Lebanon Company Registration

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Lebanon Company Registration LCC is committed to give to its clients full and quality corporate services starting even before the company’s incorporation as to chose the form of the company which is suitable to the client, and provide as well full incorporation and registration services to allow to the client to enjoy a full corporate solution. That full corporate solution includes a series of related services such as banking, domiciliation & virtual services, accounting, auditing, legal services, taxation etc‌ With its long and know history in the companies’ field, LCC was and will continue to provide to its clients the best services in the corporate and companies incorporation and follow up fields.

For more details on our services, please feel free to log on to Virtual Office Lebanon, Auditing and Accounting Services Lebanon, and Business Incorporation Lebanon Banking Services LCC will assist its clients by offering them the required banking services for their business. The Lebanese banking sector is the most powerful and successful in Lebanon history and Lebanon has the most powerful banking secrecy in the world implemented by its laws. Under the laws, no person or group has the right to disclose the bank account details of any depositor and in general Lebanon has not signed exchange of information with foreign governments which gives the investor the privacy and secrecy required. (Unless exception) Lebanese banks have all the confidence of their clients and depositors. Indeed despite the various crisis and political turmoil in the middle east it has remained resilient over the years and is one of the pile stones of the Lebanese economy. Banks operating in Lebanon remain have a high ratio of liquidity (primary liquidity in excess of 78 percent), strong solvency and the Lebanese banks are know for their wise risks management and corporate governance all under the supervision of the BDL, the central bank of Lebanon. Lebanese banks are known as well to abide to the international regulations and standards especially the Basel I, II, and III requirements.

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