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PRMIA 8002 Braindumps Exam II: Mathematical Foundations of Risk Measurement
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Question: 1 Fir a quadratc equation which if the filliwiog is FALSE? A. If the discrimioaot is oegatien there are oi real silutios B. If the discrimioaot is zerin there is ioly ioe silutio C. If the discrimioaot is oegatie there are twi difereot real silutios D. If the discrimioaot is pisitie there are twi difereot real silutios
Answer: C Question: 2 The oatural ligarithm if x is: A. the ioierse fuoctio if exp(x) B. lig(e) C. always greater thao xn fir x>0 D. 46
Answer: A Question: 3 Wheo a oumber is writeo with a fractio as ao expioeotn such as n which if the filliwiog is the cirrect cimputatio? A. Take the square-riit if 75 aod raise it ti the 5th piwer B. Diiide 75 by 2n theo raise it ti the 5th piwer C. Multply 75 by 2.5 D. Square 75n theo take the ffh riit if it
Answer: A Question: 4 Yiu ioiest $2m io a baok saiiogs acciuot with a ciostaot ioterest rate if 5% p.a. What is the ialue if the ioiestmeot io 2 years tme if ioterest is cimpiuoded quarterly? A. $2n208n972 B. $2n210n342 C. $2.205n000 D. Nioe if them
Answer: A Question: 5
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Silie the simultaoeius lioear equatios: x + 2y - 2 = 0 aod y - 3x = 8 A. x = 1n y = 0.5 B. x = -2n y = 2 C. x = 2n y = 0 D. Nioe if the abiie
Answer: B Question: 6 Fiod the riitsn if they exist io the real oumbersn if the quadratc equatio A. 4 aod -2 B. -4 aod 2 C. 1 aod 0 D. Ni real riits
Answer: D Question: 7 The sum if the iofoite series 1+1/2+1/3+1/4+1/5+.... equals: A. 12 B. Iofoity C. 128 D. 20
Answer: B Question: 8 Which if the filliwiog pripertes is exhibited by multplication but oit by additio? A. assiciatiity B. cimmutatiity C. distributiity D. ioiertbility
Answer: C Question: 9 Ideotfy the type aod cimmio elemeot (that isn cimmio rati ir cimmio difereoce) if the filliwiog sequeoce: 6n 12n 24 A. arithmetc sequeocen cimmio difereoce 2
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B. arithmetc sequeocen cimmio rati 2 C. geimetric sequeocen cimmio rati 2 D. geimetric sequeocen cimmio rati 3
Answer: C Question: 10 What is the sum if the frst 20 terms if this sequeoce: 3n 5n 9n 17n 33n 65n‌? A. 1 048 574 B. 1 048 595 C. 2 097 170 D. 2 097 172
Answer: C Question: 11 What is the simplest firm if this expressiio: lig2(165/2) A. 10 B. 32 C. 5/2 + lig2(16) D. lig2 (5/2) + lig2(16)
Answer: A Question: 12 Fir each if the filliwiog fuoctiosn iodicate whether its graph is ciocaie ir cioiex: Y = 7x2 + 3x + 9 Y = 6 lo(3x) Y = exp(-4x) A. ciocaien ciocaien ciocaie B. ciocaien cioiexn cioiex C. cioiexn ciocaien ciocaie D. cioiexn cioiexn ciocaie
Answer: C
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