Identification with the University Individuals employed by Virginia Wesleyan University should avoid at all times the use of university stationery or other official identification with the university in their personal correspondence and possible commercial contracts. When VWU faculty members speak publicly, either as official representatives of the university or on their own, they should openly differentiate between their personal views and the views of the university.
INSTITUTIONAL SERVICE Participation in Faculty Governance Faculty members are expected to attend Faculty Assembly and school meetings and to attend meetings and perform duties associated with faculty commission assignments. Faculty members are also expected to participate in departmental decision making and to share in departmental tasks and responsibilities. Virginia Wesleyan Pre-Session Faculty Workshops The Pre-Session Faculty Workshops that precede the spring and fall semesters each year are frequently built around themes that relate to professional development. Faculty Workshops are held the week before the fall and spring semesters. All faculty are expected to attend. Attendance at Special Occasions Classes are scheduled to meet Monday through Friday. Occasionally, academic events take place on weekends. Special events such as New Student Orientation, Parents and Family Weekends, VWU Days, and commencement will be announced well in advance. Attendance by faculty (or in some instances by department representatives) is expected for these events.