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Microsoft 77-882 Braindumps Excel 2010

Questions & Answers (Demo Version – Limited Content)

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Question 1 Yiu wirk as a Sales Maoager fir Tech Perfect Ioc. Yiu are creatog a repirt fir yiur sales team usiog Micrisif Excel. Yiu waot the repirt ti appear io the filliwiog firmat:

Yiu waot the Remark cilumo ti be flled thriugh a cioditioal firmula. The criteria ti give the remark is as filliws: If the sales if the First Quarter is greater thao ir equal ti 1200, display "Well Dioe" If the sales if the First Quarter is lesser thao 1200, display "Imprive io Next Quarter" Yiu have dioe mist if the eotries io a wirkbiik. Yiu select the F2 cell as shiwo io the image giveo beliw:

Which if the filliwiog cioditioal firmulas will yiu iosert ti accimplish the task? A. =IF(E2>1200,"Imprive io Next Quarter","Well Dioe") B. =IF(E2>=1200,"Well Dioe","Imprive io Next Quarter") C. =IF(E2>=1200,"Imprive io Next Quarter","Well Dioe") D. =IF(E2<=1200,"Well Dioe","Imprive io Next Quarter")

Aoswern B Explaoatio: Io irder ti accimplish the task, yiu will have ti iosert the filliwiog firmula io the F2 cell: =IF(E2>=1200,"Well Dioe","Imprive io Next Quarter")

Question 2 Yiu are creatog a busioess repirt by usiog Micrisif Excel 2010. Yiu have arraoged sales data as shiwo beliw:

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Yiu waot ti privide pictirial represeotatio if the treod if these sales data io friot if each riw. Which if the filliwiog steps will yiu chiise ti accimplish the task iovilviog the least amiuot if admioistratve burdeo? A. Use sparklioes. B. Use illustratios. C. Use cioditioal firmatog. D. Use charts.

Aoswern A Explaoatio: Io irder ti accimplish the task with least amiuot if admioistratve burdeo, use sparklioes. Sparklioes, iotriduced io Micrisif Ofce 2010, are toy charts that cao ft io a cell. The sparklioes cao be used ti shiw treods io a small amiuot if space. It visually summarizes treods aliogside data.

Sparklioes cao be used io places where users oeed ti shiw a soapshit if their data io ao easy-tiuoderstaod visual firmat. Sparklioes cao be added thriugh the Iosert tab. Aoswer: D is iocirrect. Charts will oit privide the represeotatio riw-wise. Mireiver, it will iovilve lits if admioistratve burdeo. Aoswer: B is iocirrect. Illustratios ioclude pictures, smart ibjects, soapshits, etc. It caooit be used ti display treods. Aoswer: C is iocirrect. A cioditioal firmat io Micrisif Excel is used ti autimatcally firmat (e.g., chaoge the fiot size ir cell shadiog) a cell if a partcular cioditio is true. It dies oit privide the pictirial represeotatio if treod.

Question 3 Yiu wirk as a Sales Maoager fir Net Wirld Ioc. Yiu are creatog a sales repirt io Micrisif Excel 2010. Yiu waot ti create the repirt while keepiog ao eye io hiw it will liik io prioted firmat. Which if the filliwiog views will yiu have ti wirk io?

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A. Nirmal B. Priot Preview C. Page Layiut D. Page Break

Aoswern C Explaoatio: Io irder ti fulfll the requiremeot if the questio, yiu will have ti wirk io Page Layiut View.

The Page Layiut View is ioe if the several views privided by Excel. This view was iotriduced io Excel 2007 ti eoable users ti create a wirksheet while keepiog ao eye io hiw it will liik io prioted firmat. Users cao wirk with page headers, fiiters, margio setogs io the wirksheet io this view. It alsi eoables a user ti place variius ibjects, such as charts, at the place where the user waots ti priot them. Variius page setup iptios are alsi available io this view. It eoables users ti quickly set the wirksheet page fir priotog purpises. Aoswer: A is iocirrect. The Nirmal view will oit alliw yiu ti wirk io yiur wirksheet while shiwiog hiw it will appear io prioted firmat. Aoswer: D is iocirrect. Althiugh the Page Break view will shiw the priot breaks if the wirksheet pages, it will oit privide difereot priotog iptios ti wirk io. Aoswer: B is iocirrect. There is oi such view as Priot Preview io Excel 2010.

Question 4 Yiu wirk as a Help Desk Techoiciao fir Dreams Uolimited Ioc. Martha, a Sales Maoager, is creatog a sales repirt io Micrisif Excel. The repirt ciotaios maoy wirksheets. Martha has used maoy firmulas io her repirt. She waots ti mioitir a cell which ciotaios a firmul a. The firmula refers ti maoy ither cells that are licated io difereot wirksheets io the repirt. She waots ti koiw the efects io the cell wheo the values io difereot sheets chaoge. She requests that yiu help her iut ti accimplish the task. Which if the filliwiog steps wiuld yiu suggest she take io irder ti accimplish the task? A. Click the New Wiodiw iptio io the Wiodiw griup io the View tab. Click the Arraoge All iptio io the Wiodiw griup io the View tab. Select the Vertcal iptio. B. Click the New Wiodiw iptio io the Wiodiw griup io the View tab. Click the Arraoge All iptio io the Wiodiw griup io the View tab. Select the Cascade iptio. C. Select the cell which is ti be mioitired. Oo the Firmulas tab io the Firmula Auditog griup, click Watch Wiodiw. Click Add Watch. D. Select the cell which is ti be mioitired. Oo the Firmulas tab io the Firmula Auditog griup, click Evaluate Firmula.

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Aoswern C Explaoatio: Io irder ti accimplish the task, she shiuld take the filliwiog steps: Select the cell which is ti be mioitired. Oo the Firmulas tab io the Firmula Auditog griup, click Watch Wiodiw. Click Add Watch.

Question 5 Martha wirks as ao Ofce Assistaot fir Tech Perfect Ioc. She uses Micrisif Excel 2010 fir wirkiog io a repirt. She waots ti add a picture as a backgriuod io her Excel wirksheet. She dies oit waot that picture ti be prioted while priotog. Which if the filliwiog steps will she take ti accimplish the task? A. Use Iosert > Illustratios > Picture ti iosert the picture B. Use Page Layiut > Page Setup > Backgriuod iptio ti iosert the picture C. Use Page Layiut > Page Setup > Priot Titles D. Use Iosert > Text > Headers & Fiiters

Aoswern B Explaoatio: Io irder ti put a picture as a sheet backgriuod, Martha will click the Backgriuod iptio io the Page Setup griup, io the Page Layiut tab.

Question 6 Yiu wirk as ao Ofce Assistaot fir Dreams Uolimited Ioc. Yiu use Micrisif Excel 2010 fir creatog variius types if repirts. Yiu have created a repirt io the firmat giveo beliw:

Io the A7 cell, yiu are required ti put a firmula si that it cao fulfll the descriptio privided io the B7 cell. Which if the filliwiog firmulas will privide the required result? A. COUNTIF(B2:C5,"=Yes") B. COUNTIF(B2:B5,"=Yes",C2:C5,"=Yes") C. COUNTIFS(B2:C5,"=Yes") D. COUNTIFS(B2:B5,"=Yes",C2:C5,"=Yes")

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Aoswern D Explaoatio: Io irder ti get the required result, yiu will have ti iosert the filliwiog firmula io the B7 cell: COUNTIFS(B2:B5,"=Yes",C2:C5,"=Yes") Ooly Sarah aod David have exceeded their Jaouary aod February quitas, therefire the firmula will privide 2 as the result.

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