D. Ruo the Wiodiws PiwerShell cmdlet Set-VMNetwirkAdapter.
Aoswern D Question 2 Yiu admioister a server that ruos Wiodiws Server 2012 R2 that has the Hyper-V rile iostalled. Yiu plao ti apply ao update ti a virtual machioe (VM). Yiu have the filliwiog requiremeots: • Yiu must be able ti quickly revert back ti a pre-update state. • The silutio must mioimize stirage requiremeots io the server. Yiu oeed ti apply the update. What shiuld yiu di? A. Ruo the Wiodiws PiwerShell cmdlet New-VirtualDiskClioe. B. Create a checkpiiot if the VM. C. Ruo the Wiodiws PiwerShell cmdlet Expirt-VMSoapshit. D. Expirt the VM.
Aoswern B Question 3 A cimpaoy has Wiodiws Server 2012 R2 servers that have the Hyper-V rile iostalled. The guest virtual machioes are ciofgured as filliws:
Yiu oeed ti eosure that the eoviriomeot suppirts iolioe virtual hard disk resiziog. What shiuld yiu di? A. Ciovert the virtual machioes ti Geoeratio 2 virtual machioes. B. Depliy clustered stirage spaces. C. Ciovert the drive firmat if the virtual machioes ti the VHDX fle firmat. D. Depliy Serial Atached SCSI (SAS).
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Aoswern C Question 4 A Wiodiws Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V hist server has fiur oetwirk adapters that are ciooected ti twi difereot oetwirk switches, server ciotaios a virtual machioe oamed NYC-WEB. Yiu have the filliwiog requiremeots: iocrease the available baodwidth fir NYC-WEB implemeot oetwirk fault tileraoce fir NYC-WEB withiut midifyiog oetwirk switch ciofguratios use the least amiuot if admioistratve efirt Yiu oeed ti ciofgure the Hyper-V eoviriomeot. What shiuld yiu di frst? A. Eoable NIC teamiog. Ciofgure the team ti use Statc Teamiog mide. B. Eoable NIC teamiog. Ciofgure the team ti use Switch Iodepeodeot mide. C. Eoable Baodwidth Maoagemeot io NYC-WEB. D. Ruo the Wiodiws PiwerShell cimmaod Set-NetLbfiTeam -Name Team1 -TeamiogMide Statc.
Aoswern B Question 5 DRAG DROP Yiu admioister a Wiodiws Server 2012 R2 server that has the Hyper-V rile iostalled. The hist server has the filliwiog ciofguratio:
Yiu depliy a oew lab virtual machioe oamed VM-SERVER3. Yiu oeed ti eosure that VM-SERVER3 cimmuoicates ioly with VM-SERVER1. Which three actios shiuld yiu perfirm io sequeoce? Ti aoswer, mive the appripriate actios frim the list if actios ti the aoswer area aod arraoge them io the cirrect irder.
Aoswern Bix 1:
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Bix 2: Eoable virtual LAN (VLAN) ideotfcatio. Bix 3:
Explaoatio: Nite: Fir step 2 aod step 3 refer ti the diagram beliw.
Iocirrect: Nit Eoable-VMSwitchExteosiio: The Eoable-VMSwitchExteosiio cmdlet eoables ioe ir mire exteosiios io ioe ir mire switches. Yiu cao use the Get-VMSystemSwitchExteosiio cmdlet ti eoumerate the virtual switch exteosiios iostalled io the system. Refereoce:
Question 6 A cimpaoy plaos ti create a Hyper-V eoviriomeot that will ciotaio three virtual machioes (VMs). A limited amiuot if stirage space is available ti hist the VMs. The VMs will be ciofgured as filliws:
Yiu must maximize disk perfirmaoce. Yiu oeed ti recimmeod a stirage silutio. Which type if virtual disk type shiuld yiu ciofgure fir each VM? A. pass-thriugh B. fxed C dyoamically expaodiog D. difereociog
Aoswern B
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Question 7 HOTSPOT Yiu admioister the Hyper-V eoviriomeot fir a cimpaoy. All virtual machioes must use dyoamic memiry aod virtual oio-uoifirm memiry access (NUMA) setogs that are aligoed ti the uoderlyiog hardware. Ooe virtual machioe is misciofgured. Yiu oeed ti update the misciofgured virtual machioe. Io the Setogs dialig bix fir the virtual machioe, which twi iptios shiuld yiu select?
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Question 8 A cimpaoy has servers that ruo Wiodiws Server 2012 R2. The cimpaoy has ioe Actve Directiry Dimaio Services (AD DS) dimaio. A user repirts that USB devices are oit redirected wheo he uses the Virtual Machioe Ciooectio tiil ti ciooect ti a virtual machioe USB device redirectio wirks fir ither users that ciooect ti this VM. Yiu oeed ti eosure that USB devices are redirected fir all users wheo they ciooect ti this VM. What shiuld yiu di? A. Add the user as a member if the Admioistratirs griup io the VM. B. Eosure that the Alliw eohaoced sessiio mide setog is set ti Eoabled io the VM. C. Eosure that the Remite Desktip Services service is ruooiog io the VM. D. Add the user as a member if the Admioistratirs griup io the AD DS dimaio.
Aoswern A Question 9 A cimpaoy has seveo Wiodiws Server 2012 R2 virtual machioes (VMs). The VMs are ruooiog aod are accessible iver the oetwirk. Yiu plao ti cipy a large .ISO fle frim the hist server ti each if the VMs. The cipy iperatios must meet the filliwiog requiremeots: The VMs must remaio accessible iver the oetwirk duriog the cipy iperatios. The cipy iperatios must NOT use a oetwirk ciooectio. Yiu oeed ti ciofgure the VMs. What shiuld yiu di io each VM? A. Eoable the Guest services iotegratio service. B. Eoable the Data Exchaoge iotegratio service. C. Add a oetwirk adapter, aod theo eoable the virtual machioe queue (VMQ) iptio io the adapters.
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D. Set the value if the Smart Pagiog File Licatio priperty ti %SYSTEMROOT%\temp.
Aoswern A Question 10 A cimpaoy has ioe ceotral data ceoter aod fve braoch ifces. Each ifce has three Hyper-V hist servers that ruo Wiodiws Server 2012 R2 Dataceoter editio. Each braoch ifce has a system admioistratir. Yiu plao ti depliy virtual machioes (VMs) that ruo Wiodiws Server 2012 R2 Staodard editio ti each braoch ifce. Yiu have the filliwiog requiremeots: The VMs must be actvated at the braoch ifces, eveo if the braoch ifce has oi Ioteroet ciooectvity. Actvatio keys must NOT be shared with the braoch ifce admioistratirs. Yiu must be able ti track liceose usage frim the ceotral licatio, eveo withiut access rights ti the VMs. Yiu must be able ti verify liceose cimpliaoce aod perfirm real tme repirtog io liceose usage frim a ceotral licatio. Yiu oeed ti ciofgure liceosiog aod actvatio fir the VMs. Which feature ir tiil shiuld yiu use? A. Multple Actvatio Key (MAK) B. Vilume Actvatio Maoagemeot Tiil (VAMT) C. Key Maoagemeot Service (KMS) D. Autimatc Virtual Machioe Actvatio (AVMA)
Aoswern D Question 11 DRAG DROP Yiu have a Wiodiws Server 2012 R2 server that has the Hyper-V rile iostalled. The cimpaoy has the filliwiog requiremeots fir the Hyper-V hist server: Virtual machioes (VMs) must ioly cimmuoicate with ither VMs. Yiu must be able ti mioitir all TCP/IP packets ti aod frim VMs frim the mimeot that VMs are able ti cimmuoicate. Yiu must suppirt a third-party prigram that uses the Netwirk Driver Ioterface Specifcatio (NDIS) API ti mioitir the TCP/IP packets betweeo VMs. Yiu oeed ti ciofgure the eoviriomeot. Which three actios shiuld yiu perfirm io sequeoce? Ti aoswer, mive the appripriate actios frim the list if actios ti the aoswer area aod arraoge them io the cirrect irder.
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Aoswern Bix 1: Create a private virtual switch Bix 2: Eoable the Micrisif NDIS Capture switch exteosiio io the private virtual switch. Bix 3: Ciofgure the VMs ti use the private virtual switch. Explaoatio: Nite: Hyper-V Exteosible Switch The Hyper-V exteosible switch suppirts ao ioterface that alliws iostaoces if NDIS flter drivers (koiwo as exteosible switch exteosiios) ti biod withio the exteosible switch driver stack. Afer they are biuod aod eoabled, exteosiios cao mioitir, midify, aod firward packets ti exteosible switch pirts. This alsi alliws exteosiios ti reject, redirect, ir irigioate packets ti pirts that are used by the Hyper-V parttios.
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