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From the Virginia Recreation and Park Society, whose purpose is to unite all
(+$%+ #% B,*,2# :D= <>:< B/#0+ 67"8 (+$40- .03"+"#0') professionals, students, and interested lay persons engaged in the field of recreation,
parks and other leisure services in the Commonwealth of Virginia, into one body. 20 !"#$% &'()'*+ EF<GH President’s Newsletter
Issue No. 1 Spring 2012
*2156 70-.4 8 %9:' "929: Awards Call for Entries VRPS goes to Ireland It’s time to submit your nominations for the 2012 Awards program. Submit your best program, event or facility or nominate a dedicated professional, volunteer or corporate partner. Deadline is June 15. Pages 3-6
Help us with this society fundraiser and invite your community to join us! Page 10
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Supporting the Foundation Are you supporting the VRPS Foundation? Check out who is and join us! Page 11
Register on line today!
Rides, Rides, Rides The 2012 VRPS Member Ticket Program is now open. Information from the participating attractions, along with ticket order forms are available.
Page 7-8
*2156 70-.4 8 %9:' "929:
“A Mountain of Fresh Ideas” is the annual conference theme, perfect for the idyllic mountain setting of Wintergreen Resort and an inspiration for the unique and high quality educational tracts.
Making Playgrounds Safe Take the NPSI exam in Henrico County September 19-21.
E:<G April snowfalls can be beautiful and at LTI, an inch was just right. Page 2
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Climb Up! M !;<- &'()'*+
A last snowburst at LTI
The Exhibit Hall gives delegates an opportunity to meet with commercial vendors that provide services and/or products to the profession.
HBO and free access to the resort shuttle service.
You can choose to reserve a single room in the E:DG Wintergreen Lodge or choose a 2, 3 or 4 bedroom condo on the mountainside and do :N< 56O2 "+0 $&4',-0- $& #P0 4%,+20 /00N some team building with your workmates or
rally your best VRPS buds to make some O(. Q+%,&- .P$33$&* R$#P$& #P0 5%&#$&0&#"' O&$#0- .#"#02N 5"'' /%+ $&#0+&"#$%&"' 2P$33$&* /0 mountain memories!
Visit www.wintegreen.com and use group %'$4)J 34' *'=92:*5:9<- >''? /'22 5 @ABB .5-.'//5:9<- .45*='? C9// )' *'>0-1'1 9> .5-.' Parks and Recreation professionals from reservation code #40P8UB and make your around the state will gather September 8 - 11 reservations today! )'><*' :4' ./<2' <> )029-'22 E0=02: FG? ABFAH %0)2:9:0:9<-2 5*' 5//<C'1H ;< *'>0-1 for the annual conference- an opportunity to Preliminary Educational Sessions renew, refresh and invigorate our resources, G? ABFAH relationships and core motivation. This year • “Green” Practices attendees will be inspired by 11,000 acres of
• Special Event Planning Blue Ridge Mountain beauty and over 70 & T%+8 • Leadership & Management educational sessions. • Aquatics: Programs, Design & Safety Disability Awareness & Training Why you should be here... This educational exchange provides an •• Facility U"2# !"80J Operations, Design & Safety • Outdoor Programming: Geocaching, opportunity for professionals to discuss trends of common interest. Renowned • Campfire Cooking, Biking, Trails and areas “Help Me Get a Job” speakers highlight the conference in addition Lodging to dozens of topical sessions. In addition to --+022J W!% (X V%702YI Many units offer breathtaking views, the educational aspects, the Conference provides the opportunity for both networking fireplaces, decks and slope side access. All units offer kitchen facilities, coffee and award recognition. lodging parking, cable television .#"#0J makers, free with free 68"$'J 6372 Mechanicsville Tnpk, Suite 109, Mechanicsville, VA 23111 www.vrps.com
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A Destination for Recreation At Great Falls, the Potomac River builds up speed and force as it falls over a series of steep, jagged rocks and flows through the narrow Mather Gorge. The Patowmack Canal offers a glimpse into the early history of this country. Great Falls Park has many opportunities to explore history and nature, all in a beautiful 800acre park only 15 miles from the Nation's Capital.
Leadership Training Institute
Andrew Jennings, Adesimbo Jerry, Sarah Johnson, Clifton Jones, Gloria D. Jones, Michael J. Kalvort, CPRE, Deborah O. King, Kelly Koster, Alissa N. Landry, Sherri M. Lee, CTRS, Katherine B. Legg, CPRP, John Lewis, Amy J. Maltese, Tabitha R. Martinez, Quentin Matthews, Jonathan Mendez, Zuwana Morgan, Hugo Jamel Morrison, Melissa Nester, Nicole Owens, Alexis Roeber, Jason A Seaford, Rebecca Skinner, Ashley Elizabeth Smith, Michelle Starcher, AFO, William Vargo, Lee Wilson.
After an early spring, waking to an inch of snow was a bit of a surprise, but fifty four delegates attending the bi-annual Leadership Training Institute didn’t seem to mind. The beautiful scenery just enhanced LTI’s reputation as the premier development program for Virginia parks and recreation professionals. Two and a half days of team building, good natured competition and dynamic, interactive presentations culminated in a group of peers with valuable new skills and relationships. Many thanks to Margaret Thorne, chair and the LTI Board Marcy Durrer, Blythe Russian, Sheri Conrad, Sara Lu Christian, Bryan Price, Tameka Williams, Jane Shelhorse, Shawn Hopson, Brad Flynn, Jason Jones, Jim Stutts and Katie Legg, VRPS Board Liaison. The Graduates include: Isaac Acosta, Jr, Gregory Anselene, Maria E. Barner, Valora Baskerville, Edson Bravo, Les Bullock, Andrew L Chevalier, Cris Couchman, Marcia F. Dougherty, William Edmundson, Richard I. Elliott, Sergio Enriquez, Nevador Evans, II, Bryant Fields, Kathleen Fish, Michael S. Fisher, Rebecca Flaherty, Rickeda Fofana, Rodney Granger, Kristen Leigh Hamill, Jennifer G. Hellier, Brian C. Hess, Alexander Holloway, Ashley Hundley, 2
care, custody or control of children to the list of individuals required to report suspected child abuse or neglect and reduces the time allowed for reporting suspected child abuse or neglect by a mandated reporter from 72 hours to 24 hours. VRPS will announce training opportunities for staff, coaches and volunteers early this summer.
McKee-Beshers Wildlife Management Area
Legislative Visits on Capitol Hill VRPS members, guided by legislative chair and VRPS Board Treasurer Art Thatcher (pictured above), went to Washington on March 29 to visit our senators and congressmen. With the help of staff from NRPA, each elected official received a packet on information that elaborated on our legislative initiatives, including the vital importance of funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund. In Virginia, legislative action included adoption of new regulations regarding reporting requirements for suspected child abuse. Among other bills enacted, VA HB 1237, Chap. 728 adds individuals employed by a public or private organization responsible for the
McKee-Beshers WMA is a 2,000-acre tract in a mixture of woodlands, fields, wooded bottomland and managed wetland impoundments (green-tree reservoirs). The WMA shares a common boundary with the National Park Service Chesapeake and Ohio Canal to the south and borders Seneca Creek State Park, a 1,200-acre public hunting area, on the east. Each summer, the state of Maryland plants fields of sunflowers for all to enjoy. www.vrps.com
Awards Application and Information The Annual Awards Presentation will take place on Monday, September 10, 2012 at the VRPS Annual Conference at Wintergreen. This event honors exemplary members, volunteers, and agencies of the Parks and Recreation community for achievements during 2011. All nominations are given careful consideration; however, the committee reserves the right to choose not to make an award in all categories. Deadline for submission: June 15, 2012, 4pm (postmarked or hand delivered). NOMINATION INFORMATION ! AWARDS TO BE CONSIDERED ARE FOR THE PERIOD OF JANUARY 1 – DECEMBER 31, 2011 ONLY. ! Application fees are made payable to VRPS by check or credit card. ! Nomination packets must be postmarked or hand delivered (by 4pm) by June 15, 2012. ! VRPS Awards Committee reserves the right to re-direct entries into appropriate categories. ! One entry per form. You may duplicate forms as necessary. ! No submissions, including photos, apparel, etc. will be returned. ! Joint agency submissions must combine populations from each submitting agency, as well as multiply the $30 by each submitting agency. NOMINATION PREPARATION ! Prepackage all materials for each award nomination in ten (10) separate envelopes. ! Each individual envelope must be labeled with agency/ nominee name, Population Category, Award Category. ! Each packet must include the nomination form, census information, and all supporting information/materials. ! Official Nomination Form and supporting information must be typed on letter-sized white paper, double spaced with a minimum of 12pt font.
Awards Application 2012
! 2010 Census information must be obtained from the US Census Bureau at www.census.gov. ! Submit all award nominations in letter/legal sized envelopes. Do not submit in binders or folders. SUPPORTING MATERIALS ! No more than ten (10) digital photos on labeled CD’s of each individual, program, facility or promotional piece being nominated may be provided. ! Label each CD with the agency name, award category and description. ! Photos should be a minimum of 300 dpi and in .tif or .jpg formats. No .eps or .ai files accepted. ! All documents must be submitted in Microsoft software applications such as Word, Excel or PowerPoint in the 2003 or earlier format. PDF files are permitted. ! Nominations for individual awards must include one photo of the nominee (print or digital). ! Nominations in the promotional materials categories must include ten (10) original pieces of printed or electronic materials. Apparel requires submitting only one piece of apparel. FELLOWS AWARD The premiere award, VRPS recognition of an individual who has demonstrated consistent and/or outstanding commitment by furthering the goals of VRPS, contributing to the profession and serving the community. The VRPS Board of Directors will review and approve applications and as appropriate approve candidate to receive award. One award per year may be given. $30 application fee is required. Eligibility: • Nominee must be a current member of VRPS. • Nominee must have held a VRPS membership for a minimum of 10 years. • Requires current membership in VRPS by the organization or staff nominating the professional. • Nominee must have at least 10 years of work experience in the Parks and
Recreation field not to include internships, education or part time work. • Nominee must not have received this award previously. Selection Criteria:" Nomination should demonstrate consistent and/or outstanding commitment by furthering the goals of VRPS, contributing to the profession and serving the community in addition to contributions to the profession made in at least four (4) of the following areas: •"Outstanding leadership in a specific field within the Parks and Recreation profession (example: landscaping, new program innovation, equipment design or development). •"Nominee must have served at least one term on the VRPS Board of Directors or another similar statewide or national board that demonstrates commitment to the field of Parks and Recreation Committee work in VRPS or other related state organization. •"Eight or more public addresses related to Parks and Recreation presented at conferences, assemblies, media presentations, legislative testimony or other similar professional gatherings. •"Writer or co-writer of recreationrelated articles for handbooks, newspapers, magazines, or monographs. Conduct research projects that help promote the profession. •"Volunteer projects within the local community and state not related to national and state associations that support the field of parks and recreation.
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DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD Awarded in recognition of professionals who have displayed continuous outstanding service to the profession and community. Up to two (2) awards per year may be given. $30 application fee is required. Eligibility: •"Nominee must be a current member of VRPS and held VRPS membership for a minimum of the past two (2) years. •"Requires current membership in VRPS by the organization or staff nominating the professional. •"At least eight (8) years of professional work experience required in the field of Parks and Recreation, not to include internships, education or part-time work.
Eligibility: • Nominee must be a volunteer and not a paid employee of the nominating agency. • Requires current membership in VRPS by the organization or staff nominating the program. • Nominee must have at least two (2) years of applicable service. • Personal service in parks and recreation or leisure service areas. • Research contribution, which advances the field of parks, recreation or leisure services. • Effective interpretation of parks and recreation through the media. • Success in affecting important parks and recreation legislation.
• Active support to and involvement in VRPS, including but not limited committee membership, event volunteer, legislative or fundraising activities. DISTINGUISHED PRIVATE SECTOR SERVICE AWARD Given in recognition of demonstrated support for the parks and recreation profession, VRPS or a specific parks or recreation organization by a civic/ volunteer organization, private sector entity or business; service can be monetary, sweat equity, event organization/operation, etc. Up to two (2) awards per year may be given. A $30.00 application fee is required.
Eligibility: Selection Criteria: Nomination should • Nominee must not have received this demonstrate contribution and/or service award within the past five (5) years. made in all of the following areas: • Requires current membership in VRPS • Benefit of volunteer service (such as by the organization or staff nominating impact on department, community, etc.) the program. • Length of volunteer service. • Nominee must be a business, • Estimated cost savings related to the corporation or a private organization volunteer’s services (including civic/volunteer OUTSTANDING NEW PROFESSIONAL organizations). Awarded in recognition of new • Contributions must have begun or professionals for outstanding partially occurred in award year to be commitment and achievements in the eligible. parks and recreation field. Up to two (2) awards per year may be given. A $30 Selection Criteria: Nomination should application fee is required demonstrate contribution to VRPS or a specific agency in the form of: Eligibility: • Significant organizational or business • Nominee must be a current member of service within the area of Parks and VRPS. Recreation. • Requires current membership in VRPS • Research contribution which advances by the organization or staff nominating the field of Parks and Recreation. the professional. • Effective interpretation of Parks and • Nominee must have more than one Recreation through media and/or year and less than eight (8) years as a publications. full-time Parks and • Creative contributions in the • Recreation professional as of December acquisition or development of park 31 of award year. areas, facilities or equipment. Nominee must not have previously • DISTINGUISHED VOLUNTEER • Successful organization/operation of a received this award. SERVICE AWARD special events or programs. Awarded in recognition of an individual’s • Success in affecting important Parks Selection Criteria:" Nomination should dedication and contributions to the parks and Recreation legislation. demonstrate all of the following: and/or recreation field. Up to two (2) • Significant one-time contribution • Commitment to the parks and awards per year may be given. Only one during award year. recreation field; award winner per agency per year. $30 • Leadership and contributions made on application fee is required. a community level; Selection Criteria:" Nomination should demonstrate continuous outstanding service to the profession and community and contributions made in at least three (3) of the following areas: • Support to professional Parks and Recreation related organizations (such as consulting, programming, instructing, or as a resource). • Research contributions which advance the field of parks and recreation. • Effective interpretation of parks and recreation through media and promotional avenues. • Creative contributions to the development of outstanding parks and recreation facilities. • Success in affecting important parks and recreation legislation. • Demonstrated leadership and contributions on a community level. • Active support to and involvement in VRPS, included but not limited to committee membership, • event volunteer, legislative or fundraising activities.
BEST NEW PROGRAM AWARD Awarded in recognition of the development of the most outstanding park or recreation program by an organization during award year. One (1) award per year per population category may be given (see nomination form for population categories). A $30.00 application fee is required. Eligibility: • Requires current membership in VRPS by the organization or staff nominating the program. • Program must have been initially put into operation during award year (2011). Selection Criteria: Nomination should demonstrate that the program contains significant elements of the following (listed in order of importance): • Innovative and creative programdesign, funding and promotion, etc. • Effectiveness in addressing goals proposed as defined in terms of community needs, demands, and successful implementation. • Efficient use of resources. • Meets the needs of the population served. • General excellence of the program. BEST NEW SPECIAL EVENT AWARD Awarded in recognition of the development of the most outstanding park or recreation special event by an organization during the award year. One (1) award per year per population category may be given (see nomination form for population categories). A $30.00 application fee is required. Eligibility: • Requires current membership in VRPS by the organization or staff nominating the event. • Event must have been initially put into operation during award year. Selection Criteria: Nomination should demonstrate that the event contains significant elements of the following (listed in order of importance): • Innovative and creative programdesign, funding and promotion, etc. Awards Application 2012
• Effectiveness in addressing goals proposed as defined in terms of community needs, demands, and successful implementation. • Demonstrate effective department/ community involvement and support • Efficient use of resources. • Meets the needs of the population served. • General excellence of the program. BEST NEW FACILITY AWARD (BRICKS AND MORTAR) Awarded in recognition of a new facility (ground up) which depicts innovative indoor facility design and construction. One award per year per population category may be given (see nomination form for population categories). A $30.00 application fee is required.
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maintenance consideration, aesthetics, security and safety, environmental concerns, etc. • Meets the needs of the population served. • General excellence of the facility. BEST NEW FACILITY AWARD (PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, BLUEWAYS, GREENWAYS, or TRAILS) Awarded in recognition of a new facility (ground up) which depicts innovative outdoor facility or property design and construction. One award per year per population category may be given (see nomination form for population categories). A $30.00 application fee is required. Eligibility: • Requires current membership in VRPS by the organization or staff nominating the facility. • Facility must have initiated public operations during the award year. • A total of ten (10) photos must be submitted showing before and after views, with a minimum of three (3) “Before” photos must be submitted.
Selection Criteria: Nomination should demonstrate that the facility contains the Eligibility: following significant elements (listed in • Requires current membership in VRPS order of importance): by the organization or staff nominating • Innovative nature of the facility design, the facility. funding, construction, handling of • Facility must have initiated public constraints, etc. operations during the award year. Effectiveness in addressing the goals as • • Requires ten (10) photographs or a CD/ defined in terms of community needs DVD disk, showing both interior and and demands, and exterior of facility. successful completion. Selection Criteria: Nomination should • Efficiency in use of resources. demonstrate that the facility contains the • Effectiveness of design factors such as: following significant elements (listed in ADA accessibility, LEED Certification, order of importance): maintenance • Innovative nature of the facility design, consideration, aesthetics, security and funding, construction, handling of safety, environmental concerns, etc. constraints, etc. • Meets the needs of the population • Effectiveness in addressing the goals as served. defined in terms of community needs • General excellence of the facility. and demands, and successful completion. • Efficiency in use of resources. • Effectiveness of design factors such as: ADA accessibility, LEED Certification, 5
BEST NEW ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY AWARD Awarded in recognition of a new program, environmental or educational initiative that demonstrates creative problem solving to address an environmental issue within your department or agency. Examples may include implementation of a recycling program, a landscaping project, a green roof addition or a program that utilizes recycled products within their agency. Note that this category does NOT address new or renovated facility improvements. One award per year per population category may be given. A $30.00 application fee is required.
BEST PROMOTIONAL EFFORT AWARD-TRADITIONAL Awarded in recognition of the department and designer for excellence in promotional materials used for the promotion of an agency, Parks and Recreation facilities, programs, services, or events during the award year. One advertising piece per nomination in the form of a multi-page brochure, tabloid or booklet; circular; flyer; or poster. May be produced internally or externally. Two awards per year in each population category may be given. A $30.00 application fee is required.
Eligibility: • Requires current membership in VRPS Eligibility: by the organization or staff nominating Requires current membership within the piece. • VRPS by the organization or staff • Pieces must have been distributed making the award nomination. during award year. • Completion of the nominated program • Without exception, an identical awardmust have been implemented during winning piece cannot be resubmitted the award year. unless there is a significant demonstration of a major • Requires ten (10) before and after photographs, including at least three (3) format change in the piece. “before” photographs Selection Criteria: Selection Criteria: Nomination should • Supportive documentation should demonstrate that the submission contains demonstrate cost of production, the following significant elements (listed method of distribution, method of in order of importance) design, and return on investment (number of registrations/donations • Creative and innovative nature of the program design versus number of pieces distributed). • Impact to the community: How will • Judged on design, attractiveness, this reduce pollution, improve quality of product, creativity, use of environmental conditions, raise resources. usage of the location or otherwise BEST PROMOTIONAL EFFORT positively affect the community? AWARD-SPECIALTY • Effectiveness in addressing the goals Awarded in recognition of the identified and the successful department and designer for excellence in completion of the project. promotional materials used for the • Efficiency in use of resources. promotion of an agency, Parks and • Effectiveness of program design related Recreation facilities, programs services, or to: ADA accessibility, aesthetics, events during award year. Electronic security and safety, LEED media (such as e-newsletters, website, • Certification and/or maintenance online advertisements, videos, CD’s, etc), considerations. coupons, magnets, bumper stickers, • Overall excellence of the submission. banners, apparel and materials not included in other category may be submitted. May be produced internally or externally. Two awards per year in each population category may be given. A $30.00 application fee is required. 6
Eligibility: • Requires current membership in VRPS by the organization or staff nominating the piece. • Pieces must have been distributed during award year. • Without exception, an identical awardwinning piece cannot be resubmitted unless there is significant demonstration of a major format change in the piece. Selection Criteria: • Supportive documentation should demonstrate cost of production, method of distribution, method of design, and return on investment (number of registrations/donations versus number of pieces distributed). • Judged on design, attractiveness, quality of product, creativity, and use of resources. SUBMISSION DEADLINE: JUNE 15, 2012. Award nomination packets must be postmarked or hand delivered (by 4pm) by June 15, 2012. DISQUALIFICATION Any submission received without the appropriate required documentation, number of copies, un- collated, or not properly complied will be disqualified. Incomplete or late entries will be disqualified without refund. Nominations submitted without payment will be disqualified. Access the Awards Application form.
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Board member Pam Sheets shared some news from the Western Service Area.
Recently, Shenandoah County Parks & Recreation applied for a grant through NRPA’s “Discover Archery” program. A $5,000 grant was awarded to SCPR and funds will be used to send one staffer to the Easton Sports Development Foundation Center for Archery Excellence in Yankton, SD for training; Yankton is also the home of the National Field Archery Association. For more than 10 years, SCPR ran a summer camp program with poor quality equipment but great interest. Now with the grant, besides staff training, the department will replace all of their equipment with top-of-the-line archery equipment and increase their marketing and promotional efforts for this program. SCPR’s goal is to overhaul the summer camp program, introduce year-round programming for all ages by partnering with a
News from the Western Service Area
brand-new indoor archery range, and develop competitive teams/leagues in the long-term.
The Western Service Area kicked off 2012 with a great turnout for the February 16th meeting. The group gathered at the Lucy F. Simms Center in Harrisonburg with a Department Challenge Activity followed by a business meeting. Since Challenger and Special Needs activities are a key part of department activities, Jered, with the fantastic assistance by Lynn Turner, organized a wheelchair basketball challenge. Tim Moubray also helped organize the activity.
show how much fun everyone had making their shooting attempts while gaining a better understanding of the challenges faced by players with disabilities. Following this great activity, the Western Service Area held its regularly scheduled business meeting. The next meeting date is tentatively set for May 31 in the Charlottesville area.
Tim, and Larry, a wheelchair basketball player from Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center, talked about the league they have for players with disabilities. Tim and Larry brought specially-equipped wheelchairs for the WSA members so that they could attempt to play the game from a seated position. The photos 9
Discover the Beauty of Ireland Dublin is one of Europe’s oldest cities. As well as retaining its historical and cultural charms, Dublin offers trendy bars, elegant restaurants and stylish, cosmopolitan shops and hotels. There’s never been a better time to visit Dublin, a city that is rivaling Europe’s elite for hip appeal.
Through a wonderful partnership between VRPS, several parks and recreation departments throughout the state and PML Travel & Tours, VRPS is offering a fantastic adventure to Ireland.
The trip was created as a Society fundraiser for long-term and strategic planning. VRPS issued a bid and awarded the trip to PML Travel & Tours; the company is based in New Jersey and has worked with several Virginia agencies. Open to the general public, we are encouraging departments to help VRPS sell this trip; this is a great opportunity to expand your travel programming with little work on your end. Or maybe you want to go on vacation and travel with VRPS! Either way, VRPS is providing everything you need to sell the trip, including a FAQ sheet, registration form, an informational flyer with many trip details included, a non-insurance form, and electronic form of the insurance brochure, and phone numbers for “help” if you need it. Following are some additional facts. Feel free to contact the phone numbers listed for more help if you need it.
ALL PAYMENTS are due, in-hand, to PML Tours by Friday, July 13. • There are multiple pick-up locations: WEST: Start at Woodstock Lowe’s, Shenandoah County Parks & Recreation, with one tentative pick-up at Clarke County Parks & Recreation, or • EAST: Start at Hanover Courthouse Park, Hanover County Parks & Recreation, with a tentative pick-up at Locust Shade Park, Triangle, VA; • All depart from DCA (Reagan Int’l Airport, DC) to Newark, NJ and then on to Dublin. We will fly from Shannon Airport, Ireland to Newark, NJ and then back to DCA. • We have secured double- and singleoccupancy rooms. Rooms are smaller in Europe, so triples and quads are largely unavailable. • View the entire tour itinerary; if you need more hard copies, please contact VRPS. Electronic copies of all forms are available for your newsletters, websites, brochures.
For Help: • PML Travel & Tours, attention: Delia, 1-800-872-4868 • Lisa Cooke, Clarke County Parks & Recreation, 540-955-5140 • Pam Sheets, Shenandoah County Parks & Recreation, 540-459-6777 • Cindy Roeder, Herndon Parks & Recreation Department, 703-435-6800 x2123 • Jim Stutts, Virginia Recreation & Parks Society, 804-730-9447 The 8 day, 7 night itinerary includes Tours of Dublin and Belfast,tea and scones at Triona Design, walking tour of Derry with a local guide, day tour to Achill Island, visits and admissions to Dublin Castle, Down Cathedral, St. Patrick Centre, Castle Ward, Titantic Belfast, Giant's Causeway, W. B. Yeats' Grave, Westport House, Connemara Marble Factory, Poulnabrone Dolmen and Cliffs of Moher.
Discover IRELAND
In Appreciation The VRPS Foundation gratefully acknowledges the support of its members and the commitment of the Resource Groups and Service Areas who contributed valuable funds to scholarships in 2011. Further, contributions to the Society’s Building Fund have reduced our loan balance to less than $82,000. Will you join us? !
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VRPS Foundation Members
Greetings All, I hope you’ve found some time outdoors this spring to explore and refresh your body and spirit. It’s one of my favorite things to do. Our state and national parks provide wonderful opportunities to test your sense of adventure, thrill your senses and give you somewhere to think of when told to “go to your happy place!” This spring I’ve been to the Highland Maple Festival and Douthat State Park, hiked up Old Rag Mountain, visited Independence National Historical Park, hiked in Great Falls National Park on both the Virginia and Maryland sides, and most recently, in Wintergreen Resort.
Douthat State Park - Tuscarora Overlook
Old Rag Mountain Trail - Shenandoah National Park
Douthat Lake from the Blue Suck Falls Trail I have more outings planned for the summer. I hope you have some on your schedule, too. Recreation professionals should be the ones to set the example and make sure no one is left inside. :) Cindy S Roeder, President
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Board of Trustees Cindy Roeder — President Katie Legg — Vice President Art Thatcher — Treasurer Ed Hamilton - Lay Trustee Marlene Bresee — Secretary email: exec@vrps.com Board Members: Lisa Cooke, Lakita Frazier, Cindy Messinger, Keith Rotzoll, Pam Sheets email: board@vrps.com
Central Office contacts Jim Stutts - Executive Director- jim@vrps.com Marlene Bresee - Office Manager- marlene@vrps.com Berni Cornelius - Office Assistant (PT)- berni@vrps.com Karen Flory-Office Assistant (PT) Nancy Turnage-Office Assistant (PT)
Virginia Recreation and Park Society 6372 Mechanicsville Turnpike, Suite 109 Mechanicsville, VA 23111
email: vrps@vrps.com 12