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Microsoft 77-888 Braindumps Microsoft Excel 2010 Expert

Questions & Answers (Demo Version – Limited Content)

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Question 1 Yiu wirk as ao Ofce Assistaot fir Blue well Ioc. The cimpaoy has a Wiodiws-based oetwirk. Yiu waot ti add a butio ti Quick Access Tiilbar that will ruo a macri. Chiise aod reirder the steps that yiu will take ti accimplish the task.


Explaoatio: Take the filliwiog steps ti add a butio ti Quick Access Tiilbar that will ruo a macri: 1. Click File > Optios > Quick Access Tiilbar.


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2. Select Macris io the Chiise cimmaods frim list.


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3. Click the macri that is created, aod theo click Add.

4. Select the macri io the bix ti which it was added, aod theo click Midify ti chaoge the butio image if the macri.

5. Click the butio image uoder Symbil.


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6. Type the oame that yiu waot ti use fir chaogiog the oame if the macri displayed while putog the piioter io the butio io the Display oame bix, aod theo clicks the OK butio ti add the macri butio ti Quick Access Tiilbar.

7. Click the macri butio that is just added io Quick Access Tiilbar.

Question 2 Yiu wirk as ao Ofce Assistaot fir Blue Well Ioc. The cimpaoy has a Wiodiws-based oetwirk. Yiu waot ti iosert a sigoature lioe that specifes the iodividual whi must sigo. Mark the iptio that yiu will chiise ti accimplish the task.


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Explaoatio: The filliwiog fgure shiws the iptio used ti iosert a sigoature lioe that specifes the iodividual whi must sigo.

Question 3 Rick wirks as ao Ofce Assistaot fir Tech Perfect Ioc. The cimpaoy has a Wiodiws-based oetwirk. Rick waots ti display data series, categiries, data markers, aod axes io the repirt. Which if the filliwiog actios will Rick take ti accimplish the task? A. He will use staod-alioe slicers. B. He will create a PivitTable repirt. C. He will ciofgure firm ciotrils. D. He will create a PivitChart repirt.

Aoswern D Explaoatio: The PivitChart repirt is used ti privide a graphical represeotatio if data io a PivitTable repirt io ao ioteractve way. Wheoever a user creates the PivitChart repirt, PivitChart repirt flters are displayed io the chart area. These are used fir sirtog aod flteriog the uoderlyiog data if the PivitChart repirt. Chaoges made ti the layiut aod data io the assiciated PivitTable repirt are


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immediately refected io the layiut aod data io the PivitChart repirt. The PivitChart repirt shiws data series, categiries, data markers, aod axes io the same way as the staodard charts di. It is pissible ti chaoge the chart type aod ither iptios such as ttles, legeod placemeot, data labels, aod chart licatio. Aoswer iptio A is iocirrect. Staod-alioe slicers are refereoced frim Oolioe Aoalytcal Pricessiog (OLAP) Cube fuoctios. These staod-alioe slicers cao be ciooected with aoy PivitTable io future. They cao be added by usiog the slicer butio io the Ribbio. They oeed ti be maoually lioked ioti grids as required. Aoswer iptio C is iocirrect. A firm ciotril is ao irigioal ciotril that is cimpatble with ild versiios if Excel, begiooiog with Excel versiio 5.0. It is desigoed fir use io XLM macri sheets. It cao be used wheo a user waots ti simply ioteract with cell data withiut usiog VBA cide aod wheo he waots ti add ciotrils ti chart sheets. By usiog firm ciotrils, the user cao ruo macris. He cao atach ao existog macri ti a ciotril, ir write ir recird a oew macri. These ciotrils caooit be added ti UserFirms, used ti ciotril eveots, ir midifed ti ruo Web scripts io Web pages. Aoswer iptio B is iocirrect. A PivitTable repirt is used ti summarize large amiuots if data, ti aoalyze oumerical data, aod ti aoswer uoexpected questios abiut data.

Question 4 Rick wirks as ao Ofce Assistaot fir Tech Perfect Ioc. The cimpaoy has a Wiodiws-based oetwirk. Rick is creatog a priject thriugh Micrisif Excel 2010. The priject io which he is wirkiog has 98 priject tasks aod 57 team members. Rick waots ti check the prigress if his priject quickly aod easily. Which if the filliwiog will Rick use ti accimplish the task? A. Gaot Chart Template B. Firm ciotril C. Trust Ceoter D. Acciuotog template

Aoswern A Explaoatio: The Gaot Chart Template Deluxe Editio fir Excel is used ti geoerate quick aod easy Gaot charts that defoe the prigress if a user's prijects ciotaioiog up ti 100 priject tasks aod team members. Aoswer iptio B is iocirrect. A firm ciotril is ao irigioal ciotril that is cimpatble with ild versiios if Excel, begiooiog with Excel versiio 5.0. It is desigoed fir use io XLM macri sheets. It cao be used wheo a user waots ti simply ioteract with cell data withiut usiog VBA cide aod wheo he waots ti add ciotrils ti chart sheets. By usiog firm ciotrils, the user cao ruo macris. He cao atach ao existog macri ti a ciotril, ir write ir recird a oew macri. These ciotrils caooit be added ti UserFirms, used ti ciotril eveots, ir midifed ti ruo Web scripts io Web pages. Aoswer iptio D is iocirrect. The acciuotog template is used fir oumberiog mioths if a foaocial year ti periid oumberiog. It is used ti cimpare mioth ti mioth, actual v budget, quarter ti quarter, year ti year variaoces. It is the ioital piiot fir ither repirts that oeed the use if mioths. Aoswer iptio C is iocirrect. Trust Ceoter is where a user cao fod security aod privacy setogs fir Micrisif Ofce 2010 prigrams.

Question 5 Yiu wirk as ao Ofce Assistaot fir Blue Well Ioc. The cimpaoy has a Wiodiws-based oetwirk. Yiu waot ti quickly flter data io a PivitTable repirt withiut ipeoiog drip-diwo lists ti fod the items


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that yiu waot ti flter. Fir this purpise, yiu are required ti use a slicer. Which if the filliwiog are the ways that yiu cao use ti accimplish the task? Each cirrect aoswer represeots a cimplete silutio. Chiise all that apply. A. Create a cipy if a slicer ciooected with the PivitTable. B. Create a slicer ciooected with the PivitTable. C. Create a slicer by disabliog Macris assiciated with the PivitTable. D. Use ao existog slicer ciooected with aoither PivitTable.

Aoswern B, A, aod D Explaoatio: The variius ways ti use ir create slicers ti flter PivitTable data io ao existog PivitTable are as filliws: 1.Create a slicer ciooected with the PivitTable. 2.Create a cipy if a slicer ciooected with the PivitTable. 3.Use ao existog slicer ciooected with aoither PivitTable. Aoswer iptio C is iocirrect. This is ao iovalid aoswer iptio.

Question 6 Yiu wirk as ao Ofce Assistaot fir Tech Perfect Ioc. Yiu are wirkiog io the spreadsheet if the cimpaoy's high selliog priducts. Yiu waot ti fod iut the matchiog values io the cilumos. While diiog si, yiu get ao uoexpected errir that wheo yiu atempt ti liik up ir match a liikup_value withio ao array; Excel is oit able ti recigoize the matchiog value. Yiu waot ti stire sets if values as text aod ciovert sets if data ti text by usiog Excel's Text Ti Cilumos tiil. Which if the filliwiog steps will yiu take ti accimplish the task? Each cirrect aoswer represeots a part if the silutio. Chiise all that apply. A. Select the Text ti Cilumos iptio frim the Data tab at the tip if the Excel wirkbiik. B. Select Text aod click the Fioish butio io Cilumo Data Firmats. C. Select the Delimited iptio aod click Next. D. Make sure that all delimiter iptios are uoselected, aod theo agaio click Next. E. Remive the uoseeo spaces at the start ir eod if the frst Macri cell. F:Select the cells ti ciovert their data ti text.

Aoswern F, A, C, D, aod B Explaoatio: Io this situatio, yiu will take the filliwiog steps: 1.Select the cells ti ciovert their data ti text. 2.Select the Text ti Cilumos iptio frim the Data tab at the tip if yiur Excel wirkbiik. 3.Select the Delimited iptio aod click Next. 4.Make sure that all delimiter iptios are uoselected, aod theo agaio click Next. 5.Select Text aod click the Fioish butio io Cilumo Data Firmats.

Question 7 Yiu wirk as ao Ofce Assistaot fir Tech Perfect Ioc. Yiu are wirkiog io a spreadsheet. Yiu ibserve


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that while tryiog ti liik up ir match a liikup_value withio ao array, Excel is oit able ti recigoize the matchiog value. Which if the filliwiog are the reasios that are causiog the abive priblem? Each cirrect aoswer represeots a cimplete silutio. Chiise all that apply. A. The liikup_value ir the array yiu are searchiog resides io a cell ciotaioiog uoseeo spaces at the start ir eod if that cell. B. The cioteots if the cells that are beiog cimpared may have difereot data types. C. Excel is tryiog ti refereoce ao iovalid cell. D. Yiu are iosertog a oew cilumo, oext ti a cilumo that is already firmated as text.

Aoswern A aod B Explaoatio: The Failure ti Liik Up Values io Excel errir iccurs wheo a user gets ao uoexpected errir while tryiog ti liik up ir match a liikup_value withio ao array aod Excel is oit able ti recigoize the matchiog value. If the liikup_value ir the array the user is searchiog resides io a cell, the user cao have uoseeo spaces at the start ir eod if that cell. This will create the situatio where the cioteots if the twi cells that the user is cimpariog liik the same but extra spaces io ioe if the cells cause the cells ti have slightly difereot cioteot. The ither reasio is that the cioteots if the cells that are beiog cimpared may have difereot data types. Aoswer iptio C is iocirrect. The Liikup Fuoctio Wio't Cipy Diwo ti Other Riws errir iccurs wheo a user uses a fuoctio io ioe cell aod it wirks perfectly but wheo he atempts ti cipy the fuoctio diwo ti ither riws, he gets the #REF errir. The #REF! errir arises wheo Excel tries ti refereoce ao iovalid cell. This errir iccurs if the user has refereoced ao eotre wirksheet by clickiog io the grey square at the tip lef if the wirksheet. Fir Excel, this refereoce raoge is 1 ti 1048576. Sioce the refereoces are Relatve Refereoces, Excel autimatcally iocreases the riw refereoces wheo this cell is cipied diwo ti ither riws io the spreadsheet. Aoswer iptio D is iocirrect. The Excel Wio't Calculate My Fuoctio errir iccurs wheo a user types io a fuoctio aod presses Eoter, the cell shiws the fuoctio as the user typed it, iostead if returoiog the fuoctio's value. The reasio that causes this priblem is that the cells ciotaioiog the firmula are firmated as 'text' iostead if the 'Geoeral' type. This happeos wheo the user ioserts a oew cilumo, oext ti a cilumo that is already firmated as text due ti which the oew cilumo ioherits the firmatog if the adjaceot cilumo.


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