Winter 2010 Edition
V I R G I N I A R E C R E AT I O N & P A R K S O C I E T Y
PRESIDENT’S NEWSLETTER Virginia Recreation & Park Society, 6372 Mechanicsville Turnpike, Suite 109, Mechanicsville, VA 23111 804.730.9447 (o) 804.730.9455 (f)
From the President Lakita Frazier, CPRP Director Suffolk Parks & Recreation Until next time… This time of year, I find myself reflecting on the many blessings I have received in my life both personally and professionally. I am grateful to you, the many members of VRPS, that I have had the opportunity to work with over this past year as your President. Your encouraging words and support was always appreciated and the countless hours that you have given to the Society did not go unnoticed. It was an honor to serve you and I look forward to continuing my work for this organization next year and beyond. I encourage you to join us in Suffolk, VA for the 2011 Management Conference, February 28 – March 1, 2011. This year’s conference theme is “Building Partnerships and Maximizing Resources”. The committee has worked hard to offer educational sessions that focus on how to do more with less in this tough economic environment. This is another opportunity for members to network and learn from each other. Our presenters are talented recreation professionals that will share successful strategies that members can apply to their own organizations. You don’t want to miss this awesome educational opportunity! Come to Suffolk and see that we are more than just peanuts! As you all prepare to celebrate the holidays with family and friends, I wish each and every one of you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. Again, thank you all for your continued support and commitment to VRPS.
INSIDE THIS ISSUE From the President 2011 Management Conference Athletic Fields 101 Livable Communities Southwest Service Area News 2011 VRPS Annual Conference Certification Virginia State Parks V-ORG Conference Virginia Senior Games
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Join us February 28 – March 1, 2011 for the 2011 VRPS Management Conference in Suffolk, Virginia at the Hilton Garden Inn and Suffolk Conference Center. This upcoming event will feature two full-day sessions on Monday and Tuesday along with a keynote presentation. We are currently looking for speakers to present topics such as: Developing Effective Sponsorship Packages Athletic Tournaments and Clinics as Revenue Sources Special Events on a Shoestring Budget Effectively Managing after Budget Reductions & Downsizing Managing Successful Internships Getting the Most Out of Volunteers Identifying Alternative Funding Sources for Programs Making Facilities More Energy Efficient As always, our goal is for participants to walk away with concrete tools and practical suggestions to easily implement into their new or existing programs, making both attendees and their programs stronger and better able to serve their communities. Click here for more information and to register. The Foundation of the Virginia Recreation and Park Society is offering scholarships to the 2011 VRPS Management Conference Each scholarship awarded will be $72.50, which is half of the full member early registration fee! Deadline for applications is close of business January 14, 2011. Scholarship application is available here.
Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. Robert Collier
Virginia Recreation & Park Society Presents
Athletic Fields 101 Natural Turf ● Synthetic Turf ● Irrigation Maintenance ● Product Demonstration Workshop VRPS has partnered with Toro to offer a fun and educational workshop for your department’s athletic field, irrigation and turf maintenance personnel. Reward your hard-working staff by sending them to this inexpensive, yet information seminar. Your staff will learn from Dale Getz, one of the leading athletic and turf maintenance professionals in the United States. There is no need to travel hours to attend this workshop because VRPS is bringing the seminar to a location near to you! Click here for additional information and a registration form.
Blueprint for Livable Communities: Governor's Housing Policy The Governor’s Housing Policy Work Group and Advisory Committee released its Interim Report to the Governor summarizing its progress and recommendations since the Governor’s issuance of Executive Order #10 in April. Here is a link to the electronic version of the report, which contains a very helpful summary on pages i-ii: 20Housing%20Policy%20Framework%20Report.pdf While there is undoubtedly an enormous amount of work ahead in planning for livable communities in the Commonwealth, this Interim Report is an encouraging step in the right direction because it clearly embraces the notion that housing is a determining factor in the quality of life experienced by residents of any community. As a testament to this, observe that no fewer than 10 of the report’s 19 recommendations speak directly to key elements of the livable communities planning for older Virginians and people with disabilities. Check out the following sections of the report which have special implications for people with disabilities and older Virginians: Expanding housing options: Community design, mixed-use and mixed-income development, visitability and Universal Design (P. 7-10) Ensuring a continuum of housing options for special needs populations (P. 12-13) Addressing local barriers and NIMBYism for affordable housing and housing for special populations (P. 13) Addressing concerns regarding non-compliance with federal fair housing accessibility requirements (P. 13) Note: VRPS 2011 President, Darrell Crittendon, was appointed to this group by Governor McDonnell.
SWSA announces Customer Service Workshop VRPS Southwest Service Area & Virginia Tourism Corporation presents
Great Customer Service Comes from the Heart Tuesday, January 25, 2011 10 am—12 noon Lynchburg, VA Click here for more information and registration form.
Ride The Tide to Success! 2011 VRPS Annual Conference Marriott Norfolk Waterside September 17—20, 2011
Click here for the latest conference information.
Are you Certified? Certification is one way to achieve individual recognition, enhance self-esteem and gain respect of parks and recreation peers and the public. Certification enhances the credibility of the individual and the profession, as well as provide a reward system for those individuals who achieve a high level of professionalism. For information and applications for CPRP certification, visit Attainment of certification assures employers that certified personnel: meet prescribed education, experience and continuing education requirements have shown a dedication to their chosen profession through voluntary certification. Increasingly, employers are listing certification as a desirable element of employment.
Virginia State Parks seek AmeriCorps Participants for 2011 Officials at the award-winning Virginia State Parks are seeking applicants to serve as AmeriCorps members in state parks across Virginia from April through September 2011. Members will serve as park interpreters and present nature and cultural programs to park gusts. AmeriCorps members will also study interpretation techniques, learn about stewardship ethics and help visitors connect to natural and cultural resources. The project will add 34 interpreters to the state park system. AmeriCorps members will receive a living allowance and will be eligible for an education award at the end of their term of service. For detailed information and opportunities, visit americorps.shtml or contact program director Cyndi Juarez, at
Mark Your Calendars!! Virginia Outdoor Resource Group Presents:
V-ORG CONFERENCE APRIL 1st – 3rd, 2011
W.E. Skelton 4-H Educational Conference Center at Smith Mountain Lake
A professional development and networking opportunity for outdoor programming professionals in Virginia. New trends and techniques to be discovered! Click here for the schedule.
Lodging and Camping Available Be on the lookout for more information. For additional information contact: Jason Bookheimer 434-799-5215