Porscher 2024 07

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Voice of Vancouver Island

Volume 27 Issue 2, July 2024 Porsche Club of America

A Celebration of Wochenend Escape and the VIRPCAPIRELLI Zone 6 Rally; Café 356; Member Spotlight on John Clark and more...

President Paul Rossmo president@virpca.org

Vice President Ron Dempsey vicepresident@virpca.org

Secretary Kevin Root secretary@virpca.org

Treasurer A.J. Papp treasurer@virpca.org

Director North Island

Martin Jager northisland@virpca.org

Director South Island

Stuart Macleod southisland@virpca.org

Webmaster Chair

Dave Nickel webmaster@virpca.org


Klaus Kreye rally@virpca.org

Director—Mid Island

Mark Dalton midisland@virpca.org

Database IT Chair

Steve Fairbrother steve.fairbrother@gmail.com

Insurance Chair James Renfrew porsche@jamesrenfrew.com

Membership Chair

Larissa Lawrence membership@virpca.org

Tech / Classics Chair

Paul Rossmo paul.rossmo@prhistorics.com

Past President

Garth Webber Atkins pastpresvir@shaw.ca

It’s hard to believe we are already halfway through the year.

Our very successful 2024 signature event is behind us. WochenendEscape, welcomed members from Zone 6 and other regions, to join us in a celebration of Porsche combined with fundraising to support Cops for Cancer, and two local food banks. My greatest thanks go out to your WochenendEscape committee, for without them this event could not have been accomplished.

One of my goals this year was to see more participation from members at events across our region. I am heartened by the enthusiasm shown by those members who have ventured out of their area to experience a wide range of events and meet other members. This year has offered up experiences which include aviation, touring private car collections and meeting with other specialty car owners. Klaus tells me that five of the competitors at the Newly formed RAVI club rally were Porsche club members.

I hope you are revved up with anticipation for the exciting line up of events still to come. Throughout the year, we hold events tailored to cater to the diverse interests of our members. From exhilarating scenic drives to car shows and rallies, a passion for Porsche unites us. Our many food events offer something for everyone in our calendar, these are excellent opportunities to connect with other members, share experiences and forge lasting friendships. In my monthly letter to you, I highlight upcoming events. I would encourage everyone to participate enthusiastically.

This is the second issue of our quarterly magazine PORSHER under the stewardship of our new editor Karen Bresler. Karen has a true passion for the job and her attention to detail is bringing a new light to our publication. Please support her with articles and photos which reflect your experiences in the club.

I have the honour to be your Club’s President and it is a rewarding experience. Throughout my years with PCA, I have met many members both new and old and I am proud to be able to call them friends. The largest dividend of this position is meeting great people!

I’m looking forward to meeting you at an upcoming event.

Warm regards,

Paul ps. Can you identify this car. If so, email me. president@virpca.org

This is a celebration issue. We celebrate WochenendEscape 2024, the committee that put it all together, the volunteers, and the participants who came from all over North America. Thank you to our Past President, Garth Webber Atkins for writing an article covering the weekend, and Wyman Lee for photographing the event. Thank you as well to the Rally Master, Klaus Kreye, and the leaders of the drives for their submissions. This was my starting point for weaving together a celebratory issue of Porscher. See Page 9.

Just before WochenendEscape, member Marc Klijnsmit and his partner, Santanna Portman, opened the big garage doors of Café 356, not only to VIRPCA for the Parking Lot Party, but also to the French Creek area of Vancouver Island. A bright new establishment, it is proving to be a magnet for all sorts of beautiful cars and a firm base for Cars and Coffee in the region. We celebrate the opening of Café 356 on Page 38.

Integral to the development of Café 356’s energy is the support given by member John Clarke, in person, and through the display of his artwork and car memorabilia. This leads us to the Member Spotlight where we celebrate the talent, collection and passion of John Clarke on Page 45.

PORSCHER is published quarterly, in the months of April, July, October and January

The PIRELLI- VIRPCA Zone 6 Rally took place on the Saturday of the WochenedEscape weekend and Rally Talk on Page 29 contains Klaus Kreye’s report on the rally, followed by photos of the rally cars.

Tech Talk features part one of a Tech article on Porsche wheels by President Paul Rossmo, who is also the Tech/Classics Chair. The Membership Report, In the Zone– Zone 6 and Regional Reports highlight the activity behind the scenes and point to our growth as a region of PCA. Chronicles contains part two of Uli Jaeckel and Mantoine Olivier’s travel trip of 2023.

Road Trips, Cars & Coffee is bulging with detail as we move from a busy Spring to an even busier Summer–We have members Classifieds, and, Around The Bend highlights upcoming events.

New features include Then and Now, a look into the values of Porsches then and now by John Clarke and Paul Rossmo; Gallery, featuring Porsche related artwork; 911 Ways to Use Your Porsche; and Porsche Pets These additional features offer you even more opportunity to contribute to your magazine.

I also want to thank our new and existing advertisers who support the magazine including our members who advertise with us. Please let them know you enjoyed their advertisements and appreciate their support.

I welcome your Letters to the Editor, submissions and photographs at newsletter@virpca.org. The Porscher is the voice of the Vancouver Island Region of the PCA. Let your voice be heard.

A Celebration of WochenendEscape 2024

WochenendEscape 2024: What a Weekend!

On Thursday, May 23, 65 Porsches from around the Pacific Northwest rolled into Crown Isle Resort, transporting 116 PCA members seeking a weekend escape, North Island style! Two red Porsches, complete with birthday balloons, greeted guests as they arrived, with VIR member Jim Webber’s 1965 911 parked at the hotel doors and Ron Dempsey’s 1964-ish 356 in the lobby.

The first hint of the treats in store was the registration gift. A locally made Cumberland Crate toolbox, sponsored by Coachwerks, was loaded with auto-related goodies, local chocolate and local information. The welcome reception included tastings of Gigi’s Oysters, Shelter Point Distillers whiskey and Beaufort Vineyard and Estate Winery wines, and an excellent buffet of hot and cold hors d’oeouvres, including a selection of seafood. The highlight, though, was meeting and reconnecting with other PCA members, and the buzz in the room, the laughter and smiles were a testament to how much fun people were having doing just that.

Jim Webber’s 1965 911 parked near the hotel doors to welcome guests.

Event co-chairs Sonia and Trevor Ross welcomed guests to WochenendEscape, and Tim Evans outlined the upcoming events as Master of Ceremonies for the weekend.

Friday’s main event was a first-ever Porsche Parking Lot Party at Café 356, a new restaurant owned by VIR member Marc Klijnsmit and Santanna Portman

Marc Klijnsmit and Santanna Portman on right, pictured with staff of Café 356 on left.
The Café 356 parking lot easily accommodated 87 Porsches

Live music was provided by Mid-Island Director Mark Dalton and his bandKarmannCarreraandtheType A's.

Both Café 356 and the French Creek Pub offered up their parking spaces to accommodate the 87 or so Porsches that attended. Some of these were VIR members just there for the party, plus there were some very special Porsches on display courtesy of GAIN Group, including a 1954 PreA coupe, a 1987 RUF BTR III, and a late-model track car. Lunch was provided by Café 356, through the generosity of the Parking Lot Party sponsors: European Specialty Automotive Services, William Wright Commercial Real Estate Services (Santanna Portman, Broker), French Creek Pub and Mark Dalton, Van Isle Realtor.

Vice-President Ron Dempsey with Marc Klijnsmit outside Café 356
Above: President Paul Rossmo with Marc Klijnsmit
The writer with husband Rowland assisting with parking lot duties

After lunch, partygoers were on their own until it was time to get ready for the 60’s themed dinner, for which nearly everyone turned up in a blast from the past. Fringe-vests and tie-dye and afros, oh my! Crown Isle served up 60’s comfort food in the form of brisket, baby back ribs, macaroni and cheese, salads, and a “Death by Chocolate” cake. Music was provided by VIR member Bernie Haley, who reintroduced us to some of the music of the times. WochenendEscape Co-Chair Trevor Ross and Bernie took turns selecting draw prize winners, and the lucky winners received Porsche-branded merchandise.

Betsy Terpsma looking the part
Photo Credit: John Palmeter
Photographer Wyman Lee with wife, Sandy Lee

Saturday was drive day, starting very early with the drive to Telegraph Cove led by Gary Glover, followed by the Port Alberni Drive led by Bernie, the Quadra Island Drive led by Betsy Terpsma, the Elks Falls Drive led by North Island Director Martin Jager and his wife Sheila, and then the Zone 6 TSD Rally organized by Rallymaster Klaus Kreye and Glyn Trafford of Apex Motorsport Group. The weather was perfect – sunny, but not too hot.

Saturday night was our main fundraiser for Cops for Cancer. There were several bucket draw items to look over before dinner – Porsche rugs, Weissach garments, themed comestible baskets, car wash kits, gift certificates for a variety of auto-related services, and other items donated by sponsors and VIR members. After a hearty dinner of roast beef and salmon, among other things, it was time for the live auction, and bidding on the many desirable items donated by supporters of VIR and Cops for Cancer Tour de Rock. As always, VIR member Norm Smith was our very capable and entertaining auctioneer.

Tour de Rock riders are each responsible for raising donations to Cops for Cancer, Tour de Rock, and VIR has traditionally directed the funds raised at the May weekend event to a local rider. This year, the funds raised at WochenendEscape will go to Comox Valley RCMP Constable Keeley Deley, a rider from the North Island. Constable Deley attended the evening wearing red serge, the dress uniform of the RCMP which is worn exclusively during special events.

The bidding started gently, with the RCMP bear going for $250. Things started to warm up from there with more spirited bidding on the golf packages and the Vancouver Island Motorsport Circuit track day package, as well as the car protection items from Xpel and Wrapture. The Porsche Design luggage was highly coveted and elicited some determined bidding. A Pirelli Formula One tire was a rare opportunity for the F1 enthusiasts in the crowd, fetching a podium position. Garage Kings’ offering of a garage floor coating was a popular and hard-won item, and the most sensational purchase of the night was the sale of the Bill Henderson loon paddle for $5,000! The total take for the evening was more than $16,500. Constable Deley was overwhelmed with the generosity of VIR and PCA members in bringing in over three times her fundraising goal.

Along with raising funds for the Cops for Cancer Tour de Rock, there were also 50/50 draws to support the Campbell River and Comox Valley foodbanks. Thanks to the efforts of ticket sellers

Norm Smith, Marilyn Sing, Sandy Lee and Aurelie Stirling, more than $1200 was raised for the local foodbanks.

Thursday night’s background music was provided by piano play Svetlana Menshykova, who is also a refugee from the Ukraine. WochenendEscapers generously put a total of $500 in her tip jar, which will help with her new life in the Comox Valley.

After the live auction, Vice President Ron Dempsey called up the WochenendEscape Committee to thank them on behalf of the VIR Executive Committee. He then presented them with old-fashioned glasses etched with the WochenendEscape logo and filled with chocolates. Additional thanks were given to Co-chairs Sonia and Trevor Ross, first from Sheila Jager and Betsy Terpsma on behalf of the WochenendEscape committee, and then from the VIR Executive.

On Sunday morning, there was a Cars and Coffee organized by Franz-Albert Burgund. For a full look at the field, check out Franz-Albert’s video on the VIR Facebook Group page. The coffee and baked goods provided were a welcome start to the morning –though the first welcome start for many of us was actually when the engine turned over (LOL). Attendees voted on the car they liked best, and the People’s Choice award went to Brad Johnston with his 1962 Oslo Blue 356, which he restored himself. Not just a pretty face, the 356 also competed in the TSD rally the day before, coming in third in the Seat of Pants class. Marc Klijnsmit of Café 356 was presented with a beautiful cedar carving of the VIRPCA logo, created by VIR member Didier Brard, which had raised $1,000 during Saturday’s live auction.

That wrapped a Wochenende to remember, and a Zone 6 Escape to be proud of. Thanks go to Co

Sonia and Trevor Ross, and committee members Mark Dalton, Ron Dempsey, Tim Evans, Gary Glover, Martin and Sheila Jager, Marc Klijnsmit, Klaus Kreye, Paul Rossmo, Marilyn Sing, Betsy Terpsma and Garth Webber Atkins. Thanks go also to Steve Fairbrother for his work on MotorsportReg and merchandise sales, Dave Nickel for his work on the event web page, and the many volunteers at the event who helped with registration, parked cars, took photographs and many other tasks.

The event was also made possible by many generous sponsors, particularly:

Porsche Centre Victoria (Presenting Sponsor)

Coachwerks Restoration, Crown Isle Resort & Golf Community, European Specialty Cars, Garage Kings, Bill Henderson, Pirelli, Renoson Industries, VIMC, and Xpel (Gold Sponsors)

Campbell River Golf Club, Mark Dalton (Van Isle Realtor), Forward Auto Gallery, Forward Automotive, French Creek Pub, Parker’s Autobody & Paint, Scotia Wealth Management Keil Wise, Storey Creek Golf Club, and William Wright Commercial Real Estate Services (Silver Sponsors)


PCA Zone 6 Representative John Sommerwerck with Tim Evans at the Saturday Gala Dinner
Photo Credit: Wyman Lee

The Saturday Drives from Crown Ilse Resort- Four drives in all Compass Directions

Quadra Island Drive Leader: Betsy Terpsma

13 Porsches from as far away as Portland, Oregon and Prince George, BC selected the scenic morning coast drive to Quadra Island. The sunny drive followed country roads and the old Island highway 19A north to an essential morning stop at Foggdukkers Coffee.

Once caffeinated, the drive continued to the Quadra Island ferry, located in downtown Campbell River. Just a ten-minute ferry ride brought the group to Quathiaski Cove. From the terminal the group drove to the Cape Mudge Lighthouse marking the southern entrance to the Discovery Passage with views back to Campbell River and the mountain peaks of Strathcona Provincial Park.

From the southern tip of the Island the drive continued to the Quadra Island Golf Course. The golf course was a welcome pit stop and chance to visit the Enchanted Woods and the whimsical driftwood creations of local artist Alex Witcombe.

The lunch spot and final destination for the Quadra sland drive was the Heriot Bay Inn. The Inn is located in a lovely cove with views of the marina and ferry service to Cortez Island. This historic property, rebuilt in 1912, is owned and operated by a group of islanders who wanted to ensure the inn continued as an integral part of the community. The inn offers casual seaside dining and has a tempting gift shop featuring local artisans.

The drive ended after lunch at the inn, leaving time to explore more of Quadra Island before heading back to Crown Isle.

Telegraph Cove Drive (The Long Drive)– Leader: Gary Glover

After an early morning light breakfast and drivers meeting, the drive began. Nine Porsches and fourteen participants departed at 7:45 am. The first hour was over paved backroads and along the scenic oceanfront highway to the first stop for fuel and washrooms. It was here that unfortunately one car had to return to Crown Isle, due to a leaking coolant cap.

Onward we continued, less one car and two participants. As we headed north from Campbell River the skies cleared into blue sky and sun. Kilometers (miles) passed by as the traffic thinned. In ninety minutes, we arrived at the next planned rest stop. We had even managed to have a close encounter with a quick deer with no incident to report.

Back on the road and forty minutes later we turned towards Telegraph Cove. Still no traffic. Arriving early, cars were parked and secured. All then walked the old wooden boardwalk to the restaurant for our planned lunch. Being the first customers of the day must be worth something as the staff were eager to serve us. Refreshments and food was ordered almost immediately. All were amazed at how quickly meals were served. Food was fresh and hot.

As we finished we were treated to a local bald eagle (George) landing on the patio railing outside our window seats and being feed fish scraps from the kitchen staff. George was actually very tame.

We had time for a stroll around the boardwalk before we departed. The same route only in reverse. There was a little more traffic than in the morning. As we slowed down and pulled into the planned rest area, there was the RCMP pickup, parked with his radar operating. All he could do was smile, wave and give us a thumbs up. He departed before us heading in the same direction. After we left, he was in a well-known area that is patrolled. As we rolled by, he was busy with another customer, but he stopped to smile as we all drove by. The rest of the tour was uneventful and all arrived back at Crown Isle before our planned time.

So – we encountered a “brave” deer, almost tame bald eagle, some saw a black bear alongside the highway, and friendly RCMP. A great day, with great roads, great cars, great food and a fantastic group of Porsche friends. Apart from myself, the sweeper (pusher) and one other, all the rest of the participants were from off our great island. They saw and experienced more than some islanders have done.

Thanks to all for trusting me for the day.

Off we went with eight Porsches down the island highway to Qualicum and then west towards Port Alberni. We stopped at Little Qualicum falls for a look at the beautiful falls, then headed to Port Alberni. We spent some time at an iconic candy store before proceeding to the industrial heritage museum where we spent an hour or so looking at great historical trucks, trains and automobiles. Afterwards we enjoyed a great lunch at Harbour Quay. Fun was had by all.

Port Alberni Drive– Leader Bernie Haley

Elk Falls Drive: Leader: Martin Jager

The Elk Falls Drive for WochenendEscape took the drivers from Crown Isle to curvy country roads, wooden one lane bridges, an award winning distillery, driftwood creations along the shoreline, and the amazing Elk Falls just north of Campbell River. There were plenty of photo opportunities with the bridges, the driftwood designs and Elk Falls. While at the Distillery there was an opportunity for a tour, a tasting and, of course, to purchase some of the products. Quite a few brown bags left the Distillery when we did! The drive was capped off by a delicious luncheon at Naturally Pacific Resort in the Velocity restaurant, where they showcased our cars in front of the restaurant where we ate lunch.

Reflections on WochenendEscape 2024

As you will read elsewhere in this issue of Porscher, we’ve wrapped up a fun WochenendEscape 2024 at Crown Isle with old and new friends from Zone 6 and Alberta. We were co-chairs of the event, as well as of Wochenende@Crown Isle in 2023. A few years ago, when VIRPCA celebrated its 25th anniversary, we also organized 25 Roads for 25 Years, a self-guided tour of Vancouver Island that allowed members to drive and connect virtually and safely, through photos and stories, while the world was going in and out of Covid-19 restrictions.

With this dubious experience as event organizers, we thought we’d share some tips for anyone who is interested in taking on a new project. Those of us of an (ahem) certain age may remember “Late Show with David Letterman” and his Top 10 lists, so here are our “Top10ReasonstoOrganizeaPorscheClub Event” :

#10 You get to test the fortitude of your marriage.

#9 You will discover how little sleep you can manage on.

#8 You get to be part of a committee of amazing volunteers, who will continually impress you with their enthusiasm, hard work, and creativity.

#7 You will find yourself having heated debates about critically important decisions, like whether the chocolate in the gift bag should be dark (Sonia) or milk (Trevor).

#6 Whenever you face a challenge, someone will generously step up to get you through it –a committee or board member, or someone who’s organized before and can give you advice.

#5 You get to talk about Porsches with people whose eyes don’t glaze over during a fervent discussion about IMS bearings and Rennbows.

#4 Your ability to forecast the weather will reach the level of a professional meteorologist, as you anxiously pray for dry and sunny conditions.

#3 You will quickly forget your vows to “never do this again” and find yourself wondering “should we do this again”?

#2 You will meet new people and discover how interesting, diverse, and friendly the Porsche community is.

#1 When the event takes place, you actually get to enjoy it – all the planning and preparation takes over, and the fun begins!

Rally Talk

Zone 6 Rally at WochenEnde Escape

On reviewing my mail history, I see that the idea of a Zone 6 Rally was born in November of 2022. Discussions were held, a presentation prepared and we received buy-in and a good reception to the idea from Zone 6 club presidents. Fast forward to May 2024 and we were ready to rally! It sure takes some time to set this all up.

A good number of entries were received with the usual last minute cancellations and searches for drivers/navigators to make up as many teams as we could. On rally day, 17 cars were at the start, with 7 in the “Equipped” class and 10 in the “Seat of Pants” classotherwise referred to as SoP.

Running two classes allows teams to choose between unlimited equipment and good preparation time or just about no equipment and no prep time. Most of the teams in SoP class had not run a TSD event before and so a half dozen zoom calls were held as well as a one hour presentation/Q&A session on the evening before the event. This ensured that all participants were up to speed and had a good (reasonably good?) idea of what to expect and how to run the event.

The rains from Friday had stopped and we had a great dry run. Our route took rallyists north along some deserted country roads towards Campbell River. The transit section on HWY19 took us into Campbell River and onto HWY28 towards Gold River. After a quiet start there was much chatter amongst the teams at the first rest stop, comparing notes and scores. Regularity 2 and 3 was along a nice twisty section of HWY28, which was fun to drive.

After a short lunch stop at the Java Shack, we headed south back towards Comox and the last two regularities of the rally.

and immediate feedback to the Rally Master. Looking at the scores, the improvement of the various teams is evident as the rally progressed, with the final stage producing some real good scores throughout - everybody seemed to get the hang of it!

Final Results

Equipped Class

First: Martin Wilson and Andreas Ruttkiewicz, 125 points

Second: Klaus Kreye and Trace Hart, 176 points

Third: Linnea Uphoff and Zoey Wang, 286 points

SoP Class

First: Rowland Atkins and Garth Webber Atkins, 402 points

Second: Alex and Lisa Ward, 502 points

Third: Brad and Jacqueline Johnston, 913 points

By all accounts the rally was enjoyed by all and thanks go to Bart and Glyn for setting it all and running the scoring.

The entire event was scored by the Richta rally app, which provided live GPS based scoring for the teams

Photo credit– Wyman Lee

Above: President Paul Rossmo sporting the hat provided by Pirelli to participants as part of their sponsorship of the Rally

Right: Pre-Rally parking

Bottom: Rally Drivers Meeting

Above: Glyn Trafford giving the briefing before the start

Left: Rally Master, Klaus

Below from left to right: Scorers, Bart Vogelzang and Glyn Trafford

Photo credit- Karen Bresler
Photo credit- Karen Bresler
Photos by Wyman Lee

Editors note: Wyman Lee did a phenomenal job of capturing WochenedEscape 2024 in photos. I am sure readers will agree. Wyman and I met for the first time at the Parking Lot Party. We were equally delighted to meet each other as our reputations, as they say, had preceded us. Wyman lined up Dan, if I remember correctly, to take the photo to capture the moment. One of Wyman’s photographs is the cover photo of this issue. Thank you Wyman for your photographs, creating a photo album of the weekend for everyone.

Later, I caught a couple of photos of Wyman in action.

Café 356

Photo credit as indicated
Photo Credit: Martin Mansfield - Gary Glover’s Cayenne S outside Café 356 with Gail McCully and Roy Eggler’s Intermecannica inside, and reflection of two others from the parking lot.

Café 356 opened in May 2024, just in time for the Parking Lot Party of WochenendEscape. A vision of member, Marc Klijnsmit, brought to life together with his partner, Santana Portman, Café 356 is causing wheels to turn into French Creek, just outside Parksville. The Café is next to the French Creek pub, which is also operated by the dynamic team.

On the day of the Parking Lot Party, Café 356 and its parking lot volunteers demonstrated what is possible.

Around 87 Porsches were very efficiently displayed in the large parking lot that surrounds both the Café and the French Creek Pub.

There were many conveys travelling in that area that weekend and a member of the public was heard asking: “what is with all the Porsches in the area?”

It was a very celebratory Porsche infused event. Despite the grey rainy day, and on-and-off rain, the energy at the Parking Lot Party was high and the scenery stunning, with so many beautiful cars against the backdrop of the marina.

where Marc loves to take photos. Marc was so inspired by his interaction with John that he attended Cars and Coffee regularly and got to know the other members.

The Vision

At the time, Marc was working as a chef at the Black Goose Inn in Parksville. He suggested to the group that they meet there when a fire near Serious Coffee posed a few challenges. Marc brought the coffee and donuts and members loved the location. “Cars and Coffee became a new thing in my life. Having that excitement of having people over, with Porsches, I thought it would be super cool to have a coffee shop with Porsches”.

Marc contacted a commercial real estate broker to find him a concept space. Enter Santanna Portman.

Getting owner Marc to sit down for an interview is challenging. Café hours are 7 am to 3:56 pm and the French Creek pub has an ever expanding regular clientele at dinner time. While he was opening up the Café for the day, I asked him how this all came it be.

“When I bought my Porsche in 2022, I became a member of the Porsche Club for the resources and knowledge. I was interested in seeing what other people were driving and I found out they were meeting at Serious Coffee” Marc explained. On the second visit to Cars and Coffee, Marc discovered John Clark’s Porsche in the parking lot. Marc was taking photos when John came out and they got into an enthusiastic conversation which landed up in them going for a drive in John’s Porsche to a location

The search was for a space that was bigger than a regular coffee shop and could hold a car in it. Santanna, who is based in French Creek, looked at the premises with Marc and they both got excited about the possibilities, even though the property was in really bad shape. “So we started building the bar and the concept”

April 2024

Work in Progress

Marc Klijnsmit outside Café 356
Photo: Karen Bresler

A donation of Porsche area rugs to Marc, and Café 356, by Gordon Halkett in early May helped with the finishing touches.

Photo Credit: Linnea Uphoff

Santanna arranged all the legal requirements, Including getting the trades in for the renovations. Marc credits Santanna as being the force that brought it altogether.

Background as Chef

Marc got busy using his 20 years of being a chef, running a restaurant and being a hospitality host. Marc explains that he has always been in kitchens and restaurants. When he moved to Canada from Holland in 2007, he says that “as an immigrant you have to do something” so he opened a restaurant in Bear Lake in Northern BC. That turned into a motel and a 72 hook up RV resort.

Marc opened another restaurant in Whistler. When the lease expired, Marc wanted to do something different. He opened a restaurant at a gas station. In 2017, Marc moved to the Island, where he worked at the Black Goose Inn for seven years.

Artful décor

When you walk in, you immediately notice at least two things. A car or two parked in the Café and car themed artwork and memorabilia adorning the walls and surfaces. The spot for the car/s is a space

where owners can leave their car on display for an agreed period of time. “This is a place people can enjoy things that people leave here on display with me”, Marc explains. The car currently displayed is owned by members Gail McCully and Roy Eggler. It is a 2019 bespoke built Intermecannica, styled after a 1959 Porsche 356.

The artwork and memorabilia is from John Clark’s extensive collection. It is an experience to walk through and engage with this art and the collection on display.

Photo Credit: Karen Bresler
Inside the Café, portion of John Clark’s collection on display.
Photos by Karen Bresler

Asked about his friendship with John Clark, Marc says they communicate daily. Marc attributes John’s energy to Marc’s engagement in the club. “John is the reason I became involved and stayed”. At the Parking Lot Party, John presented Marc with a Plaque he had made for Café 356.

That wasn’t the only plaque made for Marc and Café 356 in May. At the Cars and Coffee on the Sunday of the WochenendEscape weekend, a plaque of the VIRPCA logo made by member Didier Brard and donated by him to the Auction was purchased and donated to Marc for display in Café 356.

The connection with members and car enthusiasts has created an energy in Café 356 which is all about cars, friendship and passion. If you love cars, it’s a must see destination.

Future plans– in the works are plans to offer more choices on the menu. Cars and Coffee for mid-island area on Sunday is always buzzing with Porsche members and lately the parking lot has seen a few Ferraris, along with Mini Coopers, MG’s, and vintage Volkswagen, to name a few.

“There are cars and restaurants... and I always love making posters” Marc confesses to a love for graphic design as a way to connect people. He says making a weekly poster and sending it out as a reminder for Cars & Coffee “brings everyone together and I feel that our Cars & Coffee are exciting”.

You are all invited…

Photo Credit : Karen Bresler
From left to right: Norm Smith (Nanaimo Tour de Rock Committee Co-chair and VIRPCA member), Sonia Ross, Trevor Ross, Marc Klijnsmit, Didier Brard. Photo Credit Wyman Lee
Photo Credit: Wyman Lee
John caught working at the back of Café 356, after the Parking Lot Party, on a new piece of art for the Café.
Photo credit: Karen Bresler

Meet John Clark

Love is a word that pervades John’s presence. He uses the word “love” frequently and it is used just as frequently when others talk of him . This is John’s happy photo. He loves it. Loves his Porsche and loves the garage it is housed in, with all the memorabilia. And that is just the start to the story that is our member John Clark.

Photos by Karen Bresler
Photo submitted by John Clark

Some of John’s loves include his wife Zoë, their beautiful garden, cars, particularly the classic ones, the students he taught, their parents, collections, people, art, art surfaces, which include cars as a surface, beautiful displays, his friends, the Porsche Club, his art studio and more. There is no particular order to this love, except for Zoë. She is clearly the most beloved. John is a

looked at the photos, its one of the first cars you notice. See John’sCarinJohn’sWords, Page 51.

“I’ve had a lot of experiences, none of which I regret”

We walked toward a little house at the back which is John’s studio where I discovered that John is a very talented photographer and artist.

It is a lot to take in at first and once I got to know John and toured his collection, and then saw the collection at Café 356, I started to realize the

collector. I enjoyed a tour of John’s collection and lunch with Zoë and John in early Spring.

I felt the love and care on their property as I walked up the driveway. Each plant and tree is well looked after and thriving.

John took me on a tour of the exterior first, passing the garage with his iconic car. If you have ever been at Cars and Coffee or

depth of his talent—and his humility. John starts our discussion He says: ”I’ve had a lot of experiences, none of which I regret”. He says it all goes back to his childhood and dinky toys. In 1961 John saw the British Grand Prix and he never forgot it. It was about the beauty of car racing and the elegance of the cars. “I love the cars but they are more than that” he says “I revere them as artwork. I love the old ones”.

John found himself at Westwood when he was 14 years old. As an impressionable teenager, this stuck in his mind and he found it to be a “very sexy sport” Drag racing at Arlington was next . He knew this was temporary as an essential ingredient was missing for him there – sleekness and elegance.

The passion for cars was burning bright and his first car was a 1956 Monarch convertible. He called it a luxury yacht because it was so “big and beautiful” Then he got into Volkswagens in his teens. University became a priority and he focused on his studies in Urban Geography. Around age 20, John owned a Jeep pick up truck, a full-size Tepee and a boat. He describes a wonderful year of driving to a spot, putting up the Tepee and putting a line in the water to catch fish.

During the days of the hippies, cars were not the mode of getting around when you were busy saving the environment.

In June 1977, John witnessed a race that he says “changed my life” He talked with the driver and owner, Peter Gregg. “It was a hellava race and that set the pattern for the rest of my life”. Gregg won the race that day and after looking at the car and talking with Gregg, John decided he would like to have a Porsche.

This is the car that started it all.

John went back to university to become a teacher. This became 32 years of passion for teaching Grades 3 and 4 , mathematics, art and literature. “I loved it and loved the kids, loved every minute of it and loved the parents”. He was described as a master teacher and retired happily at age 55. Becoming a teacher also introduced him to the love of his life, Zoë, who he met at university in 1974. They became teachers together and married. “Car stuff came back then”. On the last day of school, they were both exhausted and John spotted an ad for a 1962 356 Porsche in Vancouver. He bought it the next day.

John’s cars over the decades include five Porsche 356’s; two 912’s, two Caymans, 1 Boxster and 8 911’s.

Greggwontherace thatdayandafter lookingatthecarand talkingwithGregg, Johndecidedhe wouldliketohavea Porsche

John describes his pathway though ownership of these cars as falling into “ a wonderful group of friends and F1 photography”. Sitting in the basement of John and Zoë’s house among John’s extensive collection of car memorabilia, he explains that Zoë has put a rule in place- the car memorabilia stays in the basement. F1 helmets signed by drivers and figurines of drivers adorn the shelves, together with beautifully finished model cars. Car books and albums line the walls. A large number of press passes hang on a hook. John explained that he took photos for Molson Indy for 12 years. He obtained a press pass as photographer for the German Grand Prix in 1993.

John decided subsequently that he needed a more powerful car and this is when he met Paul Rossmo in 1980. He purchased Paul’s 356 SC which had a newer, bigger motor. John still has the cheque he gave Paul for that car.

John, in a presentation, at the Presidents Corral and Bull Sessions, holding up a photo of the car that inspired him to Porsche Ownership.

Photo by John Clarke

John explains that he has always been visually stimulated “I like looking at things. John attended art classes at the Vancouver Art Gallery for two and a half years.

“I like things that are unique, competent and wholesome”

Media Passes

John’s collection is vast and these photographs do not cover it all. He is selling it now and inviting people to schedule a mutually convenient time to look it over and perhaps purchase a piece for themselves.

As the years have gone on, the items have become richer in meaning. The letters written to John by the F1 Drivers, Porsche and other organizations were written, John says, “with honesty and integrity to one person, not 5000 people”. Personal letter writing, he says, ended with the arrival of the internet and email.

On the art of collecting, John describes it as a “pursuit”. If he sees something,

he pursues it. He teaches the youth he mentors to be very thorough about things. “If I get a hint of it, I have to find out more. I do it with honesty and attention to detail”.

John feels strongly about preserving the past and says that the “best of times have come and gone with respect to cars”.

A tour around John’s collection brings to light how rich and elegant that past was and how it can inform us now. John’s car epitomises this as he says: “when I drive my car, kids flock around it” He talks to them and fuels their fire, much like his talk with Peter “Perfect” Gregg did for him in 1977. That was a moment that defines John’s life. An impressionable young man started a journey that continues to touch many lives, young and old.

John Clark is a collector. He also collects love and people who love him. And, everyone loves his iconic car - a car so like him. A product of an elegant past, at home in a modern world; artistic; an inspiration and a conversation starter.

Left: A younger John Clark

John’s car...in John’s words

“When I reflect and consider what most influenced me to have the car I have I think back to the 1977 Trans Am race at Westwood. When I saw the Porsche 934/935 entered by Brumos Motors and driven by Peter “Perfect” Gregg I was awestruck. There was something about the aerodynamic shape, beautiful presentation and sheer elegance of that machine that imbedded itself in my memory forever. The experience left me determined to have a unique, custom built Porsche of my own.

After sampling 356s, 912s, and other Porsche offerings I eventually found a recently custom built and modified 1986 911. The car was modified in the style of a 1973 Carrera RS. Many tribe members consider that year and version of the 911 to be the ultimate expression of Porsche production. I certainly do. My car was built for another enthusiast and I bought it in February 2022. It had 2,000kms. at the time and was in perfect condition. The suspension is modified, has a Wevo short shift mechanism, new interior, custom exhaust and engine and transmission rebuilds by “Wonderful” Juan Recaverran at Juan’s Auto Service in Richmond. Since purchasing the car I have had a Getty Design ducktail installed, mounted Cibie Pallas driving lights and changed out the seats for Recaro LXs. The car is zesty and 3rd gear acceleration at 3,400+ RPM makes me feel like I have tapped into the essence of Porsche 911 ownership. Other people like it too and the car won the ünStock class at the 2022 Porsches on the Pitch gathering.

To own a car like this it is helpful to be sociable. Wherever it goes it attracts attention and teenagers everywhere want to know all about it!

I love my car. It embodies everything I have always appreciated about cars. I consider it a work of automotive sculpture and I do think of it as a work of art. “

Photo credit : Karen Bresler
John, polishing his Porsche outside Café 356
Photo credit : Karen Bresler
At home, in John’s garage

Membership Report

Summer is in full swing, and with it comes the perfect weather for hitting the open road. As the sun shines brighter and the days grow longer, our beautiful island beckons us to explore its exciting twisting and scenic roads.

Whether you’re venturing to new places or revisiting old favourites, there’s nothing quite like the thrill of driving our Porsches through such stunning landscapes. Every mile brings a smile, and it’s a joy to share these moments with our vibrant community.

I am pleased to provide you with the latest update on our club’s membership status and trends. Our community continues to grow and evolve, and your participation and enthusiasm are at the heart of our success. Here’s a snapshot of our membership numbers and trends as of May 2024:

Year Over Year


Membership Changes (May 2024)

New Members: 3

Transfers In: 0

Transfers Out: 0

Lapsed Members: 3

Year Over Year (Jan 1 – May 31, 2024 vs. Jan 1 – May 31, 2023)

New Members: 20 (2024) vs. 19 (2023) ↑ 1

Transfers In: 5 (2024) vs. 5 (2023) 0

Transfers Out: -2 (2024) vs. 0 (2023) 2 ↓ 2

Lapsed Members: 16 (2024) vs.–11 (2023)↓ 5

Total Membership

Primary Members: 447 (May 2024) vs. 431 (May 2023) vs. 399 (May 2022) 3.7% ↑

Co-Members: 273 (May 2024) vs. 257 (May 2023) vs. 249 (May 2022) 6.2% ↑

Total Members: 720 (May 2024) vs. 688 (May 2023) vs. 648 (May 2022) 4.7% ↑

Our club’s growth is a testament to the vibrant and passionate community we have built together. To ensure we continue to meet your needs and expectations, we’d love to hear more about your experiences and engagement with the club. I’m launching a short survey to get a pulse on your engagement and gather valuable feedback. Your input will help us learn what events, activities, and benefits which interests you most. This will be emailed to you. When you receive it, please take a few moments to complete the survey and share your thoughts.

I look forward to your continued involvement and seeing you at our upcoming events! Varoom!

“IntheZone”May and June, 2024

PCA Zone 6 Rep

May Report

Nancy and I have just returned from Vancouver Island Region’s Wochenend. What a great event. Great driving tours, a TSD rally, great folks and thousands raised for charity. I left in less than ten days thereafter for the 2024 Porsche Parade.

Summertime is a very active period for Zone 6 regions. PCA is very lucky to have some of the best insurance rates of any car club. This insurance and the low rates make it possible for our regions to hold so many events. As we hold and participate in PCA events I ask that you follow the PCA minimum standards for your event type. PCA minimum standards can be found on the PCA website, for example the Driving Tour standards can be found at PCA Driving Tour Stds_1-17-23.pdf. Included with these standards is the requirement to complete Observer and Post Event reports. In following the standards and reporting we can continue to keep our insurance costs low.

Upcoming Treffens: Zone 6 regions are working with PCA National to host events in support of the 2024 Treffen at Sea Cruise leaving from Seattle and going to Alaska! Another Bucket-list Adventure Awaits –Treffen at Sea: Alaska! | The Porsche Club of America (pca.org). The 2024 Fall Treffen will be held at the Omni Bretton Arms Inn at Mt Washington, NH. This should be in the midst of New England’s fall foliage season. Stay in touch with all things Treffen at: Treffen North America (pca.org).

Zone 6 2024 events are filling our calendar. For us, next up is BC Interior Region’s Shades of Stuttgart. Then we will be attending Canada West Region’s Planes and Porsches. Cascade Region’s Lincoln City Car Show. Zone 6 signature events can be found PCA Zone 6 - The Pacific NW Regions. Zone 6 abounds in great roads to drive and great automotive venues.

June Report

It has been a very busy time. First, there was attendance at the 68th Porsche Parade in Birmingham, AL. As always, it was a great time made so by; a great venue, much to see and do, and of course, the people. I returned home and quickly prepared for a trip north to Kelowna and a visit to BC Interior Region’s Shades of Stuttgart @ KF Centre for Excellence. From their website: The KF Centre for Excellence unveils the fascinating story of aviation in BC discover how the power of flight has shaped our province, with roots that run all throughout the Okanagan Valley. What a great location to view the ‘Rennbow’ of Porsche colors.

For those long range planners in the audience I would note; Porsche Parade 2025 is scheduled for July 6-12 in Oklahoma City and Porsche Parade 2026 is scheduled for June 14-20 in Lake Placid, NY. The 2024 Fall Treffenwill be held at the Omni Bretton Arms Inn at Mt Washington, NH from Sep. 29th –Oct. 3rd. The 2025 Spring Treffen will be held at Omni Homestead Resort in Hot Springs, VA from Apr. 30th – May 3rd

I would be remiss not mentioning some awards that Zone 6 and its regions received at the 68th Parade: Canada West Region won the PCA National Public Service Award. Heinz Holzapfel, President Oregon Region, won first place for both the Zone 6 website (among Zone websites), and the Oregon website (among Class V – large region websites).

Zone 6 2024 events are filling our calendar. Next up is Treffen at Sea – Cruise to Alaska. Then we will be attending Canada West Region’s Planes and Porsches. Cascade Region’s Lincoln City Car Show. Zone 6 signature events can be found PCA Zone 6The Pacific NW Regions. Zone 6 abounds in great roads to drive and great automotive venues.

Stay healthy and we will see you in the Zone in 2024!


Parting shot Wochenend Driving Tour Relic

Photo: John Sommerwerck

North Island

Director: Martin Jager

Cars and Coffee in Campbell River was changed from The Island Grind due to an increasing lack of seating and parking available. The mall now has no available space for merchants, and very little parking is available for us. We are now meeting at Quinsam Crossing Starbucks on the 2nd Saturday of the month. Cars and Coffee in the Comox Valley remains at Bean around the World on the 4th Sunday of the month as it usually has enough parking and the coffee/treats are great.

Spring start up was very well attended, with members from all regions of the island attending, as can be seen from a few of the photos below.


Photo Credit: Karen Bresler

Mid Island

Director: Mark Dalton

Mid Island reports that it's been business as usual, while maintaining a strong supporting membership. Our Papa's Burgers turnout was well represented, only to be rivalled by our Port Alberni Schnitzel event in April.

The spring highlight was the last minute Snowbirds practice organized by representative Detlef Ehrhardt through our good friend Jim Gillespie.

The launch of 356 Cafe has been instrumental in strengthening our club base, and brings an even stronger bond to our existing membership. Thanks to Marc and everyone who supports the venue!

Marc has been graciously opening the doors at all hours of the morning to watch racing events live such as F1 and 24 hours of Lemans. We encourage all members to show their appreciation for this one-of-a-kind Porsche inspired hotspot!

Upcoming events are Parksville Car Show on July 7, and the 356 Gimmick Rally on July 3.

Yours in motorsport,

Photo Credit: Karen Bresler

South Island

Upcoming event– Pacific Marine Drive Circle–Saturday, August 17

Mark your calendars for a peak-summer spin around the Pacific Marine Circle route on Saturday, 17 August!

We will travel in two groups, driver’s choice, one clockwise via Sooke and Jordan River, and the other counter-clockwise via Duncan and Lake Cowichan.

Starting point for both will be West Shawnigan Lake Park and (official) end points will be watering holes in either Langford or Duncan, depending on direction.

Either way, the groups will join up in Port Renfrew for lunch.

Registration is now open at http://msreg.com/2024-Pacific-Marine-Circle

Total participant count is capped at 30 by the lunch venue, so register soon!

Cars and Coffee-South Island

9:00 am every Sunday

As our south island weather warms up, with the driving season upon us, VIRPCA members are again coming out in force at our regular C&C venue: Whole Foods at the Uptown mall.

In addition to their Porsches, each Sunday can bring a peek into our members’ non-Porsche automotive passions, from beautifully restored trucks and SUVs to amazing sporty selections from other marques from around the world and even the occasional two-wheeled freedom machine!

The conversation is always lively, and coffee and muffins are cheap. For alternatives to the "humble" coffee on tap at Whole Foods, your java jolt can also be acquired drive-through at nearby Tim Hortons, Starbucks, or McDonald's, and there is also a walk-in Starbucks on the lower level of Uptown.

If all this sounds like a great way to kickstart your Sunday, please approach from southbound Pat Bay Hwy/Blanshard Street, turn right at the pedestrian crossing lights, head up the ramp, and turn right at the top. Whole Foods is at the north end of the parking lot.

See you there!

Photo Credit: Wyman Lee
Photo Credit: Wyman Lee

Food. | South Island

Fast. Food. South Island

First Thursday of every month

There's No Foodie Like a Porsche-driving Foodie!

Fast. Food. is a monthly come-as-you-are get-together for VIRPCA members and guests to appreciate the gastronomic delights of our island home.

We explore a new venue in the South Island area on the first Thursday of every month, with 'Variety' being our guiding principle for selection of each month's venue.

Since the last issue of Porscher, we’ve enjoyed these venues…

Café Brio on Apr 4th

Photo Credit: Stuart Macleod
Lot 1 Pasta Bar on May 2nd
Photo Credit: Wyman Lee

Jacks On the Water in Sidney on June 6th

…and we also now have a close-to-complete calendar through the end of 2024. Details and registration information for each is on MotorsportReg. Note that registration for a given event typically opens the day after the previous event.

July 4th @ The University Club | https://msreg.com/Fast-Food-202407-University-Club-of-Victoria

August 1st @ Westin Bear Mountain | https://msreg.com/Fast-Food-202408-Westin-BearMountain

September 5th @ Nohra Thai in Oak Bay | https://msreg.com/Fast-Food-202509-Nohra-Thai

October 3rd @ Eva Schnitzelhaus for Oktoberfest! | https://msreg.com/Fast-Food-202410-EvaSchnitzelhaus

November 7th @ Classroom Restaurant at Camosun College | https://msreg.com/Fast-Food202411-Camosun-Culinary-Arts

December 5th TBD

As always, watch for Fast. Food. event announcements:

- in the VIRPCA President’s event update emails

- on the events page of the VIRPCA web site at https://virpca.org:452/VIRPCA/Events

- on the club’s Facebook group page: “Vancouver Island Region - Porsche Club of America

- on the club’s MotorsportReg home page

Pop Up Bevvies (PUBS) - South Island

We’re test-driving a new kind of social event!

Pop Up Bevvies (PUBs) are spontaneous beverage-forward social gatherings – think Happy Hour –to (responsibly!) enjoy time with fellow Porsche-ists in a more casual, less structured atmosphere than Fast. Food. and other social events.

No registration required, just show up and see what happens.

Our first two PUBs were at Six Mile Pub and at The Drake Eatery.

Time and location of the next PUB will typically be announced each month, one or two weeks ahead. Keep an eye on:

- the VIRPCA President’s event update emails

- the events page of the VIRPCA web site at https://virpca.org:452/VIRPCA/Events

- the club’s Facebook group page: “Vancouver Island Region - Porsche Club of America”

Photo Credit: Karen Bresler

911 ways to use your porsche

This issue’s submission on “911 ways to use your Porsche” is from our member and Café 356 owner,Marc Klijnsmit, who sent me this photo. This is what he said:

“Picking up a liquor order for the French Creek Pub is totally doable in a 911 with roof box!”

Thank you Marc.

IfyouwouldliketoshareaphotoofyourPorschebeingusefulordoinguniqueactivities,pleaseemailthe Editorwithyourphoto/sandabriefdescriptiontonewsletter@virpca.org

Porsche 934 RS - At Parade - circa 1976
Photo By Paul Rossmo

A travel trip of a lifetime– Part 2

July 2023

We departed for Germany on July 4th, 2023 to do a more extensive travel with our new Porsche Cayenne e-hybrid.

Our first stop was the Porsche Hockenheim Experience Center for a 2 day Porsche Driver Training with 992 GT3 Rental cars.

With a very engaging instructor and being the sole English speakers, we ended up in a driving class of three. This gave us an amazing allocation of track time.

After Hockenheim we spent a day in Heidelberg and then pointed the Cayenne south to tour across the Alps into Italy. We stopped at the Valdobbiadene region with a day excursion to Venice.

After Venice we went to the Verona to view an opera in an outdoor Roman amphitheater. Verona was celebrating the 100th year anniversary of the opera in the arena. The VeronaArenais a Roman amphitheatre in Piazza Bra in Verona , Italy built in 30 AD. It is still used regularly today and one of only 3 Roman arenas remaining.

Getting rather hot in Italy, we headed north to the Dolomite area to find some engaging Alpine passes.

In the meantime, I received a text from Melanie who works for Porsche PR inquiring if we would like to go for a drive with Walter Roehrl.

“Hell yes”, we said and headed for the Hotel Angermaier in the Bavarian Forest. Upon our arrival we were greeted by a group of Porsche drivers and Walter himself.

Below:Mantoine and Michael enjoying our welcome breakfast at Hockenheimring.

Michael got to drive with Walter in a new GT3 RS and at our rest stop he proudly said that they went 240km/h on a small country road, where Walter corrected him saying that it was 244km/h.

The next morning Walter signed the gas cap of the maritime blue 964 RS

After 2 days with Walter we had to quickly make it to our next stop. A 2 day Porsche Master GT training with 992 GT3 vehicles at the Nuerburgring GP circuit.

What a track, not the Nordschleife but the current FIA F1 track. We loved every cm on it.

It was getting to the end of July and we needed to get back to Stuttgart to drop the Cayenne for its voyage to Canada. We connected once more with our friends from Leipzig who vowed to visit us within a month and then to go to Rennsport together.

The Roadtrip Driven by Dreams

From the John Clark Collection “Rennsport 2015”

October 2024 will have a Race & Rally theme. I am looking for contributions to this issue from the members with involvement in either of these activities. Please let me know if you have interest so I can plan space in the October issue of Porscher, or arrange an interview. Email me at newsletter@virpca.org

Calling Women Porsche Owners in VIRPCA

For the January 2025 issue of Porscher, the theme will be Women in Porsche, I am requesting that you please email me at newsletter@virpca.org to indicate your interest in participating, and include your contact details. A tentative plan is also being developed for a meet up. Our photographers have been approached to assist. Interviews and any meetings will take place by the Fall. This will also be an anniversary issue so its going to be super exciting to highlight women in this issue. Call for

Michelle Mouton, French former rally driver

Cars and Coffee gatherings are held weekly on Sunday morning at south island and mid-Island locations, and twice monthly on Saturday or Sunday morning at north Island locations. Check the website for times and locations.

Cars and Coffee Sunday at Crown Isle at the end of WochenedEscape 2024
Photo by Wyman Lee

Snowbirds Practice, Comox B.C.

May 14, 2024

Members enjoyed a private viewing of a Snowbirds practice– thank you Detlef– invitation from Detlef’s close friend Colonel Jim “Chuck” Gillespie, a former Snowbird pilot. It was a sunny day and with Porsches parked behind us, we sat on the lawns and enjoyed an air display where the precision and training displayed was awe-inspiring. Photos by Karen Bresler

Photo credit Paul Rossmo

From a Facebook post by Marc Klijnsmit on the Salt Spring GarageTour June 18

“Ron Dempsey organized an amazing trip to Salt Spring Island for a garage tour on June 18th. We planned to be on the 8:55am ferry from Crofton to Vesuvius Bay, but since we were all so excited, some of us were there at 7:30 haha. It's only a 25 minute ferry, but we didn't want to miss it. We all grabbed coffee and breakfast at the coffee shop while we waited for the ferry to arrive. Our first visit of the day was Arthur Connor's shop. What a great spot! Beautiful older Porsches and so much to see in his shop. Great to listen to some of Arthur's stories. When we were 'done' (trust me, I could have stayed all day!) we went for lunch at Moby's Pub in Ganges. Facing the harbour on a sunny patio and had one of the great lunch specials! Awesome food! After lunch we went for a tour of Gregory Campbell's shop and collection. Wow!!! What an amazing site. 356's everywhere!! Gregory shared some awesome stories with us.

Ron, Arthur & Gregory, thank you so much for hosting! Can we come back again next week!?!? “

Marc Klijnsmit

Photo Credit: Marc Klijnsmit

Editors Note: See October issue for more on this


Corral and Bull Sessions

ASharedPassion Report and photos by Karen

The first President’s Corral and Bull Sessions took place on June 30, 2024, in collaboration with the Chemainus Classic Car Club. The Porsche Corral was set up in the middle of the public market parking lot, with hot rods and classic cars surrounding the Corral. Porsches were parked with precision. Ask Paul how.

The Bull sessions were held in the event room in the market. I had never attended one before, but knowing John Clark was presenting about how his iconic car came into being, I knew it would be interesting. And it was. The presenter from the Chemainus Classic Car Club was equally entertaining and informative. The questions and answers revealed a real thirst for these kind of discussions. Many a laugh was shared about how one thing leads to another and that adds up to a lot of money being spent.

Photo credit: Jodie Greis-Phillips

We also shared quite a few laughs learning about some of the moments where the car is receiving a modification. Like John taking a deep breath when his friend Malcom had to drill holes in his car. And Cecil making modifications so his wife could see out of the windscreen.

It was touching when John told us how he has been told his car is just like him and Cecil resonated with that statement and said he has been told the same.

Informative, entertaining and inclusive of all levels of car enthusiasts, this is a spread of wisdom and experience by word of mouth. The room was just starting to warm up with the stories on these kind of builds and then time ran out. Next time

Jodie Greis-Phillips, President of the Chemainus Classic Car Club and VIRPCA President, Paul Rossmo at the front of the Corral.

Thoughts on Cars and Coffee

I am enjoying getting to know the members in my capacity as Editor and I wondered what Cars & Coffee means to peopleso I asked. Here are some of the answers

“You have a different conversation here...its not all about cars. There are a lot of different people, they come from all walks of life, so you talk to different people.” Bruce S

“It’s a great group of people. It is very important to me to stay in touch with the people from the club and talk about projects and give advice. There are lots of good people with lots of experience.” Didier M


“It’s a reason to drive and meet people.” Gary G

“I enjoy bringing my girls and exposing them to the passion. I like to socialize and enjoy friends and family and enjoy the beautiful cars. It creates a huge sense of community. Its why I liked joining this club, especially this region. Its all based on the people. A lot of us have old and used cars. Community, people.” Derek

“You always learn something different every time” Henry C It means everything to me. I love the Cars & Coffee especially the cars.

Trevor R

Photo of
making notes taken by Wyman Lee

“Its my Sunday ritual. Its work, work, work and then this is a time to hang with colleagues, look at beautiful cars and see a lot of smiling faces” Mark D

“I feel that it is the best communication between people. We are a social club. It is the best way to connect to all the members of the Vancouver Island Region. It is a bees nest for Porsche knowledge.” Detlef

“Our club is pretty unique mainly because we are up and down the island and we are a close knit group. Everyone comes from different backgrounds and it is so unique. Everyone is so friendly.”

Dan Boulet

I like that we share a common interest in the same vehicle and can have a sit down and talk. We have lots of laughs and good conversations.

Martin J

“Car people are very easy to talk to. They love their rides and have a passion.” Ron S

“It’s meeting friends in person instead of texting” Wyman

“I come for the social side. “ Jim M

“It’s a once a week social meeting”

Karl and Dog-inTraining, Sherry

“I joined because of the Cars & Coffee. It’s a meet-up of enthusiasts. We all have something in common.” Geoff

“Its my extended family... We are spoiled rotten on Vancouver Island with locations. We can meet and drive our vehicles year round.” Bernie

“It’s a good excuse to drive the car and see like minded people. I enjoy the social part.” Hubert

“There is a depth to the club that otherwise would not exist” Al S

Editors Picks: I enjoy taking photos and I have a few favourites in my collection. Here are three picks as well as my reasons for picking them...

Right: This photo, because I met Deb and Doug waiting for a Hullo Ferry in Vancouver a few months ago. We got talking about where home is, discussed the French Creek Pub and then found out we all knew Paul Rossmo and are all members of VIRPCA. I love seeing my new friends Deb and Doug at events. Here they are rekindling their friendship with Paul. Watch out for me in the ferry line ups people!

Right: I took this picture before Café 356 opened and could not use it as I did not want to disclose info before the official opening. I loved it as it’s a happy photo of two wonderful members, Dan and Didier. I also think I took the photo to record Dan’s face so I could recall it as he promised me an article for the October issue...

Left: I love this photo. It has such wonderful energy. I had it on Facebook asking for captions. Franz-Albert wrote”Mid-Island Directors past (Detlef) and present (Mark) smiling about a bright future!” Love that!

Sheila J said “Mischief Managed! Loved that too.

Mark D “Good looking Crew” And love this as well!

I knew both had been hard at work early that morning volunteering at the Parking Lot Party and it seemed to me that they were revelling in the successful event as it was taking place. Also, both gentlemen always give me the greatest poses when I point my camera in their direction!

Ongoing Cars & CoffeeTimes

North Island Cars and Coffee is every second Saturday in Campbell River at the Quinsam Crossing Starbucks- 10am to 12.Cars and Coffee is also every 4th Sunday at Bean Around the World on Cliff Avenue in Courtenay. 10am to 12.

Mid Island Sundays 9:30 am, French Creek Pub, 1025 Lee Road, Parksville

South Island Sundays 9am, Whole Foods Market, 3587 Blanshard Street, Victoria

More upcoming events July September 2024

Please check the website as events are updated all the time. Some notable upcoming events are featured here so you can “Save the Date” We look forward to the cars, people and lively discussions!

President’s Corral and Bull Sessions: We have had the first one on June 30 just before this issue “went to press”. See page 81. Details of the second one will be announced in the President’s monthly email.

Drives: Summer time drives on our beautiful Island, with so much to see. Check the website for the drive opportunities and sign up.

Fast Food Events and Pop

Up Bevvies

in South Island and Time to Dine Events in Mid-Island. Check the website and sign up early as they usually sell out. You won’t want to miss these.

All wonderful ways to get to know fellow members.

Photo Credit: Marc Klijnsmit

For sale

Set of 4 rims and tires previously on my 2018 Macan which I've now sadly sold :(

Rims are from BBS and are pewter/blue/grey tinted (look sharp on a car!). Tires are P-Zero's 265/45R20 with TPMS valves fitted so all ready to go. Tires have only done 1.5 summers so about 5k kms.

I have original invoices if you want to see them - original cost was $9k. Selling for $1,750.00.

I'm in Gibsons but willing to meet a serious buyer.

Contact Stephen on (604)760-1664 or sejpyne@gmail.com

For sale

Passionate 50 year Porsche devotee is liquidating years of memorabilia. Hundreds of marque books, Christophorus collection, quality 1/18 scale models, original factory issue brochures and photographs. Much of the collection is devoted to the 934/935 racing cars. The collection is extensive and deserves viewing.

Visitors welcome! John Clark email clev@shaw.ca or phone 250 339-4167.

Article on Parade, pg 60 and 61 incorrectly referred to Gary Glover’s car as a Boxster. It should read “Gary Glovers Cayman S”, Apologies to Gary Glover for the incorrect description of his beautiful Porsche.

Porsche pets

Cars and Coffee doesn't serve Pup-Cups yet so the Editor’s Labrador, Libby, was very happy to (carefully) drink her Starbucks Pup-Cup from President Paul Rossmo in his Porsche, after being a good girl at C & C, North Island.

IfyouhaveaPorschePetandwouldliketohaveyourpetfeaturedhere,please emailtheEditornewletter@virpca.org ,withthephotoandabriefdescriptionof howyourpetenjoysthePorscheexperience.

Porscher Advertiser Index

Naturally Pacific Resort PIRELLI

Vancouver Island Motor Circuit Dancia Motors Ltd

Porsche Victoria Good Fellows Cigar Shop

Wrapture Customs Café 356

Please show your support for these businesses by giving them the opportunity to serve you. Also mention that you saw their advert in Porscher so they know their money is well spent. The display of adverts does not constitute an endorsement of the company by VIR or PCA.

Submissions to Porscher Members are invited and encouraged to submit articles and photos that would be of interest to the Club. Photos in JPG or PNG formats. Articles should not exceed 1000 words. Longer articles will be considered on a case by case basis. If submitting photos, please send a caption describing the photo or the people depicted and please indicate the name of the photographer. Please send submissions via email to the Editor at: newsletter@virpca.org

Magazine Deadline The deadline for the next issue is the 15th of the month prior to the issue date. Porscher is issued April, July. October, and January.

Photo Credits: Wyman Lee, Martin Mansfield, Karen Bresler, Paul Rossmo . Others are credited in articles. If we have omitted anyone, our apologies. Please advise us and we shall credit you next issue.

Join us on our Facebook Group page www.virpca.org

Advertising Rates (per issue)

$250 Outside back page

$230 Inside front cover

$200 Inside back cover

$180 Full page

$ 100 Half page

$ 60 Quarter page

$ 30 Business card

Classified Ads: No Charge

Please contact the Editor for more information at newsletter@virpca.org

Porscher is the official publication of the Vancouver Island Region Porsche Club of America and is published quarterly.

EDITORIAL: Statements appearing in PORSCHER are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Porsche Club of America, the Vancouver Island Region, its Executives or the Editor. All articles and photographs are copyright the author or contributor (unless otherwise noted). Permission for reprints or reproduction of the contents must be granted by the Editor and the author or contributor.

Copyright © 2017-2024 by Porsche Club of America, Vancouver Island Region. All rights reserved.

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