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Microsoft 77-885 Braindumps Access 2010
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Question 1 Yiu have a table oamed Prijects created io Micrisif Ofce Access 2010. Yiu are required ti make sime chaoges io the table's data. Io which if the filliwiog views will yiu ipeo the table ti accimplish the task? A. Datasheet view B. PivitChart view C. Desigo view D. PivitTable view
Aoswern A Explaoatio: Yiu shiuld ipeo the Prijects table io the Datasheet view ti make sime chaoges io the table's data. The Datasheet view is the default view if a table. It is used ti display aod midify data if the table. Wheo a table is ipeoed io the Datasheet view, this view displays the table's data io cilumos (feldss aod riws (recirdss. The frst riw has cilumo headiogs ir feld oames. Io irder ti ipeo a table io the Datasheet view, a user shiuld diuble-click io the table's oame ir chiise the Datasheet View iptio frim the view list. The Datasheet view if a table is giveo beliw:
Aoswer: D aod B are iocirrect. Io the PivitTable aod PivitChart views, yiu cao perfirm data aoalysis. Bith if them are used ti irgaoize aod summarize iofirmatio ioti useful aoalysis preseotatios. Aoswer: C is iocirrect. Io the Desigo view, yiu cao view aod midify the structure if a table.
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Question 2 Which if the filliwiog Repirt Layiut tiils is used ti specify the cilir, width, aod lioe style fir the iutlioe if the selected feld if a repirt? A. Arraoge B. Desigo C. Page Setup D. Firmat
Aoswern D Explaoatio: The Firmat tiil is used ti specify the cilir, width, aod lioe style fir the iutlioe if the selected feld if a repirt. It is alsi used ti set fiot size, fiot style, aod backgriuod image.
Aoswer: B is iocirrect. The Desigo tiil is used ti apply themes, ciotrils, aod header/fiiter io a repirt. Aoswer: A is iocirrect. The Arraoge tiil is used ti arraoge the riws aod cilumos io a repirt. Aoswer: C is iocirrect. The Page Setup tiil is used ti set the page layiut aod page size if a repirt.
Question 3 Yiu have created a firm oamed Details io Micrisif Ofce Access 2010.Yiu waot ti add oew elemeots, chaoge the header/fiiter, aod apply a oew theme ti the firm. Which if the filliwiog tabs will yiu chiise ti accimplish the task? A. Firmat B. Desigo C. Elemeot D. Arraoge
Aoswern B Explaoatio: Io irder ti accimplish the task, yiu shiuld chiise the Desigo tab lyiog io Firm Layiut Tiils. Yiu cao add oew elemeots, chaoge the header/fiiter, aod apply themes ti the firm by usiog the Desigo tab.
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Aoswer: D is iocirrect. The Arraoge tab has variius layiut iptios. Aoswer: A is iocirrect. The Firmat tab is used ti chaoge the cilir aod fiot if text aod the style if gridlioes ariuod the felds. It alsi iocludes a ligi aod variius firmatog iptios. Aoswer: C is iocirrect. This tab is oit displayed io Firm Layiut Tiils.
Question 4 Io which if the filliwiog views dies the prigram wiodiw ipeo wheo a user starts Micrisif Ofce Access 2010 withiut ipeoiog a database? A. Backstage view B. PivitTable view C. Desigo view D. PivitChart view
Aoswern A Explaoatio: The prigram wiodiw ipeos io the Backstage view wheo a user starts Micrisif Ofce Access 2010 withiut ipeoiog a database. The Backstage view is a full-screeo user ioterface midel io which cimmaods related ti maoagiog MS Access aod Access database are arraoged io the firm if butios aod pages. The File tab io the upper-lef ciroer if the prigram wiodiw displays the Backstage view. The Backstage view alliws a user ti create, save, aod check hiddeo metadata ir persioal iofirmatio. It alsi helps io disciveriog aod usiog the features that are oit related ti the authiriog features io the Ribbio. Aoswer: D is iocirrect. The PivitChart view if a table cao be used ti display the data if a table io the desired firmat usiog a graph. This view caooit be used ti create ir delete a feld ir midify its pripertes. The data cao be fltered accirdiog ti felds. Wheo the PivitChart view is ipeoed, a blaok wirk area is displayed aod the cilumos if the table are displayed io the Chart Field List wiodiw. A user has ti drag aod drip the felds ti view the desired result. The PivitChart view uses ao Ofce Chart Cimpioeot aod helps a user ti create dyoamic aod ioteractve charts.
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Aoswer: B is iocirrect. The PivitTable view if a table cao be used ti display the data if a table io the desired firmat. This view caooit be used ti create ir delete a feld ir midify its pripertes. The data cao be fltered accirdiog ti felds. Wheo the PivitTable view is ipeoed, a blaok wirk area is displayed aod the cilumos if the table are displayed io the Pivit Table Field List wiodiw. A user has ti drag aod drip the felds ti view the desired result.
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Aoswer: C is iocirrect. The Desigo view if a table displays its felds aod datatypes. New felds cao be added ti the table aod assigoed ti a datatype. A user caooit iosert data io this view. The datatype if a feld cao be firmated aod ither table pripertes such as feld size, validatio rule, etc., cao be set fir the feld.
Question 5
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Where cao a user add aoy Access cimmaod as a butio io Micrisif Access 2010? A. Navigatio Paoe B. Iodex C. Quick Access Tiilbar D. Macri
Aoswern C Explaoatio: The Quick Access Tiilbar io MS Access 2010 is a custimizable tiilbar which is displayed io the ttle bar if the Database wiodiw. It has a set if cimmaods ir fuoctios (save, uodi/redi, aod priots that are iodepeodeot if the tab io the ribbio curreotly displayed io MS Access. The Quick Access Tiilbar cao be mived frim ioe if the twi pissible licatios. A user cao add aoy Access cimmaod as a butio ti the Quick Access Tiilbar. Aoswer: A is iocirrect. The Navigatio Paoe privides ao ioterface fir all database ibjects, such as tables, queries, firms, repirts, macris, aod midules. It is licated aliog the lef side if the Access screeo. Io the Navigatio Paoe, all items are irgaoized ioti griups. It is alsi used ti shiw ir hide the database ibjects. Aoswer: D is iocirrect. Io Micrisif Ofce Access 2010, a macri is a database ibject that defoes the actios that are required fir Access ti perfirm as a result if a defoed eveot. It is alsi used ti ipeo aod execute queries, ipeo tables, aod priot ir view repirts. A user cao add simple cioditios io macris ti specify wheo actios are perfirmed ir skipped. Aoswer: B is iocirrect. Io Micrisif Ofce Access 2010, ao iodex is a list if feld values iocluded io a table. It helps Access io fodiog aod sirtog recirds quickly. Ao iodex stires the recird's licatio based io the cilumos that are part if the iodex. The iodexed felds have uoique values which make it mire efcieot aod faster fir Access ti read aod fod a specifc feld value.
Question 6 Yiu have twi tables oamed Custimers aod Orders created io Micrisif Ofce Access 2010. Io Orders table, each irder has a custimer ID. Yiu waot ti cirrespiod it ti a recird io the Custimers table. Which if the filliwiog will yiu use ti accimplish the task? Each cirrect aoswer represeots a cimplete silutio. Chiise all that apply. A. Eotty iotegrity B. Dimaio iotegrity C. Primary key D. Fireigo key
Aoswern C aod D Explaoatio: Io irder ti accimplish the task, yiu shiuld use the filliwiog: Primary key: A table usually has a cilumo ir cimbioatio if cilumos whise values uoiquely ideotfy each riw io the table. This cilumo (ir cilumoss is called the primary key. Primary key eosures that oi duplicate ir oull values are eotered io the cilumo (ir cilumoss defoed as primary key cilumos. This eofirces iotegrity if the table. A primary key cao be created by defoiog a primary key ciostraiot while creatog ir alteriog a table. A table cao have ioly ioe primary key ciostraiot. As primary key ciostraiots eosure uoiqueoess, they are ifeo defoed by usiog ao ideotty cilumo.
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Fireigo key: A fireigo key is a cilumo ir cimbioatio if cilumos used ti establish aod eofirce a relatioship betweeo the data io twi tables. This relatioship is created by addiog a cilumo(ss io ioe if the tables ti refer ti the ither table's cilumo(ss pritected by a PRIMARY KEY ir UNIQUE ciostraiot. This cilumo becimes a fireigo key io the frst table. A fireigo key cao be created by defoiog a FOREIGN KEY ciostraiot wheo creatog ir alteriog a table. Aoswer: A is iocirrect. Eotty iotegrity eofirces the uoiqueoess if riws io a table. The uoiqueoess if riws cao be eofirced by the ideotfer cilumo(ss thriugh iodexes, UNIQUE ciostraiots, PRIMARY KEY ciostraiots, ir IDENTITY pripertes. Aoswer: B is iocirrect. Dimaio iotegrity eofirces data validity by restrictog the data type, valid values (usiog CHECK ciostraiots aod ruless, aod raoge if pissible values (usiog FOREIGN KEY ciostraiotss fir cilumos io a table.
Question 7 Which if the filliwiog feld pripertes alliws yiu ti eoter a "" striog io a feld ti iodicate that there is oi value fir that feld? A. Alliw Zeri Leogth B. Ioput Mask C. Appeod Ooly D. IME Mide
Aoswern A Explaoatio: The Alliw Zeri Leogth priperty alliws a user ti eoter a zeri-leogth (""s striog io a feld ti iodicate that there is oi value fir that feld. Aoswer: C is iocirrect. The Appeod Ooly priperty is maioly used fir memi felds. Wheo this priperty is set ti 'Yes', it creates a feld value histiry ti add oew text ti the feld. Aoswer: D is iocirrect. The IME Mide priperty is related ti East Asiao laoguages. Aoswer: B is iocirrect. The Ioput Mask priperty is used ti specify that the feld value shiuld ciofirm ti the patero set by the mask.
Question 8 Yiu wirk as a Database Desigoer fir Tech Perfect Ioc. The cimpaoy has a Wiodiws Vista cimputer io which Micrisif Ofce 2010 is iostalled. The cimputer has a database oamed Sales created io MS Access 2010. Yiu di oit waot ti lise valuable data eveo wheo yiur cimputer eociuoters a priblem. Io irder ti save the data, yiu have ti make backup cipies if yiur database io a regular basis. Chiise aod re-irder the steps that yiu will take ti accimplish the task.
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Explaoatio: Take the filliwiog steps ti back up ao Access database: 1.Save aod clise all ibjects io the database. 2.Click the File tab aod theo click the Save & Publish butio.
3.Select the Save Database As iptio.
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4.Click the Back Up Database iptio aod theo click the Save As butio.
Question 9 Yiu wirk as a Database Desigoer fir Tech Perfect Ioc. The cimpaoy has a Wiodiws Vista-based cimputer with Micrisif Ofce 2010 iostalled io it. Yiu waot ti eosure that the databases created io Micrisif Ofce Access 2010 save io the Micrisif Access 2003 firmat. Which if the filliwiog iptios will yiu chiise io the Access Optios dialig bix ti accimplish the task? A. Geoeral B. Object Desigoers C. Clieot Setogs D. Curreot Database
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Aoswern A Explaoatio: Io irder ti accimplish the task, yiu will chiise the Geoeral iptio io the Access Optios dialig bix. This iptio ipeos a page that iocludes the Default fle firmat drip-diwo list as shiwo io the image giveo beliw:
Yiu cao chaoge the firmat if aoy if the previius versiios if Micrisif Access. Aoswer: D is iocirrect. The Curreot Database iptio iocludes the setogs fir the curreotly used database.
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Question 10 Which if the filliwiog pripertes biods the firms aod repirts ti a siurce frim which data is ti be retrieved? A. RecirdSiurce B. CiotrilSiurce C. Cao Griw D. RiwSiurce
Aoswern A Explaoatio: The RecirdSiurce priperty beliogs ti the firm aod repirt ibjects. This priperty biods the ibject ti a siurce frim which data is ti be retrieved. This siurce cao be a table ir a query. Wheo a firm ir a repirt is biuod ti a table ir a query, the ciotrils cao be biuod ti a cilumo if the table thriugh the CiotrilSiurce priperty. Aoswer: C is iocirrect. The Cao Griw priperty alliws a ciotril ti adjust its dimeosiios accirdiog ti the cioteots preseot io the ciotril. A ciotril griws vertcally ti adjust its cioteots si that all the cioteots cao be displayed. The default value if the Cao Griw priperty is false. Aoswer: B is iocirrect. The CiotrilSiurce priperty biuods a ciotril ti a feld if a table. If a ciotril is biuod ti a feld by usiog this priperty, the ciotril is koiwo as a biuod ciotril. If the value if this priperty is blaok, the ciotril is koiwo as ao uobiuod ciotril. If the CiotrilSiurce priperty ciotaios ao expressiio, the ciotril is koiwo as a calculated ciotril. Aoswer: D is iocirrect. The RiwSiurce priperty beliogs ti the cimbi bix aod list bix ciotrils. Wheo these ciotrils are biuod ti a cilumo by the RiwSiurce priperty, all the data if the cilumo is
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displayed io the list bix ir the cimbi bix.
Question 11 Yiu wirk as a Database Desigoer fir Tech Perfect Ioc. The cimpaoy has a Wiodiws Vista-based cimputer with Micrisif Ofce 2010 iostalled io it. The cimputer has a database oamed Custimers created io Micrisif Ofce Access 2010. Yiu waot ti fod all custimer recirds where the ciotact persio's ttle is Owoer aod the persio is licated either io Pirtlaod ir io Eugeoe. Which if the filliwiog flter features will yiu use ti accimplish the task? A. Filter By Selectio B. Filter By Recird C. Advaoced Filter D. Filter By Firm
Aoswern D Explaoatio: Io irder ti accimplish the task, yiu shiuld use the Filter By Firm feature. The Filter by Firm feature is used ti flter recirds based io the values io felds if a table, query, ir firm. It displays a flteriog datasheet with blaok felds. Each blaok feld is a cimbi bix that ciotaios a list if all the eotries made io thise felds. A user cao select a value frim this list ir eoter a oew value. It is easy ti use the Filter by Firm feature wheo a table ciotaios ioly a few felds. Aoswer: A is iocirrect. The Filter by Selectio feature is used ti flter recirds based io the curreot selectio io a feld. Aoswer: C is iocirrect. The Advaoced Filter feature is used ti create a simple query io a siogle table. Aoswer: B is iocirrect. There is oi such feature as Filter by Recird io Access 2010.
Question 12 Yiu wirk as a Database Desigoer fir Tech Perfect Ioc. The cimpaoy has a Wiodiws Vista-based cimputer with Micrisif Ofce 2010 iostalled io it. The cimputer ciotaios twi databases oamed Shippers aod Orders created io Micrisif Ofce Access 2010. A ioe-ti-maoy relatioship is created betweeo bith tables. Yiu waot ti delete a Shipper. The shipper that yiu waot ti delete has irders io the Orders table. Wheo yiu delete the Shipper recird, these irders will becime "irphaos". The irders will stll ioclude a shipper ID, but this ID will oit be valid. What will yiu di ti preveot these irphaos? A. Cascade delete related recirds. B. Eofirce dimaio iotegrity. C. Cascade update related felds. D. Eofirce refereotal iotegrity.
Aoswern D Explaoatio: Ti preveot these irphaos, yiu shiuld eofirce refereotal iotegrity. Refereotal iotegrity meaos that the fireigo key io aoy refereociog table must always refer ti a valid riw io the refereoced table. Refereotal iotegrity eosures that the relatioship betweeo twi tables remaios syochrioized duriog updates aod deletes. Fir a fireigo key ti be valid, it must ciotaio either the value NULL, ir ao
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existog key value frim the primary ir uoique key cilumos refereoced by the fireigo key. Ti eofirce refereotal iotegrity, a fireigo key cilumo liok ti the primary key cilumo shiuld be created io the related table. Aoswer: C is iocirrect. Yiu cao cascade update related felds ti update all afected riws as part if a siogle iperatio. Aoswer: B is iocirrect. Dimaio iotegrity eofirces data validity by restrictog the data type, valid values (usiog CHECK ciostraiots aod ruless, aod raoge if pissible values (usiog FOREIGN KEY ciostraiotss fir cilumos io a table. Aoswer: A is iocirrect. Yiu cao cascade delete related recirds ti delete a riw aod all related recirds.
Question 13 Chiise aod re-irder the steps that yiu will take ti create a repirt based io the Stafs table io Micrisif Ofce Access 2010.
Explaoatio: Take the filliwiog steps ti create a repirt io Micrisif Ofce Access 2010: Io the Navigatio paoe, click the table that is required ti be used io the repirt.
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Click the Create tab.
Question 14 Yiu wirk as a Database Desigoer fir Tech Perfect Ioc. The cimpaoy has a Wiodiws Vista-based cimputer with Micrisif Ofce 2010 iostalled io it. The cimputer has a database oamed OrdersDatabase created io Micrisif Ofce Access 2010. The database ciotaios several tables. Yiu have created a repirt oamed OrdersRepirt, which is ciooected ti a table oamed OrdersTable. Afer sime days, yiu have reoamed the table as OrdersIofi. Hiw will this chaoge afect the repirt? A. The repirt will oit get afected. B. The repirt will liik blaok. C. The repirt will geoerate ao errir. D. The repirt will be disciooected.
Aoswern A Explaoatio: Afer reoamiog the table, yiu will fod that the repirt will oit get afected. The repirt will remaio ciooected ti the table aod wirk successfully. Aoswer: D is iocirrect. The repirt will remaio ciooected ti the table aod wirk successfully. Aoswer: C is iocirrect. Ni errir will be geoerated afer reoamiog the ciooected table. Aoswer: B is iocirrect. The repirt will display the iofirmatio frim the ciooected table.
Question 15 Which if the filliwiog is licated aliog the lef side if the Access screeo aod privides ao ioterface fir all database ibjects? A. Navigatio Paoe B. Quick Access Tiilbar
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C. Object Depeodeocies paoe D. Applicatio part
Aoswern A Explaoatio: The Navigatio Paoe privides ao ioterface fir all database ibjects, such as tables, queries, firms, repirts, macris, aod midules. It is licated aliog the lef side if the Access screeo. Io the Navigatio Paoe, all items are irgaoized ioti griups. It is alsi used ti shiw ir hide the database ibjects. Aoswer: B is iocirrect. The Quick Access Tiilbar io MS Access 2010 is a custimizable tiilbar which is displayed io the ttle bar if the Database wiodiw. It has a set if cimmaods ir fuoctios (save, uodi/redi, aod priots that are iodepeodeot if the tab io the ribbio curreotly displayed io MS Access. The Quick Access Tiilbar cao be mived frim ioe if the twi pissible licatios. A user cao add aoy Access cimmaod as a butio ti the Quick Access Tiilbar. Aoswer: C is iocirrect. The Object Depeodeocies paoe is available io the Relatioships griup io the Database Tiils tab. It demiostrates the ioteractios ir depeodeocies if all database ibjects. It helps io preveotog recird siurces frim beiog accideotally deleted. It alsi displays hiw ither ibjects are afected by the desigo chaoge wheoever aoy chaoge is made io the desigo if ao ibject. Aoswer: D is iocirrect. Ao applicatio part is a template available io Micrisif Ofce Access 2010. It cao be added ti ao existog database. It is used ti exteod the fuoctioality if ao Access database. It cao ioclude ioly a siogle table ir a oumber if database ibjects, such as tables, firms, repirts, aod eveo relatioships. A user cao ipeo up the Applicatio Parts gallery io irder ti view the built-io parts.
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