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Professional Records and Obligations
first contacting the VPAA to determine whether the student has a previous offense, and to report actions taken to theVPAA. To refer matters involving a violation of the Honor Code immediately to the Honor Council if the faculty member feels the situation cannot be resolved between the student and the professor. To provide a written statement of the charges for the Chairperson of the Honor Council. To have written notice of the date, time and place of any hearing in which he/she has an official interest. To testify before the Honor Council. To request a continuance be granted for good cause.
Progress Reports
Faculty are expected to report lapses in attendance and weak student performance throughout the semester. Throughout the semester, faculty use the Academic Alert system to submit this information. Reporting of attendance is required by the Department of Education, so it is crucial that faculty submit information when students consistently miss class for any extended period of time.
Additionally, early in each semester the Registrar will notify faculty members of the process and deadline for submitting midsemester progress reports so that the information will be available to students and advisers via WebAdvisor beginning on the date published in the university calendar. The information also can be helpful to the Academic Standing Committee during its deliberations each semester.
Final Exams and Final Grades
Final exams are to be given on the date and during the time scheduled by the Registrar. Faculty are not to schedule exams during the final week of classes or before the exam period. A period of 2 ½ hours is scheduled for each exam. A copy of the final exam schedule is available on the Registrar’s home page. Faculty have agreed to submit final grades within 48 hours of the scheduled final exam. It is important that the deadline for submission of grades be met in order to allow time for necessary processing required to meet such subsequent deadlines as certification for graduation. Senior grades should be submitted first, to be followed by grades for the remainder of the students on the class roster. Grades should be submitted electronically using WebAdvisor.
C- Reports
For students earning a final grade of C- or below, faculty must complete and submit a “C- Report.” C- reports will be available to students on WebAdvisor, and may also be used by the Academic Standing Committee during its deliberations each semester.
Submission of Evaluation Records including Professional Activities Form
For purposes of periodic evaluation, faculty are required to submit to the VPAA their professional activities form (PAF). This form is due June 1st and records the preceding calendar year. The materials to be submitted with this form are described in section IV of this document under the heading “PERIODIC EVALUATIONS FOR ALL FACULTY MEMBERS.
Use of Evaluation Records including Professional Activities Form
At the end of each semester, all students will be asked to evaluate both the course and the instructor for all classes in an online system called SmartEvals. This process serves a faculty development purpose by generating information regarding instructional methods, reading materials, course pacing, and the professionalism of the instructor. Faculty are urged to review the SmartEvals feedback after final grades have been submitted to the Registrar.