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Visiting and Special Faculty; Adjunct Faculty

plan for addressing the deficiency. The plan will establish in writing a set of specific objectives with respect to the faculty member’s performance and a timetable, not to exceed two years, for reaching those objectives. If the faculty member objects to the plan, she or he may appealto theFacultyHearingCommittee, whichmayapprove theplanorask theVPAA to modify the plan. Otherwise, the plan shall be considered binding on the faculty member and the faculty member’s failure to satisfy the terms of the plan shall be grounds for the bringing of charges under the provisions of section 9.

Nothing in this subsection shall be read to limit the authority of the VPAA to address issues of non-performance that arise outside the regular timetable for post-tenure review. If the VPAA believes that a tenured faculty member is failing to meet one or more of the performance standards, the VPAA may ask the Committee on Advancement and Tenure to conduct a post-tenure review during the current academic year, provided, however, that the faculty member shall have the opportunity to present evidence to the Committee that such a review should not takeplace.


Visiting faculty appointments are annual appointments. Their renewal is entirely at the discretion of the VPAA, provided, however, that the VPAA shall give notice of non-renewal by March 31 preceding the start of the fall semester. Except under extraordinary circumstances, the assignment of rank for visiting faculty shall follow the standards set out in section 3-a above and shall include “visiting” in the title.

The maximum for any full-time, visiting appointment is five years, but the maximum for a given appointment will be established in writing at the time of employment.

Visiting faculty may apply for tenure-track positions, but their position as a visiting faculty does not confer any special status in the search for a permanent position. If hired for a permanent position, the number of years to be counted toward the seven-year probationary period must be agreed in writing by the VPAA and the faculty member at the time ofappointment.

Special appointments, such as for a faculty member temporarily returning from retirement, will have the same provisions as visitingappointments.

Adjunct (part-time) facultymaybe hired to teach individual courses or a cluster of courses for one semester; renewal of an adjunct teaching arrangement is entirely at the discretion of the VPAA and no notice of nonrenewal is required. Except under extraordinary circumstances, the assignment of rank for visiting faculty shall follow the standards set out in section 3-a above and shall include “adjunct” in the title. The terms and conditions of every appointment to a part- time non-tenured faculty position will be stated in writing, including the length of service. A copy of the appointment document will be provided to the part-time faculty member.

In a case of dismissal before the end of the period of appointment, the administration will set forth cause for the action and the visiting or adjunct faculty member will have the right to a hearing before the Faculty Hearing Committee.

In a case of non-reappointment, if a part-time facultymember establishes a prima facie case, to the satisfaction of the Faculty Hearing Committee, that considerations that violate academic freedom or governing policies against improper discrimination significantly contributed to his or her non- retention,itisincumbent onthosewhomade thedecisiontocomeforwardwithevidenceinsupport of that decision.

Service as a part-time faculty member does not count toward tenure, nor is it subject to the term limitations of visitingappointments.

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