The Pot Of Gold For Your Business The Pot of Gold for your business to generate more revenue Building a list of Prospects - Here are a few tips to get you started
For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at Appointment Setting Johannesburg, Cold Calling Gauteng, Appointment Setting Gauteng, Appointment Setting south africa & Cold Calling south africa 1) Build a list of all your dormant clients - Why have they stopped buying from you? 2) Unsold prospects - Clients you have engaged with in the past but did not buy from you, could it be they have forgotten about you or did not have an immediate need for your products or services at that time, who knows they might need your products or services now. 3) Lost customers - Who bought from you previously or which opportunities were lost. 4) Customers you are currently servicing & active clients - Can you up sell them or introduce new products or services. 5) Referrals - There are tons of missed opportunities due to not following through on referrals or forgetting that you met someone who gave you a referral, there is a lost diary somewhere that you have jotted down a few referrals received, get that list going and engage. 6) Look outward and see what lists you can build from your social media networks and who in that network can network for you. 7) Build lists from all your Linkedin contacts according to your target markets. If you’re going to Cold Call – Be good at it Be prepared for your calls 1) Know the stats, prepare the stats and aim for the stats. what is meant by this, is know exactly how many calls are needed to be made in order to book x amount of appointments within x amount of days. Know your stats. 2) Build effective scripts and anticipate the objections upfront. 3) Work with updated and relevant lists of data, generate these lists according to specific target markets.
4) Do research for the industries that fit your target markets, gain as much information as possible so there is always a basis for discussion. 5) Look in places that the competitors are not, this is your green fields. Thinking out the box and most importantly measuring these unfamiliar fields you need to measure to determine if you are hunting in the right places. 6) Most importantly - Follow up on call backs and emails sent from the previous days calling. Virtual B2B Solutions has a motto that we live by. " The fortune is in the follow up"