Esoteric Students newsletter

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ESOTERIC STUDENTS’ NEWSLETTER Sponsored by Christ College Of Trans-Himalayan Wisdom and Southern Lights Centre June – September 2014

Issue No. 72


Christ College of Trans-Himalayan Wisdom Office 30 Rutland St, St Albans, Christchurch PH: 03 355 1395 FAX: 03 355 1396 433 Long Bay Rd PH: 03-304-8893 Email:

Spot On The Great Invocation Speak-Soul-Sound I am a Strand of Loving Energy Jupiter Enters Leo Musings on Communication Cabins for Rent Southern Lights Centre News Karma – The Perfect Pattern Solar Fire Meditations Weddings at Christ College Land for sale Updates and Information

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SPOT ON I watched a four-year old take possession of a new toy. Ah, the joy of finding out what it could do and what flights in imagination took wing! But, within an hour a main component had disappeared and was lost forever. He touched his grief, but covered it over and went on playing. A bit later, when we were alone, he said, “I am sad that I lost that part of my toy”. I mirrored back his statement and soon he was crying and deeply grieving his loss. Still later, he was recounting his experience and said, “Ordinarily, I would ‘suck it up’”. He had learned that the socially approved strategy for dealing with grief was to block the emotions and ‘get on with it’. I thought, “Can I stand in my grief?” Can we stand in our grief? Humanity stands at the cross-roads: we face the end or a new beginning. We can ‘suck it up’ and go on, but that spells the end of hope for Humanity. Or we can go into and stand in the grief of all that we have done, destroyed and lost. If we stand in this tremendous field of energy perhaps we can hold the descending transforming Life.


THE GREAT INVOCATION: A FORMULA FOR PLANETARY REDEMPTION The Great Invocation is a mantra given to the Christ who transmitted it to Humanity at the time of the Gemini Full Moon in 1945. It is a major tool in the acceleration of the consciousness of our Planetary Logos. At the same time, it accelerates our spiritual development. The Human Kingdom came into being 18 million years ago when Solar Angels descended from Sirius and fused with animal man. (Research done by John Berges in Sacred Vessel of the Mysteries suggests that the Great Invocation originated from the Sirian spiritual centre). The fusion produced an animal with a higher mind or individual soul. This produced an objective introspective mind and an ability to choose. Human beings became the accelerant in the evolution of our Planetary God because we contained within ourselves the three lower kingdoms and could also identify with the three higher kingdoms. Human beings have within themselves the potential to encompass/to embody the physical/etheric body of the Planetary God. The outcome of our journey to consciousness has been to lighten the load of our Planetary God. As more and more humans free themselves from personality identification, we free our God from being limited by excess identification with his dense physical body. As we come to identify with the Kingdom of Souls, he is more able to identify with his etheric/living body. Eventually, we will attain the same level of consciousness as the Christ and the Buddha. He will move one step closer to no longer being controlled by his physical body. This article proposes that we lay The Great Invocation on top of the map of the Cosmic Physical Plane. This map shows seven planes or seven vibrational domains. Within these domains are forms of various sorts. They become subtler as we move from the bottom up. At the bottom is the dense material that composes our dense physical body. Above that is the range of emotions that make up our emotional body. And, so it ascends until at the top we enter into the sea of fire which contains the Purpose of our Planetary God.


The third verse of the Great Invocation is:

From the centre where the Will of God is known Let purpose guide the little wills of men--The purpose which the Masters know and serve. This verse can be located on the 1st or Logoic plane. Shamballa, the planetary head centre is located here. Our God’s purpose is known by the Christ and the Buddha who can identify with this vibrational level. The second verse of the Great Invocation is:

From the point of Love within the Heart of God Let love stream forth into the hearts of men. May Christ return to Earth. This verse can be located on the 2nd or Monadic plane. Our Monad, all monads, are located in this substance. The monad, our essential Self, streams forth from the heart of the Sun. The monads are the creative life force which expresses as the jewel in our soul/causal body and anchors in our heart centre. The first verse of the Great Invocation is:

From the point of Light within the Mind of God Let light stream forth into the minds of men. Let Light descend on Earth. This verse can be located on the 3rd or Atmic plane. This is the 1st of five planes of mind. Our Planetary God sounds the AUM at this level and all things are named/created. We become Masters of the Wisdom at this level of identification and demonstrate that the light of mind illuminates and has perfected the potential human form. We are known as Light Unto The World. The fourth verse of the Great Invocation is:

From the centre which we call the race of men Let the Plan of Love and Light work out And may it seal the door where evil dwells. This verse can be located on the 4th or Buddhic plane. The Human Race is the 4th Kingdom in nature and destined to be located in consciousness within the energies of the Buddhic plane. Currently, the Spiritual Hierarchy (our Elder Brothers) formulate the Plan for the evolution of all life on the planet from this level. This Plan of Love and Light will eventually so flood the lower three planes that fear will be negated. Therefore, evil, the force that opposes evolution, will have no ability to obstruct the development of mineral, vegetable and animal life. The four highest sub-planes of the Cosmic Physical Plane are where our Planetary God’s etheric or living body is located. The sounding of the four verses of the Great Invocation is powerful magical work. The sounding of these verses has the power, potentially, to bring the saving forces of our Planetary God’s consciousness down into his body in new and dynamic ways. All life on the planet can be lifted to Freedom. May we use the Great Invocation with greater discipline and awareness. May we seek to live it. Lawson Bracewell


SPEAK-SOUL-SOUND OREST THOUGHTS “Image as pattern is an energetic signature which has an intrinsic/inner life. The PATTERN is still SOUNDING.” This above quote came during meditative reflection upon the Viola set of symbols.

These three symbols are a part of Viola Petitt Neal’s Biometric programme. Her programme identified a student’s level of consciousness. Later the student was re-assessed to ascertain if there were improvements after their practice of this meditation. Viola was a University lecturer and taught the Ageless Wisdom to selected interested groups. The term “Biometric” relates to a system developed by Oscar Brunler. “It all started with a M. Bovis who, tired of grading cheese and wine by taste, devised a small instrument called a "Biometer" which enabled him to do grading with a pendulum. Shortly after World War I, a physicist and engineer named Dr Oscar Brunler became interested in the Biometer and decided to apply it to people. He devised the scale for grading people.” (From the Gnosis Document). His methods included the valuation of handwritten musical scripts and art works. This consciousness valuation of the artist through an assessment of their work was gained through many visits to major art museums in Europe. Using techniques derived from kinesiology, Dr David Hawkins presents a method by which one can gauge truth (or consciousness): on a scale of 1 to 1000, where 1 is simply being alive and 1000 is an advanced state of enlightenment. My investigations suggest that Hawkins system derived from Brunlers. Viola worked with Oscar Brunler, she identifies the above symbols from an old set of images that are called Gotte Symbols. These symbols were found in an old book in a Christian Monastery in Lebanon. They apparently were used in a meditative practice by new students in Crotona at the Pythagorean School. Pythagoras settled in Crotona, a Greek colony in southern Italy, about 518 BC, and founded a philosophical and religious school where his many followers lived and worked. While viewing them I observed some shift in the “ground” typical of effects evident in the optical art of Bridget Riley.


Victor Varley

Josef Albers

Also evident in the strong effects of Japanese artist/psychologist Akiyoshi Kitaoka

And the London based Japanese Myoshka


The symbols when viewed are more subtle in their effects than these optical art examples. Tension is evident at the edge-line separating the black from the white areas. Shift is perceived when viewing a larger scale image of the symbol. Other visual effects are evident as after-imaging creates motion and a grey toning. These optical art patterns are an extreme demonstration of the perceptual shift of FORM that is an illusion. For the printed pattern is actually very stable on paper. The visual illusion of Shifting from one pattern to another pattern is a definite visual experience. This is a “Happening”. Over prolonged viewing other effects are also observed. A tension is created between the Foreground and Background shape (gestalt) or it may be described as the interaction between the positive and negative space. Shift is induced by both focussed viewing and intentional eye motion. Shift is inherent to the way the elements of art are organised. Also involved are compositional factors such as repetition. Though it may be a recognised illusion this “SHIFT” challenges our need for stability, it confronts one with the inevitability of change. “This too will pass” is a Sufi expression with the emphasis again on change. Experiencing this visual stimulus presses upon our comfort zone. Our conditioned accumulation of material, emotional and mental support structures are insufficient or inadequate for the sudden “winds of change”. Thus a psychological impact is provoked by this visual shift. The second aspect of this illusion is that an alternative, rhythmic visual cycle is induced in the viewer and this relates to brain-wave cycles. This rhythmic factor is associated with states of consciousness. My contention is that the third aspect associated with this type of meditation using symbols is that the process stimulates aspects of visioning that result in the acquisition of a degree of etheric vision. This requires further verification but is part of an ongoing investigation. I have been using these symbols in an open eyed meditation framework and have observed that visual “happenings” increasingly take place. There has been some testing (by Viola) of students using this method and over time there is some evidence of what is described as a balance between the left and right side of the brain. Also an increase in the level of consciousness was evident. The choice of the title relates to the creative power of sound to form a pattern. My experience is that these patterns have an inner multi-dimensional quality which a soul-guided meditative practise explicates. This experiential factor is subjective but Viola’s recording suggests many of her students also derived benefits that enhanced consciousness. My interest in these optical art phenomena also relates to the painting and designs of indigenous cultures. The inducement of particular states of consciousness by focussed pondering upon these art images by the natives has been a part of my earlier studies in mysticism . More information concerning concepts in this article may be gained by downloading the article below. Gnosis for 2012 Onward By Dr Lewis Graham. Writing this article required some investigation but the main thrust that I am promoting is that of the experiential. By practising some of these methods an individual can evaluate their own experiences. With you in Love and Light Orest


“I AM A STRAND OF LOVING ENERGY” This is a weekly affirmation we make at the Southern Lights Centre in the noon meditation on Wednesdays. It is a reminder that as disciples we serve to enhance the quality of love in the world through loving connection with others. To be a strand of loving energy allows a connection to be made between living beings in a way which uplifts their sense of worth and at-one-ment. I sense a certain flexibility in this strand so that it can reach out, extend itself to bridge gaps in rapport and in communication, like a bridge over troubled waters. There must also be strength in the strand to support the linked person through transitions into the unknown, aiding safe passage. Such strands could weave easily, slipping into place in a matrix of connections, to give support to a developing network and reflect to other strands a willingness to tighten the slack, stretch tight, to find the right point of group tension for a newly emerging idea, field or phenomenon to take its place in the world. Strands can be offered to mend holes and fill in gaps. A strand suggests an insubstantial thread, like a strand of hair. Yet its durability mirrors the qualities of a love that bears and endures all things.*Love in a strand brings a capacity to accommodate, to turn itself inside out like a Mobius strip to meet a need, and to let go of habitual perspectives in order to see through the eyes of the other. A strand of loving energy is a chameleon, expressing at one moment as a loving smile, at another a spontaneous gesture of helpfulness, a reassuring touch or warm vocal tone, a shared laugh, fleeting eye contact, the affirmation of something admired in the other, a phrase that is accurate, apt and timely. The flow of energy seen etherically passing between a loving couple is beautifully depicted in a drawing in Barbara Ann Brennan’s book Hands of Light. There are strands of loving energy that bind or molly-coddle and strands which enhance the independence and freedom- to -be in the loved one. We could ponder on the nature of love and the intention behind the strands that seek to link. Some are projected with intent and others might well just radiate from persons already immersed in the “stream of love divine”. What and where is the well-spring for this loving energy? Is it so powerful and universal that it requires titrations and tinctures like homeopathic doses or must be proffered with delicacy and unnoticed, in timely strengthening of the warp and woof of Right Human Relations? “Love makes the world go round” they say and perhaps our strands of loving energy link invisibly around the globe, assisting the spin. Conveying loving energy pre-supposes an intention of goodwill. At this writing we are in the influence of Gemini ruled by the second ray of Love Wisdom and about to celebrate the Gemini Festival of Goodwill at the Full Moon. What an opportune time to review our personal repertoire of expressions of goodwill and take a look at the condition of our strands of loving energy. Julia Tarnawsky *“Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”


JUPITER ENTERS LEO Jupiter, the great gas giant and largest planet in our solar system, cycles around the Sun in twelve years. It transits a sign for approximately one year. We are about to experience a year in which Jupiter is in the sign of Leo. Jupiter enters Leo on 17 July. It will move retrograde from 8 December 2014 to 8 April 2015. It will exit the sign of Leo 12 August 2015. We can imagine that throughout this time it will be operating like a great heart which is pulsing the note of JOY. The 2nd Ray of Love/Wisdom streams into our planetary life from Jupiter. Leo, ruled by the Sun on three levels, is strongly influenced by this ray. We will be made more aware of this great healing ray and its continuous presence (Our Solar God has a 2nd Ray soul). Perhaps our Planetary God will be frequently humming the Beatles song: Love is All There Is. Both Leo and the 2nd Ray produce abundant creativity. Ideas easily fuse with the will and this can stimulate waves of spontaneous self-expression. Since Jupiter governs growth in culture, this has the potential to be a time of innovations in all areas of human expression. Jupiter in Leo also encourages kindness, courage and magnanimous actions. increased: the ability to see into the heart of the matter.

Intuitive perception is

We can also look back to the last Jupiter in Leo period in history: 2 August 2002 to 28 August 2003. One of the greatest dramatic gestures was George W. Bush lying extravagantly about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq and then leading a Coalition of the Willing into war with Iraq in defiance of a UN resolution. He sounded the note of joy throughout. People in all countries demonstrated against the war in great numbers. The Guinness Book of Records noted the world’s largest vigil against war. It is estimated that 36 million marched or massed in public. Humanity was performing as one creative whole expressing courage and kindness. One of the greatest creative acts of the year was the completion of the human genome project. We were given a map of human DNA. May we powerfully align ourselves with the Good in the year ahead. May we courageously leap into and affirm all that is of the New Age of Brotherhood. Lawson Bracewell


MUSINGS ON COMMUNICATION Communication is prominent at this time of year. Gemini is related to communication. Mercury is the mundane ruler of Gemini and governs communication in any form. Gemini also rules the etheric. Every living thing has an etheric field – humans, planets, animals, plants. The etheric field is the means by which all living things are related. Venus is the esoteric ruler of Gemini. Venus is the planet of relating, which in Gemini is especially related to the relating of principles and ideas. What is communication? Is it something understood by people or is it mainly unconscious? How many levels can a human being potentially communicate on? What’s the difference between communication and communion? Questions are usually good for the soul. They seek to bring more awareness to mind. They can stretch awareness out of the safe knowledge base of the lower mind where safety and sanctity is found in known facts and comprehension, into the unknown, pondering on possibilities, use of creativity, and learning through the interaction of contrasting thoughts. Questions are possibly best raised in a group, so there is a greater interplay of energies and thoughts, which expands each person’s awareness from their habitual perspective. What is communication? One could write a book on the subject so these are only a few musings. Communication comes from the Latin word communicare (to share). It is the meaningful exchange of information between two or more participants or energies. These energies can be on any plane and with any living being. Communication seems to be easier between energies that are familiar, understood and accepted. Communications with friends or “like-minded” people, for instance, is easier because they are familiar and there is understanding; they’re “on the same wavelength”. Communicating with someone who has a different perspective can be difficult if the information shared is on a different wavelength and misunderstanding results. Communication has many forms, such as written, spoken, physical touch, through images or gestures. Communication helps understand others in our “community” and how humans and different energies interact together. Acceptance seems to be a key feature of meaningful communication. People who are good communicators appear to accept the information they are either giving or receiving. They demonstrate a broad awareness of different energies and if encountering an energy or idea that is unfamiliar they are interested to learn of the new information. If there is lack of acceptance of an energy or idea, for example if a communicated feeling or thought-form is uncomfortable or generates fear for a another human, the result is often an attempt to block the communication at whatever level is causing discomfort, and lack of communication and misunderstanding can result. Another example is when a new idea is entered into a body of knowledge, such as a scientific field, that may be closer to the truth than the current level of knowledge; there can be misunderstanding and rejection from the field of existing ideas until it becomes familiar enough to be accepted. Or if a person with a subtler vibration of energy comes into contact with a group of people who have a lower vibration, again misunderstanding and reaction to the person may result. Energy neutral seems to be a feature. Energy can be communicated negatively or positively, whether that’s through a positive or negative action communicated to another, a positive or negative feeling shared with another person or the environment, or through positive or negative thoughts or feelings. It depends on the intent and nature of the energy behind what is communicated. Currently Mercury, the planet of communication, is retrograde. On a practical level, this relates to Mercury’s orbit in relation to the tilt of the earth and from earth’s perspective it appears to be going backwards. In terms of the energy it creates through the etheric field, it affects communication on any level and the way things normally are communicated are disrupted and disorganised. It can create miscommunication between human beings, miscommunication between computer technology and humans which can be very frustrating when things don’t operate as they logically normally would.


What is the purpose of this energy and what can be learned at this time? If acceptance is brought in, the energy is accepted for what it is. Order and chaos are both principles in the world; and at the moment one is more prevalent than the other. When disruption and dissonance occurs it can highlight dualities where a greater understanding is needed. Perhaps it is an opportunity to focus on taking communication to a higher/deeper level, or bringing more awareness into the way things are communicated. The frustration experienced can highlight where there is miscommunication or lack of awareness on some level. Communication is often unconscious. Something may be said with the conscious mind but someone can be communicating other energies on emotional levels, by gestures, facial expressions, tone of voice etc. With a retrograde Mercury perhaps it could aid in becoming more conscious of the unconscious aspects of ourselves that are being communicated to others. How many levels can human beings potentially communicate on? The most common conscious form of communication is on the mental plane where ideas are exchanged and communicated. Other energies can be communicated on different levels. Here in New Zealand we feel the goose bumps created by the haka. What energies are at play there? Sophisticated and meaningful communication comes through art – a piece of music communicates a certain quality, a beautiful dance form can evoke feeling, or a movie. Does meaningful communication indicate the presence of soul? A potent experience can produce a certain response, something is communicated from a deeper or more subtler level which produces an experience which takes some time to be understood. These can result from the conscious invoking of deeper or higher energies on the cosmic physical plane of energies (as shown on page 3). Perhaps this inner form of communication becomes communion, a sharing or communicating on a spiritual level, communing with energies beyond the logical mind. Communion seems to be deeper and more internalised than communication. Communion could be seen as esoteric and communication exoteric. Humans are not separate beings, they are interrelated through the etheric web. They are also interrelated to other kingdoms of nature, to the earth, to the solar system. Through communicating with different energies an appreciation and experience of those energies can expand awareness and consciousness and therefore bring greater meaning. If there is some kind of dissonance through communication it is an opportunity to become more conscious of other aspects being communicated. Through communion with deeper more subtle energies, awareness is enhanced of the inner levels and soul energies. Through communication, these subtler energies permeate the etheric field which can create great coherency and meaning in the whole field.

Katherine O’Brien






SOUTHERN LIGHTS CENTRE NEWS 1. Our six-week residential Soul Enhancement Workshop begins 23 June. (This also is the beginning of the Christ College first-year of a potential five-year programme of training in esoteric psychology and occult meditation. Our faculty completed the five-year programme as student/teachers last December). This is the first year that we are running the programme. Students have the option of continuing on in the larger course when the workshop ends. 2. The most common use of our cabins, to date, has been a place to stay for a personal retreat. This certainly suits us and we have enjoyed our visitors and included them in our meditation and community life to the extent that they wanted to be included. 3. We now have a 12 metre long polycarbonate glazed greenhouse in place behind the cottage/library. From now until spring much effort is and will go into preparing soil, making bedding areas and setting up shelving. We look to a future of abundant food production year-round.

4. The greenhouse displaced storage space. So, we have built a new shed. It houses the ride-on mower, quad bike, garden equipment and the re-cycling area. Aside from the paint, it was made entirely from re-cycled materials. 5. This week the Banks Peninsula Conservation trust, the group that we covenanted most of our land with, has an expert in bio-diversity doing an inventory of plant and animal life on our 155 acres. We will have a clearer idea of what we live with and have responsibility for. 6. We are teaching three webinars. They meet on-line for an hour and a half every other week. The students are studying Esoteric Psychology I and II and a Treatise on White Magic. About sixty students from six countries are enrolled. A fourth webinar on death and life after death will start in a few weeks. 7. We are increasingly engaged with and co-operating with the Canterbury branch of the Theosophical Society. (All three faculty members are TS members). We may be hosting the South Island regional conference.


Within a particular life there are many opportunities to practise the perfect pattern of karma. The pattern descends with the soul into each incarnation. We can live our lives free from limitation, free from negative associations of karma. Every relationship in each life is an opportunity to express the perfect pattern and beauty of karma. The purpose of this book is to look at karma from an entirely different perspective to the one which is familiar to most readers. Karma will be presented as a perfect pattern, something which is exquisitely beautiful, resolved and complete. Karmic patterns the matter of the physical, emotional and mental worlds so that they demonstrate the pattern. In this demonstration, the chaos of matter, found on the grossest and subtlest levels, resolves into harmony. Matter no longer offers any resistance to the down-flow of energy. On all levels of reality, karma prepares the way for the intention and mind of God to manifest. The book also offers astrological perspectives on the role of Saturn and Sigma (esoteric Saturn) in indicating karma. There is an ephemeris for Sigma so that it may be located in the chart. The book can be ordered from Lawson or purchased on Createspace, Amazon or Kindle.


SOLAR FIRE MEDITATIONS Venue – 30 Rutland Street – 7.30 pm


Talks from each month are available on the website

12 JULY 2014 Cancer Keynote: I build a lighted house and therein dwell (actual time 12 July 11.25 pm)

10 AUGUST 2014 Leo Keynote: I am that and that I am (actual time 11 August 6.09 am)

8 SEPTEMBER 2014 Virgo Keynote: I am the mother and the child, I God, I mater am (actual time 9 Sep 1.39 pm)

Dates and Themes

Venue – 30 Rutland Street – 7.30 pm

12-13 July: Build a Lighted House

27 JUNE 2014

9-10 August: Self-Discovery


Cancer Keynote: I build a lighted house and therein dwell (actual time 27 Jul 8.09 pm)

26 JULY 2014 Leo Keynote: I am that and that I am (actual time 27 Jul 10.42 am)

Virgo Keynote: I am the mother and the child, I God, I matter am (actual time 26 Aug 2.12 am)


Meditation Temple Meditations are held on the temple site at the time of the full moon. 12 July 10 Aug 9 Sep

4-5 October: Quality Relating

All welcome

25 AUGUST 2014

Cancer Leo Virgo

6-7 September: Revealing Perfection

4.00 pm 4.00 pm 12 noon

PH: O3 304-8893 FAX: O3 304-8896 E-MAIL:

MORE INFORMATION Ph: 355-1395 Email:

o WEDDINGS AT CHRIST COLLEGE Christ College is a beautiful place for a wedding, especially as spring and summer approaches. The temple is available a wedding, Long Bay House for reception surrounded by beautiful views. Lawson is a marriage celebrant and his services are free of charge. The temple is a unique space designed to marry heaven and earth, spirit and matter, the masculine and the feminine. It is a space that stands free from any religion or philosophy and offers any person(s) from any background a place where they can connect with their essential nature, connect with each other and find true meaning in their lives.

There are spaces (especially in front of the temple) where an outside service could be held. There are many possibilities at Christ College to create a wedding. Below are three outlines that could be altered to suit your needs. Option 1) - an outside service - The backdrop of the Akaroa harbour and the temple would make a perfect place for an outdoor wedding. Option 2) - a service in the temple - The temple is a sacred space and talks constantly of marriage. It is the perfect place to conduct a small ceremony. Option 3) - a reception in Long Bay House – this could be used to house a small reception of up to 25 people. All the facilities of the space could be utilized for this occasion.

Please contact Lawson for further details: 433 Long Bay Rd 03-304-8893



View from land


Updates and Information Christ College of Trans-Himalayan Wisdom


TRACKING THE NEW PARADIGM FOR DEATH A Webinar Series presented by Julia Tarnawsky

Concepts and Tools for an Esoteric and Contemporary Approach to Death.

Four Mondays 10 – 11:30 am NZ Time (12 hours ahead of GMT)

28 July 11 August 25 August

We invite you to become a Friend of Christ College by contributing a monthly donation. By doing this you be a part of a global initiative to manifest the esoteric schools. You will receive regular updates, the newsletter, invitations to workshops and events. You support will enable us to progress the project in a practical way. Please contact Lawson for further information: or 355-1395

8 September

Information and registration:

LAWSON BRACEWELL ASTROLOGER Lawson is available for soul-centred astrology in Christchurch either in person or for taped readings. He has a natural ability to see to the heart of an individual and his focus is on revealing the soul’s potential for the client and pointing out ways of allowing that to be expressed by the client. For readings please contact him on: (03) 355 1395 or email



12 ZODIACAL SIGNS DRAMATISATION LAWSON BRACEWELL See Lawson demonstrating each of the zodiacal signs on Youtube. Go to and type in “Lawson Bracewell” or click on the following link for the first one – Aries Yued4g

Arguably the most comprehensive spiritual library in the South Island.



An extensive range of esoteric literature, astrology books, biographies, mythology, symbolism and much more. Authors include: Alice Bailey, Helena Blavatsky, Phillip Lindsay, Dane Rudhyar, Dalai Lama, Joseph Campbell, Carl Jung Open to view at 433 Long Bay Road, Akaroa Call in for a browse. Please contact us for a list of books available.

Long Bay House has been refurbished and is available for hire. It is the perfect place for workshops, meetings, or a weekend getaway. It is nestled on the hills of the Banks Peninsula with stunning views. It comes complete with kitchen facilities, shower and toilet facilities and can accommodate up to 24 people and sleep up to 10. Facilities available:

TRIANGLE CENTRE (Established 1974) Books available by mail order from the Triangle Centre Include Alice Bailey, Agni Yoga, Torkom Saraydarian, Sundial House.

* * * * * *

temple access 2 workshop/teaching rooms marae-style accommodation kitchen shower/toilet picnic table, nature walks


124 Wellington Rd, Paekakariki PO Box 25, Paekakariki Tel/fax: (04) 902 1667 Please contact Lawson for details:


Sender: Christ College of Trans-Himalayan Wisdom 30 Rutland Street, St Albans Christchurch New Zealand

Last Words

Winter Solstice 21 June 2014 - 10.52 pm (NZT)

WEB SITE This site is regularly updated. You can download the Newsletter; keep up with events that happen between Newsletter printings and see some of the photos of current projects and events. Please contact us if you have a relevant link.

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