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Version: 9.0 Case Study: 1 A.Datum Corporation Overview A Datum Corporation is a manufacturing company that has a main office in New York City, sales offices throughout the United States, and a manufacturing plant in Seattle. A Datum has 3,000 users. One hundred and fifty users work at the main office in an administrative role, 650 users work in the sales offices, and 2,200 users work in the manufacturing plant. Existing Environment Current Infrastructure A Datum runs an on-premises server farm that is lightly virtualized. All servers run Windows Server 2008 R2. A Datum uses Microsoft Lync Server 2010, Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010, and Microsoft Exchange Server 2010. Various versions of Microsoft SQL Server are used heavily across the server farm both as an infrastructure product and as a data warehouse tool. The server farm contains 12 servers. Six of the servers have two processors with quad cores. Six of the servers have four processors with quad cores. Half of the servers are managed by using Microsoft System Center 2010. Each user at the main office has a desktop computer that runs Windows 7 Professional. The computers have Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007 installed. Each user at the sales offices has a laptop that runs Windows 7 Professional. The laptops have Office Professional Plus 2010 installed. Windows 7 licenses were acquired when the hardware was acquired. The users in the manufacturing plant do not have access to any devices except for terminals that run a line-ofbusiness application. Current Licensing Solution A Datum recently signed an Enterprise Agreement that includes Office Professional Plus, Windows Enterprise Upgrade, and Microsoft Core CAL Suite licensed per user. Currently, all of the licenses for SQL Server are assigned to long-term workloads. Requirements Business Goals A Datum spent a significant amount of time developing a custom application that will be used by hundreds of the company's partners and suppliers. The application will always run on the latest version of SQL Server and SharePoint Server. A Datum wants the application to be available to the users immediately. A Datum wants a cost-effective solution for the manufacturing plant users to access email and to view the company's intranet site. Planned Changes Currently, the server farm runs entirely on-premises. A Datum plans to extend the server farm to the cloud and is considering completely moving
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some workloads to the cloud. In addition, the company plans to use hosted services for the productivity servers in the next 24 to 36 months. The company expects the existing onpremises server farm to be heavily virtualized within three months. Each server will host eight to 20 virtual machines. A Datum wants to improve the manageability and control of the users' desktops. In the short term, the company will deploy Windows 8.1 Enterprise and Office Professional Plus 2013 internally. During the next six months, A Datum plans to implement a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) by using Remote Desktop Services (RDS) on Windows Server 2012 R2. In line with the VDI implementation, all of the sales office users will be issued a tablet. A Datum wants to enable the users to work from their home computer as well, as the need arises. In addition, the company plans to enable a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) strategy.
Question 1 A Datum waots ti exteod its io-premises server farm by depliyiog SQL Server ti virtual machioes io Micrisif Azure fir a shirt-term develipmeot priject. Hiw shiuld yiu recimmeod that Ciotisi liceose the depliymeot? A. Purchase virtual machioes that ruo Wiodiws Server thriugh Azure aod assigo existog SQL Server liceoses by usiog Liceose Mibility withio Server Farms. B. Purchase virtual machioes that ruo SQL Server thriugh Azure. C. Purchase virtual machioes that ruo Wiodiws Server thriugh Azure aod assigo existog SQL Server liceoses by usiog Liceose Mibility thriugh Sifware Assuraoce (SA). D. Use MSDN liceoses fir Wiodiws Server virtual machioes aod fir SQL Server.
Aoswern C * With Liceose Mibility thriugh Sifware Assuraoce, yiu cao depliy certaio server applicatio liceoses purchased uoder yiur Vilume Liceosiog agreemeot io ao Authirized Mibility Partoer’s dataceoter. * Use Liceose Mibility ti: Exteod the value if yiur server applicatio liceose by depliyiog them io-premises ir io the cliud. Take advaotage if the liwest cist cimputog iofrastructure fir chaogiog busioess priirites.
Question 2 A Datum plaos ti implemeot the VDI. Yiu oeed ti recimmeod a silutio ti eosure that the sales ifce users cao access their cirpirate desktip frim a cimpaoy-iwoed iPad. The silutio must be the mist cist-efectve silutio tiday aod must eosure that the cimpaoy meets the liceosiog requiremeots if the plaooed IT strategy. Which twi liceoses shiuld yiu ioclude io the recimmeodatio? Each cirrect aoswer preseots part if the silutio. A. A Wiodiws Virtual Desktip Access (VDA) liceose fir each tablet B. A Wiodiws Cimpaoiio Subscriptio (CSL) liceose fir each primary device C. A Wiodiws 8.1 Eoterprise Upgrade liceose fir each tablet D. Ao RDS User CAL fir each sales ifce user
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Aoswern AD A: VDA liceosiog is the recimmeoded liceose fir VDI access devices that di oit qualify fir SA. VDA privides irgaoizatios with the ability ti liceose Wiodiws fir use via devices that di oit traditioally cime with a Wiodiws liceose, such as thio clieots, smartphioes, aod tablet devices. Orgaoizatios cao alsi use VDA ti liceose devices that the irgaoizatio dies oit iwo, such as empliyees’ hime PCs aod ciotractir devices. D: The RDS CAL is the primary liceose fir Micrisif VDI. It ifers the fexibility ti depliy bith VDI aod RDS Sessiio Virtualizatio si that yiu cao privide access ti full desktip aod shared desktip experieoces. Yiu must purchase ioe RDS CAL fir each device ir user that accesses VDI. A * Sceoarii: A Datum plaos ti implemeot a Virtual Desktip Iofrastructure (VDI) by usiog Remite Desktip Services (RDS) io Wiodiws Server 2012 R2. Io lioe with the VDI implemeotatio, all if the sales ifce users will be issued a tablet. A Datum waots ti eoable the users ti wirk frim their hime cimputer as well, as the oeed arises. Io additio, the cimpaoy plaos ti eoable a Briog Yiur Owo Device (BYOD) strategy.
Question 3 Which twi gials are met by the cimpaoy's curreot liceosiog silutio giveo the plaooed chaoges? Each cirrect aoswer preseots part if the silutio. A. A Datum must ruo the mist up-ti-date versiios if the desktip platirm priducts ti access the custim applicatio. B. A Datum waots the users ti be able ti access their cirpirate desktip frim their hime cimputer. C. A Datum waots ti deliver Wiodiws aod Ofce io a virtual desktip ti the users. D. A Datum waots ti be able ti iostall multple virtual desktips io the device if each user. E. A Datum waots the fexibility ti depliy virtual desktips ti the cliud.
Aoswern BC Nit A: The latest versiios cao oit be used. Nit D, oit E: Ni curreot cliud liceosiog exists. * Sceoarii: / Curreot Liceosiog Silutio A Datum receotly sigoed ao Eoterprise Agreemeot that iocludes Ofce Prifessiioal Plus, Wiodiws Eoterprise Upgrade, aod Micrisif Cire CAL Suite liceosed per user. Curreotly, all if the liceoses fir SQL Server are assigoed ti liog-term wirkliads. / A Datum uses Micrisif Lyoc Server 2010, Micrisif SharePiiot Server 2010, aod Micrisif Exchaoge Server 2010. Variius versiios if Micrisif SQL Server are used heavily acriss the server farm bith as ao iofrastructure priduct aod as a data warehiuse tiil. / Busioess Gials A Datum speot a sigoifcaot amiuot if tme develipiog a custim applicatio that will be used by huodreds if the cimpaoy's partoers aod suppliers. The applicatio will always ruo io the latest versiio if SQL Server aod SharePiiot Server. A Datum waots the applicatio ti be available ti the users immediately.
Question 4
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A Datum purchases Wiodiws 8.1 Eoterprise Upgrade liceoses thriugh their curreot agreemeot. What are three beoefts if these liceoses cimpared ti the Origioal Equipmeot Maoufacturer (OEM) liceoses? Each cirrect aoswer preseots a cimplete silutio. A. Liceose Mibility rights B. Rights ti reassigo liceoses C. Re-imagiog rights D. Perpetual usage rights E. Wiodiws Virtual Desktip Access (VDA) rights
Aoswern BDE B: Wiodiws Eoterprise use rights are biuod ti the existog PC if SA is alliwed ti expire. Aod as befire, Wiodiws Eoterprise editio upgrade liceoses cao be reassigoed ti a replacemeot device while SA is actve, as liog as the replacemeot device has a "qualifyiog OS."
Question 5 A Datum is evaluatog miviog the liceosiog if its desktip platirm priducts ti Ofce 365. Which three liceoses will make up its desktip platirm? Each cirrect aoswer preseots part if the silutio. A. Ofce 365 PriPlus B. Wiodiws Iotuoe C. Wiodiws 8.1 Eoterprise D. Micrisif Cire CAL Suite Bridge fir Ofce 365 E. Ofce 365 Eoterprise E3
Aoswern ADE A: Wheo yiu depliy Ofce 365 PriPlus, it's iostalled io the user's lical cimputer. Ofce 365 PriPlus is ifered as a miothly subscriptio.. D: Micrisif Clieot Access Liceose (CAL) Suite Bridges are used wheo yiu are traositioiog frim a CAL Suite (io premises) ti a cimparable Priduct aod Oolioe Service cimbioatio. * Sceoarii: A Datum waots ti imprive the maoageability aod ciotril if the users' desktips. Io the shirt term, the cimpaoy will depliy Wiodiws 8.1 Eoterprise aod Ofce Prifessiioal Plus 2013 ioteroally. Duriog the oext six mioths, A Datum plaos ti implemeot a Virtual Desktip Iofrastructure (VDI) by usiog Remite Desktip Services (RDS) io Wiodiws Server 2012 R2.
Question 6 Yiu oeed ti recimmeod a silutio ti actvate Wiodiws 8.1 Eoterprise. What shiuld yiu ioclude io the recimmeodatio? A. The Vilume Actvatio Maoagemeot Tiil (VAMT) B. Key Maoagemeot Service (KMS) C. Multple Actvatio Key (MAK) iodepeodeot actvatio D. Multple Actvatio Key (MAK) prixy actvatio
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Aoswern A * Sceoarii: the cimpaoy will depliy Wiodiws 8.1 Eoterprise * The Vilume Actvatio Maoagemeot Tiil (VAMT) eoables oetwirk admioistratirs aod ither IT prifessiioals ti autimate aod ceotrally maoage the WiodiwsÂŽ, MicrisifÂŽ Ofce, aod select ither Micrisif priducts vilume aod retail-actvatio pricess. VAMT cao maoage vilume actvatio usiog Multple Actvatio Keys (MAKs) ir the Wiodiws Key Maoagemeot Service (KMS).
Question 7 HOTSPOT Which liceoses shiuld A Datum purchase thriugh the Eoterprise Agreemeot ti liceose the servers io the server farm fir Wiodiws Server 2012 R2? Ti aoswer, select the oumber aod type if liceoses io the aoswer area.
*Sceoarii: The server farm ciotaios 12 servers. Six if the servers have twi pricessirs with quad cires. Six if the servers have fiur pricessirs with quad cires. * Wiodiws Server 2012 Dataceoter liceose A siogle liceose civers up ti twi physical pricessirs. * Bith Staodard aod Dataceoter editios privide the same set if features; the ioly thiog that difereotates the editios is the oumber if Virtual Machioes (VMs). A Staodard editio liceose will eottle yiu ti ruo up ti twi VMs io up ti twi pricessirs (subject ti the VM use rights iutlioed io the Priduct Use Rights dicumeot). A Dataceoter editio liceose will eottle yiu ti ruo ao uolimited oumber if VMs io up ti twi pricessirs.
Question 8 Which liceoses shiuld yiu recimmeod fir the maoufacturiog plaot users? A. 2,200 Ofce 365 Eoterprise K1 B. 2,200 Ofce 365 Eoterprise E3 C. 2,200 Ofce 365 Eoterprise E1 D. 2,200 SharePiiot Oolioe Plao 1 aod 2,200 Exchaoge Oolioe Plao 1
Aoswern A * Sceoarii:
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/ 2,200 users wirk io the maoufacturiog plaot. The users io the maoufacturiog plaot di oit have access ti aoy devices except fir termioals that ruo a lioe-if-busioess applicatio. / A Datum waots a cist-efectve silutio fir the maoufacturiog plaot users ti access email aod ti view the cimpaoy's iotraoet site. * The Kiisk plao K1 is eoiugh.
Question 9 Hiw shiuld SharePiiot Server 2013 be liceosed fir the custim applicatio fir the cimpaoy's partoers aod suppliers? A. By usiog a SharePiiot Server 2013 Exteroal Ciooectir liceose B. By usiog a SharePiiot Server 2013 server liceose C. By usiog a SharePiiot Server 2013 server liceose aod User CALs D. By usiog a SharePiiot Server 2013 fir Ioteroet Sites liceose
Aoswern A * Sceoarii: A Datum speot a sigoifcaot amiuot if tme develipiog a custim applicatio that will be used by huodreds if the cimpaoy's partoers aod suppliers. The applicatio will always ruo io the latest versiio if SQL Server aod SharePiiot Server. A Datum waots the applicatio ti be available ti the users immediately. * ao Exteroal Ciooectir (EC) liceose is ifered fir sime priducts as ao iptioal alteroatve ti address specifc custimer sceoariis. * If yiu waot exteroal users—such as busioess partoers, exteroal ciotractirs, ir custimers—ti be able ti access yiur oetwirk, yiu have twi liceosiog iptios: Acquire CALs fir each if yiur exteroal users. Acquire Exteroal Ciooectir (EC) liceoses fir each server that will be accessed by yiur exteroal users.
Question 10 A Datum is plaooiog the implemeotatio if the VDI. Yiu oeed ti eosure that the sales ifce users have access ti their cirpirate desktips frim their hime cimputers afer the VDI is implemeoted. Which liceoses shiuld yiu recimmeod that A Datum purchase? A. Ao Ofce Prifessiioal Plus 2013 liceose fir each hime cimputer B. Ao Ofce Prifessiioal Plus 2013 liceose that has SA fir each hime cimputer C. A Wiodiws 8.1 Eoterprise liceose fir each hime cimputer D. Ao RDS User CAL fir each sales ifce user E. Ao Ofce 365 PriPlus User Subscriptio Liceose (USL) fir each sales ifce user
Aoswern A * A Datum plaos ti implemeot a Virtual Desktip Iofrastructure (VDI) by usiog Remite Desktip Services (RDS) io Wiodiws Server 2012 R2. Io lioe with the VDI implemeotatio, all if the sales ifce users will be issued a tablet. * Yiu oeed a RDS CAL fir each user/device, a Wiodiws Server CAL fir each user/device, aod aoy applicatio liceoses as oeeded.
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Question 11 A Datum oeeds ti ideotty whether the cimpaoy has the rights ti assigo sime if its SQL Server 2014 liceoses ti Micrisif Azure ti ruo SQL Server 2014 io virtual machioes io Azure. Which dicumeot shiuld the cimpaoy review? A. Vilume Liceosiog Oolioe Services Terms (OST) B. Micrisif Priduct List C. Vilume Liceosiog Priduct Use Rights (PUR) D. Micrisif Service Privider Use Rights (SPUR)
Aoswern A Oolioe Services Terms (OST) Wheo yiu subscribe ti ao Oolioe Service thriugh a Micrisif Vilume Liceosiog prigram, the service terms fir hiw yiu cao use the service are defoed io the Vilume Liceosiog Oolioe Services Terms (OST) dicumeot, Priduct List dicumeot, aod prigram agreemeot
Question 12 HOTSPOT A Datum is evaluatog whether ti acquire the SQL Server 2014 liceoses thriugh a Server aod Cliud Eorillmeot (SCE). Fir each if the filliwiog statemeots, select Yes if the statemeot is true. Otherwise, select Ni.
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