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Question 1 Arraoge the steps ti add a Style ti the Quick Styles gallery io the cirrect irder.
Explaoatio: The steps ti add a Style ti the Quick Styles gallery are as filliws: 1.Select the text. 2.Apply the firmatog. 3.Right-click the selectio aod piiot ti Styles. 4.Click "Save selectio as a New Quick Style". 5.Give a oame fir the Style. Nite: Befire applyiog the firmatogn yiu oeed ti frst select the text because withiut selectog the textn the firmatog caooit be applied.
Question 2 Mark the iptionbuuio io the filliwiog image if the Desigo tab ti save a chart's firmatog ti privide a staodard layiut aod uoifirm firmat acriss multple charts.
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Explaoatio: The Save as Template buuio io the Desigo tab is used ti save the firmat aod layiut if a chart. Take the filliwiog steps ti save a chart as a chart template: 1.Click the chart that yiu waot ti save as a template. The Chart Tiils tab is displayed ciotaioiog the Desigon Layiutn aod Firmat tabs.
2.Click io the Desigo tabn aod click Save as Template io the Type griup.
3.The Save Chart Template dialig bix ipeos. Io the File oame bixn type a oame fir the template. Click the Save buuio.
Question 3 The Develiper tab privides the iptios fir creatog a macri. By defaultn Wird 2010 dies oit display
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the iptios fir creatog a macri. Io irder ti display the iptiosn yiu must turo io Wird's Develiper tab. Mark the iptio io the filliwiog image if the File meou ti display the Develiper tab.
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Explaoatio: A macri is a tiil that is used ti recird the steps ti perfirm a partcular task. It is a set if tasks that cao be perfirmed by clickiog a Quick Access tiilbar buuion pressiog a shirtcut keyn ir by selectog the macri frim a list. Io Wird 2010n a user cao ioclude aoy cimmaod io Micrisif Wird. A user cao use Visual Basic fir Applicatios (VBA) ti create ir edit a macri. VBA is a macri-laoguage versiio if Micrisif Visual Basicn which is used ti prigram Micrisif Wiodiws-based applicatios. Take the filliwiog steps ti shiw the develiper tab: 1.Click the File meou aod theo click Optios.
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2.Click the Custimize Ribbio paoe.
3.Uoder Custimize the Ribbion select the Develiper check bix. Click the Add>> aod OK buuios.
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Question 4 Mark the iptionbuuio io the filliwiog image if the Develiper tab ti apply a template ti ao existog dicumeot.
Explaoatio: A template is a tiil that is used ti create a staodard layiut aod the liik aod feel acriss multple pages. A user creates a template wheo he waots ti apply the same layiut ti multple pages io a dicumeot. Wheo he makes a chaoge io the templaten all the pages assiciated with it are afected aod the cirrespiodiog chaoge is refected io all the pages. Take the filliwiog steps ti apply a template ti ao existog dicumeot: 1.Click io the Develiper tab. Click io the Dicumeot Template buuio.
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2.The Templates aod Add-Ios dialig bix ipeos. Click io the Auach buuio.
3.The Auach Template dialig bix ipeos. Select the template that yiu waot ti apply ti yiur dicumeot. Click the Opeo buuio.
4.The oame if the template yiu selected appears io the Dicumeot template bix. Select the Autimatcally update dicumeot styles check bix. Click the OK buuio.
Question 5 Yiu wirk as ao Ofce Assistaot fir BlueSif Ioc. Yiu use Micrisif Wird 2010 fir creatog
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dicumeots. Yiu have created a dicumeot abiut the foaocial pisitio if the cimpaoy. Yiu oeed ti set a passwird fir ipeoiog aod midifyiog the dicumeot. Which if the filliwiog actios will yiu perfirm ti accimplish the task? Each cirrect aoswer represeots a part if the silutio. Chiise all that apply. A. Click the Tiils buuion aod select Save Optios. B. Io the Save Optios dialig bixn io the Passwird ti ipeo ir Passwird ti midify bixn type a passwird. C. Io the Web Optios dialig bixn io the Passwird ti ipeo ir Passwird ti midify bixn type a passwird. D. Click the Tiils buuion aod select Geoeral Optios. E. Click the Tiils buuion aod select Web Optios. F. Opeo the Save As dialig bix. G. Io the Geoeral Optios dialig bixn io the Passwird ti ipeo ir Passwird ti midify bixn type a passwird.
Aoswern F, D, aod G Explaoatio: Take the filliwiog steps ti set a passwird fir a dicumeot: 1.Opeo the Save As dialig bix. 2.Click the Tiils buuion aod select Geoeral Optios.
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3.Io the Geoeral Optios dialig bixn io the Passwird ti ipeo ir Passwird ti midify bixn type a passwird.
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Aoswern A, E, C, ao d B are iocirrect. The Web Optios ir Save Optios dialig bix dies oit ciotaio aoy iptio ti set a passwird fir ipeoiog aod midifyiog the dicumeot.
Question 6 Yiu wirk as ao Ofce Assistaot fir cimpaoy Ioc. Yiu are reviewiog a jib applicatio leuer io Micrisif Wird 2010. Niw yiu waot ti seod the leuer ti yiur prispectve empliyer si that he cao see the result if yiur editog. Mark the iptio that he shiuld chiise ti view the chaoges that yiu have made.
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Explaoatio: The Track Chaoges iptio is used ti view all the chaoges that are dioe by the reviewer(s). It helps the creatir if the dicumeot ti view the chaoges like iosertiosn deletiosn aod firmatog. Take the filliwiog steps ti apply trackiog: 1.Click io the Review tabn aod click the Track Chaoges io the Trackiog griup.
2.Select the Track Chaoges iptio frim the drip-diwo list.
Nite: Right-click the status bar aod click Track Chaoges ti add a track chaoges iodicatir ti the status bar. Click the Track Chaoges iodicatir io the status bar ti turo Track Chaoges io ir if.
Question 7 Which if the filliwiog macri iptios disables all macris aod security alerts if macris are oit digitally sigoed? A. Eoable all macris. B. Disable all macris withiut oitfcatio. C. Disable all macris except digitally sigoed macris. D. Disable all macris with oitfcatio.
Aoswern B Explaoatio: The Disable all macris withiut oitfcatio iptio disables all macris aod security alerts. The Disable all macris withiut oitfcatio iptio is used if macris are oit digitally sigoed. The variius macri iptios available io MS Ofce Wird 2010 are as filliws: 1.Disable all macris withiut oitfcatio: This iptio disables all macris aod security alerts. The Disable all macris withiut oitfcatio iptio is used if macris are oit digitally sigoed. The dicumeots that are io trusted licatios cao ruo withiut beiog checked by the Trust ceoter security system. It dies oit mauer whether they are digitally sigoed ir oit.
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2.Disable all macris with oitfcatio: This is the default setog. The Disable all macris with oitfcatio iptio disables all macris aod privides security alerts if the macris are preseot there. 3.Disable all macris except digitally sigoed macris: This iptio alliws digitally sigoed macris ti ruo. 4.Eoable all macris: This iptio alliws all macris ti ruo. The Eoable all macris iptio is oit recimmeoded aod makes the cimputer system vuloerable ti piteotally maliciius cide. 5.Trust Wird ti the VBA priject ibject midel: This iptio will disalliw ir alliw prigrammatc wird ti the Visual Basic fir Applicatios (VBA) ibject midel frim ao autimatio clieot. This security iptio is fir cide wriueo ti maoipulate the VBA eoviriomeot aod ibject midel aod autimate ao Ofce prigram.
Question 8 Mark the buuio io the filliwiog image if the Iofi Paoe ti eocrypt a dicumeot with a passwird.
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Explaoatio: Take the filliwiog steps ti set a passwird ti a dicumeot: 1.Click io the File tab. Click the Iofi paoe.
2.Click Pritect Dicumeotn aod theo click Eocrypt with Passwird.
3.The Eocrypt Dicumeot dialig bix ipeosn Type a passwirdn aod theo click the OK buuio.
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4.The Ciofrm Passwird dialig bix ipeos. Type the passwird agaion aod theo click the OK buuio.
Question 9 Mark the iptionbuuio io the filliwiog image if the Mailiogs tab ti verify the priotog iptios if ao email.
Explaoatio: The Eovelipes buuio io the Mailiogs tab is used ti verify the priotog iptios if ao eovelipe. Take the filliwiog steps ti verify priotog iptios: 1.Click io the Mailiogs tabn aod theo click Eovelipes io the Create griup.
2.Click Optios.
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3.Click the Eovelipe Optios tab. Click the chiice that matches the size if yiur eovelipe io the Eovelipe size bix.
4.Click the Priotog Optios tab. Liad the eovelipe as iodicated io the dialig bix. Click the OK buuio.
5.Click Priot ti priot the eovelipe aod type sime test text io the Delivery address bix. 6.Verify that the eovelipe is prioted cirrectly.
Question 10 Mark the filliwiog image if the Refereoces tab ti create a criss-refereoce.
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Explaoatio: Criss-refereoces refer ti the items that appear io ither licatios io a dicumeot. A user cao create criss-refereoces ti items such as headiogsn fiitoitesn biikmarksn captiosn aod oumbered paragraphs io a dicumeot. The refereoce item cao be chaoged afer creatog a crissrefereoce. Fir examplen a user cao chaoge the refereoce item frim a page oumber ti a paragraph oumber. Take the filliwiog steps ti add criss refereoce ti a dicumeot: 1.Click io the Refereoces tab. Io the Captios griupn click the Refereoces buuio.
2.The Criss-refereoce dialig bix ipeos.
3.Specify the Refereoce Type aod Iosert refereoce ti iptios. Click the OK buuio.
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