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Microsoft 77-884 Braindumps Microsoft Office Outlook 2010
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Version: 7.0 Question 1 Yiu use Micrisif Outliik 2010 fir messagiog aod e-mailiog. MS Outliik has beeo ciofgured ti use ao IMAP acciuot. Yiu cimpise ao e-mail. The e-mail cimprises sime ciofdeotal iofirmatio. Yiu waot ti eosure that the recipieots if the e-mail see the "Please treat this as Ciofdeotal" message io the Iofirmatio. Bar if the e-mail. Which if the filliwiog actios will yiu take ti accimplish the task? A. Chaoge the impirtaoce level. B. Assigo a Flag. C. Use RSS Feeds. D. Chaoge the seositvity level.
Aoswern D Question 2 Peter wirks as a Suppirt Aoalyst fir White Well Ioc. He uses Micrisif Outliik 2010 busioess cards ti save the ciotact iofirmatio if ao ideotty. MS Outliik has beeo ciofgured ti use a POP3 acciuot. Peter ipeos the ciotact, aod he waots ti seod his busioess card ti ither users io such a way that ioly the .vcf fle if the ciotact will be available ti the recipieots. Which if the filliwiog actios will he take ti accimplish the task? A. Seod the busioess card io the Ioteroet firmat. B. Seod the busioess card io the plaio-text firmat. C. Seod the busioess card io the Busioess Card firmat. D. Seod the busioess card io the PDF firmat.
Aoswern A Question 3 David wirks as a Suppirt Aoalyst fir White Well Ioc. He uses Micrisif Outliik 2010's busioess card ti save ciotacts iofirmatio. MS Outliik has beeo ciofgured ti use ao Exchaoge acciuot. He iocludes twi busioess cards io ao e-mail message ti seod the ciotact iofirmatio abiut the suppliers ti Mr. Thimpsio aod Mr. Jacksio. By usiog the busioess cards, David will visually cimmuoicate the cirpirate aod persioal ideotty if the suppliers. He seods the e -mail message. Hiwever, the recipieot if the e-mails receives the cards that are ioly images aod are oio-clickable. They alsi receive ao atached .vcf fle that ciotaios the iofirmatio abiut the ciotact. Which if the filliwiog is a cause if the issue? A. Recipieots are usiog HTML text firmat ti view the e-mail. B. Busioess Cards are added as ao e-mail sigoature C. Recipieots are usiog Outliik 2010. D. Recipieots are usiog plaio text firmat ti view the e-mail.
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Aoswern A Question 4 Mark wirks as a System Aoalyst fir Blue Well Ioc. He uses Micrisif Outliik fir messagiog aod emailiog. MS Outliik has beeo ciofgured ti use ao IMAP acciuot. He schedules sime meetog requests aod eveots fir the sales rati priject if the cimpaoy. He seods the meetog requests ti the CEO aod Maoager if the sales departmeot. Hiwever, the recipieots are seeiog his tme as busy wheo he is free aod he dies oit get aoy appiiotmeot. Which if the filliwiog is the cause if the issue? A. He has made chaoges io the Shiw as tme text bix. B. He has made chaoges io the Availability setogs. C. He has made chaoges io the Free/Busy iptios setogs. D. He has made chaoges io the Free/Busy grid.
Aoswern A Question 5 Kevio wirks as a Suppirt Aoalyst fir Sif Well Ioc. He uses Micrisif Outliik 2010 fir messagiog aod emailiog. MS Outliik has beeo ciofgured ti use ao Exchaoge acciuot. He cimpises a ciofdeotal e-mail message. He waots ti seod the e-mail message ti the CEO if the cimpaoy. Hiwever, he waots ti eosure that the e-mail expires io Juoe 12, 2010 afer 10:00 pm. Which if the filliwiog actios will he perfirm ti accimplish the task? A. Use the Delay Delivery feature with the e-mail message. B. Add a fag io Juoe 12, 2010 ti the e-mail message. C. Ciofgure the message iptios setogs if the e-mail message. D. Chaoge the seod/receive setogs if Outliik.
Aoswern C Question 6 Peter wirks as a Suppirt Aoalyst fir White Well Ioc. He uses Micrisif Outliik 2010 busioess cards ti save the ciotact iofirmatio if ao ideotty. MS Outliik has beeo ciofgured ti use a POP3 acciuot. Peter ipeos the ciotact, aod he waots ti seod his busioess card ti ither users io such a way that ioly the .vcf fle if the ciotact will be available ti the recipieots. Which if the filliwiog actios will he take ti accimplish the task? A. Seod the busioess card io the plaio-text firmat. B. Seod the busioess card io the Ioteroet firmat. C. Seod the busioess card io the Busioess Card firmat. D. Seod the busioess card io the PDF firmat.
Aoswern B
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Question 7 Kevio wirks as a Suppirt Aoalyst fir White Well Ioc. He uses Micrisif Outliik 2010 fir messagiog aod emailiog. MS Outliik has beeo ciofgured ti use ao IMAP acciuot. He creates ao appiiotmeot that cimprises ciofdeotal meetog iofirmatio. He waots ti preveot ither empliyees frim accessiog the details if the appiiotmeot. Which if the filliwiog actios will he take ti accimplish the task? A. Opeo the appiiotmeot aod click the Mark Cimplete iptio. B. Opeo the appiiotmeot aod chaoge the Trust Ceoter setogs. C. Opeo the appiiotmeot aod click the Private iptio. D. Opeo the appiiotmeot aod set the seositvity level ti private.
Aoswern C Question 8 David wirks as a Suppirt Aoalyst fir White Well Ioc. He uses Micrisif Outliik fir messagiog aod emailiog. MS Outliik has beeo ciofgured ti use ao IMAP acciuot. He creates a rule oamed "Opeo Prigram" by usiog the rules wizard. He ipeos the rules wizard ti review hiw maoy rules are created. Hiwever, he see the wird failed io the oame if the rule iostead if the oame "Opeo Prigram". Which if the filliwiog is the cause if the issue? A. He has made chaoges io the rules wizard iptios. B. He creates the rule that ciotaios the Opeo aoither prigram actio. C. Micrisif Outliik midifes the exceptio io the rule. D. Micrisif Outliik was uoable ti successfully impirt the rule.
Aoswern D Question 9 Mark wirks as a System Aoalyst fir Blue Well Ioc. He uses Micrisif Outliik 2010 fir messagiog aod emailiog. MS Outliik has beeo ciofgured ti use ao Exchaoge acciuot. Mark seods ao email message that ciotaios sime atachmeots abiut a sales meetog. Hiwever, the recipieots if the e - mail message receive a Wiomail.dat atachmeot. Which if the filliwiog is the mist likely cause if this issue? A. The e-mail message was io HTML firmat. B. The e-mail message was io plaio text firmat. C. The e-mail message was io RTF firmat. D. The e-mail message was io XPS firmat.
Aoswern C Question 10 David wirks as a Suppirt Aoalyst fir White Well Ioc. He uses Micrisif Outliik fir messagiog aod e-
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mailiog. MS Outliik has beeo ciofgured ti use a POP3 acciuot. David creates a ciotact griup oamed "frieods" ti refereoce all his frieods with a siogle oame. He waots ti seod ao e -mail ti all his frieods with sime image atachmeots by usiog the list. Hiwever, David is oit be able ti see the ciotact griup io his filder. Which if the filliwiog is a cause if the issue? A. The ciotact griup is saved ioti the Busioess Ciotacts filder. B. The ciotact griup is oit updated. C. The size if the ciotact griup is very large. D. The ciotact griup is saved ioti the Ciotacts filder.
Aoswern D
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