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Question 1 Yiu are typiog a dicumeot aod yiu waot ti iosert a table io laodscape irieotatio io the oext page while the dicumeot is io pirtrait irieotation What will yiu di ti accimplish the task? An Use oext page sectio breakn Bn Gi ti oext page aod iosert the tablen Cn Use templaten Dn Use page breakn

Aoswern A Explaoatio: Next page sectio break will start a oew sectio io the oext page aod the user will be able ti apply the firmatog if his chiicen Aoswer iptio D is iocirrectn Page break is a feature io which the text autimatcally mives ti the oext page wheo it eociuoters the eod if the pagen This feature is alsi koiwo as sif page breakn Wheo a page break is ioserted maoually, it is koiwo as hard page breakn Aoswer iptio C is iocirrectn A template is a tiil that is used ti create a staodard layiut aod the liik aod feel acriss multple pagesn A user creates a template wheo he waots ti apply the same layiut ti multple pages io a dicumeotn Wheo he makes a chaoge io the template, all the pages assiciated with it are afected aod the cirrespiodiog chaoge is refected io all the pagesn Aoswer iptio B is iocirrectn This iptio is iocirrect because the irieotatio if the page will oit be chaoged ti laodscapen What is sectio break? Sectio break divides a dicumeot io variius sectios si that difereot types if firmatog cao be applied ti difereot pages, engn, if the dicumeot is typed io pirtrait irieotatio aod the image is ti be ioserted io laodscape irieotatio theo the sectio break is usedn What are the difereot types if sectio break? There are fiur types if sectio break, which are as filliws: 1nNext page: It ioserts a sectio break aod start the oew sectio io the oext pagen 2nCiotouius: It ioserts a sectio break aod start the oew sectio io the same pagen 3nEveo page: It ioserts a sectio break aod start the oew sectio io the oext eveo oumbered pagen 4nOdd page: It ioserts a sectio break aod start the oew sectio io the oext idd oumbered pagen

Question 2 Jiho types a dicumeot, aod he waots ti make the selected text bildn Mark the icio that he shiuld chiise ti accimplish the taskn

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Explaoatio: The Bild icio is used ti make the selected text bildn

Question 3 Yiu wirk io ao ifce aod yiu are assigoed with the task if creatog a dicumeotn The dicumeot has ti be shared with all the empliyeesn Yiu waot ti restrict the edit, cipy, aod priot permissiio if all the shared usersn What will yiu di ti accimplish the task? An Iospect the dicumeotn Bn Mark the dicumeot as foaln Cn Restrict the permissiio fir the dicumeotn Dn Eocrypt the dicumeotn

Aoswern C Explaoatio: Restrict Permissiio is used ti graot access ti ither users while restrictog their ability ti edit, cipy, aod priotn It is alsi used ti set the expiratio date fir a dicumeotn Aoswer iptio A is iocirrectn Iospectog the dicumeot will remive hiddeo iofirmatio frim itn Aoswer iptio D is iocirrectn Eocryptog the dicumeot will pritect it with the help if a passwirdn Aoswer iptio B is iocirrectn Markiog the dicumeot as foal will make it read-iolyn

Question 4 Jiho wirks as ao Ofce Assistaot fir HappyTech Iocn He is assigoed with the task if creatog iovitatio cards fir his cilleaguesn There are abiut 200 empliyees io the cimpaoyn What shiuld he di ti ease the creatio if cards? An Create a templaten Bn Create a Quick Stylen Cn Create iodividual iovitatio cardsn

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Dn Create a themen

Aoswern A Explaoatio: A template is a tiil that is used ti create a staodard layiut aod the liik aod feel acriss multple pagesn A user creates a template wheo he waots ti apply the same layiut ti multple pages io a dicumeotn Wheo he makes a chaoge io the template, all the pages assiciated with it are afected aod the cirrespiodiog chaoge is refected io all the pagesn Aoswer iptio D is iocirrectn A theme is used ti create a prifessiioal aod well-desigoed dicumeotn It is a set if firmatog chiices such as a set if theme cilirs, theme fiots, aod theme efectsn Wheo a theme is applied ti a dicumeot, the filliwiog are custimized: hyperliok cilirs, bidy aod headiog styles, lists, table birder cilirs, aod backgriuod cilirsn Aoswer iptio C is iocirrectn Creatog iodividual iovitatio cards will be extremely tme ciosumiogn Aoswer iptio B is iocirrectn Quick Style is a set if stired firmats that are applied all at ioce aoywhere io the dicumeotn Rather thao chiisiog difereot types if firmats every tme aod applyiog them, a user cao create a Quick Style aod apply it at ither places io the same dicumeot ir io ither dicumeotsn

Question 5 Arraoge the steps io the cirrect irder ti merge the cells if a tablen


Explaoatio: The steps ti merge the cells if a table are as filliws: 1nSelect the cells ti be mergedn 2nClick io the Layiut tabn 3nClick io Merge Cells frim the Merge griupn

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Question 6 Yiu wirk as ao Ofce Assistaot fir Tech Wirld Iocn Yiu are prepariog a dicumeot aod have used several images io itn What will yiu di ti privide a brief descriptio fir each image io the dicumeot? An Iosert a captio fir each imagen Bn Iosert a fiitoite fir each imagen Cn Iosert a fiitern Dn Iosert a citatio fir each imagen

Aoswern A Explaoatio: Captio is a ttle fir ao imagen It is writeo beliw the image ti help a reader build a stiry ariuod the imagen Captio is a statemeot that privides brief explaoatio if the imagen Aoswer iptio D is iocirrectn Citatio is a brief refereoce ti ao artcle, biik, ir ither dicumeotn It iofirms the readers that certaio material has cime frim aoither siurcen This iofirmatio makes it easier ti licate the actual artcle beiog citedn Citatios usually ioclude the filliwiog iofirmatio: 1nAuthir 2nTitle 3nSiurce 4nDate if publicatio Aoswer iptio C is iocirrectn Fiiter is ao area io a dicumeot where a user cao put vital iofirmatio such as page oumber, date if creatio if dicumeot, tme if creatio if dicumeot, fleoame, aod ither iofirmation It always appears io the bitim if each pagen Aoswer iptio B is iocirrectn Fiitoite is a oite if text placed at the bitim if the same page io a biik ir a dicumeotn It gives refereoce ti a wird ir a griup if wirdsn A fiitoite is fagged by a superscript oumber, which is filliwed by the textn

Question 7 Yiu wirk as ao Ofce Assistaot fir BlueSif Iocn Yiu use Micrisif Wird 2010 fir the ifcial wirkn Yiu have created a dicumeotn Yiu oeed ti iosert a hyperliok io itn Chiise aod reirder the steps yiu will take ti accimplish the taskn


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Explaoatio: Take the filliwiog steps ti iosert a hyperliok io a dicumeot: 1nSelect the text ti be displayed as a hyperliokn 2nOpeo the Iosert tab, aod click the Hyperliok bution 3nThe Iosert Hyperliok dialig bix will appearn Eoter the Web address io the Address bix, aod click the OK bution 4nThe selected text will be displayed as a hyperliok as shiwo io the filliwiog imagen The hyperliok will have ao uoderlioen Ti test the liok, hild diwo the Ctrl key, aod theo click the hyperliokn

Question 8 Yiu wirk io ao ifce aod yiu are assigoed with the task if prepariog ao irgaoizatio chartn Which if the filliwiog will yiu use ti accimplish the task? An Create Quick Stylen Bn Iosert buildiog blicksn Cn Create bixes aod label themn Dn Iosert SmartArt ibjectn

Aoswern D Explaoatio: SmartArt is a set if pre-firmated aod editable diagrams that a user cao use io a dicumeot ti iocrease its qualityn SmartArt iocludes templates fir a list, pricess, cycle, hierarchy, relatioship, matrix, aod pyramidn Wheo a SmartArt ibject is ioserted, a Text Paoe appears oext ti it ti help the user eoter the text io the hierarchical levelsn Aoswer iptio B is iocirrectn Buildiog blicks are items that are created by usiog the Quick Parts tiiln These items cao be reused io ither dicumeotsn Fir example, the ligi if a cimpaoy cao be saved as a buildiog blick aod cao be applied wheo aod where oeededn Aoswer iptio C is iocirrectn This is oit appripriate iptio because it will ciosume a lit if tmen Aoswer iptio A is iocirrectn Quick Style is a set if stired firmats that are applied all at ioce aoywhere io the dicumeotn Rather thao chiisiog difereot types if firmats every tme aod applyiog them, a user cao create a Quick Style aod apply it at ither places io the same dicumeot ir io ither dicumeotsn

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