Porscher 2022 12

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Around the bend - Cars and Coffee Porsche news - south island dinner exec reports - pca sim racing

of the
Island Region R
December 2022 Volume 25 Issue 9
December 2022 - Page 3 Vir executives 4 editor’s note 6 President’s note 8 Cars and coffee 9 Holiday dinner 17 In the zone 21 Rally roundup 24 Membership report 31 Porsche museum 34 AGM minutes 42 Sim racing 48 Cover photo: Huckberry 12 22 7 Inside
December 2022 - Page 4
executives President Garth Webber Atkins president@virpca.org secretary Sam Auerbach secretary@virpca.org Director north island Martin Jager northisland@virpca.org Director south island Stuart Macleod southisland@virpca.org Webmaster chair Dave Nickel webmaster@virpca.org Rally chair Klaus Kreye rally@virpca.org Insurance chair James Renfrew porsche@jamesrenfrew.com treasurer A.J. Papp treasurer@virpca.org Director mid island Detlef Ehrhardt midisland@virpca.org Database IT chair Steve Fairbrother newsletter@virpca.org Membership chair Kathleen Short membership@virpca.org Tech / classics chair Paul Rossmo paul.rossmo@prhistorics.com Past president Tim Evans timothyeevans@proton.me Vice president Ron Dempsey vicepresident@virpca.org

Hi! My name is Marc Klijnsmit and I just joined the Porsche Club of America a day after I bought my Porsche 911 Carrera on October 13 of this year. That morning I left Parksville at 9:45 and told Amanda I was ‘just going to have a look’ at the car I knew I was going to drive back home. My 2021 Land Rover Defender was such a nice utility vehicle. I drove it everywhere and had so many great camping trips with it! But….. it was time to get into a 911. After missing the 10:30 ferry and waiting 2 and a half hours for the next one, I finally got on my way to Vancouver. I was nervous. Questioning why I should trade in this amazing Land Rover. What would it be to drive a 911 in the winter? Can I even have it

as a daily? Will we still be able to go camping? All those questions didn’t really matter anymore when I finally arrived at the dealer and saw my new car. It was perfect! Model, specs, colour, wheels and everything else. I wanted it so bad. I test drove it around the block and was ready to sign my life away. 30 minutes later I was on my way home. In a 911 MY 911! I missed the ferry again in Horseshoe Bay, so by the time I got back home, it was 1 am. What a day. What a car!

Enjoy the Christmas issue of the newsletter!

Happy holidays!

Marc Klijnsmit

December 2022 - Page 6
Editor’s note

Thank you!

Thank you!!

December 2022 - Page 7
In appreciation to Garage Kings for their continued support to our Black Rock events, Dan Bourlet presented Steve Hall with a thank you gift from VIR PCA. Steve Hall and Garage Kings have donated Premium Garage Floor Coatings for our Live Auctions at Black Rock for a number of years. Our committee and charities are very greatful to Steve and Garage Kings for their generosity to this great cause.

other regions. I hope that you do too. I am grateful to the VIR members who are willing to organize club events, and to the many members who volunteer to help out.

I thank the outgoing Exec for their service to the club: Wendy Woodley as North Island Director, Steve Peers as Vice President, Dan Bourlet as Black Rock Chair, and Steve Fairbrother in his capacity as

Newsletter Editor. Steve will still be our Database Manager and MotorsportReg

I thank the remaining 2022 Executive for staying on for another year, in their current

I also welcome the new members to the Executive Committee: Martin Jager as North Island Director, Stuart Macleod as South Island Director and Marc Klijnsmit as Newsletter Editor. You can find out a bit about your new and standing Exec on the Board of Directors page on our web site.

I look forward to working with the new team to make 2023 eventful, literally, and in a good way. Several events are already in

As we look forward to the joys of the season, we do not forget that some local

presents under the tree for Christmas Day. It is these families we hope to help with your generous donations of toys or funds to Santas Anonymous. The Holiday Dinner earlier this month was our second annual fundraiser for Santas Anonymous. Thank you to Vice President Ron Dempsey for organizing a very successful event. For those of you who have not yet donated, our Santas Anonymous giving page is still open for donations. Please help make a happy memory for a child this Christmas.

I wish you and yours all the best for a happy holiday season, and a happy new year.

December 2022 - Page 8
Garth Webber Atkins

Cars and coffee

At the Mid-Island Cars and Coffee, President Garth Webber Atkins presented Dan Bourlet with his President's Award for his many years of service to the Club as Chair of the Black Rock Weekend Charity Event. Dan has Chaired, or most recently CoChaired, the Black Rock event for seven of the last nine years, raising many tens of thousands of dollars for Cops for Cancer and the Ucluelet Fire Rescue, and providing a fun weekend for members

Garth also presented Dan with a farewell gift of a VIR logo beer stein, as he has stepped down as Chair of Black Rock. We are sorry to see Dan step away from a role on the Executive, but grateful for what he has given to the club for many years. Detlef Ehrhardt was presented with a VIR logo old-fashioned glass for his role as Mid-Island Director. These were first presented to departing Executive Committee members in 2019, but have since have been given to sitting members of the Exec.

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Pictures : Rowland Atkins

Cars and coffee

The first cars and coffee in November was successful with a good turnout considering the cold day.

Cars and Coffee will be moved to Campbell River starting January 2023, as we have a great spot at the Discovery Harbour Mall with coffee from a locally owned shop the Island Grind. Lots of parking with a welcoming mall. When we find a better location in Comox/ Courte nay I will keep everyone in the loop.

Martin Jager

December 2022 - Page 10

Thank you!

Thank you!!

December 2022 - Page 11
A presentation to Adam Ma, General Manager of Porsche Centre Victoria of a set of two old-fashioned glasses, one with the Black Rock Logo, and one with the 25th Anniversary logo. Porsche Centre Victoria sponsored both Black Rock 2022 and “Porsches on the Pitch”, our 25th Anniversary grand celebration.
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A presentation to Wyman and Sandy Lee, who sponsored Black Rock and “Porsches on the Pitch” this year, and have sponsored Black Rock for several years. Thank you!!

Thank you!!

December 2022 - Page 13
Thank you!
A presentation to Gary Bruce and Dana Rhodes of Forward Automotive and Forward Auto Gallery. Gary and Dana sponsored Black Rock 2022, and have sponsored many Black Rock events in the past.

Let it snow

December 2022 - Page 14

Holiday dinner

Holiday cheer was toasted in by over 80 of our members at Uplands Golf Club on December 4. Ron Dempsey hosted with the goal to bring members together with other European Car enthusiasts around the South Island, and also to benefit CFAX Santa’s Anonymous, a charity helping needy families around Victoria over the Christmas holidays.

This year’s agenda included a panel discussion about the current and future state of the sports car, hosted by local radio personality Tony Joe. Panel members included Henry Reisner, recently retired owner and President of Intermeccanica, Jason Stoch, owner of Jetstream Auto and Custom, as well as Dave Hord, founder of Classic Car Adventures, rally master of the California Mille Miglia and event manager for Hagerty Canada. Discussion centered around the definition and evolution of the sports car, electrification of classic sports cars and the future as Porsche (as well as other manufacturers) expand their product lines to include electrified versions of current models such as the Boxster.

We should be proud that $10,000 was raised between the dinner, a donation page and a prize raffle to benefit Santas Anonymous, including one members generous donation of $3,000 in matching funds to help get the ball rolling early on. This surpassed last year’s total by 30%, so a job very well done.

Thanks to Steve Fairbrother, Stuart Macleod, Garth Webber Atkins and Rowland Atkins for their valuable assistance on the night of the event, and to Wyman Lee and Eric Maitland for providing a fabulous

screen show that night of their photography over the past 12 months.

Ron Dempsey

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Holiday dinner

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Holiday dinner

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In the zone

We had the first snow of the season in the West Central Mountains of Idaho. This signals the end of my driving season. Our 911 is now safely stored away, under cover, for the winter. The annual maintenance was performed, the tires are over-inflated and setting on Race Ramp Flatstoppers, the car was cleaned and waxed. The snow tires are on the Macan, and I am dreaming of powder days on the ski slopes.

Nancy and I have had a great summer of visiting the Zone 6 regions. We have enjoyed a variety of events: wine tours, driving tours, a Treffen, coffee & cars, and a picnic in the Evergreen Aviation Museum. Each has been unique and very fun. It was great to get to the far corners of Zone 6 and meet many of you. We are already planning our drives for next year. One of our planned 2023 events is the Spring Treffen Georgia Mountains. Check it out at: Treffen North America (pca.org). While many may not consider attending due to the driving distance, the Treffen folks have made arrangements with Porsche Drives to have a limited number of rental Porsches available for the event.

Covid has had many negative impacts on our lives, however, in some cases it has allowed us to make lemonade out of the lemon. One of these is it introduced us to new ways of meeting - the use of Zoom / Teams/etc. for virtual meetings. I have family and friends that have virtual get togethers as a substitute when they can’t travel to meet in person. Previously, Zone 6 Region Presidents have annually gotten together in person to discuss key issues. In 2022, this meeting was held in Boise. In November, I will be holding a virtual meeting to discuss 2023 Region Signature events, issues that are impacting the Zone

6 regions, and the date and location of the 2023 in person meeting.

Many of the Zone 6 Regions are holding their annual officer elections during this time of the year. I would ask that if you have the time and inclination that you consider being more involved in your region’s activities. And please take the time to vote.

Stay healthy and we will see you in the Zone.

John Sommerwerck

Zone 6 rep

December 2022 - Page 21

Holiday dinner

Luncheon from December the 10th at the Riptide Pub in Campbell River. 23 of the 28 registered made it to the luncheon despite the snowy road conditions.

Lots of laughter, great conversations as well as tasty food for lunch made the luncheon a success. The two hours booked carried over to a three hour luncheon. Secret Santa gift exchange, a few extra gifts for everyone rounded out the afternoon.

Two Grand prizes were won by John Clark and Albert Bergund. Garth presented Dave Nickel with the 3rd in class Website Contest Award, and Martin presented Wendy Woodley with a bouquet of flowers as thanks for her time as Up-Island Director.

Martin Jager

December 2022 - Page 22

Holiday dinner

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Rally roundup

Hello everybody,

The second leg of the annual club TSD rally season was run on Sunday 25 September. The weather was great and our rally master had picked an interesting route.

Given the runaway victory from the Spring Rally, Sue and Geoffrey beat everyone by a wide margin…. (most of us missed one turn and incurred a 300 point penalty) the bets were on whether they could win again or score well enough for the championship. The route took us from Nanaimo to Port Alberni and back to Errington, for a

total of 6 regularity sections. Unfortunately some of the regularity scores had to be cancelled as the Richta scoring app produced a few inconsistent results.

The event ended at the Trees Restaurant, near Coombs, for refreshments, lunch and unwinding while the scores were added. The results were once again unexpected ….. Once all the “wrong turns” were accounted for, the scores were released. Remember the score is demerit points, so the lowest score wins:

1st Place: Paul Rossmo/ Klaus Kreye – 26.8 points

2nd place: Don Gosse/ Glen Fraser – 27.2 points

3rd place: Sue Frew / Geoffrey Melneychuk – 123.4 points

4thplace: Didier Brard/ Irene Brard – 339 points

5th place: Ron Dempsey/ Scott Blaylock – 602 points

6th place: Jeffrey Rebiffe/ Cindy Rebiffe - 622 points

Well… that certainly was a close result – it could have gone either way!

December 2022 - Page 24
December 2022 - Page 25 Congrats! May 25-28, 2023 SAVE THE DATES and CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS VIRPCA Multi-Region Event Crown Isle Resort Details to follow in the New Year Contact: Trevor and Sonia at crownisle2023@virpca.org if you’d like to volunteer or have general questions. Type to enter text Around the bend
December 2022 - Page 26 Rally roundup A big thank you to the organizers and all the participants. There were a total of 3 teams that entered both the Spring and Fall Rally and are thus eligible for the annual rally championship….. and the cup! Totalling the scores from the two events gives the following 2022 TSD Overall Results: Entry TSD 1 TSD 2 Total 1 Melneychuck/Frew 61 123 184 2 Rossmo/Kreye 450 27 477 3 Rebiffe/Rebiffe 426 622 1048 Well done Sue and Geoffrey! – can you repeat that next year?

Rally roundup

We have some ideas for next year: The creation of various classes to make it easier to partake and remove “the maths” ……for those that wish to avoid it. Alternatively, you can try a really cool app!

On the BC Rally front, the Thunderbird Rally (usually held in February) was unfortunately cancelled at the last minute. So the entry fee was rolled over and we used that for the Totem Rally in November. Three weeks of car and navigational preparations unfortunately did not take us very far. We made a great start with 7 checkpoints on regularity 1 and a score of only 18…. But that was the end as a rather large pothole put paid to the rest of our event.

At the time of writing I have volunteered to support the Big White Stage Rally, held near Kelowna early December. This rally relies on many volunteers, and specifically Radio HAM’s, to help monitor the road and ensure it stays closed. This rally ran on a very small scale last year and there is hope that we can return to a more normal format. At this stage the schedule calls for all the competitive sections to be run on one day, typically with daytime and night sections.

As usual, please let me have any comments or feedback to improve the rally experience.

Klaus Kreye

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Membership report

Vancouver Island Region has 654 members. We have 404 primary members and 250 affiliate or family members.

PCA National Club has a total of 151,555 comprised of 99,141 primary members, 52,392 affiliate members and 22 life members.

Welcome New Members!

Member Co-member Location/From Vehicle

Marc Klijnsmit

Parksville 2015 911 Carrera Justin Mcelhone Nanoose Bay 2018 911 GT3

Michael Minardi Victoria 2001 Boxster

Samantha Bawan Nanaimo 2017 911 Carrera Mathew Smith Victoria 2012 Cayman S

Amos Epstein Victoria 1986 911 Turbo Flavia Guarnieri Victoria 2022 Macan GTS

Jonathan Lee Victoria 2000 911 Carrera

Jim Leslie Victoria 1984 911 Carrera Chris Scott Victoria 2022 911 Carrera GTS

Tracy Shuya Fanny Bay 2005 Boxster

Alexander Smith Sooke 2022 911 Turbo S Linnea & Roland Uphoff Nanaimo 1986 944

Randy Bens Qualicum Beach 2021 718 Cayman GTS 4.0 Ian Ford Victoria 2022 718 Spyder David & Terri Cormier North Saanich 2020 Taycan 4S 1963 356 1972 914-6 1973 Race Car 1978 911 SC

December 2022 - Page 31

Membership report

Anniversaries since last issue– Congratulations!

15 Years Demetri and Judy Tsimon, William Nursey and Mary Lynn Pryde

10 Years George and Nonie Lambert

5 Years Doug and Gina Copleston, Jim Russel and Meilin Quong, Ann Aikenhead, Gary and Peggy Frank, Rod and Carol Mores, Richard Egli

1 Year Adam Mackenzie, Jonathon Kirby, Mark and Christine Davey, Mike Baker, Bruce and Madelynn Sherwood, Dana Borgfjord, Peter Strathdee, Gary Foster, Steven Tuck, Theodora Saddlemyer

If your milestone anniversary has been missed, let me know and you will be celebrated in our next edition.

Member Anniversary Recognitions

All members who are celebrating an anniversary will be sent a letter from the current PCA President.

Anniversary Decals

As an Active Member completes 5, 10, 15, or 20 years of membership, the National Office will send, upon request by the member, a special decal indicating the length of membership. Anniversary recognition for the family member/affiliate is also available upon request.

• If you are celebrating your 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, or 35 year PCA anniversary, please order your anniversary materials here www.pca.org/anniversary (must be logged in to access). The form will only let you order your materials in 5 year increments and will round it down to the last milestone.

• If your membership information listed on the website is incorrect, contact membership@pca.org Other

The VIR thanks the Porsche Centre Victoria for new member referrals at the time of purchase.

December 2022 - Page 32
Membership Activity since last issue: Renewals: 52 Non-renewals: 11 Transfer in/out: 0/0 Juniors: 39
Kathleen Short

AGM golf event

It’s pretty hard to top an exciting AGM but every attempt was made to do just that with a Post-AGM round of golf at Fairwinds Golf Course, Sunday Sept 16th. The weather was near perfect, and considering how dry the summer months were, the course conditions were excellent. Three foursomes of VIR PCA members were able to get out and play a quick 9 holes enjoying both the course and the camaraderie before heading home.

Dave Goede

December 2022 - Page 33
Martin Jager, Dave Hinton, Mark Dalton, Al Klus Brent Evans, Tony Booth, Peter Moss, Jon Jensen Kevin Pahl, Cory Pahl, Dorota Goede, David Goede

A visit to the Porsche Museum In Zuffenhausen

Story and pictures by: Henry Backer

The idea started innocently enough. In the early spring of 2022, it occurred to me that few people travel to Germany in late October. By then, Oktoberfest is over, it's too early to ski and the Christmas markets have not gone into full swing. 2022 was going to be the year that I go to the Porsche Museum.

It's important to note that I had both selfish and unselfish reasons for visiting the museum. The selfish reason, obviously, was to see the museum and the awe-inspiring pieces within its walls. The unselfish reason was to create a photo catalogue for the folks who may never make it there. As far as I have found, there is no comprehensive, detailed Porsche Museum gallery on the internet. Granted, the exhibits change often. What follows is a short story about the logistics and experience of my trip. As well, there is a link to an organized, detailed Google Photo Album of over 500 pictures from the Porsche Museum at the end of October, 2022.

roundtrip Amtrak trains from BWI to Newark on the US side. Once in Germany, I would be roundtripping the train between Frankfurt and Stuttgart/Zuffenhausen. The total cost of the trains on both sides plus airfare was way cheaper than flying direct into Stuttgart from any airport close to my home in Maryland.

I know some reading this may think what a hassle - Amtrak to Lufthansa to Deutsche Bahn to S Bahn to shoe leather express. Remember the goal was to keep the cost down. We have one in college and two more coming into college age in the nottoo-distant future.

The bottom line is I could have travelled to Zuffenhausen with less hassle but at double the cost. Long-story short, I’m an experienced traveler accustomed to navigating other countries. I’ve been to more than 35 countries and have even spent a year circumnavigating the earth. So, taking a bit longer route is not an obstacle. If I’m being honest, I enjoyed my travel path to Zuffenhausen and met a few nice people along the way.

I'm a no-frills kind of guy (sensible German in my own right). Having travelled extensively on budgets, I know how to keep a trip cheap. This would be an in and out, threedays on the ground, trip. I did not have to look far for great airfare. The lowest cost route was on Lufthansa from Newark, NJ to Frankfurt. This would also require taking

For accommodation, I picked Hotel B&B. This is a relatively small hotel chain operating around Europe. Rates are more than reasonable. The rooms are clean, comfy and perfect for folks doing little more than sleeping and showering. More than anything, the Hotel B&B in Zuffenhausen is 300 meters from the museum. What more could I ask for? Before spring had sprung in 2022, I was booked for a fall trip to Zuffenhausen and counting the days.

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”my wife was on board with a solo trip so long as I kept the cost down.”
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“It's important to note that I had both selfish and unselfish reasons for visiting the museum.”

About three months out, I got an email from Porsche saying that factory tours were back on. As you might have guessed, Covid shut down factory tours for a long time. So, yes, I scheduled a 911 factory tour for the unfathomably low rate of 10€. If my excitement was not already primed it went into overdrive with the idea of touring the factory. Oh, by the way entry to the museum for PCA members is only 5€.

At 7:30am on Wednesday, October 27th my flight made a blind landing in Frankfurt due to fog. With a short wait for my ICE train to Stuttgart, I enjoyed a few baked goods and a sandwich. Deutsche Bahn has a convenient long-distance station right next to Frankfurt airport that offers a seamless way to get moving once on the ground. The one hour and ten-minute ride deposited me at Stuttgart Hauptbahnhof where I switched to the local S Bahn. Four stops later and I was at the Zuffenhausen Neuwirtshaus stop at Porscheplatz. After a much-needed ten-minute walk, I checked in early to the hotel. With this being a short trip, I knew it was critical to stay awake day one. For that reason, I booked the 911 factory tour in the middle of the day. Interesting content and a lot of walking would keep the sluggishness away. The tour started at the museum where we then walked across the traffic circle with the flying 911s. No cameras or cell phones were allowed on the tour. So, sorry no pics from the tour. Our first stop on the tour was the point where the painted bodies have been married to the chassis and arrive for the beginning of interior installs. We followed the cars along the way to wheel mounting. On the line, folks have minutes to get their

parts of the car in place as the line moves. Funny point our guide made is that the wheel center caps are sent separate from the car due to theft in transport.

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From there, we visited the leather dying, prep and cutting area. We finished with the boxer engine assembly line. The engine line is long and has many stations that are by far staffed with humans. It’s the rare station that has a robot arm swinging around.


The tour wrapped up in the 3:00 hour and I was starting to feel my energy fade. While tempted to go back to the hotel and sleep until the next day, I opted to take the train into Stuttgart. Right before my arrival, the Porsche Brand Store opened in Stuttgart. Not a store per se, rather a boutique to entertain and amaze. The 'store' does sell some items but seems to be more of a location for cobranding. In the time I was there, a popular DJ was spinning one night and another night there was a wine tasting.

The unseasonably warm weather made for a summer-like evening. Throngs of people

shopped and wandered near the area around Schlossplatz. As the sun dipped below the buildings the glow of the Ferris wheel just outside the Neues Schloss grew brighter. At the same time, my energy faded with the sun. On the way back to the S Bahn, I lucked into passing a shawarma joint off Konigstrasse. I can’t resist shaved meat stuffed in a pita with the works. With a full belly and short train ride back to the hotel, I turned in for the evening.

The Porsche Museum opened at 9:00am on Friday the 28th. I was up at 7:00am strategizing. Fully stoked for a day in the museum, I fueled up a block down from the hotel at Siegel’s 711 bakery. The super friendly staff and wide array of baked goods, coffee and sandwiches made Siegel’s a no brainer.

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”the 1.5 hours spent in the factory provided impressive insight into the logistics, precision and production of the iconic 911”

The museum's layout takes you in a long, upward, counterclockwise pattern. Once at the top, you take a long escalator back down. To that end, my strategy was to be there early and go straight to the top and work my way down as others came up. Then, later in the day, when others were at the top, I would start at the bottom. My hope was few people in my photos. Generally speaking, the strategy worked well as I had the top 1/3 of the museum mostly to myself for 45 minutes. The same was true later in the day. As the final stragglers came into the museum late in the day, they hurried through. This left the first 1/3 of the museum almost empty for the last 45 minutes of the day.

Over the course of two days, I spent 7 hours in the museum capturing all but four cars in fair detail. The four cars I did not capture are in the photos but were on a high shelf that did not allow for detailed photography. Once I photographed all the cars and their respective information placards, I tucked my phone away and wandered through the museum a second time to read, experience and enjoy.

I've been to countless museums around the world. In my opinion, there is no better run or organized than the Porsche Museum. The accessibility of the cars is the key. You can get right up to the cars and take as detailed a photo as you want (as you will see in my pictures).

I cannot express enough what a great experience the museum was. As you walk past some of the 917s you can smell the car. If you're a petrolhead you know the smells I'm talking about. You will visit few museums that give you a visceral response like the Zuffenhausen Porsche Museum will.

I hope you enjoy the Google Photo album I put together. Feel free to reach out if you would like some of the raw pictures. henry.pcar@gmail.com

Henry Backer

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CLICK here for Google photo album
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Events Calendar

See the PCA Sim Racing Calendar for all the upcoming eDE, Series 9, Chris Paiz classrooms, and Arrive & Drive events.

A big thank you to Kim Fricke for maintaining our calendar! There is a lot going on! If you have additions, please send them to Kim on our Discord server.

December 2022 - Page 48

November News Bits

Besides the terrific Series 9 videos provided by Podium eSports, we have some dedicated PCA Sim Racers producing weekly event videos too! Check out the work of Enrico Gregoratto, Anker Berg-Sonne, and Nikki Chan on their YouTube channels! Nikki is providing us with opening videos for Series 9, and Daniel Nix is doing post-race "best moments" videos like the one he produced recently for Sport Class Thanks, Enrico, Nikki, Anker, and Daniel!

Speaking of Mark Frost, he will be sporting a new paint in Series 9 for the holiday season. It's Frosty. Okay, bad pun, nice paint!

A note of thanks to Enrico Gregoratto for helping out with the Series 9 templates and updating the package as new drivers enter Series 9 for each Event. The latest template set is v3.3 and is available here.

PCA Sim Racer Patryk Adamczyk likes to paint car livery, and he has done some fantastic classic Porsche livery which is available to download on his Trading Paints channel. Well done, Patryk!

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Notice a change in the PCA Sim Racing logotype? Well, not really the logotype but our tagline, "The cars aren't real, but the racing is." has gone from a trademark (™) to a registered trademark (®). You can get the latest logo version on this page. Please use one of the versions on the page and include our tagline. If you have questions about its use or need a different-sized logo, please contact Doug Atkinson on Discord.

Have a News Contribution or a Notable Quip?

Send it to Editor Jeff Williams on the PCA Sim Racing Discord server. Not on the Discord server yet? Click here to join!

2022 Holiday Bumper Edition

Dean Chapman interviews PCA Sim Racers

Alessandro Torchio, Chad Dick, Nikki Chan, Jesse Lyon, Levi Nelson, and Mark Frost. Read The Dean's List - Installment 17 here, and The Tip Jar here.

December 2022 - Page 50

Chris Paiz' Tuesday Classrooms Continue

Chris continues to hold his eDE track walks and classroom sessions for upcoming Series 9 races on Tuesdays at 7 PM Eastern / 4 PM Pacific. These are immediately followed by an eDE practice session hosted by either Zone Group 1 or Zone Group 2&4. Join the designated Discord voice channel “Chris Paiz’ Tuesday Classroom” in the Chat & Practice comms category. If the channel is filled, you can watch Chris' classroom series on his Twitch channel Here are the previous Classrooms for Series 9:

Event 1 - Road Atlanta

https://www.twitch.tv/racing_lawyer/video/1609469040 https://www.twitch.tv/racing_lawyer/video/1621693797

Event 2 - CTMP (Mosport)

https://www.twitch.tv/racing_lawyer/video/1634442344 https://www.twitch.tv/racing_lawyer/video/1628010910

Event 3 - Detroit Belle Isle



Event 4 - Indy Road Course


Sim Racing Data


December 2022 - Page 51

Onboarding Update

PCA Sim Racing has welcomed over 130 new drivers to Onboarding and the Entry Class since the beginning of 2022. If you have PCA friends who have not joined yet, send them this link to learn more about PCA Sim Racing.


Here are our most recent drivers who joined us in October and November. Say hello when you see them on the grid!

Adam Kane Pacific Northwest Zone 6

Alan Valicenti Peachstate Zone 3

Aubrey Eyer San Diego Zone 8

Carey Brooks Upper Canada Zone 1

Charlie Jimenez Carolinas Zone 3

David Fernandes Rennsport Zone 1

Donnie Hall Connecticut Valley Zone 1

Fernando Paulino Hudson Valley Zone 1

Jeffrey Booth Everglades Zone 12

Jeremy Savoy Hurricane Zone 3

Jesse Lyon Yosemite Zone 7

John Tinetti Rocky Mountain Zone 9

Jordan Daniels High Desert Zone 6

Kevin Bandy Peachstate Zone 3

Kris Scheussler Riverside Zone 8

Matt Owens Upper Canada Zone 1

Matthew Green Mid Ohio Zone 4

Michael Beck Schones Land Zone 10

Michael Thuet Intermountain Zone 9

Nathan Row Los Angeles Zone 8

Nolan Baltz St. Louis Zone 10

Paul Tinetti Nord Stern Zone 10

Peter Lobona Everglades Zone 12

Rich Werneth Chicago Zone 13

Robby Prescott Chicago Zone 13

Robert Neville Carolinas Zone 3

Ryan Fitzgerald Peachstate Zone 3

Stephen Danley Peachstate Zone 3

William Goris Rocky Mountain Zone 9

December 2022 - Page 52

Congratulations to the following drivers who have completed their check rides and moved to a new class!

Racing Rig of the Month

Each month in Driver's Meeting we'll feature a PCA Sim Racing driver's setup. Add a picture of your "racing office" to the new Sim Racing Discord channel "racing-rigs" located in the GENERAL category. You don't need an exotic cockpit to win. Desk and folding chair configs are eligible too! Each month's winner will receive an iRacing track of their choosing.

The winner for November is Sport Class driver Saurav Sengupta of Oregon Region PCA. Love the rear-view mirrors! Saurav, send your iRacing track selection to Doug Atkinson on Discord. Congratulations!

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Alessandro Torchio Pro Class Rio Grande Valley Zone 5 Daniel Nix Sport Class Riverside Zone 8 Fernando Paulino Pro Class Hudson Valley Zone 1 Marc Nistor Pro Class Chicago Zone 13 Robby Prescott Club Class Chicago Zone 13

Area Racing Reports

Arrive & Drive

Area Manager - Rusty Pruden

We’re racing every Sunday afternoon (3:00 PM Eastern, 12:00 PM Pacific), and every Monday evening (8:00 PM Eastern, 5:00 PM Pacific) (except for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's weekends). Join us for a continuing mix of our Fall “Indy Car Season” road courses and Porsche variants, with an oval or two just for fun! Some sessions will feature inverted starts or multiple cars (just to keep our faster Pro & Club drivers on their toes).

Arrive & Drive Racing is open to PCA drivers in all four Main League classes (Pro, Club, Sport, Challenge). For a league invite, send a DM in Discord to either @Admin-Rusty Pruden or @Mike Nyden.

PCA Pro GT3 Series

Area Managers Jim Huth & Stephen Kemp Planning for the 2023 Series is underway and you can expect announcements in the next couple of months. If you missed the 2022 Series recap by Stephen Kemp, read it here.

Series 9

Entry & Challenge Class Area Manager - Jeff Williams

Sport, Club, & Pro Area Manager

- Rodney Campbell

We want to thank Pirelli for their primary sponsorship of Series 9 and welcome our newest sponsor, 6 Sigma Sim Racing.

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More than 225 drivers in Entry, Challenge, Sport, Club, and Pro classes have participated in the first three races of Series 9. Current results, broadcast links, and race replays can be found at the top of the Series 9 web page. Series 9 is on target to become the most participated race series in PCA Sim Racing history which dates back to March 2019.

Watch all races on the PCA Sim Racing homepage or the Podium Twitch Channel. During each race, check our social media channel on Twitter for up-to-the-minute live race reports.

A shout-out of appreciation for the efforts of Race Control, fearlessly led by DJ Lyon. Everyone on the Steering Committee is backing-up DJ in this arduous task of covering the 35 races in Series 9. In each race, three Steering Committee members join DJ to manage the large grid of cars.

Everyone in PCA Sim Racing is welcome to sit in with Race Control for an event to observe and see how it operates. Just let Doug Atkinson know if you'd like to "visit" and you will be provided RC access.

Below are the remaining events in Series 9.

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Team Racing

Area Manager Bob Rose

Thanks to everyone who completed the Survey on Team Racing. Planning for the 2023 Team Racing Series is underway and you can expect announcements in the next few weeks.

Zone Group Racing

Area Manager Chip Witt Chip is working with the Zone Group leadership to develop the 2023 Zone Group Championship (ZGC). The annual series will be run once again in February. More details announced in the next few weeks.

Driver Conduct

PCA Sim Racing is dedicated to sportsmanship and comradery. It is expected that each member will comply with the PCA Code of Ethics and Conduct, and treat other members in a respectful, fair, and courteous manner.

Further provisions regarding driver conduct are included in the PCA Sim Racing Driver Conduct document first published on the Discord PCA Sim Racing server on November 3rd, 2022.

Area Racing Managers

Arrive & Drive - Rusty Pruden

Entry & Challenge Classes - Jeff Williams

PCA Pro GT3 Cup - Jim Huth & Stephen Kemp Sport, Club, & Pro Classes - Rodney Campbell Team Racing - Bob Rose Zone Group - Chip Witt

All Managers can be reached on the PCA Sim Racing Discord server.

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Thanks to all the PCA Sim Racing members who volunteer their time as eDE instructors, moderators, steering committee members, onboarding guides, race control, scorekeepers, zone group administrators, and doing all the other fiddly things that are necessary to make PCA Sim Racing go!

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Sim Racing Reference Links
PCA Code of Ethics and Conduct
Sim Racing Class Rosters Class Rebalancing System Competition Rules Discord Server Discord Rules & Guidelines Driver Conduct Getting Started Helpful Reference Articles & Videos Steering Committee Listing
Sporting Code

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