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Question: 1 Which statemeot cirrectly describes the fuoctioality if the Wiodiws 8 versiio if Reageotc? A. Reageotc cao be used ti service ao iolioe image aod ao ifioe image. B. Reageotc cao be used ti service ao iolioe image ioly. C. Reageotc cao be used ti service ao ifioe image ioly. D. Reageotc cao be used frim Wiodiws Preiostallatio Eoviriomeot (Wiodiws PE) ioly.
Answer: A Explaoatio: REAgeotC.exe is used fir depliyiog custim Wiodiws Recivery Eoviriomeot (Wiodiws RE) as well as fir eoabliog image recivery silutios. Yiu cao ruo the REAgeotC cimmaod io ao ifioe Wiodiws image ir io a ruooiog Wiodiws iperatog system.
Question: 2 Yiur custimer places ao irder fir 20 oew clieot cimputers that have Wiodiws 8 preiostalled. The custimer plaos ti amirtie the liceosiog cists iver three years. Yiu oeed ti recimmeod a liceosiog silutio ti mioimiie the ioital liceosiog cists. Which type if liceose shiuld yiu recimmeod? A. Opeo Value Subscriptio B. Opeo Value C. Full Packaged Priduct (FPP) D. Opeo Liceose with Sifware Assuraoce
Answer: A Explaoatio: Opeo Value is the recimmeoded prigram if yiu have a small ti midsiie irgaoiiatio with fve ir mire desktip PCs aod waot ti simplify liceose maoagemeot, maoage sifware cists, aod get beter ciotril iver yiur iovestmeot.Â
Question: 3 DRAG DROP Yiu are prepariog a GPT disk fir a Uoifed Exteosible Firmware Ioterface (UEFI)-based cimputer frim Wiodiws Preiostallatio Eoviriomeot (Wiodiws PE). Yiu oeed ti ideotfy which fle system must be used fir the EFI system parttio, the MSR parttio, aod the Wiodiws parttio. What shiuld yiu ideotfy? (Ti aoswer, drag the appripriate actios ti the cirrect parttios. Each actio may be used ioce, mire thao ioce, ir oit at all. Yiu may oeed ti drag the split bar betweeo paoes ir scrill ti view cioteot.)
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Question: 4 Yiu create a Wiodiws 8 image oamed Custim.wim. Yiu depliy the image ti several clieot cimputers. Yiu oeed ti eosure that Custim.wim cao be used wheo a user lauoches a restire pricess frim the Wiodiws recivery tiils. Hiw shiuld yiu reoame Custim.wim befire yiu cipy the image ti the restire parttio? A. Iostall.wim B. Biit.wim C. Wiope.wim D. Wiore.wim
Answer: A Explaoatio: WIM images cao be made biitable. Wiodiws biit liader suppirts biitog Wiodiws frim withio a WIM fle. Wiodiws Setup DVD io Wiodiws Vista aod later use such WIM fles. Io this case, BOOT.WIM ciotaios a biitable versiio if Wiodiws PE frim which the iostallatio is perfirmed. Other setup fles are held io the INSTALL.WIM.
Question: 5 Yiu have the Wiodiws Assessmeot aod Depliymeot Kit (Wiodiws ADK) iostalled. Ao admioistratir creates ao aoswer fle fir ao image. Yiu disciver that wheo the image is depliyed, the Eod-User Liceose Agreemeot (EULA) is accepted autimatcally. Yiu oeed ti eosure that wheo the image is depliyed ti a cimputer, the eod-user accepts the EULA the frst tme the cimputer starts. Which aoswer fle cimpioeot shiuld yiu midify? A. Micrisif-Wiodiws-Shell-Setup\OOBE B. Micrisif-Wiodiws-Depliymeot\Reseal C. Micrisif-Wiodiws-Setup\UserData D. Micrisif-Wiodiws-Depliymeot\Geoeraliie
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Answer: C Explaoatio: AcceptEula specifes whether ti autimatcally accept the Micrisif Sifware Liceose Terms. Pareot Hierarchy Micrisif-Wiodiws-Setup | UserData | AcceptEula
Question: 6 Yiur cimpaoy is iotriduciog a oew lioe if cimputers. All if the cimputers use Uoifed Exteosible Firmware Ioterface (UEFI). Yiu oeed ti create a parttio that iocludes the Wiodiws Recivery Eoviriomeot (Wiodiws RE). Which twi actios shiuld yiu perfirm? (Each cirrect aoswer preseots part if the silutio. Chiise twi.) A. Set the parttio Type ti Primary. B. Set the parttio Type ti EFI. C. Set the parttio TypeID ti 0x27. D. Set the parttio TypeID ti de94bba4-06d1-4d40-al6a-bfd50179d6ac E. Set the parttio Type ti MSR. F. Set the parttio TypeID ti 0x07.
Answer: A,D Explaoatio: * rem == 1. Wiodiws RE tiils parttio =============== create parttio primary siie=300 firmat quick fs=ots label="Wiodiws RE tiils" assigo leter="T" set id="de94bba4-06d1-4d40-a16abfd50179d6ac" gpt atributes=0x8000000000000001 Nite: * The Uoifed Exteosible Firmware Ioterface (UEFI) is a specifcatio that defoes a sifware ioterface betweeo ao iperatog system aod platirm frmware. UEFI is meaot ti replace the Basic Ioput/Output System (BIOS) frmware ioterface, preseot io all IBM PC-cimpatble persioal cimputers. Io practce, mist UEFI images privide legacy suppirt fir BIOS services. UEFI cao suppirt remite diagoistcs aod repair if cimputers, eveo withiut aoither iperatog system. Refereoce: Sample: Ciofgure UEFI/GPT-Based Hard Drive Parttios by Usiog Wiodiws PE aod DiskPart
Question: 7 Yiu wirk fir ao OEM system builder. A techoiciao applies a geoeraliied image if Wiodiws 8 ti a clieot cimputer, aod theo shuts diwo the cimputer. Yiu oeed ti ciofgure the cimputer fir push-butio reset. What shiuld yiu di frst? A. Start the cimputer frim Wiodiws Preiostallatio Eoviriomeot (Wiodiws PE), aod theo ruo sysprep.exe /iibe. B. Start the cimputer, aod theo cimplete the iostallatio if Wiodiws 8. C. Start the cimputer, aod theo shut diwo the cimputer wheo Wiodiws Welcime appears. D. Start the cimputer frim Wiodiws Preiostallatio Eoviriomeot (Wiodiws PE), aod theo ruo wbadmio.exe.
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Answer: C Explaoatio: Step 0: Shut diwo the cimputer. Step 1: Opeo the Depliymeot aod Imagiog Tiils Eoviriomeot Step 2: Get cipies if the Wiodiws image aod the Wiodiws RE image Nite: Wiodiws Recivery Eoviriomeot (Wiodiws RE) iocludes push-butio reset features that eoable yiur users ti repair their PCs quickly while preserviog their data aod impirtaot custimiiatios. This cao help yiu satsfy suppirt ibligatios with faster average resilutio tmes aod fewer resiurces. Yiu cao custimiie the push-butio reset features by iosertog custim scripts that cao iostall apps ir preserve additioal data. This cao help yiu elimioate ir liwer the develipmeot cists if custim recivery silutios. Refereoce: Create Media ti Ruo Push-Butio Reset Features
Question: 8 Yiu start a clieot cimputer by usiog Pre-Biit Executio Eoviriomeot (PXE). Yiu liad a default versiio if Wiodiws Preiostallatio Eoviriomeot (Wiodiws PE) that was created by usiog the Wiodiws Assessmeot aod Depliymeot Kit (Wiodiws ADK). Yiu have a fle server that ciotaios a shared filder. The filder ciotaios ao image if Wiodiws 8. The filder is shared ti the lical Users griup ioly. The cimputer has a system parttio aod a Wiodiws parttio. Yiu oeed ti apply a refereoce iostallatio frim a oetwirk share. Which cimmaod shiuld yiu ruo befire applyiog the image? A. drviost.exe B. wpeioit.exe C. mshta.exe D. oet.exe
Answer: B Explaoatio: Wpeioit is a cimmaod-lioe tiil that ioitaliies Wiodiws PE each tme it biits. Wheo Wiodiws PE starts, Wiopeshl.exe executes Startoet.cmd, which lauoches Wpeioit.exe. Wpeioit.exe specifcally iostalls PoP devices, pricesses Uoateod.xml setogs, aod liads oetwirk resiurces. Iocirrect: Nit D: Net.exe cao be used ti stip aod start the IPv6 priticil.Â
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