ESOTERIC STUDENTS’ NEWSLETTER Sponsored by Christ College Of Trans-Himalayan Wisdom and Southern Lights Centre September – December 2013
Issue No. 69
Christ College of Trans-Himalayan Wisdom Office 30 Rutland St, St Albans, Christchurch PH: 03 355 1395 FAX: 03 355 1396 433 Long Bay Rd PH: 03-304-8893 Email:
Spot On 2 Idealism: The Signs and Time of Opportunity For Radical Change, Now 3 New Perspectives On Soul Consciousness 5 The Silence of the Forest Calls 6 Sabian Pentagon 8 Cabins for Rent 9 Poem – Gentle Action 10 Southern Lights Centre News 11 Poem - Dancing in the Darkness 12 Esoteric Healing Course 14 Karma – The Perfect Pattern 15 2013 Meditation Retreats 16 Solar Fire Meditations 16 Weddings at Christ College 17 Updates and Information 18
SPOT ON “Be good”, was the parting injunction as two friends parted. Who would determine the “good”? Would the individual try to live up to the standard of a parent, teacher, spiritual guide or divine being? I hoped that the individual would be good for their own sake. The highest divinity exists within each of us. We can advantageously look outside for it, but only if we recognize that what we see in the outer world is a mirror of our inner world. Our practice needs to be to look inward with a gaze unpolluted by dishonesty, greed, lust and attachment. Everything that we do, we do ourselves. In weak moments, we might want to say that we were compelled by circumstances to act contrary to ourselves, but in every moment we make our choices. No God will intervene to save us. Our soul will not stop us from acting contrary to the “good”. No friend, therapist or lover can save us from violating the “good” that we are. We must act without fear of judgement while watching with a loving discriminating eye. Since God or Good is our essential nature, only by taking full responsibility for our situation can we free ourselves to be our Self.
IDEALISM: THE SIGNS AND TIME OF OPPORTUNITY FOR RADICAL CHANGE, NOW In June, at the time of writing this article, I was sitting in a tiny cottage at Christ College on the lip of a volcano. Outside, there was a great storm which caused the hill to slide down, smash into the back of our teaching building and wipe out our water system. I was and am living in the energies I was writing about. We live within the body of our Solar Logos, and the dance our planets are doing is a dance we cannot help but to participate in, and to participate in more consciously as a positive pattern of change in the transition from the 6th Ray of Idealism to the 7th Ray of Ceremonial Magic and Order. The Planet Neptune is a conduit for the 6 th Ray and is in the sign of Pisces which is also a conduit for the 6 th ray - so the theme of idealism is present, and the highest ideal is the reappearance of the Christ. We know that in 2025, the Spiritual Hierarchy will meet in conclave to work out the plans for this reappearance and for the externalization of the Hierarchy. Certainly, our holding to this ideal is being facilitated by Neptune in Pisces between February 2012 (having entered Pisces quite recently) and January of 2025. We are all working towards 2025, and this great idealism will take us to that point when Neptune will enter into the sign of Aries - it certainly seems propitious for a new Christ for the Aquarian age, bringing in the idea of every human “being� a representative of the Christ energy.
Then, we have the incoming 7th Ray. Its primary conduit for our Solar System is the planet Uranus, and it rules the higher etheric, the body electric; that magical energy that aligns the top with the bottom and into the densest worlds. It [Uranus] is in the sign of Aries. It entered into this sign in June 2010, and will remain in this sign until March 2019, so we are being swept with very strong 7 th Ray energies because Aries is also a conduit for the 7th Ray [in addition to 1st ray energy]. So this is a particularly strong placement for Uranus to be in, and the 7th ray energies are strongly augmented. Pluto is a conduit for the 1st Ray. It is in the sign Capricorn which is a sign that is a conduit for the 7th ray [and 3rd and 1st rays]. It also relates to the base centre of our Planetary God, and so again we have a sense of the 7th ray. These two planets do a great dance. The current dance began in 1965 in a conjunction in the sign of Virgo and opposed by Saturn in the sign of Pisces, it produced the initiation of a great idea, the idea of holism. And we realized in at least a portion of humanity that we lived in an interdependent, ecological system. We literally had to accept that as human beings we had a responsibility for aiding in the evolution of all life on the planet rather than creating imbalances.
Now, we are in the greatest crisis in this dance since 1965. Between the period of time running from June of 2012 and March of 2015, we have Uranus squared Pluto, there are exact squares that occur 7 times in this two and a half year period. So we have two 7 th ray conduits, one of them ruling the crown centre and another ruling the base centre. The whole theme is change. The theme for us individually and collectively is to change radically, not slowly; not as if there is any spare time because there is none. The landslide that occurred on our property out of the blue can be seen as symbolized by Uranus in Aries. At the same time we know that Uranus in Aries symbolizes that there are new ideas emerging in the advanced members of Humanity and we must seize these ideas, own them and anchor them in our own lives of service. We just had the third of these 7 exact squares. It occurred on the 21 st of May as the sun went into the sign of Gemini. This made it quite clear that we, Humanity, must participate in joining the higher pattern, the higher laws, to the mundane laws of nature. The next of these will occur on Nov 1, 2013, and then right in the midst of our next USR/SRI Conference in Phoenix, Arizona, the 5th one will occur on April 2, 2014. (Appropriately, the conference title is: Building a Radiant Temple of Life: Sing the Body Electric). Another significant astrological feature of the time that we are in is Saturn in the sign of Scorpio. Saturn rules all initiations and has to do with the theme of crises and opportunities. In the sign of Scorpio, it is emphasizing the crisis and opportunity that is occurring for all disciples. (Scorpio rules discipleship). We have to face our illusions and dispel the glamours that we have created. In 1965, Saturn was opposing Uranus. When this current square of Uranus and Pluto first appeared in the heavens in 2008, Saturn was again contacting Uranus. It sang the time is now; we must create change for a new global civilization now, not later. Lawson Bracewell
NEW PERSPECTIVES ON SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS Soul consciousness survives us after death. Is it the consciousness reported in accounts of Near Death Experiences (NDE’s)? According to Wikipedia the traits of a classic NDE include a sense of peace and wellbeing, an intense feeling of unconditional love, movement towards light, receiving knowledge about one’s life and the nature of the universe. These phenomena, and their interpretation, are shaped by the cultural beliefs of each person experiencing them. Many people who have survived a NDE feel motivated to bring a message of their experience to others and to live a life of love on Earth. They are wanting to bring their ‘taste of Heaven’ to Earth. Two outstanding and recent accounts are from Anita Moorjani and Eben Alexander. On returning from their NDE’s both were completely healed, Anita from terminal cancer and Eben from E.coli bacterial meningitis which completely shut down the functioning of the frontal lobe of his brain during a week-long coma. Both of these authors feel that their lives were restored in order to spread the message of unconditional love and sense of the oneness of all life that they had experienced during their NDE’s. Eben Alexander, a neurosurgeon, realises that acceptance of his NDE account by his peers is unlikely. Anita Moorjani recognises that her cancer was related to not expressing her unique self. She credits her healing to an acceptance of her soul’s mission and a commitment to fulfil it on return to a second chance at life in this lifetime. (1) (2) Also wanting to share her ‘taste of Heaven’ with others is neuro-anatomist Jill Bolte Taylor. Functioning solely with her right brain after her left brain was shut down by haemorrhaging and a blood clot, Jill describes her experience after an eight year healing journey to restore her left brain functioning in her book My Stroke of Insight. She felt expansive and flowing, perfect and radiating, in a bliss consciousness. (3) When reading of these experiences I deduced that the soul-consciousness I am attempting to cultivate in meditation approximates this same right-brain consciousness and that both of these states of consciousness are related to the experience of soul-consciousness after death. It is as if we are wired to experience this consciousness on earth and that contemporary human experience is increasingly drawing attention to what this is like and how we can achieve it. I further speculated that humanity is being prepared, through the ‘seeding’ power of these experiences, for the new fifth kingdom on Earth, the kingdom of souls, and the Aquarian Age in which spirituality will be understood through the science of consciousness and energy. The consciousness of samadhi or satori, the bliss of oneness, is perhaps an ultimate goal for meditators. This state is aptly described by David R. Hawkins, a psychiatrist and creator of a developmental model of evolutionary states of human consciousness in his book Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man. He reminds the reader that the mind is mainly silent, beyond duality and aware of the All. This is the Buddha awareness. (4) It is my understanding that, as I continue meditating, I am preparing myself to pass through the transition of death with equanimity and with a soul-consciousness that experiences continuity of consciousness across both sides of the veil. Death is portrayed in the Bible as the “last enemy”; it is a taboo topic in polite circles as sex used to be in the Victorian era. There is now an extensive documentation of experiences and teachings that indicates that humanity is on the brink of a paradigm shift with regard to understanding the process of death. (1) (2) (3) (4)
Moorjani, Anita Dying to be Me 2012 Hay House, Inc. Alexander, M.D. Eben Proof of Heaven. 2012 Simon & Schuster Paperbacks Bolte Taylor, Ph.D. Jill My Stroke of Insight 2008 Hodder & Stoughton Ltd Hawkins, David R. M.D., Ph.D. 2008 Axial Publishing Co.
The Silence of the Forest Calls “To the God Who is in the FIRE and Who is in the waters; To the God Who has suffused Himself through all the world; To the God Who is in summer plants and in the lords of the forest; To that God be adoration, adoration." —Sh’vet Upanishad, II.17.
This is one “Lord of the Forest” located with-in the planted Fir forest on our land. There is a small stand with maybe a dozen larger trees scattered here and there. Other indigenous shrubs are evident and the curious fantails investigate the visitor. This original cluster evidences true forest characteristics such as undergrowth with fallen trunks, smaller scrubs and natural wildlife.
Our special area is a “Banks Peninsula Conservation Trust Covenant held on private land.” As one part of a Resource Consent Agreement we stated that a large area of our land would be allowed to re-generate returning thus to the natural fauna and flora. We have honoured that agreement carrying out the necessary “paper-work” with the appropriate authorities. We are still awaiting the final “rubber stamp” from the Council. This formal aspect of proceedings has been prolonged and it is a relief that it has been accomplished. The beauty of Nature as it proceeds to invigorate the land by the streaming of valley basins with lush native fuchsia is a wondrous sight to behold, bringing joy to the heart. Dotted between these shrubberies are the rounded forms of many native trees. So much vegetation growth has naturally emerged, most likely seeded by birds from the Ellengowan Reserve above our property. This naturally planted growth contrasts with “man’s efforts” at introducing plants with careful husbandry. Lawson-led plantings over the years have had limited success. Nature obviously does it better! Living pranic energy circulates throughout the etheric bodies of all forms; this produces coherency or a synthetic holding-together. This can be discerned when the densest aspect of the etheric body is seen, creating thus the health aura in plants, trees, sea life, animals and man. The livingness of this etheric field as it interpenetrates with all forms in nature stimulates the senses creating a feeling of nourishment and well-being. This is the main reason for us providing access to these sites by building trails that directly link major stands with each other. There are many spots of particular individual expression; one such is a line of large moss-covered boulders that direct the vision to a triad of Totara trees. Another is a shady glen were three minor streams converge creating a fertile fan that is a nursery for emerging saplings. Our observation of bird life, though not documented by regular sighting, seems to indicate a marked increase in both number and variety. The added bonus of water run-off creating springs and some seasonal streams increases the ambience of our land. The main Takamatua stream, though reduced to a trickle in the dry month of February, still provides a source of water for animal and bird life. It is also a place of growing beauty. The adventure of following this stream downwards towards the harbour has been enjoyed by Lawson’s grandchildren. This adventure and other pathways of exploration are available to you.
Let the silence of our forest invigorate your spirit! Come and enjoy! Orest Tarnawsky
SABIAN PENTAGON As four is the number of matter in motion, five is the number of mind. I thought it would be interesting to have a look again at how the number five plays out in the Sabian Symbols. The fifth harmonic, is the series of quintile and biquintile aspects, which according to Esoteric Astrology concern the states of consciousness. The Sabian Symbols are a symbol for each of the 360 degrees of the zodiac. These were collated by Marc Edmund Jones and Elsie wheeler as a clairvoyant exercise in 1925. An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and Its 360 Symbolic Phases is my primary reference on this material, although naturally I don’t always agree with the interpretation. The first degree of Aries is “A Woman Just Risen From The Sea; A Seal Is Embracing Her” showing emergence into a new state of being. This symbol begins all cycles, but here we are interested in the five-fold cycle. It occurs at the beginning of Aries, the sign of beginnings emerging from Pisces the sign of the fish. A fifth of a circle is 72 degrees – a quintile -, whose symbol is “A Famous Pianist Giving A Concert Performance.” This shows the cultivation of talent, through discipline and training to the point where it becomes of cultural value. We see the emergence of the will and its cultural expression. This is the opening quintile to be found naturally in Gemini, the sign of recognised duality. In fact, the usual interpretation for the quintile series is talent, but I think there is much more to the series than that. However the mind becomes dissatisfied and what was once fulfilling becomes empty, and so through a greater act of will the mind takes it upon itself to make the journey through emptiness. The symbol at 144 degrees, the opening biquintile, is: “A Large Camel Is Seen Crossing A Vast And Forbidding Desert.” This is the opening biquintile, which occurs in Leo, the sign of will and also a fire sign. In one sense the desert to be crossed is the landscape made barren by the ego driven will. That journey requires of course the examination of the depths of ones being, the mind itself is examined. And again the symbol at 216 degrees, the closing biquintile, is revealing. “Deep-Sea Divers.” Through meditation we plunge deeper and deeper into our very being and begin to awaken to our true nature. To a large extent this examination is fundamentally about our desire natures. So it is no surprise that this occurs in Scorpio, a water sign. Then we come to the closing quintile. In a way the last symbol seems odd, it apparently lacks the profundity of the earlier symbols. The first interesting thing is that the number five pops up immediately. “A Five-Year-Old Child Carrying A Bag Filled With Groceries.” Rather than a five year old child, it could be a child of mind. Rudhyar thought that the symbol suggested taking on responsibility prematurely. It is said that the initiate is an initiate before initiation. Perhaps this is more about the awakening mind taking on the law of necessity. Perhaps it could be a being although not yet a bodhisattva, taking on the bodhisattva vow:May I liberate all sentient beings. May I end all vexations. May I master all dharmas. May I attain the supreme awakening. Whatever it is, it shows commitment to and awareness of the new cycle. Perhaps this is what enables the transformative process to complete. I think another interesting feature about this symbol is that all of the others contain a sense of freedom. The pianist is the freedom of mastery. Then there’s the wide open space of the desert and the vastness of the sea. In this symbol it is now about responsibility and interestingly it occurs naturally in the sign of Capricorn of duty and responsibility. Capricorn, symbolised by the mountain climbing goat, is itself the sign of initiation. And we return to the closing and opening of the series at zero degrees again. “A Woman Just Risen From The Sea; A Seal Is Embracing Her.” Life embraces the individual who has transformed himself and emerged from the sea of illusion – maya. In reality it is a non-dualistic process. All of life is awakened by the effort. As Buddha is said to have proclaimed upon awakening, behold all beings are already Buddha. Mikael Aldridge
GENTLE ACTION When answers don’t seem obvious and truth is hard to find Take two deep breaths then wait for insight to escape the bind Action by non-action provides a means for gaining traction It’s ‘the Way’ for circumventing almost every warring faction Patience is a virtue when aggression cannot change your fate Sun Tzu states in “Art of War” why it’s wise to wait The wise will seek to win the war without a single shot Why shed blood when victory might otherwise be wrought Wu Wei is this process, this ‘gentleness of flow’ Symbolized by water’s action when it’s on the go It flows around each object, yet dissolves the hardest stone For softness is its nature and paradox its koan How to live within the flow instead of trying to conquer life And minimize one’s karma which may lead to greater strife This the Chinese sages knew as living in the TAO Modern mystics call this process living in the NOW Repression, projection, rejection: psychic wars in modern man The world is a battleground where each grasps at all he can But does this pathway best reflect the true reality Or simply show how cultural madness can distort all we see “Letting go and letting God” is what the Taoist masters meant When they challenged us to act with increasing non-attachment “To do so without doing” is to manifest Wu Wei As order comes forth out of darkness to the light of day So when you’re full of fear and trapped within a bind Remember our Creator is gentle, patient, loving, kind Trust your heart and calmly wait until the proper time Then act with faith and conviction in this ancient paradigm
SOUTHERN LIGHTS CENTRE NEWS 1. The new name and what it represents is the best news. Southern Lights Centre is the name that markets us to the community. Our marketing strategy recognized that while Christ College of TransHimalayan Wisdom beautifully described our five-year residential programme of education and training in the Ageless Wisdom, it confused the general public. The new name and logo is now used to market meditation and short courses, meditation retreats, personalized retreats, weddings and products and experiences. We are extremely fortunate to have Kiely Buttell suddenly appear and volunteer to market Southern Lights Centre. She has created and the Southern Lights Centre Facebook page. 2. In June, we had the “weather bomb” which brought the hill behind Long Bay House to cover the back of the building up to the guttering. The block cage for the gas bottles, the water tanks and gas system were all smashed and buried. Fortunately, the Earthquake Commission also covers landslides. All repairs have now been done and within a few more weeks we will receive a cheque. 3. We continue to be very fortunate with who we attract for Willing Workers on Organic Farms. Phillipp from East Germany has just spent one month with us. He attended all the meditations and classes and rated the programme as the best of his life. What a worker he was! He moved many wheel barrows of earth, unearthed the strawberry beds, fixed many small electrical problems, did maintenance work on lawn mower, quad bike and car, and transformed our garden. (A small part of his total contribution). 4. 21 June marked the 10th anniversary of the opening of the meditation temple: The Silent Space. It was a delight to have one of the people who was present at that ceremony return for a meditation. She lives in New York and had no idea that it was the anniversary. 5. Orest and Julia’s six chickens are now in full production. We are awaiting the arrival of two hives of bees. 6. Lawson continues to teach two bi-weekly webinars on Esoteric Psychology I and II. There are about 30 students from six countries. Six people have also begun a local study group for White Magic. Orest is teaching Tai Chi in Akaroa. Julia is offering a course in meditation for locals and a class which will present a ritual to aid the dying. 7. We continue with year five of the five-year programme. Julia is presenting a course concerning the nature of Shamballa, Orest is teaching Esoteric Healing and Lawson is teaching Labour, Capital and Politics.
D A N C I N G I N T H E D A R K (N E S S) I’m dancing in the darkness with a partner named despair With every twist and turn of fate my life seems so unfair Surrounded now by scoundrels that I once called friends All my aspirations have turned into dead ends Where once life flowed quite beautifully, now it brings a tear The life that once brought happiness now is full of fear I’m living in the shadows, trying to find the light Waiting for the sunrise to depart the dark of night In ancient Greece they catalogued the offspring of the Night For Nyx produced death, disorder, chaos, strife and lust to fight Not to mention retribution, old age, illness, even rage Death was seen as necessary, as it gave birth to LIFE’s next stage The ‘doors of perception’, fully cleansed, reveal that all is light Only ignorance and fear breed the offspring of the Night Pandora’s myth holds the key to what can keep Man well And keep in check the demons Zeus released from hell Angry at Prometheus who stole for men the gods own fire Zeus then used Pandora for making Man’s existence dire When she opened Zeus’s gift, evil filled the world with pain Blessed HOPE was also freed and became Man’s lasting gain To overcome life’s challenges, all of us need some fire Each of us needs a spark, some light to take us higher A New Jersey poet, initials B.S., wrote about a ‘Tunnel of Love’ Within the darkness what’s begotten? The energy to rise above I can feel the soft silk of your blouse And them soft thrills in our little fun house Then the lights go out and it’s just the three of us You and me and all that stuff we’re so scared of Gotta ride down baby into this tunnel of love There’s a crazy mirror showing us both in 5-D I’m laughing at you, you’re laughing at me There’s a room of shadows that gets so dark brother It’s easy for two people to lose each other in this tunnel of love It ought to be easy, ought to be simple enough Man meets woman and they fall in love But the house is haunted and the ride gets rough And you’ve got to live with what you can’t rise above If you want to ride on down through this tunnel of love You can’t start a fire sitting ‘round crying from a broken heart You can’t start a fire worrying about your little world falling apart
You can’t start a fire, you can’t have a fire without a spark This HOPE’s for hire, even if we’re just dancing in the dark I get up in the evening and I ain’t got nothing to say I come home in the morning, I go to bed feeling the same way I ain’t nothing but tired, I’m just tired and bored with myself Hey there Baby, I could use a little help Message keeps getting clearer, radio’s on and I’m moving ‘round the place I check a look in the mirror, I wanna change my clothes, my hair, my face Man I ain’t getting nowhere, living in a dump like this There’s something happening somewhere, baby, I just know that there is Stay on the streets of this town and they’ll carve you up alright They say you gotta be hungry, Baby, I’m just about starving tonight I’m dying for some action, I’m sick … hoping to write this book I need a love reaction, come on baby, gimme just one look You can’t start a fire sitting ‘round crying from a broken heart You can’t start a fire worrying about your little world falling apart You can’t start a fire, you can’t have a fire without a spark This HOPE’s for hire, even if we’re just dancing in the dark You know that I would be untrue You know that I would be a liar If I were to say to you, Girl, we couldn’t get much higher Come on baby light my fire, try to set the Night on fire The time to hesitate is through The time to wallow in the mire Try now we can only lose and our love become a funeral pyre Come on baby light my fire, try to set the Night on fire All are beings made of light, don’t you know and can’t you see And baby we were born to run with a higher energy So light the fire, feed the flames, and take it to a higher game It’s a game of transformation: death, re-birth, it’s all the same
Presents ESOTERIC HEALING COURSE by Leoni McKinnon Brisbane Goodwill Centre Anyone who is spiritually oriented is potentially a natural healer. 2-3 November 2013 8am - 4pm Southern Lights Centre Fee: $200 (includes accommodation) Spiritual Group Work: join a group that welcomes discussion and intellectual query, that is founded on kindness and fellowship. Esoteric Healing overview: what an Esoteric Healer is and Esoteric Healing; comparisons with other modalities and famous healers. Energy: study the energies of the universe - Life Force, prana, and the energy used in Esoteric Healing Love. Practice and exercises to enhance healing sensitivity, reception and transmitting powers. The Spiritual and Human Aspects: we study the Source of Life, our Spirit and Soul natures, source of healing power; the mechanism of man. Etheric Body: we study the energy-distribution system in man - the etheric body, chakras, nervous system, endocrine system, bloodstream. Creative Visualisation: we study this technique of power, and its importance in Esoteric Healing work. Radiatory Healing Technique: we practise the first basic healing art technique, and practise healing each other.
Within a particular life there are many opportunities to practise the perfect pattern of karma. The pattern descends with the soul into each incarnation. We can live our lives free from limitation, free from negative associations of karma. Every relationship in each life is an opportunity to express the perfect pattern and beauty of karma. The purpose of this book is to look at karma from an entirely different perspective to the one which is familiar to most readers. Karma will be presented as a perfect pattern, something which is exquisitely beautiful, resolved and complete. Karmic patterns the matter of the physical, emotional and mental worlds so that they demonstrate the pattern. In this demonstration, the chaos of matter, found on the grossest and subtlest levels, resolves into harmony. Matter no longer offers any resistance to the down-flow of energy. On all levels of reality, karma prepares the way for the intention and mind of God to manifest. The book also offers astrological perspectives on the role of Saturn and Sigma (esoteric Saturn) in indicating karma. There is an ephemeris for Sigma so that it may be located in the chart. The book can be ordered from Lawson or purchased on Createspace, Amazon or Kindle.
SOLAR FIRE MEDITATIONS Venue – 30 Rutland Street – 7.30 pm
Talks from each month are available on the website
18 OCTOBER 2013 LibraKeynote: I choose the way which lies between the two great lines of force (actual time 19 Oct 12.38 pm + eclipse)
17 NOVEMBER 2013 ScorpioKeynote: Warrior am I and from the battle I emerge triumphant (actual time 18 Nov 4.16 am)
17 DECEMBER 2013 Sagittarius Keynote: I see the goal, I reach that goal and see another (actual time 17 Dec 10.28 pm) Dates and Themes
19-20 October:
Venue – 30 Rutland Street – 7.30 pm
Right Human Relationship
4 OCTOBER 2013
16-17 November:
LibraKeynote: I choose the way which lies between the two great lines of force
Deep Healing/Transformation
(actual time 5 Oct 1.35 pm)
14-15 December:
Spiritual Path
ScorpioKeynote: Warrior am I and from the battle I emerge triumphant (actual time 4 Nov 1.49 am + eclipse)
All welcome
2 DECEMBER 2013 Sagittarius Keynote: I see the goal, I reach that goal and see another (actual time 3 Dec 1.22 pm)
Meditation Temple Meditations are held on the temple site at the time of the full moon. Libra Scorpio Sagittarius
18 October 4.00 pm 17 November 4.00 pm 17 December 4.00 pm
PH: O3 304-8893 FAX: O3 304-8896 E-MAIL:
MORE INFORMATION Ph: 355-1395 Email:
o WEDDINGS AT CHRIST COLLEGE Christ College is a beautiful place for a wedding, especially as spring and summer approaches. The temple is available a wedding, Long Bay House for reception surrounded by beautiful views. Lawson is a marriage celebrant and his services are free of charge. The temple is a unique space designed to marry heaven and earth, spirit and matter, the masculine and the feminine. It is a space that stands free from any religion or philosophy and offers any person(s) from any background a place where they can connect with their essential nature, connect with each other and find true meaning in their lives.
There are spaces (especially in front of the temple) where an outside service could be held. There are many possibilities at Christ College to create a wedding. Below are three outlines that could be altered to suit your needs. Option 1) - an outside service - The backdrop of the Akaroa harbour and the temple would make a perfect place for an outdoor wedding. Option 2) - a service in the temple - The temple is a sacred space and talks constantly of marriage. It is the perfect place to conduct a small ceremony. Option 3) - a reception in Long Bay House – this could be used to house a small reception of up to 25 people. All the facilities of the space could be utilized for this occasion.
Please contact Lawson for further details: 433 Long Bay Rd 03-304-8893
Updates and Information Christ College of Trans-Himalayan Wisdom
Arguably the most comprehensive spiritual library in the South Island.
We invite you to become a Friend of Christ College by contributing a monthly donation. By doing this you be a part of a global initiative to manifest the esoteric schools. You will receive regular updates, the newsletter, invitations to workshops and events. You support will enable us to progress the project in a practical way. Please contact Lawson for further information: or 355-1395
LAWSON BRACEWELL ASTROLOGER Lawson is available for soul-centred astrology in Christchurch either in person or for taped readings. He has a natural ability to see to the heart of an individual and his focus is on revealing the soul’s potential for the client and pointing out ways of allowing that to be expressed by the client. For readings please contact him on: (03) 355 1395 or email
An extensive range of esoteric literature, astrology books, biographies, mythology, symbolism and much more. Authors include: Alice Bailey, Helena Blavatsky, Phillip Lindsay, Dane Rudhyar, Dalai Lama, Joseph Campbell, Carl Jung Open to view at 433 Long Bay Road, Akaroa Call in for a browse. Please contact us for a list of books available.
TRIANGLE CENTRE (Established 1974) Books available by mail order from the Triangle Centre Include Alice Bailey, Agni Yoga, Torkom Saraydarian, Sundial House. Contact
124 Wellington Rd, Paekakariki PO Box 25, Paekakariki Tel/fax: (04) 902 1667
USR Conference
APRIL 1 - 13, 2014 Phoenix Arizona, USA
See Lawson demonstrating each of the zodiacal signs on Youtube. Go to and type in “Lawson Bracewell” or click on the following link for the first one – Aries Yued4g ***
Next year the Seven Ray Institute/University of the Seven Rays is offering its 28th International Conference and our timely theme in an era of challenging transition between the Age of Pisces and the emerging Seventh Ray Age of Aquarius is: Living as Radiant Temples of Life: Sing the Body Electric. The Conference theme emphasizes the new note of livingness, joy and positivity which should characterize each disciple, and discipleship group, who realizes the nature of the promise of the New Age. The Tibetan Teacher tells us that joy will one day be the resounding note of humanity as a whole.
Long Bay House has been refurbished and is available for hire. It is the perfect place for workshops, meetings, or a weekend getaway. It is nestled on the hills of the Banks Peninsula with stunning views. It comes complete with kitchen facilities, shower and toilet facilities and can accommodate up to 24 people and sleep up to 10. Facilities available:
The AGM for Christ College will be held on 27 October 2013
* * * * * *
temple access 2 workshop/teaching rooms marae-style accommodation kitchen shower/toilet picnic table, nature walks
10 am Ideas and contributions welcome. Please contact Lawson for details 03-3551395
Please contact Lawson for details:
Sender: Christ College of Trans-Himalayan Wisdom 30 Rutland Street, St Albans Christchurch New Zealand
Last Words Spring Equinox 23 September 2013 - 8.45 am (NZT)
WEB SITE This site is regularly updated. You can download the Newsletter; keep up with events that happen between Newsletter printings and see some of the photos of current projects and events. Please contact us if you have a relevant link.