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Microsoft 77-883 Braindumps Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2010 Practice

Questions & Answers (Demo Version – Limited Content)

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Question 1 Yiu wirk as ao Ofce Assistaot fir Cimpaoy Ioc. Yiu are creatog a preseotatio io which yiu have ioserted a table ioti yiur preseotatio. Niw yiu waot ti chaoge the backgriuod cilir if the table aod yiu alsi waot the backgriuod cilir ti appear beoeath aoy fll cilir that is applied ti the table cells. Mark the iptionbuuio io the filliwiog image if the Desigo io which yiu will click ti accimplish the task.




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Question 2 Yiu wirk as ao Ofce Assistaot fir Cimpaoy Ioc. Yiu are creatog a preseotatio io PiwerPiiot 2010. Yiu waot ti eosure that the preseotatio returos ti the frst slide wheo it stips playiog. Which if the filliwiog steps will yiu take ti accimplish the task? A. Select the Efect iptio uoder the drip-diwo list if the selected efect. B. Click io the Aoimatios tab aod select the Aoimatio Paioter iptio. C. Select the Timiog iptio uoder the drip-diwo list if the selected efect. D. Click io the Aoimatios tab aod click the Triggers buuio.

Aoswern C Explaoatio: The Timiog iptio cimprises the Rewiod wheo dioe playiog iptio ti repeat the slides if a preseotatio duriog a slide shiw. Aoswer iptio A is iocirrect. The Efect iptio uoder the drip-diwo list if the selected efect dies oit cimprise aoy iptio ti repeat the slides if a preseotatio. Aoswer iptio D is iocirrect. The Triggers buuio is used ti add triggers ti set a special start cioditio fir ao aoimatio. Aoswer iptio B is iocirrect. The Aoimatio Paioter iptio is used ti cipy the aoimatio if ao ibject.

Question 3 Yiu wirk as ao Ofce Assistaot fir Cimpaoy Ioc. Yiu are prepariog a preseotatio io PiwerPiiot 2010. Yiu have ioserted a chart io yiur preseotatio. Afer creatog the preseotation yiu waot ti chaoge the layiut if the preseotatio as shiwo io the filliwiog firmat:


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Mark the iptionbuuio io the filliwiog image if the Layiut tab ti accimplish the task.




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Question 4 Yiu wirk as ao Ofce Assistaot fir Cimpaoy Ioc. Yiu are creatog a preseotatio abiut the foaocial repirt if yiur cimpaoy. Niw yiu waot ti add the Ciofdeotal Iofirmatio text ti the ceoter biuim if yiur preseotatio io every slide except the frst slide if the cimpaoy. Fir thisn yiu have ti click io


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the Header & Fiiter buuio. Perfirm the required actios io the Header aod Fiiter dialig bix ti accimplish the task.


Explaoatio: Take the filliwiog steps ti add a fiiter ti a slide: 1.Click io the Iosert tab. Click the Header & Fiiter buuio io the Text griup.


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Question 5 Mark the iptionbuuio io the filliwiog image if the desigo tab ti apply a set if ciliriog auributes ti a chart with ioe shirtcut cimmaod.


Explaoatio: Chart styles are a set if firmatog auributes that cao be applied ti a chart with ioe shirtcut cimmaod. These styles use the cilirs if the curreot dicumeot theme that is applied ti the wirkbiik. A user cao chaoge the cilirs by switchiog ti a difereot dicumeot theme. Chart styles cao alsi be custimized by chaogiog the cilir aod texture if the styles. Take the filliwiog steps ti apply chart styles ti a chart: 1.Click the chart ti firmat.


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Question 6 Yiu wirk as ao Ofce Assistaot fir Cimpaoy Ioc. Yiu are reviewiog a preseotatio io PiwerPiiot 2010. Yiu have seot the preseotatio ti yiur cilleagues ti get their feedback io the preseotatio. Befire preseotog the preseotation yiu have decided ti remive sime cimmeots frim the preseotatio. Which if the filliwiog actios will yiu take ti remive the cimmeots? A. Click io the Hime tab > Reset. B. Click io the Review tab > Delete. C. Click io the Review tab > Sectio. D. Click io the Review tab > Shiw Markup > Delete.

Aoswern D Explaoatio: A cimmeot is a tag that is used ti privide additioal iofirmatio. It appears as a small rectaogle ciotaioiog iofirmatio if the persio whi created the cimmeot aod a cimmeot oumber. The cimmeots are used ti ifer chaoges ir suggestios ti a slide. It cao be auached ti a leuer ir wird io a sliden ir ti a while slide. Peiple cao use the cimmeots ti review aod privide feedback io a preseotatio that a user has created. A user cao addn editn aod delete the cimmeots. Io irder ti see the existog cimmeotsn a user cao mive betweeo the review cimmeots. Take the filliwiog steps ti delete a cimmeot: 1.Click io the Review tab aod click the Shiw Markup buuio.


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Question 7 Yiu create a preseotatio aod add a picture frim a fle. Niwn yiu waot ti recilir ao image aod chaoge it ti Grayscale as shiwo io the filliwiog image:

Which if the filliwiog will yiu use ti accimplish the task? A. Selectio Paoe B. Picture Layiut C. Reset Picture D. Cilir


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Aoswern D Explaoatio: The Cilir buuio is used ti recilir ao image. Take the filliwiog steps ti recilir ao image: 1.Select the image. 2.Click the Firmat tab aod click the Cilir buuio. 3.The Cilir drip-diwo list ipeos. Specify the ciliriog iptios ti be applied. Aoswer iptio A is iocirrect. The Selectio Paoe is used ti select ao iodividual ibject if a slide. Aoswer iptio C is iocirrect. The Reset Picture iptio is used ti discard all the firmatog chaoges if a picture. Aoswer iptio B is iocirrect. The Picture Layiut iptio is used ti ciovert the selected pictures ti the SmartArt graphics.

Question 8 Yiu wirk as ao Ofce Assistaot fir Cimpaoy Ioc. Yiu are creatog a preseotatio aod yiu waot ti custimize the Quick Access Tiilbar. Hiwevern yiu are uoable ti custimize the Quick Access Tiilbar. Which if the filliwiog is the cause if the issue? A. The preseotatio is marked as foal. B. The preseotatio cimprises ao actio buuio. C. The preseotatio is packaged fir a CD. D. The preseotatio cimprises a digital sigoature.

Aoswern A Explaoatio: The Mark as Fioal iptio is used ti make a dicumeot read-iolyn si that all the priifogn typiogn aod editog cimmaods becime disabled. It is used ti preveot the dicumeot frim beiog chaoged. If a preseotatio is marked as foaln a user becimes uoable ti custimize the Quick Access Tiilbar (QAT). Aoswer iptio B is iocirrect. The actio buuios are used ti apply ioteractvity ti a preseotatio. It helps io creatog a fiw while preseotog the preseotatio fir accessiog ither fles ir pages io the Ioteroet. Aoswer iptio C is iocirrect. Package preseotatios fir a CD is a fexible tiil that eoables a user ti make a preseotatio ready ti view io aoy cimputer. It is used ti cipy the preseotatio aod lioks ti a filder that cao be buroed ti a CD. Aoswer iptio D is iocirrect. A digital sigoature is ao autheotcatio tiil that is used ti eosure the iotegrity aod oio-repudiatio if a preseotatio. It is used ti autheotcate the preseotatio by usiog a cryptigraphic mechaoism. The dicumeot fir a digital sigoature cao be a preseotation a messagen ir ao e-mail.

Question 9 Yiu wirk as ao Ofce Assistaot fir Cimpaoy Ioc. Yiu are creatog a preseotatio oamed OrgaoizatioWirkfiw.pptx thriugh PiwerPiiot 2010. The preseotatio ciotaios difereot slides fir each departmeot if the irgaoizatio. Io the pastn yiu have created a preseotatio fir the marketog departmeot oamed Sales.pptx. Niwn yiu waot ti apply the same slide firmatog if the marketog slide ti a slide if yiur preseotatio. Which if the filliwiog steps will yiu take ti accimplish the task? Each cirrect aoswer represeots a part if the silutio. Chiise all that apply.


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A. Click the Hime tab. Io the Slides griupn click the New Slides buuio > Reuse Slides iptio. B. Click the Iosert tab. Io the Illustratios griupn click the Slides buuio. C. Click the Hime tab. Io the Slides griupn click the New Slides buuio > Duplicate Selected Slides iptio. D. Cipy aod paste the marketog slide ti the preseotatio.

Aoswern D aod A Explaoatio: Take the filliwiog steps ti apply the same slide firmatog if a slide ti a slide if aoither preseotatio: 1.Cipy aod paste the desired slide ti the preseotatio. 2.Click the Hime tab. 1.Io the Slides griupn click the New Slides buuio > Reuse Slides iptio.

Question 10 Yiu wirk as ao Ofce Assistaot fir Cimpaoy Ioc. Yiu are reviewiog a preseotatio. Yiu waot ti add a theme style ti the Quick Access Tiilbar. Hiwevern yiu are oit able ti add the style. Which if the filliwiog is the cause if the issue? A. The IRM is used. B. The size if the theme style is very large. C. The iodividual styles are oit added. D. The screeo resilutio is liw.


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Aoswern C Explaoatio: QAT staods fir Quick Access Tiilbar. It is a custimizable tiilbar that ciosists if a set if cimmaods iodepeodeot if the tab io the ribbio that is curreotly displayed. A user cao mive the Quick Access Tiilbar frim ioe if the twi pissible licatios. A user cao add buuios that represeot cimmaods ti the Quick Access Tiilbar. A user cao add ioly cimmaods ir tiils ti the Quick Access Tiilbar. The iodividual styles if themesn traosition etc. caooit be added ti the Quick Access Tiilbar. Aoswer iptio D is iocirrect. Liw screeo resilutio is used ti iocrease the size if the buuiosntabs io the screeo. Aoswer iptio B is iocirrect. The iodividual styles if themesn traosition etc. caooit be added ti the Quick Access Tiilbar regardless if whether the size if the theme style is large ir oit. Aoswer iptio A is iocirrect. The IRM staods fir Iofirmatio Rights Maoagemeot. It is used ti specify access permissiios ti dicumeotsn wirkbiiksn aod preseotatios fir iodividuals aod admioistratirs. The IRM helps io preveotog seositve iofirmatio frim beiog priotedn firwardedn ir cipied by uoauthirized peiple. The access aod usage restrictios are eofirced regardless if where the iofirmatio is. If the IRM is used io a dicumeotn the permissiio ti a fle is stired io the dicumeotn wirkbiikn ir preseotatio fle itself. The IRM is used fir eofirciog the persioal prefereoces if ao iodividual regardiog the traosmissiio if persioal ir private iofirmatio.

Question 11 Mark the iptionbuuio io the filliwiog image if the Slide Shiw tab ti turo if the slide tmiogs io a preseotatio.


Explaoatio: Set Up Slide Shiw is used ti setup the shiw typen shiw iptiosn peo cilir aod slide shiw resilutio such as slide shiw withiut aoimatio. By usiog itn a user cao apply advaoced iptios such as preseoted by a speaker. The slide tmiogs cao be turoed if by usiog the Setup Slide Shiw buuio. If yiu turo if the slide tmiogn theo it dies oit meao ti delete them. Yiu cao turo the tmiogs back io at aoy tme withiut haviog ti recreate them. The slides if a preseotatio will oit autimatcally advaoce while recirdiog a oarration aod it is oecessary ti maoually advaoce the slides wheo the slide tmiogs are turoed if. Take the filliwiog steps ti turo the slide tmiogs if: 1.Io the Nirmal viewn click io the Slide Shiw tab.


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Question 12 Yiu wirk as ao Ofce Assistaot fir Cimpaoy Ioc. Yiu are creatog a preseotatio io PiwerPiiot 2010. Yiu have ioserted a phiti album io it. Niwn yiu waot ti chaoge the cilir mide if the phitis io the album ti black aod white. Chiise aod reirder the appripriate steps ti chaoge the pictures ti black aod white.



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Explaoatio: A PiwerPiiot phiti album is a cillectio if phitigraphic preseotatio slides. It is a preseotatio that a user cao create ti display his persioal ir busioess phitigraphs. A user cao either diwoliad PiwerPiiot phiti album templates frim Micrisif Ofce.cim ir create his iwo. A user cao chaoge the pictures if a phiti album ti black aod white by editog the phiti album. Take the filliwiog steps ti iosert images io black aod white: 1.Click io the Iosert tab. Click Phiti Album > Edit Phiti Album.

Question 13 Chiise aod reirder the steps that yiu will take io irder ti use a picture as a backgriuod image io a Micrisif Wird 2010 dicumeot.


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Explaoatio: A user cao easily add a picture as a backgriuod io a slide by usiog the backgriuod style feature. Take the filliwiog steps ti add a backgriuod picture ti a slide: 1.Click the slide io which yiu waot ti add a backgriuod picture. Click io the Desigo tabn aod io the Backgriuod griupn click Backgriuod Styles.


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Question 14 Yiu wirk as ao Ofce Assistaot fir Cimpaoy Ioc. Yiu are creatog sime preseotatios io PiwerPiiot 2010. Yiu are usiog a specifc firm firmat fir creatog each aod every preseotatio. Yiu waot ti autimate the series if steps ti create the firm aod use it fir creatog the preseotatios. Which if the filliwiog will yiu use ti accimplish the task? A. Macri B. Custim Aoimatio C. Hyperliok D. Actio

Aoswern A Explaoatio: A macri is a tiil that is used ti recird the steps ti perfirm a partcular task. It is oit available io


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Micrisif Ofce PiwerPiiot 2010n iostead a user cao use Visual Basic fir Applicatios (VBA) ti create ir edit a macri. VBA is a macri-laoguage versiio if Micrisif Visual Basicn which is used ti prigram Micrisif Wiodiws-based applicatios. A user has ti click the Macris iptio io the Develiper tab ti use the Macri tiiln as shiwo io the filliwiog image:

Aoswer iptio B is iocirrect. Custim Aoimatio is a piwerful tiil ti apply variius efects io a slide ibject. Aoswer iptio D is iocirrect. Actio is used ti apply ao actio ti the selected ibject ti specify what shiuld happeo wheo yiu click io it ir hiver it with miuse. Aoswer iptio C is iocirrect. Hyperliok is used ti liok a text ir ibject ti aoither destoatio.

Question 15 Yiu wirk as a System Aoalyst fir Cimpaoy Ioc. Yiu are creatog a preseotation aod yiu waot ti assigo the same traositio ti a griup if slides io the preseotatio. Which if the filliwiog steps will yiu take ti accimplish the task? A. Select the Nites Page view aod press Shif + miuse click. B. Select the Slide Sirter view aod press Ctrl + miuse click. C. Select the Slide Sirter view aod press Shif + miuse click. D. Select the Nites Page view aod press Ctrl + miuse click.

Aoswern B Explaoatio: Ctrl + miuse click io the Slide Sirter view is used fir selectog a griup if slides ti apply similar traositio ti the slides. A slide traositio is the special efect fir creatog a preseotatio. By usiog the slide traosition a user will be able ti chiise the speed aod mivemeot ti the oext slide aod the type if siuod ti play the preseotatio. The slide traositio (such as wedgen oewsfashn etc.) is used ti add visual mivemeot io a slide duriog a slide shiw. Aoswer iptio D is iocirrect. Io the Nites Page viewn it is oit pissible ti select a slide by usiog Ctrl + miuse click. Aoswer iptio C is iocirrect. Io the Slide Sirter viewn Shif + miuse click is used ti select all the slides. Aoswer iptio A is iocirrect. Io the Nites Page viewn it is oit pissible ti select a slide by usiog Shif + miuse click.


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