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copies of all publications letter of recommendation by the Library Director/VPAA a letter of recommendation from at least one VWU faculty colleague with whom the librarian has worked closely and a librarian colleague outside of VWU who can speak to contributions within the profession. For those seeking the rank of Senior Librarian at least three letters of support noting that the applicant has achieved significant recognition by peer professionals from outside the institution are required. if the faculty member has been credited with years of service at another institution, that service should be documented in the portfolio and should be considered, and credited along with service at VWU, by the Committee on Advancement and Tenure. The portfolio can contain any other materials the faculty member sees as useful.
Criteria for Advancement of Library Faculty Decisions regarding promotions will be made by the President upon the recommendation of the VPAA and the Committee on Advancement and Tenure. The Committee on Advancement and Tenure will base its recommendations on the policies and criteria defined below. To be promoted to Associate Librarian, Assistant Librarians must demonstrate that they meet the Virginia Wesleyan standard in three assessed categories: a) teaching and research assistance effectiveness, b) professional development, and c) service. To be promoted to Senior Librarian, Associate Librarians must demonstrate that they significantly exceed the standard for teaching effectiveness as well as that of one other category, while demonstrating that they that they continue to meet the standard for the remaining one. The standard for teaching effectiveness Teaching that engages, challenges, and transforms students is the centerpiece of the Virginia Wesleyan academic experience. As a general matter, an effective teacher exudes a passion for the subject matter and the quest for truth, sparks students’ intellectual curiosity, draws them into the research enterprise, pushes them to work hard and think creatively, and serves as a model of integrity, commitment, compassion, and a life of learning. A library faculty member who meets the standard of effective teaching: possesses current knowledge of information literacy standards and best practices in library instruction exhibits careful preparation in classroom presentations effectively draws students into the learning process through a variety of pedagogical approaches works in close collaboration with course instructors to develop learning outcomes for library sessions that are relevant to the course assignments and learning goals develops assessments that evaluate student learning related to the library session develops activities that stress conceptual understanding, critical thought, student engagement, inquiry, and research is accessible to students for guidance outside the library session displays civility inside and outside the library responds constructively to student feedback, peer observations by library faculty and feedback from instructional faculty revises and updates library instruction to keep it current and compelling Tangible evidence of teaching effectiveness could include the number of instruction sessions taught; the number of research consultations held with individual students or faculty; post-instruction feedback from faculty and students; feedback from instructors and other librarians on lesson plans; creation of instructional tools (research guides, tutorials, etc.); student learning assessment. The standard for professional development Virginia Wesleyan recognizes that the professional vitality of its library faculty nourishes the curriculum and 28