Summer 2011
Official Publication of the Virginia Recreation & Park Society
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Contents Official Publication of the Virginia Recreation & Park Society
Volume 54 Summer 2011
Virginia Recreation & Park Society 6372 Mechanicsville Turnpike Suite 109 Mechanicsville, VA 23111 Phone: 804-730-9447 Fax: 804-730-9455
Executive Director James C. Stutts, CAE, CPRP Administrative Assistant Bernadette Cornelius Part-Time Assistant Karen Florey Office Manager Marlene Bresee Editor Amy-Jo Hendrix, CPRP Send Articles or Amy-Jo Hendrix, CPRP, Town of Vienna Parks and Recreation, 120 Cherry St. SE, Vienna, VA 22180 Virginia Parks and Recreation is published three times per year by the Virginia Recreation & Park Society, Inc. VRPS is a non-profit professional organization supported by membership dues and contributions. VRPS is affiliated with the National Recreation & Park Association. Subscription Information. Members receive the magazine as part of their annual membership dues. The magazine is available by subscription for $25 per year. Requests for subscription should be directed to VRPS, 6372 Mechanicsville Turnpike, Suite 109, Mechanicsville, VA 23111.
4 LTI 2012
4 Message from the President
6 Athletic Fields 101 Workshop... A Big Success!
5 2011 VRPS Board, Key Leaders and Staff
8 Mark Your Calendar for the 2012 Conference 11 Ride the Tide to Success Schedule of Events
News from Northern Service Area: I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change!
10 News from Augusta County & City of 17 Members Profile: Arlana Waynesboro: Park Fauntleroy & Cliff Jones to Park Half Marathon 18 News from Christiansburg: What a Facility! 19 News from Gloucester County: Chris Clifford Honored 20 News from Shenandoah County: From Mountains to Salt Water 22 News From Norfolk & Annual Conference: Ride the Tide to Success
Editorial Statement: Statements of fact and opinions are the responsibility of the authors alone and do not imply an opinion on the part of the officers, members or staff of the Virginia Recreation and Park Society or the Foundation of the Virginia Recreation and Park Society.
Mission The mission of the Virginia Recreation and Park Society is to unite all professionals, students, and interested lay persons engaged in the field of recreation, parks, and other leisure services in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
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A message from the president
Planning Ahead for 2012 Darrell R. Crittendon
President, Virginia Recreation & Park Society
here is a lot going on in the upcoming months and I encourage you to take part in some rewarding VRPS events.
Please support this worthwhile training for your
The VRPS Board is looking for any and all ideas on
summer camp employees and camp leaders.
revenue enhancement. If you have any new or innovative ideas for revenue generation please share them
The VRPS 2012 Annual Conference Commit-
The Eastern Service Area “Back to the Basics” Summer Survival Training will be held in June.
tee is off to a great start! Under the leadership of Vice President Cindy Roeder and Annual Conference
Now is the time to consider sending your future leaders to VRPS’ Leadership Training Institute. The 2012 institute is just a year away. There are two opportunities for you to take part in this training, in Chesapeake and Newport News.
LTI 2012
Leadership Training Institute, (LTI) 2012 will be held in the mountains of the beautiful Wintergreen Resort on April 22-24, 2012. It is my pleasure to serve as Chair for the 20112012 Leadership Training Institute. The board is working diligently preparing exciting sessions, interactive games and social networking that will enhance your professional skills and growth. I encourage you to take advantage of this wonderful professional opportunity. LTI began in 1985 and this will be the 15th class since the 27 years of inception and to date, ap4
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with the Central Office.
Now is the time to consider sending your future leaders to VRPS’ Leadership Training Institute.
The 2012 institute is just a year away. Give your
future leaders the opportunity to “Engage, Ex-
James City County
plore, Elevate” at the Wintergreen Conference
and Marcy Dur-
Center. Leadership Training Institute - It is where
rer with Hanover
leaders are made.
County, the committee is making
With all the great events coming up, don’t forget
about the 2011 VRPS Annual Conference. Held
the 2012 Confer-
in Virginia’s port city, you won’t want to miss this
ence to be held at
year’s event, packed with over 60 educational ses-
sions, nationally renowned speakers and a free wel-
Conference Center. There are still lots of commit-
come social. Register today to “Ride the Tide to
tee members spaces to be filled, so please contact a
Success.” I look forward to seeing you all in Norfolk
co-chair to volunteer.
in September.
proximately 600 professionals have attended LTI. I would like to extend a personal invitation to each of you in joining me and the LTI board as we “Engage, Explore, Elevate” at the 2012 Leadership Training Institute. If you are interested in attending and need further information, please feel free to contact me or any of the board members. The fees for the 2012 Institute are: “Early Bird” registration, member $525.00, non-member $575.00. Early bird fees are in effect until January 31, 2012. After “Early Bird” member $550.00 & non-member $600.00
2011-2012 Leadership Training Institute Board Margaret G. Thorne, Chair, Portsmouth, Parks, Recreation & Leisure Services
Marcy G. Durrer, CPRP, Vice Chair, Hanover Co. Parks &
Tameka D. Williams, CYSA Secretary, Suffolk Parks & Recreation
Shawn Hopson, Treasurer, Virginia Beach Parks & Recreation
Members At Large: Blythe Russian, Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority, Jane Shelhorse, CPRP, Louisa Co. Parks & Recreation Bryan Price, Danville Parks, Recreation & Tourism Sara Lu Christian, CPRP, Amherst Co. Recreation & Parks, Sheri D. Conrad, CPRP, Loundoun Co. Parks, Recreation & Community Services Brad Flynn, AFO, Hopewell Recreation & Parks Jason Jones, Suffolks Parks & Recreation
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VRPS Staff
Enterprise Group Chairs
Resource Group Chairs
Service Area Chairs
Board of Directors
Executive Board
2011 vrps boards key leaders & staff President Vice President Treasurer Lay Member Executive Director
Darrell Crittendon Cindy Roeder Keith Rotzoll, CPRP Ed Hamilton Jim Stutts, CPRP, CAE
City of Norfolk Rec, Parks & Open Space Herndon Parks & Recreation Prince George Co. Parks & Rec Roanoke College Virginia Rec. & Park Society
757-441-2400 703-435-6800 x 2123 804-733-2646 540-375-2409 804-730-9447
President Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member Board Member Lay Member Executive Director Central Eastern Northern Southwestern Western
Darrell Crittendon Lakita Frazier, CPRP Cindy Roeder Pamela Sheets, CPRP Lisa Cooke, CPRP, AFO Keith Rotzoll, CPRP Michael Clark, CPRP, AFO Katey Legg, CPRP Art Thatcher, CPRP Ed Hamilton Jim Stutts, CPRP, CAE Kelly Smith Tamara Brown Laura Marquardt, CPRP Mark Moore, CPRP Thomas Jones, CPRP
City of Norfolk Rec, Parks & Open Space Suffolk Parks & Recreation Herndon Parks & Recreation Shenandoah Co. Parks & Recreation Clarke Co. Parks & Recreation Prince George Co. Parks & Rec Roanoke Parks & Recreation Gloucester Co. Parks, Rec & Tourism Youth, Education & Family Services Roanoke College Virginia Rec. & Park Society Chesterfield Co. Parks & Recreation Suffolk Parks & Recreation Fairfax County Park Authority Pittsylvania Co. Parks & Rec. Shenandoah Co. Parks & Recreation
757-441-2400 757-514-7251 l 703-435-6800 x 2123 540-984-3030 540-955-5140 804-733-2646 540-853-1198 804-693-1270 757-727-6348 540-375-2409 hamilton@roanoke. 804-730-9447 804-751-4134 757-514-4501 703-866-0566 434-432-7736 540-984-3030
Aquatics Cultural Diversity Athletics Seniors Outdoors Therapeutic Recreation
Ralph Baird, AFO Charles Hester, CPRP Alan Mills, CF Paul Wilmoth Daniel Ronquillo, CPRP. ADC Judy Jones Jason Bookheimer
Alexandria Rec, Parks & Cultural Affairs 703-746-5435 Richmond Parks, Rec & Community Facilities 804-646-6067 Virginia Commonwealth University 804-827-9346 Chesterfield Co. Parks & Recreation 804-748-1130 CJW Medical Center 804-323-8960 Chesterfield Co. Parks & Recreation 804-748-1623 Danville Parks, Rec & Tourism 434-799-5215
Annual Conference Foundation Awards & Citations Hershey Track & Field LTI 2012 Management Conference Professional Education Virginia Senior Games Legislative Picnic
Deborah Morton Greg Sager Dean Crane, CPRP Melida McKee, CPRP, AFO Paul W. Berryman Margaret Thorne Lakita Frazier, CPRP Shannon Moore, CPRP Jennifer Snead Art Thatcher, CPRP Jim Stutts, CPRP, CAE
City of Norfolk Rec, Parks & Open Space Hanover County Parks & Recreation Blacksburg Parks & Recreation Roanoke Parks & Recreation Virginia Beach Parks & Recreation Portsmouth Parks, Rec & Leisure Services Suffolk Parks & Recreation Virginia Beach Parks & Recreation Henrico Division of Rec & Parks Hampton Parks & Recreation Virginia Rec & Park Society
757- 441-2400x245 804- 365-4690 540-961-1135 x132 540-853-6865 757-496-6766 757-393-8481 x4107 757-514-7251 757-385-0420 804-501-5114 757-728-3220 804-730-9447 jim@vrps.comDecember 10
Executive Director Office Manager Administrative Assistant Part-time Assistant
Jim Stutts, CPRP, CAE Marlene P. Bresee Bernadette Cornelius Karen Florey
Virginia Rec & Park Society Virginia Rec & Park Society Virginia Rec & Park Society Virginia Rec & Park Society
804-730-9447 804-730-9447 804-730-9447 804-730-9447
Board Liaisons
Central Service Area Eastern Service Area Northern Service Area Southwestern Service Area Western Service Area Aquatics Athletics Cultural Diversity Outdoors: Seniors Therapeutic Recreation
Keith Rotzoll Katey Legg Cindy Roeder Michael Clark Lisa Cooke Art Thatcher Lakita Frazier Darrell Crittendon Michael Clark Lisa Cooke Katey Legg
LTI Professional Education Virginia Senior Games Hershey Track & Field Legislation Awards & Citations Annual Conference ’11 Foundation Management Conference ’11
Cindy Roeder Keith Rotzoll Jim Stutts/Lisa Cooke Lakita Frazier Art Thatcher Darrell Crittendon Darrell Crittendon Jim Stutts Jim Stutts
Revised 6/1/11
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News from VRPS
Athletic Fields 101 Workshops‌
Big Success!
n March, 2011, VRPS introduced a new series
of field maintenance experience including 17 years
Implementation Team. They saw a need for train-
of workshops that reached out to members
as the Athletics Field Manager at the University of
ing in the area of parks with particular emphasis
and non-members alike with a unique type
Notre Dame. Special thanks to Jeff Clarke with Turf
on maintenance personnel. With this workshop
of programming. Toro, Turf Equipment & Supply
Equipment & Supply Company, and Dan McGro-
series, the Society was able to reach more broadly
Company and Smith Turf & Irrigation partnered
ry, John Crane and Dave Melton with Smith Turf &
into the profession to serve an unmet need and al-
Over 200 parks and maintenance personnel participated in the (4) workshops held at various locations in Virginia. with VRPS to offer an affordable, fun and educa-
mendous efforts of Brad Veach,
tional traveling workshop for athletic field, irriga-
Director of Winchester Parks
tion and turf maintenance personnel across the
and Recreation Department
State of Virginia. Over 200 parks and maintenance
and Michael Poplawski, Direc-
personnel participated in the (4) workshops held
tor of Newport News Parks,
at various locations in Virginia. Dale Getz, Certi-
Recreation & Tourism. Both of
fied Sports Field Manager with the Toro Company,
these individuals are also mem-
presented to each group. Mr. Getz has many years
bers of the VRPS Strategic Plan
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low VRPS to serve a broader audience. This initiative has as its roots, the Education Initiative in the
This came
2007-2010 Strategic Plan. Education remains a
key need within the society and a driver for mem-
from the tre-
bership growth potential.
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Thank you to the following localities and individuals for hosting the workshops: n Loudoun County Parks, Recreation & Community Services (Diane Ryburn) n Roanoke County Parks, Recreation & Tourism (Marcus Ordonez-formerly with; Greg Martin and David Weir; Michael Clark-Roanoke Parks & Recreation) n Hanover County Parks & Recreation (Greg Sager and Marcy Durrer) n Newport News Parks, Recreation & Tourism ( Michael Nealer and Michael Poplawski)
Thank you to all who attended these valuable workshops. New park maintenance-related workshops are being planned in the coming year. Be looking for more information on the Society’s webpage
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News from northern Service Area
I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change! By Laura Marquardt, CPRP
n April 21, 2011 56 delegates
demands of people’s fast paced lifestyles in
from across the state attended
today’s day and age, focusing on how we
the Northern Service Area Spring
can adapt the delivery of our programs and
Workshop held at the Stacy C Sherwood
services from a convenience standpoint is
Community Center in the City of Fairfax.
What an incredible opportunity this was for Parks and Recreation professionals in Vir-
On behalf of the VRPS Northern Service
ginia to see some of the top national presenters in
ation. Throughout the day the presentations really
Area Board, thank you to all who attended, our spon-
this field. We were so honored and thrilled to have
challenged attendees to think about what we do and
sors which included Virginia Playground Services,
Tom Lovell, Administrator of Parks and Recreation
the importance of the services we provide, as well as
GameTime, Hughes Group Architects, The Sign
in Lee’s Summit Missouri, Carrie Haupert, Executive
the positive impact our services have on the com-
Shop and Millennium Pool Service for their generous
Director of the Bloomingdale Park District in Illi-
munities we serve. What would the world be like
support and contributions, the City of Fairfax Parks
nois, Michael Pfahl, former Director of Recreation
without Parks and Recreation? Determining a way
and Recreation Department for hosting this event at
for the City of Vandalia Ohio and Dave Noble, for-
to communicate the importance of our profession
their beautiful new facility and most importantly to
mer Executive Director of Lake Metroparks in Ohio
and quantify what we do so Parks and Recreation
our wonderful presenters for a very educational, in-
travel here to share their knowledge and expertise
is viewed as essential of a service as fire, police and
formative and successful workshop!
in the field as well as their thoughts on the future
education will be crucial for the future success of
trends that will affect the delivery of parks and recre-
our profession. In addition to meet the needs and
We hope to hold similar workshops in the future!
Mark Your Calendar for the 2012 Conference
September with strong leadership setting the tone and direction. We are nual Conference. We are headed to Wintergreen Conferfortunate that two such leaders with conference planning ex9-11, perience ence Center in Nelson County, September 9 -11, so mark have agreed to co-chair the event- Arlana Fauntleroy of your calendars now. One of the exciting parts about this opportunity is it 2012 James City County and Marcy Durrer of Hanover County. But they xciting plans are already taking shape for the 2012 An-
enables us to really reenergize as individuals and as a profession in a setting
that lends itself to dynamic interactions, creative thinking and energized solutions.
need your help! Opportunities to volunteer in all aspects of the confer-
ence planning are available, including education, marketing, sponsorship, socials & events, registration and exhibitors. Wintergreen provides multiple op-
Wintergreen’s website boasts “spanning 11,000 acres on the eastern slopes of
portunities to do things differently than a traditional hotel/conference center
the Blue Ridge Mountains…our spacious condominiums are surrounded by
might, take advantage of all the outdoor resources available on the mountain
winding trails, cascading streams and lush forests. The ultimate conference
and reach folks in market segments we’ve left out in the past.
spot, Wintergreen is peaceful and refreshing, with an endless variety of activities.” Wintergreen is approximately 90 minutes west of Richmond, two hours
Get involved and encourage a few of your co-workers to join us. Being a
from Roanoke, and just under three hours from the northern Virginia area.
part of the conference planning team is one of the most rewarding experiences VRPS offers. Now is the time to really shape something new and
One of the key ingredients to this conference’s success will be a dynamic team
creative for our colleagues, peers and staff, so let Marcy or Arlana know your
of professionals from across the state actively engaged in the planning process,
thoughts and ideas.
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News from Augusta County & City of waynesboro Third Annual Park to Park Half Marathon
The Park to Park Half Marathon is a true testament to local departments working together
to embody the principles of recreation and community. An idea of Dwayne Jones, Director of Waynesboro Parks
year, the Park to Park Half Marathon has grown
drink, and the satisfaction of knowing that a por-
and Recreation, the Park to Park Half Marathon was
substantially. Race organizers Dwayne Jones, Ben
tion of their race fee will help out a great non-profit:
birthed after many runs on the rural roads of Augus-
Lancaster (Waynesboro Parks and Recreation) and
Therapeutic Adventures. A local organization that
ta County. Coincidentally, after some research, the
Jessie Purcell (Augusta County Parks and Recre-
facilitates and promotes all types of recreational ex-
distance from Waynesboro’s Ridgeview Park to Au-
ation) have worked to make the race appealing to
periences for the disabled.
gusta County’s Stuarts Draft Park was exactly 13.1
all different types of runners. From the beginners
miles, the distance of a half marathon. Once Augus-
to the more seasoned, all enjoy the course consist-
The 2011 race held on Saturday, April 30, was the
ta County Parks and Recreation was on board, the
ing of rolling hills, mountain views and serene river
best race yet—with 466 runners registered and run-
Park to Park Half
crossings. Runners can expect professional
ners from as far as Honolulu, Hawaii. A special treat
Marathon was up
chip timing, a performance wicking t-shirt,
this year, was a group consisting of twelve Augusta
and running.
a finishers medal and hat, fully stocked
County teachers pushing Dustin, a freshman from
Now in its third
aid stations, post race party with food and
Fort Defiance High School, and a sufferer of cystic fibrosis. Named after their
A special treat this year, was a group consisting of twelve Augusta County teachers pushing Dustin, a freshman from Fort Defiance High School, and a sufferer of cystic fibrosis. Named after their inspiration, Team Dustin finished the race in just over three hours.
inspiration, Team Dustin finished the race in just over three hours. Community involvement, like Team Dustin, is the lifeblood of the Park to Park Half Marathon. This race would not be possible without the 50+ volunteers, including Boy and Girl Scout troops, local businesses and students. The recreation departments of Waynesboro and Augusta County have begun preparations for the 4th Annual Park to Park Half Marathon. Set for April 28, 2012, the fourth year will sure be one to remember.
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Members profile
Arlana Fauntleroy
Arlana Fauntleroy, CPRP
Cliff Jones
Clifton Jones, Recreation Supervisor/Athletics 3 ½ years
Place of work: James City County Parks and Recreation
Place of work: City of Portsmouth
Position: Recreation Operations Coordinator: Youth, Teen, and Therapeutic and Inclusion Programs and Services Education: Old Dominion University: Bachelor of Science in Recreation and Tourism Management, Minor: Sports Management; Master of Public
Education: B.S. Degree in Technology, Norfolk State University, Norfolk VA Professional Memberships: VRPS member for 3 ½ years/ Hampton Roads Athletic Resource Committee Member
Hometown: Norfolk
Professional memberships: National Recreation and Park Association, Vir-
Family: Wife Pam/ Daughter, Junior at Hampton University/Son, Senior at
ginia Recreation and Park Society, LERN, Pi Alpha Alpha Honor Society for
Tallwood High, VA Beach
Public Affairs and Administration, NAPW: National Association of Profes-
Favorite experience on the job: Portsmouth Channel TV taping for the open-
sional Women, Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society
ing of the community pool. Had to get in the water and swim to the edge
Hometown: Williamsburg, Va
and say the pool is open. First of all, couldn’t swim to the other side because
Family: Single, No children yet!, Mother and Father in Williamsburg, Three sisters and one brother
of being out of breath and when it was time to say the pool is open I could barely talk. That was too funny and I had fun doing the tape as it took many times to do to get it right.
Favorite experience on the job: 1) Positively contributing and impacting the lives of others, including team members and citizens. 2) Talking and collaborat-
Toughest part of the job: working with rude and unruly people
ing with others to produce masterpieces in processes, programs, and services.
Favorite recreational activity: Table Tennis
Toughest part of the job: Igniting motivation in uninterested or capable staff
Favorite Book: God Father
to reach their unrealized potential.
If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be: Brazil
Favorite recreational activity: Shopping if this counts, Walking outside through a park on a sunny day, Watching and attending NBA Basketball Games Favorite book: Not much of a reader….I love to experience live or create my own story! If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be: Europe Summer 2011
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News from Christiansburg
What a Facility! 64,000 square feet dedicated to Aquatics!
By Terry Caldwell, AFO Director of Aquatics he Town of Christiansburg in Southwest
the fast success of this facility.
Virginia opened a new state-of-the-art
The Hokies’ men’s and women’s
aquatic facility in July of 2010. And “wow”
swimming and diving teams
did the Town invest in aquatic recreation, not only
not only practice at the CAC, but now call it home.
Across from the competitive pool, through the glass
for the citizens but competitive swimmers along the
The 50-meter Olympic-style pool supports 2-6 foot
doors adorns a beach entry leisure pool with a triple
east coast. With strong con-
bulkheads, a Colorado score-
loop two-story water slide, spray features and dump-
viction and sincere dedica-
board with video surrounded
ing fountain of water buckets. This popular area is a
tion to his community, for-
by diving boards and a 10-me-
hit for children’s birthday parties which are booked
mer Town Manager Lance
ter platform. The aquatic cen-
months in advance. The spa-like atmosphere of the
Terpenny had a vision; to
ter not only serves as host to
heated therapy pool is an ideal amenity for physical
build an aquatic facility,
the Hokies’ home meets, but
therapy programs and rehabilitation.
build it first class and fill it
has taken the lead in Virginia
with swimmers! It is with
for hosting age group champi-
With modern day technology we can manage the air
great honor and due respect
onships. Balcony seating for
flow, give comfortable temperatures and swimmers
1,000 spectators creates a welcoming environment
can breathe as if they were outdoors. Separate pump
for all visitors.
rooms for each pool support UV disinfection and
to have the opportunity in representing this center. A joint venture between the Town of Christiansburg
give unique opportunities in pinpointing mainte-
and Virginia Tech has been an influential factor in
nance solutions. The competitive pool alone supports over one million gallons of water! The facility tops off with wet classrooms, locker facilities, multi-purpose rooms, huge outdoor patio, kitchen, cardio rooms, family changing areas and private lounge and locker rooms for the Hokies’. Yearly memberships are reasonably priced and daily passes are also available. A strong emphasis was made in keeping the facility affordable for all citizens. The center is open 95 hours per week, making customer service a number one priority. The difference in recreation today is we must operate like a private business, keeping old customers, adding new and program like never before! The old cliché “Build it and they will come” was an obvious positive insight by Mr. Terpenny and the Town of Christiansburg. During your next visit to Southwest Virginia, stop for a tour and we will show you aquatic recreation first class!
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News from Gloucester County
Chris Clifford is Virginia’s 2011 Cox Conserves Hero
ox Communications, in partnership with The Trust for Public Land (TPL), announced that Chris Clifford is Virginia’s
2011 Cox Conserves Hero. Sponsored in Virginia by Casey Auto Group, Cox Conserves Heroes honors individuals who are creating, preserving or enhancing outdoor places for everyone to enjoy. Clifford was nominated for the program, selected
“My focus for this project is the future generation of kids,” said Clifford. “Can we keep the kids outdoors and playing sports? That’s the long-term goal.”
new fields and park amenities to enjoy. He helped construct fifteen athletic fields at local schools and parks, as well as a park entrance road and a wildlife habitat pond. “My focus for this project is the future generation of kids,” said Clifford. “Can we keep the kids outdoors and playing sports? That’s the long-term goal.” Chris Clifford was a recipient of the 2007 VRPS
as a finalist by local environmental leaders and ultimately named as the Hero after receiving the most
Park Partners, Inc. to receive the $5,000 award.
Distinguished Volunteer Award and 2010 NRPA
votes in an online public poll. Clifford has selected
Due to Clifford’s efforts, Gloucester residents have
National Humanitarian Award.
For details contact:
Steve Wiley
800/825-6030 (toll free) 804/836-6785 (mobile)
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From foundation to poletop, Light-Structure Green makes your sports-lighting projects fast, trouble-free, and now more affordable than ever. Unequaled performance . . . for your budget, for the environment. e-mail:
©2011 Musco Sports Lighting, LLC · ADVA11-2
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From mount ains t o salt water:
News from shenandoah county
The Virginia DeLorme Geocaching Challenge By Pamela J. Sheets, CPRP, Director Shenandoah County Parks & Recreation
kay, by now,
sponsibilities that come
you have all
up from time to time.
heard about
Needless to say, I didn’t
geocaching—the hob-
meet my goal.
by of pursuing hidden items using latitude and longitude and a GPS unit. The “trea-
However, here is the April ’10 –6 – A view of an inlet near Windmill Point (near Kilmarnock), along Windmill Point Road, just off of Route 3
sure” can vary from a
thing about me; I’m a planner.
In order to
meet my personal geo-
tiny nano cache the size of your pinky tip to a large
the log book in the container, and log the find on
caching challenge the next year and maximize the
plastic storage bin cache and the contents can range
the Virginia DeLorme Challenge page on geocach-
free time I did have, I would piggy-back geocaching
from children’s toys to books to CDs to batteries Once you complete all grids, and your
treks with other things. If I was going somewhere
to first aid kits to travel bugs to cache-in-trash-out
finds are verified, you are sent the coordinates for
for a meeting or conference or passing through an
bags, and much more! And as everyone knows, as a
the final cache site which requires one more trek;
area where I needed a grid, you can guarantee that
person moves from a newbie to an advanced partici-
depending on where you live, this could be a short
I had my GPS, DeLorme atlas, and some cache
pant in their respective sport or hobby, the trick to
or not-so-short trip. There are 63 grids for the state
info. with me in the car. Several times in 2010,
keeping things fresh and fun are challenges! Hence,
of Virginia; for several years, only 62 of the 63 grids
I left the VRPS Board meetings in Mechanicsville
my participation in the Virginia Geocaching Chal-
had caches; finally, a cacher added a cache near the
and headed off on a grid run. In fact, in April,
lenge was my way of keeping things interesting.
Lawrenceville, VA area making the challenge 63 for
2010, I left the VRPS office, and headed to Tap-
63 grids.
pahannock. From there, I went to Kilmarnock
I became a member of on April
(Windmill Point), down to Newport News, and
21, 2001—eight months after the site launch, 10
I launched my challenge on January 21, 2009 with
months after the first worldwide geocache was
the goal of com-
next morning after watching a lovely
placed, and about the time that the government
pleting the series
sunrise at the beach, I completed my
released selective availability on satellites, allowing
by December 31
VA Beach cache at the Atlantic Wild-
GPS units to receive a 3D signal (not a movie 3D!),
of that same year.
fowl Heritage Museum, and headed
narrowing the search field and accuracy of GPS
What was I think-
north. On that day, I visited Chin-
units. I enjoy the outdoors, hiking into remote
ing? Not only do
coteague, the Cape Charles area, and
areas and experiencing breathtaking scenery, and
I geocache, I work
then returned south to Suffolk and
geocaching allows me to add some adventure into
in a busy parks and
then west to Franklin, Emporia, Law-
my outdoor jaunts.
recreation depart-
renceville, South Hill, South Boston
over to Virginia Beach for an evening of rest. The
ment with eve-
(are you tired yet?), Danville, Mar-
The DeLorme Atlas & Gazetteer is published for all
ning and weekend
tinsville, and then north for home.
50 states. These maps are a favorite among travelers
That trip alone was 2 full days, 17
and outdoorsmen as they provide not only highway
manage a home
grids, and 1,067 miles, and the last
and trail information, but topographical, park, for-
and pets, play ten-
three caches were done in the dark
est, and water information too. Each state is broken
nis and disc golf,
as it was way past sunset! Whenever
into grids, and the challenge is to find one cache on
travel, and handle
every grid. You must physically find the cache, sign
all those other re-
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Waterfall near Healing Springs, along Route 220
possible, I would try to pick caches that were in local, county, or state
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stay in Bristol, VA. Once I completed all 63 grids and submitted my cache listings, I received the coordinates to the final cache location.
Don’t you
know that I crisscrossed that location
Final VA grid map with all grids complete (in light gray)
about three times in the year and a half I
An interesting wayside sign where I enjoyed a picnic lunch, a cache find, and a history lesson.
was doing this challenge either for meetings, cache
Lorme Challenge or the PA DeLorme Challenge
runs, or conferences? I did make a special one-day
or even the Virginia County Challenge. There are
trip to locate the cache, sign the log, and complete
even some great geotrails out there now where you
my in-the-woods victory dance in August, 2010!
can cache from historic site to historic site or along
All cachers have one! Just ask them!
newly-built greenway or blueway trails. Try the Star Spangled Banner Geotrail that covers Maryland,
All in all, this was a great adventure. I got to spend
Virginia, and Washington DC: http://friendsof-
parks so that I could check out facilities and park
some time with family, enjoying picnic lunches
designs; in some cases though, I chose caches that
along the way, and I can say that I have traveled
the Allegheny GeoTrail in Pennsylvania: http://
were close to the main road so that I could maxi-
to all the nooks and crannies of Virginia from the No matter your sport
mize my time.
small towns to the larger cities and enjoyed every
or hobby, just get outside and enjoy the adventure
stop I made—battlefields, historic waysides, old
along the way!
The following month, some of my family members
joined me as we were heading to the western Vir-
museums, local and
ginia mountains and the roads where the caches
county parks, court-
were located were not built for my little sports car.
house square street
We needed the 4WD and high clearance! On this
trip was the dreaded Grid 64. Every cacher who
lots, fire departments,
has done this challenge knows about the dreaded
schools, and many
Grid 64. This is a grid that is split into two parts;
you have only ONE cache choice on the smaller
portion, and only about three caches on the other
nessed fantastic vistas,
portion. They’re medium-challenge caches, so if
you miss one, you better have a back-up plan. I
downpours and se-
missed a cache on the larger portion of Grid 64
vere lightning, ticks,
in 2009 and couldn’t access the other caches due
mosquitoes, sleep de-
to muddy roads; therefore, we were tackling the
privation, and a few
smaller grid and the ONLY cache on this trip in
family disagreements
May, 2010. Upon entering the cache area, we read
on routes, speed, and
the bear instructions, hiked with caution, watched
driving habits!
interesting We wittorrential
the skies for impending lightning and thunder, tried to enjoy a picnic lunch with air thick with
mosquitoes, and then hit the road to tackle the
about a geocaching
next cache listing almost two hours away. This trip
adventure, give the
also included the southwest corner of the state in-
cluding the smaller towns of Floyd, Galax, Hiltons,
Challenge a try. And
Jonesville, Ewing, Big Stone Gap, Pound, Vansant,
then once you con-
Richlands, Tazewell, and more. We covered 1,230
quer it, you can move
miles over two days with a well-earned overnight
to the MD/DE De-
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News from Norfolk & Annual conference
Ride the Tide to Success By LaDonna Gardner, Bureau Manager,
City of Norfolk Department of Recreation, Parks & Open Space
ased on a true story… these five magical
surfboard with her left arm in the water, a 14 foot
her life because of it. Rather than settling for status
words are usually all the marketing it takes
tiger shark ripped her arm off just below her shoul-
quo, however, Bethany held onto her vision despite
to sell me a movie ticket to opening night.
der. If the bite was two inches higher, the attack
the odds and she succeeded.
My latest excursion was to see Soul Surfer, a movie
would have been fatal. Bethany had lost over 60%
inspired by Bethany Meilani Hamilton, a 21 year old
of her blood, but she made it to the hospital just in
What decisions do you make that keep you in the
who began competitive surfing at the age of eight.
time. It was a combination of her calmness and her
status quo? Do you have a vision and line up your
It was her dream to become a professional surfer.
friends’ resolve that spared her life.
decisions to reach that goal?
against 15 year old girls and was eventually sponsored
Less than one month after the shark attack, Bethany
This is a true story. At last year’s VRPS Annual
by Rip Curl--- The Ultimate Surfing Company.
was permitted to get back in the water and she want-
Conference, I was stationed at the display for the
ed back on a surfboard. I
City of Norfolk, this year’s conference host city. I
don’t know about you, but
had the opportunity to speak with many people
if she never wanted sand
and a common question was--- “What is happening
between her toes again,
now?” I encouraged them to visit the trade show
I wouldn’t have blamed
exhibits to gather product information and network
her. Despite her horrific
with the vendors, to which most responded, “I don’t
experience, Bethany’s pas-
make purchasing decisions, so that wouldn’t interest
sion for surfing was greater
me.” Do I hear status quo, anyone?
By the time she was ten, Bethany was placing first
What decisions do you make that keep you in the status quo? Do you have a vision and line up your decisions to reach that goal?
than her fear of the dangers lurking below the
Learning about products, services and networking
ocean’s surface. She didn’t
with the vendors who sell them, isn’t exclusive to
meet with success her first
directors. Directors make the final decisions, but
As with all “Based on a True Story” movies, there
time on the board or her second or even third, but
usually these decisions are based on input from oth-
is a common story thread of the main character’s
with the help of family and friends, she kept trying
ers. So when you attend this year’s conference, go
triumph over tragedy and Soul Surfer carries on that
until she figured out how to find balance with only
to the Exhibit Expo and learn about new trends and
tradition. But if we look deeper, there is more to
one arm and a customized surfboard. Bethany is now
be prepared to make suggestions to improve your
these stories than just tragedy and the ultimate tri-
surfing competitively and has learned to surf on regu-
department’s operations.
umph. They are about having dreams and a vision
lar competitive short-boards.
for something that on the surface seems almost un-
What better way to get ahead, than to be a step
obtainable and having an unrelenting passion and
There is a proverb that states that where there is no
ahead. Get a vision for your future and make the
perseverance to not quit until that impossibility is
vision, the people perish. I believe this is true, but
decision to arm yourself with knowledge needed
it doesn’t have to be in the sense that a person has
to take you there. Be like Bethany Hamilton and
physically died. In the case of Bethany Hamilton,
“Ride the Tide to Success” to the Exhibit Expo at
Bethany Meilani Hamilton does just that and more
no one would think it wrong for her to have given
the 2011 VRPS Annual Conference in Norfolk.
to reach her dream. It came with sacrifice, pain,
up surfing after losing her arm. It would have been
Who knows, maybe one day you will be making the
struggle, commitment, hope and, most of all, vi-
an acceptable decision on the surface. Most would
purchasing decisions!
sion. You see, on the morning of October 31, 2003,
not have seen this as the death of her vision. Many
Bethany went to Tunnels Beach, Kauai to surf with
would have said that her life took an unfortunate
For more information about Bethany Hamilton, go
her friends and their father. While lying on the
turn and she would have to make other decisions for
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Virginia Senior Games
Gold medal Sponsors
event Sponsors
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Virginia Recreation & Park Society 6372 Mechanicsville Turnpike Suite 109 Mechanicsville, VA 23111
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