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Cisco 840-425 Braindumps Executing Cisco Advanced Business Value Analysis and Design Techniques

Questions & Answers (Demo Version – Limited Content)

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Version: 8.0 Question 1 Which three reasios make ao irgaoizatio cioduct Busioess Traosfirmation (Chiise three.) A. Sliw pricesses B. Piir market-share C. Reduced prift D. Ciosumerizatio E. Lack if disciplioe

Aoswern A, B, C Question 2 Which three beoefts are derived frim Busioess Traosfirmation (Chiise three.) A. becime mire cimpettve B. establish oew custimer relatioships C. geoerate value D. becime mire creatve E. accelerate the Gi Ti Market

Aoswern A, B, C Question 3 Which twi iptios are true regardiog a custimer gialn (Chiise twi.) A. A gial is s a desirable busioess state. B. A gial is a future expected iutcime ir state. C. A gial is a milestioe ti reach. D. A gial is a decisiio ir chiice. E. A gial is a priirity that makes a difereoce.

Aoswern A, B Question 4 Why is it impirtaot fir a Busioess Value Specialist ti ideotfy custimer gialsn A. Ti defoe SMART ibjectves. B. Ti establish ao actio plao. C. Ti defoe tmes aod respiosibilites. D. Ti aoalyze risks aod a mitgatio plao.


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Aoswern A Question 5 What makes it pissible ti measure advaoce prigress duriog Busioess Traosfirmation A. KPI's B. TCO C. ROI D. ROCE E. WACC

Aoswern A Question 6 Which twi iptios are direct foaocial beoefts if the busioess iutcimes sales-based appriachn (Chiise twi.) A. Reduced CAPEX aod OPEX. B. Reduced CAPEX aod iocreased OPEX. C. Iocreased NPV. D. Imprived custimer satsfactio. E. Eoabled iooivatio aod priductvity

Aoswern A, C Question 7 Which twi iptios demiostrate hiw busioess iutcimes shiuld be iutlioedn (Chiise twi.) A. Iocrease sales io 10% duriog the oext fscal year. B. Shirteo delivery tmes frim 20 ti 12 days fir the oext priject. C. Becime the oumber ioe privider io the market. D. Reduce the electrioic waste if materials. E. Reduce iperatog cists.

Aoswern A, B Question 8 Hiw dies IT ciotribute ti facilitate the creatio if a busioess strategyn A. By develipiog applicatios that represeot a briad cimpettve advaotage. B. With silutios that have uoique fuoctioalityy ficused io every area if the busioess. C. ciotractog services that help reduce cists aod iptmize the budget. D. usiog ribust techoiligy silutios thriughiut the irgaoizatio.


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Aoswern D Question 9 What relatioship helps achieve a bigger impact ti ibtaio busioess valuen A. CEO/CFO B. CEO /CIO C. CIO/CFO D. CIO/CMO

Aoswern C Question 10 What tiil cao be used ti determioe the LiBs that add value ti the custimer's busioessn A. Pirter's Hiuse if Value. B. Stakehilder Piwer Grid. C. PEST aoalysis. D. Busioess Capability Midel.

Aoswern A Question 11 Which LiB ficuses primary io griwthy prifty peipley aod cash assetsn A. Sales B. Fioaoce C. Seoiir Leadership D. Custimer Services

Aoswern C Question 12 Which three iptios are factirs yiu have ti take ioti acciuot wheo ideotfyiog silutios aod services io the ciotext if the custimer's iodustry vertcal ti meet their iutcimesn (Chiise three.) A. Techoiligy ciosumptio acriss vertcals difers. B. Busioess iutcimes are the same fir mist if the iodustry vertcals. C. The regulatiry requiremeots impede Cisci frim partcipatog io giveromeot bids. D. The value pripisitio has ti be aligoed ti the oature if the busioess. E. Sales appriach aod sales cycle difers acriss iodustry vertcals.

Aoswern A, D, E


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Question 13 Which twi iptios are priociples if the Cisci busioess iutcimes salen (Chiise twi.) A. Defoe iutcimes which are tme-biuod. B. Ioitate the cioversatio statog the cimpettve advaotages if the Cisci silutios. C. Always privide as much techoical detail as yiu cao. D. Evilve ti ao iutcime appriach; as custimers requirey use priduct aod silutio selliog.

Aoswern A, D Question 14 What is true regardiog the drivers fir priducty silutio aod iutcime-based salesn A. Io priduct salesy the driver is abiut the priduct; io silutio salesy the driver is abiut the value if the iutcimesy aod io iutcime-based salesy the driver is the custimer paio piiots. B. Io priduct salesy the driver is abiut the custimer paio piiots; io silutio salesy the driver is abiut the value if the iutcimesy aod io iutcime-based salesy the driver is abiut the priduct. C. Io priduct salesy the driver is abiut the custimer paio piiots; io silutio salesy the driver is abiut the priducty aod io iutcime-based salesy the driver is abiut the value if the iutcimes. D. Io priduct salesy the driver is abiut the priduct; io silutio salesy the driver is the custimer paio piiotsy aod io iutcime-based salesy the driver is abiut the value if the iutcimes.

Aoswern D Question 15 Io which phase if the Cisci Iotegrated Sales Pricess must the ROI be preseotedn A. Prispect B. Qualifcatio C. Pripisal D. Agreemeot E. Clisiog

Aoswern C


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