Turn your organisation into a powerful sales force part i

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Turn Your Organisation Into A Powerful Sales Force Part - I The goal of our sales workshops is to ensure you recognize the value of understanding your prospects and clients and how best to ensure they purchase your product or services.

For more details on our products and services, please feel free to visit us at Telemarketing Johannesburg, Increase revenue Johannesburg, Surveys Johannesburg, Sales workshops Johannesburg & Telemarketing Gauteng Thereafter, you will be skilled to identify your specific target market and have an organized approach to successful selling. Every professional needs to continually update their sales skills. They need to keep ahead of the competition to prosper. If your business is not growing it is dying. Your sales team looks after the income-generation side of your business – are they learning and growing? Who should attend our workshops Our workshops are aimed at both the non-sales employees as well as your entire sales team. In an organisation, such as your front office admin teams or any employees who deal directly with customers – Every single person in your organisation is selling to some degree, from the minute they answer the phone or help a client at reception. If you have a minimum of 5 employees within your organisation that could benefit from our half day sales workshops, then this is definitely the solution to sales training and mentoring for your team. What you will gain from our workshops • • • • • • • • • •

Develop, articulate and communicate your USP. Master positioning and presenting yourself, your company, your product and service. Establishing rapport with your prospects and clients. Master the art of crafting a fool proof needs analysis. Master POWER questions. The art of words for results. Learn how to PITCH like a pro. Master the closing skills of champions. Learn how to handle ANY objection. Develop and maintain sales confidence. Much much more...

Do you wonder how your customers rate your service? We don’t waste any time…. Let’s face it, typing out or filling in surveys can be tedious and time consuming. Now days surveys are done through email or online with the old style telephonic survey not being done anymore. And we ask WHY? If a result can be provided instantly with a meaningful conversation telephonically, why not go that extra mile and conduct a short satisfaction survey that could provide instant results.

A happy client is a loyal customer Virtual B2B Surveys divisions are in a large drive to help organizations gain insightful information about your client’s opinions and views on your service. If you could change something that is causing dissatisfied customers –WOULD YOU? Most dissatisfied customers will stop using your services and not let you know why. Gaining insight to what your customers really think about your service is critical to gaining and keeping them

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